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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest mitchangella






hi to all gogumas!!!!this is my first post here but i visit this thread for quiet a long time now....and im very proud to be a part of this family. I just want to share what i have read awhile ago regarding SNSD interview for each other....and this one caught my attention....





“I hope Sooyoung will fall in love. When someone dates, their expressiveness gets better. I want to see the deep ‘feeling’ in Sooyoung’s dance and singing.” (Jessica)





was she referring something???who is that someone???Im in goguma world now so there's no harm in imagining!!!What do you think guys???



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Guest love~eastsea~
































































































































































Happy New year!
































































































































a quotation from SNSD inter view

"I hope our youngest, Seohyun, would really date Jung Yonghwa. Is that really abrupt? YongSeo couple looks good together. I have no worries about Seohyun dating since she's really thorough in her work, so she'll have no problem with our activities." (Taeyeon)

Credit: Daum
































































































































Translation: typicalharu@soshified.com/forums
































































































































Edit: mini cooperro13@soshified.com/forums































































































































































































































































I would love to bold all because everything is soooo important and equally sweet

















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No actually their account is "sweetpotato4339" not "sweetlpotato4339" ,,,,







Whoever did this S/he is just playing with yongseo's fans...







Don't mistake with just a letter !!!


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2010 is about to turn into 2011 but it has given us many great memories. For me?
































































































































































































































































































































































































1. I fall in love with Yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































2. Cn blue and SNSD songs are on repeat mode almost everyday
































































































































































































































































































































































































3. Learn how to stream live to watch wgm
































































































































































































































































































































































































4. Created my first twitter account to trend Yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































5. Make a lot of goguma chingoos (I love you all especially my twitter chingoos)
































































































































































































































































































































































































6. Meet up with my fellow country gogumas to watch wgm live
































































































































































































































































































































































































7. Attended Kpop night concert to see Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































8. Help with the 300th day project
































































































































































































































































































































































































9. Become a fanfic addict
































































































































































































































































































































































































10. Saturdays are just pure love
































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks everyone and everyone for sharing your love for Yongseo with me. Happy New Year! I am sure there will be more great things await us.
































































































































































































































































































































































































P.S Please send us your entry for the 1st anniversary project soon. Hwaiting!

































































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Guest hafiq890














allo all gogumas~ :)










just stop by to say happy new year to all of u~especially our beloved yongseo couple~










Every man should be born again on the first day of January.  Start with a fresh page.  Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary, or let down one, according to circumstances; but on the first of January let every man gird himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past.  ~Henry Ward Beecher






























all the best to all of u~



















never stop to support our yongseo~



















fighting yongseo~may GOD blees u all through the year 2011~



















may ur love never stop~




































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Anneyeong Goguma's,
































































 Year of the Rabbit is just an hour away here in my beloved country.
































































Just wanna wish you all a great year ahead, may each of us continued to be bless with healthy mind, body and soul and that goes to the rest of our family, friends and love ones.
































































To our beloved YongSeo, may they continue to be successful on their couple, individual and group endeavors.  Really hope that they are having a great time celebrating the new year as I write this :wub:
































































To my new found chingoos here in the thread, special mention to Boo, Lyra, Chyme, donewdubu, princessjulia, princesscharming and to Azlin unnie, HAPPY NEW YEAR! thank you all for being nice blush.gif

































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer





















































Goguma Villagers!!!






































Let's Partyyyyyyy!!!













































~ ~ ~























I hope our YongSeo Couple will have an amazing year ahead of them!!!
















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hi gogumas~! this week must be one of the most daebak week for us gogumas eh! ^^

woolly~!! yahhh i missed ur post! u must be a very busy tweety in tweetville eh ;) will try to visit once i'm more free... i regretted using a different email acc for that if not it'll be easier for me to access tweetville, YT, and etc >.<

haha winnnieeee~!! yess, i'm with ya!!! they should marry each other in the future! :D

hihi_hehe, thanks so much for the info! :wub: wow... it seems like hyun's unnies know that yongseo are sooo very much in love with each other that they're trying their best to help yongseo be a REAL COUPLE! kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! it seems like lately, there are lotsa variety shows talking about celebrities & their relationships. i hope the talk on this topic will eventually open up some of the more conservative minds in korea. IMO, what taeyeon just did could be just that; trying to convince the public & get their approval on yongseo's existence as a REAL COUPLE! :w00t:

Lyris fr DC

Try again, Smile again

More, Bigger halls and albums.

Don't lose my first intention.

I never lose myself everyday

More, bigger home and bling-blings we got more concentration.

I never lose myself everyday.

I can get pressures at times but I am strong and I try to sing all night.

