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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.
























































































































































































Yong your not a waste for Hyun, its so obvious she cares for you no need to say that...Hyun does'nt think you're a waste,otherwise she wouldn't bother staying in WGM for almost  a year now,with her busy SNSD schedule she choose to stay as your buin and mind you its now safe to say  she likes you more than her goguma, lol :D both of you are so lucky to have each other and Hyun knows very well that she is lucky to have you in her life be it reel or real
























































































































































































Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities.
























































































































































































Yes Yong your buin is a Goddess 














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and why give yourself 60 we know your a humble young man but I give you 1000 points

another revelation from Yong , so anti's are gonna be out out again









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Guest carmiekitten






First of all




Hahaha. After almost a year, I am finally posting in this thread. I've been stalking here since April and I'm happy with various sharing of news, updates, pictures, fanfictions, fanvids, and everything related to Yongseo. I am so proud of the Gogumas who kept this thread alive and famous. Thank you for all those who shared their opinions and their artwork. I read all of them. I practically visit this thread everyday.


Thank you also for the wonderful uploader for the avatar.


My wish for Yongseo is for them to be happy. It's pretty simple, but that wish can be hard to fulfill.


I'm just so glad that I finally mustered up the courage to type here.



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OMO OMO!! Yong!!!! *dies. What are you talking about?  You are imperfectly perfect for her!!!!  Y O U  A R E  T H E  G U Y !!!!! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































We need to watch that interview!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok, the reason for my post ^^. To all the gogumas who are lost on how to change their avatar (I will try to help you)
































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok I will sohw you some pictures, hope it helps ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































First, in the top of the forum, look for your nickname (red circle) and click on it :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Then on your left side, look for settings and click ...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Then you need to search for "profile image"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and after you click you will see something like this (I don´t know in the case you don´t have any avatar, but should be the same or at least similar) You need to click on "upload new profile image)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Then scroll down an click on post... that will lead you to your picture and it will say crop the image or something like that, just click on crop button and that is all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Good luck gogumas ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About the game, I just can choose an episode T_T, I think the ep 27 will always be special in my heart but everytime I say, this is my fave, and then next week a new episode comes out and I say this is the best again LOL! so I can´t choose -_-.
































































































































































































































































































































































































While waiting for the translation of those articles... have a happy spazzing Gogumas ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: OMG!!! Yooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggg LOL (I can´t stop spazing) Just I want to say that sadly  I wasted all my points for today, and I wanted to give one to all the post in this page LOL :wub::rolleyes::wub: .
































































































































































































































































































































































































Welcome to the lurkers!! please join us, share with us your love for YongSeo ^^

































































































































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I think I understand why Yonghwa said "I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.” Maybe he's too overwhelmed with her. She's a rare find. She's beautiful, talented, intelligent, respectful, famous and on top of that very innocent and pure. He just doesn't realize that he's almost like her, he's handsome, talented, intelligent, respectful, famous and a freaking a choding (hehehehe).




















Maybe Yonghwa hasn't realized that he's one very special guy for Seohyun. Imagine in a span of only 1 (ONE) year, he was able to open up Seohyun like no other. Seohyun grew up surrounded not only with her unnies but also with a lot of boys (Super Junior, Shinee, etc) from SME. Because of him we were able to see other sides of Seohyun. Maybe she's comfortable with SM boys but I don't think there is some guy who is closer to her than Yonghwa. She's simply different when she's with him. He's her comfort zone. She's herself when she's with him. She laughs, nags, smiles, stares, and even hits him (a lot nowadays). And the best thing about this is she knows this and even told him about it (Japan episode). Where can you see her like that? Only with Yonghwa.




















They're both special people. I'm thankful I came to know them. They're a big blessing for me. They reminded me that Innocence and Fun can still co-exist and compliment each other.




















Happy anniversary to the both of them. I know that WGM won't last forever but I hope and pray that what they have between them right now will last forever.




















(I'm not a person who likes to exaggerate on simple statements especially translated statements, but am I the only one who's spazzing with the "I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me” statement? Guys and gals he just said SHE'S WITH HIM or THEY'RE TOGETHER! hehehehe. something to think about huh? M3 and other Korean speaking gogumas here, please correct me if I'm wrong with my interpretation.)


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Guest Goguma52
































For the game.
















I'd have to say my personal favorite was episode 35!
















To me the whole episode seemed so real and so normal. They could have been any other couple taking a stroll on the beach at night.
















The way they joked around so easily and when Yonghwa held her hand and put it in his pocket I nearly died. And their expressions, they both looked slightly shy, but happy.
















