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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest vmasterpiece

Finally finish my work, and able to watch this week episode with mountainmadman translation!! you are jjang!! :D:D

i know how hard it is to translate because i tried to do translation from chinese to english.

total nightmare for me. LOL.

totally love the seagull attack scene. I was laughing so hard that my housemate had to knock my door to tell me to shut up.

tons of favorite scene in this episode, maybe because of 30 minutes of pure sweetness.

hope it stays that way longer ^^ (even if it means i'm going to get diabetes at 21 years old)

the necklace quarrel scene is totally fun to watch.

I just keep on repeating that part and can't believe hyun actually care about that sort of thing.

she never show that side of her before. they are 'cool' couple ^^ anyway.

im sure yong a bit surprise about it too. hence the speechless moment for (approx) 5s in his face

when hyun bring that topic up.

it shows how much she wants yong to know that she cherish the present that he gave her.

she just upset when he didnt say anything about it. aigoo.. yong and his busan man style. ^^

now they relationship just move on to the step where they fight on small things like that.

although for her it might not be small at all. ^^

curious about what might be the next step of their relationship be...



at first i'm a bit concern about the rating though since adam couple left. but after seeing this episode

i might not need to worry about that thing, i mean yongseo couple with doses of sugar

and khuntoria with doses of shinee and 2pm. who would miss that. ^^

just sharing my POV though if anyone is offended in any way sorry in advance

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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































Please don't let me be top of the page besause I don't have anything to share.































































































































































































































There is a couple of thing that have been bugging me.































































































































































































































1. I think that the final concensus was that the video taken at C.N. Blues concert was by someone other than WGM. So, in theory, WGM didn't know she was there or met his fammily.































































































































































































































2. I know we are not supposed to mention other couples but Kungtoria got their mission message to go to Thailand to meet Khun's family while they were apart, but Yongseo didn't get any sort of mission message.































































































































































































































3. S I was wondering if maybe Yonghwa had a lot of messages from his Mom saying "So, when are you going to bring her home" or if he just wanted to do the traditional thing and bring her home to meet family and friends.































































































































































































































4. I was wondering if going to Busan was his idea and he went to the WGM staff and said that he wanted to take Hyun to Busan but he knew that they couldn't go without a cover and he asked the WGM staff to help them out.































































































































































































































5. I think it would be hard for the WGM staff to get together his friends without his help. I really do have a feeling that this was Yonghwa's plan and the WGM just helped him out.































































































































































































































Am I crazy or does anyone else think this might be the case.































































































































































































































If this is what happened then OMG.































































































































































































































Thank you to all the translators, subbers, fancam suppliers, fan video makers, fanfic writers, and all of the people on this thread and to those who joined the fan club. I grew up in the golden age of rock and roll, beatles, beach boys, etc, but this is the first time I ever joined a fan club. They say that you get younger as you grow older and now I think that is true.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just want to share my POVs, maybe it can help u with your questions then?
















































































































1. The video might be taken by some one else, but WGM staff definitely knew about Seohyun went to Cnblue’s concert.
















































































































2. WGM can’t give out the mission that the couple feel uncomfortable. Actually Yongseo had mentioned about “Busan” before. Personally, I think if WGM gave out the mission, they would show it, like they gave the mission for the video of Banmal, or couple song, or Cnblue meeting Hyun (the first time) ......, so if WGM gave the mission for Yongseo to go to Busan meeting Yonghwa’s mother, they would show it (nothing wrong with that) , but I think Yongseo planned with WGM staff to go to Busan.
















































































































3. It’s obviously that Yonghwa wanted to call his friends and introduce them to Seohyun, so he might call them first, informed them about time, place ..... but it must have been from Yonghwa’s idea with WGM’s help.
















































































































This ep is just so sweet, that is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. Skinships, close-ness, the atmosphere. So sweet and natural. Yongseo’s progress is slowly and surely. They take time, take steps by steps, no rush, but they’ve achieved something great !
















































































































These kinds of relationship will lead you to something new and more surprised, I bet that later on, when we watch all the upcoming eps, we will see another stage of Yongseo
















































































































Cheer all ~

















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Aigooo uri YongSeo couple!why so daebak? When they first started out it was so painfully awkward, that I actually stopped watching WGM for a few episodes. Lol. I ‘m glad I didn’t give up on them just yet. There’s something so right and so innocent about them.
































Busan trip
































The seagull attacks were so funny, Yong-choding is back !now with a flock of seagulls! What I like most about the scene with the seagulls is how carefree and happy they were running around on the beach. These are two individuals who are probably the most popular and the most busiest artists in S.Korea , but for a moment there ,there was only a normal boy and a girl running away from a flocks of seagull and enjoying themselves. I was actually imagining them running away from the cameraman and the crews, just going off somewhere just the two of them.
































I love that holding hands comes so naturally for them right now. Its like they don’t even have to look down and find each others hand anymore.
































Sometimes I feel Yong is trying so hard to hold back from doing too much skinship, Because he knows that people are watching them but at times you can see how he can’t hold it in any longer. I think when he grabbed hyun’s hand it was an impulsive move. I was smiling like an idiot watching these two, they seemed to be in a world of their own .
































