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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest shane09

















































































































































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Guest Caliope






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Thank you so much for the subs: WendyLoveSoshi, trxk, myyonghwababy and rainypark.




Can't wait the next episode.... :w00t:




What is the mission?




- Wedding Photos


- Parental permission


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Guest glennpaulo











What is the mission?




- Wedding Photos




- Parental permission







for wedding photos, i don't know either but there's  a possibility, but base from there reaction maybe not.




for parental permission, maybe not because both of them are puzzled after seeing the mission, we know that they are only head to busan. why yong is also puzzled.




One of the post here saying that there's a possibility that mission card is saying that they need to perform their duet song in one of the MBC show. I think there's  is a high chance that it could be the reason.




This only my opinion, im also hoping that one of your guest is the truth behind those reaction. I'm also puzzled from their reaction because this is the first time seeing them with that reaction over the mission.





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Guest desirenhope
















































































































































the thread is a little slow today isn't it?
































































































































Anyways I was browsing through Youtube and found some audio's from CN Blue's concert yesterday.
































































































































If you thought LoveLight was awesome as it is, wait till you hear Lovelight with the accompaniment of Saxophone. Even sexier and nicer.































































































































































































































































Credits to dc jyh & codenamekaos
































































































































I wish Seohyun attended the concert so she could listen to this awesome new version of Lovelight.









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If people are wondering why YongSeo wanted to go to Italy, better read & watch Calm & Passion. I believe YongSeo wants to meet after 10 years
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This person quoted the few lines from the interview
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Interviewer:Do you usually read?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa:yes, recently, i read a lot .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's the influence from hyun buin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and he said, I especially loved "flying trapeze" (another japanese novel)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and also "calm and passion" which i read in only one day
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They want to go to Firenze Duomo, which is in Italy!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will indulge myself with this 11th wish.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is what I came up with Calm and Passion's summary:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Korean Title: Naengjung-gwa Yeoljeong Sa-i































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Author: Ekuni Kaori, Tsuji Hitonari































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translator: Nanju Kim, Eok-gwan Yang































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Publisher: Sodam































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































188*128mm; 2 Volumes





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Two lovers promise to meet ten years later when they parted at 20. What has become of them during the ten years' period? Two books published by Sodam, "Between Calm and Passion-Rosso" and "Between Calm and Passion-Blu," reveal their ten-year long story. Interestingly, female novelist Ecuni Gaori has written heroine Junsei's stories in 'Rosso' and male novelist Chuzi Hitonari, hero Aoi's stories in 'Blu.' At last, Aoi and Junsei meet again but reach different decisions: Aoi wants to re-start his love with Junsei but she realizes that she has to bury their love in her heart. It is fine to read two books separately but would be the best way to read them alternately as they were serially published.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Calm and Passion Summary































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seems like it has a sad ending though fitting for our YongSeo if they have promised themselves to meet each other in Florence 10 years from now. It's perfect. By that time they must have achieved much in their career and SeoHyun would be 30, which is the right time for her to be in a serious relationship (in one variety program, she said that marrying should be around that age). Rabid fans should have matured by then, as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm just really wondering if they were the ones who wrote the 11th wish. Seems like it's Yong's handwriting, comparing it with his apology letter to Hyun when he misplaced her first letter.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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ahhh kumawo my.yonghwa.baby, synykiss, caliope and everyone who brings here all the YongSeo goodies ^^, thank you so much for links, pics (_d3, annann, everyone), gifs (shane09), news and all...
















I just heard the "feel the blue" version of lovelight and I´m dying to get the fancam ^^, that is wife song :wub:.
















What would it be the secret mission?, I don´t have a clue... and why they needed to wait until 9 pm?, maybe it is something romantic ^^ kekekeke.
















I was watching inkigayo cuts and I really want to understand this, MC cuts starting at 1:35 cause Sully said SNSD and looked at Yong and after she stoped talking he said Sullishi... CN blue! hahaha, someone can help me? please :sweatingbullets:.
















