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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseorockin




just found it from cnblue thread from saturn's post.


I think it will answer our confusion :D




however, I'm still in heaven about uri yongseo. It's not even saturday. But you guys in soompi are truly DAEBAK.


I imagine my future husband will be as sweet as yong. kekekeke






I am equally confused as well. Don't you need to be a bonsang before you can win the daesang award?


Have been wondering about this the whole of yesterday as to what they were saying..


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Guest gogumacouple4ever




@ yongseorockin. Yes i believe that is correct. Bonsang is needed to qualify for the Daesang. I hope someone with a better knowledge can clarify this up tho since i'm not 100% sure lol.




Anyways, who else is excited for tonight episode!?!?!?!? 




I know i am!!!






* Don't forget to tune into our Fanclub chatbox while watching the ep tonight. MountainMadMan's going to be doing some simple and live translating for us !! *






YongSeo FanClub: http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/yongseo




Much love and respect to all the translators, FBIs, and goguma villagers!









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Hello villagers!
















































































































































































Tomorrow is Yongseo day! Yay!
















































































































































































Reiran18:  So so so cute <3 He was destined to be a handsome man ;)
















































































































































































Genevieveshaun:  I really liked your post, because everything you said is so true :)
















































































































































































The relationship between Seohyun and Yonghwa is so different from what we are used to, that's why they are so interesting. I'm 100% French, born and raised in France, but I guess that it's the same in all european countries: it's very rare to find such a relationship, taking things step after step. Maybe it's even worst here, because we French spend like half of our time kissing each other. We kiss (one on each cheek) just to say "hello"... It's tradition. Like the morning, when I arrive to school, I have to kiss all of my class, which mean 22 persons! And when someone you don't know is with someone you know, you have to kiss this person too, even if you don't know him, because it would be very impolite not to do it. Imagine that WGM took place in France... Seohyun would have to kiss Yonghwa and the 3 others CNBlue members each time she would cross them! (And I'm not even speaking about Yonghwa and SNSD... Can you imagine the scene???)
















































































































































































Well, what I want to explain is that kissing is not a big deal over here, so you can easily imagine that holding hands or hug each other is very common too. That why I like seeing them so shy with each other. It's very different from what I'm used to. It feels somehow new and refreshing, it's another kind of relationship... It's "exotic", in a way. Sure, sometimes, I find it slow, awkward and frustrating, but the fact that they put so much effort makes it even more beautiful.
















































































































































































I guess that in many countries, relationship are done in different way, and for many of us, WGM is a way to discover how other people from the other side of the world deal with love :) That's why we love Yongseo so much <3
















































































































































































MountainMadMan:  Sounds like a good idea! =D That would be awesome if you could do it, thank you so much!
















































































































































































Can't wait for tomorrow!!!! <3

















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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































































Hello to everyone in Go-Chun. If you have not been excited to see tonights epi you should be now... I can't wait to see our couple... It'll be the first official epi without Adam Couple :huh: but i'm glad our Goguma Couple still resides...
































































































































































I have yet to br all the pages since I last lurked around, but I just wanted to comment on both our couples group performances at the 20th High1 Seoul M.A. I loved seeing them on stage and the fact that they are just around each other off WGM is a bonus treat for me...A+ to the camera man who shot Hyun during Yongs performance of Love...The girls performed good, Seohyun was great, but I think they need to rest some more or they could possible be getting the cold, Hyoyeon has it already...CN Blue's performance was different since both songs were played slow.. Different and I liked it.
































































































































































But something I wanted to mention when Supreme Team was performing Dang Dang Dang (SNSD) was all for it and I love the part when E-sens started singing and it looked like he was pointing towards SNSD (possibly seohyun?) because they all started cracking up...I looked up the supreme team video on yt with translations. While moving towards SNSD, It starts with them singing in the middle of stage with "We forget whether it's the summer or the winter outside and we party til the dawn." By the time E-sens and Simon are infront of SNSD and he points towards them it's the part of "So many rules, avoid or break those square standards.Arms and legs keeps on movin, h-h-hurry up and dump them out." :lol: E-sens was soo teasing our Hyun for his buddy, Yong. Tks Buddy!!
































































































































































Can't wait for tonights epi..

































