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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Caliope

JUNG YONGHWA... Where were you watching? :o :o

... Minute 6:24 in THIS VIDEO...

After Seohyun said "Guitar"... She put the blouse...


Well ... just look at the movement of the YongHwa's eyes...



YongHwa... We've caught you w00t.gifw00t.gif

EDIT: Thank you so much... MountainMadman and jdlee2 for the translations ^^

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Guest 1sweetlove








Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone ! :D








I just wanted to share this fancam of seohyun at the golden disk award. You can see her reaction when CNBLUE won and You can also see CNBLUE pass just in front of her.








It's a NEW FANCAM, SO check it out! :w00t:




























credit to kangsh3114








If this has been shared mianhe..... blush.gif








ANd I also wanted to thank ALL the wonderful and talented goguma villagers we have here! THank you! ;)





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Guest full-of-love

I don't know about all the goguma out there but i thought this moment was super cute!!! :wub:

yongseocute.jpg Love the way he HELD her hand super tight :rolleyes:

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Guest Dinatale

I just have a request for Santa can you please make another Jung Yonghwa for me PLEASE!!! Is official im in love with this guy!!!! How can he be soooo CUTE!!!!!! This epi was one of the best!!! I love every part, the holding hands, the feading praws, the song OMG the song was lovely!!! And the way he is scared of the praws, maybe it has something to do whit his fear of goldfishs? Cant wait for next saturday !!!

PD, i saw my name in the book send to yongseo yay Dinatale, Paraguay!!!! I hope they kwon now they have fans in sudamerica !!! Thaks everybody for the pictures, tranls, fancam, etc!! You guys rock!!!

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Guest shane09

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































hello everyone. a newbie herebiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif
































































ive been  hook with goguma couple recently and found this thread, following it for less than a week and it really moves so fast hahaa- i cant help it but post my thoughts. 
































































the couple are so sweet- its just how love start. its perfect!! you can see the change in hyun from ep 1 up tp this last ep. yong was still playful and has all his eyes to hyun- they are so sweet and so natural. but i notice yong keep looking at the camera hehehe- tongue.gif
































































love it when hun says komapta after yong finishes his song with saranghae hahaha- he had a blast laughing. they really had a good time.wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif
































































 their support to each other in GDA were really superb- from the rehearsal, to wave up to the hi 5!
































































thanks to all goguma fbi and goguma villagers specially to that post screen caps and translation. CONGRATULATION EVERYONE!!!
































































hope the virtual couple will soon be real couple! fighting!!!!laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

































































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Guest iluvxiah94

hey, fellow sweet potato fans!

I gotta admit, at first, I wasn't a huge fan of the sweet potato couple at all.

I just thought they were super awkward and that they would stay that way for the rest of the season.


I am A HUMONGOUS fan of this couple! they are just soo sweet and awkwardly awesome!

they aren't even that awkward anymore! they've become so close because of wgm and it's just so adorable =)

Seohyun's always been a quiet one, but recently, she's just blossomed soo much.

not only on wgm but on other shows too! it definitely shows when you watch wgm though!

She's not interested in boys? PSHHH. that's such a lie. look at how cute and happy she is with Yongg~ ;D

she has such a charming personality and she's probably the most natural beauty out there <3

I have to say that the horror special was MY FAVORITE EPISODE. I have it downloaded to my itouch =D

Yonghwa was so brave and he protected Seohyun so well and and OMG! ahaha now I'm just spazzing out xD

I cannot wait til winter break so that I can start watching all the eps i've missed!

seeing those gifs and screen shots are really KILLING ME! so much skinship~ hehehe can't wait to see it!



I've been seeing a lot of great pictures and articles about our Seohyunnie lately, and it makes me so happy! In the past, she was the most underrated in SNSD and she probably received the least attention and airtime on tv. But now she's receiving the attention and love she deserves. Congrats to her =D

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Wow! What an episode! I don't even know where to begin....


Unfortunately I guess I've hit the quota for the day on + signs, but I've enjoyed reading everyone's comments for the past hour or two and pretty much agree with all that has been said!


I've looked at this show for a while now not as We Got Married, but as a type of unfolding love story. Week after week I've basically watched Yong pursue Hyun and try to "tear down that wall."


