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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Faith_memory









LOL. the attention is a bit STRANGE. it was so sudden, focusing seohyun while cnblue is performing.. kekeke~ ♥ for sure people watching was like... "ohhhh.. yeah they are the make-believe couple" after that scene. haha! even though im already a fan of yongseo, i feel that the focusing-scene is atmosphere changing. keke.. ♥ maybe because of how seohyun watched her husband performing... that gave off something. kekeke ♥







yoona is singing a long.. keke.. and the leader seems to be in a tired mood, but anyway you got hugged by a sumbae kekeke. sister-in-laws are very supportive ♥







and ohh.. what is yonghwa's secret plan?? i hope that doesn't involve making seohyun jealous or anything keke. The female girl must be pretty close to yonghwa?? it would be interesting if she is his ex-girlfriend. joking! ahaha!







can't wait for tomorrow's episode im excited to meet BUSAN boys.! haha!







thank you very much for our awesome translators!! we love you! ♥


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Guest aya otohata

lol soompi wouldn't let me click the positive sign on the comments, said I reached my quota for the day! sooo just want to thank bolmaejung and MountainMadMan for the preview...A female friend? It'd be interesting if she's a big fan of SNSD XD.

I thought Khuntoria is more popular in Korea than Yongseo. I'm glad that more people are giving Yongseo a chance. Yongseo's recent episodes are really entertaining. But to truly appreciate the recent happenings with these couple, I would advise new fans to watch them starting from episode 1. Then, they would also understand why the people in this thread are so crazy about them lol.

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Guest billieberlian

lol soompi wouldn't let me click the positive sign on the comments, said I reached my quota for the day! sooo just want to thank bolmaejung and MountainMadMan for the preview...A female friend? It'd be interesting if she's a big fan of SNSD XD.

I thought Khuntoria is more popular in Korea than Yongseo. I'm glad that more people are giving Yongseo a chance. Yongseo's recent episodes are really entertaining. But to truly appreciate the recent happenings with these couple, I would advise new fans to watch them starting from episode 1. Then, they would also understand why the people in this thread are so crazy about them lol.

Exactly!! i hate when some people say this couple is boring! i guess they only watch one episode and came up with that conclusion..for me, their interactions are the most genuine ones :-)

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Guest Crystal392










I miss spazzing with all of you like crazy!! :( But I've been very busy lately (not that I am complaining ;) I love what I am doing), I just wish the days were a bit longer :lol:


















*hugs all Gogumas*


















Thanks to everyone for everything you've shared: pics, links, translations.











Kyaaa they look soo cute buying stuff together ♥ Yong looked super handsome and Hyun super pretty as always ^_^ and Yong taking Hyun's gift to filming later (how cute is that? I bet he kept thinking about her through all the filming! ;) ).


















Seriously how this two can be soo adorable?


















Again thanks so much to everyone for keeping Goguma Planet alive! I can't believe we are already at page 1722! :o Soon it will be uri YongSeo first year anniversary!! :w00t:


















Btw congrats SNSD and CNBLUE!! :)


















YongSeo <3 <3 :wub:


















I can't wait until Saturday!! :D



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Guest camjenny
























Thanks to Bolmaejung for the tip! (Did I mention I loved your username, BTW?)
































Seohyun, meets husband Jung Yonghwa’s childhood friends!














Last week, the YongSeo couple traveled to Busan, Yonghwa’s hometown. This week, their trip continues with a sweet and chilling (?) meeting with the seagulls at the Haewoondae beach followed by a meeting with Yonghusband’s childhood friends.














His friends have been with him for 10 years and have spent their school years together. While he turned quiet in front of his mother, the Yong choding returned with full force once he met his friends, and his native Busan friends quickly became friendly with Seohyun.














In particular, among his friends gathered that day was a female friend, which drew special attention. It is speculated that there is a special reason why Jung Yonghwa invited her along.














What will be his secret plan, and will she be able to make lasting memories among her husband and his childhood friends? It will be revealed on the 22nd, on MBC’s “We Got Married” broadcast at 5:10 PM.





















