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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Seohyun looks especially pretty today, ain't she? I loved the scenes when they were looking at the photo projections on the ceiling and how close they were.
















































Also want to share an article i read about today's episode. LOL when I read it.
















































[NEWS] SeoHyun freaks out at Jong Hyun only in his underwear when relaxing at home.
















































On We got Married aired on 18th, as part of the mission Yong Hwa recommended going over to CNBlue's dorm.
















































Before going, Yong Hwa phoned Jong Hyun to ask what he was doing. Jong Hyun didn't know Yong Hwa had his phone on speaker phone, and he answered, "Just in underwear on the bed relaxing" which freaked Seo Hyun out.
















































Yong Hwa added, "It's on speakerphone so Seo Hyun can hear you and she's freaking out."
















































At this Jong Hyun panicked and repeated "She can hear? She can hear?". However, Jong Hyun seemed to be enjoying freaking Seo Hyun out and added "Min Hyuk is also in his underwear"
















































At this SeoHyun seemed to be shocked and said "I'm not going to your dorm" which caused laughter.
















































Source:My Daily















































































































































ha ha ha ha ha ha..cnblue boys..its ok..hyun luvs you guys..i guess this boys are regular feature guess of our yongseo..and we can see how comfortable hyun is now with them...

















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my.yonghwa.baby : Thank you for you translated :rolleyes::rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That's such a very beautiful place, Are they want to visit that place???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG !! can't wait for that trip :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Firenze Duomo info : Firenze Duomo

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest hihi_hehe
























so randomly, but why they want to go there :blink:
















I mean, look at the post-it, you can see that they just added no.11
















what made them adding that? Sure, Italy is such a beautiful place, I don't mind if they have a weeding there :phew:





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Guest archiehon








































First I want to thank Nett_Prinzessin, hacker8 and kyung 16 for the raw video link. Thank You So Much! What a day for our yong and hyun. I love evrything about this episode and i hav e to agree it feel like time flew away very fast and 20+ minutes did not do justice to the waiting we have to endure to watch the next episode. Is it true tha WGM won't be aired for 2 weeks during this festive season? I'm not feeling so festive now!
























I love the fact that the Studio Family is really supportive of all the couples. Looking at them now and comparing their reaction during the early days, I can feel a lot had changed ( esp Jin Woon). I have the feeling of real sincerity and joy from the MCs even Na young who always commented on Yong's chodingness. I'm sure one day she will understand that it is just a way of yong expressing himself. I can tell that evryone is impressed by yong's skill and talent in composing. He is so spontaneous! I mean, how could he had thought about using hyun's laugh and scream like that. I laugh so hard hearing the adorable sound being repeated over and over again.
























Thank you in advance for all the translations and info. i still can't wait for Busan and Skiing episodes!
























PS: I think this thread is soooooo cool! you guys are so fast putting up raw vids and I can bet that by Monday we may be able to have a translated vid.I know that the other couples' videos are not released this early! LOVE! I know......
























'This is LOVE' :wub:









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Guest krissylia



did someone noticed when yong was talking with jungshin on the phone

and he said something but his cellphone was close to his lips and then he said to jungshin chinggo

to talk to hyun and he pushed his cellphone to hyun almost on her lips too.... indirect kiss.....w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

yong wants to kiss hyun badly wwaaahhh:wub: :wub: :wub::wub:


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Guest missmoomin101




Ok, so I'm learning Korean at university, and was able to understand most of the dialogue in the preview.  So here it is!! Please forgive any mistakes, I'm still learning but figured it would give me more practise if I translated ^^






Preview Translation (very rough!!!)






Yong:  How was it?  Was that the first time you saw that?


Yong: Say (write) your feelings truthfully.


Basket ball scene:


Hyun: No! I really can't do it (play basketball)


Indoor scene:


Hyun: (says something about the mission card- can't quite make it out)


Yong: The mission card is the most scariest. 



(opens card)



Yong (laughing & exasperated):  Ah, really! 



