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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i think i'm confused too.. what was it about sulli and yong on hahamong?
































































































































































question: how many brothers does yong have? any eng trans on that thai interview with yong and his ideal girl statement?































































































































































































































































































































hahamong was filmed back in July, in the mildang time, or was it in september? (also mildang time) and both, Jkwoon and Yong did some performance for Sulli. Yong sang love light, without rap part and changed the lyrics "darling" for "Sulli". It took me a lot of time to get over this incident! LOL but now I even like her, and I´m grateful to her too  because she is the one who keeps teasing Yong about Hyun in Inkigayo :rolleyes:.
































































































































































But is this what are we talking about? I don´t know LOL, I´m just going to remind you this... Yong couldn´t sing love light to Hyun face to face, because he got nervous! he can sing this song for a lot of women but just can´t sing it for Hyun, and I used to wonder why, but now I think he gave me the answer :wub:.
































































































































































Yong has one big brother ^^, and lives in USA?... that´s all that I know (:...
































































































































































Thank you gogumas for the pics, fanfics, links, preview and everything!!!
































































































































































 Tomorrow goguma day!!!

































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Guest honeyjade11
























oh,, it's a tiring day....






























hmn... just wanna give comment regarding that Sulli-YongHwa at HaHa Mong...















He had explained that incident in here   YongHwa Explains....  [credits to www.cnbluestorm.com]






























And I believe in his explanation, not because I'm a full YongSeo shipper. It's because I guess it's true. Maybe he really like looking where the MC seat is. Because when SeoHyun was an MC on the Music Core, he also looked at her even waved. And I think the MC seat is usually on the side, which YongHwa usually look at....








So I don't see any big thing here...








but no matter what happened I will support YongSeo♥









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Guest chandrawd












i think Yonghwa like cute girl. Sulli, Ueno Juri, park shin hye. also his past girlfriend also very cute indeed. hmm now after more/less a year shooting WGM, his ideal type turn into a mature girl which is seohyun.












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just want to share these...

1st time giving hubby a massage and hyun can't even looked up


and now, she doesn't hesitate to do it even w/out him asking


she is the first girl ever been to their dorm


and she is also the first girl he brought home


cr dc

hello hachi dear!!! long time no see!!! miss u!

hug u for posting those caps. bring them on hachi...kekeke

adding the busan wallie to my collection. tks!


thank u for editing your post chadrawd

u can post yong's ex photo in his own thread,

since we do have gogumas with fragile hearts here..

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Guest _hachimitsu
































































































































































































































































































































































































Eh. I was typing and.... LOL the ~~ex~~ picture. Some goguma has fragile hearts, so please put the picture under a spoiler, please?^^
































































































































Neway, woahh. It has really really been a while since my last post. This sort-of-an-old-poster would like to welcome all new spazzers in Gochun~ I miss my soompi chingoos too! *waves frantically*
































































































































my chingoo jnj !!!! ><
































































































































To luvtokki .....appa? (I am 100% sure that my age is less than half of your age :D) and other gogumas, the background music during the health talk in EP42 was indeed "Jackson 5's Blame It On The Boogie" but the exact version used in that WGM episode was Peter Frödin & Trine Dyrholm's cover of Blame It On The Boogie from Disco Ormene OST. At first I was wondering why I can't detect michael jackson's voice in it, heh.
































































































































I'm rooting for Yong whos the one initiating the hand-holding which I think later naturally, became pinky squeeze thingy? lol always expect the unexpected from these two~
































































































































Anyway, I got a request to cover main the background musics used from episode 1 till the latest episodes, and also the busan episodes. For now I just have to choose the latter because the first one will take some time, considering there's more than 160 BGM just for Yongseo cuts. That's....pure madness if I have to choose it alone lol. Oh~ Here it goes~^^































































































































































































































































































































































































(EP39-EP42 plus the selca episode)
































































































































1. Credits as tagged. Please credit if you take the caps out of soompi!
































































































































2. Me/my uni's k-friends/other k-sources I am related to doesn't know every single songs. We tried to find whatever that we know. PM/tweet me if i missed anything~
































































































































3. The detailed list (w/out caps) will be posted at the 1st page of soompi. Pls support the team responsible to update the whole 1st post itself.
































































































































4. Updates are through my twitter (xhachimitsu). Or my Yongseo BGM facebook. (Not to be confused with Yongseo fanpage@facebook)
































































































































Eh. While making the caps halfway, I just realized there were many songs used in the Busan Eps! My goodness! *changes the format halfway*






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EPISODE 39 (more under the cut)
































































































































































































































































I combined it to avoid picture limit..