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Guest lovekin




The relationship between Seohyun and Yonghwa is so different from what we are used to, that's why they are so interesting. I'm 100% French, born and raised in France, but I guess that it's the same in all european countries: it's very rare to find such a relationship, taking things step after step. Maybe it's even worst here, because we French spend like half of our time kissing each other. We kiss (one on each cheek) just to say "hello"... It's tradition. Like the morning, when I arrive to school, I have to kiss all of my class, which mean 22 persons! And when someone you don't know is with someone you know, you have to kiss this person too, even if you don't know him, because it would be very impolite not to do it. Imagine that WGM took place in France... Seohyun would have to kiss Yonghwa and the 3 others CNBlue members each time she would cross them! (And I'm not even speaking about Yonghwa and SNSD... Can you imagine the scene???)


Well, what I want to explain is that kissing is not a big deal over here, so you can easily imagine that holding hands or hug each other is very common too. That why I like seeing them so shy with each other. It's very different from what I'm used to. It feels somehow new and refreshing, it's another kind of relationship... It's "exotic", in a way. Sure, sometimes, I find it slow, awkward and frustrating, but the fact that they put so much effort makes it even more beautiful.


I guess that in many countries, relationship are done in different way, and for many of us, WGM is a way to discover how other people from the other side of the world deal with love :) That's why we love Yongseo so much <3






just wanted to jump in here to say that i find this very fascinating.  while i was taking french in high school, my teacher (who was from france) would talk about cultural differences, and i really liked that aspect of it.  sometimes the things she shared made me wacko.gif in contrast to what i grew up with, but yeah.




and as an aside - sort of in response to why YS seems to have such a broader international fanbase (and i'm only assuming we have such a growth based on contributions and how vocal YS fans tend to be, not by actual statistics) - i never really thought it was how slow they took their relationship that was attractive.  this, of course, is strictly my opinion because, as a lot of people are expressing already, it seems widely concurred that many have been drawn to YS because of the realistic progression they have (including whatever minor details sets them apart from the rest of the couples we've seen).




for me, though, i always felt it was because they were balanced.  it's this characteristic of theirs that i find is a contributing factor in how intriguing they come across to the public.  this may have already been mentioned, i'm not sure, but i enjoy the fact that seo takes on a very traditional/conservative approach to her relationships while yong is a bit more liberal in his affections.  and the fact that they continually work together to meet in the middle - and maybe not always with success - is the focal point of what makes them well-liked to a wide range of people, in my opinion.  there is also the "opposites attract" scenario that has a worldwide appeal, and i think that's another factor.  




the adam couple also had this "opposites" appeal, but they were actually quite similar.  and YS works because they're fundamentally similar, which is necessary for the "opposites attract" myth to work.  and if i've totally lost you ... how should i say this ... think of it like two cogs in a mechanical ... clock or whatever.  adam are like the two cogs that spin in the same direction but are ill-fitting (where romance is concerned; many of their fans will disagree with me in this regard, but this is just how i've perceived them), and YS would be the cogs that spin towards each other, allowing them to fit and help propel the other to spin.




if i lost you in my faulty and ridiculous, metaphorical sea, i apologize.  sweatingbullets.gif  but basically, that's how the "opposite" rule should work, and i couldn't think of anything else to describe it quite as appropriately.




(of course, the way they've progressed thus far is always going to be something about YS that sets them apart.)








the spoiler is just a quick tangent:




i'm also not sure who said this, but i think a user here mentioned (and don't quote me on this; i only read it in passing) that they're so appealing because of how "non-westernized" they are ...?  again, don't quote me on that (and i'm sure the person didn't mean to generalize, assuming i understood what they wrote in the first place).  but anyway, i actually find that inaccurate/misleading because i know plenty of people who take things slowly and kind of balk at how fast-paced some people take their relationships.  i mean, it's true to some extent:  there are things we do that are a little bit more accelerated, but with little research i've done so far, there are actually some things in korean culture - or even other asian and european cultures - that i would actually consider invasive.  so i don't think it's necessarily that they come off "non-westernized" - just that they have a different approach in what today's generation may consider archaic.