I don't like same songs, and I don't like same sounds

I Just love to try all night

I'm gonna Try again Try again Back again Try it all night I never give up forever

Try again Try again Back again Time to try I want to try to show all night

More, Bigger car and concert.

Don't lose first my big passion

I never lose myself everyday

More bigger world and listeners We do more gig in many nation

I never lose myself everyday.

I can get pressures at times

but I am strong and I try to sing all night.

I don't like same songs, and I don't like same sounds

I Just love to try all night

I'm gonna Try again Try again Back again Try it all night I never give up forever

Try again Try again Back again Time to try I want to try to show all night

Smile again Smile again back again Back again Smile all night

I'll never cry forever

Smile again Smile again back again

Time to smile I want to try to smile all night

I'm gonna Try again Try again Back again Try it all night I never give up forever

Try again Try again Back again Time to try I want to try to show all night

this is their CN Blue's new song entitled TRY AGAIN, SMILE AGAIN. since it's in english, it must be yong's composition... from the lyrics, i get the feeling that yong is the type who'll never give up on the things that he likes/loves. and it's proven even in WGM. yong never gave up on hyun. at 1st it came off as his job, but with time it became his wants. he took his time with hyun & the result was WONDERFUL~! and now even SNSD's leader approves of them in public. since after manager oppa gave him the green light, he boldly proceeded in skinship with hyun. i wonder what'll happen when SNSD's leader gives out the green light? DATING IN REAL LIFE??? kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! i hope so! :wub:



shawieee~!!! happy new year to u too~! i hope u'll have an amazing year ahead yah! *hugs* :wub:

gahhh i wanted to post this fancam but i forgot -.-"


@0.25 u'll see yong walking towards hyun. just like the fancam from yurui but this is nearer (although it's JH biased). LOL yong definitely is a very protective boyfriend eh! he could've just stood somewhere further but NO, he wanted to be somewhere near at that time. towards the end, before the announcement of the winner, they (cnblue) went to the back. and when SNSD was announced as the winner, JH was like WOWWW haha xD. and yong was busy shaking hands with the ppl around him. it looked as if ppl were congratulating him 'cause his buin won LOL!

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Guest ahn_annann










Happy New Year 2011 Gogumas






Don't say good bye






Lyrics by Yong Hwa/ Composed by Yong Hwa, RYO/ Arranged by youwhich






I don't know how to live without you.






I don't know how to breath in life.






tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't Because of you Because of you.






It's the truth I don't know how to sleep without you.






I don't know how to fix my heart.






tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't






even if I did I don't know, If I'd try






Do I wanna believe you think the same.






I am missing you.






And I want you believe same love as me.






I am missing you You've given me your one last Adios, but why do I still wanna believe.






I don't know I'm missing you in good time, Don't say good bye.






I don't know how to smile without you.






I don't know how to wait for you.






tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't.






Even if all the things were true, If I'd try.






Do I wanna believe you think the same.






I am missing you.






And I want you believe same love as me.






I am missing You you've given me your one last Adios, but why do I still wanna believe.






I don't know I'm missing you in good time, Don't say good bye.






I don't wanna say good bye I don't wanna say good bye I don't wanna tell a lie for love I'll be your love.






Now I wanna believe you think the same.






I'm missing you.






And I want you to come and give me your love.






I'm missing you You've given me your one last Adios, but now I believe your true mind.






Now I know I'm missing you whole time, Don't say good bye






source : http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=jyh&no=288109&page=1&bbs=






edit : to delete korean translation






my caps:









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Guest fabiistar07












Annyeong Goguma Villagers!!







Just wanted to post to wish everyone a happy new year!!




i'm still shocked from what leader Taengoo said :w00t: i keep reading it over and over :lol:




and quick before the new episode of wgm starts and we'll be spazzing about it




i had a question about last episode




when hyun~ sang her part of the lyrics she wrote and then yong~ was talking about a shy woman, i got so confused during that part, was he talking about hyun~? or just women in general?, maybe it's obvious but i'm missing it lol




can someone give me their interpretation of it please? ^_^





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Guest chanchan4ever







happy new year goguma lovers!!!!!


cnblue had a guitar battle with ft island a while ago..


also..kt performed a dance no. !


so sad yongseo do not perform.. well, maybe they're both busy..


just be happy this new year and all of us hope that yongseo will be forever in our hearts...... wub.gif


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Guest Seychan
































Thank 4 ur link :)































I noticed at 0:11, Huyn turned to look Yong. U can check at this vid. YongSeo deabak. :wub:






























































Yong seems is happy and comfortable with Junsu 2pm (maybe because they both come from Busan) and Junsu is one of the fan boy of Hyun <3






























































Yong is friend with Jinwoo, Onew, Minho & Junsu, fans boys of Huyn buin, he is a wonderful husband :wub:






























































Happy new year guys :X Love you guys and our Goguma couple















































































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Guest Crystal392










It's 2010 where I am but I am sure it's already 2011 to some of you, I hope it will be an amazing year!! I wish th same to Yong and Hyun.






