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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ikekeyou
























YAY! preview is up!! (:
















hopefully translations later!
















from what i got from google it was hyun's first time and she was nervous/shy/ticklish (ahahah how cute)
















then without saying anything yong put his pinky out and hyun held it :)
















oh it's not from MBC
















well anyway...cant wait for saturday!!
















i know its late but... HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR GOGUMAS (:





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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































how come no one is joining luvtokki oppa in his guessing game?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Who picks Hyun to initiate the 'pinky squeeze' in the next episode and who picks Yong? I say Yong rubs his pinkie against Hyun's hand, and then Hyun grabs it with all 4 fingers. So Yong initiates the 'pinky squeeze' but Hyun finishes it off with the full four finger grab! What do you all think?





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to kill the time since this thread is going to sleep and also because i am bored..kekeke































































































































































































































































































































i'll join in...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and i choose hyun..































































































































































































































































































































just because she is not shy anymore to hold on to yong..































































































































































































































































































































lame choice :sweatingbullets:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































d3 chingu, the old spazzers are everywhere (spd, tweetsville ...)































































































































































































































































































































but we will always come back here.. ;)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nikijenlo..tks for the link. hugs!































































































































































































































































































































Yay! Are we playing another guessing game? :D
































































































































































I vote for Hyunnie grabbing Yong's pinky first.
































































































































































Ok so in my mind, it plays out like this:
































































































































































Yong's in pain from the exertions of the skillful masseuse so instead of groaning/yelling in pain, he tries to take it like a man by playfully disturbing Hyunnie. He probably poked her arm teasingly a few times, causing our Hyunnie to retaliate by grabbing his pinky so he can't get up to more mischief. heh heh..

































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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































I want to join the game. In my opinion..there's Yong who ask hyun to hold his pinky. since Hyun look so painful with the massage.






























































































































And about the interview, I just finished to watch Secret Garden. There's an episode when Joo Won describe his ideal woman to his mother which refer to Gil Ra Im. And he did it spontanely since he fall in love to Ra Im. So I think Yong has thinking of his wife while he answer the question which is we can take a conclusion that he is fall in love with his wife. I'm sorry for being delusional my fellow goguma






























































































































to d3seohyun : I really really love your caps ;)

































































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Guest pseudonykkaii




id say yong seems to be the pinky grabbing type~




My scene goes like---hyuns hand is hanging down..yong sees it, wanted to grab the whole uand but its way of a stretch so opted for the pink instead~~~








Maybe--its a promise thing!!!like a pinky swear,.




Either way pinkycouple is soooo cute!!!!!<3



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This isn't from MBC site:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































* 정용화-서현, 커플 마사지 데이트 중 무슨 일이?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용서부부가 커플 마사지를 받았다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































지 난 주, 서현은 병원에 가기 싫어하는 용남편을 설득하기 위해 병원에 간 다음 용남편이 가자고 졸랐던 마사지숍에 가기로 제안 했었다. 평소 마사지 받는 것을 좋아하는 용 남편과는 달리, 현부인은 이러한 마사지는 거의 처음이었다고 한다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































더군다나 현부인은 간지럼을 많이 타는 편이라 마사지를 받기 전까지 무척 긴장하는 모습을 보였었는데, 하지만 걱정했던 것과는 달리 조용한 마사지 숍의 분위기 속에서 커플 마사지가 진행되었다는 전언.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그러던 중, 현부인은 용남편에게 새끼손가락으로 무언의 커뮤니케이션(?)을 건넸고, 용남편은 그것으로 현부인의 속마음을 읽을 수 있었다고 하는데.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































과연 두 사람이 간지러운 마사지에 대처하는 방법은 무엇일지, '용서부부의 커플 마사지 데이트'편은 설 연휴 다음 날인 5일 오후 5시 10분에 MBC [우리 결혼했어요]에서 공개될 예정이다.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm translating based on the chinese translation from Baidu. cr to 百度红薯夫妇吧
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What is happening in the couple massage dating of WGM Jung YongHwa, SeohHyun?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last week, due to Yong that reluctantly go to the hospital, Hyun suggested to go to the massage spa after he went to the hospital with her. Unlike Yong who oftenly went to massage, this is the first time for Hyun to went for such massage.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun is very nervous before the massage as she is scared of itchyness (sorry, I'm not very sure about this word). But the situation turn out to be ok, that they enjoying the couple massage dating in a peaceful atmosphere. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Throughout the massage, Yong and Hyun use their pinky finger (?) to passing message to each other. Yong understand clearly Hyun's message.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How both Yong & Hyun overcome the itchyness during the massage? YongSeo couple massage dating will be aired on 5th Feb, 5.10pm WGM. 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hello gogumas...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ok.. ill join the guessing game..i think yong offer his hand for hyun to hold coz maybe shes not used to have massage and its something that tingle and uneasy feeling..

































































































































































































































































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I want to participate too :)

