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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest crystalblue
















yongseorockin - we will have the recipes translated in to Korean- that is the plan. I hope there are more gogumas out there that can make yummy dishes and share recipes with Hyun and Yong! I received my first recipe and photo today from wishwash. Thank you!









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Guest gogumacouple4ever




Hello my fellow goguma villagers! First time posting, I hope to receive alot of love from you guys =]]. I had been an active lurker to this forum/thread for the past few months and just wanna share my POV on the current episode aired and controversy.




First of all, Ep 39 was daebak!!!! I'm still in go-chun kekeke <3. like many others... im falling in love more and more with this couple each week! This couple never fails to amaze me every week! If only saturday was every day lol ^_^.




2nd and lastly, i see that the "Push and Pull" have been brought up again. I just wanna voice my own opinion on this and i hope everyone is ok with that =].


I truly believe that this act was not scripted at all ( just my inner sense of feeling kekeke )....and I see that its been decided and confirmed somewhat that he did it to see hyun reactions and feelings to it.




Here's my POV:




Had anyone ever thought that maybe...JUST MAYBE.. he did it because he was confused about his feelings and heart as well? Of course he did to see how hyun feels about him BUT... just maybe... he did it overall for his own sake. Maybe he wanted to confirm and see if his feeling for hyun were REEL or REAL. My thought is that he did this push and pull thing to see if he'll think of and miss hyun after one month or 2 weeks ( im also confuse about the timeline lol).  Regardless, my vote goes to Yong trying find out his true feelings and intentions.




FACT: he did admit that he did it to see hyun reactions and feelings


( but i think knowing him with his pride. he jus didn't want to admit he did it for himself as well lol )




o well in the end... waddu know. Its obviously the answer was REAL =] kekeke.




anyways ty for reading my boring post. jus wanted to voice out my POV since no one seems to be thinking the same lol.







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@crystalblue I would love to help but unfortunately that good at cooking, Anyway I hope that in the final 52 receipes, majority of it are goguma dishes.









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Guest my.yonghwa.baby












Hello, Go-Chun! A few things:




1. Regarding Yong's Mil-Dang




As a girl, I'm pissed that he had to do that. At the same time, I totally understand. Gogumas, men are simply stupid at times. And I mean that in the least offensive way possible. When boys get confused by their own emotions, they back off. They need to figure things out for themselves, and they want the girl to takes some initiatives.




Honestly, if YongSeo were a real couple and Yong did that to Seohyun, and if Seohyun didn't call Yong while waiting for Yong to make up his mind, this relationship could have fallen apart. Personally, I think being forced to film for WGM saved our YongSeo. I've seen relationships fall apart because of this in real life. It's the saddest way for a relationship to end. Both sides obviously care about each other, but they don't know that about each other and start second-guessing. I'm just glad YongSeo is going strong happy.gif




2. Yonghwa's relationship with his mother




There was obviously a lot to spaz about in the latest episode, but there was just one thing that kept me smiling constantly: YongHwa and his mother. Their relationship SCREAMED mother-son love. The way she hugged him so comfortably. The way he held her hand while she was greeting Hyun. The way he naturally elbowed his mother while imitating her female Busan greeting. The way he nonchalantly joked around with her even with Seohyun around. And the way his mother so effortlessly talked about her son's good and bad points. How smiles never left either of their faces. This made me so happy. To know that YongHwa has an amazing relationship with his mother made me so glad in my heart. I don't know if any gogumas watch Yonghwa in Night and Night, but in an episode about a month ago, MC Daesung talked about how for the past six years or so, his conversations with his mother consisted of one-worded answers. The saddest part about that statement is that in Korea, it's not too uncommon for sons to be inexpressive and uncomfortable around their mothers as each ages. This isn't a problem with YongHwa and his mother, and it makes me so happy. The Jungs are so beautiful both in and out smile.gif




3. Yonghwa's subtle behaviors at the restaurant




He kept fidgeting and having to touch things, unable to keep his hands still. This guy was nervous as heck. He cares about his mom, and he cares about his girl. And most importantly, he cares about how the women feel about each other. It's adorable. And terrifying at the same time... My least point will explain why.




