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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I'm just quoting you in hopes that you are right. :lol: I hope that considering we are "behind" we will begin to pick up the pace now. 4 episodes until the wedding shoot HOPEFULLY. :sweatingbullets:


Sorry to cut your post, but from calculation there should be more than four episodes before the wedding shoot.






I think the Busan episode will run for another full episode since I expect this Saturday's to be a little shorter due to it being Adam's farewell episode. Most episodes have run for at least two episodes.






So a conservative estimation of the schedule would be:



1/15 - Busan Episode



1/22 - Busan/300th day



1/29 - 300th day



2/05 - 300th/Snow trip



2/12 - Snowtrip



2/19 - Snowtrip/Wedding



2/26 - Wedding






They still have to show quite a bit from the Busan episode if rumours are correct. For example, in the last episode they hinted at that Seohyun would meet Yonghwa's friends but that wasn't shown in the preview at all. So it should be another five/six weeks before the wedding shoot is shown which would make sense because it would be their one year anniversary around that time. I don't want PD to rush anything even though I really want to see the wedding shoot!



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Guest MountainMadman

Hey everyone...so we're back to discussing the mildang? I guess I'll leave that up to our goguma analysts to figure that one out. Me, I'm just an innocent bystander that sits back and watches the fun. :P

...and occasionally writes fanfics. Episode 57 of Love Story, out now. Happy reading.


EDIT: Pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but just in case you missed it (taking advantage of being at the top of the page): I'll be returning to translating work in time for the next episode.

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Guest bezbezbez


























































Last night I made a post to update everyone about the progress of the YongSeo 1st Anniversary Project and I'm glad that some of you have decided to step up and participate in the project. The project is pretty hard to materialize but if all of us will work together, I belive that we can finish it in no time.






































For those who are having a hard time on finding scenic places in their country, I thought of something to make things easier. While I was in class a while ago, I've realized how greatly YongSeo have affected my lif so I thought of why not include this for the fanvid.






































You can take a picture along with logo of the moments that proves how YongSeo have influenced our lives. An example of this is through YongSeo, I got inspired to pursue my dream and work harder on my studies. With that idea, you can take a picture of a black board with full of lectures then the YongSeo logo beside it.






































Here are some of the ways that YongSeo influenced our lives. It's up to you if you'll pick one from here or think of your own moment.






































1. YongSeo have influenced us to push through with our goals in life.























2. YongSeo taught me the importance of healthy food.























3. YongSeo have influenced me to widen the scope of my knowledge through reading.























4. YongSeo have influenced me to be socially aware just like blood donation.























5. YongSeo brought the beuty of exercising into my life.























6. YongSeo made me appreciate the kraft of music more that I used to before.























7. YongSeo made my days happier and meaningful.























8. YongSeo made me wanna learn how to cook.























9. YongSeo taughht me the beuty of love.























10. YongSeo made me wanna ride a train everyday.






































Those are just examples... I hope I managed to gave you an idea on what to do. Again, I'm asking for everyone's cooperation on this. Just always feel free to PM me in case there are questions.






































Thank You Gogumas!

































































EDIT: Since everyone's hooked with the cookbook... I wonder if someone can collect cheesy lines for Yong... If someone wants to do it, Please PM me :)
























THE BANMAL SONG WILL BE RELEASED AS A SOLO SONG. YongHwa redid some parts and the song will also have a new title :)





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Guest yongseorockin


Has everyone heard?








That means there is always an extreme high possibility that our Goguma Couple will date for real later on!




Three CHEERS for ADAM COUPLE ~~ kekeeke ^^



Now there isnt a reason why Goguma cant be real tooo *smiles* ^^



Don't worry YongSeo! Go for it!! Thousands of us are behind you!



As soon as it was announced that the ever so famous ‘Adam Couple‘ from MBC’s “We Got Married” would end their run on the show, fans were left heartbroken as the virtual marriage came to an unexpected stop.




Fans, fear not! On an upcoming episode of MBC’s comedy show, “First Time In My Life“, Jo Kwonmade a shocking confession by stating, “I told you, I’m really dating Ga-In nuna.”




On a segment titled “Confess Your Sin“, Jung Hyung Doon asked Jo Kwon, “Both you and Ga-In suited each other so perfectly in ‘We Got Married’. Don’t you both have an intention to date for real?“. Jo Kwon replied, “We are really dating, don’t you guys know?




To  spice things up even further, the other members of 2AM (who also guested on the show) confirmed their relationship by stating, “Jo Kwon and Ga-In are really dating.”




