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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I really love the way Hyun ran into Yong like a fan to cheer him up after hard work. She really knows how to cheer up people around her, doesn't she? It seems she is always positive in everything she does like the self-improvement books she loves to read. Also like back then at the airport many episodes ago. She did know how to greet people cheerfully even before Park Shin Hye mentioned it in the latest episode. (That's why she is a person you want to be around and that includes Yong, of course!!) And she also dressed in blue to go to CNBLUE concert. What a thoughtful wife.
















The moment she ran into him, I really think that he wanted to hug her because he knew it was Hyun from overall appearances despite not seeing her face but being cautious because of others around. And that he doesn't alway just hug a fan when they run into him, especially a girl.
















Lastly, can anyone elaborate more on Shin Hye's comments when she said "Yong is weak to compliments." I don't quite get that one.





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Now I'm watching 2 Days & 1 Night.































































































The mission is,Lee Seungi to promote Busan.































































































It cross my mind.































































































He need to go to 1 of the street call "Book Street".






















































































































































Yong should bring Hyun there.































































































Hyun will be ecstatic. There's so many book shop there...































































































With rarely books.































































































New & used one.






















































































































































Even 100,200 years old books...































































































It's like a heaven to whose love reading...






















































































































































If I can read Korean & understand it, I will go there.































































































































































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Guest hiddentala


This episode has been DAEBAK in so many ways! I think I've watched it the whole day today! :wub:




Mom-in-law's really pretty and I really like her for making Hyunnie feel at home. I think Yong got his PR skills from her. She kind of got intimidating in the end... Her eyes kind of widen when she's making a point. But I think that's just how she is naturally. There's nothing wrong with that.




About Yong choosing to sit beside his mother instead with Seohyun, I agree with most of you that he did it out of respect for his mom and consideration for Hyun. When I was in high school, there were times when my ex's mom would drive for us. He always sat in front and I never really mind. My dad said that it's only polite do that because if he were in my ex's mom's shoes, he'd definitely feel like he's some sort of chauffeur for us. He said wouldn't take that down lightly. Haha. :sweatingbullets:




As for Yong's sudden bombardment of cheesy lines, I think it has something to do with PSY's advice when he guested on Night After Night--that the guy has to catch the girl off guard until she finally agrees with him. I'm not Yong but I sense it has a connection with that. It's too bad that Hyun is not easy to crack but I give props to Yong for being consistent! Haha! :wub:


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Guest omgirly
















































i'm just popping in to join in on the spazzing. thanks to all the translators for the speedy and wonderful job!






































































































although the entire episode was great from beginning to end, my favorite part was the restaurant. i wished there was a good angle where there was a clear shot of all of them in the screen, where the camera would just roll and there was no cutting back and forth between yong's mom and the couple. the reason being that there were glances and looks between the couple that were cropped out due to editing and it would have been awesome to see it in its entirety, but it's okay.






































































































1) when yong's mom said she would cook something delicious for hyun the next time she was there. when the camera cut to yong, it looked like he was nodding, as if agreeing with what his mom had offered hyun, as if to say, "yes, next time we come down (together), mom will cook for you."






































































































2) during the awkward silence, yong turned to hyun and asked her if she was uncomfortable. the way they looked at each other, i thought they were the only ones in the room. he was careful and caring enough to check to see how she was doing. he knew she was having a difficult time, but asked it out loud to lighten the mood.






































































































3) hyun was stealing glances at him throughout the conversation. not in a way to signal she needed help or support, but she was really looking at him. when his mom started describing him as a child and when she was mentioning that he hardly calls, you could see hyun boldly looking right at him. he, of course, was probably feeling shy or uncomfortable, so he seemed a little oblivious to her glances.






































































































4) yong telling hyun he deliciously ate all of the saltwater kimchi, after his mom critiqued it, was beyond adorable. he knows cooking is not one of her strengths and something mother-in-laws inevitably grill daughter-in-laws on, but he encouraged her, saying that one learns things one at a time, slowly, but surely, and that despite how embarrassingly horrible the kimchi was, he ate it. all of it. with a good attitude.






































































