4. A bit sensitive




When I found out about Adam couple leaving, my heart literally fell to the bottom of my stomach. I mean, I never particularly liked this couple, but I know a ton of people who did. And in all honesty, Adam couple has a ton more fans than YongSeo, and I figure, with good reason. Just a reason that I don't agree with.




But the reason I was so upset was because I started thinking about our YongSeo. The thought of their farewell terrified me. It makes me shudder and shake my head to get the idea out of my head. It scares me so much. I was a devout AnSol shipper, and their last episode was heart-breaking, And there's still a secret part of me that wants to believe that they're keeping in touch and dating in secret. But honestly.....what are the odds? tears.gif I love YongSeo 10 gabijillion x infinite more, and it was literally ruin me when things end.




I actually wrote a super long post on my personal wordpress about this months ago. I wrote how it scares me to think about YongHwa and SeoHyun hurting after their goodbyes. YongHwa was SeoHyun's first in everything. WGM meant more to this girl than any other female WGM participant in all of WGM history. I cannot even begin to imagine how big of a deal YongSeo's breakup is going to be.




I'm terrified, Gogumas. Utterly terrified....








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Morning Goguma....































































































A very cold morning here...






















































































































































Now, a very lively discussion I see here.... A few pages back...































































































Hehe, good. Better share with everybody here.































































































Let go the negative atmosphere happen to be "visit" this thread.






















































































































































I quote lizsch post here; same thought as mine...Sorry for cutting it.. ;)













































































































































































































I was wondering something...that Im pretty sure you have already discussed...but I didnt see it so I want to ask to clarify my thoughts haha































































































Its about the UCC of the banmal song... I noticed in the episodes of the BTS, it shows that It was upload the 26th at around 2am. Also, the recording and the upload of the video where made the same day...so probably they met each other like 2 or 3 hours before 2AM? So..THEY SPEND THE LAST HOURS OF CHRISTMAS DAY TOGETHER!






















































































































































I don't know if Im correct...Its just the conclutions I made... sooo I was thinking, even though they didnt have a christmas special broadcasting..perhaps they DO have an exchange christmas gift...or at least they greet each other! If they did, I guess we wont know what they do but at least it makes me happy to think that they spend some hours of an "special" day together.




























































































































































































































































I agree with you...































































































If the uploading was on 26 Dec, that makes they been meeting on 25 Dec night...































































































& could they been meet on 31 Dec also??? It's SBS Gayo right...































































































But don't Hyun got flight to Japan that night???































































































Hope they can also celebrate for new year celebration...






















































































































































My own thought lately...






















































































































































Why must Yong the 1 been told not to make Hyun cry....































































































Why don't any of Yong friends, ask Hyun not to make Yong cry....































































































Seems, Yong got a very, very sensitive soul here...(that's what make you can create a very good song).






















































































































































Based on his reaction, specially, in jealousy fields....































































































Possibility Yong will cry is there... Hahaha... (I'm with crazy thought here)
















































Am I make any sense here...
















































Both of them, clearly can cover their emotion successfully, but somebody should told that to Hyun somewhere...
















































Really need to see her reaction... How should she reply to that kind of statement, since we already know Yong statement here...































































































1 question to BOICE,

What was Yonghwa brother do at USA??? Study??? Working??? How old is he??? He's the 1 been friend with Simon D, right??
















































So, they still going to the same salon naaa...
















































Is this why they hair color almost the same at every event???
















































Really couple like hair.. HAHAHA
















































& right now, Yong is in Japan for promotion new album and Zepp tour, right...
















































(& congratulation to them for successful concert in Osaka)
















































Was Hyun also be in Japan right now???
















































Peace No War,

























































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Guest yongseorockin






my own thoughts. I think it doesn't really make sense since yong is the guy. So no guy friends would actually tell Hyun not to make Yong cry. Its a stereotype thing to tell the boyfriend to take care of the girl. Don't think its related to him being a sensitive soul. Haha.