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EPISODE 40 (more under the cut)
































































































































































































































































I really love the letter BGM. Prettyyy T.T yeah I am spazzing about Yongseo BGM pls ignore me *cough*































































































































































































































































































































































































EPISODE 41 (30 minutes of Yongseo = even more BGM! O.O /Forever alone in music spazzing~)
































































































































Am I weird? heh. Different format for this one onwards.
































































































































By the way, there's a classical piece by... Bach I think - when yong tried to be a seagull master :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LISTEN IT HERE (links + notes under the spoiler~)































































































































































































































































































































































































HERE (I used to post links per song.. but as you can see, there's too many songs.
































































































































NOTE1: As long as you are logged in to your own facebook, you can listen to the songs. It is not necessary to add me. Worth to note this is merely a 'shell account'. Facebook updates are usually late 1 to 2 weeks if compared to twitter.
































































































































NOTE2: Because people asked before, I'll share it here. hmm.. me and my friends usually share-bought songs. If you have my password protected mediafire links, whatever that has high bit rate are probably our personal/share-bought ones. I really encourage people to support the artists, as in, buying original CDs/digital release songs. I hope MBC will release a DVD for Yongseo episodes, because I personally get the 'hypocrite" vibe every time I download WGM RAWs. *guilty mode*
































































































































I hope I didn't offend anyone, just saying ;)































































































































































































































































Hope the anon who requested the BGM (and maybe the lurkers? *cough*) love this post! :D
































































































































EXTRA~ BUSAN ARTWORK *I know, I am one shameless goguma*
































































































































I was totally preoccupied with an artwork for the Yongseo International 1st Anni gift, till I forgot I made this earlier. This was weeks ago and I really don't remember my original plan with this artwork, hence the dullness.































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't we love Busan? I am excited for tomorrow's episode! ;)
































































































































P/s(1):I am currently inactive in soompi, but I am available through twitter or yongseo international related projects.
































































































































P/s(2): To any French gogumas, crystal? nylix?? anyone??? I'll be in France at end of Feb till March for a Toulouse & Foix student exchange programme... I wonder if anyone can suggest a good place particularly in Paris/Foix that I can hang out with good internet connection because I really dont want to miss Yongseo news for a month T.T I understand little French, but any info would be great. Merci beaucoup! :D
































































































































----- Yeah I mixed everything in one post. aish.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@jnj i miss you and the others too! hi 5!
































































































































@just_a_dream I am a her^^ goodluck with your studies!
































































































































To gogumas who think the thread is moving slowly these past 2 days, especially new spazzers, please dont worry. It is normal. Based on the past, the thread usually cools down after major events/filming/episodes/discussions and it will catch up again. In the past it was even slower (i mean it a good way, if you know the "history" or flow of our thread.) and now that the number of posters are much more larger than before, even old spazzer(?) like me have to backread A LOT! I hope those who came out from their cave during the country list-project will start posting again. :3
































































































































Yongseo's relationship (whatever that they're having now) grows, so does the way we spazz. or discuss(?). The 'spazzing' session now is different from the earlier episodes. Come to think of it, Soompi Yongseo Thread will reach its First Anniversary soon too. Ah. Double celebration, can't wait that! (Make it triple if they aired wedding pics around the same time too!) Aishhh I typed I lot today didn't I? Till my next post! Happy spazzing!!

































































































































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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good evening, guys! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't wait for tomorrow's episode! Especially the pinky moment at the spa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, let me just say this for everyone. If you feel that certain old issues or topics could be a sensitive one, may I suggest putting them on spoilers, please? :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is a YongSeo thread and kindly be mindful of the gogumas who will read each of the post. Whatever old news that had happened, let's try to move on and just turn the page. But if you feel like making a point and has to uncover past stuff, there's nothing wrong with that, only a request for it to be put on spoiler or change the color of fonts.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's keep this thread always positive and happy. Uri yongseo now is doing well and quite happy themselves. Cheers! :D

































































































































































































































































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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































































































Thank scatterbrain for your post abt preview's translation. I like when  "after confirming YONG's health condition, HUYN nags more and more ~" haha now Huyn totally behaved with Yong just like many many normal couple, like normal girlfriend.
































































































































Nagging more & more about boyfriend's habits what are not good for his health. All just because Huyn was worried for Yong's healthy. The first time she nag him when know he likes to drink ice water, then the habit of eating is not good for the stomach.... I smile happily when I see this scenes, they're so couple-ly for me :wub:
































































































































































































































