5) the cooking conversation seemed like there is more going on between the two. when hyun began mentioning that she was always interested in cooking, but hadn't been able to put much effort into it, until now, yong chuckled to himself in the background. the quick glance he gives her after his mom asks what kinds of dishes she's learned is interesting. maybe his reaction can be based solely on the three recorded cooking episodes (doenjang jjigae, cream spaghetti, and kimchi), but then i was reminded that when the cooking challenge happened with the CNB boys, she offered to cook other dishes, to which yong said confidently that he had tried all of them. whether he did or not, tells us that he is well aware of how cooking is a major burden for her. when hyun mentioned curry and kimchi jjigae as dishes she knows how to cook, he chuckled. another loaded reaction. considering his favorite kimchi jjigae is his mom's, i found it pretty bold of her to announce that she, a novice cook, knows how to make it. maybe she wanted to reassure his mother that she can take care of him by making his favorite dish that is made by his mother.






































































































anyway, just a few thoughts. there were certainly many more spazzworthy moments during the train ride and the car ride, but this restaurant scene seemed like there was quite a bit beneath the surface that we can't really see, but that we suspect is there. i appreciated how much more of the real yong is revealed in this episode (PSH disclosing on his jealousy and craving attention, the red glasses incident, his mom's full disclosure) and how hyun has opened up to him. sure, she is clueless about certain moves yong makes, but she is getting better at responding to him.






































































































needless to say, it's been difficult to come up with ideas for new fanfics when the "real life" of this couple portrayed on the show is getting exponentially more interesting than anything i could ever come up with.
















































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Guest sunnynrainy




Second time posting here...


Seriously, I'm a big fan of Yongseo!!! I'm getting crazy over them...




It's just a thought about their last mission together!!! Of course, I wouldn't want them to end it that soon, but reality still strikes in at some point of time...






Here's one crazy thought of mine:




"MBC WGM PDnim... Can you please get Yonghwa and Seohyun to get married for real!???

At the end of the show (the very last mission card), can you do us a favour, please??? Just for once!!!

Can you please assign them a mission to proceed to the Registry of Marriage authority/ministry to sign their wedding certificate for REAL!!!


I just want to know what's their REAL reaction to their Marriage!

Please! Please! Please!

I'm sure it will be another BIG Issue!!!

I'll anticipate another Volcano Explosion scene!!!

They might not sign it, but please allow them to get a chance to feel/experience something really unexpected!!

Thank you for your time!!!

Yongseo Fighting!!!"




I seriously would like the PD to read this!!! Anyone who really likes this idea can you please help me to translate nicely into KOREAN & post this to the PD nim!!!




If not, then it doesn't matter!!! but... I'll still appreciate all your Love for YONGSEO couple!!!




Even if it's going to an end for YONGSEO on WGM!!! What I hope of the most for them is don't ever stop loving each other for real!!!


I really hope that they will end up together in real life and last forever.. Let their Love to be endless please!!!




YONGSEO fighting!!!



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Guest linh80


in the train he said: my heart beat fast because of that"and then we see in the Banmal recording eps, when she do a little bit cute, he said dont try to act cute and have blank expression. i wish i can do the cap here. yeah Yong's heart beat fast again.




I still really wonder why Yong have to say: i want to forget but i cant ( about seeing hyun wear red glasess). Why Yong? why you want to forget and why you cant, this is so much meaning to spazz about.




these two, just a small action from them already makes goguma's imagination runs wild :w00t:


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Guest scatterbrain

@zealous i'm also watching 2d1n at the mo. it would be really awesome if yong could take hyun to the 'book street' the street looks so romantic.

i like this episode so much because we got to see how yong's mom treats seohyun. she really loves her and nervous to meet her. not because she's seohyun of SNSD, but because she's her daughter in law and the first girl yong brought home. they walk hand-in-hand like old friends catching up.

i like MIL's care about hyun. she still remembered hyun's kimchee. and comment it in a nice way.

MIL mentioned she wants to cook for hyun and hyun said she wants to learn cooking for MIL. hyun is not someone who says things randomly and doesn't mean it, i think so does yong's mom. so does that mean they plan to meet again next time? maybe MIL didn't cook for hyun this time because there's camera around and she wants to cook for her off-cam? for private family dinner. that would be very sweet.

did yong really see hyun in glasses during his trainee days?if it is, then they are so destined to be together. they joined WGM without knowing or expecting who they will be paired with. and here they are, meeting again after few years.

i also remember a sin in YAB where shinwoo(yong's character) was left alone in the plane to Busan where he's supposed to bring his girlfriend to meet his mom. and here, yong in real life, going to busan with his wife. so many coincidences.