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I have been a lurker in this thread but I am so excited that I decided to translate today ep from 瓜酱 & Rita's translation from Baidu
































My personal comments from this ep
































I just loved how the CN Blue brother in law treats Seohyun.They try to make Seohyun comfortable.
































I was laughing when I heard JH drags Jungshin and Minhyuk down by saying they are also in their boxer shorts.
































I love how this couple is slowly getting used to skinship.
































I love how they remember to share their harvest with everyone
































Yonghwa will open his mouth when he is concentrating whereas Seohyun's nose will flare when she is concentrated at some issues.
































As for next week mission, I guess that they will need to appear on some MBC program to promote their couple song?
































































MC: It has been a while since we saw the white house.
































They are displaying out the harvest of their sweet potato
































YH: How should we distribute the sweet potato?
































SH: Seriously all these sweet potatoes are grown by us?
































YH: So you have topped the chart for consecutively 2 weeks
































SH: ya...
































YH started dancing hoot
































SH: Come I will teach you to dance hoot. Please get up
































YH seems not interested to learn but teacher Seohyun insist in teaching him.
































SH: Please put your hands straight out 90 degree however YH slacks a bit
































At last YH manage to learn the steps and Seohyun praise him.
































SH: I received 2am CD
































YH: I have received their CD and yours as well
































Inside 2am CD and message to Seohyun
































Jo Kwon: Both of you real match each other..kekeke
































Seulong: Hoot Daebak! Also please kiss Yonghwa
































SH: What is this!!!
































YH: It seems Seulong hyun likes skinship a lot
































SH: He is a bit strange
































(Seulong displayed a look that he is being framed)
































Back to 2am message to Seohyun
































Jinwoon: Seohyun ah~ Recently you look very beautiful~ fighting
































2am message to Yonghwa
































Seulong: You are the best. I LOVE YOU
































When Seohyun looks at SNSD Hoot album, he minick Seohyun's action
































SH: You have done a good jon
































YH: You see my actions are exactly like yours
































Then Seohyun has to do the same action as the album photo and later he is shy when he saw Seohyun's ageyo.
































YH: How should we distribute? So who will get the big sweet potato?
































SH: To our parnts
































YH: These are for your parents (Seohyun) Please note the sweet potatoes which he has choosen were the big ones
































Yonghwa picking up a tiny sweet potato and he says let give this to Seulong
































YH: How many sweet potatoes should we distribute to SNSD?
































SH: 8
































YH: This category is for SNSD
































SH: Sorry that we have too many members
































SH: Also we need to distribute to the people in the studio
































Subsequently they have completed the distribution and named the package
































SH: So how many did we have for ourselves?
































YH: That all we have. ( The screen shows that they left with 5 tiny sweet potatoes for themselves)
































YH: I am so tired
































SH: I am so satisfied seeing the harvest of what we got
































Yonghwa is drawing on the post stick
































SH:I know what you are doing. You are doing the motion animation
































Yonghwa started showing Seohyun of his artwork
































SH: That is gross!
































The last message have written that Seohyun is stupid
































SH/: Of course that is not true
































Jake was commenting that Yong is really a choding
































SH: Want to take a look at the photographs that we have taken?
































YH: What photographs?
































SH: The one where we harvest our sweet potato (sorry I do not know what is the name of the place)
































YH: Let me take a look first
































SH: No,no
































YH: So you are going to hide some of the photographs away?
































SH: This is not the right way to view the photo
































Seohyun went to switch off the lights so she could project the image on the ceiling.
































All the image that were shown were taken during the sweet potato harvest
































Then later an image of Seohyun in her pyjamas in the dorm and this photo was taken by Hyoyeon
































YH: So this person is you?
































SH: Please return me the camera coz I feel embarrassed
































Then the tug of war comes...
































YH: It is because there are too many personal photos therefore you do not allow to see the remainder photos
































SH: yes.
































YH:You wear beautiful pyjamas inside your dorm? You also wear cute pyjamas?
































Jinwoon pointed out that actually Yonghwa wanted to say that Seohyun is so cute in the photo
































So they started filming on their sweet potato project;
































YH:Hello everybody. I am the CEO of gochun. This harvest comes from our 3 month of hardwork.This bag is for my parents. This is for Seohyun's parents.This bag is for Studio Family.
