And Yonghwa playfully pushing her into the water...But I think my absolute favorite part in any episode was when Yonghwa let her hand go to show her the CF dance. And when they started walking again you can see, (at least to me) Seohyun's expression looked like every other girl in the same position. Should I hold his hand? Should I wait? The whole nervousness and her expression, it seemed SO real to me. And then they went and ate shrimp and they fed each other and they acted so coupley. And their expressions the entire time, I can't even begin to describe them! But another favorite part was when Yonghwa told her he liked her like that, as in her hair. And she tends to wear it down a lot...And how she also told him she liked his hair without a fringe. And of course, when we first heard about the Banmal song. I nearly died. That is one of the most romantic things a singer/songwriter can ever do for their special someone.
































So yeah, if it makes sense, this is my absolute favorite episode!
































And as for the article. He said Seohyun enjoys listening to it! And of course she's the prettiest of all celebrities, she's Seohyun!
















Only 3 more days 'til their One year! Yay!
















And I sooo can't wait 'til Saturday, the skiing episode is gonna be awesome!!

















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Guest Fluorescent.Flower









He continued, “Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”








































To Yonghwa: Ya! Jashik - love is not measured by superficial things like appearance or materialistic things like clothes. If the two of you make each other happy then you're both equally worthy of the other. Aish...















































































@k_rivera19: Awww...I loved the Japan episode as well, it was a tough choice to make but I chose episode 27 simply because I felt like it was the first time she opened up, like the opening of a flower bud. It was refreshing to see her do something meaningful and I think she realised how happy it made her to see him overjoyed by her event/presents (she understood then, why people are able to keep track of anniversaries). When she said "...I was getting slightly cold, somehow...his hand was warm. His hand was a little smaller than my Dad's hand. And it was a little softer..." - I thought, something was beginning to blossom. The impact of that day remains even in the recent episodes - the butterfly necklace she has never forgotten to wear. Japan trip was the runner up, because it showed that all they needed was time apart to get closer and they finally gushed out their thoughts and feelings due to lack of communication.









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Guest ryuni_cello




IMO, when yong said that "I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.” it's for Hyun's good sake.


Yong wants to protect Hyun.


Remember all antis out there to judge them.


Hyun's image is Pure, Innocent maknae, smart and well manner girl. In WGM, we see the different side of Hyun : nag, playful, cute and adorable woman and wife. It's all because of Yong.


Yong know that some people will hurt her. Even we know that Hyun strong enough to survive. But all responsiblities as a greatest girl band in Korea will need his patience as man.


Yong so brave and wise to say those words. Iam so proud of him.


Someday after all things happened in the past, they will say it as a great memories.



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Guest lovekin
































































































I just want to share this :)
































































CNBLUE’s Yonghwa talks about ‘Banmal Song’ and Seohyun on “Behind Star”While guesting on tvN’s “ENEWS Behind Star,”
































































CNBLUE’s Yonghwa revealed his inner feelings about his ‘wife’ Seohyun from MBC’s “We Got Married“.
































































His self-composed track, “For First-Time Lovers“, has been ranking at the top on major music sites, and is also being much loved by fans of the ’sweet potato couple’ since it’s a re-arrangement of their duet track, “Banmal Song“.
































































Yonghwa explained, “The song features an easy melody with lyrics that anyone would have experienced.  Seohyun, who participated in the album with me, said she enjoyed listening to it, which makes the song that much more meaningful to me.”
































































He continued, “Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”
































































When asked about the ‘acting rivalry’ that went on between him and fellow bandmate Minhyuk over “You’re Handsome“, Yonghwa revealed, “I later heard that Minhyuk cried in front of the CEO once my casting was finalized.  To call it a competition is a bit of an exaggeration.”
































































Yonghwa was then asked to grade his physical appearance, to which he replied, “60 points out of 100.”
































































Catch his full segment at 9:10 PM KST on February 8th.
































































cr. allkpop















































































































LOL, so i'm reserving judgment until i can see him explain this, complete with mannerisms, etc. because i do have my own questions about it.  however, just to play around with his quote, i'm curious if that second bit - "out of us two, i think it's a waste for seohyun to be with someone like me" - is an indirect confession.
































































it's just funny to me because just the way it sounds, including the use of present tense, is like he already considers the both of them to be together.  it would've been more media-friendly if he said, "i think it's a waste for seohyun to have been paired with someone like me," in which case he acknowledges that there is a separation from reality vs. reality tv.  but he doesn't.  tongue.gif  (to be fair, though, we don't normally think of what is more proper to say; we just say what first comes to mind, regardless of the implications.  they say hindsight is 20/20 for a reason.)
































































my practical side is telling me that he was put on the spot - that he wasn't lying, but it's not like he can say something to the opposite effect.  but the believer in me - the playful, throw-caution-to-the-wind part of me - is seriously wondering if he is, indeed, sprung.*  and if he is, this would support the idea that he now considers seohyun to be the prettiest.  recall minhyuk's holika interview, the person you like becomes your very ideal - someone who you become biased to and hold in favor above everyone else.  wub.gif
































































