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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseocouple
































































































if i am not mistaken, yonghwa said "yoebo" right? wawww~~ did he say it to hyun? or is it some part of song/movie? please tell me since i clueless bout it. thank gogumas.














































































































































































































and i can tell you that this episode was super adoreable. we can see that they're soooo much closer than before. it just made me more curious bout what happened on busan ep, 300th filming and, the skiing. i'm anticipated it :))














































































































































































































HAPPY NEW YEAR GOGUMA! 2011 is YongSeo year aminn lol

















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was there suppose to be greetings from their friends on the preview and about Yong being Jealous?












it was'nt showed so their gonna stretch this ep. until next week












but then today ep. is great makes more appreciate the song more knowing how they tried so much in making the video












was'nt able to watch the live streaming so thank you so much everyone who shared the links :D



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xolemonmeringuexo, thanks for the info. just like all the others, it's not what u thought -.-"

hmm this ep was actually quite unsatisfying/boring to me? -.-" EXCEPT for some skinship scenes initiated by hyun. haha she has certainly matured a lot to do what she just did in today's ep! she's yearning for yonggg~! keke w00t.gif ahh i was quite disappointed that yong held back so much in this ep. i thought he'd initiate some skinships 1st but he didn't :mellow: he seemed shy & it was like as if he got taken aback a bit there when hyun laid her head on his shoulder. it was like he was enjoying it a lot & wanted to do something yet there're cameras around that he just had to restrain himself from doing anything that might lead to a more intimate skinship? xD haha that's my POV though. right now, what i can say is that yongseo's at a very dangerous level!!! what would happen if they lose control... especially when choding yong turns into a howling yong!!!?!? kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa IMAGINATION ON THE RUN! w00t.gif

ohya... HAPPY BIRTHDAY lenovo-cuz~! ^____________^


3nieex, owhh my bad :sweatingbullets:

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Guest fabiistar07












Happy new year everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed it :)




For today's epi I have to say I expected more but I still loved it




It was so funny when Yong hubby kept messing up




Bug hat I loved the most was when Seobaby rested on her hubby's shoulders :D




Even if it was just for 2 seconds we can tell how close they have gotten for her to be leaning against him and being all touchy :D




I still think they should've hugged at the end but I think Yong was more exited that they were finished that he didn't even give Hyun a hi5




Also, wasn't there supposed to be greetings from their friends and something that makes Yong hubby jealous?




Or maybe I missinterpreted it..




Lastly....Why is there no preview this week? Is it only for our couple or for all?





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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 ...  and I really want Taeyeon's wish will come true.^^
































































































































































































































































































































I think Hyun did tag for Yong
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and Yong did it for Hyun ..^^ CUTE

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest 3nieex
















































xolemonmeringuexo, thanks for the info. just like all the others, it's not what u thought -.-" BUT!! wait a sec! u've actually got a point there... yong asking all the others to shout outloud during his buin's performance 3 times is really something! did he do that to the other girl groups'? i doubt it! kekeke INDEED SOMETHING TO SPAZZ ABOUT ;)
































hmm this ep was actually quite unsatisfying/boring to me? -.-" EXCEPT for some skinship scenes initiated by hyun. haha she has certainly matured a lot to do what she just did in today's ep! she's yearning for yonggg~! keke w00t.gif  ahh i was quite disappointed that yong held back so much in this ep. i thought he'd initiate some skinships 1st but he didn't :mellow: he seemed shy & it was like as if he got taken aback a bit there when hyun laid her head on his shoulder. it was like he was enjoying it a lot & wanted to do something yet there're cameras around that he just had to restrain himself from doing anything that might lead to a more intimate skinship? xD haha that's my POV though. right now, what i can say is that yongseo's at a very dangerous level!!! what would happen if they lose control... especially when choding yong turns into a howling yong!!!?!? kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa IMAGINATION ON THE RUN! w00t.gif
































ohya... HAPPY BIRTHDAY lenovo-cuz~! ^____________^























































hello, to correct you, " BUT!! wait a sec! u've actually got a point there... yong asking all the others to shout outloud during his buin's performance 3 times is really something! did he do that to the other girl groups'? i doubt it! kekeke INDEED SOMETHING TO SPAZZ ABOUT"
































no, he didnt ask others to shout outloud during his buin performance BUT during his OWN C.N.Blue performance. i suggest that you check out the timeline that the previous quoter listed, it was actually C.N.Blue performance during KBS Gayo Daejun :) please check before you "spazz"? :)

















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Guest glennpaulo
















































Happy Birthday Lenovo!!!!