EDIT: About the article I translated a few hours ago (the one with Yonghwa's comment): I would take it with a grain of salt. There's something subtly wrong with that article that I can't put my finger on. What's strange is, normally once a news outlet puts out an article with a bombshell (like this one) we would've seen the other news outlets pick up on it and run similar articles, but in this case, nothing. The more I think about it, the stranger I gets. I've re-read the article many times, and while there's nothing WRONG with it...per se...I still feel uncomfortable going around and telling everyone that it's a "fact". I don't know, it could just be my imagination, but it feels...wrong.























But since they *directly quoted* him, and nothing I've seen contradicts the notion that it's a factual news item, it would be true, theoretically...but there's still something that I can't put my finger on. It's strange.



































thank you so much for your translations. I've just read the preview in Chinese version on Baidu. regarding to the female friend part, it says it's the girlfriend of one of Yoong's friends. But you are saying it's just a female friend of Yoong. So could you please double check it? whatever it is, I still appreciate your efforts. we'll get the result tomorrow anyway.









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Guest gogumaforever






congratulation to SNSD and CN Blue for winning on the recently concluded 20th Seoul Music Awards.


is SMA sponsored or broadcasted by MBC? why even cameramen are focusing on them??? or they are just yongseo shippers too. kekeke





So happy  when i saw the YONGSEO MOMENTS. from the rings, during their performances and during their winning speeches.  


yonghwa's statement was very bold to say that he will visit wifey's waiting room is he will not be able to see her.  lots of eyes are on them now. are they real or not????


cant wait the watch tomorrow's ep. it will be another daebak ep as yong choding is in full blast!!! to all translators and subbers, thank you in advance!!!!wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif



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Guest loybing


happy spazzing everyone!

Congrats SNSD and Cnblue for winning awards. 2010-2011 really is CNBLUE, SNSD and definitely A YONGSEO YEAR.

@Mountainmadman your really fast. thank you very much. go-chun family are really thankful and honored to have you.

Saturday is Yongseo day! see you all tomorrow

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Guest yongseorockin




I agree I feel that they are getting more attention now. I guess it has something to do with the fact that the Adam couple are gone in WGM. So majority of the people are turning their eyes on Yongseo couple. I do feel that Yongseo couple is more popular that the Khuntoria couple (no offese to Khuntoria fans).






To what you have said. Though I thought so too, apparently Khuntoria is more popular in Korea. They received like 55000+ votes as compared to our YongSeo which received only 30000+.




The evidence is here.




At China's Baidu, Khuntoria Couple is first followed by Adam, then YongSeo. Evidence: http://tieba.baidu.com/gift/f/top#6




However at soompi, the reverse is true... YongSeo is most popular, followed by Adam and then Khuntoria. Evidence? Just look at our fan club compared to Adam Couple and Khuntoria Couple. If that isn't enough, look at how many pages this thread has compared to the other 2 couple.




So yup, just gave a breakdown of their popularity evenly..Haha.




In Korea: Adam most popular




In China: Khuntoria ranks number 1




Rest of the World/Soompi: YongSeo Couple!!




I guess rest of the world is really the best, then they can conquer the world! Haha ^^


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So what can you say?
















































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
















































































































































































































































































































































I thought I had to share this. Too lovely to be ignored. And really, I can sense a hint of naughtiness in her smile.
















































































































































































































































































































































credits: as tagged

















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Guest philistine












Thanks to Bolmaejung for the tip! (Did I mention I loved your username, BTW?)








Seohyun, meets husband Jung Yonghwa’s childhood friends!






Last week, the YongSeo couple traveled to Busan, Yonghwa’s hometown. This week, their trip continues with a sweet and chilling (?) meeting with the seagulls at the Haewoondae beach followed by a meeting with Yonghusband’s childhood friends.






His friends have been with him for 10 years and have spent their school years together. While he turned quiet in front of his mother, the Yong choding returned with full force once he met his friends, and his native Busan friends quickly became friendly with Seohyun.






In particular, among his friends gathered that day was a female friend, which drew special attention. It is speculated that there is a special reason why Jung Yonghwa invited her along.






What will be his secret plan, and will she be able to make lasting memories among her husband and his childhood friends? It will be revealed on the 22nd, on MBC’s “We Got Married” broadcast at 5:10 PM.









