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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello guys, and obviously I'm an Adam Couple shipper. We, Kkapliners are saddened that our fave couple is leaving TT6TT.





This is my first time to be posting in this thread, and I would like to thank all YongSeo fans for dropping in our thread and leave cheerful words of encouragement.





Thanks guys. TT6TT





Much Love ♥


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용화♡서현: 우리 부산 왔어요~!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































우여곡절 끝에 업로드 된 용서부부표 '반말송' UCC!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































세계적으로 널리 알리기 위해 총동원된 용화♡서현의 깜짝 인맥들은 과연?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그리고 그들에게서 속속히 밝혀지는 뜻밖의 제보, 요옹은 질투의 화신?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































기차를 타고 용 남편의 고향, 부산으로 떠나는 용화♡서현!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































부산역에는 용 남편의 어머니가 아들 내외를 반기러 마중 나오신다하고~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































고향 가는 길이 마냥 즐거운 용 남편vs.시어머니 만날 생각에 바짝 긴장한 현 부인!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































시어머니께 친근하게 다가가기 위해 요옹에게 부산 사투리 특훈을 받는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































과연 현 부인은 시어머니 앞에서 부산 사투리를 완벽 구사(?) 할 수 있을까?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그리고 전망 좋은 횟집에서 점심 식사를 하게 된 세 사람!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































요옹의 어머니가 털어놓는 ‘내 아들의 비화(?)’는 무엇?

































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Guest hiddentala


Hi! I'm a long-time lurker and I'm coming out of hiding because I really can't contain my excitement for tomorrow's episode! :) It's going to be DAEBAK!!! I just know it! :)




It might be awkward for Seohyun because it's her first time to experience this kind of thing but I'm sure Yong will make it easier for her. He always has! : :wub:




And for the Kkapliners, I feel your pain. I may not have watched the Adam couple religiously as I did with the Yongseo couple but I am really sad that they are leaving WGM. They're fun to watch and they brought laughter to viewers all over the world. So I give you all a big warm HUG and I hope that we get through this. FIGHTING!!! :)




And a shoutout to Pinoy goguma's out there!!! I hope to get to know you all!! :D


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Guest justbulan








































용화♡서현: 우리 부산 왔어요~!!
















우여곡절 끝에 업로드 된 용서부부표 '반말송' UCC!
















세계적으로 널리 알리기 위해 총동원된 용화♡서현의 깜짝 인맥들은 과연?
















그리고 그들에게서 속속히 밝혀지는 뜻밖의 제보, 요옹은 질투의 화신?
















기차를 타고 용 남편의 고향, 부산으로 떠나는 용화♡서현!
















부산역에는 용 남편의 어머니가 아들 내외를 반기러 마중 나오신다하고~
















고향 가는 길이 마냥 즐거운 용 남편vs.시어머니 만날 생각에 바짝 긴장한 현 부인!
















시어머니께 친근하게 다가가기 위해 요옹에게 부산 사투리 특훈을 받는데~
















과연 현 부인은 시어머니 앞에서 부산 사투리를 완벽 구사(?) 할 수 있을까?
















그리고 전망 좋은 횟집에서 점심 식사를 하게 된 세 사람!
















요옹의 어머니가 털어놓는 ‘내 아들의 비화(?)’는 무엇?































OMG!!!!!! monitain madman or anyone please confirm what i read in google translate pls!!!! 
















especially the first paragraph!!!
















since it's written like this: 































Somehow forgiveness uploaded Part buoys 'banmalsong' UCC! 
















Widely throughout the world to inform their contacts chongdongwondoen Longhua ♡ SNSD really a surprise?
















And it turns out they soksokhi from the tip of the unexpected, yoongeun incarnation of jealousy







































blink.gifYONG JEALOUSY?!
















seemslike this episode is a combo episode!!!!w00t.gif






























































































@krissilia w00t.gif that last words from your transalation is really makes me curious!!
























Yoong's Mom's Special ''My Son's Secret News (?) Is? 
