In the first episode I could see that he was captivated/ intrigued by her, and he stated that she was "pretty" and had "clear eyes." This was enough to keep me watching through all those painfully awkward first episodes-- I wanted to see how he would handle it and her. Needless to say, I have been happy to see that with patience he has handled such a challenging situation very well!


So I just about died a third time (first was the b-day episode and 2nd when Hyun grabbed his arm) when he took her hand and put it in his pocket... 2 times! And that she *really* wanted it to be so.


It has just been really cool to watch this young love/first love unfold; and not only for them but also for the audience. For some reason it has had the effect of sending a lot of us down memory lane, letting us once again experience and feel everything they are on screen. Due to the uniqueness of their journey (on such a show), it does make it feel like it is so real.


Anyway, I noticed Yong gazing at Hyun more visibly in this episode; and that how before he sang his song he remarked to her again how he likes it when she wears her hair down. I really liked what we heard of his song to Hyun; it is so pretty. He will only write beautiful songs for his beautiful Hyun! (no weird songs! :lol: )




So Dinatale, I second that! :D He seems to be quite the catch. Grab on tight, Hyun!




Now, it will be interesting to see what Hyun will write and sing for her part in the song! She's gonna have to verbalize what she thinks/feels and sing it! Right? Can't wait for that.




And thank you again for translations mountainmadman and j2dlee! You guys are amazing! Edit: And synykiss for the fast subs!!!


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Guest synykiss
































































































































































































































































































































































































Dropping these by here~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P.S Yeah, I do realise I messed up the credits on the video. The credit I used on this is the one that I normally use for the DL video (because I normally make them all pretty and type setted) instead of the streaming ones (which aren't type setted). Mianhaeyo!
































































































































P.P.S RDRsubs are going to have theirs up pretty snappish this week, so yeah. Just FYI.
































































































































































































































































And yeah, it's late but...
































































































































Happy 300th day YongSeo couple!!!!

































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan








































This episode have me squealing like crazy!!!! I am soooo frigging happy for them, they have come so far, I am so proud... YH have been a total gentleman and SH have put a lot of effort to overcome the things that keep her holding back.
































I do think he really love her, the PD is a tease with that preview mentioning/questioning what YH left out of the song, this have me thinking and thinking what more could have he mean to say before the Saranghe part in the end.
































If we could make a clon of YH maybe Santa could get us one, for each one of us this christmas!!! keekekekekeke... But the original is for SH. :wub:
































What more can I say, all the post have said it all, thanks to MountainMadMan and J2dlee for the translation and Sun_sun and her sister for the subbed video. (Edit: synykiss too)
































All the wait have been worth it, I decided to watch their first episode and ended up walking through the memory lain rewatching my favorite episodes... I am really very proud of them, they really gave me this good fluffy feeling everytime I watch them... True Love can really touch other people is hearts and that is what happened between me and Yongseo.
































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, what a great day this have been!!! I love you all!!!





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the ratings of We Got Married Season 2 on December 11th 2010
































































































































source: TNmS































































































































































































































































































































































































i had spazzed a lot (seriously really a lot) in the chatroom and twit. thus i find it really unnecessary to post such a long comments about yongseo yesterday since many of you have been spazzing the same things like i did. what can i say? yongseo, please don't rush with your romance because i'm being used to your slowness. haha just kidding. i'm not complaining but now the greedy part of me wants more!

































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Guest Maekiwi
















































it has been a while from the last time I posted. Ive been screwed. >.< . I have some observation for my teacher preparation program in these weeks. Anyway, thanks for Mountainmadam and j2dlee ( sorry if i write it wrong, im in hurry).
















Just curious, why Seohyun had to hide her nose and her mouth when she looked down to see Yong's face? Afraid she would drop her nose's blood? :w00t: Hahah creepy, isn't it?. Sorry, I'll be quiet.
















I mean, I have seen an anime before about a girl who always has nose bleed when she faces to face with her crush. And its really popular in Asian anime and manga when one sees a sexy girl/ boy or his/her crush, if you notice. Does Hun see Yong sexy?????:rolleyes: I do too, honey
















And the scene when Yong looked at Hyun when Hyun fixed her sweater. It was nothing wrong with that, I mean, I do look at her clothes too to see what's wrong with that? I'm a girl. It was just a natural reaction, you know. But I do hope Yong found something interesting there kekkeke ok I am pervert, I know, write that down..
















