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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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haha... In-Go-Phaem... Go-Chun-Phaem! LOL u gogumas are geniuses just like uri yongseo.

i saw someone spazzed about yong's hand moving towards hyun in jinsuk's car. pls forgimme for forgetting which eagle-eyed goguma who pointed that out. just wanna say that u're brilliant! :w00t: yong sure loves to touch hyun a lot! it seems like they've more skinship than khuntoria now? LOL! so he's that type of guy eh... touchy-feely-guy :lol: i'm sure they're already in a relationship during the busan trip, it's just not official. maybe. maybe after taeyeon's revelation, maybe that's when they became official only among themselves (SNSD, CNBLUE, SME, & other close friends/relatives). their actions in the most recent fan-taken pics of their WGM shooting, their SMA scenes, them suddenly showing off their rings after a short ring-hiatus (i wonder what was really going on during the ring-hiatus?)... all these give off a boyfriend-girlfriend-vibe! uhh wnated to continue but dang, i'm stuck again... brain-blockage... dunno how to express myself again. wokeh sorry for the cliffhanger :P but i just wanna REPEAT a statement that many of us have made. YONGSEO IS REAL!

read this at ur own risk ^^

here're my negative & positive thoughts about yongseo's future... since yong's gonna be in a drama soon, which is quite unsettling for me as i worry for his drama scenes that could potentially hurt hyun a lot (kissing scenes especially). however, yongseo are known for their unexpected actions. i hope their unexpected actions in the future will send most of us to Go-Chun! yahhh i'm that obsessed with them! i hope i won't get any heartache from them >.< *crossing my fingers*

blueshoes, thanks for pointing that out. the gollum in me is coming out!xD if i'm not mistaken, yong didn't wear his ring in a few inki shows right? did he do that on purpose? if he did? whyyy? and why wear the ring now??? trying to tell us something, yong??? are u trying to tell us that u're official with hyun!?!?!?!?!?!?!? KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :w00t: SHOOT ME PLS!

oh ya guys... bezbezbez did request a few pages back that we need to shorten the CONGRATULATORY & VALENTINE'S MESSSAGES to about 3 sentences for each message. bezbezbez is a very busy goguma so let's help her out by shortening the messages :)


thanks aneng, for the pics! yong sure looked happy in Gag! :wub:

thanks so much synikiss & marmutgoreng for the subbed vids :wub:

*waves at wally chingoo* ^^

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Guest marmutgoreng




im just passing by ..


by the way here is part 1 and part 2 eng sub goguma couple..




Part 1




Part 2



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Guest kasia3goguma
















Ok, my messages :D:














Valentine's Day!
















Happy Valentine's Day! It's a celebration of true love, so I hope both of you can spend this time together! I hope your love will grow day by day and never end ! Love is magic. Hope you'll always take care of each other!















1st Year Anniversary:














Hope You'll always take care of each other and stay healthy as well! Please remember, that all the Gogumas will always support You two! Thanks to you I realised how important love is in life and how precious it is to have someone you love by your side.








I hope I'll be able to see you walking the same path in life, holding hands, together. You are perfect for each other!








I hope it's just the beggining for Seohyun & Yonghwa! Love from Poland.

















































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sonems has subbed this weeks goguma.



They're currently uploading.


(I guess I'll edit this post with links when they're done? [they seem to be taking a while to upload])


>_< this was just an excuse for me to make a post this weekend.


PS. to everyone else, sorry I couldn't sub it this weekend I was major busy. I'll do it next week, fast as lightning!


Edit: oh oh oh!! valentines day message -



Happy valentines day! I hope your love will continue to grow and bring you happiness! From England.



no worries synykiss;) your always a great help to all of us and thank you for always making yourself availble! i know you need to take some errands aswell;) we can patienly wait.. for sure this week episode will be a another go-chun! ;) by the way, i hope yongseo will film wgm this coming tuesday in japan as rumors stated, coz as far as i remember during their early episode, seohyunie asked yonghwa to come to one of their concerts.. i hope he can make it for her buin...



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Guest skyrise




@Gag Concert... Did I hear correctly they mentioned Seohyun and Banmal Song in the same sentence and YH was shyly laughing about it...




Woah!  I wonder what they said!




I think someone already posted that they were teasing YH about how SH is still not able to talk to him informal or something like this.


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Guest Fluorescent.Flower








One Year Anniversary








Congratulations! It's been a pleasure watching the two of you adjust to each other in the last year, I hope you continue your relationship for as long as possible because I've never seen such a compatible pair. YongSeo fighting~!
















"Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart". Hopefully, on this day, {as a couple} you will play from your hearts...









Edit: I added "Congratulations" which I forgot about...





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Guest measroja




im just passing by ..


by the way here is part 1 and part 2 eng sub goguma couple..


