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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest graxhaie






























































































































































































































































































































Hello Gogumas from all around the world!































































































































































































The YongSeo International Project Team wants to remind everybody about YongSeo's 1st Year Anniversary Project.
































































































Our couple's anniversary is fast approaching, so we would like to remind about:






























































































































































































































































































































































































Part1- It’s a YongSeo World Afterall






























































































































































































































































































Compilation of fan pictures and videos for YongSeo Couple's 1st year anniversary (February 11, 2010). Originally this was part of the 300-Day project, however to allow more time for submissions and compilations the deadline is now January 15, 2011 (11:59pm KST). At the end we will compile all the videos and pictures and create a Video tribute (similar in idea to the SONEs project) that showcases all the fans from all over the world and their love for the YongSeo couple. So please do send us your pictures and videos ^___^












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. Using your own creativity, take pictures or videos and include the YongSeo International Fanbase Logo. 
















































































Click here for the Hi-res logo































































































































































































2. You can either capture your solo picture or together with your YongSeo country fans. We accept all the pictures and videos as long they are clearly visible.
































































































3. It’s okay if you don’t want to show your face (I know some of us are shy) So, please use your creativity and imagination to take pictures or videos that show some parts of you (eg. hand, fingers, head etc etc).
































































































4. Pictures – Must be in JPG format & in high resolution. Send toseohwa.project@gmail.com with the title 4th Project - Picture.
































































































5. Videos – AVI, MP4, MOV formats accepted. Upload to any uploader hosting and send us the link for download to seohwa.project@gmail.comwith the email title 4th Project – Video.































































































































































































NOTE: It is very much important that the pictures that you’ll send us are not PSed or product of some editing because we would like to show YongSeo how big our fan group is and not how great we are in terms of Photo Shop.













































































































































































































































































































































































































REMINDER: The deadline for submission of the pictures is on January 15, 2011































































































































































































Here are some sample pictures for this project.














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We would like to promote the new product of YongSeo International Project.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goguma Haus is an online shop for some YongSeo couple goodies. For everyone's information, Yongseo couple is from We Got Married, a variety show from South Korea. The shop is a part of the Yongseo International Fanbase. We offer a wide variety of goodies, from CNBlue and SNSD albums upto YongSeo shirts and hoodies. We also accept suggestion of products for the betterment of the shop. All the goodies in this shop are for sale, especially to the supporters of the YongSeo couple.






























































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for all the support you've given.
































































































We really appreciate it and we hope that you'll continue supporting and helping us.
































































































YongSeo Fighting!
































































































Sincerely yours,
































































































graxhaie, bezbezbez, and the rest of the project team
































































































For more details you can PM me or bezbezbez here at soompi, send an e-mail at seohwa.project@gmail.com, or follow @PD_Indi on twitter.

















































































































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Guest hyuksu
































































































































































































































^ Ah we're not allowed to ask for donations. It's against the rules on soompi. :( The Khuntoria Couple thread already got a warning.
































































































































































































You can read more about it here:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways, I was the one who pmed the moderator and had the title thread change. I wasn't sure if you guys still wanted to leave the "Seohwa" part or not since it's been part of the thread since the beginning so I just left it there. And sorry I didn't realize how the long the title would be. :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































Btw, I checked the status of the topic starter (*sunhee) and she hasn't logged in since November. Maybe someone who is active and willing to change the first page with up-to-date information should be the new topic starter? (Just PM a moderator)
































































































































































































@intoxd - Of course you're allowed to post your Yongseo artwork. :) Looking forward to seeing them!

















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Guest lovekin




aneng I am so frustrated, because I don't understand a word that person's writing (Korean internet slang). But from the comments they're mostly What is it?, I want to know too and Don't be upset. I can't find anything about the actual matter. Someone fluent Korean should have a look, from the comments it seems worrying?


Edit: From what I can gather, that person doesn't say anything about the actual matter but says that he/she discovered something striking before. He/she instead shares his/her frustration and sadness about something related to YongSeo while not actually saying anything about it. That person even said that he/she's devastated. That he/she can't talk openly about it and hopes that we understand.




