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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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DDuk' date='15 January 2011 - 05:47 AM' timestamp='1295099275' post='16833675']

BTW. Does anyone have the preview for next week? I can't find it anywhere!?!















































































OMG thank you so much!!!!! I can´t stop spazzing after read the translation!! OMG Yong´s mom wants to know Hyun´s parents!!!!








































And the stare that she gave to Yong after reading Hyun´s letter... OMG!!:wub:. She knows! she knows!!! and the advices when Hyun went to restroom.








































I think I know why Yong is wearing glasses in this trip, he is shy, he is trying to hide his face from mom and maybe his friends who know him well, because he just can´t hide his feeling ^^. Just look at the way he looks at her, there is love in his eyes ^^.








































YongSeo holding hands like that made this goguma faints :rolleyes:, and their talk it was so cute... OMO! how sweet :).








































here the link for next week Preview























































































Thanks again and thanks to MountainMadman, it is ok, we are grateful to you always so don´t feel bad!!! fighting!








































And thanks to gogumas who posted pics, gifs, letter translation and all the goodies!!!









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Guest ricevol





Thanks dduk for translation, You are daebak.



I don't know about you guys but I love watching Yong's mom and Hyun interacts with each other as much as Yong and Huyn does. Oh the daughter in law and MIL's love...what can be prettier than this! And who is the happiest? of course it's our YONG!!! We can see that he's proud and happy inside.



HOLDING HANDS...AGAIN AND AGAIN, it seems like they can never get enough of it.



and please add me to the list, I'm from VIETNAM


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Guest bizzie_b



Thanks for the translations Ddukbiggrin.gif  Now, i noticed something:


S: Oh! It really does look good on you. You look good in wine like colors.

MC: oh so that is why she asked if she like the color of wine. 

<that’s why she asked if she like the color before>

YM: with the sunglasses… is it a set? ^-^?! Should I try it on?

S: yes!

YM: alright!

YM: I’ll try it on both.

MC: the mom got excited



YM: should we go to Italy?

MC: After she puts on the glasses she should walk out to the beach.

MC: oh she looks good

<Mrs. Italy>




Like whoah!  Yong's Mom would also like to go to Italy! Haha!  I just find it rather amusing that she would also like to go to Italy!  Made me remember the stuff that Yongseo would like to do--to visit Italy together. wub.gif  Seems like MIL would like to accompany them to Italy! haha


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Thanks Dduk for the translations! This means a lot to us non-korean gogumas happy.gif



Watching this episode.. does this even look like a meeting between a FAKE DIL and MIL? Everything was sincerely done, given and said!



I can see or we can all see how hard Seohyun tried to please and impress omoni.. Even MIL at end was so sweet towards Seohyun



PLUS what's with the " tell your parents to stay safe and tell them that I am so grateful. And I’ll look forward to meeting them



Is it meet the in-laws already?w00t.gif lol. 



Oh how i wish they get together in real life! I even pray for them nowblush.gif hahaha



btw i'm from the Philippinesbiggrin.gif 


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Thanks Dduk for the translations.
















To M3, no need to apologize, we goguma's know how much effort you put in every week to give us fast translations on each latest episode.  So to miss out on this one, would be understandable blush.gif
















Now my thoughts on today's episode... as we have always been saying, these two are really meant to be, aside from the fact that they have the same blood type and the same birth month, these two really thinks alike, just look at the color they both have chosen as present for their mom (MIL to Hyun), the sunglasses Yong chose was colored wine so as the scarves Hyun bought for her IL :wub:
















I just really love today's episode ... it made me recall the first time I met my MIL too, the first meeting was ackward indeed, but, after a couple of meetings with her, she kinda became my bestfriend, cause I can talk to her so many things.  And I always felt her love for me I guess, I am just lucky to have a MIL like her.  Wish she's still with us to this day :wub:.  I do hope if something positive comes out from this pair after their stint with WGM, Hyun will also have a harmonious relationship with her IL's.

















