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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia
































































Hi Chingussss















































































according to twitter ACCT: 















































































now holika fans signing fans are screaming YH wearing precious. YongSeo Thailand daebak! 






























































































































































Cheers to all















































































































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Guest vmasterpiece

wow.. yonghwa looks totally different, hair color can really change how a person looks


that must be his new album concept. i'm surprised he reveal it this early though. D-29 ^^ Excited!!

@aneng :w00t: that looks really 'real' you are good at this. although in the second picture she looks a bit scary?


on inkigayo secret dating place , his face says that he's been there quite often ^^

LOL.. spazzing^^

edit2: oops top the page for the 1st time!

is it a tradition to post something when you are top of the page? saw a lot of people doing that...

i just post this link then

vote for banmal song ^^


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Hi In-Cun-Paemers!! :sweatingbullets:


Thanks for sharing the pics of Yonghwa and his CN Blue brothers. I have to get used to the new black hair colour but it suits him. I am remembering one line Jea of BEG said in Episode 8 "Anything he does is awesome" blush.gif  I am all for it.


I have to make a confession. I am guilty of being a ring hunter/gollum/pursuer whatever you may call it and seeing Yong wearing it, solely wearing it, is :wub: it makes everything more sweeter and meaningful(er). It screams that he is taken and that makes him, if I may say so, more attractive lol. I am going crazy here:phew: 


I have to remember one great post from miel about the rings and yes it makes everything so so real  excl.gif




I just read that an ex-member of Kara gets married at the age of 21. Ok her fiancee is 31 though. How I wish YongSeo could get married for real the fastest possible. they're young but it would be so romantic, sorry for my craziness again



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Guest uh-ohxev
















































Wow~ Yonghwa looks amazing with the black hair. Hotter than usual.. I'm also one of the fans who prefers Seohyun with darker hair. I've been wanting her to go back to black or really dark brown hair for a while now.. now couldn't be more of a perfect time, right? And like someone mentioned previously, they'll also be promoting RDR in Japan, so it's perfect! ^_^
















Wonder what Seohyun will think about the hair!

















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Guest anne0129
























To idress and kun_cheero.....Hello! Thank you for sharing the pictures of Yong at the airport going to Thailand. I don't know if you are aware but the pictures that you posted from GoldenJYH, could you delete it please. It's just that GoldenJYH shares pictures of both Yong and Hyun and they don't really like their pictures posted anywhere without any permission from them. So just a friendly reminder to just post the link and delete the pictures please. Thank you.





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Guest ellaisha












hi im new here but im always monitoring yongseo couple thru this thread...i want to post eversince but i dont know how, im from phil..im a diehard yongseo fans..i love yonghwa's new haircut and hair color, it suits him very well...





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Did anyone watch NAN with TOP & GD???






























































































































































































































































































































































































































watch this...































































































































































































































































(Bonus for VIP ;))































































































































































































































































NAN with eng subs




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for providing the link zealous!































































































































































































































































so, i've watched all the parts and one of yong's questions caught my eye..





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and g-dragon's answer was





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aww, they share the same inspiration on writing their songs































































































































































































































































*while encountering love* <3

































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Random thought from me.































































































































This is what Yong usually done for his Buin.































































































































Ep 2--> 1st late night date






























































































































































































































































Ep 26 --> The "Legendary B-day ep"






























































































































































































































































Ep 39 --> MIL meeting






























































































































































































































































But this is the latest ep.. Did he really miss his friends???And forgot bout his Buin here???





























































































































































































































































































































































































Cuz I really like Yong to be seat @ Hyun seater rather than Hyun.































































































































Am I making sense here...































































































































Or Yong the one step outside to make his friends get in the car.































































































































Or Yong the 1 adjust the seat...Rather than Jinsuk.































































































































Crazy thought... Am I???






































































































































































































Bout Yejin --> Hope she will un-cover the true self of Yong Nampyeong here..






























































































































































































































