P/s: AAhhhhhh I saw my name in the 300 days book. Yay, hi5 everyone :w00t: .. Good day

















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Guest glennpaulo



Base from the last part of the yongseo cut. "What was the lyrics the Yong messed up in purpose?"

hmmm..... I smell something cheesy there. Base from the last lyric translation "please accept it, saranghae".

maybe yong is proposing or saying his "true(maybe)" feelings to hyun by the song.

I really love this couple, i really hope to know that they are dating.

In our country, in entertainment industry, if an artist announce publicly that they are dating someone(co-artist).

they become very very popular and sometimes overly popular, many of the fans wants to know what is their status,

and many of the fans wants to know if they have a plan to get married. I hope someday that some fans accept the reality 

that its normal to be in love whether you are an entertainer or watsoever.

Love this episode. Hyun is playful now and even make jokes. I hope i will see her that playful with her unnies. 

I'm starting to like SNSD too as a whole.

THANK YOU mountainmadman, j2dlee, synykiss for the translation and subbing.


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Guest yongseo_fighting


Hi, everyone.. I have always made sure I drop a post after each episode to thank the translators and subbers. I have done that yesterday to Mountain Madman. And now I want to thank j2dlee and synykiss. Even if this thread does not allow any love declaration to others apart from Yongseo, I am fine if I am going to get a neagtive sign for loving 3 of you... haha.... You all and sun sun are indeed celebrities in this thread...




Btw, I have asked this earlier, but I do not have any reply ( I could have missed it). Where can I download the Japan episode (ep33) in MU/MF? Since rdrsubs did not sub it, I really do not know how to get it. It is such a good episode that I will be sad if I can't watch it again..


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Guest SophiaPia












MountainMadman, j2dlee as always thank u for translations. And synykiss for the sub thanks so much. And to everyone thanks from screen caps and every thing thank u. I still have hang over from this sweet episode, flirty episode, natural skinships episode YEAH BABY!  not from the red wine i drink last nite in the party kekeke! wait! caliope and i think Lin (biane if i forgot the name) but yes! i noticed that too, WHEN WIFE SEOHYUN FIXING HER TOP HUBBY YONG EYES WHEN DOWN AND LOOK HAHAHA! this happened also when SeoHyun enter that cafe wearing miniskirt hubby eyes when down and look as well. kekeke! Hubby Yong yes! we know what's in ur mind tongue.gif it's ok he is your wife anyway kekeke! 








yes! another daebak episode, MC's loving it, we loving it. Yeahhhhhhhh! so more to come it's all for the best baby! I just wish this will be forever really.








Cheers YongSeo couple. Cheers to all of you. yes! we are in Gu-chun wub.gif








ooppss: sorry i top up the page



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I am always lurking on this thread but I had to momentarily come out of hiding to say how much I adore this couple. They are just so cute, adorable, funny, and sweet together. I know they are not real real, but their progression through out each episode has felt the most natural and real to me. In the beginning they were awkward with each other (which was real and what to be expected from the situation they were thrown in) and then as time went on and they got to each other better they became more and more comfortable and open with each other and now they the addicting couple that I adore. What I really enjoy with them is that they did things at their own pace. Like they didn't do things for the camera or for the audience you know what I mean? They took things slow and did it in their own time and showed affection in their own ways in the little things that they do. It always bothered me when people said they were boring or needed more skinmanship and blah blah blah. It was like people you know the type of girl Seohyun is plus it is her first "relationship" plus their are cameras recording everything they do and say, plus a bunch of people watching scrutinizing it all, plus she is part of SNSD...scandals are so easy and quick to destroy careers. But my goodness how they have made it work and it seems/feels so real :D