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Guest blueeye
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Dduk! Thanks for your translations! Appreciate it much! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you for those who share pic, link, news, analysis, etc etc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































somehow, this convo is so touching, my eyes are teary when I reading it and watching it. these two person, and also YH's mom are kindhearted persons. i can feel their sincerity in this convo. it really is heartwarming.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































S: while you were watching us being married, because I am still lacking, he always comes to my level.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: I’ve never done that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































S: no, you always do that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YM: when I was watching, there isn’t a lot to fix because if you just take care of yong well your feelings will be eventually expressed. You’re doing well. It’s yong who has to do well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Again, Hyun is indirectly thanking Yong for being patient and wait for her pace. Lovely lovely couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And MIL seems very satisfied with her DIL already. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please get married for real yong, hyun! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And MIL also seems regret that she didnt prepare much for her DIL. it;s ok omoni, your approval for these two is enough. ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Eventhough it's short. it's such a nice lovely episode. :))
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































happy spazzing gogumas! :D

































































































































































































































































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Thanks Dduk for the translations! This means a lot to us non-korean gogumas *quoted image*
















Watching this episode.. does this even look like a meeting between a FAKE DIL and MIL? Everything was sincerely done, given and said!
















I can see or we can all see how hard Seohyun tried to please and impress omoni.. Even MIL at end was so sweet towards Seohyun
















PLUS what's with the " tell your parents to stay safe and tell them that I am so grateful. And I’ll look forward to meeting them
















Is it meet the in-laws already?*quoted image* lol. 
















Oh how i wish they get together in real life! I even pray for them now*quoted image* hahaha
















btw i'm from the Philippines*quoted image* 































Hello Kabayan Kimi :wub:
















Agree with you on this...it made me think,  was MIL saying that just for the show? or was she sincere with what she said? Probably after meeting Hyun in person, it made her think, that this girl is the right one for my son, if my son won't be making any move then I'll do it for him...hahahahaha.... really hoping they end up together :wub:  what a waste it would be if nothing happens right?

















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hello gogumas... i just finished watching the episode.. i cried while watching omoni read seohyun's letter.. i think she felt like crying also.. the letter was just so touching.. i so love this couple i really do pray that they end up together...






































































































































mountainmadman.. you don't have to apologize... things just happen... please don't feel bad.. we are forever grateful to you for all your efforts in translating every episode for us who can't understand korean blush.gif and.. don't smash your computer.. kekekek  because we'll be waiting for your work patiently tongue.gif























































































and to dduk hello and thank you so much for the translation blush.gif









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Guest scatterbrain

This Busan Trip has convinced me once again that YongSeo is real.

1. Yong's mom likes seohyun very much. she praised seohyun for being upright and different from youngsters nowadays. she wanted yong to feed his wife. She told seohyun that she has done a good job and has treated her son well, it's yong who needs to improve. she even noticed that their personalities match.

2. YongSeo have similar taste. Wine-coloured shades and wine-coloured scarf. even yong's mom said that both gifts matches.

3. yong's mom asked hyun to send her regards to hyun's parents and that she will visit them sometime. isn't it a sign that they are getting serious? i don't think yong's mom said it if she didn't mean it.

4. yong brought hyun to meet his friends. if yong doesn't intend to get serious, he wouldn't introduce hyun to his friends. if it is just for WGM, they can stop their filming up to the beach scene. why bothered to arrange gathering with his friends?

5. hyun tries very hard to impress her mom-in-law. we all know that hyun always does her best. but no matter how upright she is, she wouldn't prepare that much unless she wants to genuinely impress someone. she even has gift for yong's brother...and yong didn't know that hyun had prepared those stuff as you can see that he's as surprised. and MIL didn't expect it as well.

6. yong's mom thanking yonghwa for marrying well...

7. hyun's letter. "will work hard to be a wise wife for yonghwa oppa and a daughter in law that father and mother can be proud of". wow!you shudn't say these words to the elders if you don't mean it. and she even told MIL that she can treat her as a daughter.

