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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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To calculator;










































































Bashing other couple here is not an ethic.















































(Remember, it's a rule. Even Mod can take an action by comment like this. To the extend delete the thread.)















































So please be considerate.















































Even our member here, YongSeo shipper feel hurt bout your comment.















































If you don't like like, fine. But please make it as your own personal statement.















































No need to write it here.















































Even some of YongSeo shipper are their fans also.















































Me included.















































So please, just think before you write it here.










































































1 more things, our thread has been view by so many people...Please understand










































































































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calculator you seem to enjoy posting provocative and insensitive messages.






























































Adam Couple is very popular and they are well respected for singlehandedly pulling up the ratings when WGM Season 2 was at an all time low. Do you think our favorite YongSeo Couple or even Khuntoria Couple would have a chance to star on WGM if not for Adam? Learn to be grateful.






























































How a couple interacts in real life differs from person to person. Some might bicker the whole time and others might be vomit-inducing affectionate. To each his own, it doesn’t mean the outwardly affectionate couple has a stronger love than the bickering one.






























































This is a free forum with a few set rules, but there is still a code of ethics to adhere to.






























































With all due respect, if it's too difficult for you to understand why your posts rile people up so much, you might want to consider sticking to this mantra: "When you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything".

















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Guest fabiistar07
















I'm in love with this picture, it really gives off the feeling of two people in love :wub:




Anyways, one thing I noticed that I haven't heard anyone comment on is that they're both sleeping with glasses on




Wouldnt that be uncomfortable?




Or maybe it's just a quick nap so they didn't bother taking the glasses off haha





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Guest glennpaulo
















































@fabiistar07 Who will not be in love in that photo...kekeke..That photo is killing all my bad mood today....
















I hope that atleast 10 seconds of screentime tomorrow will be in that angle only. Its beautiful to see them sleeping together with leaning in each other shoulder...hehe..
















Just want to share this happiness for us BOICES. 
















CNBLUE is now releasing albums through Indi label. But within this year, they will sign a contract with major recording label and make their debut in major market.































According to FNC, some of major labels who proposed are big recording companies which many Korean wave stars belong, but others are solid recording companies which Japanese big stars belong.































The number or companies who suggested official proposal are more than ten. The purporse of these companies who want to bring CNBLUE is not just to jump on the 'New Korean wave' fever. They are focusing more on CNBLUE as characteristic and unique band. Japanese band music market has broad base. So CNBLUE will be able to perform steadily and for long time regardless of Korean wave fever. This point is being evaluated most.































Furthermore, till now, without any special promotion, in spite of Indi label, just with albums and concerts, all 20 concerts were sold out. They hit the top of Oricon Indi chart.































According to FNC, ten major label staffs watched CNBLUE concerts two or three times. Some of them couldn't watch it because the ticket was sold out, then made reservation for the next concert to FNC.































FNC music will decide partner, major label who will work with CNBLUE in Japan within first half of this year.














































































Credit/Translated: saturn.































We always Love YONGSEO....

















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Guest lovekin




I'm so glad that Adam couple is gone now.

Finally we get to see YongSeo couple for a longer time.

Adam couple was dragging the show anyways and I turn it off when Khuntoria comes out.

YongSeo couple is the best and will always be, because it's CN Blue & SNSD.

I actually expected Khuntoria to leave the show before Adam couple. ^^







i generally love your posts because you join in on the analyses that often play out in this thread, but even i have to admit that that was a lowball.  i understand that there might be more than one person who are secretly pleased that adam is out of the picture, but it's a pretty rude thing to say nonetheless.  even if you hated their guts, at least give credit where credit is due.  without adam to revive WGM, neither yongseo nor KT would've existed.




so you might want to reassess your opinion.  or at least keep it on a personal journal or something.  it's one thing to say that you're glad YS has more air-time; i'm sure KT fans feel the same way.  but it's a totally different matter when you say adam was "dragging the show."






you do realize that, at some point, YS and KT will end up in the same fashion?  not because they're boring but once they reach that level of stability and comfort with each other, it's almost impossible to keep them on.  so honestly, i just wouldn't partake in this little spree you started, tittering about how YS is the best.  to us, they're the best; to KT, they're the best; and to adam, they are, they were, and they'll probably resonate much more because of what they accomplished for MBC.



