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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bittersweet_



































































It's been a while, okay maybe just few days, since I haven't posted. Please don't be upset and even doubt our lovely YongSeo here! It's a fact, that we international soompiers, and whole korean nation really knows they have mutual and loving respect for each other. So never ever doubt! =)







































-About Uri YongHwa's reply as "I am single". Well, he REALLY is technically single in real life. Can you imagine him saying "No.I am in a relationship." It will send some beautiful girls to the hospital with heart attacks. Honestly, I am glad he said he is single, if he is safe, then I am happpy ^_^ He was wearing the ring. The Only ring on his hand, and he looked so sincere in singing Banmal Song. Ahhhh, YongHwa's a perfection. He is the cute boy with hell of a funky funny personality, and plays music, he is one hell of a cool kid. Uri YongHwa!






























































-Seohyunniiee babygirl is getting beautiful everyday. Even her personality has become little outgoing and funky thanks to YongHwa's influence on her. We start to see new sides of her almost every episode now, I love it.







































So much love in YongSeo thread. kk






























































This is about the ring.







































Guys, imagine yourself in their shoes. You own so many expensive rings, and sponsored jewelries. You have lots of single boys and girls who are die-hard fans that supports and buy your album. As previously proven, if an idol engages in real relationship, there is so much hate and the possibility of the end of your career. But you are just starting out as artists. One wrong move can (due to netizens) can end your future career. Think of how much stress uri YongHwa and Seohyun must have to live under. Yet these two little lovebirds manage to wear that tiny little couple ring at every chance they get, so loyally, and so bravely. I admire these two for that. As for YongHwa remember the couple ring is his birthday present. Its not just a couple ring. Also a present. As for Seohyun, the butterfly necklace! These two are so honest and sincere with their actions and words, I truly admire them.





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Guest yongseo_fighting




Hi, everyone, Chinese New Year is coming soon, next week in fact. I am already in festive mood right now. Just dropping b to wish all gogumas a Happy Chinese New Year. I wonder does Korea celebrating thsi festival as well. By the way, I simply LOVE Yong's black/dark brown hair with having it short. It just seems that the Shinwoo image is coming back and he is so handsome in it!! Oh..... it just melt my heart instantly looking at him singing BANMAL song... :wub: the song is even beautiful when it is sung live...



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Guest MountainMadman

Few quick announcements regarding this week's translation:

-This week's episode will be translated by Dduk (we made a joint announcement about a week ago regarding this issue; to summarize, we'll be switching over every week). Just to make sure, I'll send her a PM reminding her.

-as for the live trans in the Soompi FC chatbox, I'll be providing snippets of live translations in the chatbox, just like last week. I'll see you there!

Also, regarding my fanfiction writing activities:

I've nearly finished prepatory ground work on my next multi-chaptered fic. ETA: Early February!

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Guest fabiistar07












Hello gogumas!!!







I got a question, on the previous page someone mentioned duckduckudck




I was wondering what happened about that???




I remember to have heard of it, but i didn't really know the issue




Can someone please explain? ^_^





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I wanna share you this funny moment of YongSeo.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Like Yong said before that  couple are more and more look like each other! >_<































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This expression is Huyn's habit, and now uri Yong~ imitated his wife, how cute he is!

































































































































































































































































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Guest krittikan




Hello, Gogumas!!!


Yesterday I went to CN Blue concert I wanna share some best moment with Yong here but my english not good T_T


It's my 3rd time in CN Blue concert. Yesterday the boys in black suit very very handsome look like a model.


Yong's hair with very black color really look good. Previously I met him at fanmeeting day I thought his hair in black not work maybe I feel familiar with bright hair color in WGM.


My seat in concert very near the stage. (10 row from front between Yong and JongShin chingoo)


I had spacial moment with Yong and JongShin chingoo by my paper that I made. Yong's message is YONG♥SEO in Korean and JongShin's message is JongShin chingoo in Korean too.


Jongshin looked at me since concert start he was smile and nod to me. My friend showed YONG♥SEO paper to Yong he looked at her many time too at that time we scream very loud hahaha It's my moment!!! Really love Yong so much. Yong wear only his couple ring it very wink!!!


