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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest justbulan
































crazy.gifonly left for 1 day and the thread already got this far...
















just wanna spazzing about ep 37 a little before i go on vacationphew.gif (altough maybe it's late alreadylaugh.gif)
















to tell the truth....  i wonder since when yonghwa becoming this cheesy.. because as far as i remember... during wgm he's never been like this before japan episode.. and even becoming more and more cheesy lately crazy.gif i only remembered back then he only say the cheesy thing at the 3rd ep (and since seohyun is naturally innocent, she's not able to understand that yonghwa was trying to flirt with her phew.gif)is it because they've grown closer than before? and just like seohyun saw her true color to yonghwa.. he finally saw her his true color?and both of them opening their heart to each other? w00t.gif (hope sotears.gif)
















and when yonghwa read seohyun lyric.. i wonder what's on his mind? since his expression definetly tell us there's something... did he seems to found out something in hyun lyric? if he realise.. what reaction that he will give to her after that? well i dont know.. since he cover it using those jokes but start to contemplating when they disscused the lyric... 
















and also about his cheesiest words...  "what should i do.. to finding a way to your heart".... and his later statement... " okay.. i'll claim you!" 
















the PD is soooo gooooooodd!!! cut it in the middle conversation.. tears.gif(it makes me wonder so badly what words he said after that... is it "what?" "isn't im your husband?w00t.gif or maybe.. "what?" "i'm just trying to make it fun" or ""i'm just kidding" ...) well okay i'll admit that the pd made a right desicion to cut it in the middle of conversation and after writing what word next it's only....... dry.gifcant describe it in english sorry.. my vocabulary and english is not good at all....
















anyway.. his cheesy statement makes me spazzing about his song and of course.. the NAN episode with psy w00t.gif it seems like his  statement and his lyric (somehow for me) saying :

c'mon girl.. give me a sign...  and after that... my heart is all yours w00t.gif
















crazy.gif OMG!!  why i post those cheesy words that's on my mind??!
































tongue.gif at least myself









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Hellow fellow gogumas, I want to ask, are we trending #yongseobanmal at twitter NOW? i heard some people tweets we will trend it at 7PM KST, which one is right?




















i'm ready on twitter now~ hehehe...^^





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Guest dOnewdubu
















































gogumas, since we reached our target, let's all help in trending #yongseobanmal via twitter!
















we would want to see it on trending topics right? 
















hwaiting gogumas!!! sweatingbullets.gif
















edit: Phan2- we are pre- trending it now! biggrin.gif

















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i just want to share this... from allkpop :)
















































CNBLUE’s comeback possibly delayed with drama offers















































































































CNBLUE appears to be stuck between a rock and a hard place.
















































Their rising popularity in the acting industry is forcing them to debate between following more acting opportunities, or continuing with their scheduled comeback.
















































On December 29th, the band’s agency, FNC Music, revealed that the boys’ February comeback might be delayed in order to give priority to the offers the members have been receiving from drama producers.
















































A representative of the agency stated, “All four of the members have all been offered roles in different dramas by popular directors. We’re currently discussing the possibility of delaying their comeback as singers because of them.”
















































Although nothing’s set in stone yet, the development only shows that the rookie group’s fame is well-established.
















































Kang Minhyuk is currently starring in SBS’s “It’s Okay, Daddy’s Daughter,” while Jung Yonghwahas a drama scheduled for the second half of 2011.















































































































i hope Yong could still continue WGM despite him having casted in a drama :)
















































YongSeo forever!!

















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Whoa! All four members in four different dramas?!































































































































That's ossum!































































































































Though, i hope they'll promote more songs as a band. -_-































































































































I really love CNBLUE. :D






























































































































































































































































Anyhow, it's an achievement for them to be in dramas.































































































































I'll still support them no matter what. :)






























































































































































































































































Spread the love...































































































































Banmal Song - YongSeo

































































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Guest eishazumi










rumors!? i hope there's no truth to that. yongseo couple is doing good why end so soon.















MBC PDnim's please not now.


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Guest glennpaulo
































rumors!? i hope there's no truth to that. yongseo couple is doing good why end so soon.































MBC PDnim's please not now.































