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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest melibu

Sorry to cut your post, but I just feel like discussing this ^^

I don't think Seohyun is 'resisting' at all. As far as I know, SME doesn't forbid dating, but rather encourages them not to for the sake of their career (and crazy fans). Taeyeon's comment about YongSeo confirms that they're not in a relationship at the moment. I think everyone is expecting them to be so after the Japan date. That episode was a turning point as Seohyun took the grand step of initiating skinship, showing that she's comfortable enough to do so with him. The talk they had there also took the relationship a step further as they talked about their misunderstandings and thoughts about one another. After that you can tell a great weight of burden fell from both their shoulders. As soon as they were on one page mentally, soon and more naturally they started to be so with physical contact as well. After all the skinship many would expect them to be together already and I can understand how you feel like Seohyun's 'holding back' because of her upright personality.

My personal opinion is however that it's simply because Seohyun is taking things at her own pace. Let's say that Yoona's comment is indeed directed towards Yonghwa and Seohyun - in my mind it seems like the rest of SNSD wants her to officially date Yonghwa, but she refuses to do so. Not because she doesn't want to date him, but because she feels like it's not the right time yet.

They are in a make-believe marriage with many other factors being indirectly some influence on their relationship. With that there have been some confusing times and mixed feelings. So it has taken her months and months to open herself up towards him, trust him and be comfortable with him and act the way she is now with him. No one would ever thought to see her holding hands with a guy just like that so naturally. But the process leading up to that -to where they are right now- is different from the one leading towards a real relationship. I believe that Seohyun's aware of that and so takes her time, like she did before, to eventually get there.

In the latest episode you can tell she's subtly flirting with him, giving out signs that she does like him, even initiating skinship. I feel like she's slowly taking some steps towards 'that direction' by (unconsciously and) subtly trying to get closer to him. This time not mentally, but physically and more naturally. I think that's the way how she wants it to go; naturally as the relationship progresses, both totally at ease with each other and both mentally and physically ready to take that step.

Because, to be honest, they are physically comfortable with each other but not in a way a real couple is. Yonghwa is still hesitant (and aware of the camera's) and is therefor holding back a lot.

hi there! sorry that i am including your whole entire post cos i really don't know where to cut at all as i TOTALLY agreed with you. after Japan, there is such a big change. they are more comfy with each other and hence like you said skinship becomes natural too.

i always thought that Yong as much as he initiates skinship to a certain extent but he is still quite a shy boy. he is even quite shy to approach her during music events as seen via fancam. yup, no doubt he wants to be near her or say a hi to her but beyond that, he doesn't do much. i think we can all agreed that to a certain extent these two are attracted to each other and there is a certain degree of like or love involved. at the end of the day, no matter what Yong probably does not want to totally put his whole heart out for the camera. of cos, he can't help slipping now and then.

as for hyun, she is really one unique girl. the more you see or 'get to know' her, the impression of her gets deeper and deeper. i think she is take it one step at a time. she definitely has a thing for Yong. i mean who doesn't. but that doesn't mean she gotta step it up. she is taking a steady ride and enjoying it. most of all, i love how she has changed from episode 1 until now. the way she hit him and lean towards him a lot shows how comfortable she is with him. this comes from a girl who still speaking formally to him.

i hope Hyun would be able to call him YongHwa~ya in the near future.

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Guest fabiistar07












Melibu I agree with what you said about yong, he seems the type to be shy, though not as much as Hyun




I was watching and old epi yesterday where soshi unnies went to visit for the first time and one of them said that Seohyun said he likes oppa because he doesn't for e her to do something




So i think that's why yong is always careful around hyun because he doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable




And after so much progress theyve been making I don't think he'd want to ruin it by making awkward situations




Since Hyun is comfortable around him now I feel like he thinks he doesn't have to be the one to necessarily start skinship




As we can see from today, Hyun touched yong a lot and yong didn't have to start it. It's coming more natural now ^^





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Guest haemin13
































































The forgotten children... -_-
























































this ep is just what we expected, the BTS fr the banmal song, sad that there wasn't any extra scenes like going out again to celebrate elsewhere. i was also expecting that at least they would include how the couple uploaded the vid and now it reached 1million views. damn WGM, so it's only 20mins again for our YongSeo?? better have more airtime the next eps. the wedding pictorial ep MUST NOT only be 20mins! i beg you.
















































but still, i was very happy that Hyun seemed very comfortable now with Yong. She's no longer holding back, even slapped yong's knee & shoulder several times. how cute~ :wub: of course, i also really loved the NGs. A expected, Yong chding had the most mistakes..haha, i loved it! everyone already spazzed about the shoulder-leaning, hope it happens more often :) i just wished there was a hug to celebrate thei accomplishment. or like hand-holding while jumping with joy, :lol: im being corny again..haha









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^ i totally agree!!! i really hope they make the wedding photoshoot long!
































































































































































































































































AHHH i am spazzing out right now just thinking about it <3
































































































































































































































































i loved the skinship in this episode! not much, but made me squeal everytime there was skinship hehehe
































































































































































































































































poor yong D: NG'd so much! or maybe he did it on purpose so that he could have more skinship with hyun? jk jk
































































































































































































































































i love waking up on saturdays to come into this thread and watch our goguma couple hehe
































































































































































































































































i think i will post more in this thread now
































































































































































































































































oxoziy: good job making the clip! omo~~ LOVE it :D
































































































































































































































































skinship ftw <3

































































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I wanted to take better caps but i have some internet issue sweatingbullets.gif i can't even watch today episode tears.gif




















