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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Cjbaby12


Thank you to all the wonderful people who share pictures, links, news, translations and updates! :) As far as the train picture goes... I sure hope they caught it all on video on how it happened... :D I just really want to see who leaned first or how come they are so close together??? :D

As for the Adam couple, I'm really sad they are leaving. If you think about it, if it weren't for them WGM ratings would have continously went down and we might not have our beloved YongSeo couple with us right now. I am thankful for what they have done for the show and what they have shared to other fans. I'm really sad they decided to go. Good luck to all their new projects and I hope they stay in touch with each other. Or maybe really date each other???? hehehehehe! ;)

I can't wait for the new episode! I sure hope they will show us every single thing!!! If not they could always give us some behind the scenes footage, right????? RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Guest scatterbrain

@maggiemeisje i also wonder who duckduckduck is...i usually do not like to stalk people, but i am so curious that i had to check duckduckduck's profile. turns out he/she is from hongkong. but so is sweetpotato4339. what a coincidence. and i seldom see duckduckduck in the forum. and how come he/she can find the video in youtube when the video was just being released. so duckduckduck, please tell us who you are if you read this ;)

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Guest luv_sp_couple




The Goguma couple will be going on a trip to CN Blue's Yonghwa's hometown during this Saturday's episode.  SNSD's SeoHyun will be meeting her mother-in-law for the first time, creating anticipation from viewers.




After traveling to Busan together, the Goguma couple was able to meet with Yonghwa's mother. The trio got to catch up as they stopped by a local Japanese restaurant. With her shy nature, SeoHyun naturally put in a lot of effort to impress her mother-in-law, having studied the Busan accent and happily trying out different foods.




YongHwa's mother revealed that SeoHyun was the first girls that the young idol had brought home to her, making SeoHyun nervous. YongHwa's mother also revealed the challenges she had prepared for SeoHyun's visit, will she be able to get passing marks? This scene will be revealed on this Saturday's We Got Married.






Source: JOINS China



So, this is the secret that Yong's mom revealed. As what my initial hunch was and my wish to be, for this a fact that should be told, beside that fact that this is really sweet to know, it also separate Seohyun from all the girls Yong had relation with (not saying that they are in a relationship now... or who knows :wub:   ) . Specially with his first love whom he's been vocal before, that he wrote all his songs based on his first love. Although it is somewhat a mission from the PD, Yong actually express in earlier episode that he wanted SeoHyun to meet his mom.




Just hours away, as usual so excited to watch this adorable couple.


Also want to mention how I love love love the adorable picture of them on the train, I'm sure this is not the first time I saw a couple leaning on each other while sleeping, but why why why this made a huge impact to us Goguma villagers? Also love how all the gogumas here spazz on it,  it intensified the fun.



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Guest _d3seohyun

Hello gogumas (:

Wanted to spazz about the Christmas episode after it was aired but we got bombarded with so many epic goodies a couple days after (banmal song/video, gayos, etc) that I just didn't get a chance to. Finally found some time today and felt the need to get this out of the way before another epic episode come our way. weeeee in just a few hours :w00t:

just a couple scenes I found cute/awesome/heartwarming/spazzworthy and all...

I didn't even dare to make caps of what happened after they left the dorm though. Those moments were just too :crazy: for me. still can't get over the holding and warming of the hands..the cafe talk..and don't even mention the piggyback ride...sdfghjkjlkjhgfd!!! SURREAL!!! :lol:

anyway some caps and mumble jumble...you know the drill :P

- Remember in the japan episode when Seobaby tells Yong that sometimes she can't tell when hubby is joking or not?

Well this scene reminded me of that. How adorable is this?!! actually trying to fix their communication issues from the past eh? <3

love how he directly told her he's just playing around, and she, though a little bit annoyed, still responded with "It's fun."


- LOVE this! Look how thrilled he was seeing and hearing his wife goof along with him kekekek

- @ the last cap...love how he was looking at Minhyuk, as if showing off how proud he is lol


- I was actually going to dismiss the jealousy on this scene as him just playing around

but then I saw this reaction (1st cap). He was genuinely jealous. my heart ached for him.