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Guest leechee2




Hi everyone,




Thanks for all the great posts on our sweet couple, really enjoyed reading them. It is one of must activities before I turned in each day. 




I have a question, I saw in one of posts that yong & seohyun talked with yong's mother in an earlier episode. Was there even a scene that they also talked with seohyun parents? I only started watching them from last Oct so I not very familiar with their earlier episodes.




Or maybe as some pointed out, it depends whether they want to be on tv. It is still a reality show end of the day.




Many thanks









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Guest lovekin




Hi everyone,




Thanks for all the great posts on our sweet couple, really enjoyed reading them. It is one of must activities before I turned in each day. 




I have a question, I saw in one of posts that yong & seohyun talked with yong's mother in an earlier episode. Was there even a scene that they also talked with seohyun parents? I only started watching them from last Oct so I not very familiar with their earlier episodes.




Or maybe as some pointed out, it depends whether they want to be on tv. It is still a reality show end of the day.




Many thanks












i believe what you're looking for is in episode 5 or 6. she does, indeed, get to speak with his mother, and his mother was essentially overjoyed!  smile.gif  hope that helps.


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Guest i.said.hi














^ actually, i think leechee2 is asking whether they both got to talk to HER parents.












and they DID, in ep. 5,6 after they talking to yonghwa's mom.. but they only got to speak to seohyun's mom..












you know...












i wish BOTH seohyun's mom and dad would come on the show...












because!, i know they it would be interesting for yong and even the cn blue guys to see how her parents treat her.. because like they said, "at first we didn't believe that she was really like that, but after meeting her we were very shocked!"












likewise, i think they would find it very... interesting to see how she acts with her parents and what that "special trick" was to make her so lovable and pure!


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Guest yasmin_waldz






I just dropped by to read some of the posts but... I know that the best way is to ignore calculator's post but seeing her replies is making me want to say something... One of the reasons why this thread is very good is the different opinions and views that we goguma villagers share with each other... It shows the level of understanding and intelligence that each of us have... But her/his post and the subsequent replies not only insult the adam couple but is also an insult to this thread and the whole goguma village... Please be respectful and please remember that you may not be a fan, but there are some people (including even some Yongseo fans) who are hurting because of the Adam Couple's departure...



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Guest butterfly_z
















































































hello everyone!
















































i'm so new here n been silently lurking for two weeks.hope all of u didn't mind me joining here.many thanks..=)
















































i just cannot keep silent anymore.and i think i need to say something......this couple is sooOO sweet.i don't know about the other couple but i think 
















































YONGSEO is the most genuine.they didn't look like they wanna put on a show or something.they really start slowly n falling slowly.huh!i think
















































both of them have feeling for each other.IT'S OBVIOUS!one can feel their love.n it remind me on how sweet it is being in love when we were young....
















































i love yonghwa character,seems very playful but very determine n charismatic..so match with seohyun personality which sweet,feminine n kinda reserved.
















































i hope they really date each other(or they already are hehehe) n getting married for REAL! i'm sooooO in love with this couple! i already in love with sooO many korean drama but this, reality drama is the most exciting one!
















































for those who very sad bout the adam couple leaving, i feel very sorry for u.i think i will feel the same way when the WGM yongseo come to an end.but.it's the fact that we have to face.and i hate the fact.but they all are just human.just like anybody else.do you think they like people keep watching n lurking their love story for the whole time?i dont think soo.my friends once said, man and woman can never be friend.and i believe they may have feeling for each other.it's wether they want to continue their relationship inside the WGM or maybe outside the WGM without people be looking for their private life anymore....
















































cheer up everyone!i just cannot wait for the next episode of yongseo couple...plz,time,can u be a little bit faster!=)

















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Hi All... :)

I want to ask a question because I'm a bit confused :(

The news mentioned that during Yongseo trip to Busan it was the 1st time Seohyun met Yong's mother. If I'm not mistaken (please correct me if I'm wrong), did she already met Yong's mother during CN Blue concert (in July 2010)? because we saw the picture when Seohyun met Yong at the backstage right?

