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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest toomuchsmiling




Just dropped by to say I just finished watching the Visual Dreams MV. :D i'm only mentioning it here because our Hyun got a LOT of air time!! :D Which makes me wanna believe that Yong will really like this MV and will watch it dozens of times because she got so many shots. (haha, not to mention she has this cool semi-rap part that i thought was interesting)








yup, i think Yong will definitely even mention it on WGM like he did with her Hoot part/dance. Unless of course he figured out that if he doesn't wanna get a dance lesson it's better not to mention it! :lol: but since i feel like i know Yonghwa practically, he won't be able to resist teasing her & mentioning it.




and Seohyun did wear the ring for Intel Conf. woo! haha



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I remember someone suggesting the idea of making a marriage certificate to send to Yonghwa and Seohyun. I've decided to make one for fun. I took the format from the ones already circulating, but everything else is made from scratch. I hope you guys like it. I was trying to find some good pictures and Yonghwa had so many hot pictures. But... they were with his fringe up, lol. I did Seohyun a favor and chose one with his fringe down <3.
























































For the record, I'm a total disaster with doing stuff like this that includes editing images and what not. I don't have Photoshop so that explains the quality that's a bit lacking. It's all just for fun and I had an enjoyable time making it as well. -Especially the sister-in-laws' messages :lol:

































































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Oh, our Hyunnie is looking hawt on 'Virtual Dream' MV!  

Please notice who is center screen through most of the video, often center screen FRONT......

Who gets the most solos ....

Who gets another 'strut' dance move like 'Hoot'  ...... 

and who gets the most close-up shots  .....

Guess who? - our sweet and sexy Hyunnie, that's who!

This is truly the year for this maknae, she is getting a lot of attention and being noticed for her good looks!  

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Guest lovekin




I remember someone suggesting the idea of making a marriage certificate to send to Yonghwa and Seohyun. I've decided to make one for fun. I took the format from the ones already circulating, but everything else is made from scratch. I hope you guys like it. I was trying to find some good pictures and Yonghwa had so many hot pictures. But... they were with his fringe up, lol. I did Seohyun a favor and chose one with his fringe down <3.




For the record, I'm a total disaster with doing stuff like this that includes editing images and what not. I don't have Photoshop so that explains the quality that's a bit lacking. It's all just for fun and I had an enjoyable time making it as well. -Especially the sister-in-laws' messages  :lol:




*quoted image*






LOL, can i just say that you would be terrific at writing comedic fiction?  i could imagine all of them saying that, which would probably make for a hilarious wedding.  tae and sica's messages are especially funny, though i'd honestly expect sica's message from fany.  tongue.gif




oh, this post is pointless.  um, i guess to make it have some kind of point ... er, i can't wait for MC jake's twitter tonight?


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Guest crystalblue
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So our project's English to Korean translator was able to translate 16 recipes for us but she now is too busy with exams. We have 23 recipes in English ready right now for translations. Is there ANY ONE HERE that can volunteer to help us do the remaining translations? Please message me ASAP if you can help us as we only have a few days left for me to put this book together. If NO ONE VOLUNTEERS, then the book will look a little strange with some recipes with Korean translations and some without. HELP ME PLEASE!!!?? Thank you!

































































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Guest MountainMadman

aisuo415, I love that marriage form! Haha, probably not really realistic, but amazing anyways. That picture is now saved to my computer.


I really really really x100000 wish I could help you, but I have just too much on my plate at the moment...school's started again, and I'm already working for Gogumafics translating their book project for the 1st Anniversary. Why don't you try contacting RDRsubs, or iSubs, or similar websites?

