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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Still can't get over with CN Blue's performance. Hubby Yong is daebak.... as always (bias mode).
































































































































In SBS is the shining wife and in KBS is shining hubby... (let's hope tonight is shining couple).































































































































































































































































































































































































This week is really a roller coaster. I can't believe it's still friday with so much event has happen. From last saturday, yongseo give us a sweet interaction. In monday is the shocking banmal MV in Youtube. In tuesday(?) is the news about Yongseo's ending but apparently it just a rumour. In wednesday is the day yonghwa and seohyun got popularity award at MBC Ent Award., yongseo's banmal MV got 1 M viewer,  CN Blue and SNSD's performance in SBS Gayo, Awesome performance from Seohyun, Yonghwa as MC, news about the lady in Busan is Yong's mom. In Thursday is the awesome hubby performance with CNBLUE, SNSD's performance, Seohyun's wear the ring, Yong wear a necklace with ring (despite that's a couple ring or not), taeyeon said that she wish yongseo would become a real couple (thanks hihi_hehe). I don't know what happen tonight and tomorrow. BUt this whole week is awesome...































































































































































































































































































































































































Lastly Happy New Year all. Today is the last day in 2010 and my wish for next year is yongseo become a real couple. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest wishwash
































































































































































































































































[NEWS] Jung Yonghwa – Seohyun “Banmal Song”, more than 1 million views in 3 days
































































































































































































































































Translated from Baidu Goguma Bar.
































































































































Credits: Goguma Bar News Team
































































































































































































































































Within 3 days, Jung Yonghwa – Seohyun “Yongseo Couple”’s Banmal Song Youtube video had more than 1 million views and received attention from the entire world.
































































































































































































































































On the 31st, the MBC production team told the reporters that Yongseo couple’s Banmal song video, which was uploaded onto Youtube in the early morning on the 27th, had more than 1 million views within 3 days.
































































































































































































































































After viewing Yongseo couple’s self-produced Banmal song UCC, netizens commented, “Didn’t really think that they would upload it” and “Hope there will be a second couple song” etc. In particular, as most of the comments were made in English, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Malay and other foreign languages, Yongseo couple’s popularity around the world is very much evident.
































































































































































































































































On the other hand, fans from different countries covered their own instrumental versions on guitar and piano, added English, Chinese and Spanish subtitles, as well as other fanmade versions, and subsequently uploaded them onto the internet.
































































































































































































































































The emcees who caught the BTS of the banmal song video beforehand during the WGM studio recording on the 29th also had positive comments. They said, “Although it’s cheesy/mushy, but I’m (we’re) envious.”, as well as “The production process looks fun.”
































































































































































































































































The story behind the making of Yongseo couple’s Banmal Song will be revealed on 1 January 2011 at 5pm on WGM.

































































































































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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the text preview is out
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't try google translation, you'll get nothing LOL

용화♡서현 : 우리 서로 반말하는 사이가 되기를~♩♪

오늘은 드디어 용서부부의 '반말송'을 유튜브에 공개하는 날!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































평소 UCC 애청자(?) 요옹은 그간 습득한 UCC 세계만의 법칙(?)을 혀언에게 전파하
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































두 사람은 의상부터 조명, 소품, 카메라 구도까지 신경 쓰며
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용서부부만의 100% 리얼 핸드 메이드 UCC를 만들기에 열을 올리는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































프리스타일에 강한 로커 용 남편 vs. 즉흥 내레이션이 어려운 현 부인!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그러나 자꾸만 용 남편의 낯빛이 어두워지는 이유는?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































우여곡절 끝에 업로드 된 용서부부표 '반말송' UCC!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































세계적으로 널리 알리기 위해 총동원된 용화♡서현의 깜짝 인맥들은 과연?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그리고 그들에게서 속속히 밝혀지는 뜻밖의 제보, 요옹은 질투의 화신?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용서부부의 '반말송', 그 숨겨진 제작과정! 기대하시라~ 개봉 박두!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: MBC's official site
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest glennpaulo
















































I just want to greet all BOICES, SONES, YONGSEO SHIPPER.































A Happy New Year, 
















I hope everyone will be blessed with a joyful and successful 2011.















































In my perspective, i don't think they will become a real couple this coming year, because in my opinion they already a REAL couple. With all the changes in our Yongseo life, their physical appearance is rapidly improving each day, their cuteness, sexiness, and their relationship is greatly improving as well. I think that's a proof that they are in a state where they have assurance to each other.
