Must have been due to his hyun and dongseng talking so comfortably using banmal eh? :(

- love how the lovebirds never failed to look at each other while conversing with Minhyuk

- and awwwwwwwwww Yonghwa nodded when Seobaby looked at him,

asking if they were really keeping track/watching all the Hoot news/promos(?) <3


- aigoo look at those eyes and smiles while looking at her <3

- and how happy was he (last cap) when wife followed his lead and also told Minhyuk

to try his best. ADORABLE!


- no matter how many times I'v watched it, I still LOL at this scene.

"The internet." :lol: too cute!

- compare this scene to episode 5 when they first visited their house.

Seobaby doesn't seem fidgety and that awkward anymore when hubby is lounging around in a bed eh? :P


- copying his words

Yonghwa, why did you quickly turn your head away after giving her that smile?

What kind of look was wifey giving you again? kkekekek

Was she getting too close? teeeheeeee hahahhaha


- I was smiling like a fool when he was asking her this question.

and my heart went degeun degeun when he moved in. CLOSER.

giving her the look, what kind of answer was he actually looking for? :P


- And now onto my favorite part of the episode (again not counting the epic moments that happened after they left the dorm that night).

From the way he reacted and stared at her, did anyone else get the Birthday episode vibe from this scene?

Because I did! Maybe that's why I loved this scene.


- his eyes and smile reminded me of the look he gave Seobaby when he was lighting the mosquito repellent on the birthday episode as he tells her how shock he was. I couldn't help but say...Ah Yonghwa she got you again! :wub:


- And aigoo. he knew darn too well how those lyrics came about,

but he still chose to ask and tease her.

Love the last cap! felt like some of fanfics I've read coming to life...

Yonghwa doing and asking things that he knows will make his buin blush and embarassed. sly! <3

I can't wait for the time when it's Seobaby's turn, when she would purposedly ask and do things to make him blush and just to drive him off the wall kekkeke :w00t:




can't live stream with you all tonight so please spazz away. i'm hoping for pages and pages of spazzes to read tomorrow. later.


thank you for all the goodies shared.

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Guest haemin13
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cant wait for today's ep.
































































































































































































































































































































































































about calculator's post, that's your two cents but i just hope you kept it to yourself. we don't want fiends from other couples' fans. that comment is indeed rude and in bad taste. so, you say that if WGM would end YongSeo, that means they had become uninteresting as well and episodes are just dragging..? I would like to think that you have made that comment because you have yongseo bias but to say bye like that..aish.. but i still look forward to seeing your other more "positive" posts































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@JoluxiFairy, yeah, i think so too that they're just on break on that lovely pic :wub: , just like joongbo befoe, hwangbo was sleeping during their break at one ep. and why no cameras? aside from that they might not have had cameras installed, hmm, i would guess maybe they filmed only the part where they travel to busan. my guess is that this might be their trip going back to seoul. i don't know just my two cents. :rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Another than that, I just watched the birthday episode and towards the end of the episode, inside the blackroom Seohyun said that Yonghwa's hand felt smaller than her dad's hand. So that makes me think "she hasn't held any guy's hand, Yonghwa was her first!"





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And about the backroom interview where  she compared Yonghwa's hand to her father's, I really liked that part.  It's probably the best thing I've heard her say about him. She  compared her father's hand, the person whom she loves dearly to Yonghwa. Seohyun was practically stating that she's giving space to a man other than  her father in her little circle of bubble (I wouldn't go as far as  saying "heart" at the moment),





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry to cut both posts, but i think my heart jumped after reading this. i didn't even realized the gravity of that statement first time watching. as lunasol poined out, this not might technically mean "first-time" holding hands with a guy, but it i guess this is the first time he held a guys hand with much emotion and this really means something, yeah, even comparing it with her dad's hand. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































what i like about this couple is that Hyun is actually growing as a woman, and we can definitely see that she had improved a lot. Though Yong (seems he) is being cautious about his actions, we can definitely see chemistry and they both complement each other and bring out the best in this learning experience. ^_^^_^^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































also, i don't quite get the excuse of why the banmal song can't be officially released. others had their couple song as well, this can also be treated as a Collaboration, and both hyun and yong will be credited. i think this is just a lame excuse, i think FNC and SME might not have agreed with whatever terms that might have had to do with money. sorry for bringing this up but let's face it, they're profit-oriented companies and they might also be protecting their talents since they "own" them..
































































































































































































































































































































































































