Jump to content

Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts

Guest constantia11




Love this episode. First time streaming and no lag.

There are so many parts in the episode that I like, but with no subs, I doubt if I got it correctly.

The part that stick in my mind and makes me curious is Hyun's backroom interview.


She looked dumbfounded and did not know what to say. I wonder what the interviewer said to her.

Is it about the "Saranghae" lyric in The Banmal Song?




So glad I can be back in my Go Chun.


I'm looking forward to watch stream live again next week.


Christmas holiday is coming.


Merry Christmas to Gogumas who celebrate it.


My wish for this Christmas is more lovey dovey scene of uri Yongseo couple.





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yahhhhhhh im so happy! it was also my first time streaming and it was perfect! I already rewatched the ep, this time noticing all your observations haha It seems everyone understand the "kiss me tonight" perfectly! Im more than satisfied with the ep, even though I dont understand korean hahaha
























Yayyyyyyy! cant wait for the translations! Now Im ready to go to sleep LOL
























Lets visit Gochun in our dreams! haha n_n





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Guest blueshoes




Preview WGM (3 couples ver)




credit yongseofacts + 전진호 @ bestiz








I laugh so hard when listen Seohyun's laughter on their song.


I heard KISS ME TOO on lyrics umm yonghwa w00t.gifw00t.gif


Do you want Seohyun kiss you right ?



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Guest josielai
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi~ Saw this at Goguma baidu and decided to come out of lurker mode for a few mins to share this short fancam with all goguma lovers :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am not sure if you girls can spot what I spotted.. keke..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Mystery Solved ^ ^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And~~ Thank you all Goguma lovers for sharing the love here..though I am perpetually in lurker mode but I have learned alot from this thread.. Thank you!! ^ ^ :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*Back to lurker mode*

































































































































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106

Hyun buin nowadays looking more and more beautiful, we don't have to guest by whom she is infected.. of course Yong-Nampyeon..

i like her style in today episode, so feminine as husband yong ideal type.. my mom also watch streaming with me as she getting curious why i am sit in front of my laptop since in the morning, becoming goguma stalker, try to find out any news about uri yongseo couple.. hahaha.. my mom said, hyun buin is one of the prettiest in SNSD (Mianhe-please don't get insult--to other SONE, this is just me and my mom comment)..

don't you think when she pose as her hoot photo shot (Hoot CD) is one of her aegyo?? looking cute in front of her husband, hihihi ;)

ohhh my.. hyun, nonna is so proud of you.. now you became more brave with yong, and also looking mature..

nonna still remember when your first debut, long black hair with those fringe, show you are cute lil girl, but now looking super sexy and beautifully mature look.. i think i have the same thinking with Hyoyeon, when she said (episode 12- four SNSD unnies and Jungshin Chingoo visit their newlywed house): "it feels like my own daughter is married"..hahaha :lol:

and the moment Yong slip the word "KISS" in the Banmal song.. owww, yonghwa-ya.. we caught you now!!!  phew.gif  phew.gif do you think we will set you free after these?? hahahaha.. we will caught and interrogate you for saying those "KISS" word, and we will set you free after you confess that is your true intention.. (while dreaming Hyun Buin and SNSD unnies wearing Female cop costume-interrogating Yong) upppsssss...

can't stop loving your both: Hyun and Yong

another daebak episode is waiting next week.. Saturday come Pali..

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Guest hottest-generation
































































































































































































Making Of Banmal Song cut































































































































































































































































































yong imitates hyun~
































































































































LOL @ the "ha ha ha" part!! yong's totally teasing her! awwwwwwwww~
































































































































i cut this out because they are toooooooo cute!! (:
































































































































omg at the look seohyun gave yonghwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

































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Guest shinhdeplol

Yonghwa learns the ‘Robin Hood Dance’ and imitates Seohyun’s expression


On this week’s episode of ‘We Got Married’, SNSD’s Seohyun taught C.N Blue’s Yonghwa the ‘Robin Hood Dance’ from their hit track, “Hoot.”

Jung Yonghwa said to Seohyun, “I heard the song ‘Hoot’ came 1st for the 2nd week in a row,” which eventually led to Seohyun transforming into a passionate teacher and teaching her ‘husband’ the dance steps of “Hoot.”

