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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















hmmm............ so the wedding photoshoot is confirmed to be true???? or is it still an unconfirmed rumour?? I'm really cautious about this, and I think I will only 100% believe the news as true when I see pictures taken by K-gogumas...... Sorry guys, I'm just being really really cautious about rumours and stuff, because we haven't seen the earlier footages of them and the news about the wedding photoshoot is such A BLAST sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif














Well, just like linh80, actually I don't really know whether I should be happy or not :P. I just feel that it's not quite the right moment yet....... hmm, I'll be happy for them though.......... I guess this is just because we are sooooo left behind, as they have completed many filmings this december, and we have yet to see those footages to be aired. Whatever that is, I'll still support them......... I believe the WGM PD and staffs thought this is the right time for them to have a wedding photoshoot, since they know YongSeo's relationship progress after months of filming................ So basically I'm just saying that I don't get the overjoyous feel after receiving that news, because we are left behind.
















To those who disagree with me, it's okay....... Don't misunderstand my post okaaay :lol:. Nevertheless, they finally had their wedding photoshoot already right?? (or rumour). BE HAPPY FOR THIS NEWS!!!
















on a side note, let's keep viewing the BANMAL SONG on their official account sweetpotato4339. Let's keep the YongSeo fever alive on YouTube :D

































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Guest yongieaddict






just heard the news about wedding photoshootw00t.gif


god,i can't believe they finally make it,i's gonna be awesomebiggrin.gif


wonder how is the concept??huh.gif


yongseo couple forever!!fighting!!laugh.gif



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smmr, thanks for the info. yongseo must've been keeping track of their MV :wub: and they must've been happy & proud to see such overwhelming result~!

trent, thanks for pointing that out :) and thanks to u... i do feel a lot better! :phew: here's hoping for the best to uri yongseo~!

ichigo-channn *waves*... i love the wally~!!! thanks so much for it :wub:

yahhh now i'm anticipating for this saturday's upcoming ep! i wonder if WGM did film yongseo celebrating Christmas or exchanging Christmas gifts & air those footages in this sat's ep since it's said that we'll see the BTS of the Banmal Song making (besides, it's still Christmas this sat... hoping for some special! :phew: but if not i'm still grateful ^^). i'm really thankful that we didn't have a preview for the next ep... 'cause now we know the meaning of NO PREVIEW & that means we'll get something more special in return~! yayyyy~ WE LOVE U, PD-NIM!!!! :wub:


this has been edited too many times already so i'm moving them into a new post ^^ (besides,i ran out of emoticons & i feel weird if my post is without emoticons ... :P)

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Guest kiddywiddy






my 2nd time drop in here...


well the banmanl phenomena doest end yer then the DAEBAK new that i'va been waiting for the long time is poop out today..WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT(i think all the GO-CHUN lovers wiating for this)..


my eagerness to know what theme they take..what kind of dress that YONG pick for HYUN(i think most man in the world want their bride wears the dress that they pick by themself)..isn't all the CNBLUE and SNSD member are involve in the photoshoot..and many types of question comes out straigthly into my head non stop..huhuuu..


to ALL that make this thread running fastly since the banmal mv is out thank you and i have my fun time all the time read all the stuff..


to admin khamsahamida for make this thread running smoothly..


to the GOGUMA SHIPPER & LOVER -----> you guys are ROCKSSSSS <3.. :wub::D



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Guest kasia3goguma
































































Yongieaddict - I have no idea what will be the main concept but...
































Kekeke, just try to imagine what was going on in the photoshoot studio!w00t.gifblush.gif
































I think that the beginning of 2011 will be the most amazing time!
































Busan trip...Snowboard...Photoshoot...
































:wub: :wub::wub:
































Don't forget about the Youtube page!!! :rolleyes:
































Jnj - hehe, I agree, it would be impossible for them to greet us in every language, I can't even imagine how long the video would be :P

















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Guest IruNguyen

Hi guys,this's my 1st post here.Just want to share my artwork about YongSeo

The news make me so happy

wedding photo :x unbelievable :x

Thanks for all translator :x

Here's my pic,not well but i've tried my best


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aigooo thanks rxp & claude71 for the info~! after reading claude71's post, i'm feeling more sad than happy right now. to read this sentence hurts me a lot somehow --> Yongseo couple contract will only end earliest next year (mid)  :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































IDKW do i feel so anxious/upset/sad/gloomy when i think about the time that they'll end their contract. sigh, whatever happens... i wish them the best! i really hope they'll still at least be good friends... or even better, continue the special relationship that they have right now & bring it to a "higher level"  :wub:  YONGSEO HWAITING!!!  :tears:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don´t be sad, that doesn´t mean that they can´t sign another contract again, they only are telling us that we will have our YongSeo for sure until that date... Now is our turn to work harder, we must show to PDnim and YongSeo couple that we love them, support them, need them and that they need to stay in WGM ^^. To me, Adam couple is who gives me calm, because, while they still remain in the program,  there will always be a light for us that YongSeo can make it too... so let´s cheers for all couples in WGM, and let´s send all our love to YongSeo :wub:.