I think it's Yong who offer his hand because based from the translation that will be 1st time for Hyun and maybe she's nervous and Yong offers his hand

I love this part from the translation:

"Yong and Hyun use their pinky finger (?) to passing message to each other. Yong understand clearly Hyun's message"



Happy weekend Gogumasss ^___^


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Guest scatterbrain

now they can understand each other's messages through pinky finger? :w00t:

yongseo is the only couple i watch in WGM, so i don't know how other couple interact. not trying to compare with other couple because every couple is different and special, but do all WGM couples interact like yongseo??i don't know how tho explain it in english. but they really 有默契.

they are like real couple who have been together for long time that they can finish each other's sentences... clear example is at the end of ep.42, where yonghwa sang "you know...." and seohyun, immediately sang " I want..." they didn't even talk about it before. yonghwa just blurted it out randomly and without any pause, seohyun can continue the song. amazing isn't it? i mean, if they don't understand what each other want, seohyun's reaction would be different, she would be like "what...?"

also, from the cut scene, when yonghwa asked hyun to sing Gee. and hyun said, let's sing the soshi fanchant version. yonghwa seemed to understand what seohyun mean by that and immediately sang like soshi fanboys.

i don't know, i just find it amazing that they can understand each other so well :wub:

btw i read it in baidu. tomorrow's guest MC will be minhyuk, GO and thunder from mblaq. but there's no conformation yet, so just take it as a rumour

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tks for the translations, hapiangle. hugs!

Throughout the massage, Yong and Hyun use their pinky finger (?) to passing message to each other. Yong understand clearly Hyun's message.

this could be a romantic moment for yongseo :wub:

but it also makes the delusional me more hyper!

hyun could be squeezing yong's pinky really hard, sending a message that its

really painful for her, and yong understands "its okay baby, u can squeeze harder.."

:lol: sorry gogumas...my imagination is out of control.. :lol:


seohyungeneration, your post really intrigues me.

i can't put my finger on what it is but there's more than meets the eyes..

or maybe i'm reading too much..

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now they can understand each other's messages through pinky finger?  :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo is the only couple i watch in WGM, so i don't know how other couple interact. not trying to compare with other couple because every couple is different and special, but do all WGM couples interact like yongseo??i don't know how tho explain it in english. but they really 有默契.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post short, scatterbrain. But I really have to agree with you. YongSeo is really 有默契. :w00t: I watched Adam couple and Khuntoria couple as well, somehow, I just could not find those feeling compared to YongSeo. Sorry, really no offence here, I'm just saying my own POV.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I guess this is what brings me to our YongSeo so much and make me love them more and more. Looking forward to tomorrow's GOGOMA days~~!! :w00t:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think I have to apologize here, for making a hu-ha few pages back when I read that stup** anti fake article. I guess I will learnt how to control now and post wisely. Sorry about that... pabo me... 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































































































































































































now they can understand each other's messages through pinky finger? :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































yongseo is the only couple i watch in WGM, so i don't know how other couple interact. not trying to compare with other couple because every couple is different and special, but do all WGM couples interact like yongseo??i don't know how tho explain it in english. but they really 有默契.
































































































































































































































































































































they are like real couple who have been together for long time that they can finish each other's sentences... clear example is at the end of ep.42, where yonghwa sang "you know...." and seohyun, immediately sang " I want..." they didn't even talk about it before. yonghwa just blurted it out randomly and without any pause, seohyun can continue the song. amazing isn't it? i mean, if they don't understand what each other want, seohyun's reaction would be different, she would be like "what...?"
































































































































































































































































































































also, from the cut scene, when yonghwa asked hyun to sing Gee. and hyun said, let's sing the soshi fanchant version. yonghwa seemed to understand what seohyun mean by that and immediately sang like soshi fanboys.
































































































































































































































































































































i don't know, i just find it amazing that they can understand each other so well :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































btw i read it in baidu. tomorrow's guest MC will be minhyuk, GO and thunder from mblaq. but there's no conformation yet, so just take it as a rumour































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL, I know right? Like maybe one squeeze means 'I need you' and three squeezes mean 'I love you' or something :lol: and you're right, I did notice how they seem to be completing each other's sentences from the last couple of episodes. It's like they instinctively know what to say next. Ahh..these two are really yongseolmates ^^

































































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@jnj..i thought im the only one who find the post of seohyungeneration a bit intriguing...im a bit uncomfortable with her statement..but goguma land we have different way of showing our luv to our yongseo...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































in go paem..fighting...

































































































































































































































































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Guest lexi_yOongSeeororo




hi may ask who has the full rdr subbed of episode 39-42? i can't seem to get the other parts to work when i 


download in their website...can someone please help me?



