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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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omg!! Totally squealing. hyun leaned on yong's shoulder momentarily. OMG!! sooo cuteeeee. i think she did it a couple of times








I totally dig their closeness and comfortableness with each other.








cant wait for the raw so I can watch it again.








The show is about 90 mins long this week yes? but yongseo got just 20 mins. Hoping for them to appear again later...








kyaaaa still spazzing!





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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































































Happy New Year YongSeo!! Happy New Year EveryonE!
































































































































































Is everyone in Go-Chun like me? This weeks bts of Banmal Song mission was soo cute..You could totally see how comfortable they really are with one another...Yong Choding kept messing up (kekeke) sooo cute..At the end though when they finally got it down I thought they were gonna hug, but instead Yong did the Hoot Dance, LoL..
































































































































































Their part of the show is over, but i'm still cheesin' it like Wisconsin!!
































































































































































I hope everyone has a Safe and Happy New Year!! Thank You in advance for the translations, screen caps and subs. I hope this year our couple is blessed with more opportunities and live a fruitful & healthy life!!

































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Guest MaeDang






Oh my God, did Seohyun lean to Yong's shouder ????? did anyone see it  or my eyes just deceived me ( since I was dying to see it comes true) , can't wait for the raw to check whether it is true >.<



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this episode is pure of cutenesss...  Yong Choding strikes back!








































but i like it :) Yong Dancing in the end.. they should hug each other!!  hha.. cutee nee.... And the studio family sing along the Banmal Song thats great :)








































huwaaa... Saturday is so slow.. cant wait for the preview :)









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Guest t.sarahsarah
















































i just finish steaming yongseo..they have so many NG's during the process of making the MV..they're so totally cute^^..































but the episode end exactly right after they finish recording the actual mv..so frustrating !!!

















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Guest shawn_daebak




















soshi streaming was very laggy...








so i checked another streaming...








can I post the site?








here it is...
















there were no lags at all...



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Guest arcaloveher







No wonder Yong was a lil moody in the final version of the UCC





So many NG shots, haha





They should have just hug in the end, I bet that moment was awkward :phew:


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First.. i wanna say to all the gochun fams HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!, i finish watching the ep and a bit dissapoint...first my streaming is lagging!!!! and i wait for the jealousy part, friends who will spill secret about yong..but none of that happen sigh... but i catch a glimpse of skinship, esp when seohyun lay her head on yong shoulder!!! seohyun should do that a bit longer not just split second hehe so anyone can upload the raw cut i will greatly appreciate it ^-^









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Guest uh-ohxev
















































This episode was good, but soooo short... I wish they showed them uploading the video. But, there's a lot of moments to spazz about!
















Did you see how touchy Seohyun was this episode?!! :wub: She is so comfortable now! She even leaned on Yongs shoulder.. omg. I have one thing to complain about though.. when they finally completed the video, they were so excited! I thought they were going to hug.. but, sadly.. they didn't! COME ON! HUG HER YONGHWA! :w00t: She's so comfortable now, I don't think she would mind! Can't wait to rewatch later.. and for the preview..... :wub:

































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Guest Germbaby



if i am not wrong today's episode starts at 5pm korean time which is about 4-ish singapore time. they are an hr faster.


and usually if warnings are given if u post


one liners. spamming. quoting of pictures or entire CHUNK of text.



Pinkksoupp and Liquidfir,


Thank you very much for telling me. I am quite new to this thread. Learning. Aiya, I miss today's streaming. By the time I know which site, already over. Thank again. 


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Guest Faith_memory






Today's episode was so funny and cute. though, a bit short.. i wanna see the FULL of it. haha!!




there were so many NGs haha!! yong couldn't stop making those funny noises. haha!!




is it just me or, does Hyun touches Yong alot in this episode?.. haha!!




she puts her hand in his shoulders and stuffs.. haha!! ♥




the song is great,!! the tune perfectly fits them. i can't wait for the translations.




and the MCs singing along!




can't wait for the preview and next week.