(sunny is behind hyun)













































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RE: The Taeyeon interview and and lulu2's worry it should have been said privately as not to ruffle male SNSD fans too much. Being a male fan of SNSD I don't think Hyun has a lot of die hard "I want Hyun maknae for my girlfriend she's my dream girl" type fans. Most male SNSD fans (at least my sense of us anyway) see Hyun as the little sister type ... we just want her to be happy! Of all the SNSD girls I think Hyun and maybe Hyoyeon could come out "real life dating" and there wouldn't be a big deal made about it. Hyoyeon could because she's so underused but that's another topic. Now if Yoona admitted she had a boyfriend that truly would be the "end of the world" and male SNSD fans would go insane!! LOL

As for contracts and SM policies, I'm sure SM tells their talent not to date and it's too dangerous and potentially career limiting, but after the slave contracts controversy and the government regulations as a result I think all that changed SM's ability to micro-manage entertainers personal lives anymore (or Taeyeon wouldn't even mention it) and so if Hyun wants to date Yong she can and there's nothing SM can do or say about it.

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Guest crystalblue


Not sure if the more clear version of latest ep 38 has been posted but here it is (credit to the Baidu Sweet Potato Bar thread :D )




Ep 38 No Sub Yet




If I had to pick one favorite moment in this episode, it was the hubby doing the Hoot dance at the end. Oh he cracks me up! This episode was filmed Dec. 26th so this was after the GDA and their skiing trip. It explains their JUMP to having more closeness and affection - especially from Hyun. Whenever WGM skips around the sequential order of filming vs. showing, it tends to throw us off a little bit. So this episode was JUST filmed about 6-7 days ago!!! This is how they are now in real time. In my opinion, Hyun is more and more "herself" with Yong as time passes. Mean while, it seems like Yong is now more confident about Hyun's feelings for him. He acts more confident and nonchalant about her physical affection. Both of them have gotten more beautiful physically too- evidence of happiness and the glow of being in love!!! :wub:


A few pages back, someone's post said that when Yong and men in general, show their jealousy, it makes Huyn and women in general, feel more loved and wanted. I wanted to say something about this to all the younger ladies in goguma land as an unnie who has personal experience in this matter. 1) If you are in a phase of your life where you are craving for male attention, it is NOT the right time to get in to a serious relationship!!! When you are feeling "needy", you are most likely to chose the wrong guy for yourself. 2) There is a fine line between cute acts of jealousy and possessiveness which is a white flag for a controlling male who more than likely can be physically violent. Be very careful not to oversee the difference!


Now I think Yonghwa was at times jealous because he at the beginning, also idolized Seohyun a bit, knew about her fan boys and come on, he used to go to SNSD's concert and now, he's in a pretend relationship with one of the prettiest SNSD members! but as his own career has blossomed and he's made a name for himself and he's gotten to know Seohyun so well, a lot of the insecurities has gone away because she has reciprocated his affections. Plus I do not think Seohyun is the type of girl who sees jealousy as a sign of love. I think she sees it as ridiculous as she believes she didn't do anything to encourage males' flirting with her. She probably doesn't like it too much. That's just my personal take on it. I'm sorry, maybe I should have put this part in a spoiler. Any how, I loved episode 38!!! their relationship is just so full of real comradery, respect, fun and love now.


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Guest teuksunghae



yeah that one is clear but the one I posted earlier with username the04rain is clear too and for those of you who have no access to todou can watch it there...

anyway.... I love this latest episode..

here is the time where I spazz hard :

Obviously where Hyun lean her head to Yong's shoulder...Now, that's just a brief second, but a brief second of cuteness....

sad about the forgotten children..... 

sad too that the PD decided not to show how they decided their clothes, arrange their "children" etc....


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Guest _d3seohyun

Happy New Year Gogumas!

haven't seen the new episode yet but it seems like a fun one based from screencaps and posts i've seen. can't wait to watch it after this post :D

just had to drop a link and a scap after seeing s0leill's post. chingu, you always managed to find those awesome fancams :D thank you.

MBC Gayo Fancam

What caught my attention here more than the sight of YONGSEO standing close to each other was this...

@6:00 Yesung grabbing Taeyeon's hand instead of Seobb's after he had said something to maknae which made her LOL (and even got Onew(?) smiling) :D I am almost certain that what he said to her was WGM related(seobb HH = WGM = Yonghwa). I just find it hilarious because back in September during the SMtown concert in LA, Yesung was hi5ng Seobb a lot during the finale number and now this. He was probably teasing her on how his name might appear on wgm just like kyu's :lol: or Seobb probably wouldn't want to or something along that line :lol: cute!

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Guest glennpaulo
















































I just woke up, and i see my crazy imagination become topic....keke
















@aisuo415 when i read your reply about my post, i unconciously hit the positive remark. Maybe my heart and my mind is all ups and agrees to your post but my imagination not. keke. 
















And about Yonghwa/CNBLUE schedule, If im not mistaken there's someone in back page that post it with 2 days WGM filming schedule. I thought that WGM filming is flexible, Is it official schedule?