While it sounds like a dream come true to many, we all know how Jo Kwon likes to joke around, especially with topics such as this. Fans will have to wait for the full episode to air on January 12th, but in the mean time, leave a comment below with your thoughts.




Is Jo Kwon goofing around, or is he really telling the truth?




Sources + Photo: Nate & Yahoo! Korea




Taken from: allkpop




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Guest justbulan








































Has everyone heard?






































































































































That means there is always an extreme high possibility that our Goguma Couple will date for real later on!







































































Three CHEERS for ADAM COUPLE ~~ kekeeke ^^































































Now there isnt a reason why Goguma cant be real tooo *smiles* ^^































































Don't worry YongSeo! Go for it!! Thousands of us are behind you!






























































































Sources + Photo: Nate & Yahoo! Korea
































Taken from: allkpop






























































































i knew it from the beggining.. good thing about it.. :D i have to admited they are truly adorable <3 
































but sorry if my post sounds a little negative..
































isn't adam couple really ovbiously shown their affection towards each other even outside WGM.. so do khuntoria.. i mean, they really show their inner feelings outside WGM... 
































but for yongseo.. it's different.. their interaction outside WGM is rarely seen by camera.. (and i have to admits it kills me sometimes tears.gif)but as far as we can see.. both of them are the type who hold on into their commitment.. (shown that they're wearing the ring outside WGM) and bot of them have some introvert side. for me.. their future as a couple outside WGM so far is hidden by the mist.. only God who knows... since we don't really know  what's inside their minds and their future.. it's good if they really end up together.. *i'll be gone to go-chun forever if it's truew00t.gif*  but as lovekin and i.said.hi said before, we have to keep in our minds, that WGM is a reality show.. tears.gif thanks for both of you for reminding me and make my mind go back to the earth from Go-Chun :P and this is what exactly what i need to keep in my mind.. so when the show is over and not end as i want to be, i won't be so sad or disapointed rolleyes.gif 








































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow adam couple are dating for real??? not yet sure but jokwon said they are.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello my fello kamotes (gogumas)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































waahhh i hope our couple will also date for real but will not yet announce it so they can still be at wgm, kekeke






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if THEY DATE FOR REAL, the entire goguma planet will "party like its the end of the world" :wub::wub::wub::wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































regarding the last episode, hyun already met her MIL before the GDA right? she already knew that she is the first girl that yong introduced to his family, i guess that's explains her reaction as well as the rest of  SNSD during the award's night. when cnblue was announced as winner. check @ 5:01

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when i saw the GDA video before i was a little surprise because all of a sudden they were so closed that hyun can really express what she feels to her husband irregardless whoever sees her. :wub::wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































spread the yongseo love globally

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest aya otohata

Collection of Yong's sweet/funny lines to Hyun:

Episode 27: I'll catch them (fish) all for you! [added by justbulan]

Episode 30: Am I cute like that?

Episode 30: Look at it (the photobook Yong made) when you miss me.

Episode 32: Girls shouldn't walk on the side of passing cars.

Episode 32: You said more than having my hair up, you said you like it down...so I have it down everytime.

Episode 32: I watch everything you do!...I actually thought of you, and entered your name.

Episode 32: Everything, just except this one...don't you think it was cool? (goguma rating) [added by justbulan]

Episode 32: (HYUN) What on Earth? (YONG) This is Earth. Note: This couple is really out of this world lol

Episode 37: What should I do...to find a way into your heart?

Episode 37: Then, well...you're already mine!!!

Episode 39: (HYUN) Do you have a mirror? (YONG) My eyes!

Episode 39: What is said between us I don't want others to hear.

Episode 39: Don't smile at me with your eyes...it makes my heart beats faster.

Episode 39: I felt that you're different from that moment onwards.

I'll have to rewatch previous episodes to add to this list...or if you guys want to add some sweet/funny Yong lines to Hyun then, feel free to do so...lol I'm just bored and I want to get rid of the negativity that is somewhat surfacing again in this thread...so yeah...hehehe

I JUST REALLY HAVE TO ADD THIS: Episode 32: (YONG) I'm a grown up! I'm NOT Yong-Choding (MCs) Yes, you are.

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Guest justbulan








































Collection of Yong's pick up lines (or u can call them just sweet/funny lines) lol:
































Episode 37: What should I do...to find a way into your heart?
































Episode 37: Then, well...you're already mine!!!
































Episode 39: (HYUN) Do you have a mirror? (YONG) My eyes!
































