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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest jazziejec



hello Gogumas!!


-- what's with the fuss about Yong's statement that he is single?? hope that those who expected him to say a different answer..will understand that HE IS SINGLE in real life..AND HE IS VIRTUALLY MARRIED..that's two different situations..PLEASE, don't bashed him..i know, if SeoBaby will hear about his statement..she'll definitely understands..so, why wouldn't we, right??





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Guest angg_jagiya


[FANCAM]110127 HoLika Thailand :: CNBLUE - Balmal Song


credit : WhyBunnY




fell in love with Jonghyun, her voice very sweet and smooth..





Thai Fans Seriously you're all very lucky...


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Guest chandrawd



heeyy i'm a new goguma shipper in here. btw im from indonesia.

i dont know yongseo thread rules. so pardon me if i made something wrong.

dang, i cant insert my photos in here. could you please tell me how to put photos in here?

best regards from Chandra Wahyu Diana,Indonesia :wub:


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So, He's SINGLE ... <_<






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and SHE, on the other hand is said to be sought after by a few other famous "BLUE". -_-
















































































































































































































(Samurai Blue - Japan's football team)
















































































































































































































Hahaha..... GAME ON! B)B)

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi




ok, while waiting for more fancams of CNBLUE's concert and SMTown Japan concert, I'll just share this to release you from worrying about this "I'm single thing". I found this on YongSeo couple fb


cr: as tagged


Yonghwa : Hyun, let's get married secretly!

Seohyun : ne! let's go

 :wub: :wub:


EDIT: chandrawd , to insert images, you can click on the "insert image" button, right below the font size column....then you insert the link that links directly to the picture..... btw love your PIC!!




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Guest chandrawd
























heeyy i'm a new goguma shipper in here. btw im from indonesia.








i dont know yongseo thread rules. so pardon me if i made something wrong.








i just wanna share my latest fanart about uri couple hehe ^^; i hope you like it!
















dang, i cant insert my photos in here. could you please tell me how to put photos in here?









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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































I am in my work spazzing in silence... just watched the YT video on my mobile and I feel like crying.... I am frigging happy!!!
















































































My ears may be deceiving me but the cnblue brothers sang some parts of the song? If true how nice!
















































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!

















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@Kerube-Chan. Your ears are not deceiving you. The other brothers did share a part in the performance.

Fan account from the concert today, CN BLUE performed "Banmal Song" as the last performance of the concert. Each boy has one part from this song ><

cr: ahn_annann@pantip.com





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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































































































































































































heeyy i'm a new goguma shipper in here. btw im from indonesia.
































































































































































































































































































































i dont know yongseo thread rules. so pardon me if i made something wrong.
































































































































































































































































































































i just wanna share my latest fanart about uri couple hehe ^^; i hope you like it!
































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































dang, i cant insert my photos in here. could you please tell me how to put photos in here?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi! welcome!!!
































































































































































































































































































































Just follow this...
































































































































































































































































































































How to insert pics:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































or this...

































































































































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Guest yongseorockin




hello Gogumas!!

-- what's with the fuss about Yong's statement that he is single?? hope that those who expected him to say a different answer..will understand that HE IS SINGLE in real life..AND HE IS VIRTUALLY MARRIED..that's two different situations..PLEASE, don't bashed him..i know, if SeoBaby will hear about his statement..she'll definitely understands..so, why wouldn't we, right??






Hello. why are you saying we bash Yong? What are you talking about? Why on Earth would we bash him? Please read carefully. Its ridiculous to say we would bash him when we are YongSeo fans....its like saying BOICE bashing CN Blue. It doesn't make sense...




EDIT: Sorry, realise my post sounded a bit offensive. Pls dont read it the wrong way. Just curious.


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Good  day fellow gogumas. I've uploaded a Mash-up version of Yonghwa and Seohyun's Banmal song and Yonghwa's For First Time Lovers. It was really hard to do for the beat of the two songs were different. Yong's version is a bit slower than YongSeo's version. So there are parts that are bit noisy. It's my first time editing songs so please be kind to your comments. If you like it and would want to download it or use it for MV's just please put a credit to me... hehehe... Hope you guys like it. PM me for suggestions on how to improve the mash-up. Here's the link YongSeo's First Time Banmal