Or actually no one knows what really happened at the backstage so we can't decide did Seohyun really met her mother-in-law or not?

Sorry but I'm soooo curious about it....gamsahamidaaa ^^

(definitely can't wait for tomorrow's episode) :):)


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Guest jazziejec










i just missed on logging in online..and now i SEE this!!LOL













love the screen caps of  Yonghwa's Mom gave SeoBaby a warm welcome hug..♥♥♥













looking forward for tomorrows episode♥♥♥








It's sad to hear that the Adam Couple will be having their last episode..



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I really say thank you to lunasol and crystal_malfoy. Your guide help me a lot. Further more, I'm so touched when you guys reply me.
































































 I feel that " ah, finally, my post had been paid attention to by my goguma friend" That really great!biggrin.gif
































































Tomorrow will be excited. I can't wait anymore.laugh.gif
































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

All right, everyone...so the lesson for today is, please think before you speak...while all opinions are respected, please use common sense. If it seems like something that might offend a lot of people, it's probably better to keep it to yourself! sweatingbullets.gif

Moving on, I went ahead and started updating Love Story again, since the outlines for the next few episodes are already in my head and I don't really need my notes to write them. It looks like I'll be starting updates a few days earlier than planned, ha.

Enjoy. :)


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Guest ena123
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so glad that Adam couple is gone now.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Finally we get to see YongSeo couple for a longer time.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Adam couple was dragging the show anyways and I turn it off when Khuntoria comes out.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo couple is the best and will always be, because it's CN Blue & SNSD.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I actually expected Khuntoria to leave the show before Adam couple. ^^





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow, so sad that u are a hater...
































































































































































































































































































































































































You make Yongseo couple look bad, please stop....  this couple is 2 sweet  2 look bad ...please show some respect.
































































































































































































































































































































































































many Yongseo fans have been so awesome and supporting us Adam fans, And I want 2 thank them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































please Adam, yongseo fans and Khuntoria this person is not a real fan but a real hater ..
































































































































































































































































































































































































 Is sad  that u make a reason hater 2 hate .. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































                                              Again Thank u  Yongseo fans for all your love and support ..

































































































































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Guest ainigoguma



Annyeong guys....


please stop talking bad things about other couples. STOP IT RIGHT HERE. :vicx:



anyways, I've been lurking so many days and just came out to say what i've been thinking lately, :rolleyes:


I think, PD nim has really really learnt something from us goguma shippers. hehehe.:D

since the last week of 2010, they didn't give us any preview on the saturday episode, but then suddenly giving us a heart-attack happiness by releasing Banmal Song on Youtube on Tuesday, and hit 1,000,000 in just 3 days, THAT IS A BIG LEARNING !!! , and PD nim got it.:P

Proved by how they didn't give us any preview last saturday and turn out they post it on WGM site a very beautiful and serene picture of uri yongseo couple on the train.:wub:

aa~~~ i don't know how to say, it's like :starting from now on, i don't have just to daydreaming in between saturdays in my life, but even in the middle of the week, there would be ALWAYS a surprise for us ... A GO~CHUN surprise... hahaha



so i hope you guys also enjoying this time, the time that we get. Because sooner or later, what other couple had to do will also has to be done by uri yongseo couple. And eventhough I'm so NOT ready for that day, i'm trying my best to enjoy and cherish every moment I have with yongseo couple and you guys, goguma shippers.


so, please stay healthy and stay happy.