EDIT:  now i'm just being silly and reading too much into it for the fun of this, but his statement, "the song features an easy melody with lyrics that anyone would have experienced."  oh really, yong?  see, the thing with this particular tense is that it sounds like he already has experienced what is stated in his lyrics and is therefore speaking as though everyone has experienced what he has.  the proper way to have worded that would be, "the song features an easy melody with lyrics that anyone can experience" because that has a more detached delivery - that he has never had a similar experience but that falling in love is for everyone.  get it, get it?  rolleyes.gif  LOL again, i'm just being stupid.  at the same time, this is why tenses are important.  they hold stronger connotations than you might think!
































































































* just in case this isn't common slang, to be sprung means to be infatuated with someone

































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Guest lunasol








Don't have much time so hopefully I will properly spazz later about the episode hahaha






I just NEED to release some of the excitement with Yong's interview! He is so sweet! Although, he seems super confident at times, I feel deep inside he feels he is a little lacking in the looks department due to this and other comments he have made in the past regarding his twisted tooth, and that some people have told him he looks better on TV than for real. We still have to see the video for this interview to see his face while talking, but we all know that either joking or not joking, that is not true. Even more because he is the perfect mixture of handsome, charismatic, sweet, funny, caring, thus making him the most beautiful of all.






Also, I love his comment that the fact that SEOHYUN told him she liked the song, is what makes it MUCH MORE meaningful than what already is. The clear point here is that in his own words, he is stating that he valued Seohyun's opinion much more than anyone else (fans, friends, etc etc) for this song.  What do you guys think it means? wink.gif The goguma in me obviously is thinking that he is indirectly showing his real feelings towards her with his comment.






Thank u to everyone here and lets continue with Yongseo anniversary celebration!!! I already changed my avatar picture biggrin.gif






Oh, and as has been mentioned, prepare for some antis and/or obsessive fans saying something .. because you know they didn't even want to believe Love Light and FFTL was related to Seohyun, etc etc, even as a 'fake' wife/friend/etc. I think the continued growth seen recently with Yongseo must be feeling painful for them and now Yongwa continued to upgrade his attack outside of WGM by saying she is the most beautiful kekeke :-). So hopefully this particular group of people will be prepared for Yongseo wedding photos happy.gif Our job is to just continue supporting or couple with Peace and Love. Make Love, Not War!


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De -lurking again..... (what's wrong with me? Maybe it's the week)








I think I can understand Yong's POV....








I think cooleet has a point that Yong's is a little bit overwhelmed by Hyun. I also like to point out that maybe Yong feels that he doesn't deserve her. Just look at what Hyun has accomplish both personal life and professional life. It speak volumes to what kind of person Hyun is. There are guys who thinks that they are a lesser of a man if their partner is more accomplish in life. I don't know if Yong fits that category but it might explains why Yong told that statement.








Anyway, I'm happy that Yong talk about Hyun outside of WGM.








P.S: Did you notice it? Or it's just me? It seems like Yong is started talking about WGM, outside of the show? First the thailand interview and now “ENEWS Behind Star”. I getting suspicious of the two? It's seems to me that the fine line between "REEL and REAL" are getting blurry.








Going lurking again.....





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Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”





















duhhh~~ Yong~~ why said like that :blink:










YongSeo is the beautiful couple i have ever seen:wub: 



















Both of you really meant for each other^_^



















Sorry for being Lurker :mellow:...



















Happy 1st Anniversary Uri YongSeo :wub::wub:



















Just like other gogumas chingu hope Just BE REAL and all the gogumas will fly to GO CHUN..



















and always take care of each other neee ;)






























Saturday Hurry Pleasee :w00t:






























Thank you :)




































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Guest benjan23

Change my avatar!!!

Happy for 1 year my sweet potato cauple so let make for real +++

That's news make me spazz it  and you love her for real like also you used WGM for your own reason like. Just kidding Yonggggggggggg

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Guest bittersweet_




























Wow YongHwa....I think you are going to make a national headline news with that statement. GOtta love this boy ^_^




















He is freaking deeply in love with her. Hahahahah I think no doubt in that.




















First, The interview in Thailand with complete and visual description of SeoHyun.




















Now, blatantly saying, "She is the prettiest out of all the celebrities."




