What I really love is how great Yong has been. I adore him for taking into consideration the fact this is like Seohyun's first dating experience so while he has been getting her to open up, try new things, and become comfortable he has also moved at a pace that was not too fast but not too slow and just right for her. You could tell in the beginning he was slightly intimidated by her lack of experience and kind of unsure of how things would progress, but :wub: he was paitient and kind and sincere and worked so hard to make her laugh and feel comfortable enough around him to just sort of let loose (which she is doing now). A first boyfriend is very important and real or not Yong has been a great first boyfriend for Seohyun...I am so jealous because I want him. He is exactly my type. Sweet, sincere, cool, has a nice smile, is passionate about his work, and importabtly can make you laugh. He has so much charm and seems like the type that could get along with everyone. I WANT HIM!! Yong is lucky too because Seohyun is intelligent, beautiful, smart, has a set of strong morals and character. I mean she knows who she is and wants out of life but at the same time she is open minded and willing to put in the effort to do new things. I like how she sort of keeps him leveled makes sure he doesn't get too silly and stuff. They seem like such complete opposites of each other but they fit so well and make it work :wub::wub:








I adored this ep. So much to spazz about. More than their hand holding, I really loved their little moments where they playfully teased/flirted with each other and the song *love*








*goes back into hiding*



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Guest WendyLoveSoshi




Dropping by to translate a few more articles. :)












In this week's WGM, The Goguma Couple were at the night beach strolling,  once again, they expressed more skinship that let people feel warm.


Yonghwa and Seohyun were strolling by the beach. They were playing  happily, and had a wonderful time together. Seohyun expressed her  feelings to Yonghwa by linking her arms with Yonghwa. Instead of  responding weirdly like what happened last time, Yonghwa grabbed her  hand and put the two tightly held hands into his jacket's pocket. This  might be part of a very cute and romantic movie.




Source: Sports Today


Translated By: WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews / Soompi


Original Chinese Version: Baidu






On 11th November's MBC We Got Marrried, Jung Yonghwa (CN Blue) revealed  that he composed a song for Seohyun. (Girls' Generation) Yonghwa Said  ''I've been writing this song 5 weeks ago, and I think it can be  considered a gift, so I started writing it slowly. '' This song has a   motive - to let Seohyun start speak banmal.


Yonghwa sang the song, and added lyrics for part of it - ''We hope that  you can start speaking banmal. Although it's still a little strange and  awkward, I wish we can become more intimate and say it to me. We now  want to become the reason why you start saying banmal, accept me, I love  you. '' (Note: There might be a little mistranslations in the lyrics).


After that, Seohyun revealed what's in her heart. ''I thought he's just  joking by saying he wrote a song, he scared me, because he wrote it  while thinking of me. So, I'm really very happy. ''


Also. during this episode, after Seohyun and Yonghwa left the goguma field, they came to the beach. Strolling


side by side by the night beach, they held hands naturally.




Source: Baidu


Translated By: WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews / Soompi




And I got hold of the misson card for next week at Baidu. :) Translations as follows.:)












Yonghwa <3 Seohyun




Both of you created a list of what to do after you moved into your new house.


Do you still remember?


By using the song Yong hubby composed and sang at the seafood shop (?) as the main topic,  please go


and compose the ''Husband And Wife Song''.




Translated By: WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews / Soompi



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Guest love_andy94
































































































































































































































































































































































































Here's the link to this week's subbed episode! Enjoy blush.gif

































































































































































































































































































































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Guest dan_glitz
































































































Hey everyone here!!
































Wow! I'm new here, but have been a goguma couple lover since like forever.
































I still remember, I was curious as to the couple that people used to be adversed to, saying that
































they're too young to get married and all. So I watched their first episode, and dang, I knew it was going to 
































be a love story worth following. It's like in the first few episodes, they got more painfully awkward, then it 
































became a bit better, like they were friends and up till now where they are like, what they are pretending to be. 
































Wow Yongseo, Right now, it's... YONGSEO! HEHE.
































Every episode I watch, you are sure to see me smile. And replaying the same spot over and over again. If u agree with me, SMILE.
































oooh, About the hands in the pocket thing, I bet Seohyun never did or never heard of that kind of things before, since this is
































somewhat her first 'fake/real' relationship with a male.
































And I also bet Yong must have thought or asked around what he should do if they held hands again. Maybe he even researched. 
































Then after getting the idea of putting their hands in the pocket, he wanted to try it with Hyun. aaaah, kyeopta!!
































:) Goguma love is so sweet. :)
































P.S Is it getting cold in S Korea? coz they're all wearing jackets in this ep and in the previews...

































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