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First of all thanks to everyone who uploaded the raw videos and then thanks to Lalacakes, insideout and Dduk for the great translations! And to synykiss and rainy for subbing, timing, uploading!
















































So after repeated viewings of the latest episode, first un-subbed and then subbed versions, I have to share with you all that my mouth and jaw really, really hurt! I didn't realize it the first time, or even the second time, but every single time I watched the episode I ended up grinning from ear to ear. And I mean a really wide, i can't control it anymore, Cheshire cat kind of grin! And by the end of that 30 minutes, my jaw was really, really hurtingl! The strange side-effects of Yongseo love!
















































Random thoughts on episode 39
















































I totally, totally loved this episode! Every single moment was spazz worthy!!!! I don't know how they do it, but Yongseo couple just keeps upping the cuteness quotient every time..... So in the order in which it was shown........
















































Banmal video BTS
















































As always, the PDs of WGM manage to mess up the timelines, getting us all confused about Yong and Hyun's interactions. When you see them at the BTS that is the latest recording of them and they are so comfortable with one another. And I think the PD deliberately edited away the scenes where they were touchy-feely (a term I love!) with one another, just so they can maintain the skinship 'suspense' for us gogumas! The PDs are totally playing with us!
















































I think everyone who doubts their comfort level should go back and look at the fancam of Yong's dorky dancing behind Hyun at the KBS Gayo! Sure, they didn't even look at one another there, but that too me is far more telling than if they had stood and chatted with one another non-stop! And this was a couple of days after the wedding photo-shoot!!!! I'm convinced that photo shoot was totally epic, which is why Yong has been bouncing off walls ever since. And Hyun's glowing like she has a whole galaxy of stars lighting her up!!
















































CN Blue concert BTS / Train ride
















































So coming back to the episode. I really liked seeing the concert BTS. First, seeing Hyun being a total fan girl was so, so, so cute! And Yong's response. I think he was wishing he had known she would be there. And was probably wishing that those cameras were somewhere else too. Well, ok, maybe its just me wishing, but i can dream, can't I? :wub:
















































And then, I was contrasting her behavior when meeting the in-laws. At the concert, she was happy to see them, but it was like one is happy to meet a friend's parents, there was no pressure or stress. But at the start of the Busan trip, she was totally stressed. She was behaving like a real girlfriend who's going to meet her boyfriend's parents for the first time! The fact that she had been asking what she should do when she meets them, shows how important this meeting was to her. It's so like Hyun to prepare for everything, and obviously, she must have done a lot of asking around, since news of it even got back to Yong!
















































Hmmm.... ! Who's the spy in Hyun's camp???
















































The entire section on the train killed me. I'm not even going to talk about the head on the shoulder part, we've all spazzed about that endlessly! My favorite moment was, the nervous look on Seo's face when she tries on her glasses for the first time. She obviously thinks she looks terrible in them, but because Yong wants her to wear them, she does! How sweet is that. And did anyone notice that Yong kind of blocked the camera when he turned to look at her. Once again, in black knight mode! Of course, he knew she would look adorable, but for her sake.... And when he tells her not to give him that eye smile - aargh!! SO TOTALLY CUTE!
















































Meeting the MIL
















































Yong's mom is totally gorgeous. And I didn't get tough MIL vibes from her. I got the feeling she was really, really nervous about the meeting, and having to do it all in front of the cameras. Hats off to her, she knew this was important to Yong, and she did it for him! What a cool mom!
















































And to tell you the truth, in each viewing I tried to look more at Hyun and Yong's mom, but ended up looking at Yong's reactions instead. And the boy was such an adorable mixture of shy, proud, bursting with happiness!! When Hyun and his mom were walking hand in hand, when he told Hyun that she's the first girl, when Hyun was explaining her kimchi disaster, aah, I can't even describe it - just go watch it yourself again! I know I will!
















































And yes, his telling her that he ate the kimchi deliciously - *dies*!
















































*revives herself to go tell Hyun* - This boy's a keeper! Don't let him go!!
















































