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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest uolam21






a little bit late, but i want to congratulate the sweetest couple in go-chun




on their 300th day being married...








this thread is daebak... 




had been reading here last night and when i came back tonight,




so many updates and so many fan arts...




i was so happy reading the wgm temporary staff's fan account




only to find out later that it's fiction...




be that as it may, i couldn't care less...




because in my mind and heart, i truly believe it's happening!!!




let's enjoy this ride, fellow goguma lovers...




there's no couple who can compare to our favorite couple...








another thing i love is the vietnamese fan made 




wedding pictures of yong and hyun...




aren't they the sweetest?








long live the goguma couple!!! wub.gif






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Guest blueshoes
















They shot yesterday (on 300th day) ???? :blink::blink::blink::blink:
































bgfamily75 jongwhan bang








@Yoojh1234 오늘간식준다고해서왔어 ㅋㅋ무도도달라고혀!~여기오면서현싸인귤도받음^^ http://plixi.com/p/61529429








3 hours ago
























Caliope It's Seohyun's sign ^^
































bgfamily75 jongwhan bang








우결용서커플촬영장에팬분들이보내주신점심도시락.과자잘먹습니데이!^^ http://plixi.com/p/61478451








11 hours ago
























source : bgfamily75 jongwhan bang








cr 갈뽕양★ @ DC married gall + yongseofacts











































































credit 아줌마밴드 @ DC married gall









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Guest Caliope

I need to make a request...

1º. SNSD Comeback Hoot Inkigayo

There was a picture made by the fans.

She was smiling looking sideways. He is smiling also looking to the other side.

It seemed as if they were watching... ^^

Could anyone upload this picture?... please?? :wub:

Thanks for the pics, blueshoes.

This is Yonghwa sign, right?

GOGUMAS... Don't worry if we could not trending...

... we will do it with #yongseo365 or #yongseo1year


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Yesterday I watched the subbed videos of Running Man ep17 where Yonghwa guested and i thought of something:











What is with YONGHWA and the "TELL ME YOUR WISH (GENIE)" of SNSD?













    When he was in "You're Beautiful" he danced to that song.





  • On one of the episodes of WGM he again danced to it as a punishment for failing his driver's lesson.



He wrote the "I'm genie for you girl" in LoveLight.


Then lastly, on the 17th episode of Running Man on the segment that he was guessing the song Nobody, he said "Tell Me Your Wish" instead.






Do you guys know other instances that he was connected with the Genie song?











It's just funny to know that even before filming, he was somehow connected to SNSD and now he's still answering the song on RM. Just a thought...






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Guest Faith_memory




























I've been celebrating our YongSeo's 300th anniversary, and this post is kinda late but what the heck!!







































♥Happy 300th day anniversary YongSeo!!!♥
























































































































gosh, dear Yong and Hyun,~




















thank you so much for the both of you,




















making us very happy and inlove all the time.




















Through sadness and happiness,




















through rainy and sunny days,




















Thank you,




















for those emotions and feelings that you shared.




















we love you both!!!!! ♥ thank you!!!




















More Goguma years in the FUTURE! ♥







































btw, let's participate with Seohwa Projects kekeke~!! those projects will be so much fun!!





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Guest Revelmonk


haha, i think it's just a case of yonghwa watching the genie mv too much maybe to watch seohyun as she shows off her legswub.gif


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Guest Crystal392










MountainMadman: Aww it's ok. Thanks for sharing translations all this time! Study a lot ok? ^^ but you are still going to visit the thread right? *hugs*


















cooleet: It's fate!! hahahaha even before WGM because as you said he danced that song in YAB :P Also don't forget one of YongSeo first eps, when they were talking about houses he kept teasing Hyun and saying 'Tell me your wish', he even said it once like a rap I think xD hahaha and also on the latest ep Hyun~ said 'Oh.. this is like TMYW' (when they were on the blue car) :P On RM it's funny because at the beginning imo it's kind of obvious that it's "Nobody" by WG but then when he sang it he somehow made it sound as if it were TMYW.. hahaha I ended up confused xD xD Yong is Hyun's genie and Hyun is Yong's genie :lol:


















Faith_memory: I love love love those pictures of them ♥


















I am so proud of Vietnamese Gogumas!! :) Your photoshopped pics were featured on NATE and allkpop ( http://www.allkpop.com/2010/12/fans-celebrate-yong-hwa-seohyuns-300th-day-anniversary ) :w00t: there are lots of comments praising the Goguma who photoshopped the pics. I wonder if Yong and Hyun saw this pics.... WGM PDs we want a wedding photoshoot!! :) (maybe on their 1 year anniversary? like Adam couple ^^)






Thanks to all Gogumas for all the info, pics and everything you've shared!!






Saranghae!! :)



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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































wow happy 300 days anniversary to yongseo couple!!































































































































































































































































(it's dec. 7th here in the states sooo yeahh) :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































those ps wedding pictures of the couple are soooooo nice!!































































































































































































































































im sorry but im totally stealing!! ahahaha (waiting for the reals one for now)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































hmmmm.... since their one year is coming up and since they got sooo much closer...































































































































































































































































do you think what im thinking?































































































































































































































































the pds are waiting and planning to shoot their wedding pictures on their one year?
































































































































what do you think?!
































































































































the gifts were so nice!! esp. the sweaters!!! i want one!!
































































































































i hope to see them wear those sweaters in future episodes!!
































































































































(they haven't worn any "couple" clothing huh?) they have COUPLE RINGS, CUPS, APRONS...
































































































































ohhh yeahhh they did match in the beginning episodes!! other than that i dont know... ahahah
































































































































well these couple sweaters will do (since its from a gift from there fans!!!!!)

