In the concert Yong always choding, it cute. After boys played game with lucky girls had a big box gift from Thaifan to boys I saw four bears which The Sweet Potato Thaifan at Pantip website prepared to boys it very cute and MC read front of bear's tee it was YongHwa and Seohyun everybody scream loudly and 3 boys were smile together JongHyun huged a bear very cute! In the end, CN Blue had a spacial gift to Thaifan they sang the last song it was a first time to sang newest song from Yong and very special when boys sang together. "Song for first time lover" very sweet I love it. JongHyun's guitar was great I really love Minhyuk and JongShin voice especially Minhyuk I never heard before except his chorus voice. Yong look happy all the time when he sang this song he had big smile when the audience sang together it very loud. I unexpected that many Thaifan can sing this song because it very new. When boys sang this song Yong looked at my YongSeo paper 4-5 times untill the girl who sit front of me look at my paper. I thought she want to know what message in there hahaha! Yong looked at me and smile this moment always in my eyes my tear almost drop. Yong,I very proud of you and many thank that you sang "Song for first time lover" first time in Thailand you make me cann't stop smiling.




The concert end, my friend and I went to the airport with my YONGSEO paper. When CN Blue arrived They walked very fast but Yong looked at my paper again and smile. I unexpected that he will see it oh! that moment we want to scream. Now I really cann't stop smiling and missing Yong and boys so much I count down for MBC concert in Thailand on 12 March Yong and Seo in the same stage SCREAM!!!




fancam 110127 CN Blue at Suvarnabhumi airport







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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Thank M3 for fast translation and full translation. Thank u for always caring for this thread, translate sub or news for us. Thank so much.
































































Zealous: I like to write your comment :) the way you write often easy to read and understand.
































































I like your wish too. Wish YongSeo couple will have a day without cameraman around them and they can do anything they want in their house. Like a normal couple. Huyn can cooking, clean the house and study and Yong can tease Huyn, watch tv, help wife for cook and compose anything...  I like Yong sleeping... haha like a regular husband... think it make me laugh. How funny they will. PDnims PDnims please
































































I got a feeling that the duckduckduck was Yong. Yong seem online in Internet to find the inspiration for compose.
































































fabiistar07: We think that duckduckduck is Yong because he was the first to post links to youtube of the song's Banamal. How did he find? In his other comments, he asked for a raw version of WGM ep, so maybe he was Korean. And in a ep of YongSeo Yong said he found inspiration on the internet. In the episode the first time Huyn go to CNBLUE's dorm, Hyun gave a gift for Yong and CNBLue boys. And it's a place for brush with the duck.
































































Thank kun_cheero for update the fan account of Thailand and pics. I'm feel so happy when Yong wore just only couple ring in this concert. As you know, Yong always wear so many rings but yesterday, Yong wore just a ring - it's couple ring. I don't know what do you think but when I'm thinking of it. It makes me happy.In fancam (this close just for Yong) I suddenly felt like he was a groom and CNBLUE boys are groomsmens because his vest, and his hair color.  Like a event he prepared with his friends, they sing together to the girl he love to poropse her.
































































I like his expression while singing. He looked very sincere and sweet. Especially when he sing "Saranghea". Full of sweetness. I can feel.
































































Phoebechiu: I like your post.
































































"Even SONEs can feel the true feeling between them.  Dear goguma shippers. Please don't over-analyze everything and just believe your heart."
































































Thank u guys Thailand fans for your fancam and pics. You're so lucky.
































































And tomorrow is Saturday :wub: In a few weeks, Go-chun often have good news, nice pics and ring ding dong from Huyn & Yong at Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Make this thread so crowd and happy  :) and make the wait for new episodes not too long. Thank u.

































































































































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hi guys! thank God is friday! ;) it means tommorow is YONGSEO day! get ready to spazzz..

thank you for all tha links, fancams,pov's, pictures and newest news with  our couple.. most especially with our uri yong! he look so handsome with his black hair, like a 18y/old boy hehe;)

@Zealous.. will miss you dear.. enjoy your vacation;)

@bitter_sweet.. i love your pov ;) Good call on the ring, my thought as well.. i can't ignore the fact that everytime i looked at both of them the first thing i need to check is their ring ring dong!;) im crazy now hahaha..



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Guest deutzy_ice








hello gogumas! thai fans are DAEBAK!!! thanks for all the pictures and fancams... you guys are so lucky, you heard Banmal song live first. :D








as for YongHwa saying he is single.... i am glad that most of us here did not get angry or whatsoever to him.




for me, wearing the couple ring speaks louder than him saying he is single.