8.hyun who is never has exp. with guys can suddenly be comfortable in holding hands with yong( like it's the most natural thing). she's never shown this side of her in front of other guys before. even to her SM bros i think

9. in last episode, jungmo TRAX told yong to treat seohyun well. it's the most recent. if this is just make-believe, he wouldn't say that. he knows something that we don't

my feeling is telling me that yong and hyun are a couple now. and they are using WGM as cover-up. bacause from WGM, they can formally meet the parents, circle of friends, date, doing couple stuff without being put into spotlight by the medias. am i too daring to say that they're an item? i don't think so, because involving parents and non-celeb friends is not something that we can take lightly. they are not used to cameras, and they can't act.

i actually imagine if hyun to be a MIL, she would be like yong's mom, honest, straightforward and cute. i'm still laughing at MIL's drama story. i read the chinese translation. i dunno whether it was translated here...yong said "when i watched that drama, i began to wonder whether my mom will act the same way like the MIL?" :lol: . and his mom was so enthusiastic in telling the story. and hyun was shocked. all three of them are so cute. i think the father-in-law is as cute. too bad we didn't get to see him

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Guest generatiionstar



I love today's episode!!!! :D

Seohyun & Yong's mom really got along well & it just proves that Yongseo is real! I was so happy and couldn't stop smiling when they were reading the letter^^

They're perfect for each other<3





I hope Yong will meet Seohyun's parents soon(:


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Guest bittersweet_








Wahhh where to begin.....First of all, thank you everyone for your translation. If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't understand a thing. & Thank you MountainMadMan for your efforts always<3



I just love and love our Goguma Couple. As a woman, I am also learning etiquette's from her. I think now I know what to do if I meet future mother-in-law ;) She is so sincere, cheerful, and honest. Although she is younger than me, I learn from her. So watching WGM is not a waste of time at all.



As for Yong, oh dear, don't know where to begin. He is just pure love. I love how he looks at Seohyun, his eyes totally adore her. Scatterbrain, I agree with you. They are almost close to real and it makes me so happy, because both of them were raised so well by their parents, and they are always honest and sincere with their actions and words. So no doubt, this is real. Wahh these two lovebirds really make me happy JASHIKksss hahahaha



About Yong's mom, she is a really nice lady. Seohyun's presents, especially the letter really touched her,I think she was about to cry. Because parents who don't have a daughter, especially moms who live with a husband and two sons don't always experience soft and tender affection of a daughter. Know what I mean??!! If you are reading it. Daughters have their ways with compliments and tastes in things, so really for Yong's mom this was definitely a moving experience.



Some of my favorite parts from today's episode was



1. When YongHwa asks "Where's my presents?" and Hyun naturally "I always buy you presents/I buy you a lot."



2. Love the part,Hyun's eating something, but she can't swallow it. She is just munching on it like a lil puppy with her eyes open, and Yong looking at her and smiling. He knows she is trying hard.



Awwww tooo much writing, can't wait for more Goguma Love. Cheers!





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Guest aya otohata

How do I feel about this episode?

I'm so happy for Seohyun that my eyes were brimming with tears after watching the episode and again right after reading the translation lol (thank you thank you thank you dduk). Before I became a SNSD, Yongseo, Yong, and CNBLUE fan, I was a Hyun fan. So, whenever someone bashes or say that Hyun is sooo boring, I feel hurt and wants to go to that someone's house to give him/her a rather lengthy, not to mention loud, lecture lol. For this reason, I really appreciate this episode because the episode showed that Yong and his mom understand her. They get that Hyun's different from others and even, dare I say, admire her for that.

Also, I really love the fact that whenever Seohyun says thank you to Yong, he acts as if he doesn't deserve to be thanked. It's as if he's saying that the progress that she has made in the show is her own doing and he's the one who's lucky to get to watch and experience it. He sees that Hyun pushes herself to be a better 'wife' or partner. He doesn't take all the credit for Hyun's transformation...in fact he doesn't take any at all (although he should at least take some credit). The guy's humble and I really respect him for that.

Yongseo Forever!

fall in <3 with <3

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hmmm...run devil run hasn't subbed ep 39...maybe there not subbing that one as well...i loved that episode! looking back on the pages of this forum to find the youtube subbed version if there's one...is there? i download all their episodes and sometimes replay it over the week, specially the scenes that i consider my favorites.






anyway, i'm from the Philippines...hope you add me on the list by country. thank you! i'm not sure if it works that way, because i haven't worked back to the start of that topic. or do i have to put my name on the list and repost it?






thanks again!




so sad for the adam couple fans...i don't know what i'd do if that time comes to our couple as well...watching their episode and how they grow closer makes my week, and its the one thing i look forward to every week end. and they were the one that helped me go through the DBSK turmoil...




anyway, back to lurker mode again...happily reading your posts!!!