Butterfly necklace
































Like hyun ,I was also wondering why Yong never mentioned about her wearing the necklace. I mean almost every episode of WGM she is always wearing it since he gave it to her.
































So yeah ,I think her little tantrum is definitely legit. Its little things like Yong noticing how prettily she dresses, or how her hair looks like ,or how many times she wore the necklace that will make her happy. Yong’s omonim is right, it’s the little things that will get a girl upset.
































But I find their whole banter absolutely adorable. Since its probably the first time for Hyun in wanting a guys attention and Yong being a guy was like ‘yeah?was I supposed to say somethin’?lol.
































Hyun definitely looked embarrassed about bringing it up. She immediately stood up and wanted to go somewhere fast..lol All the time Yong had this amused look on his face and was probably thinking how cute seohyun was in wanting him to notice her.Aigooo uri Hyun why so cute!
































Yong’s friends
































Everyone was so adorable .They seemed to be stars truck or something, who wouldn’t be? Here is seohyun a member of SNSD, someone that a lot of people have only dreamt of meeting. It was as if they (the boys mostly) were trying so hard not to stare at her.lol.
































I think hyun probably felt like an outsider intruding in a friends reunion. She looked a little uncomfortable, his friends knows him from a long time ago and have a history together. So she probably felt a little left out.
































I didn’t sense any jealousy from hyun, I guess I got more of a curious vibe from her, Like her wanting to know more about yejin and her relationship with Yonghwa as a friend.
































But did anyone see how proud Yong was?showing off his wife to his friends and introducing her by her real name SeoJuHyun instead of seohyun. Awww yong that face is going to crack soon from all that smiling. I trust that Yong would make her feel comfortable with his friends soon, Yonghwa is very attentive to hyun’s needs whenever they are in other people’s company or whenever he senses that she feels uncomfortable. I love that about him.
































It’ll be interesting to see their topic of conversation ,I would love it if Hyun would interact more with yong’s friend. I bet he would absolutely love that and hopefully someday maybe Hyun can introduce himto her friends and family.
































This is probably the longest I have written in the YongSeo thread. I can’t help myself,kyaahh! What is so much fun watching the episodes is the fact that we can see how they are right now in real time, the GDA, fancams,banmal song, recent filming, everything seems to fall right in place. I must really thank all the yongseo shippers ,translators, video sharing and much spazzing in this thread. You all make my Saturday so much more brighter and happier<3 much love in go-chun!





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The ratings We Got Married S2 on January 22nd 2011. WGM still winning on its competitor at SBS which is Star Junior Show. Don't worry about the ratings as long as they are on top during the time slot.
















































































































credit: TNmS

































































































































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bezbezbez thanks for the clarification!


















1 Year Anniversary --- One year of meeting, growing, learning, and loving definitely looks good on the two of you. As fans, we hope this story of yours continues, and always know, you will forever be a couple whom we adore. Happy 1 Year Anniversary Yong & Hyun~!


















Valentines Day --- Valentines day is a day of RED and of HEARTS. But now I'll see it not as RED, but as PINK and BLUE, for the two of you. Happy Valentines Day Yong & Hyun~!


















dreamyboo hello, hello~! i didnt see you earlier, but i'm glad to be back to spazz about yongseo with yall here!!



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Guest rockinghorse







i'm wondering if i am alone on this one: i like the moments in between their skinships. you know, that millisecond of an awkward moment where you wait for something to start again, who would start it and how it would start. it kinda makes the skinship factor more spazzable in my case, since they're all comfortable now about it. but i can still see some shy hesitations between them and i am loving every moment of it.





Sorry for cutting your post, but I'm with you on this one. Everytime they're not in physical contact with each other, I keep thinking, 'Ah, are they going to hold hands again? Who's going to initiate it?'.. things like that. And while it may sound incredibly demanding of me for skinship, it's not. Hahaha. It's just that it's still taking me a while to get used to their skinship and everytime it does happen, I'm caught off-guard and spazz uncontrollably. :wub:






The seagull attack had me legit laughing out loud and everybody's pretty much said what I've been wanting to about the episode in general, but I have to say:




When they're on the boat and the scarf is already securely around their necks, Yong reaches for Seohyun's hand to warm it up. The manner with which Yonghwa reached for her hand amused me to no end -- he stretches his hands out a little, swoops the left to the side, and grabs Hyun's right hand (1:50 mark in Part 2 of TheSoneSource19's upload). It was pretty smooth and reminded me a lot of that infamous move when a guy and a girl are sitting next to each other and the guy pretends to stretch his arms high into the air and then disreetly lowers one to put around the girl's shoulders. :lol:




And as always, my extreme gratitude to everyone who've shared caps, video links, translations, etc., but most especially to MountainMadman for the live trans and the whole translation.




Edit: Oh! Topped a page. Here're MountainMadman's translations and the corresponding videos for those who've not seen them yet.




Here you go. Good god, it's 5:55 AM here. Good night, everyone.




Part 1: http://www.youtube.c...ex=1&playnext=1




Part 2: http://www.youtube.c...n_order&list=UL




Part 3: http://www.youtube.c...n_order&list=UL








Starting at the 0:22 mark.




H: First of all…the weather was beautiful. And the meeting with my mother-in-law was over, which I was worried about. And now all that’s left is, to just enjoy myself.




Y: Ah, the ocean smell!