Besides the likelihood of Hyun doing that is low. They are super cute together. Think what the friends can tell Hyun is probably, " You are lucky to have met Yong!!"


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Hi Goguma Family!














































































I think it's time for a proper introduction:














































































I have applied for and got accepted to be the new SeoHwa/YongSeo thread starter on Soompi.














































































The thread has grown so much and so quickly so a properly updated first post is a long time coming.














































































The growth of the thread is thanks to all of you, who share news, information, fan stuff, and even analysis and commentary. Thank you to all of you! This project is my way of helping organize the thread for old and new fans alike; as well as my tribute to you who are generously spreading the YongSeo love.
























This, for me, is a big project, so I hope you will all be patient and give me the support and help to be able to be able to complete this successfully. Anybody interested to help, please do send me a PM. :)
























Thanks are due as well to *sunhee, the original thread starter, without whose efforts, we wouldn't have a cozy home.
























On another point, this is just a gentle reminder to all Gogumafics readers and writers to send in your vote for the
























1st Gogumafics Awards
























Deadline for voting is 01.11.11 (11th January 2011, 11:59 p.m. KST). We will compile the winning fics and turn it into a gift for the YongSeo First Anniversary.
























Like mentioned in this post, Gogumafics is in full support of the YongSeo International Projects. All the information are contained in this link: Gogumafics in partnership with YongSeo International Projects.
























Let's work well together!









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Guest yongseo_fighting


Hi, everyone, it's me again. Hmm... on the recipes that we want to send Hyun, instead of most of it goguma dishes, can we put it some dish that Yong likes? For example, there were once, Hyun and Yong went to supermarket to buy ingredients for cooking and Yong mentioned he wanted to eat a type of meat? Sorry, can't recall... time to rewatch all the episodes.. :sweatingbullets: I am not good in cooking either, the only dish I can think about is a dish with sweet potato leaves that is famous here in Malaysia. Haha, someone mentioned that it's a waste that they didn't take the leaves as well from the farm previously as it will make a good dish. I believe we thought of the same thing.




As for the feelings I have from uri yongseo couple, that "mystery" feeling is gone but I don't think that makes me stop anticipating for their next episode. I couldn't imagine what will happen to my usual excited Saturday evening with them ending their WGM contract later.:crazy:... HORRIBLE THOUGHTS! GO AWAY!


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Guest deninja
































































































































CanI still beat a dead horse? 
































































































Sorrybut just had to express my thoughts about the mildang and CN Blue concert BTS.
































































































I’mgoing to try to put it in spoiler but I’m not sure if it’s going to work.
































































































Tothose who will read it, this is in my go-chun mind so be warned.
































































































































































































1.Yong did not INITIATE  any contact for a month after b-day episode. Anddid not wear the ring at first. (Bad Boy! Beat his shoulder 1000x for Hyun...)
































































































   As for his reasons, we would never know but I'd like to think: yes, tosee if Hyun will miss him but also to step back a little.  Hyun's giftbowled him over and he needed to get some distance to remind himself this wasjust a REEL relationship and he may be investing way too much already.(Delusional boy thinking he could still pull back at this point. ) Fancams ofhim performing lovelight during this time showed him with this smile likehe has a secret that's making him all tingly. (You were a GONER, Yong,even at that time maybe you just did not know it.)
































































































 2.However, they met in the middle of July but this was arranged by WGM staffwhere Yong invited Hyun to the concert and Hyun replied "Maybe?".
































































































3.How come he continued with the mildang after the dinner? I think he was stillhoping for Hyun to make the first call/move as was revealedin the Japan ep. (Wow, he really has it bad.  He needed a definite signfrom Hyun that some of his feelings were returned at least. A sign beyond theWGM cameras.)
































































