Even though he was told off by Seohyun for not having his arm at a 90 degree angle, Seohyun still complimented him and said, “You’re doing well.” Seeing Seohyun taking the ‘carrot-and-stick’ approach for her student, she was able to successfully pull off the teacher image.


Another highlight of the show was when Yonghwa tried to imitate Seohyun’s cute facial expression. On the show, the couple were reading messages written on 2AM’s signed CD, for which 2AM’s Seulong wrote to Seohyun, “Kiss Yonghwa.”

When they were looking through SNSD’s album, Yonghwa found Seohyun’s concept photo and tried to copy Seohyun’s cute and surprised look.


Source: Newsen, Newsen

Taken from: Allkpop

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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































I just watched and loved it!!! Ha, this episode was totally awesome.
































































































































































































































































Ok I have to say this, I really like CNBLUE is music and YH have very good skills composing, Who else liked his electronic/dance version of I dont Know why??? Man that was good... This man is full of awesome things!!! (Note: can somebody rip that part, I really dont know how to do that, please...)
































































































































































































































































I was laughing so hard when he inserted in the song SH is laugh and scream, that was super funny... kekekeke, dont worry YH we will keep your secret, no one is going to know that you want to save her laugh to listen to it in repeat! kekekeke
































































































































































































































































Cant wait to know what is the second part of their mission. This is going to kill me... slowly... :blink:
































































































































































































































































I will wait for a translation of the song, before commenting on it, for what I understood she have to tell him to sing the missing part and then it was asking her to say that she loved him... Probably he have confessed with "I dont know why... I love you baby!!!" :w00t:
































































































































































































































































"I dont know why" have SH is name all over that song... I am so frigging happy!!!
































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing gogumas is 5:00 a.m. in my country and I have to wake up to work in two hours... BYE!!!

































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I seriously can't stop spazzing about tonight's episode! It was full of fun and sweet moments!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Stopped by to share a new link for my new fanvid. Youtube blocked a LOT of countries because of the song, so I reuploaded it! Although I won't be able to read your comments :( I hope you all really really enjoy this fanvid!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Art of Love - Yongseo [fanvid]

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest justbulan
































LOL  at yonghwa face when seohyun doing her aegyo pose (he turned red mwahahahahaha) 
















in this episode they're definetly more closer than before.. mwaa.. i'm so happy >_<









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Guest wishwash
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun looks especially pretty today, ain't she? I loved the scenes when they were looking at the photo projections on the ceiling and how close they were.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also want to share an article i read about today's episode. LOL when I read it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[NEWS] SeoHyun freaks out at Jong Hyun only in his underwear when relaxing at home.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On We got Married aired on 18th, as part of the mission Yong Hwa recommended going over to CNBlue's dorm.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Before going, Yong Hwa phoned Jong Hyun to ask what he was doing. Jong Hyun didn't know Yong Hwa had his phone on speaker phone, and he answered, "Just in underwear on the bed relaxing" which freaked Seo Hyun out.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong Hwa added, "It's on speakerphone so Seo Hyun can hear you and she's freaking out."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































At this Jong Hyun panicked and repeated "She can hear? She can hear?". However, Jong Hyun seemed to be enjoying freaking Seo Hyun out and added "Min Hyuk is also in his underwear"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































At this SeoHyun seemed to be shocked and said "I'm not going to your dorm" which caused laughter.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Source:My Daily

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















I was practically laughing all the way!!!! today's episode was too cute!!! But hey, surprisingly the thread is moving a little bit slower comapred to previous saturdays....... that's okay. LURKERS, COME OUT FROM YOUR HIDING w00t.gifw00t.gif














Hyun teaching Yong "Hoot" dance was very cute. Yong really needs to learn because he did it wrongly on Inkigayo :lol:. Yong was totally choding this time, refusing to dance. eventually he danced anyway :wub: :wub:. Oh, and that aegyo imitation by Yong, wow he can imitate well :D. LIKE HUSBAND LIKE WIFE............ Ah, it's quite short today, wonder what's the lyrics Hyun wrote and also their mission. could it be PERFORMING ON CHRISTMAS SPECIAL MUSIC CORE????? I hope so.








goguma1207................... thank you very much for reuploading. AWESOME! :wub:
















oh btw, is it true that WGM will not air for 2 weeks? I hope it will not happen though
















off to rewatch again, while waiting for trans









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cute episode this 1...







hyun totally cute either her clothes today & cute expression....







i luv it...







