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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Thank you!! :D




In case it's a little complicated to follow ..




To sign up ...




CLICK Foreigner Living Abroad > CLICK to check mark the 2 boxes > CLICK the purple box below that > fill up all your info




aisuo415 thanks for the spoiler .. i'll c if i can vote now ^^




Gogumas start to vote!




I'd love for our couple to win, even if they don't they're still winners to me ^_^







you can joing imbc site this way




but foreigners can't vote because




voting is through cyworld




and in order to log-in w/ cyworld you need a Korean phone number




which international fans don't have




it is true what aisou415 reported that Khuntoria Naver (?) cafe is helping their international fans but I feel kind of bad If I were to use their help and not vote for Khuntoria




maybe Goguma fans can help out in a similar fashion?





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Guest fabiistar07












rxp080100 : ohh i see, i took a peek at it, and was about to sign up until i saw that you needed a korean cell number <_<




yeah, i'd feel bad if i did that too, hopefully some korean gogumas can help international fans too ^^





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Guest haemin13
























































it is true what aisou415 reported that Khuntoria Naver (?) cafe is helping their international fans but I feel kind of bad If I were to use their help and not vote for Khuntoria
















































maybe Goguma fans can help out in a similar fashion?































































































accdg to some info's voting as foreigner won't do, yeah, korean khuntoria are helping intl fans to vote, hope we find korean yongseo-shippers to help us as well









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Guest baby_bo































































































































































C: 정바바예투
















































































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Guest YukiAgne


I'm back!!! Woah!!! Many comments!! :D




Can somebody tell me where to vote?? already sign up but ottoke??! don't know where to vote... :'(




Seohyun and Yonghwa Fighting!!


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Happy Holidays, GOGUMAS!!!




















I've updated my fanfic, DESTINED TO LOVE YOU... with part 2




















Here it is... Chapter 18, PART 2: http://www.soompi.com/forums/topic/348764-destined-to-love-you/page__view__findpost__p__16763230




















Thank you for your patience... Happy reading...

























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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































SeoHyun in Japan Today....Ring Ding Dong :wub:
































































































































Cr : as tagged + Cap by Me

































































































































































































































































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Guest eishazumi










tried to register but fail many times already. what to do??? oh i really want to participate.















just keep " your password didn't match"















of there's any Goguma Korean fans out there please  help us!










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...dead. Seohyun, ah Seo Joohyun. Really. XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, I think you can vote using Cyworld. Now if you know anyone who has an account there. Try asking. But here's soompi's tutorial for it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Haven't tried.

































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Guest SophiaPia












Season's Greetings to all :)

















Thanks so much baby_bo and CheriMerci yesssssss! it's back, Yeah baby! wub.gifwub.gif

















Thank you to all of you who continue sharing screen caps, mtv, news, translations, fanfic, fancam, all about our lovely YongSeo couple. Kamsahamnida to every one. As always, Saturday paliiiiiiiii. 








Thanks to Kubih for posting the schedule for mbc. yes! confirm we got wgm this Christmas day. That will be a lovely Christmas present to have YongSeo couple on Christmas day and New Year's day. 








Happy Birthday to Coolmute on Christmas day. Saranghae Cool.








Cheers to YongSeo couple. Cheers every one






























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Guest liliz76
































Hello ! Goguma Fan :) I'm here because i want to share with you what i am thinking about what khuntoria fans are doing....
















Adam Couple Korean fans vote
















YongSeo Korean fans vote
















Khuntoria Korean + International vote
















Anyone thinks like me, that this is really unfair?!?!
















We are not in Korea so we don't know how is the real popularity of all the couple!
















I was telling myself that this will be a "good" test . I was really hoping that this will be fair vote, and reflect the reality!!!But now....thanks to khuntoria's fan ..... :tears:
















Just want to know what you are thinking about that..??
















We (Adam Couple) decided to not do it,only REAL korean vote...









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Guest bezbezbez




















Good Morning Gogumas!!!






































First of all, Happy Holidays!!!






































Now, I'm going to say my piece on the issue of some International fans voting for the couple they ship through the help of some Korean fans by giving them Korean Phone Numbers. I feel that this act is so cheap because why couldn't they just trust how the poll will go. Don't they trust their fellow fans who are residing in Korea? It feels like they are so desperate to win.






































The poll was meant just to see who holds the biggest impact on the Korean Public and it doesn't mean that if you'll lose, you'll get eliminated from WGM. People are taking the poll too seriously that they don't even consider whether their actions are right or wrong. Let me say this, no matter how rampant a bad deed is, it'll never be right in this eyes of the people around.






































No matter how they try to rationalize their actions, they did it already and the thought of cheating came into their minds. The only thing they can do now is stop and say sorry to the people involved on the issue instead of saying that asking for forgiveness is too much and that if we, YongSeo fans, have the connection we will do it too or worse we are also doing it but we do it in private. You're doing double jeopardy here man, you're the one who made the mistake but you're trying to put the blame on us? How can you even think of other people that way.






































YongSeo fans have always respected every fanbase. We might have antis, but we still treat them as part of our big YongSeo World, but we have never blamed anyone on our personal mistakes. We take actions to it as matured people and solve them in our own way without involving other parties not involved.






