I think I've gone on enough about this episode, I need to stop now before I get a coronary from all the excitement! If this is what a train ride and meeting the mom does to me, I have no idea what the wedding photo shoot will do to me....































































































Everything that happens in an episode can be interpreted in many different ways, partly because each of us views Yongseo through a different lens. Its based on our own experiences, our cultural background and our personality types. Add to that the fact that we never get the full picture, thanks to the WGM PDs and editors. The great thing about Yongseo fans is that we love reading everyone's point of view, and we respect everyone's point of view. To me, that is the greatest aspect of Yongseo's impact on all of us.
















































Hugs to all gogumas, the happy, the sad, the believers, the non-believers, the spazzers and the silent majority!

















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Just finished watching the subbed episode, and I just noticed...it's a fact that Yong is a thoughtful guy, but, what makes him nicer is that, he loves to give the women in his life the same things, the first time he did was during the time they went planting their goguma's, he bought a pair of necklace for Hyun and her mom and now eyeglasses for Hyun and his mom....isn't he just nice, cute and lovable.....hehehehe :phew:
















Anneyeong Goguma's :wub:

















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Guest archiehon








































Anyeong....I've been a lurker 4 a few weeks now waiting for the Busan eps to be aired and I can't stop smiling and squealing! I'd say it is worth the wait. To see Hyun so nervous and worried is sooo heartwarming. Despite his cool outlook we can tell that Yong is also nervous. It is his first too! We can proudly say that these two experienced a lot of first together thru WGM:
























1) 1st apology photobook
























2) 1st handmade gift- guide book to Japan
























3) 1st time to read self improvement book( I'm guessing but he didn't evn know such genre exist b4 Hyun, so possible)
























4) 1st time making kimchi together (he also seemed clueless at the time)
























5) 1st time bringing home a girl to be introduced to the family (mum)!
























There might be more firsts for Yong than what we know bcoz I don't think he goes around buying guitars for evry girl he dated, rite?
























About the ep:

I love all of the scenes! but mostly I love the way Hyun can openly tease Yong and she leaned towards him! I don't think Jin Woon felt any jealousy like he used to do bcoz you just need to look at how much Hyun had changed for the better since meeting Yong. If you are a true friend you'd be happy for her and that's exactly what Jin Woon does now.









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When Yonghwa told Seohyun it's a white shirt and not to smear her make-up on it, I totally loved her answer: 'I'm totally going to smear it.'
































































































































































It shows how comfortable she is and how she knows how to handle his chodingness (that's... probably not even a word haha). I feel that Seohyun is the type of woman to know how to handle her man.
































































































































































Nothing more to add as so many Goguma's have joined this thread and shared exactly what's been on my mind already. Keep posting you guys, I love to read every single post.
































































































































































Oh and I just saw a tweet congratulating Yonghwa and Seohyun on their 333th day!
































































































































































Can't believe time has flown so fast. I can still remember the first time they met very clearly and it's such a beautiful thing to see how much they've grown together.
































































































































































Love this moment:
































































































































































































































































































































Anyone think Seohyun's adorable whenever she gets flustered or nervous? She just shrinks haha

































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest anne0129
























To kun_cheero: I don't know if your question has been answered with regards to PSH's statement of Yong being weak to compliments....I got a different translation from PSH's fans forum....Their interpretation is that Yong doesn't give up compliments easily or something to that matter. Anyway, here is the video that her fans have done for her voice cameo in WGM....credit goes to PSHIFC for the video.
















[ENG SUB] Yonghwa calls Shin Hye - Go Minam





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Guest Faith_memory





To kun_cheero: I don't know if your question has been answered with regards to PSH's statement of Yong being weak to compliments....I got a different translation from PSH's fans forum....Their interpretation is that Yong doesn't give up compliments easily or something to that matter. Anyway, here is the video that her fans have done for her voice cameo in WGM....credit goes to PSHIFC for the video.