4.CN Blue concert. I think Yong (after the first set) was tipped off by theconcert staff that Hyun was in the house, the second floor.  At thispoint he know nothing of any WGM filming. Finally the sign he was waiting for!Despite the mildang, Hyun CAME!.
































































































 Blossom's(now private :( )  fancams showedhim stealing glances to the second floor during lovelight (second set). While some may say that he was just looking for his parents but his controlledgiddiness throughout the whole song makes me believe it was Hyun he was lookingfor. Plus the little wave and upward glance at the end. (You’re BUSTED again! ) 
































































































5.CN BLUE backstage filming is a little confusing. WGM or not?  No rings onboth and no microphones on both?
































































































   No rings and no mic on Yong is understandable because he did not knowthere was going to be WGM filming. But how come no ring and no mic on Hyun, ifit was WGM filming. I say it was non-WGM filming.
































































































(WowDaebak Hyun. Going to concert even during mildang, supporting the hubby, givinghim the benefit of the doubt.)
































































































Yongknew it was Hyun the whole time with the banner  and Hyun running so closeto Yong he probably thought he was gonna get a hug. But since it’s Yongseo…aish!
































































































6.Then Yong realizes cameras are rolling and says, “You saw. Where were you?” 
































































































(Asper Busan trip,
































































































“Yousaw” is actually a lot of words mushed together maybe like “You’re here, you’rereally here. I missed you. I’m so happy.” AWWWWWWW)
































































































7.Then his disappointment that Hyun was actually at the very end of second floor.She did not get to see
































































































hislittle wave at lovelight ending. (AISH!AISH!)
































































































8.But this kills me if it’s a non-WGM filming.
































































































   Parents comes in and Yong says, “This is my WIFE!” (Atta boy! Your real andreel just fused together.)
































































































































































































Okay.I’m done. Whew, Did not know spazzing like this was this hard. Kudos to all ofyou guys who do it so regularly in this thread.

















































































































































































































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i'm confused here about sulli's story during the mildang episode..can someone tell me what does sulli has to do during mildang? did yonghwa said something about sulli that might upset uri seohyun?
































































































Sorry to cut your post. When you mentioned it, I just remember that I had read that news before.






























































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe this is a bit related with whatt you said. But the time of this post (13 Sept) is so..confused.































































































































































































I wonder if this is one of the reason which make uri little Hyunie sad. What do you guys think?

































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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































































I really don't know why Sulli is involved in this matter :|
















































































































I mean, WHY? C'm on come to think of it, Yonghwa and Seohyun have nothing to do with Sulli
















































































































Even before, Yonghwa said he liked girls like Sulli, because Sulli is cute, but is that the matter?
















































































































If really, because Sulli has something going on with Yonghwa, and that makes Seohyun sad, I suggest that Seohyun leaves WGM right away :|
















































































































Excuse me, can we just think simply that the matter lays between Yonghwa and Seohyun
















































































































and ignore other factors, because what we're trying to analyze is why Yonghwa did the "push and pull" and it did upset me (as a sone, because obviously I don't why any one of my girls get hurt!)
















































































































I think we should just leave it as it, because the more we try to find out, the more the matter gets complicated, because I don't want to know the "other reason" besides that Yonghwa wanted to get close to Seohyun (that is what he said, and I believe him)
















































































































and one side note is please don't try to solve everything, because what I see is Yongseo themselves can't solve every problems that they may have

















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Guest i.said.hi














okay, i really don't want to sound like...like a party pooper..












but i think it's time for someone to reign everyone back in to reality .












HOPEFULLY, i don't sound arrogant, because that's really not my intention at all!












but everyone, before you guys wander off... realize that although you would love them to be real (i sure do), as of now... it's a reality show.












i know, i know you guys all know that...












but sometimes... just sometimes we might tend to get a little... a little too off track to the point where analyzing becomes over analyzing...












i'm saying this because the recent posts... kind of baffle me... just a bit.












and i know, before you guys start commenting saying that "we just like to express our opinions, it's what this thread is meant for, to analyze this couple"...












please.. please do realize that this show, although it does not have a script... it does have a guiding scenario that is given to the couples ;)












lets tone our analytical sides down a notch... just a "little" bit :)












I know, who am i to say these things to you guys...












but really, as someone who has watched every yongseo episode live expect 2 shows (which i did catch an hour later on youtube), i really do love and adore this couple.. but you guys.. sometimes when i read certain posts here, it does kind of "weird" (is that the right term? hmmm) me out just a bit....