H: This ocean smell?




Y: Yeah. You don’t smell it?




H: I do, kind of.




Sub: Hyun getting excited over seeing the ocean




Y: Should we buy some snacks and herd the seagulls?




H: Seagulls? Okay.




Sub: The traditional game of any ocean trip à feeding the seagulls…




H: You’re not scared of seagulls?




Y: I’m not scared.








At the 1:00 mark.




Y: Seagulls would like shrimp crackers the best, right?




Owner: Yes, they do.




MC: It must be a present to the seagulls.




MC: Oh, shrimp crackers.




Sub: buying supplies to feed the seagulls…




Y: Yah, I finally get to step on to the white sand beach of Haewoondae.




H: I want to go down there!




Y: Just jump!




H: Let’s go!




Y: Look, it’s a seagull!




Y: Busan seagulls~ [NOTE: It’s an old Korean song.]




MC: Oh, the Busan natives should know this song.




MC: It’s the national anthem of Busan.




H: Look over there! It’s like they’re sunbathing.




Sub: Seagull flocks in the middle of tanning (?)




MC: Oh, it’s my first time seeing them up close.




H: Wow, it’s so cool.




H: Oh, they’re cute!








At the 2:00 mark.




Y: Yahh, they’re scary!




H: What?




H: I want to go down there!




Y: Did you ever try this before?




H: No, I haven’t.




Y: Yeah, me neither.




Sub: Both of them trying it for the first time…




H: Really?




Y: Yeah. I’ve always wanted to do it.




Sub: finally going down to the beach…




Y: Hey! Galmaeg~! [NOTE:‘Galmaegi’ is seagull in Korean.]




MC: I did it there once too.




MC: With who?




MC: With…er…my 2AM brothers.




MC: They told me they had never been there. Who did you go with?




Y: Should we walk down?




H: Okay.




Y: Kids! Let’s eat!




H: Maegi, maegi! [NOTE: See above note.] They’re running away?




Sub: the seagulls not paying much attention…




Y: Hey, guys!




Sub: suddenly!




Sub: the seagulls reacting to the shrimp crackers…




MC: Oh, it’s like in that one Hitchcock movie, with the birds...




Sub: the seagulls catching everything that’s thrown at them…!








At the 3:05 mark.




MC: It’s like a horror movie.




MC: The seagull brigade…




Sub: in the middle of that…




Y: Seohyun, let’s go!






Sub: hurriedly taking care of his wife…




Sub: running away…




MC: Oh, look at that!




Sub: in the end…!




Sub: gives up the entire bag…




MC: They lost it.




Sub: barely escaping…




MC: They must’ve bought it to look romantic…




Y: I looked up, and…I really couldn’t see the sky at all. Because the seagulls, just…I was so surprised, I left Seohyun behind.




MC: He ditches Seohyun to save himself.




Y: And then I remembered, so I went back to get her.




H: Why did you throw it away? We need to get it back.








At the 4:00 mark.




H: The chips, the chips.




H: Hurry.




Sub: being led by her hand…




Sub: on their way to rescue (?) the shrimp crackers




Y: How do we get in there?




H: Do it while yelling “Wuuhhhhhh.”




Sub: Charge…!




Y: Go away!




H: Go away! Pigeons!




MC: She called them pigeons.




Y: I wonder how they smell it?




H: I know, right.




H: I think they’re going to surround us again.




Sub: trying again…




MC: A lot of them are coming again!




Sub: success!




Sub: with their luck…one more time!








At the 5:00 mark.




Sub: the seagulls flocking from the smell!




Y: Hey, run away!




MC: That looks fun!




Y: No, no, I’m not giving you any!




MC: The seagulls’ love for shrimp crackers is close to godliness




MC: When the seagulls turn angry, they take a dump.




MC: On their heads.




MC: Look at his leg!




Y: They look like kites.




MC: Not giving up, trying to feed them again…!




Y: Yeah! Okay, next!




MC: When I do that, I don’t do itlike that.




MC: How do you do it?








At the 6:00 mark.




MC: You have to call their names. Jonathan! Sebastian!




Y: Here, you try.




Sub: Hyun tries it too…




Y: Stay still.




H: Wow! It’s fun.




MC: It’s fun, she says.




Sub: looks like they’re getting closer ^^




H: Now it’s getting…a little tired. It’s really fun, though.




H: The next day, I got cramps in my legs. Really. At the time, it was so fun and exciting, so I didn’t notice, but then I thought about it and I realized that I had run so much.




Y: I now know…how to go back to our house with the seagulls in tow. I can go back to Sangdo-dong with them.With the cookies…about 300 seagulls.




Sub: after spending some time with the Busan seagulls…




Y: Move! I’m leaving, I’m going to leave! Don’t come near me!








At the 7:00 mark.




Y: Hyung’s going to leave.




Sub: just then!




H: Waaaah!




H: They went to the grandmother over there!




Sub: the seagull-calling maiden




MC: Wow, I never saw that happen.




Sub: Haewoondae seagull ahjumma appears




Sub: suddenly!




H: Wahh!




Sub: seagull master trainer Yong…?!!




Sub: b.u.t.!




Sub: his seagull friends all flying away




Sub: after running their hearts out with the Busan seagulls




H: Ahh~it’s nice.