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I think that Yonghwa and Seohyun have developed feelings for  one another. It would be totally absurd for their relationship to be  mentioned (by people close to them) outside of WGM boundaries, if their  feelings were not significantly worthy of it. As Seychan said, Taeyeon's  statement, JungMo's "Don't make our Seohyun cry" and the inclusion of  family in a show that's centered on a virtual marriage would all be  uncalled for if the two only had mere regard for another. And if by any  chance, they don't get together at the end of WGM, then (I believe) it  won't be because they did not harbour romantic feelings for each other,  (I'm more inclined to think) it would be because the circumstance didn't  call for it. They are, after all, young idols who are just starting out  in the industry and have bigger dreams to achieve. Seohyun comes across  as someone who sets her dreams ahead of everything else and even though  we witnessed a refreshing side to her in 'Come To Play' (when she  demonstrated her stubbornness to the imaginary situation where her  parents disapprove of her boyfriend), I'm doubtful of whether she would  be as stubborn if she was given a choice between her dreams and Yonghwa.  Likewise with Yonghwa, even though he's previously said he won't let  anything come in between if he fell in love, to that I say - It's easier  said than done, Yonghwa. At this point, I blame neither if these  stepping stones (progress in WGM) lead to nowhere, because they should  be thinking about themselves right now, their occupation requires them  to. It's not only the obsessed fans (that don't want the two to be  together) who would be an obstacle, but also their schedule which is  worth consideration; doing this for a year for a show, no  problem. In reality, things work a little differently (no mission cards,  lol), the relationship needs extra time and effort invested in, it  would be much harder to cope with. Especially when you know the rest of  Asia is breathing down your neck, your family members are looking upon  you and you're being watched by every pair of eyes in S. Korea. Okay,  that sounds like WGM anyway, but it's quite different because there's no  pressure in trying to make things work. In WGM, they get a contract and  once that contract expires so does their relationship but in reality  they don't get a contract, and the relationship doesn't expire when it  doesn't work out. They would be held responsible for the remainder of  their lives and labelled as that someone's ex.








I wrote a lot, I could have used the time to write my History essay  and revise for Chemistry (mock) exam (both tomorrow) *sigh*...By the  way, sorry if I offended anyone in what I wrote.








Edit: ITTNE: I love your screencaps, especially the one where Yonghwa is facing the window, showing his back to Seohyun (her reaction was funny).













I definitely agree with the points you made. I really think these two have some kind of feelings for each other. If not, at the very least Hyun has some feelings. I can't imagine getting comfortable with holdings hands if you don't have some feelings towards the partner. Especially with the unique case of Hyun. There is something between the two.








And I agree that after their WGM stint ends. And these two didn't pursue dating with each other. I really think it wasn't because they didn't have feelings with each other. I more incline to believe it was because of their jobs as idols. There are too many external factors that could hinder them from progressing their relationship.








As much as I wanted these to end with each other. I have to think the reality of things. Let's say yong did pursue her after their WGM contract. It would be very hard for them to maintain a relationship. One, it would be hard to date because they don't want the public to know. Two, they are in a popular idols. Which makes them very busy people, schedules that makes meeting with each other hard. If normal couples who often meet everyday could turn cold. How hard is it for a couple who rarely meets?








Obviously, I thought about the end alot, And I came to a conclusion with this. If I'm proven wrong then I would die with joy. For now, I'm in the mindset of "Let's enjoy it while it last".








@ITTNE: I also find it odd that the landlady goes to MBC to fix the heater. Isn't it suppose to be the landlady job to fix the space? I'm more inclined to believe that they did some form of shooting but without them. What I mean is that WGM did some prep work on how the shooting will be done for their upcoming shooting with the couple. Definitely, they have fixed the place up. This is first shooting after the wedding photoshoot. They must have hanged the wedding picture in their apartment. 





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Just watched episode 4 of Oh! My School here in the US on dish and I was laughing because Honggi was told he had to work harder because Yonghwa was doing a good job on his TV show on another network. Myungsu made the comment so I think he was refering to NAN (because he is on that show too) but maybe he could have been refering to WGM and then thought about Misun's question on HT about does Yonghwa have any girl celebrities phone numbers in his newly aquired cellphone and he said "no". She then asked if he had Seohyun's number and he said yes. So I guess he doesn't think of her as a celebrity but "his wife/girlfriend/friend/someone special in his life (take your pick)"



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Oh and about the heater. Remember when they first went into the house to record the banmal song and Seohyun said twice that the house was cold and Yonhwa said (probably another cheesy line) that is was warm. It is odd to fix it on a day they were supposed to film. I don't know anything about their schedules but maybe they filmed really late tonight. Is that a possibility?



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Guest YSforever




I remember someone suggesting the idea of making a marriage certificate to send to Yonghwa and Seohyun. I've decided to make one for fun. I took the format from the ones already circulating, but everything else is made from scratch. I hope you guys like it. I was trying to find some good pictures and Yonghwa had so many hot pictures. But... they were with his fringe up, lol. I did Seohyun a favor and chose one with his fringe down <3.


For the record, I'm a total disaster with doing stuff like this that includes editing images and what not. I don't have Photoshop so that explains the quality that's a bit lacking. It's all just for fun and I had an enjoyable time making it as well. -Especially the sister-in-laws' messages  :lol:


*quoted image*



LOL the wedding certificate is sooo hilarious!  the messages are all so cute and vivid.