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Here's my POV:
















Had anyone ever thought that maybe...JUST MAYBE.. he did it because he was confused about his feelings and heart as well? Of course he did to see how hyun feels about him BUT... just maybe... he did it overall for his own sake. Maybe he wanted to confirm and see if his feeling for hyun were REEL or REAL. My thought is that he did this push and pull thing to see if he'll think of and miss hyun after one month or 2 weeks ( im also confuse about the timeline lol).  Regardless, my vote goes to Yong trying find out his true feelings and intentions.
















FACT: he did admit that he did it to see hyun reactions and feelings
















( but i think knowing him with his pride. he jus didn't want to admit he did it for himself as well lol )
















o well in the end... waddu know. Its obviously the answer was REAL =] kekeke.
















anyways ty for reading my boring post. jus wanted to voice out my POV since no one seems to be thinking the same lol.















































Anneyeong Goguma :)
















sorry to cut your post, I agree with your POV, and If I may add, I think he did that mildang thing aside from reassessing his feelings and the whole situation, so that he may be able to really decide if to push thru in wooing Hyun or just to maintain a platonic relationship with her.  On the other hand, he may really have come up with a good decision, as we all notice, he's been dropping one liner cheesy statements this past few episodes...kekeke

















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Guest bettechai




hello GOGUMA's..


i was just reading some news in soshified.. and found this..-->"I hope our youngest, Seohyun, would really date Jung Yonghwa. Is that really abrupt? YongSeo couple looks good together. I have no worries about Seohyun dating since she's really thorough in her work, so she'll have no problem with our activities." (Taeyeon)


wow .. i really really love kid leader's comment.. hope it will come true...KUDOS!


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My own thought lately...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why must Yong the 1 been told not to make Hyun cry....































































































































































































































































Why don't any of Yong friends, ask Hyun not to make Yong cry....































































































































































































































































Seems, Yong got a very, very sensitive soul here...(that's what make you can create a very good song).






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Based on his reaction, specially, in jealousy fields....































































































































































































































































Possibility Yong will cry is there... Hahaha... (I'm with crazy thought here)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Am I make any sense here...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Both of them, clearly can cover their emotion successfully, but somebody should told that to Hyun somewhere...
































































































































































































































































Really need to see her reaction... How should she reply to that kind of statement, since we already know Yong statement here...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1 question to BOICE,

































































































































































































































































































































































































What was Yonghwa brother do at USA??? Study??? Working??? How old is he??? He's the 1 been friend with Simon D, right??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So, they still going to the same salon naaa...
































































































































































































































































Is this why they hair color almost the same at every event???
































































































































































































































































Really couple like hair.. HAHAHA
































































































































































































































































& right now, Yong is in Japan for promotion new album and Zepp tour, right...
































































































































































































































































(& congratulation to them for successful concert in Osaka)
































































































































































































































































Was Hyun also be in Japan right now???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Peace No War,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post...
































































































































































































































































Just want to answer your spoiler
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From my understanding, Yonghwa's brother is study in USA. I don't know how old is he ( i really hope I know) but yeah he is a friend of Simon D in High School. Are you curious about Yong's big bro? To tell you the truth i'm really curious about him
































































w00t.gif. I want to search his pict with close up but can't find it. Too bad that WGM didn't close up on him.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































about your another spoiler, I'm agree that someone should told Hyun about that. And I wonder how she react with it too.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































redtulip, that character is anpanman right? I used to watch it when I'm in Junior High School(?). I Agree that cheek really looks like Yong. Cheek that going to explode. First time saw it when Hyun sing lovelight without mask. But, lately I saw it often. It seems that his cheek always going to explode from happiness. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































pssst... CN Blue will release their full korean album in February 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lovekin




okay, i really don't want to sound like...like a party pooper..




but i think it's time for someone to reign everyone back in to reality .