So.. someone with better Korean should help to have a better understanding on this, so don't panic because my translations might be totally different from what's actually said. It could also be that that person has heard something disturbing, but it might not be true? Either way, please don't panic until it's properly translated.






eh, i feel bad about bringing this up again, but i'm really - like intensely - curious about this. trying to bring this up again in case anyone fluent in korean can share this. wacko.gif ah, people need to stop being vague about everything. it only heightens frustration and gets people on edge ... like me! sweatingbullets.gif




and as for the 2011 couples, didn't we cover this earlier? MBC confirmed it was a rumor. and honestly, i don't know, i personally think MBC hit gold with the current couples they have now. just saying.


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Guest Crystal392










*waves at everyone*






OMG I feel it's been a looking time since the last time I posted here but actually it's been just a couple of days xD






Thanks to everyone for all the info, screencaps and links you've shared :)






I hope 2011 will be an awesome year for all of you!!






Btw I wanted to remind some Gogumas one of the thread rules: please remember this is a YongSeo thread, if you want to talk about YongHwa or SeoHyun activities that are not related to YongSeo remember they and their groups have their own threads ^_^ we received already a warning a couple of months ago. Let's all take care of our beautiful Goguma Planet :)






Also welcome to all new Gogumas!!! *throws confetti*



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Guest linh80


agree with Lovekin. i really want to know what they are talking about. i really want to know. good or bad we should know and find out it is real or not.




If they stop i am not that unhappy because seeing that they still wearing their rings that means they are something toghether


But if they not stop but something not good going on, that makes me feel really uncomfortable.






i dont trust google translate, but i think nothing talk about stoping, but something else, may be about Yong. I hope not. so bad i cant understand a thing.



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eh, i feel bad about bringing this up again, but i'm really - like intensely - curious about this. trying to bring this up again in case anyone fluent in korean can share this. *quoted image* ah, people need to stop being vague about everything. it only heightens frustration and gets people on edge ... like me! *quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the person who posted it only said that he heard someone dissed Yongseo and he/she felt really upset about it. he didnt explain what exactly the diss was.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's really nothing to be worried about, the poster only wanted to share his feelings there... :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ooups. just ignore my post, guys. thanks hesperide for posting better explanation of the post. and i accidentally clicked on the (-) mark. sorry :( it's only 4am here, i really need to go back to sleep...><

































































































































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That's a relieve but it's sad that the poster got kinda betrayed by a "friend"?! when this is the real deal then we worried for nothing?! I am happy though. This couple is really precious to us to me.  I follow them since they started and it feels like Chingus meeting before your very eyes and fall deeply in love  :wub:  It's really been almost a year now:blush:




Hmmm maybe we could use aisuo's compilation as the topic starter with only YongSeo-Sweet potato Couple as heading. I never didn't  mind SeoHwa but for new fans it could be irritating since noone actually uses SeoHwa for this couple and YongSeo/Forgive ness is so meaningful :wub:





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Guest lovekin




i believe my korean level is much lower than aisuo415, but i do understand the dcmarried post a bit. the person who posted it only said that he heard someone dissed Yongseo and he/she felt really upset about it. he didnt explain what exactly the diss was.


It's really nothing to be worried about, the poster only wanted to share his feelings there... :)










About DCMARRIED post...







GOGUMAS the article (DCMarried) was actually wasn't meant to make you, all, panic. It's just that a fan was saying that she discovered that the person whom she thought of was a yongseo fan was actually an anti. This made her feel sad and betrayed. Chill GOGUMAS!

Credits: Indi twitter ^^






Don't worry Gogumas. Be happy ^^




EDIT1: Can't wait next episode (Busan) and release Yongseo Digital Single =D




EDIT2: Ohhh!! Someone didn't like my comment. Sorry xD






hahahaha, thanks, guys!




actually, that's kind of cute. i think this probably applies to all fans of all the couples, but i like how everyone just supports each other once any signs of ㅠㅠㅠㅠ is rampant. it's like, yes, i love solidarity. wub.gif although, even if it was a betrayal to the friend, everyone crying all at once is a little alarming. haha, please don't do it; it gives me a heart attack.




lmao, i should check my twitter feed more often. i'd have probably found that bit by indi sooner and saved us all the trouble. sweatingbullets.gif


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I don't know if this has been shared yet, but I'm too excited to re-share it to backtrack. It's a...news I guess, about our Yongseo couple at the MMA award (correct me if I'm wrong--I'm not quite sure). It shows Yong's reaction to SNSD's Oh! performance and Seohyun's reaction to when CNBLUE won the award and CNBLUE'S performance. The only words I understand are wife and husband lol.
































































































































































































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GOGUMAS the article (DCMarried) was actually wasn't meant to make you, all, panic. It's just that a fan was saying that she discovered that the person whom she thought of was a yongseo fan was actually an anti. This made her feel sad and betrayed. Chill GOGUMAS!