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Guest archiehon



































































Sorry I'm a day late.I wish Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun will continue to change and inspire each other for many more years to come. I hope through this fateful partnership they learned to be a better person and if they ever had to part ways they will remain connected with the memories they have made. I mean 10 years from now people will always remember Sarang Bit as a song dedicated to Seo Hyun, rite?




















Most importantly the relationship built here. The fans who had gathered here talking and discussing and helping each other throughout this couple's progress. I'm really thankful not only to our couple but also to the fans all over the world who had been supportive and wise. Again THANK YOU!





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Guest gogumacraze


Annnyeeeong to all goguma villagers here! Thanks to all gifted gogumas with their amazing talents (coz I hav none!) in translations, gifs, pics, fanfics,povs etc etc.... for sharing all the wonderful goodies!! (90 degrees bow to all!)


My 1st virgin post here (tho' I've been a lurker since day one)! ^_^

HAPPY 300th days to our lovely couple and many more to come!!


They are definitely each others' DESTINY!!




All the beautiful memories they've created together will stay with them for the rest of their life (esp for Hyun-in ep 12, according to Hyoyeon unnie Hyun stated that it'd be perfect  if she has a hubby like Yoong oppa )!!




Seobaby had once mentioned in a show that when she goes for her honey moon, she'd like to go to places like Boro Beach? (I think it's in the Philippines?). Won't it be nice if PDnim hav them shoot their wedding pics there?? :wub::wub::wub:




I would love to see also Yong hubby teach her how to play Love Light on the guitar and we get to watch it!! Hahaha. Tht'll send me to GO ~Chun for sure!


Sorry I don't know how to put things in spoiler:((hopefully I'll learn over time. Sorry for semi-long post!) Looking forward to Sat!! PAALLLLIIII!!!!






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Guest loybing

I used two twitter account yesterday,being able to participate itself makes me proud and happy. I'm proud to those people who really gave their effort for the success of Seohwa project. yesterday is a history. Fans around the world gathered together to show how much love they have for Yongseo couple. Keep the faith! YONGSEO Forever!

Happy 300 days Yongseo...looking forward for 365 Yongseo days

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Guest baby_bo































































































I couldn't afford not to share this link to everyone here
































A must watch.
































A beautifully created video by a KR Goguma villager (also shared by bezbezbez @ twitter :) )
































Im trying to upload this in Youtube so will share link once done.. but for now .. enjoy :)
































YongSeo 300th Day Tribute - song is FOREVER by SNSD














































































































edit - Youtube version.





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































pictures and gifs credit to dcgall :)
















































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Guest littlebiebie

Hi, Gogumas...

I've been a lurker these past weeks. I hope it's not too late to congratulate..

HAPPY 300th DAY for YONGSEO !!!!

To : Yong & Hyun

Even if you might not read this I just need to say ...

It have been a long journey. Thank you for allowing us to take this ride with you.

You two might not know how Yongseo couple journey had affect our life.

Stay true to yourself and be sincere at each other.

I hope & wish that this journey will last long and there will be another anniversary to come for Yongseo couple.. :wub:

To : all Gogumas around the world

Thank you for sharing EVERYTHING in this thread.

I love this Daebak Goguma family :wub:

So.. I just want to share this Goguma House Blog.

It's in Korean but the Blog quite complete. It has screen caps for each epi, list of back ground music (BGM), fanart, etc.

Shout out for Hachimitsu.. Since you compiled the BGM for each Epi you migh want to see this blog.= :)

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Guest Crystal392










*waves to everyone*


















I was about to go to sleep and MC Kim tweeted something, I think is YongSeo related because I see YongSeo. Hopefully someone can translate it ^_^


















jake82054 KIM JUNG MIN









V교 신도들이여...용서...우결겔들이여..!!!..크핫핫!!! .. 토요일 우결닥본사..!오늘 나영생일...미선님께서식사를 사셨습니다..!^^ http://yfrog.com/gz7taj









































I just used 'Google Translator' and I think he is talking about a meal they had because of Na Young's bday... xD hmmm not sure.. :P


















*According to SeIndi_jjang@twitter: Baidu Gogumas sponsored two kids under the name of YongSeo ♥: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=572693&page=1&bbs=



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Guest nafa_yongseo







hello all goguma shippers...



i want to say... even it's too late...









i really love yongseo couple...



i hope they will happy together... for long time... until they be real couple... (hope)...






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Guest Kerube-Chan








































































































































I just used 'Google Translator' and I think he is talking about a meal they had because of Na Young's bday... xD hmmm not sure.. :P
































































*According to SeIndi_jjang@twitter: Gogumas adopted two kids under the name of YongSeo ♥: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=572693&page=1&bbs=































































































































Woah!!! I google translated it too, and it said that this is the Baidu Goguma is project for their 300 day (with other things), I am really touched by this, only understood something about taking care of the 2 children until they are 20, they are 12 now (Dont trust me on that, using google translator).
































































They adopted them in the name of Yongseo... Woah, I hope:
































































1. Someone can extend my respect and congratulations to the Baidu Gogumas for this very meaninful act.
































































2. Someone can translate this.
































































I am so proud to be a Goguma! As always thanks to my fellow gogumas for sharing the goodies!!! Have a nice day!!!









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I just used 'Google Translator' and I think he is talking about a meal they had because of Na Young's bday... xD hmmm not sure.. :P






















































*According to SeIndi_jjang@twitter: Baidu Gogumas sponsored two kids under the name of YongSeo ♥: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=572693&page=1&bbs=



































Chinese fans got them other stuff as well: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=572786&page=2&bbs=


















Pretty awesome of the fans to sponsor two kids. <3



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