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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































I have to control my laugh during the birds is attack part... hahahaha that was hilarious... my good, Yongwha dont you ever change, we love you as you are!!!
















































































And I loved the part were SH rubbed his hands because he was cold... the thing I liked the most is that she was very natural about it, didnt think it twice... She is so hardworking and I love to see her growth.
















































































About the friends, they look really nice and I am so glad YH have the presence of mind to invite at least one woman, it was very good... It helped SH and make things a little more comfortable... but why do I have a feeling that her face stiffened when she hear YH mentioning his girl friend.... Maybe it was just my imagination, but it remainded me, how I react when I try to control my emotions, before everyone notice if I am upset or something...
















































































Well, maybe it was my imagination, it is almost 5:00 a.m. in my country and I need more sleep.
















































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas! Another daebak episode await for us next week!!!

















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......and the last part:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WkjYUXIPLU
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Thank you TheSoneSource19 very much!wub.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest Seychan
















































In the past, when no preview, we are sad, we speculate and worry but now we are glad hat PDnim will give us the bigger surprises about YongSeo couple in next ep :wub:
















I absolutely loved the episode today. I like when YongSeo can hold hands naturally and comfortably. They are totally happy together, They're together such as the world that only two people in love. Flirt and flirt :wub: Yong choding as usual, I like when they run and hold hands. The view's beautiful like a K-drama. Look our YongSeo couple, how sweet... love love love
















I can not stop shouting "OMG" when I see the scenes when they're in boat, Yong holding hands Huyn and make them warm and deabak, Huyn make again. OMG, why are they so sweet. *faint*
















I like all the scenes they hold hands. How sweet and comfortably. Totally deabak <3
















I noticed that when they hang out with Yong's friends, seem to be already late. They film for a long time more than this ep are played. Yong & Huyn must be very tired. Huyn buin, she come back to Seoul at this night? I'm so curios right now :phew: And I remember mother-in-law said before with YongSeo, after going out, come back home . *curios, curios* ;)
















I really admire and thank PDnims, how they can choose the pair together to look like that. All 3 couples look like each other are unbelievable. I tried to think and pairing Yong and Huyn with other celebrity but don't look good. Yong & Huyn is no.1. Best best choice ever.
















It's destiny, they're totally matched together about face, figure, talent and personality. No one can resist it.
















Why I always feel so short for YongSeo? :(( 30' but I still want more and more. Next Saturday is so long for wait :((
















Thank u so much M3 so much so much. Thank soshisoshisoshi for shari' putputys's vid and Smabi for better video :)

































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I had the same feeling Kerube-chan :rolleyes: Hyun's face is really something kekeke...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG what a great episode! I can't choose a particular part, I love all about it, Seagull attack, holding hands, warming hands :wub:, sharing scarf, necklace mini fight so cute, friends!!! hahaha... I like Yong saying that ship was going to US and that it would take 35 days LOL... Yong we know you want your wife just for your own but you have to share her with us... face it Yong, you just can't run away with her :lol:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank U all guys for pictures, links, the futures gifs, translation and for the spazz, I think we had a great time in chat box ^^.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And a big BIG thank you to MountainMadman, you are the best!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































No preview?, Well, something really good happens when there is not preview, remember? ( ep 27,banmal song):wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you all Gogumas, keep spazzing!!!

































































































































































































































































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i notice that too, kerube.

but i'll wait for M3's full trans and see what the caption said.

i hope hyun is not jealous when yong mentioned yoja to her..

to refer yong's female friend as his girl friend sound soo wrong to me.. kekeke

so no preview? no problem..

something daebak awaits us! ;):w00t:


tks semifly!

panGG, see u in the chatroom next week!

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wow! that was a skinship-y episode right there! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































first of all, thanks everyone especially to MOUNTAINMADMAN for that epic live trans. *90 degree bow*
































































































































































































































































































































































besides the seagull attack, the lovely and cute bickering, i must say my fave one would have to be their natural holding hands with yong's friends around (going to the cafe). i mean we have all noticed how these two would have skinships whenever there's few people around and i just love the fact that did that. it was a really a leap seeing them around cnblue and soshi but i felt something special with that scene. i dunno, maybe it's just me but i REALLY love that part.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































honestly, don't you think it's more exciting that they didn't show any preview since it was put on news what role will yejin play? :sweatingbullets::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































anyways, im just happy seeing them at this level of comfort. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































thanks y'all for your everything in this thread!
































































































































































































































































































































































*back to lurker mode*

































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AIGOO. I missed the live chat! >:T




btw does anyone know when it goes on NYC time? I need to translate it next week but I either have to stay up or wake up supa early to catch it.