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Guest sarahcnblue


Hiiiiiiiii w00t.gif 


.. I am really HAPPY bcoz its my first time post here ,, but i am fan of YONGSEO from all along 


i didn't know about WGM but i was watch YAB then i searched in YouTube about yo~ng wub.gif


then it lead to the best ever ever couple blush.gif  and there was 6 ep then i become crazy and know everything about them & the programme so little by little  known : RDR sub , SPD plog ,SOOMPI and it was the pest coincidence  so TNX FOR EACH PERSON share the trans , fanfic , pic ,,etc 








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I would also like to add my opinion about YongSeo's relationship.. :wub: I think what is appealing about them is the fact that their connection and constant relationship development is very realistic and pure. I don't know about you guys, but speaking for myself, a person who's never experienced love or any kind of relationship, I really liked watching them, especially Hyun, because I could connect with her. I am supeeer shy and I'd probably be as awkward as her if I had to talk to a guy I just met. So I feel like seeing her growth throughout the show really makes me happy cause it gives me hope that I can also come out of my shell more :lol:


Also, people have been discussing about the international fans. Well, from a Canadian's perspective (hell yesss for Canada xD), where I live and in my high school, relationships are veryyy quick. There's no awkwardness, it's like "meet, connection then boom dating". Which you know, is fine, but I feel like the 'getting to know each other' part is a bit missing in the whole 'process' and that's why relationships in my high school tend to not last very long. I've seen couples date for a few months or even weeks and call it quits. Obviously, not everyonee is like that, but a big majority here is. Well, we are just teens, so I guess it's understandable..I think, from a teens perspective, relationships don't last long because of communication. And what us international fans found so appealing is that Yongseo actually communicate a lot and took things slowly to be able to feel more at ease, which is why I think it feels a lot more realistic than dating and then finding out about ur gf/bf's true nature.


Also, another factor why I think we like them more is the fact that we can connect to them on a whole different level than the other couples. In my opinion, I couldn't connect  as much to the other couples because they already felt comfortable with each other after a while compared to YongSeo. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I just feel that the fact that YongSeo actually took their relationship slowly made them seem more real. And what I think made us like them is the fact that we recognize ourselves in YongSeo. A lot of people can associate to Hyun being the extremly innoncent shy girl that has had no experience whatsoever before (which is exactly like me) and Yong being a playful outgoing but caring person. I think that's how many of us are and the fact that we see the couple grow together and bring out the best in each other makes us like them even more because we grow with them. I'm not speaking for everyone, but I feel like seeing a different kind of relationship with different traditions and cultures make you enjoy the couple more because it's so 'uncommon' in our respective countries. It's like seeing something totally new and fresh that you've never experienced before, you get that feeling of excitement and curiosity.


Anyways, I'll stop rambling xD I have no experience and I'm like dissecting my feelings about this couple as if I was a pro hahaha xD I can't wait for tomorrow's episode! I get to wake up to the adorableness that is YongSeo :wub: SPECIAL THANKS TO THE TRANSLATORS WHO WORK THEIR BUTTS OFF FOR US!!! :)


[edit] omg, topped the page again xD sorry for nothing important to sayy :o Go join the YongSeo fanclub if you haven't already!! http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/yongseo



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@genevieveshaun – I really like your post and I agree with everything you say.  And you said it quite eloquently, also.

YongSeo’s attraction has the feeling of ‘first love’, and not 21st century ‘first love’ but an ‘old-fashioned’ first love where the couple takes the time to get to know each other, discover each other’s likes and loves,  even share each other’s idiosyncrasies and personal faults.   Nobody’s perfect, but if you love somebody you balance the wonderful side of that person against their faults – and then decide if you want to continue your journey with that person.

Yes, they are both geniuses, but their amazing humility and respect for each other and other people is what also drew me to them.  I find this quality of their personalities quite admirable.

As far as Seohyun, she does have an ‘aura’ about her.   I can’t describe it or put my finger on what that quality is, but it seems to come from inside of her!  She isn’t a natural beauty, but it’s the combination of her looks and personality that seems to generate a warm glow.  Often when you read fan accounts of people who see her in real life, they say things like ‘she glows’ or ‘she’s not human’ almost like someone who has seen the aura of an angel.   I really think it’s something about her eyes, Yong noticed how they sparkle, and when I watch her on WGM they are captivating.  It’s also the way she moves, with a lithe dancer’s grace, even her hand motions are graceful.

Yong Wha is the perfect match for her, charismatic yet choding, multi-talented and driven, handsome and sexy, playful and serious, and a true romantic when it comes to his Hyun.   I truly believe he realizes he has had the incredible luck of having Seohyun literally dumped into his life at this particular phase of her life when she thought it was time to experience and learn about a relationship with a man.   He has been a patient and caring teacher, and I think his approach to wooing Seohyun (and I do believe he is trying to capture her heart) will pay off for him in gold and silver.