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A wonderful FMV about Seohyun's obvious transition from this pure girl to a marvelous lady. Gosh Yonghwa, hands down. You did a very wonderful job guiding Korea's innocent maknae. The change is so tangible and really amazing.

































































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Guest krissylia
































































































Found this on SPD Blog
















































































credits to Wendylovessoshi (she translated it from chi - eng)
















































































The Same As Last's Week's Preview)
















































































Getting on the train to Yong Hubby's old home, Busan.
















































































It's said that at the busan station, Yong's mom would be coming to fetch the couple.
















































































Yong Hubby's feelings about his home is good Vs. The anxious Wife Hyu who would be
















































































meeting Yong's mom.
















































































In order to get close to Yong's Mum, Yoong's special ''Busan Talking'' Teaching method is?
















































































Will Hyun wife be able to speak the Busan Talking style perfectly toawards his Mom?
















































































And, the 3 of them in a Seafood (?) Restraunt!
















































































Yoong's Mom's Special ''My Son's Secret News (?) Is?









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Guest pretty_92868








































I'm very excited for the next episode,
































as I've post earlier,it lingers through
































my dream,weird isn't it.
































And back to the game,what's up?
































I lost count already.
































To Calculator:
































Honestly,I find your opinion very real.
































That's also what I've thought at first but
































I come to love them because they are fun
































to watch especially during horror episode.
































So, I feel sad for their fans for their lost.
































Maybe,we can invite them to join us Goguma,hehehe





































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Can anyone give me links where I can download YongSeo Episodes from episode 1 up to the latest episode with English subs. It would be highly appreciated. Thanks...










Do the videos with j2dlee's translations have download links? I know RDR has some episodes but I don't think they have the earlier episodes.










I want to collect every episodes so that I can easily watch them. There are times when the internet is slow and it takes a lot of time to watch so I'd rather download it and I can much more with downloaded episodes.



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Hi All... :)

I want to ask a question because I'm a bit confused :(

The news mentioned that during Yongseo trip to Busan it was the 1st time Seohyun met Yong's mother. If I'm not mistaken (please correct me if I'm wrong), did she already met Yong's mother during CN Blue concert (in July 2010)? because we saw the picture when Seohyun met Yong at the backstage right?

Or actually no one knows what really happened at the backstage so we can't decide did Seohyun really met her mother-in-law or not?

Sorry but I'm soooo curious about it....gamsahamidaaa ^^

(definitely can't wait for tomorrow's episode) :):)

hyun did meet yong's parents and his elder brother backstaged.

this was shared by one of yong's brother's friend. (can't rmbr if its via tweeter )

but since its more like a private time for yongseo, thus in wgm,

it would be the first time hyun's meeting with mom-in-law.

hope that answers your q, dezadee. :)

tks for sharing the translated preview, krissylia.

ah! yong's mom is going to spill some beans abt her son...

ooh lala..what can that be? :phew:

anw i have this small wish that hyun gets to taste her mom-in-law's bean paste stew.

yong did say its the best!

and as we all know, there ARE AC fans among yongseo shippers,

so lets be more sensitive in our posts, especially at a time like this.

u not only hurt AC fans, but also your 'family' here

yongseo will end one day..just rmbr that.. -_-

Make Love Not War

to all (ex)lurkers and newbies...Welcome To Go-Chun!

its so heart warming to see more fans coming out to share yongseo love..

gogumas hwaiting!

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Dear cooleet,










































































Maybe you can download it from this blog, Happy Joy Life.















































I think it's from soshi subs vid.















































Until ep 29 only.















































The others, continue it on RDR Subs page.















































Or KDR pages















































Or from Sweet Potato blog.















































Or from this page. I believe it's Sun_Sun file. Subs based on j2 & MountainMadman.










































































About this week ep, I think MIL will spill some bean bout Yong...






























































































Mother's always do that to someone they love... hahaha....















































































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Guest crushh_11








Can anyone give me links where I can download YongSeo Episodes from episode 1 up to the latest episode with English subs. It would be highly appreciated. Thanks...




Do the videos with j2dlee's translations have download links? I know RDR has some episodes but I don't think they have the earlier episodes.




I want to collect every episodes so that I can easily watch them. There are times when the internet is slow and it takes a lot of time to watch so I'd rather download it and I can much more with downloaded episodes.







soshified have episode 1 up to episode 16, and rdrsubs have the following up to the latest =D





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Thanks for all your replies about my inquiry. My husband and I have a Photo/Video Business and I'm more on the management side and he's more on the artistic side. But he told me to know how to edit/design pictures and now he's asking me to make AVP''s. I thought it would be better if I practice using Yongseo's videos. At least it's a mixture of business and pleasure. hehehe. Again thanks a lot.