Thank you so much gogumas!!! stay in Go-chun :wub:





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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Just wanna share my few favorite moments in latest episode :




- When Yong and Hyun sat together and looked at the photos. Their faces were so close, if i were Yong i'd fainted just in few secs w00t.gif




- When Hyun stole glances at music producer Yong, she must be admired her husband so much. I gues this is the first time i saw Hyun stole glances at Yong. It's Yong most of the time w00t.gif




- The Frozen Hyun and Kiss Me Tonight are pure EPIC wub.gif




Can't say anything but Thank You for all translators, subbers, timers, reporters, fanfic writers, uploaders, and lovers of this heaven made couplewub.gif 



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Guest scatterbrain

the synopsis that aisuo415 is the movie version. think it's a bit different with with the novel version

Between Calm and Passion:2-volume set(rosso+blu)

Korean Title: Naengjung-gwa Yeoljeong Sa-i

Author: Ekuni Kaori, Tsuji Hitonari

Translator: Nanju Kim, Eok-gwan Yang

Publisher: Sodam

188*128mm; 2 Volumes

Two lovers promise to meet ten years later when they parted at 20. What has become of them during the ten years' period? Two books published by Sodam, "Between Calm and Passion-Rosso" and "Between Calm and Passion-Blu," reveal their ten-year long story. Interestingly, female novelist Ecuni Gaori has written heroine Junsei's stories in 'Rosso' and male novelist Chuzi Hitonari, hero Aoi's stories in 'Blu.' At last, Aoi and Junsei meet again but reach different decisions: Aoi wants to re-start his love with Junsei but she realizes that she has to bury their love in her heart. It is fine to read two books separately but would be the best way to read them alternately as they were serially published.


:tears: why the book sounded so sad.

if this is really the book that makes yong and hyun want to visit firenze duomo, wonder what inspire them? do they want to be like the characters in the novel, to promise to each other that when WGM ends, they will meet again in italy. but unlike the ending in the novel, they are determined to create a happy ending.

feeling so melancholic at the moment.

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Guest glennpaulo








I was watching inkigayo cuts and I really want to understand this, MC cuts starting at 1:35 cause Sully said SNSD and looked at Yong and after she stoped talking he said Sullishi... CN blue! hahaha, someone can help me? please :sweatingbullets:.




Thank you so much gogumas!!! stay in Go-chun :wub:







Sulli said the list of performer SNSD, then she became confused of what she should tell first FT, 2am, FT island then she purposely not to mention CNBLUE then yonghwa tell her CNBLUE also. That's what i understand. 





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I was watching inkigayo cuts and I really want to understand this, MC cuts starting at 1:35 cause Sully said SNSD and looked at Yong and after she stoped talking he said Sullishi... CN blue! hahaha, someone can help me? please :sweatingbullets:.




















Thank you so much gogumas!!! stay in Go-chun :wub:







































I believe they were talking about the special for next week. Sulli named all these artists including SNSD, but didn't mention CNblue. So Yonghwa just slyly reminded her -lol-




















Scatterbrain, thanks for the summary of the novel. It sounds quite sad, actually. Though I don't think that Yonghwa and Seohyun have promised each other to meet after 10 years. That's quite a bit of time and though it sounds all romantic and stuff, I don't see the need for them to wait 10 years longer :lol: maybe they just want to visit it and 10 years from now visit it again together? I wonder what it is about the novel that they find so special to even put it on their list. Maybe I've heard too many stories alike that it isn't that extraordinary anymore haha




















About the mission; am I the only one here who doesn't think it'll be performing the song? The latest episode was shot somewhere in November. Though it isn't such a long time ago, still wouldn't they have done it by now? There might be a chance the mission is to perform it on a Christmas Special or something, but that wouldn't explain their reactions. If you compare it to their reactions to their first duet, it's just different lol





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glennpaulo, aisou... thank you so much ^^, then we are having more goguma heaven next week!! kyaaaaaaaaaa :wub:... anyway it is cute Sulli´s reaction at SNSD name hahaha :rolleyes:.
































































































































Guys I know that our sun_sun, and mountainmadman are busy this week but what about J2dlee? I just hope that she doesn´t think that we don´t need her anymore :tears:, cause we need all of you guys!!!! please keep your work coming, we love what you do for us :wub:.
































































































































That book sounds sad, very sad... ains... I preffer to think that since they are artists, they are just in love with the romantic landscape :rolleyes:.
































































































































Thanks again gogumas, you all are jjang!

