HOPEFULLY, i don't sound arrogant, because that's really not my intention at all!




but everyone, before you guys wander off... realize that although you would love them to be real (i sure do), as of now... it's a reality show.






lol, omg, who are you?  you're like my other half.






sorry, OT.  but anyway, i thought i'd shed some light on the sulli thing.  not that it's in any way accurate because i'm not yong so ... everything behind a spoiler because some of it is tongue2.gif-worthy.  i'm actually prepared for some (-) because i delve into stuff that are pretty unsatisfying to read.  i didn't like writing it, but oh well. i urge everyone who actually chooses to read this to stick with it until the end, though.






his appearance on the haha mong show where he explains his, er, slip-up was filmed on august 26, meaning it was during the push-pull arc.  now whether or not it's related at all, he might have gotten carried away.  assuming it was related, was it a faux pas?  uh, yeah, especially after having revealed the significance of the rap to seo.  mind you, it's the rap that was dedicated to seo, not the actual song which i think people tend to forget, but it doesn't make it any less okay IF their push-pull was what prompted his behavior.




on the flip-side, assuming he did it not because he was pushing and pulling but actually looking at sulli ... as much as it makes me cringe, we can't fault him for it.  as I.said.hi rightly said, he's partaking in a reality show.  sure, there were and there are instances where we feel like the chemistry is absolutely sizzling, but they're not actually married or dating, which also means he's allowed to ogle other girls if he wants to.  is it right?  eh, gray area and it seems more like a matter of individual opinion.




(i think this is the part that's interesting.  when we often talk about yong or seo, we're always constantly thinking of the other person.  in more ways than one, we assume that what yong does affects seo when we have no proof whatsoever of this.  i think we play easily into the whole seo-is-innocent-and-everything-for-her-is-special just because of the way she is, but yong shouldn't technically be faulted for anything he does outside of their relationship on WGM.  that's just a fact.  for all we know, seo probably barely blinked at anything he'd done until the japan episode and beyond ... which could also be interpreted as yong's sore spot - that her reactions have always been hard to gauge.  have things changed now?  possibly.)




unfortunately, i do feel like sulli is that "cutie" who draws quite a bit of attention due to her spunky persona (i really don't care for her), and i can see why yong would be drawn to that and react to it, subconsciously or otherwise.  and the situation COULD HAVE been exacerbated by the fact he was kind of at odds with seo.




um, and before i continue on, i just want to say that the next paragraph only takes into account his moments with seo up until the push-pull period - not beyond.  because clearly, their relationship was able to pick itself up firmly and develop a new life of its own (don't read too much into it, just that they were able to start anew).




okay, so, do i believe yong is the type to do what he did?  not really ... but sulli was still his type.  he's always stood by his "ideal is just an ideal," and i honestly respect that and believe him, but his types until that point in time were fairly distinct.  none of his choices ever really fit seo, so i think he naturally gravitated towards sulli.  DON'T mistake gravitation for attraction.  while it could mean the same thing, this is the kind of scenario where i can't chalk it up to logical reasoning because i don't have enough evidence.