SH: Please round up as we do not have left much time
































YH: This is live?
































SH: Yup, this is live
































YH: This is for the Adam couple.
































YH: This is for Nic & Vic couple. Nick is very polite to accept these potato
































YH minick Nick actions by saying that these are for me? why?
































Lastly these are for ourselves. Towards the end it became a home shopping channel where you can see some numbers on the screen.
































Back to the studio. where every MC says that the sweet potatoes are delicious.
































While they are chatting, the mission arrives.
































Inside the red envelope, it states did you remember the list that you want to accomplish together so this mission wants you to finish the banmal song.
































Inside the red envelope, there is another yellow envelope where it states that you are allowed to open at 9pm tonight.
































YH: You write the lyrics
































SH: what~
































YH: You read a lot so I am sure you will be able to write good lyrics
































Yonghwa singing out the banmal song;
































I hope our relationship will progress where we are comfortable saying banmal to each other
































Although it is not natural now
































Do not always thank me
































Just talk to me in banmal will do
































Then Yonghwa just sing nananana to those which are out filled out with lyrics
































Hope we are able to speak banmal with each other
































Slowly walking towards each other
































Now we can look into each other eyes
































Can you say to me?
































" I love you"































































Seulong says that Yonghwa wants Seohyun to tell me that SHE LIKES HIM in banmal.































































Inside the blackroom when Seohyun knows the meaning of the song, she froze.
































SH: Actually I have said it a lot of times
































Sub: you are sang in your part of oh! ohohoh oppa saranghae
































YH: Let do it
































SH: Yup. Let complete it
































YH: Let complete it at home
































SH: home?
































YH: my home
































NY: This is the always reason guyg used to ask female to come to their home
































Misun: That is what my husband did as well
































YH: I have machines to help us to complete the song at home
































SH: really?
































YH: yup.let go
































SH: Where are the brother in law?
































YH: I am not sure and I shall give them a call
































SH: Please give them a call
































Yong calling CN blue
































































































JH: Who are you?
































YH: Yonghwa here
































sub: you cannot recognise hyung voice
































SH: haha...
































YH: We are in the WGM home...what are you doing?
































JH: I am wearing my boxer shorts lying on the bed
































SH: what? ...really..embarrassed
































YH:Seohyun is besides me and you are on the speaker and she is shocked
































JH: you are coming?
































SH: This is really funny
































YH: where is Jungshin and Minhyuk?
































JH: They are also lying on their bed in their boxer shorts
































SH is embarrassed after hearing the conversation
































YH: I will ask Seohyun to talk to you
































SH: Please do not change to me...I am not going
































JH: Let change to another person
































YH: Let change to " Korea chingu Jungshin"
































JS: yes, I am " Korea chingu Jungshin"
































YH: Jungshin, me and Seohyun are going to CN Blue dorm
































JS: You are coming to the dorm?
































YH: Yup
































JS: (imitating another famous person) don't come
































YH: Why are you rejecting?
































JS: We need to tidy the dorm
































SH: Jungshin chinggu
































JS: yes, I am " Korea chingu Jungshin"
































SH: How are you? What are you doing?
































JS: We are...aarh...just lazying around at home
































SH: Then can I come over?
































JS: Are you really coming over?
































SH: Yup, we have the intention to come over.
































JS: ok..then come over
































YH: Please tidy the house. my room.
































JS: Relax. I will make sure that it is clean and tidy
































YH: also...hungry
































JS: hungry? Then please go and have something first
































Afer putting down the call, they proceed to CN Blue dorm
































Sub: on the road. autumn,clear sky, there is this couple strolling
































Jake: Now they are so natural
































SH: what
































YH: so why you are saying what?
































Reach outside CN Blue dorm, there is some handmade stuff hanging on the door
































































YH: Come in...why it is so clean?
































CN Blue is putting some hip hop music to welcome sister in law
































Even the toys are used as props to welcome sister in law
































YH: Jungshin, that isn't hyung
































They started dancing.
