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Guest bluemoonlight
































































































































I watched the movie, "Calmi Cuori Appassionati" (Between Calmness and Passion) that was based on the book a long time ago and loved it. The main actor, Yutaka Takenouchi is one of my favorite Japanese actors. The movie's cinematography was breathtakingly beautiful. I can see why Yong & Hyun would want to go to Florence...I do too! From the summary of the books, it sounds quite sad. The movie had its sad moments, but it has a happy ending! So, if fellow Gogumas are worried, don't be...the movie has a happy ending and so will Yong and Hyun! :wub:

















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annyeong everyone! this new episode is daebak! in the preview there was minhyuk and jonghyun sitting the in the room with our cute couple but it wasn't shown at all. i wish they did not cut that. i love the interaction between the boys and Hyun. apart from that, i think most of the sweet parts are already mentioned so i better not repeat myself again. can't wait for the next episode, i hope they are showing it since it's Christmas next week.

About the mission; am I the only one here who doesn't think it'll be performing the song? The latest episode was shot somewhere in November. Though it isn't such a long time ago, still wouldn't they have done it by now? There might be a chance the mission is to perform it on a Christmas Special or something, but that wouldn't explain their reactions. If you compare it to their reactions to their first duet, it's just different lol

aisuo415: sorry to cut your post short. i actually don't think it's performing too. had this wildest idea...did any of you remember the killer couple (son dambi and marco) from season 1? one of the episode, dambi got a mission of her own whereby she is suppose to get or give a kiss to marco before the clock strikes 12... hahaha just a thought there because, our sweet couple's reaction is like OMO! so it just came up...hahaha! :lol:

oh before i forget again, think there are fancams that show Yong wearing the couple ring during rehearsal rite? check out this fanfic titled Couple Ring by dhiey23 from gogumafics. after seeing the fancam, it made me think of this story. read and you will know what i mean.

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Hi, annyeong.. just want to share something..
































































I Don't Know Why (DJ Yonghwa) - 2nd concert : Feel The Blue..
































































I Don't Know Why (DJ YongHwa)
































































Credits to dc jyh & codenamekaos
































































He show the DJ skill to his wife.. - I don't know why
































































































































































































































































wow!! So lovely if he can share everything with 'buin' first...
































































(miyanhe .. for the bad english)
































































edit : pinkypanther - ohhh chinchaaa... Really? oohhh.. Thanks for the info

































































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This episode was so……heartwarming!

It feels good to see them so close, so comfortable with each other.

Joking, flirting, teasing each other, Hyun is so happy and comfortable now with Yong Choding.  She gets it, she understands his humor and enjoys it, even participates with him in his jokes.  Before she was like – ehhh?  Now ….it’s so funny!

Seohyun is so awesomely pretty in this episode.   I’m sure they both get clothes, cell phones, cameras to use on the show as advertisements for different products.  Seohyun’s hair, makeup and clothes are awesome, as are Yong’s. 

The scene with them both walking arm-in-arm, Hyun has the guitar on her back, love the black coat she’s wearing, walking in step, her hair blowing in the wind, just such a beautiful scene, like from a movie.:rolleyes:  

Their eyeship is awesome, this couple has the prettiest eyes ever, and they use them to communicate between each other where words fail them -  it just makes my heart melt.:wub:

I love the dividing of the goguma crop, how they think of all the other people in their lives before themselves.   I think this speaks volumes of how their hearts work.   They put other people they love/respect before their own needs.

The Hoot dancing was cool.  Hyun is always trying to get Yong to dance, because this is his ‘weak’ spot.  Yong acts like a little kid in front of Hyun, which show how comfortable he is with her.  She will continue to force him to dance until he enjoys it as much as she does.  This is what couples do – ‘I really enjoy doing this (sport, art, skill) I want you to experience it, too!  Because it’s enjoyable, gives me pleasure, I want you to feel the same pleasure I get when I dance!’

Now the 2AM guys support yongSeo?!  Well, all said something about YongSeo EXCEPT Jinwoon.  He just said that Hyun was looking prettier.  Give up, Jinwoon, Hyun’s heart has been taken………

The ‘goguma CF’ was funny.  That camera of Hyun’s is awesome!  I’ve never seen a camera that can project an image like that.   The fact that he saw her in her pajamas was cute, and she was embarrassed.  I’ll bet Yong would like to see her in her PJs in real life, close up,  yup, yup!

They were sitting SO close when viewing the picture on Hyun’s camera.  Her head was almost on his shoulder, their shoulders, bodies touching – hot! 