That's what's friends for.






































































































































































































Bout "Black Hair" --> I think we will see Hyun with Black hair also.. hehe































































































































RDR promotion in Japan... Should be Black Soshi concept.































































































































Yeah.. and he really looks much more younger...






































































































































































































Added another:































































































































Yong really forget again naaa... somebody already mention this.. hehe































































































































Ep 32





























































































































































































































































































































































































BUT!!!Ep 40






























































































































































































































































Forgot because his happy, I think so...





































































































































































































































































































































cr screen caps: Video from SoshiSub, KDR team & SonesMs Subs.















































































































































































































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I´m spazzing about Yong´s hair LOL... Why? cause just few days ago I was praying for him to cut his hair a bit and turning darker and OMG he did it!!!!!!!!!! :wub:. I love that style of him ^^.
































































































































































You know what? (this is very delusional but I don´t care :lol:) we all know how Yong loves to relive the moments with Hyun, ex, arm wrestling in japan trip and their second date in gogugma field, by holding her hand the same way again and also gave her a song again :wub:. Well when they met for first time in WGM he was with a very similar hair remember?, I think Yong is romantic enough to think about it, maybe he will do something to relive their first official meeting. Ok, ok Delusional, but I can dream ^^.
































































































































































Thanks gogumas so much for the goodies! that weeding photo fooled me too, I thought it was real LOL!
































































































































































thanks for the link to Mcs spazzing along with us, I really miss Seulong lately, I want him to come back ^^.
































































































































































Thanks for MC kim tweet, he didn´t say that much, just that it was funny... we have to wait for the preview.
































































































































































And thanks for everything else!!!!! Love you In-go.paem, gogumas villagers and aliens ^_^!
































































































































































EDIT: just because I need to say it... I´m also a ring haunter! kekekeke a gollum after the precious :w00t:, thanks for the pics ^^

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi






I'm going to share something that just happened a few minutes ago. (This is another random post of mine)




I got back from university and went straight to dc married to check for updates. Then there's a post where she/he shared a link from Yonghwa's dc gallery containing CNBlue's airport photos today. I am really nonchalant about Yonghwa's new hair (I don't get the hype, guys >.<) and I was talking to myself why others were so happy about it (okay, he looks younger and all). And whenever I see Yonghwa or CNBlue's picture, I'm forcing myself not to look at Yonghwa's left hand (really) so this time isn't an exception. But when I clicked back to the other tab (where the airport photos were), coincidentally the first time I saw was a left hand with a familiar ring on his ring finger and seriously, I was like 'I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to!' like I totally made a big crime of seeing it. Okay, I was acting like a fool.




Hah. Thought I had to share. :P






LOL!! I seriously laughed after reading your post. That also happens to me sometimes. I was also not going to look at his right hand but what to do??? OUR GOGUMA-PROGRAMMED mind automatically made us do that, eventhough we didin't mean it...........:wub:






just some random thoughts..








sorry to cut your post.. that  statement you said about "he looks younger" made me think about a funny  thing.. I just kinda got remembered by what that gagman said to Yonghwa  in Gag Concert about the reason why Seohyun couldn't speak banmal to  Yong is because he looks "old"...


maybe cause of that he dyed his hair? to look "younger"?


This is just a random thinking of mine..  but if it really is true I'm gonna be so excited! *quoted image**quoted image*




EDIT  : by the way I am LOVING Yonghwa's new black hair.. He looks great! And  he cut it shorter too! I like his short hair lol! 






Your post also cracked me up LOL! Maybe that's why he decided to dye his hair, to look YOUNGER  :lol: :lol:. I didn't know that the gagman's words have a big impact :lol:



Ah, it's nice to see this thread becoming more lively again, at least. Okay, many news coming out today, and I noticed that the soompi chatbox is empty........... I guess spazzing in the thread is more fun huh? ^_^ It's okay though, because spazzing have a different feel because we can write as long as we can....


