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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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List of articles regarding the release:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some articles say they'll show the BTS of the video on Saturday.

































































































































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Guest LJH_Helen


OMG!!  i don't know where to start.  i don't even know what to say.  I've been spazzing like crazy, smiling and clapping at the same time. w00t.gif






i stayed up very late this morning.. like 2-3 hours before the video was uploaded.  and now here i am, 10pages behind in our thread.. i really shouldn't have slept at all.. hehebiggrin.gif






this is indeed a wonderful Christmas gift to all of us.




i love the song, love the meaning, love the stares, love their "babies", i love everything.  Yong was a bit serious in the first few part, i guess he's really trying so hard to suppress his smile. but then he looks at Hyun..wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif




Seriously, if there is really nothing going on between this two; then i don't know what to think anymore.  Yong and Hyun, just please announce it already.  blush.gif With the love of all yongseo shippers around the world, i dont think it will be hard for you guys to go out for real, don't you think?wink.gif


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hello everyone! i have a teary eyes now watching them for 30x my heart is full of happiness!!! their voice are perfectly harmonized! need t download the mp3 version!!! PD's WGM staff let them have a live performance please!!!
































YONG-SEO! continue to support and love each other!!! we as your fan love you both more! no matter what i'll be here for both of you!!! you bring so much joy in my heart!!!

































































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FINALLY..... i'm off from work, my office block the youtube so i cannot watch it for whole day!!!!!! when i knew the song already on youtube 'm alredy at the office, and not being able to watch it makes me not focus all day at work hehe and now i'm home finally able to watch it yay.... (the song really makes this treads alive !!!)









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Guest YukiAgne




Let's go back from the beginning....until now...






and how they PIGGYBACK each other!!!






See the difference from back then and right now?? kekekeke








even Hyun's sisters agree....kekeke



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It's been a long time since I posted here! It's really good news for me when I woke up tis morning.
































































































































































































































The mv came as a surprise! I love the fact is a simple mv with no glamorous effects no acting but just plain idea of sitting down and singing the banmal song.
































































































































































































































Yong n Hyun. The looks on yr face definitely tell us something is gg on between u 2. And there's tis part where Hyun lean forward, it really looks like they gg to kiss alr. How sweet can they get :) the last phrase-saranghae.... Awww so sweet :)
































































































































































































































Thanks wgm pd n staff for making tis misson! Thank you :) x100000000.
































































































































































































































Have been refreshing my YouTube page since morning till now. We goguma family is just daebak! So many views since the video was uploaded less than a day.THE POWER OF YONGSEO!

































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Guest lovely_ocean
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I didn't post here for such a long time but I came out because I am so happy and so upset at the same time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































panmal song is such a beautiful song, it has a great vibe because it was composed by Yonghwa and written by Yonghwa & Seohyun. Their voices just much beatifully and perfectlly.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What I upset about is MBC
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa is not on the MBC rookier award nominee list, only him out of 6 wgm members. pretty disgraceful of MBC, honestly speaking.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DC yongseo fan thinks this must be something to do with him took MC role with SBS. and as he is with small music company nobody helped him unlike Adam's male artist.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To show MBC how much Yonghwa and Seohyun are loved, please vote them for the best couple award, if you have a cyworld account.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If not, please keep watching this video and show them our love.

































































































































































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun

I didn't post here for such a long time but I came out because I am so happy and so upset at the same time.

panmal song is such a beautiful song, it has a great vibe because it was composed by Yonghwa and written by Yonghwa & Seohyun. Their voices just much beatifully and perfectlly.

What I upset about is MBC

Yonghwa is not on the MBC rookier award nominee list, only him out of 6 wgm members. pretty disgraceful of MBC, honestly speaking.

DC yongseo fan thinks this must be something to do with him took MC role with SBS. and as he is with small music company nobody helped him unlike Adam's male artist.

To show MBC how much Yonghwa and Seohyun are loved, please vote them for the best couple award, if you have a cyworld account.

If not, please keep watching this video and show them our love.