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Can we calm down a notch?! I knew these kind of questions turns YongSeo world upside down. Again what is he suppose to answer anyway? What would you think Seohyun's answer will be? Let's just enjoy what we get for now, not overanalyzing everything(I am contradicting myself here bcoz I love to overanalyze, lol). You can guess what's the real deal if you see them on WGM, so no harm is done.And Thank you for sharing the fancam of the Banmal.Goshhh these Boys are amazing and Banmal Song is <3



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Guest lovekin


omg, i am not getting enough sleep.  anyway, that's irrelevant.  so i have some extended thoughts about his ~comment~.  not really thoughts, but i wanted to clarify something because people seem to be getting the wrong idea.






those of us who were concerned in the beginning are not naïve enough to actually believe yong would admit to being taken.  he may as well commit career suicide right there.  speaking for myself, the main issue of his statement was that it was really unusual.  and honestly, i'm not sure how anyone could deny how weird it was.  i'm not saying he was obligated to declare that he was married, but from a practical standpoint, why - if you're part of a show like WGM and have since been projecting yourself as a "married man," even though everyone is aware it's a fake union - why go for an unscripted answer?




some might argue that his "i'm single" comment was scripted, but it doesn't make sense when he could have just said, "i'm married," which is just as scripted and probably safer, given his audience, and you typically want to cater to your audience.  also, correct me if i'm wrong, but i'd always been under the impression that places like thailand and singapore have more of a concentrated YS fanbase than korea.  in which case, it probably would have been more prudent of him to say, "yeah, i'm married."




then again, as most of you pointed out, he's kind of damned either way, and it doesn't matter what his answer is because he'll always isolate a certain camp - YS fans vs. BOICE or SONE.





tl;dr we're aware that it's career suicide if he says he's taken, but the concept of relationships aside and viewing this from a strictly practical perspective, the answer itself was undoubtedly unusual.  doesn't mean he's not up s*!t's creek in whatever answer he manages to come up with.




can someone resolve this for me, though?  and this is just me purely trying to get the facts straight.  i don't even want to get into this anymore, but someone earlier posted an excerpt of that interview where the question was not if he was single but if they, as a band, had anyone special.  is that the right context or was there an actual "are you [guys] single?" question?






it surprises me how many people can memorize his song and sing along with him.  even i can't do that, and i've been listening to that baby on repeat.  also, i only spazzed over that performance because it's the first time i've seen all four of them singing tbh.  ridiculously precious.


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Just want to add, since we are not yong, we don't really know what he was thinking when he was answering the question. So let's all take it with a pinch of salt. Remember the mildang period, he might think it was ok to go ahead with the mildang while we were all think that he shouldn't have done that etc and well we all know what happened.So regarding the 'single' incident, do not take it too seriously. For all we know, he might be thinking that it was the best way to reply, since it was a CN BLUE thing afterall and maybe to protect hyun from all the unneccessary attention etc. Just believe in him haha who would faithfully wear the ring most of the time and sing the banmal song with such affectionate voice??? How would anyone doubt that they are not real for a second?! haha

















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Guest greed_island
































































































































































































































































































































































































Fancam of SNSD's Genie at Tokyo. Nope, Hyun did not change her hair colour. Enjoy the performance though. Some times I feel like we are a combination of SNSD and CN Blue spotters. haha! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: soshified@twitter































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the fancam.
































































































































About their hair colour, I've seen in it in allkpop, about Hyun and SNSD sisters are going to promote Run Devil Run Japanese version.
































































































































By that time maybe Hyun will change her hair into Black too?

































































































































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Gogumas, another fancam, even when it last 1:21 min, is bigger than others...
































































































































































a song for first-time lovers
































































































































































































































































































































PS: about hair color, we will have to wait and see, but if Hyun does it I can totally see Yong saying her "Why are you copying me"? LOL!
































































































































































EDIT: another one Banmal song

































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(sigh)wow.... :wub:
















































































































(sigh)wow.... :wub:
















































































































thai fans. you guys are so extremely lucky you guys were the first ones to hear an official performance of "A Song For First Time Lovers". yong... you and your brothers make my heart beat too fast! hyun, you are so lucky to have a wonderful husband and brother in laws :)
















































































































okay, so i dont have anything to share, just needed to spazz. sorry! hahaha.
















































































































have a goguma day everyone!
















































































































edit ah geez. seriously? when i dont have anything to share i top.






















































































































































































































































































































































will find something to post
















































































































here are the links to the performance of "A Song For First Time Lovers":































































































































































































































CN Blue last song
















































































































27012011 CNBLUE - A Song For First-Time Lovers








































































































































































































































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