HI...FELLOW GOGUMAS (HI, MGA KAMOTE) <--- in tagalog word....(Pinoy Language)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi, sorry to cut your post but I´m really curious about

Kamote is the pinoy word for sweet potato?, because I´m from chile (spanish language) and we call sweet potato camote too.... I think it is very interesting ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So wedding photoshoot right??? OMG!, after seing that picture of YongSeo holding hands in Busan (thanks a lot to the goguma who posted it) I don´t know why but I felt that our Seolady is ready now, that pic is just... just... magical that made me think that they are ready to take this big step... so I´m happy and I definitively think that there will be a kiss ^^ (any class of it, but we will have one) hahaha...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo fighting!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: piano version of Banmal song... credits to smrr00 @youtube :wub:.

































































































































































































































































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these days is totally daebak!..indeed it is totally the turning point!..even for us sweet potato fans...
































































all the good news are just continually coming up... :wub:
































































im feeling that sweet potatoes are falling from the sky! :w00t: yummy!...
































































hope they could finally decide esp. to their management's to release a cd. :rolleyes:
































































i dont mind to those people who hate them because they are just insecure!...
































































for their wedding photoshoot.. i wish there is a beach scene because they usually go to the seashore and where their intimate skinships starts... :rolleyes:
































































also i want rocker husband and goddess wife!,, and farm style too
































































with the bro-inlaws & sis-laws... :wub:
































































i want something like these









































































































































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OMG. Really OMG!























So, it's not a rumor anymore?























Yay! Now, I can sleep at peace.























We've long waited for their wedding photoshoot to happen.























And now... :wub:






































@cedge Thanks for the guitar chords.























Now I can practice. :)






































And oh! Don't forget...



































Do drop by. Watch, like, comment. ;)












P.S. Hi to all fellow Filipino Gogumas! Fighting! :D





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jnj~!! yahhh u should use "we're in the same yacht" haha i kid u! anyways...*hi-5* :P but hey, cheer up! try read trent's post. it cheered me up somehow :phew: aigooo kamsahamnida trent!

shawie~!! although i'm still a bit sad but not as sad as just now, at least the news about the weddding photoshoot did cheer me up a bit ^^ ... u know what, i'm anticipating A KISS! :wub: crossing my fingers for that!


magdal~!! thanks so much for cheering me up! am soo touched tears.gif hehe u also feel that hyun is ready for any kind of kiss ehhh :w00t: IDKW, but i felt it when she was like almost leaning onto yong when they were browsing thru' the pics & also when she got a piggyback from yong :wub:

yahhh yoonggg, read ur buin's body language will ya... it's yearning for a kiss from u~! :w00t::wub:

btw, i know this is sooo outdated of me but does anyone have the link to the piano version of the banmal song... i'd like to DL the piano version ^^ (i just realized that i don't have it -.-")

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shawie~!! although i'm still a bit sad but not as sad as just now, at least the news about the weddding photoshoot did cheer me up a bit ^^ ... u know what, i'm anticipating A KISS! :wub: crossing my fingers for that!































































































































Sorry to cut your post Boo....that's the spirit Boo, let's not think about their contract yet.  Let us first enjoy this latest buzz  and be in go-chun like them :wub:  They just had, or is it still ongoing? their wedding shoot so let's celebrate with them....hehehe :rolleyes:  Kiss?  what's a wedding without it.....hehehe...I think a lot of us will go to go-chun if that ever happens...let's cross our fingers to that :D

































































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yatch is expensive, dreamy! MC Kim said so! :P:lol:

am not feeling sad, more like worry...but i've pushed that feeling far far away..

can't be feeling down now...now that we've lots of goodies in GO-CHUN!

ack! today's 29th Dec! there is an award show isn't?

i forgot what it is already...can we expect to see yongseo later?

magdal, dreamy, shawie,

u girls talking abt a kiss already?! wow!! just wow!! :w00t:

since yong blurted out the 'kiss me tonight',

maybe hyun's reply would be "i'm ready for this!" lol

even if its only a peck on the cheek, i'm sure it'll be nothing but daebak!

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magdal~ yeah kamote is pinoy word for sweet potato. And Philippines came from Spanish colonization, so the similarities in our language is not far.




Back to topic....