@joshua27, maggiemeisje is talking about the soompier duckduckduck who posted the 1st link to banmal song on this thread,

































































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Guest maggiemeisje




@scatterbrain yes im so courious too about duckduckduck,,its pweety interesting goguma FBI discuss on twitter last night.how did he/she knows about mv banmal on yt??




uwaaah its gonna be awesome if he/she its yong hwa and reading our feelings here ommo ommo




hopefuuly hyun going to yong home coz fan account says like that n she meet dad in law...and plisss pdnim after this u arrange yong involve to hyun life 'meet sisinlaw in dorm n yong parents in law







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Guest joshua27
















































































@scatterbrain yes im so courious too about duckduckduck,,its pweety interesting goguma FBI discuss on twitter last night.how did he/she knows about mv banmal on yt??
































































uwaaah its gonna be awesome if he/she its yong hwa and reading our feelings here ommo ommo
































































hopefuuly hyun going to yong home coz fan account says like that n she meet dad in law...and plisss pdnim after this u arrange yong involve to hyun life 'meet sisinlaw in dorm n yong parents in law































































































































































































Sorry, I don't know whether this has been discussed or mentioned before. Remember when Hyun visited the CNBlue's dorm for the first time, the gifts she presented to the boys - the character of the toothbrush holder is a duck character right? So is duckduckduck the nickname of Yong.
































































Please pardon me, just silly me having this sudden thought.

















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Guest melibu

this is pretty random but just to gear up for today's episode, i just re-watched episode 38. the part where jonghyun came in and showed hyun how to sing the song's guide in japanese. jonghyun said something along the lines of let me hear the melody first cos i don't know the song (i think) but when he was singing the japanese guide, he was not really following the melody and in fact he was singing faster than the melody but at a correct tune. perhaps the PDnim might have edit it that way or maybe he has heard the song so many times played for him by yong. ^_^ anyway, just a random thought.

EDIT: yah... duckduckduck is a pretty unique character and how did he/she know when they posted the song on youtube? maybe it's uri YongSeo? afterall, this thread did have a good recognition and if not wrong soompi forumers are pretty well known.

celticheart47: i always feel shy whenever i spazz about the couple as i am also older but am glad to hear that there are many oppa/unnies who also feel the same about the couple. ps: i got so frust with watching and not understanding that i have signed myself up for Korean classes.

luv_sp_couple: thanks for the tidbit! can't wait for today's episode. another 2 hours plus to go. i better get back to work in the meantime.

_d3seohyun: great caps and analysis :)

joshua27: yuppers! the tooth brush holder that hyun gave yong is a duck. think she said it's kinda cos of his lips.

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Am I the only one surprised that Yonghwa hasn't brought any other girls home to meet his mom/parents? Though I assume he was a lot younger at the time, it's quite surprising because I've seen pictures of him and his ex girlfriend(s) and they seem really, really close. He doesn't strike me as a player, so I believe he was serious and sincere with each one of them so I had assumed that he would've at least taken them home to show them around his house. With that is a great chance of meeting either one of his parents... But I guess not.
























And am I slightly mean for being happy about that? Heh. I'm sure they were at some point really important to him, but it shows that Seohyun is just different.
























Sorry, I don't know whether this has been discussed or mentioned before. Remember when Hyun visited the CNBlue's dorm for the first time, the gifts she presented to the boys - the character of the toothbrush holder is a duck character right? So is duckduckduck the nickname of Yong.
























Please pardon me, just silly me having this sudden thought.















































Though it's possible, I don't see that adding to the probability that that person is Yonghwa. Longtime (hardcore addicted) YongSeo shippers would know remember the duck present and can use it as a username as something related to YongSeo yet not quite. I've seen some people's usernames on the forum all related to YongSeo somehow, but someone who doesn't know them wouldn't understand where the name's coming from.
























I remember that person's one post that asked for another video of YongSeo doing their hi5 at the GDA because the one posted was removed. His/her English was pretty limited (asking for 'a back up') and his/her account was created back in July last year. I feel slightly stalkerish to even look up any other posts of that person though. But it's still very interesting to discuss on how the Banmal Song was discovered by this person so quickly.
