@Dreamboo "hmm this ep was actually quite unsatisfying/boring to me? -."
















All of your explanation about this is all right. Yong doesn't initiate skinship without asking first, He's quite a gentle. And maybe in reality, yong and hyun is not yet in a 100% relationship assurance, I think hyun is the one that resisting(we knows that hyun is very upright, SM has no dating policy so maybe thats one of her reason), so that's why Taeyeon said that thing in an interview, maybe her purpose is to declared the world and to SM as well, and to give hyun something like "fighting spirit". 
















And also, I'm quite puzzled and my mind went on a higher imagination again when i read also the message of yoona to hyunie:
















“Our maknae Seohyun seems to be getting more stubborn. Haha. I wish she can listen to her unnies better.”<yoona>
















Because of my imagination i think that it is somewhat related to Taeyeon message. All of her unnies was always there to support her and they are all agreed to Hyun date yong for real, but still our upright maknae is STUBBORN for her reason, she cannot follow what her unnies is saying....kekeke...I'm sorry if my imagination went overboard but i still like my idea....kekeke
















LOVE YONGSEO and hoping them dating for real....














































































EDIT: Ooopps i top the page when theres nothing important to talk i just share the Episode link unsubbed clearer version.































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan







In my POV, this episode was totally spazzable... I have become used to the timeline from the PD, One great chapter (like OMG, they are so close... &%&$& :w00t: ), follow by regular spazzable ones. The problem is that we have become greedy, but lets just enjoy the moment gogumas!





I was watching the live stream and almost die the moment I watched SH putting her head in YH is shoulder, it was so natural and yet I think YH didnt wanted to move afraid of making the wrong move... SH is skinship is so random some times that even YH is taken back for a few moments but we know that later the guy will catch up... blush.gif





I do think that right now they (mostly YH) is pretty aware of the camera... I think in this moment he will take the things further if not for how their relationship is been broadcasted around the world.





I have a pretty dream last night, YongSeo was saying goodbye from WGM in a join Blackroon interview and they were saying that they were leaving the show because they became real... I was awwwwing by myself (And yes for some reason It was subbed kekkekeekekek :ph34r: )





Happy spazzing gogumas, I am so glad they make everything for the video by themself, it makes me feel closer to them... I am just so happy and we have to continue supporting the video, maybe we can make it 2 million before the studio family is recording this wednesday!!!





Happy New Year!!!







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*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































look at the caption..































































































































































































































































yong wants hyun to call him yonghwa ya






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































rmbr gogumas? in one of the many interviews that yong did..































































































































































































































































he wished that one day, his girl would call him yonghwa ya... :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ack!!! is it just my over imagination that that girl could be hyun... w00t.gifw00t.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Which episode was it? Where Yong said he's like his girl to call him yonghwa ya...?

































































































































































































































































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i should be more specific.

its during one of CN Blue interviews, that yong said

his heart would explode if his girl were to call him 'yonghwa ya'..

yes, something like that..

old spazzers would rmbr this..

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i should be more specific.

its during one of CN Blue interviews, that yong said

his heart would explode if his girl were to call him 'yonghwa ya'..

yes, something like that..

old spazzers would rmbr this..

jnj, yes I remembered it too. It was from an interview that YOng wrote about his ideal/ dream girl. He said his heart would explode if his dream girl called him "Yonghwa ya".

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Guest missmoomin101






if i am not mistaken, yonghwa said "yoebo" right? wawww~~ did he say it to hyun? or is it some part of song/movie? please tell me since i clueless bout it. thank gogumas.




He did say that!  



And he was teasing, using something from another programme (I think), saying 'darling... why are you calling (speaking) to me?' like an old man... I think happy.gif




I love this conversation:





Yong:  At the end, say 'I understand Yonghwa-ya'  (really informal way of addressing someone)



Hyun:  (laughing) What?




Yong: 'I understand, Yonghwa oppa'




Hyun: Ah~... I understand.... I understand (cutely&informally)



Caption: ~blank (expression)



Yong:   (is shy) Ack, don't say it cutely (or it could be: don't try to be cute ㅋㅋㅋ)








Again this is all rough translation, so please forgive any errors!










I had to share this photo, it's too cute!









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Guest Soshimunky






Annyeong Gogumas all over the world! (We are in a banmal relationship, right?) :lol:






Missmoomin101, thanks for the translation and the adorable caps!


Two days without internet, I missed a lot on Yonghwa's & Seohyun's activities *cry* but I'm happy to come here and read all the news about them shared by gogumas, so Thank You Very Much, you guys rock my world!