I'm more excited on what "friends" say on the behind the scenes on the upcoming episode than the actual MV itself. I think this will give more hints on what is actually going on between the couple. Well I hope, they really do gives us an hint about it.....  (Well I can dream, right?)


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Guest shawn_daebak












@ magdal
















yup... gogumas are (kamote in Tagalog) it from a spanish word...long story of history...(Phil-Spanish history)








well...fellow gogumas








in my perspective, as a man's perspective...








who can resist having a wedding photoshoot with a goddess(pure, lovely, and genius) like SEO JOO HYUN???








oh my gosh...








dont worry...











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Just 3 hours before Yongseo couple uploaded the Banmal song, I was explaining about the motive behind the banmal song and seems like Yonghwa's dream came through. My previous post on this would be kept in the spoiler below.






Yonghwa’s lyrics











hopefully we can be a banmal relationship











though still unnatural











rather than saying “gomawoyo”











let me hear more intimate words











we can have a banmal relationship











one step at a time, slowly walk closer











look at me in the eye











can you tell me











“I love you”






credits to shinhdeplol and gugumalove@tumblr






Seohyun’s lyrics











It's so hard for me to say 'thanks' or 'bye' to you [NOTE: these are informal words in Korean.]











All I can say is "thank you" or "thanks so much" [NOTE: these are formal words in Korean.]











Everything is brand new to me, so I'm a little unsure











How should I say it? It's still really awkward











Even today, I worry about it






Credits to MountainMadMan






When all the past episodes were played while Yonghwa was singing the banmal song, it seems like the PDnim seems to understand Yonghwa’s situation. The purpose of Yonghwa’s banmal song is an indirect message to Seohyun that I am waiting patiently till you get comfortable with me so that you can speak to me informally.






PDnim understands that right from episode 1, Yonghwa has asked Seohyun to drop the formalities or the honorifics but Seohyun rejected him and still choose to speak in a formal language for 10 months now. Yonghwa mentioned that they can further improve on their relationships if they talked to each other informally, he really wants the relationship to work out but at the same time he doesn’t want to force Seohyun.






He did the push and pull thing which is like a silent “protest” that she can’t speak banmal towards him but towards his cnblue members. But he realised he went overboard and resulted in her losing her trust in him. Seohyun asked him whether she should try speaking informally, but Yonghwa told her not to, he said that he is fine with it, he rather wait for her to feel more comfortable and speak to him informally when she is willing to.






I think deep inside his heart, he told her he didn’t mind her not speaking banmal towards him but actually he really wants it. Hence he has been dropping hints about speaking banmal and also composed the banmal song. This banmal song has expressed his troubles, he is quite distressed about them still speaking formally towards each other but at the same time he can’t force her to speak banmal to him. I would say that the banmal song is like a indirect message or maybe a test for her.






He told her to write the first verse which seems like a reply to his lyrics which was created first. Her reply is still a rejection to speak banmal to Yonghwa which is that she is really confused and she still feels awkward. She has considered tyring to speak banmal to Yonghwa but finds it quite hard to do so. She is worried and feels helpless, she doesn’t know what to do, to follow her principles or to make Yonghwa happy?






When I saw Yonghwa reading her lyrics which was an indirect reply to his question(lyrics) about whether she can start speaking banmal to him, his facial expression looks like he was thinking deeply and he seems to understand her situation now that she still really can’t speak banmal to him.






I am really thankful that Yonghwa is really patient towards Seohyun, when most couples get together, the first thing they do is to ask each other to drop the honorifics as seen in WGM season 1, Mnet Scandals and the new We Are Dating. For this couple, Seohyun has yet to drop the formalities which I think worries Yonghwa a lot, as he believes that a relationship should not have any formalities.






I believe with Yonghwa’s patience and subtle hints about speaking banmal and making Seohyun more comfortable, he will be able to see a surprise from Seohyun, which is Seohyun starting to speak banmal to Yonghwa at her own will.






Stay patient and determined Yonghwa!






Thanks for making Seohyun comfortable by making yourself “choding” as you try to lower your status so that she can laugh at you and feel comfortable.






P.S: I like how Yonghwa was shameless in today’s episode by saying, “what to do~ can I find a way to walk into your heart?” “ okay, you’re mine”. He is blatantly indirectly expressing his feelings towards her. He asked the question about whether he can enter her heart which sounded like he is not expecting an answer from Seohyun, he then answered his question and comforted himself by claiming that anyway Seohyun is mine. He reminds me of Joo Won in the Secret Garden drama.











Yongseo's Banmal song






I assume that since they have uploaded this video singing the Banmal song and Seohyun ending the video speaking informally with Yonghwa, Seohyun will start to speak Banmal to Yonghwa.