Part 1


Part 2



Thanks so muchh!! 


goguma fr Malaysia :)



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Guest ninyaah

































introducing her to his friends as seo joo hyun - i mean seriously, the guy kept saying her real name at that table, even though she introduced herself as "seohyun." i thought to myself, "does she only want people close to her calling her by her real name?" delusional, i know. he also never introduced her as his "wife", which i thought was interesting. he was incredibly proud and excited to introduce his famous celebrity wife to his childhood friends who were clearly starstruck in her presence.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































i agree with omgirly's post. it was interesting how he introduced her as seo joo hyun -- plain and simple -- and not as 'seohyun, my wife.' there's a distinct difference, because if he added that 'my wife' bit, it would seem unreal, virtual and  just for show. i don't know if i'm reading too much into this, but the fact that he brought her out to meet his childhood friends is a telling sign that he is taking things seriously. of all the people he could bring to meet seohyun, he chose his childhood friends -- the people who have known him the most, the people who have known him before he became an idol. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































and here's the thing: he wants seohyun to see the 'real' him, the side of him that is a friend before a celebrity. most people would've been uncomfortable with the idea of bringing in their best buddies. i mean, these are the people who have seen you in your most embarassing and most vulnerable state. these are the people who could spill all your dirty secrets. haha. it's funny how yonghwa was having a blast watching his friends squirm in the presence of seohyun. will the tables turn in the next episode? i hope yonghwa's friends would reveal some interesting stories next saturday. it would be funny to see yonghwa so shy and embarrassed in front of seohyun :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































i loved how he insisted that yeji is just a comfortable friend, and that he doesn't see her as a girl. although seohyun doesn't openly show her jealousy, yonghwa still makes it a point to make things clear for her. he could've made her jealous you know, but he didn't. when i watched the episode for the first time, i didn't see the jealous reaction from seohyun that you guys were talking about. but after i stopped being blind replayed the scene, that expression on her face was oh so subtle but noticable enough for the viewers -- it spelled confusion, understanding and worry. i do believe seohyun likes him more than a friend. as to what extent, that i don't know. as stoic as she seems, i don't think she's as numb as people make her out to be. no matter which side you look at it, this is her first 'relationship.' of course, with all these new feelings she's experiencing, it's a given that she'd be clueless as to how to handle the situation. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































seohyun is the kind of girl who'd always want proof. there are some girls who are easy to assume, but seohyun is the opposite. it's either you tell it to her face or you're wasting your time buddy. this is why the necklace argument was so amusing to watch. yes, he knows that she's wearing the necklace. but she wanted to hear what he had to say about it. the way i see it, seohyun wanted him to notice just how much effort she's giving in this relationship. it's actually kind of similar to the ring issue when she got upset because he wasn't wearing it. seohyun may not speak much, but she shows that her husband is important to her by wearing the ring and necklace consistently. the difference between the two scenarios is the way they handled the situation, by talking about it instead of keeping quiet and dragging out the issue. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahn_annann: i always look forward to seeing your caps. thanks for sharing HQ ones.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you for sharing the subbed videos! i was waiting for them.     

































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Hey again Gogumas :) quite the episode, right? Lots and lots to spazz about but I'm not going to since EVERYONE already knows the spazz-worthyness of this daebak episode! They seem like more and more of a real couple each week. Thanks to EVERYONE who provided screencaps and of course to our MountainMadMan for his amazing translation. We so greatly appreciate it! Can't wait to see what they have in store for us next week! I agree, I feel like it's going to be something big/epic because there's no preview B)












Providing a card with messages for their one-year anniversary and Valentine's Day was such a great idea bezbezbez!! You are definitely a dedicated goguma and thanks so much for all that you do for uri couple! Here are my messages to Yong and Hyun!












One-year anniversary:























Congratulations to you both! One year of great memories behind you. May your relationship continue to grow and prosper for many years to come. Take care of yourselves as well as each other. Fighting! Lots of love from the US!












Valentine's Day message:























May both of your hearts be filled with love and happiness on this day. Cherish each other and those you love in your life.












Off to watch the subbed videos now ^.^ thanks for the uploads! Take care goguma family!! Back to lurker mode now but I'll post again sometime soon!



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Guest luvlichan


wOw! nice! i keep on reading your post..

and thats right.. i understand SeoHyun.. she's not an easy girl.. she's different..

but i wish, someday, i would see her being jealous wife.. for some point, Seohyun has the confidence..

"im his wife.. wanna fight?!" keke..

and i finally understand why the two of them is always wearing their couple ring.. haha!! i want to see more of YongSeo!!!!!!! <3 fighting!

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Done with my editing.




LOLs. CNBLUE are all choding (much like me).




CNBLUE choding + Hoot




One-year anniversary:







Congratulation on your first anniversary to both of you. Hopefully you guys can realize you are having the best times of your lives when you are together. And please keep this in minds even after WGM. Goguma lover from Thailand.