Episode 39: What is said between us I don't want others to hear.
































I'll have to rewatch previous episodes to add to this list...or if you guys want to add some funny/sweet Yong lines to Hyun then, feel free to do so...lol I'm just bored and I want to get rid of the negativity that is somewhat surfacing again in this thread...so yeah...hehehe































































add this too: 
































at episode 27 :
































Yong: "ill catch them (fish) all for you" :P 
































during japan trip: 
































hyun: "only 1?!"
































yong: "everything.. exept that one..."
































Yong: "isn't i'm cool?" (after answering how much goguma she have)









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Guest nikijenlo




Wow…so many things to analyze..that shows how passionate we are of these 2 beautiful and wonderful persons..




but guys, little analyzing is fun but over-analysing is a bit….errkkk :wacko:    for me..hehehe 






All I wanna say is, im so proud of how  these 2 young people carried and handled themselves in this epi. (we know how young and inexperience they are on this type of situation). Well done sweeties!!








Hyunnie…look how sweet and polite and honest she was during the  Q&A  with MIL.  When MIL asked about cooking, she was embarrassed but still she honestly admit that she’s lacking but willing to improve her cooking skills. I bet yong must be so touched and proud of her as well. (don’t get me started  with how ccuuuteeee she looks. I found every gestures and words spoken by her sooo sweet and cute – she’s a  real cutie..period!). :wub:








Yong…I love how he quietly observed his omonim and wifey without interfering anything… He let them get to know each other without him blabbering at hyun side to ease the ackwardness… but that doesn’t mean he wont step in if things become too uncomfortable for hyun..and I think hyun realize it too. That’s why during her conversation with omoni..she give her full attention to omoni w/o dragging yong into the conversation. ooowwwhhhh…he looks much more manly when he did what he did..:w00t:








So unfortunate obunyim wasn’t there too. I bet he will love love love hyun even more..!!












P/s: if what I heard is correct, does MIL keep on referring to herself as omma to hyun  during the conversation (in car + restaurant)?  If true..aww…so sweet.. Anyone willing to clarify on this??









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Guest YukiAgne
































































































seriously, why are you dragging up something that has already been settled and buried in the hatchet.
































































not even sure what is the point. I dun even feel that ena123 thinks we are offending Adam couple. But i do feel offended that you included us in "stop posting anything as if we ALL offended Adam couple!"
































































lets just move on and stop digging something that is so many pages away. YongSeo Fighting~~















































































































ok.. that's ur opinion and i respect it... :D
































































































Hi there
































































okay , first of all I like this couple very much,but maybe not as much as u like them..
































 I think it's a misunderstanding
































































I'm very really  thankful for all the support and love we Adam fans recieved from all of u ... Thats why I draw the fanart and ofcourse because I like this couple.
































do you know  how happy I get when this 2 do skinship ..  like before i said their eyes talks...
































I can really see that u all Yongseo fans are awesome... thats why I did the fanart
































I was not mad at  that person.. but just got sad that he/she did not see that I also like this couple too.
































Anyways If I offended you/ CALCULATOR or any other fans BY MY fanart OR SAID ANYTHING WRONG IM REALLY SORRY. 
































But it's really rude 2 call me a punk and tantrums.. 
































 And don't say that all of you offende Adam couple ?what ??? because we know thats not true ..... And I don't see it like that.. 
































most of you are awesomeeeee. :w00t:  Thats how I SEE all of u Yongseo fans ..
































anyways let's end it here with this comment.
































































YukiAgne pliz if u want to say something 2 me or about me Pm me pliz ,we are here because we have 2 show love for Yongseo couple so we don't have 2 disscuse other couple here. And make negativ energy.
































































And YukiAgne please don't let the minus THING gET into YOU. Continue on this thread ^^ SO show more love for Yongseo couple IN THE FUTUR . Afterall we are WGM FAMILY,we all want the best for all the couples.  
































This thread is all about love and respect .
































let's just move on ..^O^   Yongseo fighting .































With all respect, this is my last comment here,thank u again.















































































































































































Yeah.. maybe i'm a bit out of the line when i called you "PUNK" but seeing your past comment.. I'll say it's really TANTRUMS... Don't worry.. everybody still have that...but saying that kind of sentence here also in PUBLIC makes "ME" hurt.. (i'm really like this.. outspoken..) Maybe i could say we did the same...I threw also IMMATURE tantrums here in this forum but saying that... I wish "WE" SHOULD THINK FIRST BEFORE WE WRITE ANY IN PUBLIC...I wish we could be friends in the future...
































































And yeah, when you started posting and reading in this forum, you're already WELCOME in GOGUMA World... :D

































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*quoted image*




cr. bugs music




Comming Soon!!!!!!!!!!! fri. 01/14/11




[Digital Single] jung yong hwa [banmal song]  [take reservations]







So it's not couple version. We will hear only Yong voices in this version, right?