EDIT: About the article I translated a few hours ago (the one with Yonghwa's comment): I would take it with a grain of salt. There's something subtly wrong with that article that I can't put my finger on. What's strange is, normally once a news outlet puts out an article with a bombshell (like this one) we would've seen the other news outlets pick up on it and run similar articles, but in this case, nothing. The more I think about it, the stranger I gets. I've re-read the article many times, and while there's nothing WRONG with it...per se...I still feel uncomfortable going around and telling everyone that it's a "fact". I don't know, it could just be my imagination, but it feels...wrong.











But since they *directly quoted* him, and nothing I've seen contradicts the notion that it's a factual news item, it would be true, theoretically...but there's still something that I can't put my finger on. It's strange.













Thank u so much M3 for the preview's translation! Cant wait for tomorrow's episode!




Im guessing that his female friend is a super YongSeo fan like all of us and Yong is aware of it so that is why he invited her along!




Lol! Wouldnt it be fun to watch her spazzing to our YongSeo couple in front of them?! Definitely one daebak moment!!








Saturday! Come quick!!





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Guest LalaCAKES

































































































































thank you so much for your translations. I've just read the preview in Chinese version on Baidu. regarding to the female friend part, it says it's the girlfriend of one of Yoong's friends. But you are saying it's just a female friend of Yoong. So could you please double check it? whatever it is, I still appreciate your efforts. we'll get the result tomorrow anyway.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey, just to answer your question, Mountainmadman's translations are correct in that it is merely a friend of Yong's that a girl, not a girlfriend of Yong's friend. In Korean, "girlfriend" and "a friend-that's-a-girl" are the same word, hence the confusion in the Chinese translations. Hope that cleared things up!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways, oh my gooooodness I haven't even had a chance to spazz about the super adorable pictures from Myungdong and now all of this crazy interaction at SMA wtf?!?!! I can't do this anymore, this couple is taking over my life..... HAHAHA, I find myself sifting through the contents of this thread randomly smiling at the fantaken pictures or videos of them.. People must think I've gone mad. ANYWAYS, just wanted to share a fancam of SNSD after they won the daesang at the Seoul Music Awards:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What I find interesting about this fancam compared to others is that in the beginning, they're doing their traditional group hug but decide to push SeoHyun into the middle and keep teasing/bullying her. Mind you this is just my crazy goguma-loving self talking, but I like to imagine that they are doing so because after yesterday's date in MyungDong, Yong and Hyun are officially together (REAL, not reel) and the unnies are teasing her about being in loveee. THEHEH, ok now that wasn't TOOOO crazy and out-there of me.. right?! :wub:

































































































































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Guest camjenny
























Hey, just to answer your question, Mountainmadman's translations are correct in that it is merely a friend of Yong's that a girl, not a girlfriend of Yong's friend. In Korean, "girlfriend" and "a friend-that's-a-girl" are the same word, hence the confusion in the Chinese translations. Hope that cleared things up!



















































Thank you so much for your kind reply. i got it now.
















There are lots of events involving of YongSeo couple since December. Also loads of rumors were passing through the fans. But no matter what happened I'll keep supporting YongSeo couple.
















CNBLUE, SNSD, fighting!!!

















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Just something random...




















I was watching various fan MV's of our couple and came across with one that has a compilation of their individual interviews asking about the other half. It made me realized one thing, what they have developed between them is priceless. I really believe that what they have between them is real. I didn't say that they're in a boy-girlfriend relationship (but I hope that they are), but the friendship that they have made is real. If you will rewatch their episodes from the very beginning you'll see two strangers meeting formally for the first time. Their conversations are meaningful. It's true when one of the MC's commented that they have their own world (Ueno Juri episode). They talk about their schedules, their bandmates, their activities. They enjoy each other company. Only in WGM can you see Seohyun be herself. She's too different on other shows. Only Yonghwa can bring out that side of hers effortless (now). They're too comfortable with each other to think they started as the most awkward couple. They've come a long way. You will see their sincerity from fancams that outstanding goguma's find. The "ring" thing, it shows how loyal they are to each other.




















People I say they are REAL. Real in a sense that whatever it is that they have right now will last even beyond WGM.