Hyun’s ‘shocked’ expression when she was confronted in the darkroom about the meaning of the song’s lyrics.   Ahh!  She was speechless!  Then she said she’s already said it a lot – a confession that she has already told Yo~ng she loves him? – duguen, duguen! blush.gif

The phone call to CN Blue bros was hilarious, especially when they said they were just all lounging around in their underwear!  Hyun’s embarrassment was so cute!   I loved her slapping the couch in embarrassment.  I totally love CN Blue bros + Hyun, they are so cute together.  I love how they treat her like a princess.

 And ‘Korea’s chingu Jungshin’  he’s so funny!   Always cracks Hyun up.  The CN blue bros and Hyun are much more comfortable now, aren’t they? 

Arm linking is so natural now!  How far this couple has come!  They are looking like a ‘real’ couple now!  I’m so happy!

Yong showing her his skills at composing a song, he looks so cool, and you can see Hyun thinks he’s awesomely cool, too.   Then Yong Choding comes out to play again, putting Hyun’s scary laugh and scream on the song track, LOL!  How happy he must have been having his girl there by his side, doing what he loves – creating songs.

You have to remember, even though these two are famous, talented, skilled and have great responsibility, they are just a young man and woman.  They should act silly and foolish at times, they have the right to have some fun at times.  They are acting their age when they get ‘choding’.  Yong Choding is just one of his charms, I wouldn’t like him half as much if he was always serious.  I hear some Boices don’t like WGM because Yong shows his silly ‘choding’ side.  That’s one reason we love him – and why Hyun loves him, too!

The ‘slip’ in the lyrics about the ‘kiss me tonight’.  We know what you want Yong!  And I think Hyun wants it, too!  Have you noticed how she is always applying lip gloss/moisturizer every chance she gets?  She’s been doing that since the early days.  She just wants her lips to be ready when you finally lose control, grab her up in your arms and give her your sweet kiss!  Do it, Yong!   She won’t stop you, and she’s too shy to try…..

I don’t know, I get this feeling, this ‘vibe’ from Yong that he doesn’t care who knows about his love for his buin, kind of a rebellious feeling like, ‘I love this girl and I don’t care who knows it!’.   I’ll write songs about it, I’ll shout it from the rooftops.  But first I want to hear it from her, that she feels the same.  And once that happens, to all antis – too damn bad!  You and my management company cannot control my heart, my feelings.   I have the right to love who I want, and as long as it doesn’t harm her, that’s the way it’s going to be – learn to live with it!   Is there anyone else in GO-CHUN who feels the same?

 Merry Christmas to all goguma lovers and peace and prosperity to all of you in the coming New Year!   May God’s light and grace shine on all of you!               


luvtokki, i thought no one felt that yong's starting to be "rebellious". haha i guess his confidence is building up bit by bit but even more when hyun's manager showed his support to him! keekkeke :lol: I’m really glad that her manager was introduced into WGM haahha! Now we can even spot him in some of the fancams!

concerning the novel that could have sparked their interests to visit firenze duomo, it just dawned on me that yongseo do realize what they're up against. they realize that it's gonna be tough to keep up with the relationship after their WGM contract finishes, which tells me that they do invest a lot of their feelings toward each other & to know that the future will always be an uncertain entity, prolly led them to that novel. Well, at least they’re both being open to such reality no matter how heart-wrenching it may be to them. I’m sure like all of us gogumas, yongseo also hope for a happy ending. YONGSEO HWAITING!!

Although the regulars (j2dlee & I know mountainmadman is busy with exam, sun_sun is prolly still busy with her work) aren’t here to translate or do the subbing but sincha… many thanks to my.yonghwa.baby & other kind gogumas (sorry forgot ur nick -.-“) for the trans! And also thanks to caliope, synikiss for the subbed vids… u guys are daebak!!! ^______________^

Since I’ve got some free time to spare, I made a yongseo Christmas MV especially for Yongseo, WGM staffs, & of course to all of u wonderful gogumas~! :D I hope u all will enjoy & cherish the meaning of Christmas this season. Enjoy~ ^^



omigoshhh youtube is getting stricter! i believe many of u won't be able to view the vid so i'll put them prolly in dailymotion & mediafire for dl if u wanna dl :P... will reupload. sorry for the inconveniences. btw, goguma1207... i still can't seem to dl ur latest MV :(

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Guest pinkypanther_07

Hi all, correct me if i'm wrong, actually yong already shows his DJing skill on of CNBLUE concert at Shibuya AX,Japan before, so its not the first time :D . Anyway i think he was proud to show his new skill to his buin.