Credits: Indi twitter ^^















































Oh my goodness, I should apologizing to everyone. I managed to get all the feelings the person felt translated, but not the anti part which was the reason lol got so many Goguma's worried about this.. but it's cute, ain't it? haha
























And before I forget (again), thank you to everyone who gave me the + for my YongSeo Now and Then caps! It's wonderful and amazing to see how we all see and agree on their changes and developments. May we be able to see even more significant changes in the near future.
























I'm sad I won't be able to support YongSeo's Banmal Song as I don't live in the US nor have or will have any credit card (they'll only give you one when they're sure you can pay in my country. Awesome policy, but not great in this situation lol). I hope the ones who are able to so will help them, because not only is it a very meaningful song to them, but also to us. :)





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I'm not sure if this has been shared (please "minus" me in case I'm violating any rules), but you guys know that WGM has that kind of sub-program called WAD ("We are dating"). It features two groups, U-Kiss and Girls' Day. I have to admit I had never heard of them before.

Anyway, the Jihae-Eli couple of WAD reminds me of our Yongseo couple (out of loyality to Yongseo, I have to say that Yonghwa and Seohyun are much more epic and I like Yonghwa way better than Eli - sorry, U-Kiss fans, really, really, really no offense - on the other hand, WAD just had four episodes). Anyway, and during episode three, Jihae and Eli went iceskating and Eli pulled "a Yonghwa". He held Jihae's hand and put it into his pocket. (I know there's a BOF reference somewhere, but still ...)

Looks like Yonghwa's wish for "the skinship trend of the season" is becoming reality. Yeah ... just found it interesting to point it out. In case someone wants to see "the Yongseo handholding" for themselves, check here.

Best regards,


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Guest tkagoguma
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hesperide is right..we should not worry and just be happy..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lets put all those unhappy thoughts away now shall we..hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's 6 am now at my place and i can't sleep at all..too much caffeine..sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so i spent my night rewatching uri yongseo couple and choosing my fav moments of them together..phew.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well..here it is..some of my fav moments of yongseo..wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































first time yong touch hyun hair..i spazzed like crazy when i first saw this..haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































after their first homecooked dinner together..wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































teaching hyun how to play pool..awwrolleyes.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun giving yong piggyback ride..totally loves the backhug..biggrin.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































after pool games with brothers-in-law..happy.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gahh..needtosleeplikerightnow..night goguma villagers !laugh.gif

































































































































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Guest lovekin




I'm not sure if this has been shared (please "minus" me in case I'm violating any rules), but you guys know that WGM has that kind of sub-program called WAD ("We are dating"). It features two groups, U-Kiss and Girls' Day. I have to admit I had never heard of them before.




Anyway, the Jihae-Eli couple of WAD reminds me of our Yongseo couple (out of loyality to Yongseo, I have to say that Yonghwa and Seohyun are much more epic and I like Yonghwa way better than Eli - sorry, U-Kiss fans, really, really, really no offense - on the other hand, WAD just had four episodes). Anyway, and during episode three, Jihae and Eli went iceskating and Eli pulled "a Yonghwa". He held Jihae's hand and put it into his pocket. (I know there's a BOF reference somewhere, but still ...)




Looks like Yonghwa's wish for "the skinship trend of the season" is becoming reality. Yeah ... just found it interesting to point it out. In case someone wants to see "the Yongseo handholding" for themselves, check here.




Best regards,








haha!  i'm actually having a hard time getting into WAD, but i did see a clip of their appearance together and thought of yongseo.  yongseo did the awkward thing so much better, though (lmao, bias).  in all seriousness, though, eli and jihae are extremely, extremely awkward.  and the roles are kind of reversed, too, as far as what i saw.




but yay, yong's version of skinship is spreading!  although i'm not going to lie, while it's probably a lot more common than we think, i was kind of hoping it would be something unique to yongseo.  tongue.gif


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Yeah, I'm still not much into WAD either ... I'm not sure what to think and since the couples don't have that much history, it's difficult to get emotionally attached.

And yeah, Jihae-Eli ARE a bit like Yongseo, where he's the shy one and she's trying to make him get out of his shell. But so far, they aren't cute-awkward like Yongseo, but uncomfortable awkward, which makes it a bit difficult to watch. Anyway, really great that Yonghwa's handholding is spreading. :)

Eli probably watches WGM and Yongseo ... I hope.