LOVE MUCH??!!! =)




















SeoHyunnaa cheballl please praise uri YongHwa outside of WGM somewhere. The boy deserves a lil pat on the back. kk




















Happy Anniversary to YongSeo and Goguma Villagers!!




















Happy Monday!





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Guest loybing
































































































I just want to share this :)
























































































CNBLUE’s Yonghwa talks about ‘Banmal Song’ and Seohyun on “Behind Star”While guesting on tvN’s “ENEWS Behind Star,”
























































































CNBLUE’s Yonghwa revealed his inner feelings about his ‘wife’ Seohyun from MBC’s “We Got Married“.
























































































His self-composed track, “For First-Time Lovers“, has been ranking at the top on major music sites, and is also being much loved by fans of the ’sweet potato couple’ since it’s a re-arrangement of their duet track, “Banmal Song“.
























































































Yonghwa explained, “The song features an easy melody with lyrics that anyone would have experienced. Seohyun, who participated in the album with me, said she enjoyed listening to it, which makes the song that much more meaningful to me.”
























































































He continued, “Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities. Out of us two, I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me.”
























































































When asked about the ‘acting rivalry’ that went on between him and fellow bandmate Minhyuk over “You’re Handsome“, Yonghwa revealed, “I later heard that Minhyuk cried in front of the CEO once my casting was finalized. To call it a competition is a bit of an exaggeration.”
























































































Yonghwa was then asked to grade his physical appearance, to which he replied, “60 points out of 100.”
























































































Catch his full segment at 9:10 PM KST on February 8th.
























































































cr. allkpop







































































































































































































































































Yong,your so humble. Please have confidence. You deserve to be with Hyun. You two are meant for each other.















































































































































































Yong, you rate more than 100 to 1000%. Yongseo jjang!








































































































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@magdal : i try to chage the avatar as you show it, and when i click the crop button it say unable to crop, why??? (i try again and it's work) thanks magdal












and about the news, yong!!!!! i don't know what to say, either you're so humble or lack of confidence??? u both worthy of each other!!!!, now all i need to hear what hyun will say about yong^^ plz korean reporter interview hyun and ask her about banmal song and yong :wub:












oops top the page..don't have anything to share, sorry...





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Guest Lumpiere
































aigooooo, i wanna change my avatar too but i'm stuck at work! 
















Also how is the YongSeo through the year thing gonna work? Sorry can't backtrack much at work! 
















And Yoong, you're getting more and more obvious about how you're feeling for your buin aren't you? She's prolly the prettiest and only female celebrity for you  phew.gif









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Guest Phoebechiu




Regarding Yong's words on Allkpop " I think it’s a waste for Seohyun to be with someone like me." 


I think there is some mistranslation.  The original news was written in Korean and then translated to English.  According to China goguma couple baidu, insteading of saying "waste", a harsh word, what YongHwa means should be something like " Seohyun is too good for me".


The funny thing is when I read the news on allkpop, I thought it's a nice article about YongSeo.  Hence, I translated it into Chinese and posted it on Goguma couple baidu.  Lots people were panic about the news and thought Yong implies that nothing is going on between Hyun and him.  Wow! I never expected people's reaction like this. 




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Guest miel_1301








































Simply because I couldn't resist posting these...




































































































































"Seohyun is the prettiest out of all of the celebrities." - Jung Yonghwa































































































cr: seobaby's dc+originally posted by _d3seohyun at seobaby's thread









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Hi guys!!
































I hope I have successfully changed my avatar, can I put the blue avatar on, even though I'm a girl:sweatingbullets:
































































It must be very hard for some of you or all of us to pick the fav ep.
































I had that problem myself so I decide not to pick any in the end coz I love all of them so much (oh, the greedy side of me :blink:)
































































thanks for these blue and pink avatar, it is really Yong Seo thing :wub: and another 3 days for there 1st anniverssary (I hope they can have it up to 80th anniversary)
































































and for those who play the game, fighting!!!

































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May you have many, many more - whether 'reel' or 'real', just be together!  Until you're 102 and 100!

Favorite episode - 27 - hidden Butterfly necklace, buried in goguma field, sitting near poop, eating the boss's excellent food together, going fishing and not catching any fish, but catching each other's hearts!  Hyun serenades Yong with 'Love Light', the Yong/Hyun storybook, the new couple rings and their happy smiles when they put them on each other's fingers, almost like an impromptu wedding ceremony.  Then Yong's confession about 'Love Light' being inspired by his Hyunnie, awkward linking arms, first hand holding, Seohyun softly sings 'Kissing You', MC's spazzing out & exploding!   Yeah, that's the one for me.  

Close second would be the Japan trip, with Hyun's bold arm link and all the sweet conversation and eyeship.  Finally, they worked their way out of 'mildang'.

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