MC: Both of them seem tired out.




Y: Let’s go ride the boat!




H: Boat?




Y: Riding the boat.




Sea: suddenly bringing up a boat…?!




H: What boat?




Y: “Busan’s Landmark, Amazing Tours.”








At the 8:00 mark.




H: Is that what we’re riding?




Y: Yeah, that goes all the way to America.




H: Really. How many days does it take?




Sub: Hyun’s jokes getting similar to Yong’s




Y: Around 35 days?




MC: That boat goes around Oryook-do. [NOTE: An island off the coast of Busan.]




MC: Oh, on the boat.




MC: There’s a song about that, “The boat going around…” is that what it’s about?




Sub: coming to ride the cruise ship




Y: If both a goguma and I fall into the sea, which one would you save?




H: Of course I’d save the goguma.




MC: She would save the goguma.




MC: Well, they’re the goguma couple, after all.




Sub: time to ride the boat…




H: Wow, it’s so nice~!




MC: It’s really nice!








At the 9:00 mark.




MC: Jonghyun, you know that place, right?




Sub: today’s Busan guide, Jonghyun




MC: Actually, Busan natives probably don’t know Oryook-do that well.




MC: From all the Busan people I’ve known, you’re the only one that doesn’t know about Oryook-do.




Sub: the boat finally starts…




H: Should we sit here?




H: Oh, thank you. You’re cold, right?




Y: No, I’m fine.




H: Isn’t it a bit like a kimbap? [NOTE: Korean sushi roll, where you roll a black piece of seaweed around the insides, usually consisting of white rice and a variety of vegetables.]




Y: Kimbap?




H: I’m not really cold…are you cold?




Y: My hands are cold.




H: Is that warm?




Y: Yeah.








Moving on to Part 2.




Sub: finally…!




Captain: I’ll be giving a talk about Oryook-do.




Sub: the captain’s informative talk begins




Sub: the two people deeply~falling into the Haewoondae tour




Sub: Oryook-do, depending on the direction in which it is looked at…can be either 5 islands or six islands…[NOTE: 5 = ‘oh’. 6 = ‘yook’. Put together, it is pronounced ‘oryook’, or literally, ‘5-6’. So the island’s name in English would be “five-six island”.]




MC: Oh, so the number of islands can change depending on the direction.




Sub: And…!




Captain: you will see a white substance(?) flowing down the island.




Sub: a white island on top of the blue ocean…!




Captain: those would be the excrement of birds.




MC: excrement of birds.




Sub: a whi~te work of art…!




H: Wow, it’s the best, right?




Sub: the captain’s lecture(?) ends~!




Sub: going around the Haewoondae sea








At the 1:00 mark.




Sub: returning to the pier~




Sub: the couple finishing their cruise




Y: It’s getting dark.




H: Those people don’t seem scared.




Y: They’re veterans.




H: It seems to be getting colder.




Y: Seohyun.




H: Why did you do that?




Sub: Had done a lock-armed version at their Japan trip




Y: I thought a lot about that.




H: What kind of thoughts?




Y: Seohyun actually did it.




H: Ha! Really?




Y: This is important.




H: But I was comfortable…




Y: Really?








At the 2:00 mark.




H: Yeah, it’s comfortable when it’s like…but your hand…




Sub: then…




H: Today, something…is missing.




Sub: something is suddenly missing…?!




Y: What?




H: What can it be?




Y: What is it?




H: I…my neck is missing something.




MC: Does she want a scarf?




H: I wonder why?




Y: Huh?




H: Sit.




Y: Why is your neck feeling empty?




H: It’s just missing something.




Y: The necklace?




H: That’s right.




Sub: about the necklace…




Y: the butterfly necklace?




H: Yeah!




MC: Oh, the one he gave as a present?




Sub: his birthday present to her at Ganghwa-do




H: Do you remember what it looks like?




Y: Of course I remember.




H: Do you think you would know if I had it on?








At the 3:00 mark.




Y: I would know if I saw.




H: Ahhh, really!




Y: What?




H: You don’t have very good eyes.




Y: Why?




H: Do you know how much I’ve been wearing the butterfly necklace?




MC: She had it on in Japan, too. And in Ganghwa-do.




Sub: if it’s with Yonghwa, the necklace is always there…!




H: You don’t know, right?




MC: His face doesn’t know about it at all.




H: I did it the last time, and the time before that, and I always had it on! And you didn’t know about it.




Sub: But Yong didn’t know!?




Y: Oh, I knew about that!




H: What?? Really? Are you sure you didn’t know about it?




Y: Why wouldn’t I know that?




H: I thought you didn’t know.




Y: Why wouldn’t I?




H: Because you didn’t say anything.




Y: Oh, like “You have it on today~”?




H: Yeah.








At the 4:00 mark.




MC: She wanted to hear things like, “Oh, it looks pretty…”




MC: That one phrase…




MC: Is that so hard?




H: I thought you had forgotten about it.




Y: The present? Why would I forget about that, I paid for it!




Sub: this is the way a man works(?)!




MC: So simple.




H: I thought you didn’t know.




MC: But if he doesn’t express it, how would she know.




H: I shouldn’t wear it next time. I think Yong oppa’s, like, he wouldn’t say anything when I do it, but would ask about it if I’m not wearing it. Should I try doing that?