CNBLUE'S JANUARY SCHEDULE~ sat 1/1 MBC We Got Married 5.00 pm (Yong Hwa)
















sun 1/2 New Year Special Seoul - Tokyo Music Festival 4.10 pm
















mon 1/3 SBS Night After Night 11.05 pm (Yong Hwa)
















mon 1/3 SBS It's Ok Daddy's Daughter 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
















tue 1/4 SBS Night After Night Recording (Yong Hwa)
















tue 1/4 SBS It's Ok Daddy's Daughter 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
















wed 1/5 Skoolooks Photoshoot
















fri 1/7 SBS Night After Night Recording (Yong Hwa)
















sun 1/9 CNBLUE Zepp Tour 2011 Remaintenance 6.00 pm Zepp Osaka
















mon 1/10 SBS It's Ok Daddy's Daughter 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
















tue 1/11 SBS It's Ok Daddy's Daughter 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
















tue 1/11 CNBLUE Zepp Tour 2011 Remaintenance 7.00 pm Zepp Fukuoka
















thu 1/13 CNBLUE Zepp Tour 2011 Remaintenance 7.00 pm Zepp Nagoya
















sun 1/16 CNBLUE Zepp Tour 2011 Remaintenance 6.00 pm Zepp Tokyo
















thu 1/20 Seoul Music Awards 7.00 pm
















fri 1/21 SBS Night After Night Recording (Yong Hwa)
















sun 1/23 SBS Inkigayo 4.10 pm (Yong Hwa MC)
















fri 1/28 SBS Night After Night Recording (Yong Hwa)
















sun 1/30 SBS Inkigayo 4.10 pm (Yong Hwa MC)
















 And CNBLUE 1 year since debut in korea is also near
















credit: CNBLUE thread
































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Guest Germbaby




Hi goguma family, What I am going to mentione may seems trivial. Heee.  forgive me. If I am not wrong, the forgotten baby pandas are from China. I wonder who bought them Yong or Seohyun? Haa,....


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Guest Germbaby




Hi goguma family,


I you watched the Yeseung fancam agin carefully, you will see Yong at 4.26 pulling some confetti . The position is where Seobaby is standing . Maybe, pulling for her? Look at all the SJ boys discussing after that.  Maybe, I thinking too much. Hope to see more fancams to prove.


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I haven’t gotten any English subs yet, so I’m basing my comments on what I’ve seen and watched from facial expressions and body language only.

From what I can surmise, these 2 are in a very good place right now in their relationship!  Hyun is giggly/happy being with her hubby, and Yong has the assurance in the strength in their relationship that he easily teases Hyun about her ‘granny’ clothes.  They both seem to be really happy, and as always when they’re in ‘go-chun’ the pressures of the outside world disappear and the world just becomes the two of them together.  Hyun is all touchy/feely – mostly as encouragement to Yong to help him get past the NGs failures.  But she is being very caring, very supportive of her hubby.

They seem to be very comfortable with each other, and I was impressed with Hyun’s easy-going skinship with Yong.  And Yong doesn’t make a ‘big deal’ about it, which is good.  The ‘head on the shoulder’ part looks like it’s been done before, I don’t think this is the first time Hyun has done this with Yong!

And the GOOD thing this is recent, more recent than Busan or ski trip, so we see how they are NOW, and NOW is looking pretty good!

The other time that struck me as sweet was after many NGs after Yong and Hyun take a drink of water and they’re standing side- by-side behind the camera.  Yong is trying to get his head on straight, he’s frustrated with his failure to get the other ‘takes’ right.  Yong has his head down, he’s gathering himself for the next attempt.  He’s a perfectionist, this really bothers him that he can’t get it right.  Hyun just quietly stands there watching him work on his mojo, she just stands there watching his face, watching how he overcomes frustration and failure.  Her eyes are narrow, like she is almost willing him to relax and get past this trial.  She doesn’t say a word, she doesn’t ‘push’ him, she just lets him take his time.  I think at that time if there was no camera present she would have hugged him or patted/rubbed his arm to give him some sweet encouragement.   Then Yong says something, Hyun says something back to him softly, sweetly.  Some kind of sweet encouragement.   Then they both walk back to the couch to try again.   It was the sweet action a woman who cares a lot about her man would take.  She didn’t chide, goad, or force him to try again. She let him work it out internally, and gave the impression like ‘I don’t care how long this takes, Yong!  I’ll be here to support and comfort you until we get it right!’  So sweet and understanding.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I find it totally frustrating watching all of these fancams at these performances where Yong and Hyun are feet/inches from each other at the ‘ending’ stages and they totally ignore each other!?   Would the world end if they bowed/waved at each other, maybe even stood next to each other and talked for a little while?  Everybody knows they are AT LEAST friends and are filming a drama/reality show together.  Yong wanders all around the stage and greets the other idols, even other  female idols, but he never breaks into the SNSD defensive circle of unnies that always seem to be encircling his buin.   Maybe he’s just too shy to approach her with the unnies all around, but he’s  got to know they all approve of him and would probably accept his small attentions to Hyun.  Are the networks that uptight that any sign of acknowledgment between these two is strictly forbidden?  I don’t get it!  They must be extremely aware of all the fan cameras watching their every expression,  every move.  No matter what they do – it ends up on the internet, so what’s the big deal?

Anyway, this was a very heartwarming, loving and happy episode.  I’m really waiting impatiently for ENGLISH SUBS – anyone?   J2DLEE, WHERE ARE YOU, DEAR?!                                    