This issue has been already discussed and cleared. There's no truth about yongseo couple quiting the show.
















I think someone already posted a while back, maybe 1 page back or 2 pages back, that the rumor is not true.
















Kindly check it to let your mind at ease..  Love yongseo couple always..
















I hope that one of them get a lead role.......
















Goguma hwaiting!!!!!

















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Guest eishazumi










hello gogumas!















the rumors are not confirm yet so i don't have to dwell myself on it.















lets make it a trend #yongseobanmal in twitter















I'm using 3 twitter accounts already. those who have twitter please do tweet. i also re-tweeted some tweets. kekeke.























BTW next year will be a very busy year for SNSD and CNblue.















for a newcomer, CNBLUE really did very well. their popularity rises like a boomerang.















but even with their busy schedule i still believe yong and hyun will continue WGM.















MBC knows how popular yongseo couple are. guys, after 1 million lets make it 2 million views.























@glennpaulo thanks. i'm back reading.










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Guest lovekin


bright lights and revelations


hi, i bring you fic!  i didn't like the rumors and, frankly, i still don't know what to make of them.  instead, i wrote this.  it was written a bit quickly, so i don't know.  wacko.gif  not sure if it's up my alley.  um, if you're a follower of separation anxiety, i must say that i'm deeply sorry.  i'm honestly stuck with it, and the problem with multi-chapters is that you never want to lose momentum.  i don't bother hiding the fact that multi-chapters are my weakness so, for now, SA is on an indefinite hiatus.  i'm only working on it by adding bits and pieces, so it's slow-going.  sleep.gif





 The first time Yonghwa kisses her, his heart stops.



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Guest crushh_11

i want to see jungshin chingu in a drama so badly!lol=))

i hope the drama Yong will do is with Seohyun *imagining* :wub:OMO!

regards to the widely spreading rumors, lets just dwell first what is happening in present, we all know that *deep breath* it will really come to an end, let's enjoy each moment they have and rejoice :D i

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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please don't listen to any of the rumors about YongSeo Ending. Contract extension's percentage is 99%. Lol. Please read the fan accounts I posted at the previous page and you guys will understand. Until MBC/WGM Gives and official statement, please take the news with a pinch of salt.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[NEWS][12.29.10] CN Blue Yonghwa Jealous?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CN  Blue Member Yonghwa threw away his Leader/Oppa Look and displayed his  Jealous Look. On MBC's We Got Married that aired on the 25th, Seohyun  and Yonghwa were creating the lyrics for the Banmal Song. They almost  squeezed out all of their brain juice.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The YongSeo couple were creating the lyrics in the dorm, Jonghyun and  Minhyuk were talking beside them. Being friends of the same age, Seohyun  and Minhyuk displayed a close friendship with one another. Yonghwa  who's sitting beside saw this and threw away his leader/Oppa look,  displaying a jealous look.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits: Baidu Goguma News Team
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translation Credits (From Chinese): WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews

































































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Guest wishwash
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to tell the truth....  i wonder since when yonghwa becoming this cheesy.. because as far as i remember... during wgm he's never been like this before japan episode.. and even becoming more and more cheesy lately *quoted image* i only remembered back then he only say the cheesy thing at the 3rd ep (and since seohyun is naturally innocent, she's not able to understand that yonghwa was trying to flirt with her *quoted image*)is it because they've grown closer than before? and just like seohyun saw her true color to yonghwa.. he finally saw her his true color?and both of them opening their heart to each other? *quoted image* (hope so*quoted image*)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































actually i only found yonghwa to be especially cheesy/mushy in ep37. I wonder why too! Could he be learning from Psy after filming NAN? I remember in NAN Psy did a pseudo phone conversation with UEE and he was doing all that sweet talk which awed everyone including Yonghwa. And after that he gave Yonghwa some advice about dating too.
































































































































































































































































Seohyun seems to be able to take the sweet talk quite easily though. I would have expected her to curl her toes and fingers after hearing the cheesy stuff from Yonghwa, but all she said was, "it's too sweet." Seohyun has grown up!

































































































































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow. this thread jumps so fast from one page to another. laugh.gif  hello to all my fellow kamotes ( sweet potato/ gogumas).
































































































































































































































