Seems like the problem of Seohyun not speaking Banmal to Yonghwa has been taken off from Yonghwa's mind which has been hovering in his mind for the past few months. I would see it as good news to both of them but I really wish that Seohyun would speak Banmal at her own will and not be pressured by the Banmal song, Yonghwa is not really forcing Seohyun to speak Banmal to him, he has been patient all these months and I guess he would also rather let Seohyun speak Banmal when she is comfortable.






About the wedding photo shoot, I have read in youtube comments and in here about a kiss between the Yongseo couple. I think they might kiss but not on the lips. Yonghwa who is a Busan gentleman, would definitely not take away her first kiss. He would think that it may be unfair towards her because they are in a contract marriage. Yonghwa would place her welfare and her concern first, so I guess he would do anything to make Seohyun comfortable and not do anything to make her feel uncomfortable and make her worry.






About the Banmal song, I am amazed by Yonghwa's talent of composing this song. He even used chords which I don't often play. But he inspired me to play this song on my guitar.






I like how he made the guide song with numerous falsetto in the chorus part, it makes the song lightweight and soothing. Adding Seohyun to harmonise with Yonghwa in the chorus was a great idea, from what I hear, she was singing 1 key higher than Yonghwa, hence it complements very well with Yonghwa's voice.






About Seohyun playing the guitar or not, I am still not sure if she did strum the strings, but she was pressing on Am. I guess the reason she is playing the guitar is like adding a "accompany" guitar, sometimes there is a main guitarist playing the main chords of the song and an "accompany gutiarist".






I really hope that there will be an extended version of the Banmal song, with a bridge in the song, I am definitely willing to pay for a song composed by the talented Yongseo.






EDIT: Is the moderator able to transfer the first post of this soompi thread to an active soompi member as the first post is still not updated? It would be great if the thread title could be changed to Yongseo couple since intitally we didn't know what name to call them, so we voted Seohwa couple way before their episodes were aired as Yongseo couple. When people google about Yongseo as the keywords, they would be able to find this soompi thread. The first post should also have a summary of the couple's videos and some other blog links and Yongseo fan fictions, it would be useful to people who are new to Yongseo.



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Guest fabiistar07












OMO!!! has this not been the best week ever?!!!! :D




first : no wgm preview, but the BaaaM! mv for the banmal song comes out!!




i've been watching it soo many times and i'm still not tired of it




and now the wedding photoshoot!! :w00t:




i almost died when i saw these news




even if some are saying it may not be true, there seems to be more possitive comments about it




and it has to happen one day right? ;)




i can't wait to see it!! i want soshi unnies and cn blue oppas to be there like a big happy family




this is a GO-CHUN week! Let's enjoy it to the fullest! :D





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Guest lindayeahyeah
























Oh fellow gogumas, I am crying as I am typing this. Before I go any further I love yongseo so so much. I just read on dc and I am in some way, a harbringer of bad news. Brace youselves goguma.








1) YongSeo will not perform BanMal at any of the Gayo award shows.








2) SNSD will prerecord their segment for tomorrow's SBS Gayo which Yonghwa is hosting including the special maknae stage which means no Yongseo moments.








3) The wedding episode.. and it breaks my heart to say this but I have read from dcmarried that it is the final episode and here is their final schedule as their 1 yr contract with MBC expires Feb 27th, 1 yr to the date of their first episode. I don't know why there is no renewal probably due to their busy commitments which seem the most likely with SNSD looking to further in Japan.








And heres the final schedule lineup of YongSeo... Aww my tears are coming out...








Jan 1st -  Making of BanMal MV








Jan 8th - Busan Filming 1/3








Jan 15th - Busan Filming 2/3








Jan 22nd - Busan Filming 3/3








Jan 29th - Skiing 1/2








Feb 5th - Skiing 2/2








Feb 12th - Wedding preparation 1/2








Feb 19th - Actual wedding








Feb 26th - Final goodbye probably flashbacks from the past episodes








Oh I can't stop crying now... This is so sad, I am sure the final epi Seo will bawl her eyes out after Yong taught her so much. Oh I really hope they do film a season 2 in the future. Oh one delightful xmas present in the form of the banmal MV and now a crushing heartbreak.








Gogumas....... Oh my tears are dropping... I don't what else to type. Stay strong but now its so hard to take.









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cd dc

aigoo..are they seriously in a virtual marriage when yong is staring at buin like that?

her eyes or her luscious lips....u decide yong...lol

no one has ever imagine to write a song on banmal and turned it into a hit!

yong, u're a genius!

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Guest lexi_yOongSeeororo






I don't want yongseo wgm to end...


Not this soon!


I'm seriously mad right now and about to burst into tears


no yongseo every sat to look forward to?


Just when their episodes are getting sweeter and sweeter....waaaaaaah cinchia...


what a bad start to our year....



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