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Guest glennpaulo
























Yukiagne and Ena123 








I'm glad that the misunderstanding between you two has been already fixed. Because of the calculator's post has been erased, everything gets complicated. Congrats!!!..... 
















It's that true, I thought they can't release it... Anyway i really waiting for the Banmal Song to be released officially. 








For those who believe that JINWOON is close to CNBLUE because of the saying "You should close to your friend and closest to your enemy". This is the truth behind CNBLUE brothers and Jinwoon being very  closed.















2AM’s Jinwoon officially prepares for his solo rock debut








During 2AM’s first ever solo concert last month, Jinwoon voiced his secret desire to release his very own rock album. Well it looks like the maknae has finally begun preparations for his solo!








Jinwoon will indeed be recording rock tracks, as revealed by a Big Hit Entertainment representative: “Jinwoon has personally produced the tracks and is preparing a style of rock music that regular idols can’t perform.  He’s trying to capture the essence of rock for his solo project.”








Although the album is still in its production stages, representatives confirmed that he’ll be bringing in talented musicians to form a band.















Jinwoon has prior experience as a rock band member during his high school years, and although he began pursuing ballads with 2AM, he’s always expressed his love and interest for rock to his fans.  The singer has also been consistently practicing the guitar, bass, and drums, and even performed the electric guitar during 2AM’s nation-wide tour.























Source + Photos: Everyday Economy via Daum






















EDIT: SO it's only Yong who will release the Banmal Song, Since it is only Yong i wonder what will be the first stanza lyrics of the song. And why it was release only by Yong, I think the song will be more musically powered if all of CNBLUE are playing instrument.









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Hi everyone!




As far as I am concerned I don't think that YongSeo lost their spark. There is still so much that I wanna see and know. For example Hyun taking the initiative showing her affection towards Yong without any pressure. I know about the arm linking but still, it was just one incident. I want her to grab his hand and hold it without much thinking  :wub:




I feel there is still some restraint between these two maybe because their growing affection is confusing them, who knows exactly.




@justbulan: your spoiler is exactly my fear. As I said before this couple reminds me somehow of the Ssangchu-Couple and once this show ends their interaction will stop and my poor heart will suffer. even if they are real, if they won't come out who will know it?




They have this mystery around them. Are they or aren't they?! But one can see that they genuinely care for  and like each other.




My resolution: enjoy them while they are on and expect the unexpected, they are still the Goguma-Couple we are talking about so everything is in and possible




@nikijenlo: I think in the car also the MIL said something like "Omma has no daughters ..."  :wub:  it's very sweet.




And one clarification on my side: I now know why I have always the two weeks in mind regarding the milddang.




In ep.28 Yong complains to Hyun why she didn't tell him about the TRAX- MV shoot and she  replied because she couldn't contact him in the two weeks. So my easy mind made it up that there was a two week gap between the concert and the next WGM filming :sweatingbullets:




without proving it. But maybe it was two weeks after the lunch they had with the WGM staff?!




Anyway(if it's indeed true) all the best for the Adam Couple!





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Guest AngelVillian

About the mildang, im actually glad that it happened cause, by then. 

Yonghwa and Seohyun finally could get touchy with each other. 


And personally I THINK, that MBC wouldn't end YongSeo so soon.

Come on, it's 2 things.

Either they want their rating to FALL TO THE BOTTOM (Since Adam couple leaving had dropped their rating to a DEFINITE point)

Or they want to end the show soon.

So either way, MBC is just digging their own grave i think.

Thats my opinion.

Another thing is that, well, i was preparing for the worst

Might be abit sensitive.

If Yonghwa and Seohyun really leaves we got married. It'll not be the end.

They'll probably stay in contact.

And since both Yonghwa and Seohyun are clever people,

They probably wouldn't let the media knows about this.

Because see,

CN BLUE ---> Yonghwa is the pretty boy there. (Probably the one with the most fans?)

SNSD ---> Seohyun her herself, is still young. And then she probably have a number of fans too.

*Since the members in SNSD have their individuals group of fans


Just to talk about ADAM COUPLE for a little.