I love today's episode. WGM PDs must be gogumas too because they wanted us to witness how comfortable Yong and Hyun is with each other. They could've cut the NG scenes short and proceeded to the jealousy/Yongseo friends part but didn't so we can see how cute Seohyun is with her nampyun.


OK. I just have to spazz on Hyun's cuteness here. See, I have been a fan of SNSD since the Gee era. They are what started my kpop craze (hence my nickname). I have watched a lot of Seohyun in SNSD videos (from debut till now) and while non-fans says that she's a robot, we fans can only see her dorkiness/aegyo when she's with her unnies and we accepted her for that. Seohyun is a unique character. And she's a very caring person too, very humble (her many fancams prove that). Seeing her acting exactly like the way she acted around her unnies when she's with Yonghwa tells very much about how she feels towards him - a very close companion, maybe not exactly like her unnies, but someone she definitely trust and very comfortable with.




Seohyun did a mistake and ask for forgiveness the Yong-choding way!


 Remember this? (Yong's more extreme, of course :P)


Oh I just love these two. I'm an avid fan of both SNSD and CN Blue but Yongseo is different from charismatic Leader Jung and Goddess Maknae Seo. When they are together, it is like they are being in a completely different world altogether; their Go-chun.


Really, why are they so cute?


Happy New Year Gogumas :wub:



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Guest AngelVillian

I'm here to spazz about the seohyun leaning onto yonghwa shoulders too.


See here @9:50

I bet yonghwa was shocked then he kinda get excited the strum the guitar and says : "It'S OKAY!"


Our Yong Choding!

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Guest oxoziy

I've just uploaded YongSeo's 20 moments of the latest episode.

Their skinship: Seo keeps touching and hitting her Yong hubby.

Their NG.... and their Neol Saranghae

Hope you guys enjoy watching

My link

Credit : Me kekekeke

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Happy Birthday Lenovo!!!!







































@Dreamboo "hmm this ep was actually quite unsatisfying/boring to me? -."




















All of your explanation about this is all right. Yong doesn't initiate skinship without asking first, He's quite a gentle. And maybe in reality, yong and hyun is not yet in a 100% relationship assurance, I think hyun is the one that resisting(we knows that hyun is very upright, SM has no dating policy so maybe thats one of her reason), so that's why Taeyeon said that thing in an interview, maybe her purpose is to declared the world and to SM as well, and to give hyun something like "fighting spirit". 




















And also, I'm quite puzzled and my mind went on a higher imagination again when i read also the message of yoona to hyunie:




















“Our maknae Seohyun seems to be getting more stubborn. Haha. I wish she can listen to her unnies better.”<yoona>




















Because of my imagination i think that it is somewhat related to Taeyeon message. All of her unnies was always there to support her and they are all agreed to Hyun date yong for real, but still our upright maknae is STUBBORN for her reason, she cannot follow what her unnies is saying....kekeke...I'm sorry if my imagination went overboard but i still like my idea....kekeke




















LOVE YONGSEO and hoping them dating for real....


























































Sorry to cut your post, but I just feel like discussing this ^^




















I don't think Seohyun is 'resisting' at all. As far as I know, SME doesn't forbid dating, but rather encourages them not to for the sake of their career (and crazy fans). Taeyeon's comment about YongSeo confirms that they're not in a relationship at the moment. I think everyone is expecting them to be so after the Japan date. That episode was a turning point as Seohyun took the grand step of initiating skinship, showing that she's comfortable enough to do so with him. The talk they had there also took the relationship a step further as they talked about their misunderstandings and thoughts about one another. After that you can tell a great weight of burden fell from both their shoulders. As soon as they were on one page mentally, soon and more naturally they started to be so with physical contact as well. After all the skinship many would expect them to be together already and I can understand how you feel like Seohyun's 'holding back' because of her upright personality.




















My personal opinion is however that it's simply because Seohyun is taking things at her own pace. Let's say that Yoona's comment is indeed directed towards Yonghwa and Seohyun - in my mind it seems like the rest of SNSD wants her to officially date Yonghwa, but she refuses to do so. Not because she doesn't want to date him, but because she feels like it's not the right time yet.




















They are in a make-believe marriage with many other factors being indirectly some influence on their relationship. With that there have been some confusing times and mixed feelings. So it has taken her months and months to open herself up towards him, trust him and be comfortable with him and act the way she is now with him. No one would ever thought to see her holding hands with a guy just like that so naturally. But the process leading up to that -to where they are right now- is different from the one leading towards a real relationship. I believe that Seohyun's aware of that and so takes her time, like she did before, to eventually get there.




