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Guest _d3seohyun
















































I was backtracking and read how some are missing uri couple's lovely eyeship. Oooohhhh my favorite topic when it comes to making caps <3 so I'm dropping off some :D





























































































I find it so cute, spazzworthy and telling how Yonghwa can't do eyeship and skinship both in one go :lol: It would completely give you away huh Yong seobang? Those sparkling eyes are your greatest weakness afterall :P
















Oh man my spazzing like this getting me even more excited for their wedding photoshoot! Of course the photographer will say something like hold hands or do this and that while looking at each other, etc... acccccccccccccck! it's going to be awesome! Those feelings they've been trying to suppress and not be too obvious about are going to explode and be exposed gogumas! I just know it! LOL I cannot wait! woot woot!!!!















































"How can you compare a person to someone you eat?" <3































Is that what you wanted to hear Yong seobang?


























































































































































































I wonder what the captions say on this scene.































Yonghwa's expression is PRICELESS! so telling! Buin caught you by surprise again? :wub:



























































































































































Will kimbap forever be associated with her too? awwww <3



























































































































































PD what were you trying to hide here? Was Yonghwa's reaction too telling on this scene?! That's why you didn't show his face when Seobaby started warming his hands? gaaaahhhh! <3



























































































































































I know aneng already posted much clearer caps of this scene a few pages back but I still couldn't help myself. I was really like WT?!!! when I first watched this part :lol:






























































A little shoutout to the old time nightshifters! I suddenly missed you guys when I saw this scene. With a silly grin, thinking of conversations and scenarios we could have posted and shared about this. Thought about our nightshift sessions too when I saw the preview for tomorrow's episode wahahhaha :P
































Yonghwa touching his ring while being questioned
































And even started biting his lips :sweatingbullets:
































































Dismiss the third scap, she had given him that look before. BUT my gawdddd at the first two caps! The way she seemed to have travled to another world and got lost in the moment while staring at him...tugged at my heartsrings. The feelings between these two are so real it scares me sometimes!
































the way he offered her the drink and the way she nodded, turning it down.. <3
































*degeun degeun* on the way he cared for her when his friends were around...being so attentive..looking, starting, watching her...making sure she's okay :wub: esp when Yejie was picked up. ..trying to tell her that there's nothing to worry/feel jealous about <3
































































I love love love this scene! Talking and smiling..on their own little world while entering the cafe <3
















I think I heard Seobaby say unnies? Anyone know what they were talking about?
































I find this scene hilarious. Move- out- of- my- way Jinsuk running, trying to avoid sitting next to Seobaby. so cute! but he ended up next to her anyway :lol:
















































Showering her with those loving stares during each introduction <3
































Laughign Together. I love how they look and lean towards each other <3















































More goguma points for Yonghwa during the whole busan trip. Love love the combination of Yong choding and Yong oppa taking care of Seobaby <3
















Thank you gogumas for all the goodies shared! DAEBAK!!!!
















p.s. Yonghwa looks hawt at those holika event pics! BUT remember he's taken! tongue2.gif

















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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the text preview is out

용화♡서현 : 용 부인(?)과 현 남편(?), 상도동에서 아침을…

지난 주, 부산에서 용 남편의 소꿉친구들과 즐거운 시간을 보낸 용화♡서현!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용 남편은 현 부인이 가보고 싶다 했던, ‘용 고딩’의 추억이 가득한 모교로 혀언을 이
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































오밤중 모교에 남기고 온 둘만의 ‘아주 특별한 방명록’은?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































부산에 다녀온 이후, 상도동 신혼집에서 이른 아침을 맞는 용서부부!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































바쁜 스케줄로 늦잠 자는 현 부인을 위해 용 남편이 손수 아침상 차리기에 나섰다?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘현 남편’이 되어 ‘용 부인’의 요리를 맛 본 혀언의 소감은?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그리고, ‘건강을 챙기는 하루를 보내세요’ 미션을 받은 두 사람!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이참에 병원에 가보자는 현 부인 vs. 건강엔 마사지가 최고라는 용 남편!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































과연 두 사람은 건강을 챙기는 하루를 보내기 위해 무엇을 할까?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: MBC
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest thenatstory




용화♡서현 : 용 부인(?)과 현 남편(?), 상도동에서 아침을…


지난 주, 부산에서 용 남편의 소꿉친구들과 즐거운 시간을 보낸 용화♡서현!