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Guest Caliope




What do you think is the mysterious mission?





I don't think it a kiss. If you were a kiss, I think that Seohyun reactionary otherwise (perhaps stronger)... It would be her first kiss... ^_^




Of course... it could also be a performance with "Banmal song"... ^^




Or a Wedding Photos...




When they read the mission, react so...
















So I thought it might be something like: It's time to meet your parents!!




But I don't understand why they have to read the mission at 21:00. :huh:


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Guest BluMistLaydee




Ok so I've been heavily on my lurk mode. Pretty busy time of the year for me but I finally have vacation now so yay me!


Ok back to my favorite couple. I'm also disappointed that they made the song he was composing for her into a couple's song. I'm sure I'll love it once it's completed but I think they took away something extremely personal away from Yong. And maybe it's me but I saw a slight look of annoyance come across his face when he read the mission but he quickly covered it up.


As far as this episode goes, it was pure rainbows and cuteness again! I actually get teary eyed watching this epi because knowing how far they've come along and having been with their journey since day 1 to see them so comfortable now, it just amazing. I think us Goguma villages who's been with this couple since day one can gain a sense of validation with these last 4 or 5 episodes, not that we needed one. Back in the day when people used to bash them about how slow and boring they were, how they should leave, which was kinda made worse when the Khuntoria couple (no disrespect intended.) came on. But now I see a lot of the naysayers raving about how cute YongSeo is now, and how they are going to backtrack their episodes have made me the happiest Go-Chun villager.


And can I say how much I LOVE when the bro-in-laws are on. They are all freaking hilarious and see Yong and Seobb just having a blast with them is always fun. Now I'm wishing for some more SNSD and CN Blue interaction. I can just imagine how epic that episode would be. (So please PD-Nim, SM, and FNC make that happen!)


ETA: thanks to all of the translators and subbers! and I had a Goguma marathon the yesterday and I noticed something. Their hair colors always seem to match each other. They both seem to have dark and light-shade hair colors around the same time all the time. hahah


oh and also, based on the preview, it is possible that we'll get a 30 min episode next time? Since the Adam and Khuntoria couples will be together????????


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Guest sweettaeng
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Dropping by with Seohyun's UFO replies translated~ It was somehow Yongseo related keke.

[Fan] 我..考驾照失败了 徐玄啊〒 〒 在S型路线淘汰了..

[徐玄] 同病相怜啊〒 〒 加油!!我也是试了好几次才拿到100分的!!ke
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr:译:千金+小鱼 @ PTT-SNSD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Fan] I... failed my driving test. Seohyun-yang ㅠㅠ i got eliminated at the S turning point.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[seohyun] Same situation ㅠㅠ Himnae!! I too, took many tries to get 100 points!! Ha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun's other UFO reply. since it is not yongseo related, i'll put a spoiler.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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[徐玄] 现在回覆会太晚吗??真是抱歉〒 〒 天气变冷了 小心不要感冒喔^-^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Fan] Just reply to me once? ㅠ It doesn't matter how long, i will wait ㅠㅠ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[seohyun] Is it too late to reply?? Really sorry ㅠㅠ The weather turned cold, be careful not to catch a cold ^-^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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regarding jinwoon's message to hyun





i personally don't find it to be intimidating. jinwoon is probably one of seohyun's biggest fanboy since her debut when she was not as popular and as beautiful as she is now. he has been openly declaring his admiration of hyun for years, the most recent one was when 2AM came to Singapore for concert 2 weeks ago. so for me to see him saying something like this is not really a surprise anymore. i believe that he may not know that seohyun will probably show the CD to yonghwa. anyway although i am quite sure that yonghwa and seohyun are very close and comfortable now, i don't think that it should stop anyone from admiring them. it's like when after school members said that they liked yonghwa or when actress kimsoyeon said that yonghwa was handsome *not sure whether she said this exactly* i am actually happy if more idols like yonghwa and seohyun but this is just my own personal opinion





since everybody has been talking about their fav part of the last episode i would just talk about several parts that was not as sweet or could have been better(cause i like almost every moment in this episode :D )





1. we can't really see hyun's photo in pajama clearly





2. bro in law welcome performance was too short, we need to see more of them, it was too funny





3. they were left with 5 or 6 very small piece of gogumas after distributing it to everyone hahaha





4. the pd never broadcast what changmin wrote for seohyun and what jokwon, seulong and jinwoon wrote for yonghwa in the CD


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