To the GOGUMAS out there, let's stay positive on this poll. I already sent a message on a K-GOGUMA respresentitive to cheer them. up. That's all we can do guys, to support them while they are doing their best for YongSeo. The pressure is really on them, but I believe we can ease by keeping the playing field under control and safe from those who are tempted to cheat. To all who have connections at Baidu, please tell them to not even think of cheating. We prefer to lose graciously than to win this poll and hurt a lot of people and damage the good image of YongSeo couple and all the GOGUMAS.






































I RESPECT the KHUNTORIA, I LAUGH for the ADAM couple, BUT I only LOVE and SHIP for YONGSEO!!!!!












Fighting Gogumas!!!!!





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guys take a look at this cute goguma vid






it's made by a korean (?) yongseo fan






encouraging international fans to vote






it's so cute!






(YongSeo Couple) 2010 Best Couple Vote Promotion VID


















cr: dcmarried






such a cute, heartwarming message for international fans!






if you can follow the directions from the Soompi Cyworld signup thread 






i say go for it!






Gogumas Fighting!



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Hello ! Goguma Fan :) I'm here because i want to share with you what i am thinking about what khuntoria fans are doing....
































































































































Adam Couple Korean fans vote
































































































































YongSeo Korean fans vote
































































































































Khuntoria Korean + International vote
































































































































Anyone thinks like me, that this is really unfair?!?!
































































































































We are not in Korea so we don't know how is the real popularity of all the couple!
































































































































I was telling myself that this will be a "good" test . I was really hoping that this will be fair vote, and reflect the reality!!!But now....thanks to khuntoria's fan ..... :tears:
































































































































Just want to know what you are thinking about that..??
































































































































We (Adam Couple) decided to not do it,only REAL korean vote...































































































































































































































































I admire your decision not to join the voting. I agree that voting should be fair to all. In statistics, the international votes for the VK couple would be considered invalid.
































































































































The only thing that we can do is to inform MBC about this. Also we can write to allkpop regarding to what is happening. This is to stop the voting process before results get skewed. Maybe they could have a separate voting for international fans.
































































































































However, if we can't do that, we can do either the following:
































































































































Adam and YongSeo international fans should vote as well since we can't stop VK international fans.
































































































































































































































































Support Adam and YongSeo Korean fans and asked them to vote for our respective couples and tell them what's happening. I'm sure we have connections to them.
































































































































With these choices, the most decisive is the cooperation between our respective fan groups. nazweena, genxv, bezbezbez, how can we contact fans from dcgall or any Korean forum group for our couple? Maybe we could ask j2dlee, Mountainmadman, my.yonghwa.baby to translate our messages to them.
































































































































If we can't do any of these, let us just freeze the latest results:
































































































































Adam couple is leading over YongSeo couple by almost 400 votes and YongSeo couple is leading over Khuntoria couple by more than 1,100 votes. At least we know the real Korean score.
































































































































EDIT: oopss..bezbezbez, you already cheered on our Korean gogumas! thanks! please encourage them more and relay what is happening (or teach us how to contact them). we don't want to take things too seriously but we want to show our support to Yong and Hyun and make sure MBC gets this.

































































































































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hi all... with regards to the error that you might make after registering on iMBC especially about the password, try to have your password with both letters and numbers? i got error a couple of times but then when i change my password to include numbers as well, it worked.

on another note, i love all three couples but of cos YongSeo the most. it's great if YongSeo win the award but to me there are already the best couple so won't make a difference to me. however, having said that... like a few or maybe more than few, i think it's only fair that we do it the proper way. let the k-gogumas vote as it's only open for those who live in korea. if others want to do it another way then go ahead. we know the real score. that's me.

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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi Gogumas, try to get a korean Cyworld account. It is not strictly for korean citizens.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Alot of foreigners have cyworld accounts.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm a foreigner and I have one. I got mine years ago though.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Back then, we had to send in some sort of identification document.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's not difficult, just scan any identification card or passport of yours and send it in with the foreigner application. They are pretty efficient too. Someone already posted the soompi Cyworld tutorial.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please try your best (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can someone please post the voting link again? I can't find it. Thanks <3

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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^ Here's the link: http://www.cyworld.com/cyevent/2010_mbc/main.asp
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, I'm kinda confused on this International fans voting issue. I can ask help from a Seohyun fansite but what should I tell?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I visited Khuntoria thread and they're talking about this issue if they should still vote or not.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I believe in the power of Yongseo's powerful eyeship.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































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Guest constantia11






Thanks MountainMadman & WendyLoveSoshi for translating :)




@Dreamyboo : Yes I was watching Oh My School too hehe, for those who missed it & wanna watch the eng sub version of KBS World, they are going to repeat this show again tonite 10.20pm Jkt time; it's funny that in Korea, this show is shown at the same time WGM is shown, if I'm not wrong. But it was interesting to see that ppl that's closer to Yong were in the Yes panel of announcing dating publicly (Simon D & HongKi) and the ppl that's closer to Hyun were in the No panel of announcing dating publicly (EunHyuk & MinHo)




Already loving the banmal song, can't wait for Saturday, wish everyone here a merry xmas :)






I watched the episode too last night.

I already know that Simon D has revealed his relationship with his girlfriend, but I was surprised that Hongki was also in the Yes panel.

How I wish that Yong was guesting there so we would know which panel he would choose.


Regarding international fans can't vote for Best Couple, I'm so disapointed.

Is there any way we could contribute to make Yongseo voted as the best couple?


Love the ring ding dong pictures of Hyun.

It put my heart in ease a little bit (sorry for the non-ring stalker).




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