PD: Are you upset?




H: Not exactly upset, but…yeah, I guess I’m upset.




Y: I always saw her wearing it, but I didn’t know I was supposed to say something about it. Next time, when I see it, I’m going to mention it a lot.




H: Then I guess I’ll put it back on.








At the 5:00 mark.




Sub: was hiding the necklace…




MC: She has it with her?




Y: But then, in the morning,you…#$@%$!^!^& [NOTE: Undecipherable, sorry…I tried my best… ^_^]




H: You didn’t do it!




Y: Okay, okay. So that’s what you wanted, our Seohyun…




H: What do you mean, want? Ah, really…




Y: I was just looking at it, like “oh, she has it on…”




H: Ahhh, really, my…




Y: What?




H: Nothing.




H: Really…




Y: You probably wouldn’t know~ if you had the butterfly necklace on~ [NOTE: Another popular Korean song, back in the day.]




Y: You should’ve asked about it.




H: I was going to…but…I forgot. From now on, tell me.




Y: Okay.




H: Let’s go. Go!




Y: Go where?




H: Somewhere.




Y: You know the way?




H: Let’s just go somewhere.




MC: They’re in Busan, where would she go.




Y: I need to call my friend.




Sub: Yong husband’s friend!!








At the 6:00 mark.




MC: Yonghwa’s friends.




Friend: hello?




Y: Oh, where are you?




Sub: Yong’s friends…perhaps…




Friend: I’m on my way.




Sub: your friends…do you still meet them?




Friend: hang on a few minutes, I’ll be there quickly.




H: I’m curious.




MC: This should be interesting.








Moving on to Part 3.




Y: He should be here by now…




Phone: unable to connect to caller. Please leave a…




Sub: his friend still seems to be lost…




H: Are you sure he’s coming?




H: I wonder where he is…




Y: I think there’s going to be around 4 people.




MC: Yonghwa’s friends really got daebaked, meeting a member of SNSD. [NOTE: That’s the best way I can phrase it…the close translation would be ‘really really lucky’.]




Y: They’re friends that I’ve been close with since elementary school.




Sub: his closest friends for his whole life!




MC: They’re his closest friends.




Y: They’re my friends from the neighborhood, I know them better than anyone else, and I really wanted to introduce them to Seohyun.




Phone: unable to connect to caller. Please…




H: Were you left behind?




Y: Impossible.




MC: I think his friends are going to be very masculine.




Y: We’re doo-maek-paem.




Sub: Yong’s friends =doo-maek-paem




H: What does that mean?








At the 1:00 mark.




Y: Doosil McDonald Family. [NOTE:Doosil is the neighborhood where Yonghwa and friends grew up. Doo-Mc-Fam, or doo-maek-paem.]




MC: Oh, that was where they all met?




Y: They’re all very kind and nice.




H: Really? They wouldn’t be uncomfortable around me, right?




Y: It’ll be okay if you’re not uncomfortable around them.




H: Okay.




MC: She needs to do well when she meets his friends, it’s a way to boost his morale.




Y: He should be here by now…Jinsuk!




H: Where would he hear that?




Y: He could hear it. Jung Jinsuk!




Sub: Will Jinsuk show up… [NOTE: the music playing here is from a TV show called “Love Through the Television” where a celebrity would be reunited with their long-lost friends. The show would reach its climax when the celebrity would shout out the name of his/her friend, who would appear through a door.]




Y: Oh, Yonghwa…did you call me?




MC: I wonder if he will show up.




Y: Oh, he’s here!




H: Really?




Sub: Finally!




Sub: Jinsuk chingoo arriving after going seven times around the block




H: Oh, is that him?




Sub: Yong very happy at meeting his best friend








At the 2:00 mark.




Y: This is Jinsuk.




H: Hello…this is my first time meeting you.




Jinsuk: Hello, I’m Jinsuk…I was Yonghwa’s friend since elementary school.




H: Oh, really? Glad to meet you.




Jinsuk: Sorry, you waited a long time, right?




MC: He looks cute.




Jinsuk: I went on the wrong road, so…




Y: Jinsuk, this is Seohyun…




H: doo-maec-paem…of course.




Jinsuk: let’s be comfortable…go comfortable…let’s just go…ugh.




Sub: the person more nervous that Hyun wife




Jinsuk: we need to stop by Busan-dae to pick up Yejie.




Sub: Yejie! A female name??




MC: Oh, it’s a female name?




Y: Her name is Yejie, she’s the sole female member of our doo-maek-paem.




Sub: there’s a girl among her husband’s friends!








At the 3:00 mark.




MC: There’s a female?




H: Yejie unnie…




H: She must be a little…tomboyish.




Y: No, she’s not really a tomboy.




H: Then what?




Y: She’s a comfortable friend.




MC: She might be a little upset atthat.




Y: Hey, do you remember how we grew so close to Yejie?




Y: She’s really comfortable to be around, you know…I don’t see her as female.




MC: If he says that, what’s Yejie’s position going to be?




Sub: meanwhile…arriving near Busan-dae




MC: Budae is the Busan equivalent of Hongdae in Seoul.It’s narrow and small, but it has everything. [NOTE: Both are popular places for teenagers.]




MC: He finally said something.