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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@hapiangle - there's really no need to apologize, you really feel for the couple, as do many of us and that caused you to react the way you did.  I don't think any of us will find it easy when their TV journey ends, but many are hoping/praying that they are in a real relationship or will be once that happens. blush.gif  So don't apologize for your love for the couple ya, YONGSEO HWAITING!
































































































































































































































































@seohyungeneration - would you care to expand on your earlier post at the beginning of this page?  You have a few of us wondering now what you are thinking about and if you care to share, I would like to know.  As a non-Korean fan, it is challenging for me to keep track of what they are both up to, and any news I get I'm happy. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@magdal/honeyjade11 - thanks for clearing that up, July 2010 was so long ago :blink:
































































































































































































































































On a separate note, on my random surfing, I came across SNSD's wishes for each other and how they did for 2010, you can read the full details here (http://snsdkorean.com/2011/01/01/you-raised-me-up/#more-28863) and I love how Taeyeon openly tells Hyun to just date Yong already :w00t: .  Also Jessica's wish to Sooyoung seems to also allude to Hyun's transformation over the course of her "marriage" with Yong.  Nothing new, but always good to re-visit methinks.

































































































































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Guest blueshoes








♥우리 결혼했어요♥




-69회 미리보기-








용화♡서현 : 용서부부의 건강, 안녕하십니까~?




‘건강을 위한 하루 보내기’ 미션을 받은 후, 병원을 찾은 용화♡서현!




평소 용 남편의 복통을 일으킨 주범(?)은 과연 무엇?




요옹 아기의 건강 상태를 확인한 혀언 엄마의 잔소리는 점점 늘어만 가고~




이번 기회에 간단한 기초건강검진도 해보기로 하는 두 사람!




과연 용서부부의 건강상태는 괜찮은 걸까?








이후 용 남편이 그토록 바라던 마사지 숍으로 향한 두 사람!




마사지라면 무조건 좋아하는 용 남편vs.마사지 초보 현 부인!




긴장감에 사로잡힌 혀언에게 요옹은 무언의 커뮤니케이션을 건네는데~




간지러운 마사지에 대처하는 용서부부의 자세는?








source : we got married official site




















This isn't from MBC site:




* 정용화-서현, 커플 마사지 데이트 중 무슨 일이?






용서부부가 커플 마사지를 받았다.






지 난 주, 서현은 병원에 가기 싫어하는 용남편을 설득하기 위해 병원에 간 다음 용남편이 가자고 졸랐던 마사지숍에 가기로 제안 했었다. 평소 마사지 받는 것을 좋아하는 용 남편과는 달리, 현부인은 이러한 마사지는 거의 처음이었다고 한다.






더군다나 현부인은 간지럼을 많이 타는 편이라 마사지를 받기 전까지 무척 긴장하는 모습을 보였었는데, 하지만 걱정했던 것과는 달리 조용한 마사지 숍의 분위기 속에서 커플 마사지가 진행되었다는 전언.






그러던 중, 현부인은 용남편에게 새끼손가락으로 무언의 커뮤니케이션(?)을 건넸고, 용남편은 그것으로 현부인의 속마음을 읽을 수 있었다고 하는데.






과연 두 사람이 간지러운 마사지에 대처하는 방법은 무엇일지, '용서부부의 커플 마사지 데이트'편은 설 연휴 다음 날인 5일 오후 5시 10분에 MBC [우리 결혼했어요]에서 공개될 예정이다.





















this article is from mbcinfo.imbc.com





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Guest bonbon31



@seohyungeneration:  your post make some people confuse including me!!! Hahamong and Inki Mcs, so I can guess you are talking about Yong anh Sulli, right! If it is true, i am not worry, because Sulli and Yong was an old issue at long long long time ago. hahamong just a scripted show, and about Inki, you can read fan account, it said that: Yong only focus on his cue cards and not talk with everyone include Kwon.

Sr, if I understand wrong about your post!

Hic, my post has many misspells, I fixed already!


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Guest street.k2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I captured ordering screen of Hot Tracks. Hope it helps.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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FTisland seems to be at home, posting pictures with family. CNBLUE are staying in practice room for holidays. They were seen at a movie theater yesterday.(Feb.3)

































































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Guest scatterbrain

credit 冻结

baidu gogumas

YongHwa❤SeoHyun: Goguma Couple's health, how are you~?

after receiving 'Living a healthy life for a day' mission, YongHwa❤SeoHyun went to the hospital.

what is the main cause of yong husband's reoccuring abdominal pain?

after confirming YOONG baby's health condition, HYOON mom nags more and more ~

using this opportunity, both of them decided to do basic medical check up

so how is goguma couple's health condition exactly?

afterwards, both of them went to what yong husband consider worth waiting for, massage place.

yong husband who loves massages vs first timer hyun wife!

towards the really nervous HYOON, YOONG passed certain info~

what is goguma couple's strategy in facing the ticklish massage

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Guest krystala

i think i'm confused too.. what was it about sulli and yong on hahamong?

question: how many brothers does yong have? any eng trans on that thai interview with yong and his ideal girl statement?

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