YH: Please switch off...It is too noisy
































YH: Jungshin...you..tidied the place?
































JS: coz I am a genius so I am able to tidy the place
































YH: Yup. It has been tided. By the way, the bed in the living room is used by our manager
































SH: I see
































clean kitchen...hanger for hats and of course a shelf for Yonghwa shoes
































SH: How come it is that clean?
































YH: All along, it is that clean
































JS: (not sure what he has said)
































YH: Jung..Jungshin!
































YH: Oh ya...our sweet potatoes
































SH: yup...our sweet potatoes
































YH: These are our sweet potatoes
































JH: These are those sweet potatoes that you harvest
































JS: How come they look strange?
































SH & YH: no it is not strange
































Misun and Jake: It looks strange but the taste is good
































Subs: preparing things for the guest
































Leaving the brother in law alone and they went in to Yonghwa room
































SH: This is really like a recording studio...(pointing to a mchine) what is this?
































YH: Come and I will demostrate for you. Let me connect it properly and use a song to show you the miracles of this machine
































Yonghwa use 'I don't why' as demo
































SH: wow
































Misun: It is really very fun
































SH: wow...this is a miracle, so this is what DJ use
































YH: something like that
































back in studio: Yonghwa is concentrating on his work and he looks cool here
































Jake: last time, I used to play music and now I am eating sweet potato and looking at you playing with music
































YH: Let me show you what I have recorded
































SH: What is this?
































YH: This is demo
































Yonghwa started working
































Jake: When a guy concentrate in producing music, you do not know how good looking he is.
































Back in the studio: look at Seohyun eyes
































YH: Let me check with the mic..testing mic
































Yonghwa starts composing
































Back in the studio, Jinwoon starts to explain the technical terms
































YH singer: YE~YONGSEO~I feel feel you like me
































YH: Miracle right?
































back in studio: sounds good
































Yonghwa started singing
































I feeling feeling you like me. I feeling you like me.I say you love my mind
































Yonghwa played back the music
































SH: wow
































....not going to write further those when Yonghwa sings
































Then Yonghwa sings Kiss me
































Nayong and Misun tells Seulong: You have taught a lot of bad stuff to Yonghwa
































Seulong: yup..yup...It is my fault
































Yonghwa continues singing :LOVE YOU GIRL .Yup something like this
































SH: haha...Why are you putting this in?
































YH: This is not that. The last part is good. let repeat this again
































YH: I am going to do some editing
































Playing what he has edited
































SH: Why are you like this?
































































Seulong: Like that is also good
































sub: it appears ctrl + v repeat Seohyun laughter
































SH: What is this? ...hahaha...
































YH: why?
































YH: This rythm is good
































SH: This is not rythm.
































YH: At last, I have found the rythm...your laughter
































SH: Is this happiness?
































YH: me...This sounds good
































SH: Bad person
































Sub: Will the song be complete nicely?
































Then Yonghwa starts the song and this time with Seohyun screams
































Jake started laughing as well
































































































Preview: Yongseo compose song together
































YHL How do you feel when you saw me the first time?
































SH: feel like it is a miracle
































YH: Write down your real feeling
































SH: hahaha
































How will this mission goes when Yongseo writes down their own feeling?
































At night at Han River
































How will the couple fare in the basketball game?
































What is in the 2nd mission card?
































YH: does not feel good
































SH: What is this???
































































Thanks everyone for the positive votes.That kept me motivates in translating.









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Thank you for sharing the links kind gogumas biggrin.gif  Love the couple's  interaction. Hyun is more open towards Yong now. They must be really happy together. They wanna go to Italy? Wow! They must add the 11th wish so that it's impossible to realise in the near future. Therefore they'll have more time together on WGM kekeke...laugh.gif Until they are able to realise the last wish they will not stop doing WGM (my wish)wink.gif



















 They were so closed to each other while watching the photos slide. MC Kim noticed it and he was excited.  After that, when Yonghwa distanced himself to the other side of the Sofa MC Kim Looked very angry. He was saying that Yong should get closer to Hyun not moving away. Look at his expression. LOL. he's sure is Goguma shipper like us here happy.gif



















Will be back for more spazzing Gogumas. 