Wow, Taeyeon statement is completely awesome, even sister-in-law is already approved.
















It's a beautiful week for all of us. Everyday there always a wonderful news about our couple. 
















I heard that there's a collaboration performance of CNBLUE and FT island, in MBC. I hope there's also a collaboration stage between SNSD and CNBLUE and YONGSEO.
















@yongseoforever is that true? 8 songs? Wow, its look like, its their concert. Every Group will perform more than 8 songs?

















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Guest YongSeoForever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































happy new year goguma :wub: drop by to spread some goguma love keke
































































































































































































































































just read a post at baidu, woohoo...nowadays that FNC is posting YongHwa's schedule of the filming of WGM too :wub:
































































































































































































































































here is the link http://cnblue.co.kr/...r=2011&month=01 
































































































































































































































































as you can see...Yonng will have filming on Jan.18 and 25 and by the way, Jan 25th is the SM Town Concert in Japan....(finger-crossed)
































































































































































































































































that means Yoong will be going to Hyon's concert? throw confetti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































EDIT: joint stage by CNBLUE and FTISLAND...CNBLUE will be performing 8 songs ....wondering if yoonh and hyon will have a duet (banmal song?)... :wub:

































































































































































































































































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happy new year goguma :wub: drop by to spread some goguma love keke
































































just read a post at baidu, woohoo...nowadays that FNC is posting YongHwa's schedule of the filming of WGM too :wub:
































































here is the link http://cnblue.co.kr/...r=2011&month=01 
































































as you can see...Yonng will have filming on Jan.18 and 25 and by the way, Jan 25th is the SM Town Concert in Japan....(finger-crossed)
































































that means Yoong will be going to Hyon's concert? throw confetti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
































































EDIT: joint stage by CNBLUE and FTISLAND...CNBLUE will be performing 8 songs ....wondering if yoonh and hyon will have a duet (banmal song?)... :wub:































































































































sorry to cut your post.. OMO i checked their calendar too, i guess Yong really want to fulfill his promise to Hyun since her buin keep on requesting that he must go to their concert as well.. thank you for your information..
































































HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! and by the way how can i donate for the project? sorry im not that tekkie i always asked my husband with regards to some stuffs hahahha!

































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer












































There's a new article about the girls. DC married just copied the part where Taeyeon talks about Seohyun-Yonghwa.












멤버들이 서로에게 바라는 점을 말해달라.












"막내 서현이가 '우결'커플인 정용화씨와 실제로 사귀였으면 좋겠다. 너무 뜬금없는 얘긴가. 서현-용화 커플이 예쁘고 잘 어울린다. 서현이는 워낙 일에 철저한 아이라서 연애를 해도 소녀시대 활동에 별 문제가 없을거란 생각이 든다."(태연)
























Banmal Song finally made it to Korean news: Click












They're wrong though. We made the video more 1 million hits in 2 days. -_-


































Oh here's the translation i got from twitter






































Taeyeon about YongSeo Couple























"I hope our youngest Seohyun would really date  Jung Yonghwa.



















Is that really abrupt? YongSeo couple looks good together.  























I have no worries about Seohyun dating since she's really thorough in  her work,























so she'll have no problem with our activities."
























































































































































I just saw this vid of Taeyeon...












when Sunye (WG) said her ideal type is our Uri Yong... Taeyeon's answer was pretty funny... :lol:












She's a goguma villager too...































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Coming out of the woodwork to wish everyone a Sweet (Potato) and prosperous New Year!
































I'm normally very quiet and would really just enjoy reading everybody's thoughts and observations, but I think this week--no, this *month* deserves some noise. It's not everyday, after all, that this sweet couple turns 300 days, upload a UCC, reach 1,000,000 million views in two days, and then shine in their performances in the music festivals of the past two nights.
































I know a lot of you here are also readers and writers over at gogumafics. I speak for my co-mods (who are also on Soompi, but since I don't have their permission to "out" them, I won't ^_^ ) in gratitude to the contributions in growing the community. We are currently, right this moment, at 300 members, and we're barely three months old.
































In the excitement for the New Year and all the daebak happenings in the lives of our beloved couple, we at gogumafics are also holding a celebration event.
