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Guest pretty_92868








































to scatterbrain:I agree with you 100%
































Some will call me delusional but it is
































what I feel and it is I want to believe.
































I also remember how Yong respond to Jungmo's
































reminder not to make Seohyun cry, it's very subtle
































but honest reply "Hyung,I won't", I feel that
































it's really from his heart and very very real.
































If it's only for the show, I think it wouldn't be
































like that.
































And now with the MIL around,he always check on Hyun
































if she's alright and comfortable, so sweet.The gentle
































words and subtle glances is not act,very real to me.And
































I hope all men are like that with their women.
































The holding hands part comes naturally nowadays,I think
































they always do it on and off cam.
































On top of it, what I love about them is that they are
































both very humble on what they're doing and feeling
































inadequate with one another.Match each other well as
































MIL stated.
































I hope my son and daughter will find their Seohyun
































and Yonghwa respectively someday.
































Thanks to DDuk for fast translation and semifly for the video





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AHH! Such an awesome episode!! SeoHyun is such a great DIL, who wouldn't approve of her!? I was just wondering though..did they cut the episode short? Because last week's preview had them running and screaming at the beach right? And we didn't get to see it! And even MC Jake tweeted that they were getting attacked by seagulls..but that wasn't there either! Oh well, I guess we'll be seeing all the beach cuteness next week! :wub: The preview looks sooo cute with Yong and Hyun sharing the scarf!



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Guest soshisoshisoshi






DIL and MIL are just so close now........ and I just love to see Seohyun worked really hard to impress her MIL, it's just outstanding........... (Note: you rarely see a girl like Seohyun, nowadays............ we're talking about the 21st century). Man....... I need to reflect back on my manners after seeing Seohyun like that.


I believe Yonghwa seems happy, and the fact that he kept quiet most of the time because he was trying to see how Seohyun will try to impress his mother, with him as a silent supporter. Hey, he must be glad because she seemed to leave a really BIG impression on his mom. Actually, I was taken aback because Seohyun bought MANY presents, and do you think it was just merely a "TASK"????? NO WAY!!


Actually I'm quite happy with the way the PD edited the episode today............ since we will definitely get a 3-minute episode next week (sorry ADAM couple :tears:), I think it was a good decision by the PD to show most of the conversations in the restaurant, so that we will be aware of the progress of DIL-MIL relationship.............. so PD-NIM!!! congrats!!! YOU DID A GOOD JOB TODAY!!


Another than that, there's on thing that I want to stress on. So they met Yong's mother just like that??? that's short for a mother to meet her SON after many days...... Oh well, OMONI is happy right now, cherishing her DIL's presents. YOU MUST BE GLAD THAT YOUR SON MARRIED TO SUCH A WELL-MANNERED GIRL :wub: :wub::wub:.


Apart from that............. are BUSAN women known to have so many AEGYOs?? Yong's mom obviously is the type of woman who has lots of AEGYOS, just like how she constantly asking "Am I pretty???" in front of YongSeo. Hmmm...... this is her personality that passed down to Yonghwa. Seohyun must be appaled to have her husband and MIL full of AEGYOs :lol:. LIKE MOTHER LIKE SON.


Last but not least, to Dduk who translated the episode and also to MountainMadman who attempted to translate but the computer turned off without a reason :D: You guys really are dedicated Gogumas who bother to spend your time helping us who are clueless about their conversations. For that I'd like to say THANK YOU




lovekin........... pleasse come back!!! bring be back to reality!! I'm smiling like a baby right now and I don't think it will stop in a short time :P




crystal_malfoy....... I just noticed that you already changed your avatar. I thought you disappeared to somewhere :lol:












EDIT: oops I topped the page. I'll repost Dduk's translations of the episode....



Y: I bought a present


YM: Present?


[why a present?]


[Tough TAK!]


[busan man style]


Y: I took away your sunglasses.


YM: It’s something that I like though…


[anticipation anticipation]


YM: OMO!!!




S: It’s pretty!


[Wine colored sunglasses]


YM: oh, Wine colored?


S: do you like the color of red wine?


MC: Oh aren’t the glasses too big?


Y: Oh it looks good on you.


S: Oh it looks good on you.


S: You look pretty.




S: It really looks good on you.


YM: I’m pretty?


S: yes!


[the mom who like to be call pretty by her son]


[thank you]


YM: I’ll wear it well.