Oh and about the NAN Cut shared by zealous, this is really bothering my mind.......... GD is spilling the beans, and Yonghwa didn't seem to deny it. YONGHWA AND SEOHYUN COULD BE AMONG THE IDOLS WHO MET SECRETLY ON THE BACKSTAGE!! (I mean, that has been our dreams right?:wub::wub:). Come on, eventhough they do not plan to meet, they would somehow meet each other right? (if you get what I mean)




So, any new fancams everyone?? there seems to be few, but maybe there will be plenty later. Regarding the duet with Kyuhyun thing, it's nice to see that Seohyun was being shy with holding hands with her SM oppas, BUT NOT WITH HER HUBBY :wub:




Since I don't have anything to share, I'll just remind you to keep voting for Yonghwa for "2011 Singer Power Ranking"










Happy voting ;)



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Guest lovelybee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa (in new look) with CNBLUE members are in HolikaHolika fansign in Bangkok Thailand.  There are a lot of Yongseo shipper .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goguma lover be there! Thai fans super DAEBAK!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































see Pic at. WGMYongSeoRealLoveStory@ wgm.pantip.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also Thai fans comfirmed that Yong wear couple ring.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Sorry, I thought he's JongHuyn when saw first pic (what not clearly) But when see pic more clearly, he's Yong and he wear couple rings (ring ding dong hihi <3) Look Yong looks younger. Feel like a handsome student :)
































































I like smurfs888 and rxp080100's posts, Yong could be dye black hair because gagman's saying. So cute or because Huyn had dyed her hair black for RDR at Japan. I remember at RDR time in Korean, The color of Huyn's hair is black too. And RDR at Japan, there is no reason she could not do it :phew: because their concept is Black Soshi.
































































Perhaps it is coincidence or Huyn had changed her hair's color and said it with Yong. ;)) Because recently they always have the same hair color together. After couple ring, YongSeo couple have hairs color couple :lol: I let my thoughts fly a bit... And waiting to see Huyn's hair color.
































































I like the news SeoHuyn is so shy when hold hands with Kyu. I think she was familiar with Yong's hands. The only one hold her hands frequently and make her so comfortable. Surely they hold hands many times more than we saw at these ep.
































































Anyway, I'm happy when see Huyn's reation and Yong with couple ring, everything seemed to give me a sense that they are in very good relationship. Thank u guys so much for pics, news and posts. Always monitor them and feel happy.

































































































































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hi guys! just visited pantip.com and guess what! the boots that yong bought for seohyun is  AUBERGINE color HUNTER BOOTS!;) uri yong really has a taste! his is red color saw it in his shoes collection now i know why he got that for his buin! he is really a sweet and thoughtful guy! so rpud of him! and most of the hollywood stars including angelina jolie, anne hattway and many more have their piece as well.. ;) sorry dont know how to post  picture in the spoiler section;)

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Info from myblue































































































































Can I paste the pic here???





































































































































































































































































































































cr to : PANTIP.COM









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Info from myblue

Can I paste the pic here???

*quoted image*

cr to : PANTIP.COM

thank you zealous dear! now we have evidence! im quite afraid of posting it with out asking permission to the owner.. i want to have one also, but the problem is where do i use it we dont have winter here in philippines! flood maybe hahaha!