He is the playful one, the one who enjoys movement, sports.    She is the serious, thoughtful one, content to be in a library or bookstore alone with the deep thoughts of authors wiser than her.  Together they are Yin and Yang, the full circle.  I don’t know how many times Yong has been in a social situation that he is not sure how to respond to, and he says, ‘ottoke, Seoyhun-ah?’, or ‘What should I do?’  She is his calm in the storm, his rock he can cling to.  And he seems to fulfill the same role with her, when she gets up tight about something she feels she has done wrong or not up to his expectations, he tells her it’s all right, we’ll be ok, trust Yong.   He has from the start called her a ‘genius’ and now I think she believes in herself a lot more, it has given her confidence.  I love Yong’s statement when they are looking for each other at the beginning of the Japan episode ‘Seohyun will safely find her way here.  Why?  Because she is Seohyun!’  That statement says so much about how he is confident in her abilities.   

There is no way the two of them will be able to walk away from WGM not being greatly touched by the journey and experiences they have shared.  I just hope they realize what they have together, and don’t walk away from each other at all, but continue their relationship at least as great friends who may meet again when they are older and more established in their careers, so they can continue their relationship without the media tracking their every move, when it is more agreeable to Korean fans and customs, and without their careers forcing them to be away from each other for months at a time.  I really hope they end up together, either now or in the future.   Together they will be a force to be reckoned with, Korea’s first ‘power couple’, K-pop’s Brad and Angelina.  Wouldn’t that be awesome.         

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Lovekin: I understand what you mean :) Of course, I don't like Yongseo ONLY for the fact that their relationship is progressing slowly, but for themselves too. But I guess we all have different opinions on the subject, and that's what make it fascinating. We are all from different places of the world, and our culture makes us see the things from a different perspective... That's very interesting! We are lucky to be such a cosmopolitan familly :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But the way the Yongseo relationship works is WAY different from everything I've seen around me (well, I'm not talking about dramas, of course, but about local tv or films, and my own experience). That's why I agree so much with intoxd (Canadaaaa! I love it by the way! hehe). He/she said absolutly the exact things that I had in mind but could not say because of my poor English :( I guess that it's because we're both westerns and we received a similar education... Being very close, affectionate and touchy is absolutly normal over here. I would say that it looks like the kind of relationship between Khuntoria couple... But I like the fact that Yongseo are different. That's what makes them so UNIQUE :) They have a beautiful story <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways, that's just my opinion :) I felt like sharing because of Genevieveshaun's post because I felt the same^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  It's already late, I'm gonna sleep if I want to wake up to catch Yongseo tomorrow!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































See you guys in a few hours :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goodnight villagers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: Yeah, Luvtokki, I agree too :) You are absolutly right.

































































































































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Guest bezbezbez




























I'm sure that we have a Daebak episode ahead of us. There would be a lot of must-see scenes. I truly believe that turning point events happen to YongSeo whenever they travel to different places. We saw them closer when they went to Jeongdongjin, we saw their first major skinship when they went KangHwaDo, we've seen SeoHyun took the initiative while they were in Japan, Busan Filming gave them a chance to get to know each other well, and next week another turning point.


















As a viewer, I think the plot for YongSeo couple is the most interesting because the couple reflects every step of being in love. There are lots of room for improvement whenever they take the initial movement to be closer. We can really see what truly happens in real life that it would take time for a person to be closer to a total stranger. With the progress of YongSeo, I can imagine watching them for years without even getting bored because their actions aren't repetitive and scripted. Every YongSeo episode is a revelation for us. Go watch from Episode 1 until last week's episode while waiting for today's episode and you'll see what I mean.


















Enough spazzing, I still have a case presetation to fix...kekeke...


















TODAY is the last day for ordering the YONGSEO DESK CALENDAR. Again, it is a NON-PROFIT activity by YongSeo DC. We sell the calendars based on the production price, no more no less.


















Please visit GOGUMA HAUS and submit your order there.



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Guest bittersweet_
































































luvtokki. Korea's first Brad and Angelina. Hahahahah :) Uri Yongseo<3 LOL. I think Sean and his wife would probably deserve to be called that. Our Goguma couple, I don't know they have their own world. I really need to go to sleep sooner so I can wake up sooner and watch the new episodes. It's my new ritual on friday night, to go to bed early to get up early naturally hahahaha.
