1st Gogumafics Awards
































We're planning something special...but we'll let you know at the right time. :lol: Meanwhile, please do visit! We've enabled anonymous comments, so those without Livejournal accounts may still vote. Hurry, we've only until January 2nd to nominate. Be sure to put in a good word for your favorite fics.
































A shout-out, too, to the participants of the Happy 300th Day Fic Exchange celebration.
































Good manners dictate that I say thank you to all who share news, pictures, videos, links and all the goodies. You're all so great.









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Guest wishwash
































































































































































































































































































































































































the text preview is out
































































































































































































































































Don't try google translation, you'll get nothing LOL

































































































































































































































































용화♡서현 : 우리 서로 반말하는 사이가 되기를~♩♪

































































오늘은 드디어 용서부부의 '반말송'을 유튜브에 공개하는 날!
































































































































평소 UCC 애청자(?) 요옹은 그간 습득한 UCC 세계만의 법칙(?)을 혀언에게 전파하
































































































































































































































































두 사람은 의상부터 조명, 소품, 카메라 구도까지 신경 쓰며
































































































































용서부부만의 100% 리얼 핸드 메이드 UCC를 만들기에 열을 올리는데~
































































































































프리스타일에 강한 로커 용 남편 vs. 즉흥 내레이션이 어려운 현 부인!
































































































































그러나 자꾸만 용 남편의 낯빛이 어두워지는 이유는?
































































































































































































































































우여곡절 끝에 업로드 된 용서부부표 '반말송' UCC!
































































































































세계적으로 널리 알리기 위해 총동원된 용화♡서현의 깜짝 인맥들은 과연?
































































































































그리고 그들에게서 속속히 밝혀지는 뜻밖의 제보, 요옹은 질투의 화신?
































































































































용서부부의 '반말송', 그 숨겨진 제작과정! 기대하시라~ 개봉 박두!!
































































































































































































































































cr: MBC's official site






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is translated from a chinese translation (Baidu Goguma bar) of the preview, so forgive me if the translation is slightly off from the original.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa <3 Seohyun: Hopefully we can have a Banmal relationship






























































































































































































































































The day for the Goguma couple to release their Banmal song on Youtube has finally come!






























































































































































































































































An experienced UCC user (?), Yong tries to teach Hyun about the rules in the UCC world (?) that he learnt in the past.






























































































































































































































































The two of them spent lots of effort in taking care of the lighting, props and positioning of the camera.






























































































































































































































































The Goguma couple is totally focused at filming a UCC that is 100% real and self-created.






























































































































































































































































Rocker Yong-nampyeon who is strong at freestyle VS Hyun-buin who is not as strong at improvisation!






























































































































































































































































But what’s the reason for Yong-nampyeon becoming increasingly upset?






























































































































































































































































The Banmal UCC that Goguma couple successfully uploaded after much trouble!






























































































































































































































































Yonghwa <3 Seohyun’s surprise friends who are helping to pass the word around are?






























































































































































































































































And the surprising insider information that they will be revealing bit by bit, Yong is a man filled with jealousy?






























































































































































































































































The production process of Goguma Couple’s Banmal song that nobody knows about! Please stay tuned~! Coming soon!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I would also like to add the the Baidu Gogumas are really JJANG! One of them came up with a list of the dates and official activities that our Yongseo couple met up for, such as WGM filming, music programs and award ceremonies, excluding private phonecalls and meetups. It shows that Yongseo couple officially only met up for 50 days out of the 323 days in 2010 since they met each other. Yet, the 2 of them have gotten so close and so well-loved by many!
































































































































































































































































For those who understand chinese, here's the link .

































































































































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Guest exceptional.chic








































Is the banmal song officially out? I mean with MV and all that?
























I've been missing a lot lately. Can anyone enlighten me with the latest happenings about the couple? And who won in the poll regarding the best couple for MBC awards or something?
























Thanks! :D
























EEEEP. Sorry to top the page without anything to share.









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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































Is the banmal song officially out? I mean with MV and all that?
































































































































I've been missing a lot lately. Can anyone enlighten me with the latest happenings about the couple? And who won in the poll regarding the best couple for MBC awards or something?
































































































































Thanks! :D
































































































































EEEEP. Sorry to top the page without anything to share.































































































































































































































































Yes the Banmal Song Mv is out .. Here's it is My link.. Check it out comment, like it, and comment on their channel. Oh and for the best couple mbc thing.. sadly they didn't win, but both yong and seo won the popularity award from MBC :rolleyes:

































































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This must be the most exciting week ever in YongSeo history for 2010 & our beloved Goguma Couple chose the very last week of the year to present their priceless gifts to us.