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Guest shadow_of_Atum
















About the SNSD interview - Taeyeon's words were very precise as to whom Hyun should date for real, why and its effect on SNSD - it is hard to determine what her intention was.  I don't think that's random, but for a specific purpose than just to encourage Hyun.  If Taeyeon's intention was meant to encourage maknae to date Yong for real, then I think that she should have done so in private.  In public, she could have been more vague and let the public infer as to whom Hyun's should date.   I may be wrong, but I actually think that it is potentially damaging to Hyun if what Taeyeon says was not in someway already true or is on the brink of being true.  Why rile up the mostly male Korean fanbase with the mention of Hyun dating over a hypothetical situation that may/may not happen.  I think that the last sentence of her interview - about Hyun being diligent and dating won't affect her SNSD activities - was directly aimed at Sones.  
















Dear Lulu2
















I like your insight into the interview given by Taeyeon. I have been mulling over the comment because I thought it too could be potentially damaging to Hyun. The fact that she uttered it so specifically had me thinking of several possibilities:
















1. Hyun has told her SNSD unnies that she does like Yong but isn't sure how to proceed. Thus Taeyeon is sending a signal to Yonghwa
















2. Her SNSD unnies know that Yong likes her enough (either through word of mouth or by observing him closely) to be in a relationship and hence Taeyeon is sending a signal to Hyun that they approve
















3. Yong and Seohyun are beginning a real relationship off-cam and Taeyeon is preparing the fans for it and signalling to the fans that Hyun's unnies are behind her.
















Just my two-cents worth of opinion. :lol: I hope it's the third one but whatever it is, it's nice to have your closest and dearest back you.
















To all Goguma shippers, Happy New Year and may 2011 bring good cheer to all. Thank you to all who have contributed fan-cams, fanfics, translations, fan-art. You've made 2010 so spazz-worthy!
















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i don't know why - but soompi wouldn't let me add this paragraph in my previous post - this is the first Hyun 'sweet moment' - sorry!

There are 2 parts that really struck me as ‘sweet’ with Hyun. The first was when they made their first practice and sang the song all the way through to the ‘sarangae’ ending. I wish I knew how to do screencaps because I could show you all the exact expression on Hyun’s face. She sweetly sings ‘sarangae’ and her facial expression looks soft/sweet and slightly sad, pensive, like she’s thinking about what it would be like to actually say ‘I love you’ to Yong, in real life, not with a ’mission’ song assigned through WGM, but in real life. She’s not looking at Yong, she’s looking down, but you can see this flow of different emotions pass across her face as she sings ‘sarangae’ that made my heart go ‘duguen, duguen’! Like she’s pondering in her mind the meaning of those words in that song, and putting that meaning against how she really feels in her heart. Right after that she does one of her ‘hmmmm’ sounds, there is a silence between them for a few seconds, then Yong breaks the uncomfortable silence at that moment by joking about something with turning off the camera. But for that second, I felt like I could see into Hyun’s heart through the expression(s) on her face!

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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
















































































































































First time translating an episode. :)
































































































































































































































MC: They Should Be Tired by now
















































































































The Couple who's going home from work respectively
















































































































Hyun: It's Cold ~
















































































































Yong: Ahh ~ It's really warm
















































































































Hyun: Ahh~ IT's Really Cold!
















































































































Yong: Ahh... Banmal Song
















































































































Hyun: Lyrics
















































































































Yong: Don't Care ~
















































































































Hyun: Where?
















































































































Yong: A Little... Like Mom? Clothes ~
















































































































Hyun: I Know!
















































































































Yong: A Little Old...
















































































































Hyun: Thanks!
















































































































YOng: Look, this is the last part of the lyrics
















































































































Hyun: Woa~ The second part is also written..
















































































































MC: Woa, the second part also..
















































































































MC: After finishing writing the lyrcis, looking at it for the last time...
















































































































MC: How would you feel?
















































































































MC: Very Proud!
















































































































YOng: After finishing the first part, add a little of your feelings into it
















































































































Hyun: Feelings?
















































































































Yong: More Cuter
















































































































Hyun: How should I do it?
















































































































Yong: The whole world would see it...!
















































































































MC: Ahh.. The whole world would see it?
















































































































2 MCs: Yup, all would see
















































































































MC: Woa, Really?
















































































































Yong: How are you , Guys? This is the Ban Mel Song~!
















































































































MC: Ahahahahaha
















































































































Hyun: Thanks for your wods..
















































































































Yong: A little like (?) Sempai Style!!
















































































































Translation Note: Not sure who that person is so a (?) is replaced.
















































































































Yong: I really really appreciate it!
















































































































Hyun: Should we do it together?
















































































































Hyun: Then means saying out what you want to say to me ~ Let's try the beat
















































































































Yong: Seohyun~ Saying Banmal is hard?
















































































































Hyun: Really Hard
















































































































Yong: How Hard?
















































































































Hyun: I feel that It's very Very Hard.
















































































































MC: Did you see a little Chick?
















































































































MC: Saw it!
















































































































MC: What should we do to it?
















































































































Yong: Let's use ''Happy Ending'' as the ending.
















































































































Hyun: Neh!
















































































































Yong: From Here.. I would like to say to you.. To the second Part... I know Yong...
















































































































Hyun: What?
















































































































Yong: I know, Yong Oppa
















































































































Hyun: I Know~ ( Banmal)
















































































































Yong: Ahh~ Don't act cute
















































































































Hyun: I didn't!
















































































































Hyun: Here's the chorus, let me try the it.
















































































































Hyun: You should sing this part yourself, because you're saying it to me..~
















































































































Yong: Until Here!
















































































