-About YongHwa's girl friend,, yea seriously nothing to worry about and speculate that it is his ex and whatnot. MBC staff probably wants to make it sound super exaggerated as possible to generate a little attention. I am really surprised to find out that YongSeo couple is 3rd in rank in terms of popularity.
































-What took me as surprise all the time, is how they keep wearing their rings. How come no one has questioned about them yet? If I was a reporter, it will be the first thing I will ask. So darn loyal these two.Remember the butterfly necklace?? has anyone spotted it yet? ^_^

































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Guest wallpaperfood

fancam (of Yoona) that (sort of) shows Yongseo

At 1:40, when Kim Jang Hoon hugs Taeyeon (after holding her head awkwardly LOL), Yong doubles over in a laugh. It's not particularly obvious, but at 1:43, when his head's up again, he's immediately looking at Seohyun's reaction, which he finds amusing (and cute), so he chuckles to himself.

Either he's looking at Seohyun, or he's looking at PSY, who was also standing there next to her, but the Yongseo shipper in me would like to believe it's the former ^^


rjcm127, did you mean this moment? All the girls are cracking up here except for Seohyun - Supreme Team, SNSD, Seohyun(?) . However, it doesn't seem like they are singling her out as no one's really teasing her...I may have the wrong vid. -.-"

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Guest genevieveshaun
























@Luvtokki You are spot on with the yin and yang! And the point you made where Yong is clueless is social scenarios.
















Although everyone agrees that Yong is the one leading Hyun in the relationship, I actually think that Hyun is the silent leader. Remember the Ueno Juri episode where Yong got all flabberghasted and tongue tied because he's meeting his favourite actress real life? Hyun was the one who was really calm, and tried her best to speak Japanese very sophiscatedly with Ueno. Whereas Yong was too nervous he forgot all his Japanese. Hyun made the whole meeting much more amicable and joyful and sweet, no awkwardness. But I love the part where Hyun was unconsciously showing her jealous face when Yong asked Hyun to take a picture of him and Ueno..
















Also the time where they performed RDR and Love Light at the Incheon Music Wave 2009? Yong was quite nervous and plus they had almost no practice together, due to their overseas schedules. Hyun was the one who calmly figured out how they should perform, what hand actions should be used according to the lyrics etc. And she was really patient, and made everything easy for the two of them. You could tell that Yong was slightly panicky.  And I have to say this, Yong is a stunning and amazing performer, I caught CN Blue's concert in Seoul in December and he's very charismatic on stage, you feel like he's singing to you and YOU only. HOWEVER!! When Yong and Hyun performed together, Im sorry but Hyun outshines him!! Hyun is just dazzling... She makes Yong look like a loaf of bread on stage. Hyun is pure strawberry jam. wub.gif I hope I'm not sounding too nonsensical. But Hyun has this amazing body language when she performs that Yong doesn't have...And she is much more confident and generous with her eye contact with her partner. Yong was powerful too but he was a little shy... which is cute as well.
















During the Banmal song recording, Yong was very jittery and made alot of mistakes. But Hyun was the one eased up the situation and tried to make Yong take his time and tried to make him more relaxed. She was in total control of the whole situation. She sung with her heart and very confidently. Of course we understand why Yong was so nervous... it was a song so personal to him.. cool.gif
















So I would say that Hyun is the one leading Yong, and not the other way round. In fact when I first heard that people were saying that yong was leading Hyun... I got very curious and I wondered why. I didn't really understand. and I didn't agree. I think Yong 'gave way' to Hyun and accomodated her, so that Hyun could be herself on screen. But I never felt at any moment where Yong was leading Hyun... I felt that he only led Hyun AFTER the double-birthdays episodes... and not much too. I feel like Hyun was leading Yong, and she was more in charge of the relationship. Does anyone feel the same way? Or am I the only one who feels this way. Im curious to know what you I-gogumas (international gogumas) think :) tongue.gif
















OMG can anyone imagine what kind of children Hyun and Yong will have together??? I feel like their kids are going to become presidents, UN secretaries, and I bet they could cure cancer! And needless to say, they will be beautiful, inside out.biggrin.gif