But anyway after I saw today's episode... omona!! I think I got a toothache! too much sweetness!




1) ... omg when they fed the seagulls I was laughing so hard. Oy they are so cute! feeding the birds together shrimp crackers. pwahaha they were literally swarming the goguma couple! then again if I was a seagull and I saw the couple I would swarm them also! pwahah




2) the shared scarf. Even though this scene wasn't as long as i thought it was going to be it was still really sweet nonetheless. Each knew that they were cold and together shared the scarf anyway. agioo.. the power of LOVEEEEE.




3) when they were warming each others hands. totally a cute couple moment.. they dont want to see each other cold!




4) omg seohyun and her little tantrums are soo adorable. It's really cute to see that the couple is still really awkwardnot towards each other but awkward when it comes to expressing their feelings. (if that made any sense at all :P)




5) Oh do we see a little jealous side of seohyun? when Yong~ said that they were going to pick up a girl you could totally tell she was surprised. I don't think Hyun was jealous because he was with a girl. That would be not likHyun to think like that. I think she is jealous of the girl- friend b/c yong hung out with a girl when he was younger so she knows a side to him that she would never fully know.




6) Even this one doesn't pretend to the couple. OMG Yong's friends as so funny! especially when the one friend almost smashed his head into the camera b/c he was so tall. omg i almost spilled my drink. and the fact that they were jealous and ignored Yong when he linked arms with Hyun was so funny! I like this group of friends they are hysterical. Also when they were sitting down and the two guys started to look up instead of across the table. omg AWKWARD yet so funny!




So yep these are my thoughts on the ep so far.




Thanks Mountainmadman for the awesome/fast translations!







I'll try my best for next week!!! rest up!





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Thank you Dduk and Mountainmadman so much. words can not express how we are thankful to you. stay up late and do all this for us.

This epsiode is so sweet and funny at the same time. i laught so much. hahaha. this couple is super cute. and i have to say PDnim is genuis because she can pick this couple. the age and everything is so match.

back to rewatch video:-)


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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































fancam (of Yoona) that (sort of) shows Yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































rjcm127, did you mean this moment? All the girls are cracking up here except for Seohyun - Supreme Team, SNSD, Seohyun(?) . However, it doesn't seem like they are singling her out as no one's really teasing her...I may have the wrong vid. -.-"































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post short. I couldn't open your link, but I was talking about this video around 3:37 and the SNSD girls are laughing at 3:41Supreme Team Performance . I just found it amusing that the line he raps out seems to reflect how Seohyun character really abides by rules..

































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Guest Faith_memory









OMO today's episode was really funny!! the seagulls attack, i was about to die laughing.. keke! busan is such a nice place i wanna go there too and feed the seagulls. the skinship is becoming really OFTEN nowadays, kekeke~ with awkward positions of hands. Seohyun is really comfortably now, while talking to yonghwa and stuffs.. hahaha! I like this side of hers. And yonghwa, gawd he is so enjoying everything. haha!







the studio is NEW! i think i like it actually. junghyun must be jealous because yonghwa is at busan keke. anyway, he's close to yonghwa so it is good to pick him to be in there as a special mc, he knows yonghwa alot i guess.







yonghwas friends are really funny in some points, busan boys are really interesting and the one driving looks like someone in a drama or something kekeke.. he looks very wealthy. and Yejin, she is very cute and friendly, i like how she interact well with seohyun. She says "WHY" a lot just like yonghwa o.O







sad that there isn't a preview for next week.. but anyways, today is a yongseo daebak day!


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all the skinship since the first busan episode is driving me crazy. cant stop spazzing and rewatching. I seriously love their natural hand holding.. i lost count of how many times they held hands.naturally! Love it when yonghwa took her hand and held it. aaahhhh and i especially love it when they were holding hands going to the cafe with his friends. that is such a natural couply things to do!
































































































































definitely 'cant let go of each other hands'!

































































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hello gogumas..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































what a loving and funny episode ha!..awkwardness are definitely out of the question...our hyun are definitely open for skinship..cant ask for more..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