In the latest episode you can tell she's subtly flirting with him, giving out signs that she does like him, even initiating skinship. I feel like she's slowly taking some steps towards 'that direction' by (unconsciously and) subtly trying to get closer to him. This time not mentally, but physically and more naturally. I think that's the way how she wants it to go; naturally as the relationship progresses, both totally at ease with each other and both mentally and physically ready to take that step.




















Because, to be honest, they are physically comfortable with each other but not in a way a real couple is. Yonghwa is still hesitant (and aware of the camera's) and is therefor holding back a lot.





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Guest miel_1301
































look at the caption..















































yong wants hyun to call him yonghwa ya
























rmbr gogumas? in one of the many interviews that yong did..
























he wished that one day, his girl would call him yonghwa ya... :wub:
























ack!!! is it just my over imagination that that girl could be hyun... w00t.gifw00t.gif















































Reposting jnj's cap:
















































i should be more specific.














































































its during one of CN Blue interviews, that yong said















































his heart would explode if his girl were to call him 'yonghwa ya'..















































yes, something like that..














































































old spazzers would rmbr this..
























jnj, yes I remembered it too. It was from an interview that YOng wrote about his ideal/ dream girl. He said his heart would explode if his dream girl called him "Yonghwa ya".















































Yes, jnj and Timnat 2010. You're both right.
















































This line:















































YongHwa: At the end, say "I understand Yonghwa-yah.".
























Would be pretty much reminiscent and would refer back to YongHwa's [and CN Blue] interview by Inkigayo Magazine which was taken last June 20, 2010. That magazine interview had the drawing of YongHwa's "Ideal" girl which all gogumas here spazzed about to death trying to figure out who could that "I" girl he could be referring to. It also had drawings of CN Blue's brains and what could have been occupying their minds at that moment.
























Reposting here a snippet of the interview from that magazine:















































Official Inkigayo Magazine, Take 7 July Issue (Interview 20 June 2010)
























We Got Married - My regular program that I always think about. It does not leave my mind.
























Dancing is hard! - I like to dance but because I can't [dance well]!
























Voice/Throat care and voice/throat treatment - Because of my voice nodules, I tend to pay a lot of attention to it.
























MCing is becoming fun! - Its becoming more fun. Haha!
























On Ideal Girl:
















































YongHwa: The picture I drew is exactly what my type is. It would be nice if she was a woman who is pure and innocent and could be a wise mother and a good wife. If she were to shyly call out my name, "Yonghwa-yah~", I think my heart just might explode. Every time her natural hair waves/flutters, I'd like it if there was the sweet scent of her shampoo. A womanly woman! This is exactly the type of girl I want. Is there no one like her?
























It was in this interview also when he first said that he likes/prefers "a day when it rains" more because...
























YongHwa: It would be great if it rained. I like the days when it rains. When I can listen to the sound of the rain without any thoughts... that's when I'm most happy. For me, good weather means a rainy day. Just cool, feels good just looking at. It sounds good, too. On rainy days watching TV...eating ramen... I just love those feelings.























































So it was after that said magazine interview when we all have started to associate a "Rainy Day" with YongSeo couple as they always seem to have met and filmed before everytime it rained [i.e. it was raining when they first met; it was raining on their first trip to the beach; it was raining on the day when they transfered to their new house; it was raining during the Ueno Juri Episode].
















































This interview of YongHwa with his sentiments about a "rainy day" is what, I guess, had inspired a fellow-old-timer goguma here, genxv [one of the best YongSeo FMV makers], to create this MV sometime in July. For those of you who haven't seen it, I am reposting the link because it is one awesome FMV, thus far, about our YongSeo Couple.
























[FanMV] When It Rains - A Sweet Potato Movie
























cr: genxv
























It's one of my all-time faves.









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Happy New Year!!








I didn't watch the episode but judging from most of the comments here it's another spazzable eppie ;)








But what the hell with always having just 20 minutes?!!!








I thought it's a "special" ep. and from 90 minutes our YongSeo Couple just gets 20?? I want morreeeee. I have a feeling PDnim thinks that we are fine with everything we get grrrr...








I was thinking about leadershii Taeyeon's comment. At first I thought cool another supporter. but then I came to realize, lol, that Taeyeon is the Leader of SNSD and she wouldn't just say this if it is impossible for them to date.








Maybe it's an official OK sign of SM towards FNC :)









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i should be more specific.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































its during one of CN Blue interviews, that yong said































































































































































































































































































































his heart would explode if his girl were to call him 'yonghwa ya'..































































































































































































































































































































yes, something like that..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































old spazzers would rmbr this..































































































































































































































































































































 yeah, it was one of our commented "Ideal type" here (oldies issues hahaha) ... and I seem to remember that this interview was related to one of his draws  :unsure:?