27th Dec 2010, Mon: Release of Banmal Song MV (Cr: sweetpotato4339@youtube)

28th Dec 2010, Tue: Filming for Bridal Photo Shoot (confirmed by DC)

29th Dec 2010, Wed:

  1. Banmal Song MV hit over 1 million views in just 2 days
  2. Seo Baby owned the SBS Gayo Maknae Stage
  3. Yonghwa received praise and recognition from SuJu's Heechul for becoming a distinguished MC (Heechul's Tweet)

30th Dec 2010, Thu: Yonghwa owned the KBS Gayo CN Blue Stage

31st Dec 2010, Fri:

  1. FNC added WGM Filming to CNBlue Official Schedule (18th, 25th Jan 2011) (Cr: jan92ice@twitter/lovekim): 25th Jan 2011 coincides with SM Town Live Kickoff Concert in Tokyo
  2. Excerpt from SNSD Interview - Taeyeon's Comments (Cr: callmedaydreamer):
    "I hope our youngest Seohyun would really date Jung Yonghwa. Is that really abrupt? YongSeo couple looks good together. I have no worries about Seohyun dating since she's really thorough in her work, so she'll have no problem with our activities."
  3. MBC Gayo tonight! Will we have more surprises from YongSeo?

1st Jan 2011, Sat: WGM Season 2 - YongSeo Banmal Song BTS Footage


It's been a great 2010 knowing fellow gogumas around the world from Soompi & Twitter. Creating Twitter & Youtube accounts which I would never have done, if not for YongSeo (even an ole dog can learn new tricks).

2011 will be an even more EPIC YongSeo year! Thank you all. It was & still is a great privilege to be part of our Goguma Village/Go-Chun.

Blessed 2011 to All! :wub:

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oh snap! i want to watch mbc gayo daejun tonight but i can't!tears.gif
























kyah..will the couple perform? and i really want to see the band battle between cnblue and ftisland. huhuhuh
























i am excited for yong because he totally rocked it out yesterday.
























but that's okay, i know i can count on you goguma friends for links and juicy information.rolleyes.gif thank you in advance!!!!!!
























regarding the preview: I'M EXCITED!!!!!! Jealous Yong is always entertaining to watch..hahahahahw00t.gif
























HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wub.gif
























HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YONGSEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wub.gif





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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































aw~ that was totally cute how YongSeo is always standing close to each other xD
































































I bet they were laughing out loud so the other person would notice the other half is :P
































































So I have one quick question....
































































The new episode coming up this Saturday,
































































It's recent, right? since they just uploaded the MV a few days ago...









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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey guys, do you know where this is from? Because there izzz yongseo moment! Seobaby waved at Yong. Sadly, the pic cut Yong. :( But I have a feeling that Yong is there. :)))

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@.:loveya:. Yup, it's recent. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MBC Gayo Daejun Live Streaming: [NEWS][12.31.10] Seohyun - Yonghwa, Banmal Song Hits 1 Millon Views In Less than 3 days
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After YongSeo Couple's Banmal Song was uploaded, it hit more than 1 Millon views in less than 3 days. This attracted the world's Attention. On 31th, MBC's Reporter Reported ''On 27th December's Afternoon, YongSeo's Banmal song hit 1 Millon Views''. After seeing Yongeo's Banmal Song on Youtube, Netizens commented ''I didn't expect they would really Upload'' ''I hope there's a second Banmal Song'' Ect.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Most of the comments left by fans were in English, Chinese, Japan, Thai, Malay and others. With this, we can be sure that YongSeo is famous in not only Korea, but also in other Countries.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, Fans in other Countires also used their creativity and played the Banmal song on Instruments, Added english lyrics, Chinese and others. On the 29th, We Got Married's had it's recording and saw the behind the scenes of the Banmal Song. The MC's all gave good comments.  This Banmal song's Behind the scenes shall be revealed on We Got Married 2011, January 1st.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Baidu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese) : WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[TRANS][12.31.10] YongSeo Couple Episode 38 Preview Translations