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Guest blueshoes




Guitar Family


Dad Mom and Child .. cute ~












credit 기타 @ DCmarriedgall




MXiahcky Thank you for sharing Firenze Duomo wow :w00t:



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Hi, my translation for some parts..  i know txrk came out with some already. just try to give different version.. So sorry about my english. Will edit more~









Yongseos White House 




(YongSeo Couple’s sharing – Full of Sweet Potatoes on the floor)


Y: How should we split it?


H: These are really what we grow right? This is all of it~




(Satisfied with the amount of sweet potatoes, they have to choose how to distribute it)



Y: Seohyun ah~~ you have been top for 2 consecutive weeks ~~~


H: Ah~~~~


(Yong began to learn the charm of the dance)


Y: Where are you looking at~~



(Twist his hip)


H: Haha, I shall teach you how to dance instead, stand up please (Using her aeuyo tone to Yong >.<)


But, Yong is not willing to get up


Y: Im not getting up~ not getting up!


(Lying on the floor flat)


(Yong Choding – This is nothing to do with the subs my own words haha)


H: Ah ~ aiyo~


(To handle with children who lie flat, got to be decisive and pull him up)


Hyun: Faster!


NY (Sigh): Our children have changed!


(Hyun shows the demonstration of the dance, Yong is not being serious to learn, but after some correction, the hand and body must be 90 degree)


H: First step, 1: You have to stick out your hand 90 degree






(Your hand have to be 90 degrees!)


H: 1, 2


(Singing trouble, trouble, trouble)


H & Y: 1, 2


H: Not bad~~


(Yong starts to make some noises like a kid)


H: You dance well~~


H: Ah, I receive CD~


Y: Who’s CD?


H: 2 AMs CD


Y: I also have it, still have our cd~


(Korean Kpop music legend, writing down some messages in it, will have good sales results)



(Message below is from 2AM members to Seohyun)


Jokwon: You and Yonghwa are really a good match, kekekeke~ Fighting!



Seulong: Hoot Daebak! Please BOBO with Yonghwa!  (BOBO is in Korean language which means kiss in english)


H: Seriously what is this? Ah!



Y: Haha, Seulong seems to like this a lot


H: He is weird~


In PD Room: (Seulong: Im innocent , Im not weird!)



Jinwoon: Seohyun ah~ you’re becoming prettier now~ keke~ All the best to you~





Message below is for Yonghwa:


SL: Yonghwa ah, you’re awesome, I love you~


 (Everyone is laughing at Seulongs message especially seohyun, Seulong - I love you, making himself really weird– Haha!)


(Looking at the SNSDs CD)


H: Its really quite nice~


Y: Look at me, do I look like you on the mirror on it~





(They do have a husband-wife look (couple face))


Y: 1, 2, 3~





(Omo~ Seohyun really looks so attractive with that face – sorry personal view haha!)





At 03:38


Y: How should we divide them, and who shall we give for the biggest one?


H: Our parents~


Y: Shall give this to Seohyun’s father and mother~ (Good son-in-law, Yong chose the biggest sweet potatoes for them)


(Yong took a small sweet potato and say let’s give this to Seulong)


H: Ah, cute!


Y: How many should we give to SNSD’s members?


H: oh, 8~


Y: SNSD’s distribution should be the same level (it means should distribute the same or similar size)


H: So sorry, we have too many members already~


H: Ah, still have the people in the PD room~


(After packing the sweet potatoes into the plastic bag)


H: How much do we left?


Y: This is what we left~ (Look at it, it’s lesser than 5)


H: Haha!


Y: Im so tired ah~~~  (This sounds like a leap from child to old man -.-)


(Understand how a farmer feels now)


H: But looking at it, its a good experience~~ (Satisfied of the amount of the sweet potatoes)


H: What are you doing?


H: I know what youre doing already! Youre drawing on the paper to show the contents after flipping it fast (The principle of the animation)


(Yong starts to show the drawing on the paper – like an animation)


H:  Its so grossed~


H: Ah, What is this~


H: The last drawing is not counted~


(The last page of the drawing: Seohyun is a fool (No idea how to sound it better but its something like a fool or blockhead)


At 5:00




H: Shall we take a picture now?