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: Miel just post it ^^
































































































































































I also almost died with Hyun´s move... she is so bold sometimes that even Yong gets shocked... ❥ ottokeee those 2!❥!! I loved this ep, it was so cute, really cute and it is pretty new, Dec 26 I believe :rolleyes:, but it  seemed really short to me when I was watching live, I think I was  enjoying myself to much!!!...  I was really wanting for the PD to give them more air time today, but after watch Adam couple I was like ok, they deseved all that air time after their poor time last week, right?
































































































































































You see guys, YongSeo is so frigging awesome that they don´t need a Christmas special episode kekeke!!!!
































































































































































Thank you all for the links, translation, caps and everything ^^. Thanks in advance for the translation to the  gogumas that will do it, Jedlee where are you?:sweatingbullets:
































































































































































While reading your posts I´m spazzing again, I know that everytime I believethat it is impossible to love them more, but everytime they prove me wrong...:wub:
































































































































































EDIT2:s0leill123, thank you for the screencaps, are so spazzibles!!! hahaha, Yong and Hyun with the same gesture on their faces... Like husband, like wife ❥

































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I enjoyed today's ep because it lets me see where they are in their relationship as of last week.  Clearly they are very comfortable with one another that Yong can even joke that Hyun is wearing an older woman's clothes.  I think Hyun was patting Yong's back, arm and knee so much today was to encourage him to continue because he was getting frustrated.  I don't think she was trying to actually initiate skinship that was supposed to develop into something more.




I think each ep, Yong is introducing Hyun to new things that he wants from her.  Looking into each others eyes, handholding, saranghae, and now yonghwa-ya or yonghwa oppa.  He's doing things bit by bit - which is good and he is patient about it - which I like.


About the SNSD interview - Taeyeon's words were very precise as to whom Hyun should date for real, why and its effect on SNSD - it is hard to determine what her intention was.  I don't think that's random, but for a specific purpose than just to encourage Hyun.  If Taeyeon's intention was meant to encourage maknae to date Yong for real, then I think that she should have done so in private.  In public, she could have been more vague and let the public infer as to whom Hyun's should date.   I may be wrong, but I actually think that it is potentially damaging to Hyun if what Taeyeon says was not in someway already true or is on the brink of being true.  Why rile up the mostly male Korean fanbase with the mention of Hyun dating over a hypothetical situation that may/may not happen.  I think that the last sentence of her interview - about Hyun being diligent and dating won't affect her SNSD activities - was directly aimed at Sones.  The public is going to interpret her statement as coming from someone who has inside knowledge of whats going on - at least on Hyun's side - so what if it doesn't happen?  Some people may speculate that Hyun didn't want it - but some may think that maybe Yong rejected Hyun.  From what I've read, Tae is very strict on the girls so she wouldn't have said something like this without a specific intention.  I really hope Tae also knows that that is what Yong also truly wants because we don't really know how Yong feels outside of WGM.  In WGM, Hyun is the resistor, but we don't know in real life if Yong truly wants a real relationship with Hyun.  Yong has the tendency to dance around the issue.  Also, how does Yong interprete this?  It can be embarrassing to the both of them.  That's why I think her being so specific on it being Yong can get messy.


I've mentioned before that I think officially SM may have a no dating policy, but unofficially I think that SM artists can date - but discretely.  From the interview, you get the sense that most of the SNSD girls - (definitely Jessica, I think) are dating.  Jessica said that she wished Sooyoung would fall in love and date because that improves a singer's vocal expression and dancing.  I also thought about what Yoona said about Hyun being more stubborn.  I think it may (at least some) have to do with her unnies advice on her relationship with Yong.  I think though its not necessarily whether Hyun should date Yong for real - but the pace and how she should handle the relationship.  I think her unnies are more conventional girls, but Hyun is more likely to act base on her principals - which may be unconventional and not what the guy wants or expects.  She is definitely different from "normal" girls.  Yong should really keep that in mind.


EDIT: I agree Yong seems to be holding back on-cam but what's important in a real relationship is what happens off-cam.  I remember what he said in Golden Bell.  I think he was voted as seeming most fake on-screen and his reply was that you can't show everything on camera.  This of course doesn't mean that they are in a real relationship right now, but I don't think is hesitancy on camera necessarily mena that they don't have a real relationship off camera.


I guess only time will tell.  I think I should stop...I've already written an assay.  I have the tendency to do that.  I look forward to next week's ep - oh saturday is sooo long long away.  Thank you for the translations and pics.


Happy New Year.



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