I was beyond thrilled when i saw uri Seobaby nominated, but when I saw that Yonghwa wasn't...that joy completely vanished. That's just pretty low of MBC. Can they be more obvious?!!! Yonghwa fighting! You don't need a nomination/trophy to gain the title of Husband of the Year, and I'm 100 % sure your wife agrees! I could picture her now..pouting and all when she realized your name wasn't on that list <3

With that out of my chest... party on gogumas! Keep refreshing...show MBC the power of GOGUMAS!!!!

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Guest The Hamzter
















































Am I a bad person for ACTIVELY searching on YouTube to see if people uploaded our dear couples video? *quoted image* Well anyway, gogumas, we have a few already *quoted image*
































Re-up #1
































Re-up #2
































Re-Up #3
































































Please, EVERYONE, flag the re-ups as Spam/Fraud because we can't report third-party copyright claims.
































































Well, on a happier note, I literally almost DIED when I saw the video. AHHHHHHHHHH*quoted image**quoted image*































































This must be a Joke right! the guyz that your flagging are probably the same guyz that sub and upload WGM episodes for you to watch via Yutube all the time. this same guys take and upload WGM and risk a ban on there accounts so they can show us goguma every week so please people dont be hypocritz! WGM is a show within korea and have a copyright worldwide. so please people before you report think carefully who subs your sweet potato vidz, people like KDR and RDR teams should be thank not burned by your Hypocrisy
































i support the official sweet potato link but at the same time will not re report some1 just because they reposted the link if i do that we uploaders of WGM will be as guilty as they are!
































Jessica Kwon 권 제 시 카 TV

















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Remember the time when Seohyun accidently clicked the kangaroo character for the fighting game on the train? My guess is that Seohyun or Yonghwa must have clicked Hongkong wrongly at 3am when they were setting up the account and uploading the vid. Expect the unexpected from uri Couple.









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Guest miel_1301









Remember the time when Seohyun accidently clicked the kangaroo character for the fighting game on the train? My guess is that Seohyun or Yonghwa must have clicked Hongkong wrongly at 3am when they were setting up the account and uploading the vid. Expect the unexpected from uri Couple.
















Hahaha! This had me cracking up redtulip.
















Okay! _d3seohyun has her own decoding of the sweetpotato4339 username and while you, redtulip, has your own rationalization on why the account is under HongKong. Now, can anyone decipher why 19 years old as the age in the profile?
















_d3seohyun, re MBC Rookie Award Nomination, like you I am pretty much dismayed by the fact that YongHwa (out of the 6 WGM participants] is the only one not in the list of Nominees for the individual category. Our happiness about uri Seobaby being nominated for the female category seemed INCOMPLETE without her "Better-Half" also being in the Male category. But when I let reason rule over my emotion, I guess it might have something to do with the fact that YongHwa seemed pretty much being "identified" with SBS Station--- with him having SBS Inkigayo, NAN and his occasional guestings in Running Man. You know how it, still, is about "Broadcast/TV Stations" Competition factoring out. Just my 2 cents here.
















I am right now camping at twitville and at youtube and every now and then skimming through our soompi thread.
















The Power of YongSeo Couple is truly formidable.
















Even if we, International fans, can not vote for our YongSeo Couple for "Best Couple" Award in the upcoming MBC Entertainment Awards, we can however show our tremendous strength by supporting the "YongSeo Banmal Song Video".









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Guest zztingling
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I kept grinning nonstop when i saw the video!! So amazingly compatible & sweet couple, arent they? :wub::wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































Seohyun looks so pretty in the video...Yonghwa cute too. Hopefully, they're a couple in reel & real life!!! Ho ho ho w00t.gifw00t.gif
































































































































































































































































By the way,i feel that you guys shouldnt worry about the antis, who have voted the video as "Dislikes".
































































































































































































































































Statistics-wise, the antis do not even add up to 1%!!! The insignificant minority!! hee hee phew.gifphew.gifphew.gif
































































































































































































































































So what's there to worry? No matter how good a couple is, there's bound to be people who dislike or complain.....Well, this isn't a perfect world...We can't please everyone!! Needless to say, why should anyone worry about the insignificant <1%?!!!! :lol::lol:

































































































































































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan







@Miel. Well 19 is SH is international age, if you open an account in YT you have to use your year of birth and YT will count in the international age format... so maybe SH opened the account :)





On the other hand, I cant stop watching the official video. I am just so happy. This can be our gift to them, since we cant show the goguma powers in the awards.