From the start, i was thinking they were together ALREADY.

Because my friend's uncle worked in one of those media companies.

And he said that Adam couple hanged out there once before, but it wasn't broadcasted.

And yes it was a date. ROFL

Well maybe they went for a little outing like friends.

But yeah, hopefully they'll end up marrying in real life :)

*Yes i was just thinking they'll be together, cause i didn't believed my friend.


Yongseo fighting!


Seohyun !

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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































You know what, I am glad that YH is going to release this song in his own... his original intent was to dedicate this song to SH, but because WGM got in the middle they used it to make a mission... In my opinion he looked really upset/maybe angry when he read the mission about the banmal song.
















































































I will definetly buy this song, the last time someone posted a guide to buy songs for Soridaba, If someone can confirm if the song is going to be there too, I can use the same guide.
















































































Thanks for sharing people, Happy spazzing!!!
















































































Edit: I am dying to know what he have to say to her... I think that as FNC stated they cant use SH is lyrics... Why SM wouldnt let SH record this song... it is intriguing... uhhhmmm... Lets put it in the Goguma Mystery Room... kekekeke

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi




wow!!!! no words can describe how amazing this thread is!! I just have to catch up the discussions, and 7 pages in a day?? that's just awesome........


Just heard about the news ADAM couple dating for real......... Well, isn't it obvious?? just like justbulan said, both adam and khuntoria are known to express their feelings outside WGM, although khuntoria is still a bit blur (since I don't really follow them). for YongSeo it's definitely a different case and there's no way we can compare them to the other couples..... Why?




First of all, Yonghwa is from a rookie band that just made their venture on the K-entertainment, and keep rising in a very fast rate (which is partly because of WGM) and Seohyun is from a national girl group, well knowned all over korea with tons of supporters......... So I think it's possible for them to have more antis, and please bear in mind that I'm not talking about CNBLUE and SNSD antis. It's the fanboys/fangirls. I'm sure some of you - maybe all of you - know about the existence of MinSeo or SeoKyu shippers and also other Yonghwa-other girls shippers which I don't really know...... So I believe the exposure is greater, which I believe could be because respective companies' directives...... sometimes I'm getting crazy of this.


Also, both Yonghwa and Seohyun - as we have seen - are known to suppress their feelings outside WGM and that comes from their PERSONALITY, and there's nothing we can do about it unless they are the one who do it, plus be ready for any consequences that follow. I'm pretty sure that this is the reason why YongSeo were not received well in Korea many months ago because based on Korean people's perspective, they are "boring", "not fun to watch", "no skinships" etc etc. However, as we can see now, some of the perspectives have changed because of their progress of relationship, except that they do not really give hints about it outside WGM, and as a fan, sometimes I'm getting really really crazy over this, and also their meetings recently outside WGM on music awards to some of you might not give the feel that they are actually "in love for real", and the reason for this could be because of what I have stated above.......... I think that the opinion that "YongSeo would announce their relationship like adam couple" is not really correct, but also not wrong. Hey, it might happen you know!! who knows!! Furthermore, this is also why SME is more "lenient" to victoria but not to Seohyun, and surprisingly FNC is quite strict also.....


Another than that, I agree with someone's post here (sorry can't remember you :sweatingbullets:) said that the scenes of WGM might have some scenario guidelines ( without a script) and that requires both YongSeo to follow that but do it by their own ways, not the PD's instructions..... Hey, at least this is better than script right? I believe some of you are still puzzled over this thing.


I'm sorry if I ruin the happiness here, because I just want to be realistic and not put my dreams too high - even though I'M REALLY HOPING FOR THAT.


Oh, and about the BANMAL SONG, does that mean we won't hear the lyrics composed by Hyun????? noooooo............




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I'm all for the release of Banmal Song with only Yonghwa singing. I mean, it's the original plan and all. Seohyun got to sing only because of their mission. But it's really Yonghwa's song for Seohyun. Like how Love Light is. I think it's much sweeter with only him singing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But if it's with Seohyun, SO MUCH BETTER. <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Weird how the management talks about the release of this song though. Last week, they made us all hyped up about the release of 'Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun's Banmal Song' then they'll release an article how they couldn't release it because of the conflict of schedule and all and now they're releasing it again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Okay, whoever is behind this plan. Okay.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Checked Soribada. Nothing from them yet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hands down to Yonghwa again. He took all his precious time fixing the song despite his crazy schedule. And really, we don't have any idea how little of a time he has in his hand. And yet, he took TIME. He doesn't have that!

































































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