Something funny just occurred to me; what if suddenly in this week's episode Yonghwa would say; 'There's this site, a lot of our fans are there,' and he'll explain that he has an account and suddenly it shows him logging in with this duckduckduck account on Soompi to spread the word about the Banmal Song lmao





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Guest full-of-love

































































Am I the only one surprised that Yonghwa hasn't brought any other girls home to meet his mom/parents? Though I assume he was a lot younger at the time, it's quite surprising because I've seen pictures of him and his ex girlfriend(s) and they seem really, really close. He doesn't strike me as a player, so I believe he was serious and sincere with each one of them so I had assumed that he would've at least taken them home to show them around his house. With that is a great chance of meeting either one of his parents... But I guess not.
































































































































Hello aisuo415 sorry to cut your post short, but you said that Yonghwa never brought any of his previous girlfriend home...How are you so sure? :mellow: N there's pictures of Yonghwa and his previous girlfriend lying around the web? :blink: Can you show them to me? :huh: The only picture i've seen that's close enough to being Yonghwa's ex is 2 pictures of supposedly :sweatingbullets: the same girl that people claim to be Yonghwa's ex...

































































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Hello aisuo415 sorry to cut your post short, but you said that Yonghwa never brought any of his previous girlfriend home...How are you so sure? :mellow: N there's pictures of Yonghwa and his previous girlfriend lying around the web? :blink: Can you show them to me? :huh: The only picture i've seen that's close enough to being Yonghwa's ex is 2 pictures of supposedly :sweatingbullets: the same girl that people claim to be Yonghwa's ex...
























I can't help you with his ex's pictures.. been way to long to even remember where I saw it, but how can you miss luv_sp_couple's awesome post?! The thing that Yonghwa's mom will reveal on this week's episode is that Seohyun's the first girl Yonghwa has brought home to her.
























Also, for anyone looking for livestreams, here's a few links compiled by Sweet Potato Days: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html





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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































































































@ aisuo415 opps sorry for my lameness of not being able to read through the posts :sweatingbullets:, but it would be great if i can see yonghwa's ex LOL.. i want to see the similarity between her and Seohyun to figure out what part of a girl attracts Yonghwa ... So far i know that Yonghwa likes girls with pretty eyes since that's the first thing he notice from Seohyun :rolleyes: ..LOL sorry for my weird curiosity :rolleyes:

































































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Guest Faith_memory






few more hours and it's WGM!! my homework is almost done too! hooray!! how are the gogumas doing? excited to see today's episode.. haha!! our little betting game! what is the punishment of the loosing team? haha!! ohmy!




anyway this is from Live Magazine vol.01 (Nagoya)




just YONG with his RING DING DONG! bts








another with jungshin chingoo



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Guest pbnovi

@ aisuo415 opps sorry for my lameness of not being able to read through the posts :sweatingbullets:, but it would be great if i can see yonghwa's ex LOL.. i want to see the similarity between her and Seohyun to figure out what part of a girl attracts Yonghwa ... So far i know that Yonghwa likes girls with pretty eyes since that's the first thing he notice from Seohyun :rolleyes: ..LOL sorry for my weird curiosity :rolleyes:

here is the pics of Yong's Ex girlfriend(s):


and another one:


she's pretty cute tho... but still, woori SeoHyun is the best.. haha...

can't wait for today's episode.. i have a feeling that this episode will be totally DAEBAK! both of them are so cute

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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































































































@ pbnovi...the link you send me does not exist lol... i'm just going to assume that it's the same girl that i saw on kpopnews.net that posted an article about the girl who was claim to be Yonghwa's girlfriend lol but thanks for the help though

































































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I had the same thought as lunasol when I saw the translation of what Hyun said on Come to Play - with the "if her parents were to go against her relationship" scenario.  I thought that her description of a boyfriend who helps her in her journey of self-improvement/enlightenment - fits Yong and her relationship really well.  My questions to that is how much of her experience with Yong and the hypothetical went into answering that question.  But we can gather from her statement that when she really decides to be with a guy - and considers him as a boyfriend or fiance - she would really put her all to that relationship and even stand up for that relationship to her parents.  I think she just doesn't always express herself really well - but from this scenario you can see that deep down she can be fiercely loyal and will stand up for her love ones.