Yong: I watch shows often
















































































































MC: Also, when the camera shakes, we must hear the sound!
















































































































Yong:  And when we start we should...We should start like this, put the rest  here, the camera here and walk it together at the same time.
















































































































Yong and Hyun: 1 2 3
















































































































Yong: Hello Guys, I'm Yonghwa
















































































































Hyun: I'm  Seohyun
















































































































Yong: (Chinese)
















































































































Hyun: (Chinese)
















































































































Yong: (Japanese)
















































































































Hyun: (Japanese)
















































































































Yong: (Thailand)
















































































































Hyun: It's hard...
















































































































Yong: Ahh~ I'm the Guitar player Jung Yonghwa
















































































































Hyun: Hi~ I am..
















































































































MC: (?) (Not Sure What He's Saying)
















































































































Hyun: I've ordered it.. Oppa's Clothes
















































































































Hyun: I'll choose Oppa's Clothes
















































































































(Picks Up TMYW Clothes)
















































































































Hyun: Wow! How Fit!
















































































































Sub: Creating The Lyrics
















































































































Sub: (?) On The Sofa~~
















































































































Hyun: Let's put our children on the Sofa. Then, Create the badges and start the recording.
















































































































Yong: OK!
















































































































Hyun: We should introduce ourselves first.. We are the YongSeo Couple~~
















































































































Take 1!
















































































































Yong: (All types of Languages) Hi
















































































































(Not Translating the introduction)
















































































































Yong: That would be subs for it.
















































































































Sub: Behind Hubby's Back, Hyun's Guitar
















































































































MC: Woa! Seohyun is not playing the Guitar!
















































































































Sub: Doesn't know anything
















































































































Sub: After this part finishes, time for the feelings.
















































































































Sub: Finally, it's time for the feelings!
















































































































Seohyun: Yoong, If I say Banmal would you be very Happy?
















































































































Yong: Yup, Happy~^^
















































































































Seohyun: To me, Banmal is a little hard, do you know?
















































































































Yong: (Embarrassed) Of Course I Know,Seohyun Ahh...
















































































































Seohyun: How much do you want to hear it?
















































































































Sub: When they were practicing, he replied ''A Lot'', Now..
















































































































Yong: Really want to hear Really Want to Hear Seohyun Ahh..\
















































































































Seohyun: Really? How much? My Banmal
















































































































Sub: Finally, They can't stand it
















































































































Hyun: Ahh~~ Faster
















































































































Yong: From the first time I see you..Ahh!!!!
















































































































Sub: Because of Forgetting the lyrics, they failed.
















































































































Hyun: It's not bad for the start, Right?
















































































































Yong: Not Bad Not Bad, Let's try it one try by another
















































































































Hyun: We keep seeing other places, Should we look at each other?
















































































































Hyun: And when we sing I Love you we must look at each other
















































































































Sub: Take 2
















































































































Sub: Followed by Yonghwa's Neck Dance (?)
















































































































Then, Seohyun sings the wrong lyrics
















































































































Hyun: Thank you.. Sorry.. Ahaha Let's try again
















































































































(Head on Yong!)
















































































































Yong: It's Okay
















































































































Yong: Because doing it again is tiring..
















































































































Hyun: That's Right
















































































































Sub: This time it's Take 3, Yong Hubby's Solo Part
















































































































Seohyun: Yong~~
















































































































Sub: Looking at Wife, it's more hard
















































































































Then they failed again..
















































































































Seohyun: It's really not bad
















































































































Yong: Why do I keep forgetting that part...
















































































































Take 4!
















































































































Sub: Do you understand? Understand?
















































































































Hyun: Yong.
















































































































Yong: Anything? Seohyun shi
















































































































Hyun: For me, It's hard to say Banmal..
















































































































Yong: Why is it hard?
















































































































Seohyun: Umm...It's really really hard for me to say.. How much to do you want to hear it? My Banmal
















































































































Yong: Yup, Rea!lly!
















































































































Sub: The singing is successful for the front part...
















































































































Yong: Ahh.. How irritating
















































































































Hyun: What's irritating? Just sing it like this.
















































































































Yong: When I look at you, I start to get anxious and can't say out this part
















































































































MC: Because after NG for the first time, it's hard again (?)
















































































































Hyun: Just sing it like this
















































































































Sub: Yong is enoying, in the same room with Seohyun
















































































































Hyun: But I feel that we getting better and better..
















































































































Yong: Yup
















































































































Hyun: Right?
















































































































Yong: Better and better... (?)
















































































































Hyun: We should get better..
















































































































Yong: Improving after each time
















































































































Take 5!
















































































































Yong: Now, we are going to present everyone
















































































































Sub; It's harder that expected
















































































































Yong: Say it more intimate to me~ 1234
















































































































Hyun: That~Yong
















































































































Yong: Yup?
















































































































Hyun: How Much?
















































































































Yong: A Lot
















































































































Yong: From the first day I saw you
















































































































MC: Success! Finally!
















































































































Yong: You are shy even when Smiling
















































































































Yong: Ahh..~Seriously Me..
















































































































Hyun: Ahh~ It's good, what happened?
















































































































Recording studio: It's wasted
















































































































Yong: This part doesn't look good, how did it happen?
















































































































MC: Because they get more anxious when they go closer to the NG Part.
















































































































Yong: First time with you..
















































































