[finally the food has come out]


Y: I’ll eat well


S: I’ll eat well.


Y: Why aren’t you eating?


S: I’ll eat after mother starts eating.


MC: OH look at that!


YM: Oh I picked up the utensil


MC: I wished my future daughter in law is like that.


MC: Oh look the mom is constantly looks at her.


S: Oh it looks delicious


Y: Try this


S: yes.


MC: Oh it looks soo good!


MC: OH NO! mother has to be served first!




YM: You have to give me also.


[you have to give mother…!]


MC: See I was right!


Y: I was going too... I gave the person close to me ….first.


MC: Oh I think she is going to be annoyed.


MC: and it’s been a while since she saw her son.


[that’s not it]


YM: that’s not it…


MC: He should have given the mom first.


[taken aback]




S: Give to mother first.


MC: Of course.


YM: I get jealous too


[i get jealous too daughter in law!]


Y: what was it the movie we watched (Oll Ga Me), after she watched that she said should I act like the ollgame mother?


[Later, should I act like the oll ga me mother?]


YM: In the movie the mother in law was jealous, she later kills the daughter in law.


[she kills the daughter in law?!]




MC: Isn’t that the movie w/ Choi Shi Woo?






S: Really?


YM: later in the movie the mother and daughter in law began to fight!!!


[in front of the daughter in law, the cute mother who’s accent has come out]


YM: When Yong write that letter to Seohyun, I was so surprised when he made the guide book.


S: Have you ever seen him like that before?


Y: She didn’t see me like that before.


YM: I’ve never seen him like that before.


S: Oh really?


YM: Whenever he wrote to us… every time the writing was the same.


[oh gosh, The writing was the same!]


MC: How many years did he do that!


MC: the mom is jealous!


S: Really?


YM: Mom dad, thank you for having me.


MC: Wow it’s like a greeting


[Mom, dad, thank you for having me. I’ll grow up well. Please be healthy and live very very long!]


YM: I’ll grow up well. Please be healthy and live very very long! But to Soehyun you write so many letters to her…


Y: Yeah, but usually I’m not the type of guy who would usually write letters.


[the mom who was surprised with her sons reaction to Hyun]


Y: I usually don’t do that. (saying he usually doesn’t write)


S: Oh I see.


[if it wasn’t for the mother she wouldn’t have known that about her husband]


YM: It was the same for a book. When he was in junior high school to his junior year in high school it was the same. What was the title of it again?


S: What is it?


[Yong who is the victim to the smart daughter in law and mother]


[at the right time, busan sushi enters]


MC: oh I want to eat some.


Lizzy: wow… really…


S: I’ll eat well.


YM: this tastes good.


[as soon as she picks it up…straight towards the daughter inlaw]


S: thank you so much.


[the ]


S: Oh! It tastes good! Please eat more.


[seeing his mom]


[seeing his wife]


YM: Eat a lot of sushi and go back.


Y: yes


S: yes.




MC: When you go to those kinds of places you have to eat well.


[again in]


[Hyun who is really eating well]


MC: she is eating well.






[quickly picked up…]


[daughter in law love]


S: oh thank you.


[she firsts dips it into the chili paste]


YM: You eat well.


S: It tastes good!


S: mother I’ll be right back from the bathroom.


[Hyun leaves her seat for just a moment]


MC: The mother prob. went through what hyun is going through so this must be a new feeling especially since it’s the first girl he brought home.


YM: Eat more sushi.


Y: Yeah. So what do you think of Seohyun?


YM: She is pretty, kind and very upright. Compared to girls now a days.


[The mother who is very satisfies w/ hyun]


YM: and I think she will be very good to you. Why don’t you be good to her.


Y: I’ll be good.


YM: your characters match so well.


[the mom who is giving good advice to her youngest son. ]


YM: She satisfies me. (meaning she approves)


MC: It really looks as if the mother in law really approves of her.


[the widely smiling face]


YM: what about you yong?


Y: of course I’m satisfied with her she is my wife.


[while smiling widely]


YM: you have to treat her well.


[can’t look at his mother in the eyes.]


YM: Girls usually get upset by the little things not the big >


[Wife Hyun comes back in]


Y: Seohyun, quickly eat, there aren’t a lot left.


YM: Try this.