용 남편은 현 부인이 가보고 싶다 했던, ‘용 고딩’의 추억이 가득한 모교로 혀언을 이




오밤중 모교에 남기고 온 둘만의 ‘아주 특별한 방명록’은?




부산에 다녀온 이후, 상도동 신혼집에서 이른 아침을 맞는 용서부부!


바쁜 스케줄로 늦잠 자는 현 부인을 위해 용 남편이 손수 아침상 차리기에 나섰다?!


‘현 남편’이 되어 ‘용 부인’의 요리를 맛 본 혀언의 소감은?


그리고, ‘건강을 챙기는 하루를 보내세요’ 미션을 받은 두 사람!


이참에 병원에 가보자는 현 부인 vs. 건강엔 마사지가 최고라는 용 남편!


과연 두 사람은 건강을 챙기는 하루를 보내기 위해 무엇을 할까?





Yong Hwa <3 Seo Hyun : Yong Wide and Hyun Husband(?) Breakfast in SangDo-Dong.

Yongseo couple who had fun with Yong Husband's friends in Busan!

As Yong brought Hyun to the place where she has always wanted to go - Yong's school

But...in the middle of the night, they found a 'really special namelist' that was meant only for both of them?


After the Busan trip, they came home and had breakfast in their house in SangDo-Dong.

As Hyun had a really tight schedule, she grasped a quick nap and Yong prepared breakfast for her?

As she became the Hyun-husband, what would she have commented on Yong-Wife's cooking skills?

They have also received a mission of "Taking care of your health for the day!!

Hyun-Wife who insists on going to the hospital vs Yong-husband who insists he does the best body massages for health!

What would have become the choice of the day?



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Guest smurfs888
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow such a fast translation! thanks so much thenatstory !! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































after reading the preview I can't wait for tomorrow w00t.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































what does 'really special namelist' mean? I'm really curious...
































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway this means they're gonna air the part where they go to Yong's school! I've been wanting to watch this! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































come quick saturday come quick! wub.gif

































































































































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Hi everyone, I'm quite new here and love to read everythings about this lovely couple.
















I was in the concert last night myself and felt sooo...lucky to be part of it, the first Banmal song ever on the live stage, 7 songs doesn't seem enough for all of us but with the last song, the song that I believe all of our gaguma fans wanted to hear the most is telling us everything.
















Yong voice sooooo soft and I sensed that there are love feeling in his voice, especially when he sang all the part with this word "saranghae" himself. :rolleyes:
















Yonghwa is so clever to have his members sang the part with him. Is that the way he wants to tell us that this song belong to the band and the fan to protect Seo?!! (Very sweet of him)
















With the present from us, I wonder where will Yong place it, a bear with YongSoe cartoon on it, will he put it in his dorm or will he take it to his love house :wub:









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Hello fellow gogumas around the world..











^^ i will start my post with smilling face..keke wonder why?? It is because im official crazy :) with our couple. You know what, this morning i woke up and i played "First Time Lovers" before i take a bath..And while showered and listen to this song, suddenly i felt like i want to do something with this song.











FYI,I am a huge fan of DBSK, like seriously huggggee fan i even went to their showcase and etc..buy their stuff at internet and even got their T-shirt@tokyo dome. So just imagine that..but i never have a courage to do what i am going to tell you now ")











Today is a very special day, since i google and learned a little bit how to remix/edit the song /mixer or what ever you guys call it..which is i never bother to know b4..i just download if someone done it:)











So it is kinda shame to share it with you guys in here who probably well known about this things..but i want to contribute something 2 this thread..











Please forgive if it sound suck, bare with me ok since it is my very fisrt time ever.. I change a little bit added a few effect to the song, but no major cuz i want to keep it as original as it can ..plus nothing major cant change since the song is already great..











What i did :-i added classic compressor ; acoustic compressor for vocal; acoustic chorus and also a duet effect@chorus ..so u will hear yonghwa voice at the background ..i made it delay for a few seconds than yonghwa main's voice..so @chorus u will hear yonghwa duet with himself :)











You probably wont realize something is diff ...i want to upload it at YT but then i am too shame to do so, plus i dun want my YT account got suspended :)



















This is the link: First time Lovers










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About the ring. The best I can remember is that first time he didn't wear it was at the Golden Disk Awards. But when I first saw the stills I thought that he was doing the double ring thing ie. covering a small ring with a big ring. Then I saw the earlier post which showed that he does do it and thought to myself, "Self, I am not going crazy, I think that is what he did. He wore a big ring next to the couple ring to hide it." I think he has it on him 24/7. If he wears a suit and tie or high neck sweater he wears in on a chain around his neck and if he really has to hide it then it is in his pocket. One interviewer said that he was so concerned about getting the ring out of his pocket and putting it back on after a photoshoot that he forgot that he was in the middle of an interview. He has done all three of these already.