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Guest bitzes
















































@calculator .. i would disagree with u though .. u haven't watched AC from the beginning of their journey through out this 1 year and 3 months so please don't say anything when u don't know them well .. u haven't been with Adam couple journey to begin with .. they may bicker a lot but they are also sweet with each other, they respect, support and give affections vocally towards each other a lot in and OUTside of WGM.. and they have pet names with each other "YEOBO", kwonnie, GaIn noona .. there's a reason why they became the best couple.. we may have different tastes but there's no need to bash and be so insensitive!
































anyways, as u can see im an adam fan ..but i just want to drop by here to goguma land and say my thanks sincerely for your understanding and support .. im really overwhelmed when khuntorians and Yongseo fans dropped by on Adam thread to give support .. thank u gogumas! :D









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Guest jitluvyongseo

hello goguma villagers....

since lately nupluba channel were banned...can u tell me where to watch WGM tomorrow live streaming?

really hope can watch live tomorrow...

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this just for fun. if you are in a library, beware of yongseo's ghost! ㅋㅋㅋ (no bottom half)
































































































































































































































credit: dcmarried
































































































































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this just for fun. if you are in a library, beware of yongseo's ghost! ㅋㅋㅋ (no bottom half)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit: dcmarried































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kubih, i think if Yong and Hyun were in the library, they would not be sleeping. Hyun will be wide awake reading books! Hahah! Two scenarios:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. Yong and Hyun walking in between shelves. Hyun handing over books for Yong to read while Yong has a stack of books in his arms.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. Hyun is sitting and reading a book, while Yong is sleeping, his head resting on the table and his hand holding Hyun's.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is just for fun since whatever background they have, they would always look heaven with their epic pic.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Calculator, i think you miscalculated. :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest glennpaulo
























@hacker8  i totally agree to you, HYUN won't sleep in the library keke.....








Anyway i like your photo kubih i really want to study photoshop.








Want to share MELON 2010 album Chart top 100.








1. 2AM – “Can’t Send You Away Even If I Die”








2. SNSD – “Oh!”








3. 2NE1 – “To Anyone”








4. DJ DOC – “Taste for the Arts”








5. IU & 2AM’s Seulong – “Nagging”















6. CNBLUE – “Bluelove”








7. “Baker King Kim Tak Gu” OST Part 3








8. Homme by Hitman Bang – “Homme”








9. T-ara – “Braking Heart”















10. CNBLUE – “Bluetory”








11. miss A – “Bad But Good”




























































12. Blue Brand – “Trauma”






































13. Davichi – “Innocence”















14. Hyori – “H Logic”















15. Hot Potato – “Seesaw”















16. “Cinderella’s Sister” OST















17. Jo Young Su – “All Star 2.5″















18. Rain – “Back to the Basic”















19. Wonder Girls – “2 Different Tears”















20. T-ara – “Absolute First Album”















21. KARA – “Lupin”















22. Jo Kwon & Ga-In – “We Fell In Love”















23. SNSD – “Run Devil Run”















24. “Eleventh Story”















25. “Chuno” OST















26. Seeya, Davichi, T-ara – “Wonder Woman”















27. 4minute – “Hit Your Heart”















28. 4men – “The 3rd Generation”















29. BoA – “Hurricane Venus”















30. 2AM – “I Did Wrong”















31. Jo Young Su – “All Star – Davichi”















32. f(x) – “Nu ABO”















33. December – “Tears In Heaven”















34. Lyn – “Candy Train”















35. Lee Seung Gi – “I Must’ve Been Out of It”















36. Vibe – “Vibe in Praha”















37. FT Island – “Beautiful Journey”















38. Lee Seung Gi – “Shadow (Repackage)”















39. Gummy – “Loveless”















40. Min Kyung Hoon – “Reunion”















41. Taeyang – “Solar”















42. Yang Jung Seung – “Generation”















43. December – “Honesty”















44. B2ST – “Shock of the New Era”















45. K. Will – “Present”















46. SECRET – “Secret Time”















47. “Personal Taste” OST Part 1















48. SHINee – “Lucifer”















49. 2PM – “Don’t Stop Can’t Stop”















50. Gavy NJ – “Sunflower”















51. Se7en – “Digital Bounce”















52. G.NA – “Draw G’s First Breath”















53. Son Dambi – “The Queen”















54. After School – “Bang!”















55. Jo Kwon – “The Day I Confessed”















56. Baek Ji Young – “Timeless: The Best”















57. Seo In Guk – “Just Beginning”















58. Eun Ji Won – “Platonic”















59. Monday Kiz – “New Sentimental”















60. Zia – “Difference”















61. Hyuna – “Change”















62. Mighty Mouth – “Will Love Come”















63. SECRET – “Madonna”















64. Seo In Young – “Lov-Elly”















65. Zia – “Let’s Have A Drink”















66. MBLAQ – “Y”















67. SISTAR – “Shady Girl”















68. Wheesung – “Realslow Is Back”















69. Untouchable – “Untouchable Mini Album”















70. 2PM – “1:59 PM”