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Guest crystalblue
















I know it is instinctive for everyone to want to voice their feelings in reaction to a post that is out of line and negative but I also think that if a few people have "yelled" at that negative poster already, then the rest of us should really try to control our anger or disappointment and NOT post any more addressed to that person. Hate fuels hate. This is how wars happen. Some people are evil and some just make mistakes. I firmly believe in "killing hate with kindness". Let's not push calculator's negative buttons any more. Let's just say calculator made a mistake. Having a bunch of people waving their index finger tisk tisk tisk at your face can't be pleasant even though some of it is deserved. Can we move on?








Let's get back to Trent's betting game. Where are we at now? and I know this was from pages ago, but did anyone find it amusing that mountainmadman posted that he (it is he, right?) can't ski well? a mountainmadman should be able to ski well right? I wonder how Yong and Hyun feels about this head to head train photo being released and the amount of over the top excitement it's created? I wonder if they knew this photo even existed? and if they didn't know, then how did they feel when they saw this photo? warm and fuzzy? lovey dovey? scared that they've been found out (yet AGAIN!)? Wow, how I would love to be Hyun's girl friend who she tells her juicy stories to?








and okay, has anyone noticed how Yonghwa's been really manly lately? I mean his shoulders grew! they widened and he seems more in shape than before and has better posture and just... well... really handsome and manly! Hyun's beauty keeps blossoming at an even pace but Yong's has had a sudden thrust forth right? hahaha....CANNOT WAIT TIL TOMORROW NIGHT - I'm going to stay up late to watch the 1st raw upload!!!!









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Guest philistine












Ok, done here people , please don't talk about other couple in yongseo couple please








Do not reply, tomorrow is WGM right? Forget about the problem








We have our own OPINIONS , so peace out!













I have to agree. Let's not reply/comment/think about Calculator's remarks because everyone is entitled to their own opinions.








Anyway, i went to sleep this aftenoon and woke up thinking it's Saturday! That's how desperate i am to watch this episode! Lol! Then few minutes after that i realised it's still Friday! hahaha.. Major disappointment! I hope uri PD won't disappoint us again this week cause last week's episode was a tad too misleading. They didnt show what the preview said they wud; Yong's jealousy (?) wasnt even there. So, i'll pray and pray this week's epi will be daebak!





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Guest axy569

How a couple interacts in real life differs from person to person. Some might bicker the whole time and others might be vomit-inducing affectionate. To each his own, it doesn’t mean the outwardly affectionate couple has a stronger love than the bickering one.

Oh... Terrible thought!

Think about; in half a year our lovely couple starts bickering and give each other nicknames! ! ! !

And probably the TV ratings will soar to unknown heights. God NO! Don't let that ever happen.

They must forever be true and sweet and just do boring stuff like decorating their home, make dinners and touch and kiss and be ever nice to each other AND the most important thing give each other support, just like a real married couple.

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Guest hannahgarrido






for months i have been just stalking this thread,but i can't take it anymore!!!!!! i can't contain my feelings and had to post here!!


seriously, this couple is driving me crazy! when i saw the train pic i was like  :o  then after a few minutes i was like  w00t.gif ahhHhh!!!! i was shouting like crazy and my cousin was shocked and i was suddenly very embarrased for shouting blush.gif...  at school i cannot concentrate on the teacher because of that pic! aish.. then the preview was released.. i was like ottoke?! what happened in the busan trip?! are the PD's torturing us?? LOL


really this picture speaks a thousand words for me!!! they look like a REAL couple!! okay enough spazzing i still have to concentrate on my studies..


can't wait for saturday! saturday palli2!!


btw i would like to join the game..  i think they bought the glasses together.. some people suggested it could be hyun since she was the one who bought the couple stuff, but when they do something, doesn't seohyun always say "let's do it together??"... so that's why my vote goes to they bought it together!!






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