Y: This? What is it?


]sea cucmber?!]


Y: oh really?


MC: oh that’s really good.


S: oh it’s a sea cucumber?


MC: Oh isn’t that good for the body?


Y: sea cucmber's ORGANS




MC: it looks like she never tried it before.


MC: it’s because sometimes people who get queasy easily usually can’t eat it.




YM: Try it


S: yes…


Y: if you didn’t want to eat it, you don’t have too.


YM: Try a little bit.


[ the person who is wants to give to the daughter in law b/c its good for her.]


S: Its…. Good for the body… right?


S: … oh… oh… yes….


[ can’t say that the taste is good]




YM: do you know how to eat this?


[sea squirt…!]


S: I never tried that before.


YM: You never tired it?


[the girl from Seoul who is unfamiliar with seafood]


YM: to tell you the truth you have to eat this first.


S: oh really?


MC: Oh but it does taste good


MC: will hyun be ok?


S: Oh..


YM: What? (wrong?)


[still can’t swallow…]


Y: its sour


[without knowing her face shows it.]


YM: Is it weird?


[not it s not mother!]


[still taking it in]






[you’re putting a lot of effort wife.]


MC: she can’t even swallow it yet!


YM: it smells a little but like the sea right?


[smells a little like the sea!?]


S: it’s ok.


YM: ohh hahaha Eat a lot~


Y: if you drink water it becomes sweet.


S: oh really?


MC: if it was in front of her mother in law she would even most likely eat rocks if she needed!


Y: yeah, if you drink water, it becomes sweet


S: oh! It’s delicious!


[till the end… [


[it’s delicious~]


S: did I dip it too much into the sauce?


Y: no its not. It’s ok. You ate it well.


S: it tasted good.


MC: whenever the girl puts some effort when she is in front of the mother in law, does it make her look pretty?


MC’s : Of course it’s pretty.


YM: what is this?


Waitress: Minke Whale


MC: Minke whale!?


[this is whale meat!?]


MC: I never tried that before.


S: there is a lot of things that I ate for the first time today.


YM: dip it a little there and give it to her. Feed it to her.


[put it in her mouth]


[the mother who wants to see her son feed his wife]




[showing affections in front of the mother in law?!]


Y: eat it.


S: wait a minute


Y: it’s sam-gyup-sal (Korean bacon)


[without knowing her smile widens ^-^]


S: It’s really delicious!


YM: oh really? You eat well.


[am I doing well? Slightly relieved]


[hyun who is getting advice from the mother]


S: while you were watching us being married, because I am still lacking, he always comes to my level.


Y: I’ve never done that.


S: no, you always do that.


YM: when I was watching, there isn’t a lot to fix because if you just take care of yong well your feelings will be eventually expressed. You’re doing well. It’s yong who has to do well.


[the mom and daughter in law who are affectionate while the sound is pushed out]


S: this is the goguma that we planted. Shall we open it?


[the wrapped up goguma that is given to the mother]


YM: oh the ones where you planted yourselves?




S: yes. Even though we worked hard…


MC: Oh it’s goguma!


MC: oh they presented it very prettily


[the bad harvest w/ the radish-like goguma]


YM: Oh wow it grew beautifully.


MC: oh, out of the pile it’s the best ones… the one they sent us were really tiny.


MC: it was this tiny


MC: mother! That is special A goguma!


Y: we selected the only pretty ones.


YM: I’ll eat it well!


S: over… there, can you hand me the shopping bag?


[and then…]


Y: what is it?


MC: she prepared something else, Seohyun-shi


[wide eyed]


[what can it be?]


[the husband not knowing]


Y: what is it?


S: this is a present for you mother.


[Hyun who has prepared another present]


YM: oh how can I receive this!


MC: Oh Duty Free!


S: it’s Glucosamine and omega 3


[while in Japan bought…. Healthy presents]


YM: Glucosamine for joints


S: yes


YM: I… already have to take these?


S: oh but its also for people like me who constantly dance we already take these.


YM: oh I’m so thankful. I didn’t even prepare anything.


S: oh no, it’s not a problem… this whole thing. And also this…


[in no way…. Again?]


MC: she has something else?


[she has another present!]


S: And this is…this is for mother. It’s a scarf.


MC: Mother hit the jackpot today!