And girls are always girls and boys are always boys, Yong expresse his stubborn but very happy when Huyn worry for him <3
































































































































Tomorrow is Saturday, waiting for a happy and sweet of our YongSeo couple.
































































































































About the game: I think Yong ask Huyn hold his's pinkie by his cute, funny way (like he always do) coz it's her first time and she hurt at 1st massage. Like the moment when they're in train to Busan, he ask Huyn lean on his shoulder. I think this time too, and she was happy to do that :wub:































































































































































































































































A few days, my country is at Tet holiday. Many people go to pagodas to wish for your healthy and happy and lucky. I & my family too. The Gods in gagodas are so sacred. But I add more in my wishlist : Gods, plz. YongSeo is real and they will be together. I had wish that with my smile...  Happy Lunar New Ỷear... Chúc mừng năm mới <3































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lindayeahyeah
























Heya everyone! Sorry for reasking the question, but no one replied...








Just wanted to know when Yong calls Hyun Seohyunie, does the ie at the back mean anything?








Like Seohyun-ssi means something respectful right?








How about the -ie?








Appreciate it if someone could answer this. Thanks in advance! :D Happy New Year gogumas!









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Guest ninashelovely


Hi to all Gogumas!! ^^


Did anyone have the video link that MBC released a few months ago?


I think it was the clip when Yong and Hyun mcing with Yuri at Music Core..


I try to find it but didn't found it..


Hope some Gogumas will be gladly helping me..




And by the way, since its Friday already I can't wait for another lovely episode again tomorrow..^^


Saturday have become the day that I love the most!!


Hopefully the PD-nim will not cut out the scene when Hyun are holding Yong's pinky finger~


how mushy can they be compared to the first few episode..(it's ok...we ALL love it!!)




Lastly, it just something that I want to shared with you guys..


Today, I FINALLY HAVE BOUGHT SOME GOGUMAS!!! I've tried to searched it before and just today that I found it~~


My heart are singing the Banmal Song when I went to pay for it..haha


and right now, I'm eating the gogumas while watching our Yongseo couple episode~~


btw, i'm sorry that i've just rambling here.. :sweatingbullets:


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Guest chandrawd












Lindayeahyeah i think -ie use when you call someone in a friendlier way. and that also means yonghwa is already feel comfort and enjoy around seohyun *sorry for my bad english









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Ummm, this week is full of goguma love and full of upside-down, too. From selca, ep 42, BTS, Yong's statement 'Im single', Yong and Sulli news, Yonghwa's ideal type (we hope it's Hyun, but it could be everyone after all, right? ^^)....














I pity Yonghwa sometimes. It's just 'eye-contact' and everyone connect him with anything. It's just 'a simple interview about ideal type' and that's already a news. Being a celebrity, especially an idol, must be tiring. I wonder what would Yong and Hyun do at situations like this. Is it just me or slowly they're gaining so much attention lately?

















FYI, I never watch season 1 couples. I started watching WGM since season 2, especially Adam, Khuntoria, and Yongseo. I watched some Hwang Jung Eum - Yong Jun's episodes, too, but since they're a real couple (about 4 years or so), let's just skip it lol. Adam is famous because they brought their relationship outside the show, unlike season 1 couples, that's why they're popular. Plus their bickering each week is simply adorable. ;) Maybe because they're playing as siblings in the AML sitcom, I can feel their relationship now is more into sister-brother relationship.














How about Nichkhun/Victoria? Sure, their skinships are so much in advance level (lmao), if I'm looking for skinships, I'll just throw away Yongseo and watching them after all. They're good looking and I always go 'aaah' and 'oooh' while watching their cuts. But, no offense for Khuntoria fans, too much skinships makes me lost the 'real' feeling. just personal opinion, though. :)














And our Yongseo? I'm pretty sure you knew already. They're precious. Even those old times awkwardness are still precious! I feel like a mother watching her daughter being all-grown-up lmao. I remember when they were announced as new WGM couple, there's so much "I object to this marriage!!!!" thing. Now? Life's good. ^_^




And yeah, let's keep this thread happy, this is Yongseo thread after all. And now it's time to turn-off my fangirling side and be more realistic, as Yonghwa and Seohyun are still a normal person, they can love anyone they want.




....but their stares at each other. I can't say it's just for show, help meeee. xD




Btw, I have some Yongseo icons over at my graphics journal if you're interested, along with some CNblue and SNSD icons. You can use it everywhere, but please credit me (volarluna@livejournal) :lol: Saturday, please come faster. Need something new for spazzing about!