Y: What picture?


H: Do you remember the photos we took at Ganhwado?


Y: Ganhwado?


H: Ya~


Y: Show it to me first


H: No, No~


Y: You must be hiding something from me again!


(Yong sit up straight and seems like hes going to snatch from her~)


H: Cannot, this is not how we should see it~




(The following is from the camera that functions like a projector)


After switching off the light, you will see the screen like a slideshow from the projector(the camera)



Y: Wow~


H: Isnt that amazing?


H: Wow~


H: Look at this~ Oh~ hmmm~ Haha!


Kim pointed out: Oh they are so close together~ look at their head, the shoulder~




(After seeing the pictures from the Ganhwados trip, theres other pictures behind~)


H: Oh~


H: Cannot!


H: Oh~ (screams from seohyun)


Y: Why?


H: Hyoyeon unnie took it for me when Im wearing the pyjamas in the room~


H: No, AH~ Cannot~


Y: Are you saying the person in the photo is you?


H: I feel so embarrassed, please return it to me~




Y: Is it because you have too many of such pictures behind my back so you dont allow me to look at it~


H: Yes, thatright!


Y: This is how you dress in your pretty pyjamas when you’re in your dorm? So you do wear cute pyjamas?


H: Yes~




JW: Actually Yong is trying to say seohyun is cute in it~




At 6:24


(Started to record using the camera – to explain how they should divide and whom they give to)


Y: Hi everyone, I am the manager of the sweet potatoes’ homeland~ (The sweet potatoes homeland’s manager~) this is our species (sweet potatoes) within these 3 months of hard work to grow them.


Y: This is for my parents (the first packet)


H: Yes~


Y: this one is for Seohyun’s parents (2nd packet)


H: Yes~


Y: this is for the studio family~ (3rd packet)


MC: Thank you~


H: You have to speak faster, it’s running out of time ~


Y: Why? Is this live show?


H: Ya, it is live now~


Y: This is for Adam couple, but giving them these, I think they will feel bad about it…


Y: This is for khuntoria couple, I believe nickhun will be polite and accept it~


(Yonghwa starts to imitate Victoria saying: What is this?  What is this? Is this Sweet potato?)




Y: So this is what we left~ I hope everyone will like the sweet potatoes~ Bye!



(So in the end, it seems like a CF for sweet potatoes~)




(In the PD room – the sweet potatoes are delivered to them)


(Everyone in the PD Room is so happy about it and started eating the sweet potatoes)


MCs: Oh~ ah~ the sweet potato is so good~


(While they are chatting, a door bell rings~ The mission arrived)


The content of the letter:




Yonghwa Love Seohyun




Remember when you first moved in together~ do you remember the list you want to accomplish together (as a couple) so this mission wants you to complete the couple song together. At Ganhwado, Yonghwa sang the banmal song~ (that is what they are referring)




At 8:42


(The flashback of the trip – Yonghwa sang the banmal song)



H: What Song? A song to be completed?




(There is also a yellow envelope saying- You are only allowed to read it at 9PM)



(It’s really so irritating as Yonghwa hate this waiting period~)




H: Look at the list~




(They went forward to look at the list that they wrote)


(So it’s actually the 3rd one in their list)




At 9:37




(Yong starts to sing again)


H: Let’s start~


(Yong is singing the banmal song softly~)


At 9:56




YH: You shall write the lyrics?


SH: Hmm?


YH: You read a lot of books, so I am sure you are able to write a good one~


H: Hmm~






The Song Lyrics:





I hope our relationship will progress where we are comfortable saying banmal to each other


Although it is not natural now~ Do not always thank me



Just talk to me in banmal will do~






(Yonghwa starts to sing nanana to blur out that part, however…)


H: So what is the lyrics of this part?


Y: I don’t remember already~


H: How can you always forget it?


