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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392
















Hiii GOgumas! I just woke up and found out we are trending #YongSeo300!








From what I've read on twitter is already trending on Singapore :w00t:








We can make it a WorldWide trending topic! Lets show them the Goguma Power hehehehe








Thanks to everyone for sharing translations, info and pics of our beautiful YongSeo :)








I'm so happy to have met all of you, my Goguma family. YOu have no idea how much you've helped me sometimes, when I was exhausted or sad....








Thanks to everyone.








Thanks Yong and Hyun.





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Guest buge1087








































Check it out!!! wonderful villagers...

































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Guest Crystal392




















I was stalking dcmarried and found a gorgeous photoshopped pic of uri YongSeo:





















































































































*Gogumas let's keep trending #YongSeo300 on twitter, and don't forget to take screencaps ;) hehehe





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I was happily geared up to help trend #YongSeo300 on twitter. It gave me so many problems but I persevered & tweeted away, but now I can't send a tweet at all. So majorly upset. :tears: I'm supposedly over status limit but I remember sending more tweets during YongSeo's Incheon concert.






























































All gogumas who can still tweet, HWAITING! You have my utmost moral support! :wub:






























































Happy 300th Day Yong & Hyun, may you always share weal & woe together and be each other's confidants.

















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Yongseo on their 300 days!!! Of course I'll tweet about it..








Can someone update me about their wgm filming??








Have we caught up to real time or we're still lagging about 2 months or so?








Happy YongSeo300 days!!





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Hi Gogumas





















Looks like every goguma out there is busy trending #YongSeo300 biggrin.gif  Did my part too hihihi....










 HAPPY 300 DAYS ANNIVERSARY to our beloved YONGSEO!!!!!laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif










YongSeo interactions never fail to amaze me. The knuckles cracking is just sweet. They were in their own world doing something 'different', though the manager oppa is also there with them. Looking forward to the next episode which all gogumas think will be hundreds times more exciting ( I Totally agree!!)



















Did something to celebrate uri YongSeo's 300 days of being together. 





























More than 300 faces of YongSeo 





















































Another MV of YongSeo 





















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I´m sorry redrev, I gave a red point :(, sorry sorry, really sorry...
































I can´t trend now, cause twitter started to be rude at me (that means that we will see #YongSeo300 soon?) :wub:...
































Thank you all gogumas for the goddies, I´m loving today´s fanarts so much!!!!









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Guest bezbezbez
























Waaa... We've been trending #YongSeo300 for almost 3hours already...It's really a fun experience to see all the Gogumas unite just to see uri YongSeo on the Trending Topics. It shows how supportive we are to the couple. Congrats to YongSeo Gogumas in Singapore and Indonesia, #YongSeo300 made it to your local trending topics. I hope it will appear soon on the worldwide TT. I witness how each and everyone of us continuously tweet and retweet #YongSeo300 for the past hours. The effort that you, guys, exerted is worth more than a million praise.
















Just hold on Gogumas, we can make it!
















No matter what happens, this will be a DAEBAK day for all of us Gogumas! Mark my word! This 3ooth day is a special day not only for us but most importantly for uri YongSeo
















PS Twitter is really acting up tonight, I hope it will be solved pretty soon so that we can tweet faster :)
















Just In Case we can't make it today, remember that there always be Saturdays and 1st anniversary awaiting for us :)
































I tried opening seindi_jjang, sweetpotatosubs, seohwaproject, and SeoHwaCouple, but I can't tweet using all of them :(





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





























































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa and Seohyun's First day together.. Memories.. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa seohyun first encounter before wgm in sbs gayo dae jun 2009,they in same frame,also yonghwa will gonna mc sbs gayo 2010 as well,it became memories :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































Happy 300 days to YONGHWA and SEOHYUN !!!!!! may your love story last forever!! even though both of you will someday leave WGM, but all you sincerity towards each other, your eyeships, your memories, your quarrels, your every moments will be traced by all of us, and you will not forget this experience...






























































to HYUN : It's been a great pleasure watching you transform into a beautiful lady from just a girl who hates boys........ No one expected that to happen. You should be grateful that you have a really nice husband, who take cares of you well, like an oppa as well as a husband. This is a very important experience for you, and also it will definitely be a precious memory........ remember, YO~NG is your first love. sometimes we Yongseo fans are surprised with your actions... in a good way. so, I, as well as the other gogumas hope that your love story with YO~NG will last forever.....






























































to YONG : With all of your countless efforts to break down the walls between you and your wife, it has paid off in a positive way. Do not ever let your HYU~N cry or sad because of your actions, but you must make her happy with your jokes....... You are a BIG contributor to Hyun's changes, and we are grateful for that. Anyways, thank you also for leading Hyun in this relationship.... You do have feelings right, ever since you receive the BANJJAK2 ring she gave for your birthday. And... Do not let her go off your hands, because fanboys are constantly looking for opportunitioe to grab your lovely wife. Hey, you are more precious than her sweet potatoes!! So, we hope your love story with HYU~N will last forever and ever....






























































ahh, I feel like crying right now. It's just unbelievable to think that it's their 300th day already. I just cannot stop recalling those awkward moments when they met for the first time.....:wub: :wub::wub:
































