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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































Just something random...






























































































































I was watching various fan MV's of our couple and came across with one that has a compilation of their individual interviews asking about the other half. It made me realized one thing, what they have developed between them is priceless. I really believe that what they have between them is real. I didn't say that they're in a boy-girlfriend relationship (but I hope that they are), but the friendship that they have made is real. If you will rewatch their episodes from the very beginning you'll see two strangers meeting formally for the first time. Their conversations are meaningful. It's true when one of the MC's commented that they have their own world (Ueno Juri episode). They talk about their schedules, their bandmates, their activities. They enjoy each other company. Only in WGM can you see Seohyun be herself. She's too different on other shows. Only Yonghwa can bring out that side of hers effortless (now). They're too comfortable with each other to think they started as the most awkward couple. They've come a long way. You will see their sincerity from fancams that outstanding goguma's find. The "ring" thing, it shows how loyal they are to each other.






























































































































People I say they are REAL. Real in a sense that whatever it is that they have right now will last even beyond WGM.






























































































































































































































































































I'm really-really agree with your opinion coolest. I've watch some of snsd interviews last year and only on wgm I can see how she is different when she with yong hwa. If in many talk show we see the serious and not much expression of hyun, in WGM we can see her laugh and even angry. And the most favorite thing is I can see her 19 years old side. I think it's really precious and also for yong hwa effort, it's priceless.
































































































































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Hey again Gogumas ^^ I hope everyone's doing great today/tonight!! Only a day(ish) left until Saturday, huzzah!! I'm really really excited for this episode *prays for tons and tons of skinship* First off I wanna thank everyone for sharing everything related to uri couple! You all are seriously daebak. I absolutely love coming here and seeing all the goodies about our couple!












Special thanks to MountainMadMan for all the translations you've provided for us gogumas who, unfortunately, do not speak korean. You are truly awesome and I'm sure I speak on behalf of everyone in saying that we greatly greatly appreciate everything you do for us! Speaking of which, thank you in advance for translating this weekend's episode! :)












Ohhh I'm so excited for the coming months! Like everyone else here, I've been spazzing like crazy over the shopping trip and the ice-skating. :wub: We have so much to look forward to everyone!!! I really am wondering what they'll do for their one-year anniversary. I really hope it's something special. I would love to see them do a really romantic event for one another. :wub: Am I being delusional?? What do you guys think!? Any thoughts or ideas about their one-year anniversary?? What would you like to see them do!?












Onto a more sensitive topic...I'll put it in a spoiler.












Like everyone else, I was also spazzing at first when I saw Seohyun watching CN BLUE's performance! Actually, I almost fell out of my chair when I saw it










B) But the more I watched it and the more I read people's comments on here, the more I felt like I wasn't seeing something. While when I first saw the footage from the awards show I thought it was nice and stuff..but then I come here and literally EVERYONE is spazzing a lot about it. I personally didn't feel like there was many spazz worthy moments?? vicx.gif The two technically didn't have ANY interaction and it didn't even look like they were acknowledging that they were in the same room as one another. Am I the only one that thinks that?? I don't know. I was actually a little disappointed with it. Bah sorry to be somewhat of a downer on the situation :sweatingbullets: just my opinion on the matter!





















Maybe lovekin could share some words of wisdom on the above topic? :sweatingbullets:












Anyway, I know this is super late but real quick...I'M IN LOVE WITH YONG'S VERSION OF THE BANMAL SONG!!!!!!! :D Seohyun should feel very giddy/happy that such an amazingly beautiful/sweet song was written FOR her ^.^












Oh and last episode was truly daebak! Love that they are so comfortable holding hands now. They've grown so much over the past year!! I rewatched the first 20 episodes (I'm on episode 22 now) and I could not help but notice how much they've grown. They went from being sooooo, almost painfully (I found myself cringing because of the intial awkwardness), awkward to being able to hold hands/link arms/lean on each other's shoulders/be playful/be sweet/and be like a REAL couple in less than a year. I don't know about you guys, but I'm so proud of them and I'm so proud to be a Yongseo lover/shipper. They truly are the best couple EVER!! I will love and support them forever! All I want from them is to hugeach other. That's it. I could seriously die happy then. As a matter of fact, when and if that happens, I'm pretty sure I will die of a heart-attack :P












Gogumas fighting!! Yongseo fighting!!



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Guest sapphire18




























Jung Yonghwa introduces Seohyun to his childhood friends

















Jung Yonghwa introduced wife SNSD’s Seohyun to his childhood friends on “We Got Married.”








The couple visited his friends from Busan that he has known for over ten years.  His comfort showed as he felt at home and acted like a little kid with his friends.