Sub: Calling Yejie…




Yejie: Yeah.




Y: Where are you?








At the 4:00 mark.




Yejie: I’m at #$@%.




Y: I’m almost there with Jinsuk.




Yejie: Yeah.




Y: Wait outside, we’re almost there.




Yejie: Okay…Jung Yong…




Y: Jung Yong…really.




MC: I wonder what her reaction would be to seeing his close female friend?




MC: Whether she’s better than me or not.




MC: And on top of that, if she’s prettier…




MC: It’s either she hates her, or they become friends.




Sub: Finally…!




Sub: Arriving in front of Busan-dae!




Y: Oh, I see Yejie.




H: Where?




Sub: There…




Sub: Yejie chingoo entering…




Y: Yejie!




Yejie: Hello…yah, what am I supposed to do?








At the 5:00 mark.




MC: She’s cute.




Yejie: It’s so hard to look ather. [NOTE: Not 100% positive. Busan accent…]




H: Hello.




Yejie: Hello…omona.




MC: Omona.




MC: Oh, they’re doing well.




Yejie: You have a really small face.




Y: Yejie! Aren’t you happy to see me?




Sub: Yong becoming invisible thanks to Hyun




Yejie: It’s a celebrity…#$@%. [NOTE: GOD, I HATE TRANSLATING DIALECT.]




MC: #$@%.




Y: She’s a Busan-style girl.




H: At first, I thought the doo-maek-paem would be all guys, but…I was really surprised when I heard there was a girl. But when I saw her, she was really cute, and her face was really white, and she looked pretty.








At the 6:03 mark.




Sub: on their way to pick up their last friends




Yejie: Actually, you know what. Do you think I should’ve put on more makeup?




Y: No, it’s fine.




Sub: Busan girl paying attention to her face for her first broadcast




MC: Because she’s on broadcast.




Jinsuk: Now we need to get Ookhun and go straight up.




MC: Oh, I know Ookhun.




MC: You know him?




Yejie: Would you like some gum?




Sub: Friendship flowing through a piece of gum




Sub: Finally arriving at their last pick-up place!




Sub: Here…!




Sub: Doosil’s hamburger place








At the 7:00 mark.




Y: There they are.




Sub: Last friends for today!




MC: Oh, he’s really happy!




MC: He’s meeting them after awhile.




MC: He must’ve been busy, so he wouldn’t have had the time.




MC: That’s right.




Y: Why did you two dress up so well?




H: This my first time meeting you, hello. [NOTE: In case you’re curious…the phrase “this is my first time meetingyou” is a standard way of greeting when you’re being introduced to a new person.]




Y: Lee Donghyun, and Kang Ookhun.




Sub: finished with bringing together Yong’s close friends!








At the 8:00 mark.




Y: Ookhui. [NOTE: Ookhun with an accent.]




Sub: starting for Bhumuh-sa…!




MC: Where’s Bhumuh-sa?




MC: It’s in Busan, it’s a very famous temple.




MC: There must be a famous café nearby?




MC: Oh, the café…well, I’ve never been there, so…




Y: How’s meeting SNSD’s Seohyun?




Ookhun: Never thought a day like this would come in my life. [NOTE: Korean idiom, this is the closest English translation.]




Yejie: I’ve only been seeing you through posters.




Jinsuk: Me too, me too.




Ookhun: From about 100 m away…




Donghyun: I have the calendar.




Sub: everyone having an interest in Hyun wife




H: Oh, really?




Y: What are you doing?




Donghyun: getting acclimatized.




Y: Why are you being so shy?




Ookhun: Aigoo…don’t be like this.




Sub: Don’t be like that…^^




Sub: going through mountain roads




Sub: heading to a café nearby Bhumuh-sa…!




At the 9:00 mark.




Sub: finally here!




Y: Yejie! You lost some weight!




Yejie: Don’t even say anything. It was hard.




Y: Why? What did you do?




Yejie: All I ate were gogumas.




Yejie: I like gogumas too.




H: Uuooooh!




Y: Jinsuk! Wait.




Sub: affection display in front of friends




Sub: mass ignoring




Y: Why is Yejie going first?




Sub: heading towards the mountain café that Jinsuk scouted…!




At the 10:00 mark.




Sub: friends attempting to sit according to their preference(?)




MC: It’s not really a fancy café, but more like…




Yejie: You two should face each other.




Sub: in conference…for a while




Sub: finished adjusting places…!




Jinsuk: glad to meet you.




Y: what do you mean, glad?




MC: It’s awkward.




MC: Awkward.




Y: Jinsuk has a knack for finding out these places.




Yejie: picking out places where other people don’t know about…




Jinsuk: we need to formally introduce ourselves now.




Yejie: you start first.




Oohkun: No, don’t start with me.




Y: Seo Joo-hyun.




H: It’s Seohyun.




Sub: united…applause!




Y: You guys are applauding to that?




Y: Jung Jinsuk.








At the 11:00 mark.




Y: Moon Yejie.




Yejie: What?




Y: Don’t worry about your image.




Y: Lee Donghyun and Kang Ookhun.




Y: How is it, seeing Seohyun? Now that you’ve seen Seo Joohyun.




Ookhun: Aish…stop calling on me first.




MC: He’s a friend who cares for others.