HOWEVER, also realize that everything i said above could easily be null and void.  i haven't seen the inki performance, but it'd be nice to actually see it to have an idea what was happening.  it would only be suspicious if he looked in the MC area often while he was performing and for longer than he would his audience.  and also, what sulli saw and conveyed to her friend was only her interpretation of the situation.  you're going to see what you want to see, and what she saw was yong looking at her while singing love light, so that's exactly how it happened.




did it?  i don't know, unless someone can pinpoint me in the direction of the video.  (AND I ACTUALLY TRIED TO FIND IT, EW, LOL I'M TAINTED).




so yeah.  all i'm saying is that the above could be a possibility, not an actual explanation for what happened.  who knows.  i think if you worry over it too much, just step back and breathe.  as you can see in the present, he gets along well with his co-hosts but hasn't had any more encounters with sulli as far as i'm aware.  and as most of you have already noted, yong and seo appear to be in a very comfortable place right now.





and just to ease your pretty brains - this isn't related at all, but you could just mull this over and comfort yourself over it - during the famous NAN ep, psy posed the theory that guys like yong are so used to having girls fall for him that when someone who he likes comes along, he turns into a blubbering idiot because they're unresponsive to his usual wiles that attract all the other girls he doesn't care for.  tongue.gif  (just draw a sulli vs. seo conclusion, and i think you will feel all right with the world, lmao.)


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Guest ayanapunya




i sorry if i'm out of topic...but i just read on allkpop that jo kwon confessing he date ga in...omooo... how happy adam couple fans. just imagine if yong seo confess that they are real too:)



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Hi Goguma,


I agree with a previous poster who said that MIL could have gone about her meeting with Hyun in 2 ways: treat it lightly - just fangirling Hyun - heaping lots of complements her way but she chose to treat this meeting seriously and actually interrogated Hyun about her cooking.  MIL is so blunt about things - I actually love that personality because then your dealing with that person is straightforward - no need to figure out what they meant when they say something.


I also loved it how Yong was nervous the whole time yet was there when Hyun needed his support.  I really liked it when he said something like "learn one thing at a time, I ate it all, Seohyun.  I ate it deliciously" refering to the Kimchi.  I could just kiss him then...and Hyun was also comforted by that.  He obviously knows that his buin's one weakness is her cooking skills.


I look forward to what else MIL will interrogate/discuss with Hyun and Yong.


I love how randomly Yong bought a present for Hyun.  I don't know about you guys, but I really love it when someone gives me a gift for no other reason than they were just thinking of me - no special occassion.  Even the MCs (I think it was SO first) noticed that it was a couples glasses.  I think Yong is showing that he cares for Hyun in more subtle ways these days - not through skinship but more through random gifts (showing how he thinks of her) and support through hoot promotions and with MIL.  I think this shows more depth to their relationship rather than skinship alone.


I am looking forward to Seohyun's duet with TVXQ that's going to be released on Jan 12.  The song is called "Journey".  "Journey is a song that expresses the excitement of going on vacation with the one you love" - her first single that is a happy love song - her previous single was a sad love song "Its ok even if it hurts".

 I obviously opened a can of worms with my post about the mildang period.  Sorry about that Gogumas.  You can just bypast my previous posts.  They are only my opinion/interpretations and I am by no means an expert at anything.    



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Guest toomuchsmiling




Anyway, enough of theories, it's 4 episodes to the wedding? (I am estimating here)


Seeing  that YongSeo will get 30mins after this week's epi, things will  speed  up pretty fast.


Good night everyone!






I'm just quoting you in hopes that you are right. :lol: I hope that considering we are "behind" we will begin to pick up the pace now. 4 episodes until the wedding shoot HOPEFULLY. :sweatingbullets:




i have a question for you gogumas, though i don't think anyone, even over at DC or Baidu, knows the answer. -_-


question- i'm looking forward to the wedding shoot, BUT does anyone know if they had that dress picking experience? cuz i look forward to THAT a lot. :blink: all i'm hearing is the photoshoot but nothing about choosing dresses. that's an experience they need to have! I hope it wasn't a situation where they attended the shoot and the dresses were just PROVIDED. <_< i wouldn't be happy.. :unsure: b/c to others who have been fans to previous couples...a lot of them could vouch for that moment where the couples experienced the most...lovey-dovey eyes. Mostly the husbands checking out their wives and being totally speechless but i REALLY WANT that moment for yongseo. they wouldn't....not do that right? *winces*




anyway, sorry for going off-track about the newly brought up Mildang issue. :lol:


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