M3..youre our angel...you are always here and even voluntarily offering that will makes us more enjoying our couple
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































we could feel your luv to our couple, you always give your time, talent to make us understand and enjoy our couple..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you from the bottom of our hearts..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DDUK...thank you, M3 and you are a perfect team...fighting..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest chilipadi_22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































many many many many thanks to m3 and dduk for the live translaions.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































really really really really really appreciate it!! *120 degree bow*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































today's episode was totally daebak!!!! (Y)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they held hand so very naturally now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the seagull attack. hahahahha:) HILARIOUS.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the boat ride. sharing of scarf abnd warming of each others hands. GOSH!! OMO!! sweet to the max. 0.0 *envious envious*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































necklace mini fight. hyun buin wants more attention from yong nampyeon. ARE THEY REALLY IN LOVE??? thats what normal couples do. hmmmmm....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































meeting of yong's friends. hyun's jealous(?) look when yejin picked up yong's call?? hyun ah~ are u jealous that yong has a close yoja chingu?? heehee^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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next week's episode is gonna be daebak again. (Y) *looking forward to it with O.O*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































love is in the air!! ^^

































































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Why did they show this episode? They just added another proof on how real Yongseo is. I mean come on, the meeting with Yonghwa's friends was so real! It's just...this episode is so overwhelming. I really can't deny what's going on between them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































...and what now, Jung Yonghwa? You introduced your girl as Seo Joohyun and she had to remind you about Seohyun. Tsk tsk.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh yeah, the friends surely know not to look at Seohyun. They know how possessive their friend can be. XD

































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Guest kasia3goguma
















Here's a pic of the cafe that Yongseo went to with friends:














c:dc married














Lovely place! I wonder what will happen there in the next episode!!!









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This episode is just so amazing! So natural, so sweet.. and all the skinship~ Aigoo. <3








The seagull part, I was really laughing so much. It was so funny! They were so sweet in the boat, and I surely loved the little bickering over the necklace! Hahaha.








Can't wait for next episode!








Here's a little gif I made. Will share more after dinner! :P


























Thanks to M3 for the translations this week! And to those who shared caps, pic, and everything else~ Thank you!



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First of all, many, many thanks to mountainmadman, without whose real time subs, I would have had no clue what was really going on. It was so much fun spazzing with everyone on the fanclub chatbox - the best way to enjoy Yongseo is with other Gogumas!!
































































































And Yay! It's the return of Yong choding!!!
































































































In the last episode, I really, really liked the very manly Yonghwa that we saw, specially the way he supported his Hyun buin through out. It was obvious that the meeting with Yong's mom was very, very important to both of them. And the start of this episode just reinforces that impression. Both look so relaxed, and so relieved that the meeting went off well. Specially Yong, on that walk to the beach, his cheekbones look like they'll burst any moment :lol:
































































































The easy hand holding, we're seeing it more and more now, but my heart still goes dugeun dugeun when I see them do it. WIll I EVER get enough of their skinship, I don't think so! When they're walking to the beach and are at the beach, each time they let go of each other, my heart sank a bit, but then they would just grab hands again and I'd be flying in go-chun! How can holding hands be so romantic?? How Yongseo? How?
































































































And I totally forgot to check if they were walking in sync again, but I'm sure they were.
































































































The seagull attack was hilarious, but diving birds can be really scary so I don't blame Yong for running away. And why would WGM play Almost Paradise when Yongseo was running is beyond me. Yong leaning against the wall holding Hyun's arm - that scene just killed me. They looked so adorable together. And did anyone notice Yong supporting Hyun's arm when she held it up to feed the birds???
































































































Aah, every second of this episode was ridiculously spazz-worthy. I loved the confident/possessive way Yong grabbed Hyun's hand when they were walking towards the boat. The boat ride was too short, but they were so sweet together. Playing around with the scarf, Hyun leaning on Yong so, soooo, naturally. Its almost unbelievable how far these 2 have come from that first awkward meeting... :wub:
































































































My favorite part for today would have to be the bickering over the necklace! Who would have thought that our nice, quiet, perfect Hyun would get so mad about something like this. And you could just see Yong looking so taken aback, and at the same time finding her totally adorable! The way he looked at her here was just.... I seriously felt like a peeping tom at that time! blush.gif
































































































Haven't re-watched the meeting with the friends yet, but that's probably a good thing, because I really need to calm down. Those guys looked so cute and SO embarrassed..... I can't wait to see how the rest of the meeting plays out. And I personally think it was really nice of Yong to invite a female friend along. It makes it a far more comfortable gathering for Hyun. My heart totally went out to Hyun AND to Yong's friends. They must really, really love him to be willing to do this for him (I'm including Hyun in the 'they' here!) . Obviously his mom was right when she told Hyun that everywhere Yong goes, he's loved.... :wub:
































































































I've smiled so much in this episode, MY cheeks are bursting now. And I'm so going to regret spazzing so much before the subs come out! Because everything will be twice as daebak then I'm sure.....

And on a totally shallow note, how cute is Jonghyun's smile??? Can't wait to hear what he had to say all through!!

































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