Valentine's Day message:







Wishing a world of happiness for two of you on this day. Hopefully this day will make you appreciate the way you care each other even more. And please keep progressing just the way you guys are right now on and on.


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@Nikijenio, thanks for that Yong cut gag concert link,
































































































































































































































































I think u might be right, I also saw the girl u mentioned, and she looked like Yejin hehe,
































































































































































































































































and at the beginning when they show Yong sitting down in crowd, could see the guy sittting next to Yong is Ookhun
































































































































































































































































maybe they also join Yong filming WGM with Hyun afterwards? coz after that gag concert, they continue filming ice skating right?
































































































































































































































































Anyway, thanks Synykiss & Sonems for subbing ~ :P

































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Guest skyrise




 this is why the necklace argument was so amusing to watch. yes, he knows that she's wearing the necklace. but she wanted to hear what he had to say about it. the way i see it, seohyun wanted him to notice just how much effort she's giving in this relationship. it's actually kind of similar to the ring issue when she got upset because he wasn't wearing it. seohyun may not speak much, but she shows that her husband is important to her by wearing the ring and necklace consistently. the difference between the two scenarios is the way they handled the situation, by talking about it instead of keeping quiet and dragging out the issue. 






Haha, that is true; Seohyun acted like a little kid in that 'argument' but in the adorable-kind of way.


Also, I remember when YH gave her the pink glasses as a present in one of the previous episodes, she said something along the lines 'oh, I understand than, I will have to wear it since you gave them as a present to me' (cause I think she said she does not usually wear glasses or smth.) Goes as far to show how much she treasures the gifts she receives from him.


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Guest Germbaby





I want to all translators and everyone for making this thread so interesting and for supporting Yongseo. you guys make my days so happy



1st anniversary message:



Aigoo... Yong and Seohyun just annonce that you are dating. We goguma family will support you! We Love You!


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@Nikijenio, thanks for that Yong cut gag concert link,

I think u might be right, I also saw the girl u mentioned, and she looked like Yejin hehe,

and at the beginning when they show Yong sitting down in crowd, could see the guy sittting next to Yong is Ookhun

maybe they also join Yong filming WGM with Hyun afterwards? coz after that gag concert, they continue filming ice skating right?

Anyway, thanks Synykiss & Sonems for subbing ~ :P

hi bamz sorry to cut your post.. i dont think yonghwa was with his friends during the GAG concert, i re-watched the clip and looking at the guy beside him i can say that he is not Ookhun .. Ookhun is much good looking hehehe, and the girl she is just one of the auidence.. i hope someone can observe the video aswell...  

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Guest blueeye
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you guys for your contribution, caps, pics, news, gifs, links, vid, translations, etc etc etc....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































M3 and marmutgoreng for your hardwork subbing this week episode. thank youuuuu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Dropping by to send my message. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































One Year Anniversary Messages:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On this precious day, I want to thank God (and MBC of course :P) for letting your both life path crossed that 11th February 2010. Since that day, I know many memories built, feelings shared, and lessons learnt not only for both of you, but also for thousand or even million viewers in the world. Thank you Yong, Hyun, for letting us walk on this wonderful journey with both of you. <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@bezbezbez thank you so much for your hardwork. fighting! :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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annyeong! thanks for posting up the subs links :)
































































































































my msg as below:
































































































































1st Anniversary - Happy 1st Anniversary! May both of you continue to walk hand in hand after WGM. Just date already :) YongSeo hwaiting!
































































































































Valentine's Day - Happy Valentine's Day! May your lives always be filled with love! Always cherish the one in front of you :) YongSeo hwaiting!

















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Guest Yangie12



hi bamz sorry to cut your post.. i dont think yonghwa was with his friends during the GAG concert, i re-watched the clip and looking at the guy beside him i can say that he is not Ookhun .. Ookhun is much good looking hehehe, and the girl she is just one of the auidence.. i hope someone can observe the video aswell...  














I agree. I don't think that's Ookhun either. Firstly, Ookhun striked me as a quite good-looking guy..but this one, I'm not so sure. He doesn't look like Ookhun. Secondly, when the gag man made jokes about Yonghwa while he was still sitting in the audience, you could see that the guy was awkwardly glancing at Yonghwa. He didn't show much of a reaction. If it was his friend, they would be probably laughing together at the jokes that were made about Yonghwa.














About the girl being Yejin..she looks quite a lot like her. However, the eyes don't seem similar? I think it's because their hairstyle are the same; the straight bangs. Hm, not too sure. It would be a huge coincidence that out of the audience, she would be filmed, right (if it is indeed Yejin)?



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Guest synykiss






























































































































































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Guest Yoona.Yoochun

so cuteeeeeee! I love Goguma Coulpe!!

she's so smart and sweet, and he's so charming and cute! The perfect match! Love them! :wub:

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