Best regards,


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the rumor is hilarious..
































































how can krystal be part of the wgm when
































































she's still underage.. (i'm not bashing anyone here.. i love the people stated in the rumor)
































































the early days of yongseo couple, fbi searched for the law about getting married
































































and i remember that it stated that any 20 yrs old can get married
































































but she's not even 20 in the first place..
































































and she said so herself that she can't be in wgm because of her age
































































in her previous interviews.
































































maybe the are the new couple for
































































we are dating.









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Guest _d3seohyun


INFO on how to BUY and SUPPORT

the BANMAL song

on the 14th!!!!!

much thanks to aneng and the original source (sj-world)


► Only works if you have a VISA card (or other international cards like mastercard)

► There is no other way, so don't ask how to do it if you don't have a Visa.

► It will cost you 7700wons -Tax included- ( ~ USD 6.8) [ It's a "music card" with it you will be able to download 40songs within the month! That means you can also easily get every other super junior 4집 when they are released]

Almost everything is in english so it's very easy!

No need to register!


First go here







the pop up close as soon as you clicked confirmation!

Now go check your emails! You should have 2 mails: one with your bill to soribada, and the second with the card number!


back to the main page





And you are done!

It will ask you in which folder to save the song, there is no software to download, it's like a direct download~~! ^^


There is something else you can do to help the boys on the charts! not only the downloads but also the listenings are counted~!

You just have to click one button then play it with the player at the top of the page, put it on loop (even keep it when you leave your room!! XD) Every single time you listen to it it will count! ^^ 100 listenings = counted 100 times.Etc.~

Credits to Alice @ sj-world.net

I've spent two days looking around korean sites to find one working for foreigners so please credits if you take out.

Gogumas, you might want to bookmark this post or aneng's HERE so on the 14th you're all set :D

I'm feeling excited yet also so nervous about this digital release :sweatingbullets:

accckkk gogumas, we have to make this happen! number 1 okay? :D

We can do this gogumas! FIGHTING!

@aneng. you're awesome. thank you so much for bringing us the good news and the infos.

and to the ones who haven't seen it yet...

A MUST READ AND A MUST SEE...aisuo415's awesome post, click HERE

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Guest Kerube-Chan







I know we are over the ring issue, but I found something that reminded me of what one of you posted... No remember who, but I remember agreeing to his/her statement, if the using of the ring was just for the show, he would only use it in broadcast and not during his personal time...





Here is a fancam from 101217 CNBLUE dry rehearsal, we can see YH using the ring....










This is the actual performance that was broadcasted, no ring...










This just make me happy... About your post, people you have been writting a lot of wonderful things this past few days and I am so happy, because we support each other to overcome any hardship.





I loved the now and then analysis... and one comment make me realize something... from the harvest episode to the episode in wich they write the banmal song, YH was the one guiding the relationship, from holding hands to iniciate the playful game during dinner etc... that was between october and the first week of november, but now a month and a half later (Dic. 26), YH is totally shy in front of her... I was not paying the right attention, I was spazzing to much but after people pointing out his change, I cant help but see the truth in it... something must have happened during the Busan-Ski Trip for this outcome... interesting, the curiosity is killing me... slowly...





Well, aside from that OMG OMG OMG the digital single/CD is going to be out on the 14... I am going to buy it, I dont care... I will do it, Ahhh excitment is killing me with this one too, hopefully they will make at least one performance in MBC Music Core... Ohh please let them perform the song!!! Ahhhh!!!





Ok, Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, good luck!!!










th. I agree with you 100%, we must be prepared and just support them whatever the outcome... They are very mature young adults and they are very caring people, I know they must be worried about the pros and cons of revealing anything to the public... so as I say to myself, lets enjoy it until it last, and pray really hard for them to overcome any hardship in the future...