Yong and Hyun have made me feel soo many things through this year. I've cried, I've laughed, I've giggled, I've squealed, I've gasped, I've rolled my eyes, I've remembered so many things I have forgotten, and I've met lots of amazing people... All of you :) thanks to uri YongSeo ^_^






Tomorrow a new ep of WGM :w00t: can't wait!!!!






YongSeo ftw



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Guest SophiaPia










Happy New Year to all :) Happy New Year to our YongSeo couple.













Tonight mbc gayo we need to see fancam :) and later on wgm i guess we are all excited to see the making of Banmal or benmel song kekeke! and keep viewing banmal video. It is really really lovely.













ahn_annan, thanks for the lyrics and translations. What can i say that lyrics is for who? of course no one else but wife Seobabe kekeke! 













Catch u all later
















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My caps ... today at MBC ending our couple they always stay close....
















Yong... you just can't stay away from Your Buin...
















" I don't know how to live without you .....Hyun~~~~ "

















































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i know i had posted about my many favourite moments in the last ep (Ep 37) and not guilty for re-watching this epi + other older episodes more than 10 times :x




nevertheless, i still cant help but to feel extremely heart warming during the following scenes :








yong sang this particular line, twice, while glaring at hyun buin ~ :D






~~~~~~~~~~~ he initiated to hold her hand inspite of the extreme cold weather. (they both were like shivering?)... :)






how he placed THEIR interlocked hands, on his chest, on his heart, to keep her close, inspite of the cold weather ^^,






last but not least, hyun buin personal hand warmer - with plenty of love.




Cr: rundevilrun subs.








its like.... the awkward couple who were so awkwardly shy towards  skinship, are starting to take baby steps, to initiate, to understand  each other. watching this make me feel like ~ Awwwww! their love have  grow, they have become so much more charming, and definitely, they  themselves have grown up :)




all this moments are specially warmer after the triple YongSeo stage moment (they dont get to perform together but i take it into appreciation that they were at the same venue inspite of their busy individual schedules~) and after the 3 Gayo Daejun, im back to spazzing past episodes + lurking in soompi forum for more updates~~ :)




its ok. im waiting, and looking forward to tomorrow YongSeo WGM <3




Happy 2011 Ahead FELLOW YONGSEO SHIPPERS <3 !!



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I crop this from a video in youtube. It's the end of MBC Gayo Daejun (100101)

I think they are SNSD (white group) and CNBLUE (black suit)

Whoa! I don't know if i'm too excited.

I'm really glad to see from the bird's eye view that the first day of this beautiful year.

They're still close together.

Goguma Go Go!!

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My caps ... today at MBC ending our couple they always stay close....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong... you just can't stay away from Your Buin...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































" I don't know how to live without you .....Hyun~~~~ "
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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lol. I saw the ending of the programe and when the camera pan out i was like ,no way~..but yeap thats snsd and cn blue standing next to each other and uri yeongseo standing inches away from each other again. Aigoo~these two, all i wish for this new year is for them to always be happy ,healthy and develope their relationship further so that one day in their private life they'll truly love each other and live a happy life full of adventure together, because they deserve it so much.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait for todays epi. Yong getting jealous? lol.you better get jealous yong, the amount of hyun fanboys out there is no joke and i bet after that goddess performance ,the number is rapidly increasing and hyun, should watch out for her hubby ,he is on fire lately!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when sica~unnie was talking about sooyoung ,i have a feeling she is refering to the changes in hyun after meeting yong, that having feelings for someone changes the way you express yourself. Just look at how beautiful and confident uri hyun is on stage lately.^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































happy new year everyone!

































































































































































































































































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Junsu was staring at hyun (i don't blame him she was cute dancing this way ^_^) , when yong looked at him i think he felt a little embarassed :sweatingbullets:

























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Happy new year for all of us!!!








I know it's a bit late.. but it's better than never..
















After watching all the 3 gayo daejun.. CNBlue and SNSD put up a really great performance.








And for Yonghwa and Seohyun to stand out in their performance, they're really DAEBAK!!








All we need now is a fancam of the two of them for our new year's gift :)
















About tomorrow WGM, I think Yonghwa saw Seohyun cf for cabi cf with 2pm or with some other guys while trying to upload the video. And that made him jealous lol..
















Can't wait for tomorrow episode.
















And once again HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!









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