I like Sunny's the best! :lol:


Love it a lot!


However, isn't Hyun's birthday on June 28th? Perhaps you could change it?



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I forgot to add....
































































Looks like everyone are busy completing their own mini projects for the couple 1 year anniversary. I recently have a talk with bezbezbez about their funding on their project. They are still way behind on their funding for their project. If anyone can help them out please visit the link. I'm still waiting for my paycheck, so I can help as much as I can to them.

































































































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Something to share
















































































































































MC Kim just tweet something
















































































































































Can anyone translate it please?
















































































































































I only understand "Yongseo" and "Busan"
















































































































































MC Kim tweet































































































































































































































































































우결마치고귀가중..용서의 부산여행기..쿤톨의 시동생들과의 만남?..이번주토욜 닥본사!!
















































































































































*If anyone could tell me how to put it inside a box. Thanks!

































































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to lizsch: 

우결마치고귀가중..용서의 부산여행기..쿤톨의 시동생들과의 만남?..이번주토욜 닥본사!!

Going home after finishing WGM...YongSeo's Busan trip report...Khuntoria's meeting with brother-in-laws?..Don't miss this week Saturday!

The tweet looks so short without the Adam Couple. T.T

EDIT: What's this??


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@yongseolove The Brother Side is a fanfiction written by dhiey23, one of the best goguma writers out there :) She's written a lot of good Yongseo fanfiction!!! DAEBAK!
















The Brother Side
















All SNSD girls look so cute doing the robot dance!
















does anyone here visit the winglin.net/fanfic site...everytime I try to open it a screen pops out saying not to proceed because of a malware...I wonder if does that for everyone or it's just my security being so overprotective of my computer lol.































Hi Aya... I hope I won't  be violating any rules, but, one fanfic writer from another fanfic site mentioned something about winglin having a malware virus.   So be careful when you try to visit that site.... Sorry, I forgot the name of the author.

















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Guest chilipadi_22

saw this at DC married.

can someone help to translate please??

i think its about yongseo shooting at myungdong now.

can someone please confirm. thanks.

ㅂㅌ 게잡에 올라왔다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

일주일에 하루 있는 쉬는날이라 잘 쉬고 잇는데

같이 일하는 언니가 지금 우결촬영하고 있다고 문자왔어여ㅠㅠㅠ

정용화랑 서현ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

저 용화 좋아하는뎁ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

나름 공방도 몇번 갓는데ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

운도 지지리 없지ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

서현 바로 앞에 있다고 자랑질 하는 언니ㅠㅠ

가까우면 당장 달려갈텐데 멀어서ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

쉬는날인데 하루가 우울할거 같아요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

+) 이건 트위터에 올라온 글

난 진짜 운없는 아이인듯ㅠ 왜 나 쉬는날 촬영오냐구ㅜㅜㅜ 정용화ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

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Guest bolmaejung

cr. DC


YongSeo filming Now at Myung-Dong noonsquare !!!!!!!!!!!!

Noonsquare is a shopping mall(food, fashion, theater etc.)

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Wow! Shopping at Myung-Dong noonsquare....








Now I'm curious on what do they need to buy? Are they planning on doing a mission so they needed to buy some items? Did they go out to date? Like they did in the past (Bookstore & Music instruments)?








What do you think they did?





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Guest Phoebechiu



* The PD smiled while he was looking at YongSeo.

* Yong went to restroom.

* Yong picked clothes for Hyun but did not buy any eventually.

* Just saw the sight of Hyun's back.

* They looked very sweet.






* Hyun wore Yong's coat as shown in the picture

* They help each other wear hats.

* Yong bought Hyun shoes high boots.

* They are having lunch

credit: China goguma couple baidu (translated from Chinese by Phoebe)


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Woa! I know I 'll never disapointed whenever visit our thread.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Your guys is awesome!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Omo, after a long time not seeing each other....Yong and Hyun go shopping, I mean they have been going around to buy things and relax. That would be wonderful right?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So happy to see they being together again! :wub:

































































































































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Guest shenibabi
































































































































































































































































































































thanks so much gogumas
































































































































































































you guys so great
































































































































































































iam so happy that they're filming
































































































































































































huyn wore yong's coat so sweet
































































































































































































i hope they'll film in sm concert
































































































































































































it'll be awesome haha

































































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