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So yes, the Korean industry is hard compare to others, but I think what Yongseo have in their favor is that in contrast to other Korean artist whose fans will be taken by complete surprise if they announced they are dating (ex. Jonghyun, Seven), in the case of Yongseo they have been 'together' for a year as a couple. Fans my not be supportive, but in a way they have been somewhat subconsciously educated that they are a couple for reel, and there is potential for them to be real.
































































In addition, since, artists and their companies are influence by business and profits, from my point of view I think that right now both their companies may have already compared the advantages and disadvantages of their relationship and in my opinion, the advantages have more than surpassed the disadvanteges. Why? For example: (I will put the rest in spoiler so it doesn't take a lot of space in the thread)
































































1) Banmal video: more than being a sweet video showing their talents, its a video that have served as some kind of proof to SM and FNC the positive side of them being together:
































































* Proof that there are thousands and thousands of fans around the world who may even surpass the haters.
































































* The video even got 57 HONORS, a lot more than even SNSD Oh (9), Gee (11), Hoot (9), Genie (TMYW) (8) official videos in the SMent channel, which is the 2nd most subscribed channel of S. Korea and #45 most subscribed musician channel in the world. You all know how popular is SNSD in Asia, yet Yongseo fans still had an enormous capacity to surpass unimaginable records (although I bet the majority were replaying the video hahaa). They have even surpassed record views and honors compared to other big SM artists videos, who as we pretty much know are extremely top artists not only in S. Korea but in Asia. So again, what Yongseo have accomplished is huge and today it is almost reaching the 2 million view in 1 week.
































































* In addition the Honors in the Banmal Song in contrast to the other videos, included honors from ALL around the World (different countries, continents), not just Asia. The honors even include Latin America, Europe, and even places you, even Yongseo and their companies at first will never think they were known. On the other hand, the other video honors are focused in Asia exclusively, mostly S. Korea.















































































































































2) Yong's side. From a business/artist standpoint, your ultimate goal is your music being known by a lot of people, especially worldwide. As much as I love CNBLUE before Yonghwa in WGM, it is obvious that Yongseo relationship is a huge factor in helping them be known in a lot of these countries. Not that I am saying that they are not capable alone, but you have to be aware that last year they were rookies and they have achieved the national and international love and respect in a short time what others struggle for a long while to accomplish, even SNSD. What they have already achieved is what a lot of musicians have dream and a lot even work for life without even seeing a glimpse of it, and Yongseo/WGM in a certain degree degree have been one of the factors, among a lot others, helping in pushing them towards their explosive success. Since SNSD and WGM have a huge fanbase, I am sure FNC is aware of the benefit of their increasing support, not only fans that were originally only Boice.
































































3)Hyun's side. From SM standpoint, again, I am sure they are aware of the rocket increase and the fact that they, with their simple song surpassed the 1 million view number in just 2 days is huge. I am sure someone in SM have and also FNC have started to think that if there is a possibility of making an agreement and time to record the song together, they will go for it, because they will see the profits.
































































* As much as I love SNSD, Seohyun is one of the top girls in the group with more potential of having a long career in the music industry in a diversity of fields since she has proven herself that she is not just a good singer/dancer but also musician, music arrangement, and with the help of Yonghwa now lyricist and she is just (19 years old/20 years old-Korea), so she is still maturing as an artist. Now seohyun can even add songwriter to her resume hahaha. SM must have clearly seen how she has developed with him professionally and personally, which is obvious to EVERYONE.
































































* In addition, as much as SNSD have a lot of fans, they are still growing, and SM is trying to promote them as much as they can internationally, and in a way WGM is helping with that goal.






























































































































































































I will stop because its already too long. The thing is that they may have fans who may get crazy against them, but I still think business wise, the fans in favor of them or who will be neutral will more than balance those kind of obsessive fans. Also, the same way there were Jonghyun (Shinee) fans who the first few days were acting as if it was the end of the world, later on those have dwindled down and the fans showed support to the group and Jonghyun. This include even some who at first were haters of his love relationship. I am sure that will also happen with Yongseo in the case it comes out they are together for real.
































































I want to continue the topic some Gogumas including myself have been discussed lately...































































































































Like lunasol said in her previous post and as everyone knows, KPop industry is unique, fascinating but scary at the same time. It is obvious that as individuals YongSeo could take a lot of advantages out of being parts of WGM. And nobody can deny the fact that they won great fame in a short period of time (see e.g. Banmal Song). But if you include CNBlue and SNSD I don't think the groups took much advantages, too. Although their songs became better known in some countries, it still doesn't mean there will be more pros than cons after YongSeo quited WGM and announced being in a love relationship. I can imagine that there would be dozens of articles about them and they would get a lot of public's attentions. Some fans would be frustrating other encourged. But I'm sure that the opportunity of the situation wouldn't affect her unnies and his dongseangs is impossible. Just for example Shinee's Jonghyun, after his relationship published all members of Shinee were seen tired and less energetic on stage, they were even distracted and missed their parts (e.g. Taemin). A group is an unity so if one member got hurt all members suffer together.































































































