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Guest lennie_goguma

so pathetic :((( I'm late to watch streaming yongseo WGM. first I've opened the SSF, and there declare message board,and I tried to register. after I register I could finally open the stream,but the show has not started. but after time began, still off, I think the show late. after I wait, it does not begin and end I tried other web channel and it end I watched the last 10 minutes T______T

but although only 10 minutes, I am very pleased to see YONGSEO DAEBAK!

Seohyun now really like to do a scene skinship> <

and quite stunned to see their efforts over and over again because NG .. hahaha ~ ~


* I really hope there is a video upload them as soon as possible,because I can not wait to watch the left .. hehehe ..

happy new year ~ ~ GBU all:)

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Guest jinkee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr:dc married

































































































































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hello gogumas..
































































































































































































































































































































































































to summarize the episode today..it has a very simple event..but....what touched me so much was the way hyun lean her head to yong shoulder i think 2 times..and many times that she touched yong shoulder and knee..really our hyun is getting showy now..
































































































































































































































































































































































































and our yong..now i know why in their youtube mv, he rarely look at hyun as if hes so shy, simply becoz he cant help to be giddy or laugh everytime he looked at hyun...
































































































































































































































































































































































































ahhh this 2, you can feel that luv is in the air...and theyre so perfect with one another..and as what taeyeon said they should date for real..
































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo fighting...
































































































































































































































































































































































































have a BLESSED 2011 to our yong and hyun and to us gogumas..i luv you guys..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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credit to the uploader

































































































































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Guest sally7
















































































today episode so cute
















































the NG really funny but it too short.

















































































































































































































































































































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I used to anticipate this episode...but somehow it let me down!!! TT.TT




Because it too short. I expected more! Being waiting for a long week, I can't see what I want.




So sad. Why PD-nim don't lengthen our couple time!!!tears.gif


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i don't know abt u guys but all i can say is that

hyun is so touchy with hubby today! :w00t:

- lean her head on his shoulder, touching his knee, slap his shoulder etc..

after 10 takes, they finally got it right.

and if only yong were to hug her..she is all for it!

but aigoo..that didn't happened..

yong choding decides to dance to Hoot instead.. :sweatingbullets:

i'll nvr get tired of these two no matter what..


tks for daebak caps, sally

kim, tks for the speedy link, but..it is not in sync..

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Guest luxubu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ Deabak screen cap. Oh she clearly leaned towards him without realizing. All goguma fans, to Go-Chun now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong may not feel it but I'm sure if he watched the episode today, he would be in Go-Chun, tooo

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































spazzing time!!! :D
































































my favourite moments from today's episode:
































































1) jinwoonie imitating seohyun's seagull laughter and scream at the beginning of the banmal song..ROFLOL
































































2) seohyun leaning her head on yonghwa's shoulder for a few seconds when yonghwa kept laughing during the 2nd/3rd/4th take? she looked comfortable doing it though, which leads me to wonder if she's done it before in earlier episodes, just that the PD-nim cuts it out? ;)
































































3) the touchy-feely moments, especially when yonghwa messes up and starts laughing while singing..aigoo yonghwa..you were doing it on purpose weren't you, so that she'd touch/hit you more..heheh..
































































4) yonghwa's cheek-bursting expressions each time he looks at seohyun. awww..what are we gonna do with the two of you? :wub:
































































5) when the MCs all started singing along during the final take :D banmal song FTW!
































































one thing that left me wondering though, the part on yonghwa's jealousy as mentioned in the preview was not shown. i mean, i'm not like proficient in korean or anything but i'm pretty sure the subject of jealousy didn't come up in the BTS for the banmal song..then again, i could be entirely wrong and they may have mentioned it briefly in passing. ^_^ gahhh, english subs chuseyo~ :P
































































oh man, my cheeks are literally bursting right now..too much joy from watching our favourite couple :D happy saturday gogumas!

































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