MC: to impress the mom you have to give her some presents.


Y: It’s fancy


YM: it’s fancy~ can I open it?


S: Yes


YM: She only bought things that I like.


S: oh really?


[will the mother like it…]


YM: it’s pretty.


[wine colored scarf]


MC: oh it’s pretty!


MC: it’s pretty! Pretty!


[and then…]


YM: letter?


S: oh, no it’s not…


YM: how to wear the scarf advice book?? So that is what it is.


[oh that’s what it is]


YM: oh the color is really pretty and it’s elegant. After this I have to try it.


S: Oh! It really does look good on you. You look good in wine like colors.


MC: oh so that is why she asked if she like the color of wine.


[that’s why she asked if she like the color before]


YM: with the sunglasses… is it a set? ^-^?! Should I try it on?


S: yes!


YM: alright!


YM: I’ll try it on both.


MC: the mom got excited






YM: should we go to Italy?


MC: After she puts on the glasses she should walk out to the beach.


MC: oh she looks good


[Mrs. Italy]


S: oh she looks good.


YM: I’m I pretty?


S: Yes.


Y: you look pretty.. Pretty pretty pretty.


[the happy son ^^]


[watching the happy mother]


S: and this is for father and for the older brother.


MC: you’re doing well.


MC: oh she prepared for the whole family.


S: it’s a couple scarf so the colors are similar.


YM: I’ll hand it to them well. Thank you so much.


S: It’s nothing.


S: and this… is a letter.


YM: Oh so there is a letter!


[she prepared it]


[there is a letter…!]


MC: out of everything I think the letter is what she most wanted.


YM: Should I read it now? Or should I read it later?


S: oh you can read it now.




Hyun’s letter.


Translated by :baidu gogumas




Hello Father and Mother. I am very nervous since this is my first time greeting both of you formally. yong oppa has always been accomodating the inadequate me in all circumstance. and he understands me well. really thank you. it is all because of father and mother's succesful teachings. i will work hard to be a wise wife for yonghwa oppa. to be a daughter in law that father and mother proud of. wish both of you good health. Daughter-in-law Hyun




MC: oh she write it really nicely.


Y: what?


YM: no I suddenly got impressed.




MC: Oh she succeeded!


[ the letter in which the daughter in law impressed her…]


MC: because if she gave the letter first she might have been eh about it but with two presents and a letter… you can’t help but be impressed.


[with two presents and letter you the impression can’t go away!]


[there has to be a formula to get the mother in laws love.]


YM: thank you so much.


MC: The mother’s face suddenly became brighter.


YM: every now and then I’ll read this.


Y: yes!


YM: thank you!


YM: but I didn’t prepare anything


Y: I’m telling you it’s ok


S: oh it’s ok!


Y: it’s fine.


YM: Yong~ thank you!


Y: with what?


YM: You married well!


MC: Must be proud.


MC: I mean if the girl is like that who wouldn’t be?


YM: I think you bought too many presents


S: oh no its not. It’s my first time meeting you. It’s my first time greeting someone formally like this.


YM: so this is how it feels to receive a present from a daughter in law. I’m really happy


S: really?


MC: it looks like the atmosphere is comfortable.


S: please just comfortably think of me as a daughter.


[just think of me as a daughter]




YM: all of a sudden I feel as if I know you well. After getting your presents I want to be around you more ^^.


S: really!?


YM: I think we are getting closer now!


S: oh thank you


Y: You didn’t buy me a present?


S: I buy a lot for you.


[more than usual the well done good wife.]


[now the mother leaves the two]


Y: oh I’m stuffed!


YM: after you see the nice places, meet his friends and come back.


MC: oh looks like the mom is leaving now.


YM: tell your parents to stay safe and tell them that I am so grateful. And I’ll look forward to meeting them


S: I’ll see you again. Please return safely!


YM: have fun


[bye mom!]




S: Goodbye!


YM: I’m leaving!


[watches until the mother fully leaves]


Y: Oh the weather is nice.


S: You’re right


S: it’s not even cold.


S: I didn’t by any chance make a mistake did i?


Y: no you didn’t. you did really well.


[did well]


[did well]


Y: you’re the same as my mom, she said the same thing. She asked if she make any mistakes


MC: oh look they are holding hands comfortably


S: really?