71. Outsider – “Acquiantance”















72. Narsha – “Narsha”















73. Supreme Team – “Spin Off”















74. SISTAR – “Push Push”















75. “Personal Taste” OST Part 2















76. After School – “Because of You”















77. Brown Eyed Soul – “Blowin My Mind”















78. “Coffee House” OST Part 2















79. Jang Yoon Jung – “Olleh”















80. 4men – “You”















81. “Personal Taste” OST















82. M4 – “The Story of M4″















83. Park Hwayobi – “Hwayobi”















84. “Will It Snow This Christmas?” OST















85. Super Junior – “Bonamana”















86. Lee Seok Hoon – “Greeting”















87. “God of Study” OST















88. 2NE1 – “Try to Copy Me”















89. Seo Young Eun – “With”















90. Brown Eyed Soul – “Love Ballad – Never Forget”















91. Orange Caramel – “The First Mini-Album”















92. Lee Seung Gi – “Like the First Time, Like That Time”















93. Younha – “Growing Season”















94. J-Cera – “Lonely Night”















95. Zia – “Bad Habit”















96. Monday Kiz – “ru;t;”















97. Rainbow – “A”















98. “Prosecutor Princess” OST















99. Supreme Team – “Supremier”















100. “My Girlfriend Is A Nine-Tailed Fox” OST Part 1








Source + Photos: Star News via Daum
















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Thank u for your fast reply JnJ ^^


yes maybe actually it's not her 1st time but 1st time officially through WGM.


aarghhh I just can't wait for tomorrow..!!!




From their phone conversation on episode 5 (if I'm not mistaken) I thing Yong's mom has fun and easy going personality..and I think she likes Hyun very much :)


And what kind of secret about Yong that will be revealed by his Mom tomorrow? Hmmmm...seriously please male tomorrow comes faster..! Hehehee




Let's prepare ourself for another daebak episode ^^


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Guest just_a_dream












@hacker8...kekeke..i agree with you, maybe calculator just miscalculated things.




@calculator...it's okay! you have all the rights to speak what's on your mind, i guess, you just be careful next time to not hurt other persons feelings to avoid further arguments and throwing of hurtful words.




moving on...why is Saturday so sloooooow....i really can't wait for the coming episode, even if it is still raw i don't give a damn, i'll watch it like crazy tomorrow..to my fellow newbie in this thread, lets welcome ourselves and  congratulate us together..hehehe.,it's been a great a feeling coming out though and sharing our thoughts with our fellow Goguma villagers...




i guess aneng posted this first..i really want to know what's this preview all about,to those kind hearted fellow Goguma who understand this,please make me understand.,thank you sooo much in advance.,google can't translate it well


















용화♡서현: 우리 부산 왔어요~!!







우여곡절 끝에 업로드 된 용서부부표 '반말송' UCC! 







세계적으로 널리 알리기 위해 총동원된 용화♡서현의 깜짝 인맥들은 과연?







그리고 그들에게서 속속히 밝혀지는 뜻밖의 제보, 요옹은 질투의 화신?














기차를 타고 용 남편의 고향, 부산으로 떠나는 용화♡서현!







부산역에는 용 남편의 어머니가 아들 내외를 반기러 마중 나오신다하고~







고향 가는 길이 마냥 즐거운 용 남편vs.시어머니 만날 생각에 바짝 긴장한 현 부인!







시어머니께 친근하게 다가가기 위해 요옹에게 부산 사투리 특훈을 받는데~







과연 현 부인은 시어머니 앞에서 부산 사투리를 완벽 구사(?) 할 수 있을까?














그리고 전망 좋은 횟집에서 점심 식사를 하게 된 세 사람!







요옹의 어머니가 털어놓는 ‘내 아들의 비화(?)’는 무엇?








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Guest Sara92









I Can't continue my life like this...TT^TT~ :unsure:







I have a dangerous illness "Yongseo Fan" ~~:wub:







I can't study,,, my final exams are next week... GOD help me!!!:(







whenever I open my books I'm thinking that maybe there is something new :w00t: about our couple,,, TT^TT







I'm hopeless TT^TT~:(







can any one give me an advice,,, I'll be thankful :tears:


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