Y: I really don’t remember~


H: oh~ You got to think of it now~


(Hyun is making him to think of the lyrics)


H: Let’s start~


(So he suddenly remember it now)




The next part of the lyrics:


Hope we are able to speak banmal with each other



Slowly walking towards each other



Now we can look into each other eyes



Can you say to me?



" I love you"




MCs: So is that a hint or telling her that~


SL: Yonghwa wants Seohyun to tell him that she love him in banmal~




At 11:34


(Inside the blackroom, when Seohyun gets to know the meaning of that part, she frozed on the spot and speechless)


(But you can see Seohyun is smiling after that. Looks like she’s really happy =D)




H: In fact, did it many times already~


(Starts to touch her hair)


(OhOhohoh~ oppa saranghae~ The lyrics that she have sang a lot of times)


(But does the meaning seems the same?)


(PD Room MCs JW fan and MS: Panic x2, whenever shes panic, she will start to touch her hair)


Y: Anyway we should do it together, at my side~


H: At your side?


(Emphasis the word : at my side)


(The MCs are saying and joking about at my side~)




H: Yes, we shall work hard and complete it!


Y:  Either way, lets go home to complete it~


H: Home?




NY: Aigo this type of reason also can make her go back with him~ (Refers to Yonghwas dorm)



MS:  Think of the past, I’m also like this~ Its because of GAG who always give me this reason that brought me back to his house)





At 12:11


Y: Yes, my dorm~


H: Really?


Y: Yes, together


H: Will the CNBlUEs members be at home too?


Y: I have no idea, lets give them a call~


H: Ok, lets call them~




JH: Hello~


Y: JongHyun ah~


JH: Who is this?


Y: Yonghwa ah~




(Oppas voice also cant recognize?)


H: Haha Who is this and what situation is this now~


JH: ohhhh~~ where are you?


Y: Im at We got marrieds house What are you doing now?


JH: Im wearing my boxer shorts and lying on the bed now~


H: Ah~ Why is he like this Really~ (Blushed)


Y: I forgot to tell you this Youre on the speaker now and Seohyun is just right beside me she got scared by you


JH: Is that true?


H: Ah~ this is really funny now~


(Cant even lift up her head now Hitting on the sofa)


JH: Oh, so you are coming over~




At 0:34


Y: Where is Jungshin and MinHyuk?


JH: Jungshin and Minhyuk… They’re also lying on the bed in their boxer shorts~


H: (Another shock and shy face…)


Y: Shall I let Seohyun to talk to you now?


H: Please do not change~~


Y: Let’s change to our Korean Chingu Jungshin (Chingu – Friend)


JH: Let’s change someone else to talk now~


H: Ah Really!


JS: I am the Korean Chingu Jungshin~


Y: Shall I let Seohyun to talk to you now?


JS: (Imitating the famous artist on the phone)


JS: Don’t come~ (Imitating of the famous artist)


JS: Ais ais ais~~


YH: Why are you rejecting me?


JS: We got to tidy up now~


YH: I Shall pass the phone to her now~


H: Hello, Jungshin Chingu~


JS: Yes, I am Korean Chingu Jungshin ~


H: How are you? What are you doing now?


JS: We are.. ahh~ just staying at home ~


H: So can I come over now?



YH: Jungshin, Seohyun and me are going to the dorm now~


JS: Are you really coming over?


H: Yes, we do have the intention to come over~


JS: Ok, then do come over~


YH: Jungshin, please tidy the dorm… my room~


JS: Rest assured, we will tidy up and make sure it’s clean and shiny~


Y: And also, I’m hungry ~


JS: Hungry? Then please go and have something first… (Everyone laugh…)


After the phone call, they prepared to leave~


(On the way to the CN BLUE Dorm)


(They seems so natural now- hooking hands and leave – So sweet – hahaha this line is not translated from there- its my reaction)









Since there's a translation on top of me and faster, i shall stop here.. So sorry that i didn't complete it as i've some other stuffs to do.. Hope you guys can continue to support him/her ^^. thanks!



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Guest eishazumi










Every Saturday's episode is getting better and better.sweetness overload! 















Their skinship is so natural. 