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Guest crystalblue
















Hi genevieveshau! having read your post, I do want to comment- I think each individual of Yongseo couple is confidence in his/her talents and capabilities. I don't think being nervous for events means Yong is weaker or a follower. I think the fact that Seohyun has been in the business as a trainee since she was 13 with SNSD means she has had more experience performing than Yonghwa. With that said, I think Yonghwa's growth rate as a performer and musician is absolutely GENIOUS!! He is a professional by all means. Not long ago, he had microphone malfunctioned and he handled it with such grace! However, during that duet performance you brought up, it was clear that Yonghwa's ear piece was malfunctioning so he could not hear his voice. That was distracting for him and it was a very big audience so it's natural that he seemed like he was not on his A-game but he had a good excuse. The fact that you saw Seohyun out shined Yong then just means Seohyun did a great job as well as a great job being there for Yong when he needed her to... This couple is right for each other because they bring out the best in each other. They take turn learning from each other and leaning on each other. They take turn teaching each other and they take turn to lead and to follow- depending on the situation they are in. It's like a perfect dance they are doing without knowing it. That is why they seem so right for each other to so many of us. So people who thinks Yong leads Hyun- they are right and people who thinks Hyun leads Yong- they are right as well! They are not competing but rather they are supporting each other. At the end of the day, Hyun is a girl who is a few years younger than her husband. In most Asian culture, it is a sweet loving act for the girl in Seohyun's place to let her man lead her and take care of her- give her piggy back rides- feed her- walk on the outside of the road while with her, warm her hand in his pocket, let her rest her head on his shoulder, cover her from paparazzi so she an eat her ice cream, plan special memorable events for her, make her a guide book so she doesn't feel lost, that is the old fashion, galant way for a man to show his woman he loves her and it is her way to love him back when she accepts it with sweetness. That does not mean she would let him get away with things if he did something bad because most Korean women are very strong willed women. I have 3 Korean friends who are all very strong women yet they enjoy being loved and taken cared of and lead by their boy friends. Anyways, that's basically what I wanted to say... Of all the exciting fan cams, photos of WGM Yongseo filmings, the one that I am DYING to watch is one that was filmed in complete secrecy. WEDDING PHOTOS!!! DUGEUN DUDEUN!!!









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Guest soshisoshisoshi




Okay since it's almost WGM time, I won't really say alot. But seeing all your POVs, luvtokki, genevieveshaun, crystalblue, lovekin, and others I can't mention one by one, you guys are really awesome in giving opinions from different perspectives. I'm glad that our thread has people like you guys, from the most delusional :wub: until the most realistic :P ones, so at one time we will be squealing like crazy because there are many moments that we often overanalyse, and finally someone will bring up a realistic argument that will bring us back into the real world........ and that cycle seems to happen everyday in this thread, ESPECIALLY in a day like TODAY!






the spoiler is just a quick tangent:




i'm also not sure who said this, but i think a user here mentioned (and don't quote me on this; i only read it in passing) that they're so appealing because of how "non-westernized" they are ...?  again, don't quote me on that (and i'm sure the person didn't mean to generalize, assuming i understood what they wrote in the first place).  but anyway, i actually find that inaccurate/misleading because i know plenty of people who take things slowly and kind of balk at how fast-paced some people take their relationships.  i mean, it's true to some extent:  there are things we do that are a little bit more accelerated, but with little research i've done so far, there are actually some things in korean culture - or even other asian and european cultures - that i would actually consider invasive.  so i don't think it's necessarily that they come off "non-westernized" - just that they have a different approach in what today's generation may consider archaic.









sorry to cut your post, but I just want to reply your post. the perspective of some people regarding YongSeo's relationship progress as "Non-westernized" might not be true to some extent. I guess it's just the stereotype that has been there for centuries, knowing the broad differences between asian and european cultures, in terms of building relationship. It might wrong to make a generalization regarding that matter, but the fact that some of us asians perceive it that way, I guess it's because of the thinking of asians=conservative and european=liberal, which is not entirely true anyway. So yeah just to add my two cents..........




so.......... IT'S ALMOST TIME BABY!! :D ^^





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Guest Lildedprinxez

To the one who posted that YongSeo holding hands GIF. THANK YOU. 

You just manage to make me go WILD! :))

I can no longer wait for today's episode.

gyaaH~ the two had really gone closer to each other now.

comfortably holding each others hands. gyaah~~~!!!

I love them.

i love reading all your comments it made me smile too much that my cheeks hurts already. 

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