I am single-He really had no other choice. By contract he can't date Hung or any other person while under contract with WGM. Even if he said something in a joking manner, he was in a foreign country and there is always the chance it would be mistranslated or misquoted. I think this question took him by surprise because I can't remember anyone asking if if he was single since he started the program. When he talks about WGM it is usually about his ideal type and he says that although he has mentioned other people in the past that since he started the program he finds that Seohyun is really his ideal type. I think he does or says whatever he thinks is right for the situation. I think he learned his lesson well after the NAN episode where he was asked if he was protecting her and his face turned dark and he realized that he was but had no way to answer the question.



I still smile when I think of the look on Yong's face when G-Dragon talked about the room at SBS for secret dating. Oh Yong, you've been caught. Hopefully it was with Seohyun. They were on his show for how many weeks?



I think that now this couple is calling the shots. I still think that the BTS at his concert was privately filmed and he gave the footage to WGM in exchange for the Busan trip. Actually, her going to a concert and greeting a friend backstage is not really a date so she didn't have to get an ok from WGM. OK, meeting your mother, father, and brother-in law might be streaching the dating thing a bit but I really don't think she knew she would be meeting them.



I think they will renew the contract and are trying to get in as much filming as necessary to get them through Yong's work on a drama. (Personally I hope it is a 16-20 episode one and not one of the really long ones.)



I have a question about the singing of the Banmal song in the concert, someone said that they wished he had sung the last verse. Did someone else sing it or was it ommited(I wish, I wish) for the performance. I'm sorry, but I think the all of the song is for the whole whole world to hear but I think the last verse is only for him to sing to Seohyun.



Time for this weird grandma to go to bed.



Oh lord- Just saw a show where Simon D's friend said that when he (Simon D) is with his girlfriend he will pull her close and say"I love you and you are mine" Please God tell me that Yong is not taking advice or stealing lines from Simon D. So Yong's friends are Jinwoon (well we all know about his feelings for Seohyun and he is probably not a good person to ask for dating advice) Honggi (Excuse me but he will always be Jeremy), Simon D, and Lee Joon. If he takes advice from any of these guys it is going to be like watching for a train wreck. Beyond that we have 2AM members(If anyone saw their attempt to help Jokwon kiss Gain then you already know that these guys need more help than Yong), FT Island and CN Blue members. Can we all say Dumb and Dumber.



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Guest honeyjade11
























hmn,, this is my first time posting here... I really like this thread and fall in love with YongSeo's story from the start. It's like a story of how to slowly fall in love...























I was amazed on how she picked out Yong from the start. Was it instinct? Or Fate? I really enjoy each part of their story. Everything was really great. I don't mind if they get into a fight, it only means they really care for each other to notice what their partner is doing. I love how SeoHyun grew up, from her own world into the reality of life. And Yong from being somehow childish to a very passionate and caring guy. 






























I'm satisfied on what they had now. Though I hope to see a lot of their moments together,, :-)






























♥ YongSeo ♥
























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WHAT NOW. I literally screamed.ASKDJASKJ
















































































What are they....I don't even....WHY.

























































































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Guest Tofu_Cloud


















As far as I know, Bigbang members can write their own songs. But I guess GD is the one who often meets the high quality standard of YG. I guess CNBLUE members are trained to write their owns songs too, but Yonghwa (just like GD) are the one who often come out with the masterpieces. 















































Actually to correct you, Taeyang doesnt write any of his music, his first cd he didnt write any of his songs, and said he was disappointed in himself and then said he will try harder next time but his second album... Solar which was the top selling cds he only wrote 1 out of 11 songs.. O_O..GD wrote ALL his lyrics on his heartbreaker cd even tho Taeyang got 1 and 2nd place in itunes canada usa charts...
















Yonghwa is very very talented, ive amazed NOT ONLY his lyrics, but the music he is able to create in such a short time, he is outstanding!



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