MC: Nothing to say, Look at how happy he is
















































































































Yong: Say it MORE intimate to me~
















































































































Yong: Sorry, Really Sorry
















































































































Hyun: It's Okay ^^
















































































































Sub: What happened to You Yong?
















































































































Hyun: Get Focused
















































































































Yong: If this time, it's wrong again
















































































































Hyun: No, it's okay if it's wrong, just continue to sing it naturally
















































































































Yong: Then destroy the others..
















































































































Hyun: Aish.. Enough..
















































































































Hyun: It's okay if it goes wrong again, it's quite entertaining also
















































































































Both: Hello kKonnijiwa Hello Sawadika
















































































































MC: They look like a real couple Huh?
















































































































Both: We are the YongSeo Couple
















































































































Yong: I'm Yong
















































































































MC: Woa, It's different from his voice just now
















































































































Hyun: I'm Hyun
















































































































Yong: What did we prepare today Hyun?
















































































































Hyun: Today, we are going to Present/Sing our self created Couple song, the Banmal song
















































































































Yong: It's called the Banmal Song and it's really nice, Hope everyone like it
















































































































Sub: We are really worried about our Yong Choding
















































































































Yong: 12~1234
















































































































Yong: Saw it more intimate to me
















































































































Sub: A Little Mistake, this time, Pass
















































































































Hyun: That~Yong
















































































































Yong: Yup?
















































































































Hyun: How Much do you want to hear it?
















































































































Yong: A Lot
















































































































Yong: From the first time I saw you. You are even shy when you smile.
















































































































MC: Finally Passed
















































































































Yong: After Today, we would get more Close.
















































































































MC: Ahh.. I have a feeling that they would pass this time
















































































































Sub: Yong found his Self Trust
















































































































In the end, Wrong lyrics again
















































































































MC: Ahh~ We sang until here already
















































































































Hyun: I Know
















































































































MC: Sang to the second part and it's wrong
















































































































Yong: It's really wasted..
















































































































Yong: Ahh.. We almost finished it.. Seriously
















































































































Hyun: We almost finished it... Doing it one last time should do the trick right?
















































































































Yong: The last time.. Really
















































































































Hyun: It's fun
















































































































Yong: It's because we didn't practice it enough before
















































































































Hyun: It's what we call practicing before the real thing starts
















































































































Yong: The battery would finish in another 4 minutes?
















































































































Hyun: Then we should be fast
















































































































Yong: Faster
















































































































The final challenge.
















































































































Take 10
















































































































Both: Hello Everyone Hello...
















































































































We are the YongSeo couple, I'm Yong, I'm Hyun
















































































































Yong: We song did we prepare today Hyun?
















































































































Hyun: Today we would be singing our self created song, The Banmal Song
















































































































Yong: It's a really nice song, So I hope everyone would like it.
































































































































































































































Hyun: *Sings*
















































































































(Talking Part)
















































































































Hyun: That ~Yong
















































































































Yong: Yup?
















































































































Hyun: Do you really want to hear My Banmal?
















































































































Yong: If I hear it, it's really great
















































































































Hyun: But you know that Banmal is hard for me right?
















































































































Yong: Why is it hard?
















































































































Hyun: I've tried really hard. How much?
















































































































Yong: A Lot
















































































































MC: Success Success Finally
















































































































Hyun: I know, Yong
















































































































Yong: MNe too
















































































































MC : Great Work
















































































































MC: He would change back to Yong Choding Immediately
















































































































Yong: I sang the front part wrongly
















































































































Hyun: I know, right?
















































































































Both: It's okay
















































































































Yong: I'll replace the lyrics with this and that (?)
















































































































MC: It feels like winning the World Cup, that success feeling.
































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews
















































































































Credits: Baidu
















































































































Edit: @aisuo415 Sorry. :( Please shoot me as well. ^_^

















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Guest Kerube-Chan







About Taeyeon is comment, now that people is mentioning it... To tell the truth, it never occured to me, I think I was spazzing to much about her comment... Aside from all that have been said, I am wondering how Boices are going to react... This is so random but it is true, we "THINK" Taeyeon is warning her SONE fans about this "possible" relationship between YH and SH, but how this is going to affect YH is image... She just say it out of the blue... uhmmmm I am a little worried.





On a happy note (to me at least) I just pre-ordered today, CNBLUE is new Japanese Album... Ahhhhhh I am so ultra happy, and people you just have to listen to their new songs... this guys just keep surprising me everytime... They are like a breath of fresh air, with each new album!!!





@Luvtokki Dont worry, I am frustrated too with their no contact in stage... but you know what, we only get to see like a 5 minutes fancams about recordings that last a lot of hours (including rehearsal time, etc.) so we dont really know what is happening backstage, maybe their waiting room are next to each other... maybe they talk in the backstage... we really dont know, but at least I am happy (with this last episode) to see how close they are...





Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! Happy 2011!!!





Side Note: I relate Yoona is comment (about SH being stubborn) to YH and SH is relationship. I dont know, but since the fanmeeting (after the japan trip) I think they (the unnies) are hinting A LOT to the fans... I think the unnies are the ones that tell her to grab his arm... In that fanmeeting Jessica was telling that she changed a lot in that one day/night in Japan... and I think maybe now they are putting pressure on her, to take this "fake" relationship further in to the real side... but I think SH is taking things slowly for her own sake, as much as YH have shown interest we cant / we arent in his shoes to see/feel if he wants to take this further or if he is thinking that this is not the right time for him to go into a real relationship... we should begin to see this in YH is shoes too... it is difficult...