Y: He’s the kind that butts into other people’s conversations.




Y: Jinsuk…how do you feel?




Jinsuk: Well, just…I can’t say anything.




MC: He must’ve done some research.




MC: He seems to be the type who handles all the work between his friends.




Yejie: But, you know. I didn’t know it when I was watching TV, but your face is really small.




Ookhun: So you’re saying her face is big on TV?




Yejie: No, no, all I’m saying is, honestly…








At the 12:00 mark.




Y: This is Busan style. They’re not fighting or anything.




H: Okay.




Sub: innocent boys find it hard to even say their first impressions




Donghyun: Well, I feel really happy, after seeing you so much on TV, so…




Ookhun: blessed.




MC: Ookhun's talented at paring down words.




Sub: then Hyun wife’s first thoughts?




H: They’re all very nice and innocent, I think.




Yejie: You don’t know us yet.




Y: Don’t make up things to say on purpose!




Sub: but all they’ve done is go through introductions






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Guest sofia-la

Hi! I just wanna say that I love this chapter and also mention my favorite part of it.... some people mention it before but ... it was at the end of the necklace argument, Yong pats Seo´s legs and she doesn´t say anything at all. It´s totally innocent but its great to see them so confortable with each other and specially SeoHyun that never lets people touch her ...

Thanks to all the people that made translations , caps, summary, etc

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Guest toomuchsmiling




MountainMadMan, M3- Thank you so much for trans. :)




FINALLY I CAN POST!!!!! I was out all day (and i didn't get to watch it live last nite) but that's fine cuz i waited for theSoneSource19 to post their amazing quality youtube links!!


I watched it when I woke up this morning, when i got back home this evening, and then came her to check out the trans and read everyone's spazzes. :lol:




SUCH a good episode. so much natural skinship!! :wub:


-the seagull attack. what more should i say? :lol: i loved it when they played the OST for Secret Garden when they were being chased. hilarious. (in case ppl don't really know the meaning of that part of the lyrics it kinda goes 'why do you always appear before my eyes?? why do you always appear??') just funny how they referred these lyrics to the seagulls. ahaha.




meeting friends!! i'm excited for how that meeting went, and that cafe looked totally cute. I hope they grow more comfortable in front of Seohyun cuz those two guys who sat on Yeji's side seem to be like they're the goofballs, the funny guys. i really hope they open up more. :)


OH btw! anyone else besides me like it when Yong officially introduced her to them all as "Seo Ju Hyun"? even though she said after "Seohyun"? :wub:




mmm, idk about u gogumas but the Busan ep is taking longer for me than i expected. I'm thinking we won't be able to see the Wedding Shoot on their 1 year anniversary broadcast week? or is that just me? :unsure: NOT that i'm unhappy with that, i'm glad we see more and everything, i guess i just wish for more airtime)



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Guest love_andy94
































































































































































































































































































































































































Just reposting the links for the new ep :)
































































































































































































































































Part 1: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=-LoRo60GHAg
































































































































































































































































Part  2: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=WkOLIwdX6vY
































































































































































































































































Part  3: http://www.youtube.c...feature=related

































































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First of all, i want to say thank you very much to M3 for helping us to understand all of this very fast..


I also enjoy watching and smiling same as you guys almost throught out this episode but huh!!! I really really don't want to say this but my smile fade away when realize when they went to that coffee shop it was quite late at night and these might means we might haven't a had chance to see Hyun visit Yong's house. After think about the possiblity I feel sad and indeed crazy think about whether Hyun had a chance to visit Yong's house or not? May be she went there for a personal and PD didn't show on screen. But base on time line I think they haven't had time left to visit there.


What do you think? Pls. kindly help me think about other sides that might be, so I can smile wider.[/font]



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About the recent episode...




















It was so fun watching our couple being attacked by seagulls. I was laughing hard and again I say EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED with this couple. It was supposed to be a romantic event but it became fun and exhilirating experience for them instead. For me the seagulls attack made that day more memorable for them.




















As for the necklace, I was a bit shocked with Seohyun's reaction. She's really experiencing the first time relationship with a guy. Fishing out compliments. Wanting to be noticed. It was fun watching her like that. Yong being clueless as he is is also fun to watch because he was caught off guard with Seohyun's reaction. At least now he knows. hehehe




















Yong and his friends. Did you notice that he was ever so careful when he was talking about Yejie? He even told Seohyun that Yejie is just a comfortable-to-be-with-kind-of-friend. I think he mentioned it twice. He wants Seohyun to understand that there's no other kind of relationship with Yejie except friendship. He didn't want Seohyun to misinterpret anything and I think that's sweet of him.




















Introducing Seohyun by her real name to his childhood friends is really sweet for me. Everyone in Korea knows who she is, the maknae of SNSD called Seohyun. But it has a more real feeling when he introduced her as Seo Joohyun.




















To sum it up more, I believe that this episode had made them closer than before and that's all that matters, right?









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Guest Seychan
















































zheezy: I don't know my thinkin' can make you more happy but you can noticed in new ep, when Yong & Huyn take a boat, look at clock, it's 14:30h. I think time for this trip is not long. And when Yong & Huyn call for Yong's friend, it's still at afternoon. Not late. I think (maybe) Yong & Huyn come back to Yong's house and have a wonderful time with mother-in-law. Because like we see, when YongSeo wait his friends, the sky was completely dark.
