I really love how Yong teases Hyun. kekeke! Yong really brings out the best in Hyun same as Hyun brings out the best in Yong.























guys can we participate in voting for wgm best couple? is online voting  available?


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Guest Maggie-Seohwa



Seohyun look so beautifull :phew: i don't know is this only me or all of you think like this....her face so glooming and her look soooo happy now *I KNOW COS HER IN LOVE :wub::wub:

about their wishes SERIOUSLY 'Firenze Duomo'.....which is in Italy :o HMMM HOPEFULLY PDNIM send uri YongSeo going to Italy for wedding photoshoot,,,for 1st ann *crossing but its too high imagination :P

im soo courious about what Jinwon saying... :rolleyes:


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Guest justbulan
























Every Saturday's episode is getting better and better.sweetness overload! 































Their skinship is so natural. 































I really love how Yong teases Hyun. kekeke! Yong really brings out the best in Hyun same as Hyun brings out the best in Yong.






















































guys can we participate in voting for wgm best couple? is online voting  available?































too bad it's only for korean citizen.. :( i wish i can vote for them.. :'(









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The most epic thing Seohyun ever did to Yonghwa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































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Guest Dinatale

OMG this epi was so cute!!!! Love the way Yong is trowing a tantrum when Hyun teach him the dance HE IS SO CUTE!!! Love the fact hat Hyun is so comfortable whit Yong now, she is clearly falling in love and whit reason he is amazing .. ah the envy .. jajaja and the guitar that Hyun is holding is not the same that Yong bought right? I think is smaller .. the preview looks good Yong is really good at Basketball .. love him and love them Yong and Hyun forever!!!

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Guest MissBarbietch_0106

we've been a very good Gogumas this year.. i hope Santa will give us present such as:

Yongseo HoneyMoon Trip :D

actually i really want our goguma couple to visit my country INDONESIA, since i watch Adam couple visit BALI, but i don't think the WGM couple will visit the same country as the other.. ahhh please please WGM PD-nim, please make Yong and Hyun visit Indonesia.. we have other beautiful islands (thousands for sure) to be their place for Honeymoon and wedding photo-shot..

But ITALY will be super Daebak.. i can imagine they spend honeymoon in one of the most romantic place in earth in ITALY..

Maybe they can make the "KISS" happen there.. :lol:

can't wait for the eng sub :P

A Proud SONE, Yongseo Shipper and Gogumas Villager..

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Guest eishazumi

























really? our yongseo couple will be in Italy?















Italy is a very Romantic place. cant wait for that day to come. yahoo!























BTW thanks for the translation everyone. it is  really Go-chun here


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KYAA!!! i love this couple soo much!!! they are definitely getting closer and closer each day.

I'm SO glad~ In all the recent episodes, I can't  help but grin every time they look at each other.. AGHHH!! they are soo cute!

In today's episode, Hyun naturally links arms with Yong~ And willingly performs aegyo in front of him.

Looking forward to next week's episode and this week's english translations ~ Hopefully the next episode will air~

WOW, they want to go to Italy~ Talk about FAR! It'll be cool though, but i don't know ... too expensive, maybe? Hope they do though!

YONGSEO COUPLE HWAITING! I am now going to rewatch all their older episodes!!

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hello gogumas..
















































for the best couple voting..i read pages back that only koreans can vote..and mbc will monitor the voting so you casn only vote once..lets hope tha our koreans gogumas power..
















































just wondering how come they choose firenze (do we have the same taste?) ive been there 5 yrs ago, i went to milan , venice and firenze..they said venice is the most popular and tourist spot..but for me as ive been to all theat places..i luv firenze the most..
















































hope they could go there...

















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They are so bold now, hahah, asking for going to Italy. what are there in their mind. they want to be alone their. no fans. hheheh, then they can have more skinship. this couple they are killing me with their sweetness. i think all mcs love them a lot. they also loves other couples, but i think they see the real of this couple. how others group loves these 2, because they are young, well-mannered, and sincere. all mcs seeing them like their kids feeling in love with all support they have.




we are the same. Yongseo fighting.




This epsiode is daebak. YONGSEO IS REAL


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