And now I made this post longer than expected... But I am still glad they are closer now... BYE!!!





Edit: @WendyLoveSoshi Thanks for the translation... YH was frigging cute when he said he was agitated when he looked at her.... kekkekek I am grinning like a crazy woman... :D





Edit 2: @aisuo415 Thanks a lot too, I love to read differnts tranlations... Thanks for sharing, we Gogumas appreciate a million the effort... Thanks a lot!!!!


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OMG! I've spent hours and hours and hours for this and there are translations already. Really, please just shoot me right now - it's 3AM!














Aish. I've translated them directly from Korean, so it'll depend on what you prefer I guess. I'm not Korean nor is it my first, second or third language so it might not be 100% accurate, but it's the best I thought I could do for you all. I omitted some parts because it was mostly NG's and they were all pretty repetitive.














December 26th 2010, 9PM/21:00h














Seohyun: It's cold.














Yonghwa: (My home/house as expected) Ah, it's warm.














Today is finally the day to upload the Couple Song!!














Seohyun: Oh, it's cold.














Yonghwa: Ah, Banmal Song.














Seohyun: The lyrics!














Yonghwa: I don't know~














Seohyun: Where is it?














Yonghwa: You look a bit like a granny? The clothes.














Seohyun: I know, right?














Yonghwa: The ages are showing/Your age is showing.














Seohyun: (So cool) Thank you~!














Yonghwa: Here, these are the finished lyrics.














Jiwoon: I got the first verse sent when it was completed.














(Experiences) the first call after completion














MC Park: How was it?














Jinwoon: I was proud.














Yonghwa: 'Can you tell me~', after that line...














Seohyun: Yes.














Yonghwa: We'll put some naration.














Seohyun: Naration?














Yonghwa: Uh yeah~, uhuh, uh.














Seohyun: Uh...














Yonghwa: Cutely.














Seohyun: Ah, how?














Yonghwa: Everyone around the world will see it.














MC Park: So everyone will be able to see it?














MCs: Yeah, everyone can see it. Everyone.














MC Park: Really?














Jinwoon: Yes.














Yonghwa: How are you, guys~? This is Behnmel Song.














Seohyun: Behnmel Song...














Yonghwa: One, two, three, four~!!














Jinwoon: Ahaha, ahaha, ahaha, ahaha.














MC Kim: Oh, good job.














Seohyun: Words of thanks, words of...














Yonghwa: This is sort of like Jang Ki Ha-sunbaenim's style!!














Seohyun: What?














Yonghwa: Words of thanks, words of greetings, to me they're really hard.














I'm really thankful and grateful.














Seohyun: (The narration) How do we do it together?














Yonghwa: How?














Seohyun: Let's say the things we want to say to each other. Can't we harmonize once?














Yonghwa: Seohyun-ah.














Seohyun: Yes.














Yonghwa: (Narration) Is it hard speaking banmal?














Seohyun: It's really hard.














Like this...?














Yonghwa: How hard?














Seohyun: I think it's really hard.














Yonghwa: Really?














Seohyun: Yes.














Yonghwa: Then...














Seohyun: Yes.














Yonghwa: Listen.














Seohyun: It's good!














MC Park mentions something about the narrations. I'm not Korean so I have no idea what it's all about. Probably that it reminds MC Park of an old couple calling each other on some show. Not sure, just a guess.














Seohyun: Yo~o~ong.














Yonghwa: What? Why are you calling~














Seohyun: Ahyoo...














Yonghwa: Honey~~~














Seohyun & Yonghwa: Why are you calling~~














MC Park: See, they did it.














Na Young: Wow, that's seriously daebak!














Yonghwa: At the front of the house~














MC Park: (Receiving) I saw one chicken~














MC Kim: I've seen it~!














Yonghwa: Let's end it with a happy ending.














Seohyun: Yes.














Yonghwa: Here, when we've done this part, the second verse, at the very end...














(Ending moment) 'I understand, Yonghwa-ya.'














Seohyun: What?














Yonghwa: 'I understand, Yonghwa oppa.'














('I understand, Yonghwa oppa') Banmal Song happy ending...!!














Seohyun: Ah... I understand. I understand~ (informal).














Yonghwa: (Blank) Ah, don't pretend to be cute...














Seohyun: Ah, I'm not.














This time comfirming the right key for the refrain...!














Seohyun: We need to find the right key for the refrain.














Yonghwa: Shall we? Okay. U, uri~














Seohyun & Yonghwa: U, u, u~u~u














Hopefully we can have a banmal relationship~



























Although it's still unnatural



























Rather than saying 'thank you'



























Can you speak more intimate words to me?










































Now look me in the eyes~



























Can you say to me, 'I love you'














Yonghwa: Here, like this.














Seohyun: Ah, like this.














Yonghwa: When it ends.














Seohyun: Oh, right, right.














Yonghwa plays guitar.














Seohyun: Thank you.














Yonghwa: It's not like that. I've seriously seen a lot of it?














When the song ends...














Yonghwa: (Thoughtlessly) Ahum.














This is UCC Style~!!














MC Park: What's that?














MCs: That's turning the camera off.














MC Park: Ah!














Jinwoon: And you get that sound when the camera's shaken.














Seulong: Because you're touching near the mic.














Yonghwa: And also when it begins, always...














When the camera's there... we go at the same time.














Both: One, two, three.