MC: It looks good


Y: We have to look at the beach.


S: yes!


Y: we have to look at the always darkly lit beach.


S: and always cold beach.


Y: cold and dark.


MC: oh looks good


MC: OH it’s San Francisco!


Y: oh the smell of the sea!


[smelling the sea]


S: this is the smell of the sea?


Y: yeah. You can’t tell?





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Guest crystalblue
































































































































Watching this episode totally made me want to go eat a big platter of sashimi now!!! Didn't all that looked so fresh and yummy? Let's do a Yongseo couple tour and relive the high lights of their journey!!! ahhhhh.... Seohyun put in so much thoughts to impress her MIL- she even put the gogumas in a lined box! It was super touching for me to see Yong's mom reaction to reading her DIL's card. I think if I was Yong seeing that, I would fall in love with Seohyun even more. . . Oh and now we know where Yong got his jealousy streak from! His Oma has it too! haha but it was cute the way she did it. After spending time with her MIL like that, Seohyun must have seen a whole new side to Yonghwa- and hopefully, that would have made her feel more secured and confident about trusting Yong with her heart. I know if I was in her place, that's how I would feel. I would be more trusting to give him my heart because I saw what kind of a man his mother sees in him.
































































































































and axy569 - I don' t think Seohyun excused herself from the table for the reason you posted. She did take her cell phone with her so I think she needed to check messages or make calls as she has a busy professional schedule outside of WGM. She's such a health conscientious person that she would more than likely not have done what you thought she did. Secondly, I do not think loving people like Yonghwa and Seohyun have "enemies". That is a strong negative word don't you think? In life, it is natural that celebrities and idols - no matter how popular and deserving they are, will have people who do not like them or fans who want their idols to be single. Probably for all of us, in our own lives, we also have people who do not like us or agree with us. Rather than focusing on such negative energy, we and they can realize how many supporters and fans they DO have and how blessed they are to be loved by so many. Decisions on how to live their lives would probably be based from what they feel in their hearts, what's best for their families and band mates and not much else should matter. I hope that when we say we love them, that we can find a way to think positively of them and believe in their good nature rather than assuming the worse. I hope for that.
































































As for me, it is 9AM where I am now and I am CRAVING sashimi so I need to go find a good sushi restaurant thanks to this episode. :P
































































Edit: I forgot to thank Dduk for the awesome and fast translation. It's a beautiful and generous gift you gave to us so thank you!

































































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Here are the links...


























WGM: YongSeo cut Ep.40 Part 1/2


























WGM: YongSeo cut Ep.40 Part 2/2








Credit: me








^ ^








Their part is like "Reality TV" :D





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Dduk, tks for the fast translations.

first time watching this vid w/out sub, i know its going to be daebak!

and now with the sub..i'm feeling the goosebump all over again.

this IS a reality show..the story of yongseo falling in love for real :w00t:

its true when they say...Mother Knows Best!

- she knows hyun is a rare gem

- she knows yong is smitten by hyun

- and she knows both will make a good partnership in this marriage..


hacker..long time no see.

something random

with namjas in this thread, namely

luvtokki, trent, K1, otty, kubih, glenn, hacker, M3 and so on..

i personally find it interesting that we get to see POV coming from the male perspectives..

so..to the namjas in this thread..

one question for u guys..

abt the scene where yong gave food to hyun first, what do u guys think abt his excuse?

if u are in yong's position, do u give the food to the one nearest to u,

which happens to be the girl that u like OR

u give it to your mom who sits opposite of u..

i can't help feeling the embarrassment that yongseo have, after MIL asked

yong to give her food too.. :sweatingbullets::lol:

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Guest cheekyfoo

Hi Goguma peeps,

I have come out of lurker mode again just to say to our special MountainMadman that he doesn't have to feel bad or sorry for what happened because its the thought that counts and i really appreciate all the effort and time you have graciously spent on providing such wonderful translation! Hwating!

Well, i also want to say that i managed to download the latest digital single "For first time lovers" by our dear Yong Hwa from Mnet and i must say that the process was arduous as i couldn't understand a single word of korean but luckily, thanks to all the help from soshified, i managed to buy the single and show my appreciation to our special YongSeo Couple - They are my weekly dose of energy pills and every episode, they have always left a smile on my face!


From Singapore!!

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