1 think...







jonghyun totally become somebody else..







if jungshin act like that.. i can accept it..







but jonghyun... dance...







wooo 4D friends already open up to their SIL..














glad we can saw it...












is that bed for their manager..







looks like the apartment already cramp with 5 adult men..







pity their manager (if so???)












In Yong bedroom...







But is that bed sheet is purple color or PINK color..







looks like more pink in it..







(Yong bedroom PINK already dominate the BLUE???)







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Just found from DC Married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do you see No.11????
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































11. 피렌체 두오모 가기 !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can someone translate this???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit : DCMarried

































































































































































































































































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waahh, jonghyun telling yonghwa over the phone that he's wearing only underwear and upon knowing that seohyun has heard that he added that minhyuk is also wearing same. hahah! :lol: boys will be boys..tsk...tsk...
































































































































































































































































all of them have been comfortable and now we see these actors/musicians in their unguarded actions. delightful for us mere mortals!
































































































































































































































































and what i really like in this thread and in WGM is I learn a lot of things. for today I was amaze with Hyun's camera. I didn't know such thing exists. I'm sure hers is a Nikon digital camera with a built-in projector but I don't know if it is also a Coolpix S1100pj model:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































glennpaulo, i think you are right! first anniv at firenze and renewal of vows at the duomo! i was thinking last night where can they spend their first anniv since they already went to japan, adam couple went to bali, khuntoria to thailand and they have been all over south and east asia for their concerts, so maybe the WGM crew could go to Italy. Just to be different.(glennpaulo's post is after mine but i answered here so that I'll just have one post. i hope that's ok.)
































































































































































































































































as for MXiahcky's question, the YongSeo's wishlist has been posted before by redtulip in page 1064. No. 11 was, i guess, added (when??)
































































































































































































































































First posted by korean fan:Name posted in the picture
































































































































































































































































Second posted by:http.//www.krdrama.com/bbs/thread-369430-136-1.html   
































































































































































































































































Third translated in baidu by: mynld
































































































































































































































































Fourth translated in English by: red tulip @soompi
































































































































































































































































Left Side: Things we want to do during married life
































































































































































































































































1. Get a Driving License
































































































































































































































































2. Ride a bike in a trip
































































































































































































































































3. Compose a song together 
































































































































































































































































4. Charity Event
































































































































































































































































5. Regular Execise
































































































































































































































































6. Guitar Performance together
































































































































































































































































7. Save money for a ring
































































































































































































































































8. Visit Busan
































































































































































































































































9. Visit both family
































































































































































































































































10. Write a diary
































































































































































































































































Right Side:  List of promise
































































































































































































































































1. No lying
































































































































































































































































2. Grooming Everyday ??
































































































































































































































































3. Every morning, to start the day with a ?? smile (can't see clearly)
































































































































































































































































4. Do not eat fast food or processed food as much as possible
































































































































































































































































5. To be frank with opinion with each other
































































































































































































































































6. Hweighting for each other's dreams
































































































































































































































































7. To read books??
































































































































































































































































8. To be nice to the brother and sister in laws.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
















Just found from DC Married








*quoted image*








Do you see No.11????








11. 피렌체 두오모 가기 !








Can someone translate this???








credit : DCMarried















They want to go to the Firenze Duomo.....which is in Italy blink.gif








My goodness. 

























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Guest glennpaulo


jonghyun totally become somebody else..

if jungshin act like that.. i can accept it..

but jonghyun... dance...

wooo 4D friends already open up to their SIL..


glad we can saw it...


jonghyun is playful too like yonghwa  but when the camera start rolling he became other person.

Maybe because he is shy. You can see his playfulness when he's still the leader of CNBLUE.

Minhyuk is also playful but shy in the camera when you know their former member kwang jin. 

I think he is the most.

EDIT: Italy, wow i think their 1st year anniversary will be held there. hmmmmm... wow excited. 

it is in their list so it will happen...kekeke


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























They want to go to the Firenze Duomo.....which is in Italy *quoted image*








My goodness. 











































waaaah, they sure have a dream to go there! I do hope they will have WGM filming there *my wishful thinking* . It would be soooo romantic :wub: :wub::wub:. Also, it would be wesome if they have their wedding photoshoot there!!!









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By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..