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Guest pen(..^^..)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi gogumas :) i'm trying to translate this article. i think it hasn't been translated right? i translated it from the japanese site. sorry if my English is not good xDD.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Moochuko Mikami mentioned about Yongseo couple's We Got Married in Japan radio.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: dc married































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good afternoon~♪ I’m Mikami Mutsuko from Catalyst.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will talk about “We Got Married” focusing on CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa & SNSD’s Seohyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A personal experience type variety show.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this very famous couple got married and a bringing up a love atmosphere mixed with humour, I can see enough, such an interesting plan. It’s so cute, I can’t help it ♪ I’m Yonghwa’s fans, but unconsciously I’m supporting Seohyun too (^o^/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There are mission from the program that have to be accomplished by them (such as date at the amusement park, decorating the new house). After many meetings, the awkwardness has gone; both of them become close and it is understandable they can hold hands now. He has taught her guitar which is his specialty; he also read books that recommended by her, they respect each other which are not like virtual. It has become a heartwarming program. Watching those genuine two people, my smile widen unknowingly. Their fans maybe have complicated/complex feelings, but starting from now they want to give the couple warm attentions/cares. I think it is hard because both of them are very busy people, I just hoping that they will do more and more activities because they are still young.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What will happen next, I will support it with anticipation. Being young is very nice!! I really really envy it. o(^-^)o
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There are various TV shows that contains of unique Korean shows now in Japan, you can also feel the enjoyments. “Saranghae” because I will work hard, please listen to it~♪































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow yong looks younger in that hair color. but he still looks handsome :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait this Saturday's episode kkkk~

































































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Guest The Hamzter
































































just in case yutube takes down the sweet potato links ive reuploaded it as backup via daily motion, i also have some funni Yuri and Sooyoung clips for those interested. Goguma Fightingggggg!
































WGM 41 Sweet Potato Cut Reuploaded eng subbed
































part 1 = http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgqy14_xrg-41a_shortfilms
































part 2 = http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgqyvt_xrg-41b_shortfilms

















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Guest adrianakian86






I borrow this picture from CN Blue tread


*quoted image*


I think the guy beside CN managers BLUE it's Yong, because almost the same height, and his hair was not black


and also at the time of the event Inkigayo, yong hair is still colored, not black


and I also can not see the ring on the first picture, because it is very vague section hand


and I also do not see any earrings in him ear, while Yong wearing earrings


(soory, my poor english)



but i think that is Minyuk not Yong Seobang... You got it wrong...If anybody have the video or picture for SMT Concert, please post here....



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Guest Single_lady_YongSeo

















i'm also fan from THAILAND ^________^









่ีjust want to shared some mews from GOGUMA army 









now they are having dinner at SOM-BOON-PO-CHA-NA which is the original THAI FOOD restaurant 









and they confirm that our YOng wear his ring-ding-dong wub.gifwub.gif with black hair









happy to see you guys












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just some random thoughts..
































































































































sorry to cut your post.. that statement you said about "he looks younger" made me think about a funny thing.. I just kinda got remembered by what that gagman said to Yonghwa in Gag Concert about the reason why Seohyun couldn't speak banmal to Yong is because he looks "old"...
































































































































maybe cause of that he dyed his hair? to look "younger"?
































































































































This is just a random thinking of mine.. but if it really is true I'm gonna be so excited! *quoted image**quoted image*
































































































































EDIT : by the way I am LOVING Yonghwa's new black hair.. He looks great! And he cut it shorter too! I like his short hair lol! 































































































































































































































































hahaha! when i read your post, i was thinking to myself that yep, that could be it. remember in episode 38 where Shin Hye said that when you see Yong, you must greet him brightly or else he will be in a bad mood and also he is weak to compliments? hahaha... in other words, vainpot :wub::wub: definitely liking the black hair look. darker hair color brings out his great assets. anyway, i find that darker hair color brings out more of the asian features and too light sometimes it makes one pale. yah i agree, shorter hair looks better. definitely bolmaejung! like Hyun i like his fringe down like the beginning of the loner MV but not the fringe up like the ending of the loner MV. in fact, i like his hair especially during the time when they went to buy the guitar.
































































































































also the ring... i don't really care much whether he wear it or not but however if i see him or her wearing randomly (non-WGM), no doubt i do feel a bit excited. okay finish rambling, thanks for listening! :D
































































































































EDIT: thanks Single_lady_YongSeo for the update!

















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