[ENG SUB] Yonghwa calls Shin Hye - Go Minam







thanks for the link! haha! he seldom give compliments, i see. haha! so i think it explains why Yong doesn't say Hyun is beautiful directly, eyy. haha! he just give hints and stuffs. Thanks to PSH, Hyun learned something about her husband. And the way Yong laughed when he heard about the 'down the whole day when not greeted', it is obviously trueand the jealous Yong.. keke~ Hyun is sometimes very clueless indeed.




lol btw, i like how yonghwa and PSH still in contact after their drama. i love You're Beautiful.




and they are obviously very close. watch their behind the scenes. lol.







thanks to PSH, Hyun learned about her husband.




and it was weird how Yong kept on playing with the frog in his mouth. lol.


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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































first of all, thank you so so so so much to the awesome gogumas who took the time to provide the translations and subbed videos! I LOVE! =D also, much love to the gogumas who took the time to explain the korean culture to us foreign gogumas. i'm asian (singaporean to be exact, any singaporean gogumas here? hehe) so i can totally relate to why Yong chose to sit in the front seat with his mum and not at the back with Hyun. it's lovely to see how our love for this couple allows us an insight into other cultures as well so that we can understand them better ^^
































































secondly, anyone noticed how our favourite couple is literally glowing with happiness lately? i'm guessing they're at a happy place in their relationship, whatever it may be. i feel like they're shooting hearts and stars from their eyes each time they look at each other ;) and Hyun is getting so much bolder at eyeship nowadays - which is a far cry from the first episode (i watched it earlier and was giggling to myself non-stop at how adorably awkward they were).
































































also, i loved it when Jungmo (TRAX) warned Yong not to make Hyun cry and Yong replied that he wouldn't, in a very reassuring manner. that, to me, was the sweetest thing :wub: . i wanted to reach into my screen and squish Yong's cheeks for being such a sweetheart. i mean, he could've just brushed off the warning playfully but he looked down and smiled to himself when he was reassuring Jungmo. :D am i reading too much into his reaction? keke..i couldn't pick out my favourite moments this time round because the whole episode was just LOVE.
































































aigoo, these two are making my cheeks burst every weekend, they've been really spoiling us with soooo many spazzworthy moments but yet i'm still greedy for more..heheh ;P ah well, back to counting down to next saturday! have a great week ahead gogumas! good luck to those who are still having exams/waiting for results!

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi











this video on seohyun made me soo saddd!






Oh, I watched this video a long time ago, suring SNSD's Genie promotion. It really really made me cry.......... This video tells what a Mother means to both Yonghwa and Seohyun.......... Their mothers certainly want the best for their son/daughter, and from yesterday's episode we can see that Yonghwa's mom is really close with Yong, plus giving warm welcome to Seohyun......... I think she likes Seohyun already, knowing her politeness, attitude and etiquette.






first of all, thank you so so so so much to the awesome gogumas who took the time to provide the translations and subbed videos! I LOVE! =D also, much love to the gogumas who took the time to explain the korean culture to us foreign gogumas. i'm asian (singaporean to be exact, any singaporean gogumas here? hehe) so i can totally relate to why Yong chose to sit in the front seat with his mum and not at the back with Hyun. it's lovely to see how our love for this couple allows us an insight into other cultures as well so that we can understand them better ^^




secondly, anyone noticed how our favourite couple is literally glowing with happiness lately? i'm guessing they're at a happy place in their relationship, whatever it may be. i feel like they're shooting hearts and stars from their eyes each time they look at each other ;) and Hyun is getting so much bolder at eyeship nowadays - which is a far cry from the first episode (i watched it earlier and was giggling to myself non-stop at how adorably awkward they were).




also, i loved it when Jungmo (TRAX) warned Yong not to make Hyun cry and Yong replied that he wouldn't, in a very reassuring manner.






I'm not a Singaporean, but I'm also Asian. Well yeah for me, my father and my mother were - literally - angry at times when I mistakenly sat on the back seat when they were driving, since it makes them look like a driver right? I always regret myself everytime I do that again. To me, that's the respect we need to maintain, especially to Asian folks....... That's why, I think Seohyun would understand, since she is known for her respect and manners, especially to elders - in this case, her MIL.  By the way, I also notice that happiness nowadays. They are certainly going through a deeper relationship now, especially for Hyun, knowing that this IS her first time.