I guess Yong and Hyun aware of the consequences that they could hurt the people they love the most and I'm sure that they don't want this to happend. Just watch the latest 'Come and Play' episode, you can see that Hyun doesn't want people around her to be worry or suffer because of her, not even her parents although it is every parent's job to care for their children. Some of them are sometimes pleasing to be worried because their children messed things up, so they got to know them better. That's why I still believe that YongSeo wouldn't reveal they are in love if they go out for real. But it's just my objective opinion. Although I am in favour of stars should announce their love lifes but I also have sympathy for those who don't do it. Because they are celebrities, everyone's eyes focus on them. Some adore them some just wait for their mistakes. It certifies that their lifes aren't the easiest and 'normal' people often don't understand the problems they have to deal with. Sometimes it is just selfish to admit something in spite of knowing the consequences, not only in this case also in others.














































































































































































































Btw I think I should share something... Few days ago while hanging around on the internet I came across subbed vids of the show 'Oh! My School' by accident. At first it wasn't that entertaining for me so I was about to stop watching. But then the idols have to discuss the topic 'Should celebrities reveal that they are dating or not?'. Suddenly I thought it might be intriguing so I continued.































































































































Here is the link: http://www.youtube.c...&v=xtEAcA5FQgw#! (It starts at 1:28)































































































































I think what Simon D's manager said is quite interesting and fit perfectly into what lunasol said before and what I wanted to explain above. He said: 'Being someone's gf/bf...They could using their partner to gain popularity. Simon D's (who revealed his gf last year) awareness has increased. But album sales have dropped.' So that means Simon D as an individual got more fame but for Supreme Team his confession had disadvantages.































































































































I also think what SJ's Eunhyuk said is understandable: 'Not announcing...it doesn't mean you just live for your fans. It's for myself and to protect the person I love.'. Or Rainbow's JaeKyung's argument has deep meanings, too: 'Love is like war. It's easy to start but difficult to end. Love is a personal affair. If the public knows, your problem become everyone's problems.'.































































































































The end result isn't that I'm against YongSeo meet each other in real life or them confess dating. I just try to understand the situation YongSeo could be in (and maybe I'm just somehow realistic?).

















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Guest _d3seohyun


I loved the now and then analysis... and one comment make me realize something... from the harvest episode to the episode in wich the write the banmal song, YH was the one guiding the relationship, from holding hands to iniciate the playful game during dinner etc... that was between october and the first week of november, but now a month and a half later, YH is totally shy in front of her... I was not paying the right attention, I was spazzing to much but after people pointing out his change, I cant help but see the truth in it... something must have happened during the Busan-Ski Trip for this outcome... interesting, the curiosity is killing me... slowly...


I'm sorry for cutting your post but this got me spazzing :lol:

i want to read more about this. any gogumas care to write more on how they view this change?

acccckkkk! LOL

so my post isn't that useless....

some gda caps i found on my pc.























i find it weird that these unnies turned quiet during the gayos even though yongseo were just a couple of feet away from each other. fishy fishy...making me spazz <3 :P i feel like everyone is in some little secret to avoid misinterpretations and scandals...preventing netizens from assuming that there's something going on even though there really is none or netizens pointing out something that might actually be there. LOL I'm ramblinng nonsense..nothing new..just spazzing :P

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Guest Crystal392










Hesperide: Hey a new account! :D Thanks for sharing that info. Also thanks to Indi for explaining that ^^


















Trent: I think you are not violating any rules because you were respectful towards the other couple and it is YongSeo related... but that's just my opinion hehehe I was hoping the same as lovekin (that it would something unique to uri YongSeo) like their hi-5s (I remember the hi5 where they didn't touch but it was like... cleaning a window... lol I dont know how to explain it but Im sure you all remember that hi5 :P). I still haven't watched WAD... but someday I will xD






January 14th is really close! YongSeo hwaiting, Gogumas ftw! :)






Kerube-Chan: lol am I the only who hasn't noticed a change in him? x___x I guess that's the result of skipping lots of long posts (I've been busy with family gatherings and university lately :ph34r: ). Like _d3seohyun (I loved your rambling! ^_^) I also want to read more about that and, as she said, "how Gogumas view this change" :)






Sharing two lovely screencaps I found on dcmarried:

































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