There was also a girl friend, who he took the time to specially introduce Seohyun to.








But why did he do this?








The episode will air on January 22nd.








Source: Newsen via Nate



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Guest lovekin






Like everyone else, I was also spazzing at first when I saw Seohyun watching CN BLUE's performance! Actually, I almost fell out of my chair when I saw it  

B) But the more I watched it and the more I read people's comments on here, the more I felt like I wasn't seeing something. While when I first saw the footage from the awards show I thought it was nice and stuff..but then I come here and literally EVERYONE is spazzing a lot about it. I personally didn't feel like there was many spazz worthy moments??  vicx.gif The two  technically didn't have ANY interaction and it didn't even look like they were acknowledging that they were in the same room as one another. Am I the only one that thinks that?? I don't know. I was actually a little disappointed with it. Bah sorry to be somewhat of a downer on the situation  :sweatingbullets: just my opinion on the matter!





Maybe lovekin could share some words of wisdom on the above topic?  :sweatingbullets:






lmao, um.






personally, i didn't really see anything.  i think the highlight was probably just knowing the both of them were wearing their rings and that this was the day after their mall date - and i'm not particularly one to go crazy over their rings (though it's nice).  and apart from the zoom in during CNB's performance, i wasn't feeling anything.  

sweatingbullets.gif  not that it's bad.  i think people are just excited that they were both there, that they weren't sitting that far from each other, and i think people were still reeling from their date.



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To what you have said. Though I thought so too, apparently Khuntoria is more popular in Korea. They received like 55000+ votes as compared to our YongSeo which received only 30000+.
































































































































































































The evidence is here.













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































At China's Baidu, Khuntoria Couple is first followed by Adam, then YongSeo. Evidence: http://tieba.baidu.com/gift/f/top#6
































































































































































































However at soompi, the reverse is true... YongSeo is most popular, followed by Adam and then Khuntoria. Evidence? Just look at our fan club compared to Adam Couple and Khuntoria Couple. If that isn't enough, look at how many pages this thread has compared to the other 2 couple.
































































































































































































So yup, just gave a breakdown of their popularity evenly..Haha.
































































































































































































In Korea: Adam most popular
































































































































































































In China: Khuntoria ranks number 1
































































































































































































Rest of the World/Soompi: YongSeo Couple!!
































































































































































































I guess rest of the world is really the best, then they can conquer the world! Haha ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't want to go into details about the voting for the "best couple award", but let's just say there was cheating going on and you can't simply based it on that. However; Adam couple definitely deserved the award and it's a fact that they are the most popular in Korea.
































































































































































































http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married (WGM DC gall) is where most Korean fans spazz/discuss rumors and it is/was dominated by Adam & Yongseo fans. Although I read that Adam fans created their own cafe/website after they left the show though. And recently I've been seeing more posts by Khuntoria fans after the Adam couple left?































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways, I watched a few episodes of the first season, but does anyone know if any couple invited their non-celebrity friends to appear on the show? I remember it's usually their families/celebrity friends/group members right? Yonghwa doesn't have to take it that far to introduce his childhood friends when it's only a fake marriage. ...Interesting. :)

















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Guest Revelmonk




i hope certain people read this..it seems every time there is an awards ceremony and if yong and hyun are near each other but don't say hi to each other or interact with each other, they will say something is wrong or they didn't like it. I hope those people realize yong and hyun aren't like that in that they like to keep somethings private (especially if their relationship is progressing). They also don't do it because why would they want to bring extra media and fan attention to each other unnecessarily when they know that people are looking out for exactly that.


This issue came up with some people especially during the kbs, sbs year end gayo music programs people speculated that yong and hyun had an argument and weren't talking to each other when they were near each other on stage..what ridiculousness btw...however now we have fancams and accounts of their mall date where they were laughing, talking extensively, and playing with each other. You can see what overanalyzing something does, it just creates unneeded confusion.


You can also obviously see from the backstage of episode 29 and 30 of wgm that they greet each other often backstage where the korean media and fan cameras won't pick up their every gesture and then analyze it as something more or less than what it is.


I hope people stop speculating or putting unrealistic expectations on yong and hyun to do something that would make them embarrased or uncomfortable just to satisfy their need to see the two being intimate in public.




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Guest 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  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..