Ah, I can't believe college starts tomorrow. I was still in high school back then when YongSeo's first episode aired. It's really different now compared to months ago. During those months watching YongSeo's episodes, I learned many new things from both Yonghwa and Seohyun............and I'm really thankful for that



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Guest wallpaperfood

just a few more things I wanted to spazz about:

(1) I like how MIL greeted Seohyun like a real DIL/non-celeb. She didn't say anything like "Ottoke! It's SNSD's Seohyun! I finally get to meet my son's celeb wife!~" , hence even I got fooled a bit, thinking this was a real meeting! (apart from by yongseo bias). Hyun was treated as if she was a potential DIL in MIL's eyes. She didn't shy away from hugging Hyun (Yong your MOM beat you to hugging Hyun-buin! lolll), and even ventured to hold her hand. It seems like Yong has told his omoni about Hyun quite a bit if she can feel this close to her already...on top of her being naturally warm anyway.

(2) The looks he gave Hyun at the end, the first time after his mother asked if she could cook, and the second when omoni asks "like what?" (scary!). He was feeling for Hyun at that moment - it was a mixture of sympathy, nervousness, and adoration for his wife, whom he knows so well already. He must have been yearning to reach out and come to her rescue, but instead let her handle it on her own to show his mother how well she stands up in these situations. <3

(3) The fact that Yong bought her a present when there was no special occassion whatsoever! I really can't get over this! He intended to buy something for his mother, and consequently thought of his 'virtual' wife too! (Of course he didn't leave himself out ^^) That's so sweet - it's totally what a guy would do for his girlfriend. And how many instances are there where thinking about your mom leads you to thinking about your girl if you're not serious about her?

(Was he hoping she'd wear them a little while more to show off their couple look to his mother? ;P )


oooh just rewatched it again, and I gotta say, YONG, I SAW YOU SMILE when Hyun guided/took your hand off your shoulder in the trainnnnn!~ lalalalala =). Go on trying to maintain that POKERFACE - all the more obvious and spazzable when you let it slip at times like those <3

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crystal, wally, shawie, magdal... thanks for reading my history LOL! :D and thanks for the feedback too~! *hugs*

crystal, the rumour about WGM filming during CNblue concert, it seems like i've heard of it from somewhere too. but the weird thing was that uri yongseo didn't wear any mics. hmmm... :unsure:

anne, thanks for posting PSH version... it made me think that yong must've shared his problems about the banmal thingy with PSH & wanted to know what she thinks about it in a girl's perspective. well, i think PSH is yong's closest female friend thus far (it kinda makes sense somehow? i'm sorry i'm just too lazy to go into detail :phew: ) & i'm relieved to see that PSH is actually quite a sporting girl. i mean she even took the opportunity to help yong in some way about the banmal issue by addressing to her in a humorous way LOL. this just shows how much yong really likes hyun that even PSH knows of his situation & is even helping him out. whoa!

oh ya...germbaby, u;re right! i noticed it too but i forgot to mention about it... about uri yongseo's fathers. haha they do look alike! xD

aigoo so many gogumas already spazzed what i've wanted to spazz already... hehe thanks so much for sharing~!

and ena, thanks for the wonderful fanart~! luv it!! keep them up yah~! :wub:

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Guest Claude71






Hi Gogumas!


I watched both English and Chinese version of this week's episode. 


And I realised there is a part that is not translated in the English version. 


YH did said something but it was in a spilt second. 


The scene that I am referring is in the train, whereby SH wanted to tease him about his interesting past video. 


At first she did this action and wanted YH to guess. 




SH said "I saw the interesting past video."


But YH actually said "is it the linking arms?" 


Haha, so YH was thinking of the linking arms incident!




LOL at the posture of his arms. 


Just wanna share this small detail. 


This week episode is really DAEBAK!! (:



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Guest gettawa
























































































































































































Hi every goguma Lover








































































































































































I thaugt everyones love this Ep. like me








































































































































































Because I love every moment whent they're together








































































































































































and thist moment is the other most favorite for me (  5555  )








































































































































































 this ones because I can feel When he knew his  buin needs encouragement. and he is always ready to give it  all the time























































































































































































































































































































































(ohhhhhhhhh   I saw it from his eyes. ...) t1-tile.jpg








































































































































































 And this because I feel very proud of her. She is really a lovely daughter.











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I would like to say Thanks you to all pictures , clips  Translation and Sub and your Lover that give for YonSeo and every one in goguma village









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