I think that this WGM relationship between Hyun and Yong has been many firsts for them - just more so for Hyun than for Yong.  Hyun has been really insulated from "normal" life since she joined SME when she was still really young - and all the SNSD and SME family protects her.  Yong didn't really become an idol until he is in his 20s.  It seems to me that Yong always tries to point out his "firsts" too so that she would know that she is not the only one to experience her "firsts" - like she is the first girl to visit his new dorm and as his mom is going to reveal - his first time in bringing a girl home. 


Can the PD really force - or put as a mission - that the artists meet each others parents?  Do the artists not have some say in whether they want this to happen or not?  If I was in WGM, I won't necessarily want my parents to be involved in it and meet whom I am in a virtual relationship with since I consider that to be something that I would reserve for someone special in my life - but that's just me.  Forgive me for my being whimsical - but if Hyun and Yong were in a relationship in real life - and he wanted her to meet his parents - it would be only polite if they visit the parents instead of the parents going to the son - so it would be hard for him to bring Hyun to Busan since she is very famous and gets recognized easily.  WGM would be a perfect cover for them - hehehe.


I don't know whether the picture of them sleeping in the train was taken between filming or during filming, but I've noticed that usually Yong tries to put some space between them - when they sit on their couch - so its interesting to me here that he is the one to cross over to her seat.  I'm the kind of viewer that thinks that I don't need to see everything between them - if they want to keep some aspect of their relationship a secret that's fine with me - I still have that warm fuzzy feeling knowing that they are in a good place with each other.


I think that its standard for management companies to use "busy schedule" as an excuse.  I mean its true that they are busy - but just recording one song shouldn't take so much time.  There is usually some other story behind that - whether its because FNC and SME can't agree on how they would share the profit or whether Hyun and Yong don't want to "materialize" their Banmal song.  I don't know.  I'm ok with it being what it is right now.  I think Hyun and Yong gained satisfaction in making the song together - I think they gained insight into what each thinks of the other - I rather not complicate that with business discussions about royalty rights and profit sharing.


Thank you for the translations, pics and everyone's insights.  I'm sooo looking forward to this episode.  I can't wait.



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Guest MountainMadman

@full-of-love: just copy and paste the whole thing into the address bar, and take out the first 'http://' and it should load without problems. :)

Whoa, she's cute. O_O Haha, she is! I wonder what happened between them...?

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























Sorry for cutting your post *quoted image*. Actually Yong was not the first guy she has held hands with. She did it before with SM brothers before WGM (ex. when they unite as a SM family on stage), as well as hi-5. However, instead of a family interaction, we can say that Yong is the first guy she has done it with a romantic/couple purpose, and the sufficient period of time for her to start to pay attention to differences compare to her father *quoted image*. Thus, although it was not really the first, the fact that she was comparing it to her father, means that she was very aware of his hand, so it was not a simple friendly casual act as the other times she has done it. So indeed, Yong is VERY special to her! *quoted image*

































sorry to cut both posts, but i think my heart jumped after reading this. i didn't even realized the gravity of that statement first time watching. as lunasol poined out, this not might technically mean "first-time" holding hands with a guy, but it i guess this is the first time he held a guys hand with much emotion and this really means something, yeah, even comparing it with her dad's hand.  :wub: 







what i like about this couple is that Hyun is actually growing as a woman, and we can definitely see that she had improved a lot. Though Yong (seems he) is being cautious about his actions, we can definitely see chemistry and they both complement each other and bring out the best in this learning experience.  ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
























I'm sorry to cut  both of your posts. Actually I realize that it might not be the"first time" she technically held a guys's hands. I just forgot to mention what you pinpointed....... Seohyun holding hands with Yonghwa is definitely a different feeling because of the romantic feeling or whatever it is. The other SM families are in my opinion merely friends, so that holding hands with the SM guys would not give any feeling right?? Just like when Seohyun held Kyuhyun's hand from SJ during a during performance at SMtour. She even texted Yong about this matter...... Oh well I'm over analyzing again. when it comes to YongSeo couple, OVER ANALYZING IS GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH!  laugh.gif







In the mean time. watching MuCore now, waiting for WGM broadcast............. time seems so slow now. I don't care abt the perfs anyway tongue.gif. I just want my YONGSEO!







Oh, and about duckduckduck, I believe he/she will only drop by on this thread when THERE IS SOMETHING BIG ABOUT YONGSEO happy.gif.  I also badly want to know who he/she is









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