Yonghwa: Hi, guys. Hi guys. I'm Yonghwa. (In English)














Seohyun: I'm.. I'm Seohyun. (In English)














After that in Korean, Japanese and Thai.














Yonghwa: (In Thai) I'm Yonghwa, @#$@#% guitar gab.














Seohyun: That's difficult.














Yonghwa: I'm Yonghwa in charge of the guitar.














Seohyun: Ah.














Yonghwa: Yonghwa guitar !@!$##@% guitar gab.














Seohyun: Ni hao, wo shi @#$#%$^~!!(?)














She was greeting in Chinese, but you couldn't hear her well.














Making the Banmal Song for UCC like this... In just 3 days over 1 million views...!














MC Park: Really?














MC Kim: Yes, yes, yes.














Seohyun: I've chosen already, oppa's clothes...!














(TMYW outfit) Oooh, just right!!














The lightning... Props... Badges, made by themselves, too...!














Yonghwa: Ok! Fix. Shall we do it?














Seohyun: Ah, hold on.














MC Kim: For UCC you need to get it done in one take. You can't have an NG.




























Seohyun: 'We are...' Start with that. 'We are YongSeo Couple.'














First take














Na Young: Is Seohyun faking it? (Playing the guitar)














Seohyun: (Even so, you won't know right?)














Yonghwa: (The shoulder's that in the middle of the feel)














Seohyun: (Not changing chords)














Jinwoon: Oh, I'm anticipating the narration.














Finally the narration...!














Seohyun: You really like it if I speak banmal?














Yonghwa: Uh... Sure, I like it.














Seohyun: To me, speaking banmal is a bit difficult. Did you know?














Yonghwa: Ha ha. I know that, Seohyun-ah.














Seohyun: (Embarrassed) Um.. How much do you want to hear it?














Yonghwa: Very mu~ huch. I want to hear it very much, Seohyun-ah.














Seohyun: Is that so? How much??














Yonghwa: (Much) The fi~rst....














Seohyun: Ah, quickly.














Yonghwa: The first day I saw you~ ... Ah!














Seohyun: It's okay.














MC Park: Ah, Seohyun did well though.














Seohyun: Ah, but we did pretty well for our first try, right?














Yonghwa: You did well, ah~














Seohyun: Because we keep looking at different spots, shall we look at each other during the harmonizing?














Yonghwa: Okay.














Seohyun: And at the end with 'I love you' we'll look again.














Take 2














Na Young: Doesn't the screen look a bit off on the side?














Seulong: That's the beauty of UCC.














Na Young: Oh is it?














Seulong: Yes.














Yonghwa: ( During wife's solo, Yong's neck dance(?)! )














Seohyun: Really... (wrong lyrics) Thank you. I'm sorry! Ah~ Again.














Yonghwa: It's okay.














It's okay, it's okay. It's so tiring to get it all right in one time.














Seohyun: I know, right? Ah, really.














Take 3














Yonghwa: We... Argh.














Seohyun: (It's the narration though...) Yo~ong~














Yonghwa: (When he looks at his wife, it's gets even more embarrassing)














Seohyun: You did well.














Yonghwa: Ah, why do I forget the narration?














Seohyun: Here's the narration.














Yonghwa: The timing's seriously... Let's do it again.














Seohyun: Okay.














Take 4














Yonghwa: Ah, I hate this.














Panda's: (We hate it, too.)














Seohyun: What do you hate~ It's fine if you just call me.














I skipped a little part.














Seohyun: But the more we do it, the better we get.














Yonghwa: Yeah...














Seohyun: Right?














Take 5














(Now on to the second verse...!)




























Seohyun: Ah, it was fine. Why is it like this.




























Yonghwa: I really can't seem to do this. Why is that?














MC Park: Once you've got NG's, you'll get even more nervous about it.














After many takes.










































Subsequently, Yong husband...



























Lyrics error + narration pass + guitar chords etc.














Yonghwa-yah, why are you like this~?














A play on T-ara's song? :ph34r:














Seohyun: Please stay awake.














Yonghwa: Really if this time it messes up...














Seohyun: Just do it comfortably, comfortably.














Yonghwa: I'm going to smash the guitar.














Seohyun: Oh, forget it. Though you're nervous... Do it with fun!!














Take 9














MC Park: He's like a choding. When he doesn't get the things he wants right, he'll cry.














Don't cry, Yo~ong.














Seohyun: (Have strength)














Yonghwa: (U~um... ^^)














Ack! It was almost done though...














Yonghwa: It was all done, really.














Seohyun: If we do it once more, we'll get it right?














Yonghwa: Really, the last one, I think we can do it.














Seohyun: Right, right.














Yonghwa: I think it's because I couldn't practise it enough.














Seohyun: Well, if we do it like this, it's practise already.














Practical practises.














Yonghwa: (But!) There's only 4 minutes left of the battery!














Seohyun: Only once more. This is really the last.














Take 10














Cap: YongSeo Couple Banmal Song UCC weaving(?) ending!














Yonghwa: I messed up again with the lyrics at the front part.














Seohyun: I know, ah~














Both: It's okay.














Jinwoon: But seriously.. It seemed like the World Cup or Golden Globe just now, that feeling.














Please do not use it for subbing if I haven't given permission. I've worked so hard for this one... Seriously, I'm not doing this again lol I've learned now that somehow there'll always be translations for you guys. Again - please just shoot me -_-



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Guest Jeff86








Thank you so much for the translation aisuo415, your hard work is highly appreciated. Please take a well-earned rest, thank you again!





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