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's finally the day where the Goguma couple reveals the ''Banmal Song'' On Youtube! Yoong will pass on the rules (?) he know at the UCC world to Hyun. ~ The both of them spent a lot of time on the props, lighting, equipment and Camera. In order to flim the Goguma Couple's video that is 100% self created. Strong at Freestyle and Rocker Yong Hubby Vs. Hyun who is not strong at improvisation (?) However, what's the reason for Yonghwa's face getting darker and darker?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The ''Banmal Song'' has been successfully uploaded by the YongSeo couple! In order to spread the word around, Yonghwa and Seohyun's surprise for the Chingoos is? And also, they accidentally revealed a little bit of information, Yoong is the embodiment of jealousy? Goguma Couple's Banmal Song, the making that nobody knows about, shall be revealed tomorrow. Please anticipate!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: DC / Baidu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews

































































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Hello Gogumas! :D








Thank you very much for all the goodies. I love how the thread is becoming more cozy and full of love! Thanks to each one of you. :wub:








Uri couple had gained lots of attention lately and I just love how at the end of the week for 2011, we got so many lovely, sweet and interesting goodies to share. Everyday in this week is a YongSeo day! And believe it or now, we are nearer to their 1st year anniversary! Both of them looks so marvelous through out SBS & KBS Song Festival. Hoping that we will see the same thing for MBC tonight! :D They are jjang! CNBLUE SNSD Hwaiting!








I suppose through out the WGM show, both are getting stronger with each other supports and I like it very much. They are couple who are mature, talented, gorgeous and of course is the best for us here. May 2011 will be their greatest year in the life!








To Yong & Hyun,








Happy New Year! May you both success in Korea, Japan & worldwide. Some of my wish regarding them next year :








1. Banmal Song to be publish out as single and official MV as bonus.








2. 1st year anniversary celebration with the most romantic way.








3. Giving a mission in WGM to take care babies/kids.








4. More collaboration in music.








5. Featuring in the same drama as the main cast.








6. News about them becoming official couple become true. keke~ :P








Happy New Year to all Gogumas!








Wish you guys happiness & the Gogumas villagers will be stronger always. Love you guys!


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Hey guys, do you know where this is from? Because there izzz yongseo moment! Seobaby waved at Yong. Sadly, the pic cut Yong. :( But I have a feeling that Yong is there. :)))

*quoted image*


annyeong!!! here is the original fancam of that little gif - Yong & Hyun DJ Doc for you to spazz. (credit as tagged). they were quite near each other but no direct interaction or at least that's what i see. Yong was choding as usual behind Hyun. think that Hyun was waving to Yoona who came from behind her. i think Yong is pretty shy to approach Hyun during these type of gathering.

also just wondering... regarding Yong's schedule posted in the website, i don't see anything on for him on 18th & 25th jan. anyways, just wondering.

lastly, wow! am glad that to really know that the unnies also approve of Yong seobang :) it's one thing to spazz, but another thing to really hear it for real.

Happy New Year!

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a good news has come in the end of the year make us so happy. thanks to all goguma fans who spend time to translate and bring the news, video to us. without you we cant spazz crazily.








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Hello fellow Gogumas!










































Hyun was the last Maknae to show up in the rendition of Circus on 29th, and what an entrance. She totally stole the stage from there on. My jaw dropped when uri Hyun showed up, and I am a happily married woman with 2 kids, mind you! Beautiful sexy classy Hyun. (Yong must be having nightmares now, having to fend off all of her fanboys, old and new! :w00t: )





























Yong rocked the stage and CNBlue's performance on the 30th. Yong was mesmerising (at least to me!). His quick thinking saved their performance. Due to the mishap with his microphone, he quickly took Jonghyun's when JH finished his lines, and from thereon, rocked and stage and the audience. I am in total awe with Jung Yonghwa!





























With more than a million views of Yongseo's Banmal song in Youtube, and tens of thousands of comments from all over the world in many languages, who in their right mind would doubt Yongseo's popularity?














I find that I am enjoying this fandom very much. That's because of the insistence of fellow Gogumas of preaching the tagline "Make Love Not War". Positivity begets positive energy which gives positive returns, and we are being showered with so many beautiful moments of Yong and Hyun that it is making us positively delirious with happiness. Gogumas around the world rocks!














Here's my wish for year 2011 for Yong, Hyun and fellow Gogumas:














Stay healthy and safe! May the new year bring you more joy and happiness with yourself and with each other.














Before I conclude, I would like to leave my last message of 2010 to Yong and Hyun:














Yong, marry Hyun already!



























Hyun, marry Yong already!














Love Love Love... Everybody Clap Clap Clap



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