 Want to share my POV:
































































































































































































































































 regarding the photoshoot- i hope we can get a glimpse of the pictorial just like the busan and ski filming and wish they will hang one on their living room- i noticed that it is so plain from the beginning- i guess it is intended for their wedding photo.wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif
































































































































































































































































about the rumor on yongseo living WGM- i really hope its not true yet it will happen but not on the peak of their success as a couple which is right now??? plus i guess MBC wouldn't want yongseo fans all over the world doing petition here and there if they do that without releasing any official statementtongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif 
































































































































































































































































as to their management teams (please correct me if im wrong)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(SME for SNSD and FNC for CN Blue), because of WGM, seohyun was recognized more not only as a member of SNSD but as a solo artist as well, she gave new meaning on how to be firm and determined. the pure, innocent andhonest wife of Yonghwa.  
































































































































































































































































same as to Yonghwa and CN Blue- though they were introduced before as a band and through YAB- the success of YONGSEO of WGM boost them to be more accepted not only in SK and JPY but around the globe. 
































































































































































































































































lastly their effect on me, they are the only couple i watch and follow on all social networks, i never knew  SNSD and CN Blue before only Yonghwa because of YAB and i got caught by the yongseo charm and i love it wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif 
































































































































































































































































i guess Yongseo couple is one hell to beat, seeing all those FMV (including artworks and fan stories) and not to mention the result of their very well received banmal song plus the followers of this forum shows how fans supported and loved them!
































































































































































































































































spread the yongseo love goguma villagers
































































































































































































































































hope their will be some yongseo moments on all awards night they will be attending until 31st. cant wait saturday's episode for sure it will be another reason for us to be in go-chan for the nth time this month!!!
































































































































































































































































 btw, my apology if i had violated some soompi rules before sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif

































































































































































































































































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we are trending #yongseobanmal in twitter now! please come to help us dear gogumas :wub:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gayo will be today, let´s hope for some YongSeo daebak moment ^^!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you all for the goodies, Saranghe ^^!!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest genevieveshaun
























Let's put it this way
















If the normal cycle / lifespan of a relationship is flirting, exchanging numbers, going on the first date, second date, kiss, whatever whatever, lets pretend it consists of 10 stages.
















What Yongseo does is to take that first stage and stretch it to 10 stages so we can glimpse at every moment, each awkwardness and every action and eyeship.
















That is why we all love Goguma!!!!
















Won't you guys agree? ^^





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hello everyone!!!!! it's been a roller coaster journey isn't it for the gochun fam this past few days? just wanna add, mc jake already tweet that next ep will about our couple upload the song right?? that's mean we will finally will get the answer about the meaning 4339 on they youtube account???

sorry to quote your post.. some people already tell the meaning of 4339 before.. but let me tell you (I try my best.. sorry if I wrong) 4= CNBlue 33= Love (? I don't know why.. anybody can explain ^^) and 9= SNSD so 4339= CNBlue loves SNSD..

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Guest _d3seohyun

had to backtracked 15+ pages and uhm...i still don't know about all the rumours and news surfacing up :sweatingbullets: but anyhow..

found this....


c: as tagged + ivangrapes@tumblr

and I need a favor. Can someone please post an HD or a very HQ link of episode 37?! PLEASE.

I can only make caps when some angel uploads a very clear version of videos on youtube. THANK YOU!

Good luck to uri couple tonight...awards, hosting and performances! <3

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d3 chingu, its a case of misleading information, thats all..

so nothing to sweat abt!

trent, no worries. ;)

this village turned quite chaotic yesterday, didn't it? :sweatingbullets:

we each will do our best to inject back the positive vibes to the ones needed :)

i see so many new names since yesterday..

hi all! Welcome to GO-CHUN!

3nieex, as i see it, linda maybe in the panic mode too

(looks like she is a newbie too)

i believe its just a case of misleading information..

but u ARE entitled to your opinion

its just that....yongseo means forgiveness.

ahh..i should join the rest in tweetsville now..

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hi...anybody streaming 4 SBS gayo right now to see uri yong mc'ing ang seobaby perform??? i need help, kpoplas/net is down!!!! anylink i can watch??? plz..plz...









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