....and I'm sorry for my rusty english+grammar U.U












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Guest just_a_dream
























annyong gogumas!








i wasn't really planning to come out of my lurking mode since i only checked this thread to relax my brain and avoiding it to overheat because exams, but the very,very cute and adorable fanart of _hachimitsu biggrin.giftriggered me to make a post somehow. i just want to congratulate her/him and thank her/him for the effort,especially to the compiled backgrounds songs. great job _hachimitsu!.








it's been 2 days plus that the thread is moving slow though, i just notice that. maybe the situation will change tomorrow?.hehe..i hope so,i really miss Gogumas spazzing here and pages moving really fast..























and oh,'bout that sulli part?.i just read it now..it was way back mildang time i guess..and it was just wrong interpretations..hehe..have faith Gogumas,hear your own selves and believe in what you think you should believe..fighting!























about the game..Yong initiated it..well anyway,my reason for that is, boys usually initiate that and girls could either picked or not what he meant by that, if she knows much 'bout the boy then it's really easy for her to get what that act means and if she don't know the boy well,well, bad for him cause she'll just really ignore that and as if nothing really happens. good for our couple though, seems like Hyun knows her husband that much already. too obvious for me though.kkk..wub.gif























clap,clap,clap to those who translated the preview and everyone who shared caps and links...








let's wait for tomorrow..5minutes before saturday in my clock..babye everyone..have to study!.cool.gif









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Yongseo is the best community in soompi..i dun want to talk about our couple today..but you guys extremely the best soompier and our thread is the best thread ever.




Pics, fanfic, goguma FBI and etc..we r number 1 ..




With out you guys this thread is nothing.


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Hello all.
































































































































When it comes to our favourite couple, I always always take everything with a pinch of salt. Co I try to be as realistic as I can be, I mean nothing IS for certain so I'm sparing my heart from the future angst that WILL be coming. So when the kind souls here posted about the interview and how sweet Yong was, part of me thought it was just a fan service. Moreover when the other members laughed when he said that.
































































































































But I didn't watch it, when I finally just watched it, well hey all the doubts just dissappeared. I agree with one of the gogumas here, he talked like he was thinking to himself 'what else is her characteristics?'. But what's more important is his embarassed smile when Minhyuk finished talking. Red handed baby you just got caught red handed.
































































































































My 2 cents after the interview.

Are they secretly dating? Well I wouldn't be too sure about that. Are they smitten with each other? I think they adore the ground the other person walks on. Enjoy the good times while they're still on display loves.

































































































































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Hi to all Gogumas!! ^^
































































































































































Did anyone have the video link that MBC released a few months ago?
































































































































































I think it was the clip when Yong and Hyun mcing with Yuri at Music Core..
































































































































































I try to find it but didn't found it..
































































































































































Hope some Gogumas will be gladly helping me..































































































































































































































































































































Yeah!!! Happy memories :wub:.
































































































































































Sorry to cut your post, here is the youtube video. Y S cut unseen, and a fancam >here<.
































































































































































We really need those edited out clips!!!

































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Guest bezbezbez
















































Good Morning everyone!!!!


























































































































I'm sorry if I wasn't able to reply to some Personal Messages lately...I'm just busy finalizing some stuffs...I very much appreciate all the help you did for the Project team :) Thank you for fulfilling all my requests :)


























































































































I have already shipped the gifts to Korea and hopefully our chingoos there will receive it by Monday :)


























































































































There are still more activities for the first anniversary, but I'm still finalizing them now.


























































































































ATTENTION: Calling 15 talented Graphic Artists out there!!!! Please PM me ASAP :) I have a special task for you that we will release on Feb. 11 :) Thanks again!
















































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Guest Germbaby





Hi Goguma Family,



I want to join the game. I pick Yong poking Hyun with his pinky and Hyun grabs it with her hands. Haa.... so quiet this thread and tomorrow I will miss streaming because got to go visiting for Chinese New Year. Heee.... My daughter always complain to my relatives that her mother is crazy over Yong Seo Couple at such old age.


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Hi everyone!

I ripped a slightly better-quality video of the cut scene from Ep42 (originally from here). I thought in case someone else might be interested in it, for posterity or such, I put it up here:

Streaming subbed (Vimeo, but it's telling me it'll convert after 2 hours >.<)

Raw (.avi)

Subbed (.avi)

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Guest ahn_annann










_hachimitsu , thank you so much for sharing..






share my caps Ep43 preview :

































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Guest The Hamzter
































































My Latest Sweet Potato MV Enjoy Gogumas YongSeoh Fightinggg! - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgw9wt_sweet-potato-couple-mv_shortfilms

















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