Lets keep the support and lets try to be nice gogumas to the antis... we should keep our head high.





Happy Spazzing!!!


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To lovely_ocean....so sad to read your post and yes it's kinda frustrating to know that Yong is not nominated on the show because of his hosting stint with the rival network as what have been mentioned on one of the post I've read here also.  But, I guess that's how their business goes, though it's funny and unfair, and pretty shallow for a basis. And though it can be painful on Yong's ego.  An award/nomination, I guess shouldn't be a basis for one's popularity.  Awarding giving bodies criteria for judging is sometimes questionable.  What's important, is that Yong has all the love and respect from his avid followers,  other celebrities may have all the awards that they can get, but, do they have wonderful fans like us Goguma's?  I DON'T THINK SO <_<.  If the award is so important, then maybe every goguma will give him one in all shapes and sizes. hehehehe.... As a last thought, I think, Yong, wouldn't mind at all that he is not nominated on that awarding ceremony or if he cannot get an award, cause, he has already won the biggest award in his lifetime, his one and only buin, Hyun....don't you think? :wub:









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Just want to let this out, i am very much disappointed with MBC right now because it was only Yong who wasn't nominated on that rookie award. But hey, we must not let that news bring us down, We must show MBC that Yong deserves to be one of the nominees by showing how popular our couple is, that without Yong there wouldn't be Yongseo who is now getting tons of love by their international goguma fans. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas let us show how powerful we are kekeke tongue.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































JUST POSTING THIS ONCE AGAIN to keep the views,likes and comments coming~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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*edit*the views have now reached 170000+ ..yeah!*edit*




love love love!

everybody clap clap clap!




wonder wat yong and hyun will look like if the views reach 1 million..?(its a possibility considering that when i first watched the vid this morning..its still 300+ and now its 170000+)




now lets continue to show them all the power of goguma love!





*edit* omooooooooooo...its 220000 now!..lets make the number higher! as yong hwa said in love...they make us high!


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Guest miel_1301









@Miel. Well 19 is SH is international age, if you open an account in YT you have to use your year of birth and YT will count in the international age format... so maybe SH opened the account :)
















Haiz! My bad! That slipped my mind as I was thinking of SeoHyun in terms of her Korean age [being 20 years old]. Pabo me!
















Thanks kerube-chan for filling-in such input.
































KUDOS...HATS OFF to PD Kang [YongSeo Couple's WGM PD] for having come up with this brilliant idea--- with this mission to upload their Banmal Song at Youtube for the whole world to see, to listen to and to enjoy. This scheme/method I guess has been arrived at by the WGM YongSeo Staff to assess the acceptance albeit popularity of the YongSeo Couple outside Korea--- amongst the International viewers. And we International Gogumas will never fail them, right?









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omg i just fainted with this fanart borrowed from jungyonghwa dcgallery
































































































































































































cr: as tagged
































































































































































































































































































































































































and to kill you once again:
































































































































































































































































































































































































the multifaceted Yong-nampeyeun (sp?)
































































































































































































Hyun-buin is so lucky!

































































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woah 200.000++ viewer already... selamat, chukae, omedetou, congratulation,... 































































































































































































































































It's good to see the love for our couple from gogumas all over the world. Just ignore the hater, antis, the disliker, i think they didn't even watch or just watch ep 1 of our couple. If they watch them, i think they will fall in love with our couple too. Because our couple has charms.































































































































































































































































Ok i want to post something random, some of you said that their 'baby' is the avatar dragon, but i think their baby is the little elephant
































































































































































































































































































































































































jnj : just refreshing the page after you watch the vid and refresh again. to see the actual viewer you can search 































































































































반말송 and it will give you the actual number

































































































































































































































































































































































































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