Don't sad chingu, be happy when see this new ep. So sweet... I'm dreaming of the day Yong hug Huyn. I think maybe in ski  blush.gif
















About the way Yong called Huyn :"Seo Joo Huyn". I saw so many show of SNSD, especially at show "Hello baby", you can heard SNSD unnies always call Huyn "Joo Huyn". I think the only people so close with Huyn whom can call her like this, like SNSD unnies and now is Yong seobang. The way he call.. so natural and sweet. Totally love Yong seobang and Huyn buin  :">
















We have a lot of interview this new ep. :) missed them so much. And look at Yong & Huyn in interview. So handsome and beautiful. And don't still have Huyn's shy and uncomfortably. Huyn totally beautiful and confident. It's make her more beautiful. And Yong seobang, I don't know wht you guys think but I feel body of Yong seem bigger and manly. Or simply because his shirt :)) I like his hair's color :">

































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Guest fabiistar07
















Congratulatory Message (1 year of marriage): One year together has passed, it has been full of fun and joyfull memories for everyone. You've each grown and learned so much together. Always trust and take care of eachother as well as you've been doing now. Happy One-Year Anniversary Yong~❤Hyun~ ^_____^




Valentine's day Message: Make this Valentine's Day very special for both of you and be filled with love. I hope that you cherish it, enjoy it, and keep growing closer to eachother. Always fighting Yong~❤Hyun~!




I don't know if I'm supposed to sign it with my name or not but just in case my name is Fabiola kekeke





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something random abt yong's friends


like yejie said, hyun has not seen anything yet. :sweatingbullets:

the guy on the right seems to be as goofy as jungshin, while the other one reminds me

as minhyuk (he is shy but can't seem to take his eyes off hyun) kekeke

starstruck? i'd say...

to those who got 'confused' with mountainmadman's nick,

u can just call him M3.

i think he is nice enough not to mind abt it. err..right M3?

and some of u say they missed the awkward yongseo moments?

well, yongseo has been 'married' for almost a year,

the awkwardness should be gone by now.

but its not totally gone because i still see some now and then.

for instance, after they bicker abt the necklace, u can see hyun fidgeting a bit

and wanting to go.

to me, this is one of the awkward moment where she is embarrassed

for bringing up the subject. :rolleyes:

well, to others, this scene means nothing..

but to me, the awkwardness is still there.. :phew:

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Guest hafiq890














allu gogumas~~~










i'm still waiting for the subbed one...can't wait for it...










totally a lot of things to spazz about..uhu




















anyway, thaks for all of you who responsible for translating it..thank u so much~~~










i'm really want to type mountainmadman ( translator ) name here...but i think,not only him right?so,its better appreciating all of them~thanks~

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YONGSEO~~~~be happy always...love u two forever~



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Congratulatory Message for 1st Year of Marriage :




Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun, it's been one year of your marriage, both of you met this day a year ago, not knowing anything about each other.


Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun, a year has passed, a year filled with awkwardness, getting to know each other, friendship, laughter, and what may come in the future, love.


Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun, may your 2nd year of marriage will be filled with more awkwardness (that we love), more laughter, a stronger bond of friendship which could blossomed into relationship, and filled with joy of being in love with each other.




Valentine Day Message :




May your valentine day be filled with love and laughter. Make it as special as it can be, and don't be afraid to show what both of you are feeling. Both of you are special individual and together, both of you make miracle.


So make yourself a Miracle Valentine Day that both of you will cherish in the future, TOGETHER.




P.S : If we could send all of this greetings in a paper and send it to them it would DAEBAK, cause 1st year marrige anniversary gift is PAPER, right??



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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Message for 1st Year of Marriage
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jung Yonghwa ♥ Seo Ju Hyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You guys have been together for 1 year now, please continue your journey. We, gogumas, will pray and support you
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Be happy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Message for Valentine
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa ah~, let's kiss her! lol

































































































































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Guest starfish_29






Message for the 1st year anniversary:





Jung Yong Hwa <3 Seo Hyun





Yehey! It's been a year for the both of you. It is so nice to watch you two every saturday afternoon get really bubbly after watching. I can feel the love. Be happy both of you and cherish each other. Live life to the fullest.





Valentine's day Message:





Jung Yong Hwa <3 Seo Hyun





Happy Valentine's day. Let us celebrate the season of love. Cherish the love. Please Yong Hwa date Hyun. Please. :) hahaha. We would love that. Really! 





Fighting Goguma couple. Seohwa. Yongseo. :)



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Guest nurulzminoz
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello!! ~ ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wanna post my message for YongSeo's 1st anniv!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jung Yonghwa♥Seo Joohyun, happy 1st anniversary of your marriage. A year with togetherness, with happiness, with awkwardness at first, and with many unforgetable moments, I'm happy for both of you. Be a long-lasting couple, please :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope there'll be another anniv for both of you~^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A lot of love from me!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*kekeke, sorry if my message is too long :DD* Thank you!

































































































































































































































































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Guest ahn_annann




















Thank you so much for all translations.












Semi-fly .. Many thanks for raw videos and your helps ! ..
























YongSeo Ep41












share my caps :




















































































she is my wife ..









































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