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Guest korukoru86
































































































hello everyone..out from lurker mode..don;t remember when was my last time post in here.. :P:P
































So today is our yongseo couple 300th dayS anniversary...want to wish them
































































i've made a fanmade video..don't know how long this vid will lasting in youtube since i have got 1 srike after uploading this vid lastime..hope you guys will able to watch this before yt delete it.. -_--_-
































[FMV] 300th days anniversary
































































sweet couple^^

































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Happy 300th Day Yongseo..

u are much loved all arnd the world!

*dang! i'm late! r we still trending now?*


hug my fellow gogumas for all the daebak posts.

i'm soo touched by the dedications...


crystal, i want to see yong embraced hyun in that tight hug!

God, pls make it real!!

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Guest coconuttpp
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is link from Thai fan for anniversary to Yong~Seo 300 day. >> Yong ~ Seo Fan @ Thailand (including fan art & greeting in Thai style)..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy Anniversary Yong~Seo 300 day.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CR: sweet potato @pantip.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  In them eyes still contact each other always!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong ~ Seo look like a book that we want to read about them everyday & every pages, so we don't read at the end (wanna read forever and ever!!!)....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hello villagers!! <3
























































































Yeah, today is our SWEET POTATO COUPLE's 300 anniversary!
























































































I'm so happy for them... I hope they are texting each-other like crazy right now! Hihi What will they do for their anniversary? Maybe a wedding photoshoot? Kkkkk (the "kkkk" is done Yonghwa style, of course!^^)
























































































Thank you to those of you who posted pictures. They are incredibly sweet!
























































































I'm trending #YongSeo300 on twitter... Hope this will work!
























































































My dear goguma friends, let's keep sharing the SWEET POTATO LOVE <3
























































































EDIT: Oops, I topped the page without anything special to share... Well, I made this :) I guess that it's not very beautiful (sorry, I'm not very talented), but it is filled with my love for our beloved couple! <3

































































































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Guest keira53
















































Happy 300th day of yongseo anniversary.
























Hello everyone! We are Yongseo’s fans from Vietnam. Today is 300th day of yongseo couple. So we wanna share something in our project we prepared for a long time to congratulate this special day
































































First, this is the cake we designed and show in OFFLINE party
































































































































































Second, it is 






























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Guest wallpaperfood


I love you to bits my dears - you are the first couple, let alone celebrities, that I've shipped; and I have never once regretted the decision to devote my every Saturday to you <3

You've taught me so much about love and life, I just feel so inspired and honoured to have come across you! Such a rare gem that I have to treasure for life. Seeing you guys change and mature has affected my lifestyle too! I think that's the greatest gift you guys have - you are infectious in the best way!

Hyun; beautiful, talented, smart and kind-hearted, being your same-age chingu, I am meant to be dead-jealous right now, but instead I feel so proud of you! You've come so far, and I'm happier than Manager Oppa that you got to experience so many firsts with someone like Yong! You yourself have taught me to look deeper, to think harder, to be patient, to have goals, and best of all, to BE (comfortable with) MYSELF despite my (numerous) shortcomings, as there are people out there who love me and accept me. Thank you so so so much <3, You will become a very successful diplomat one day, like you wish for =)

Yong; it's been a helluva ride, hasn't it? A big pat on the back for all you've done! You're the busiest 21yo I know, and also the most deserving of uri Hyun's love. You impressed me right from the start with your demeanour, the way you firmly and gently handled this relationship from the start instead of quitting WGM due to ... differences with your partner =). You persevered and never pressured her - and to gain trust from someone like Hyun... - I am just so in awe of you - you have all the makings of a person who will get far in life, and will continued to be loved by everyone around you! Your chodingess is what makes you so loveable <3 .

Enjoy your time with each other now, and treasure every single moment! This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so don't ever let it go. One day, you will be able to look back and break into a biiiiiiig smile while reminiscing :D

Yongseo words can't describe how much I am grateful to you for, just like how you two can't stop expressing it to each other either :") !!I've never shared this before, but I've been  going through depression for 6-7 years, and apart from being entertaining, Yongseo has played a big role in eliminating a lot of my skepticism and negativity, and omg I'm crying and getting emotional as I'm saying this TT, and I just want to say how thankful I am that I stumbled across you on youtube one day. <3 <3 <3 and I'm so happy to be able to spazz and talk about them with you guys here in soompi - it's gradually helping me to overcome my depression a LOT and I love every single one of you here!!!! It really is a Go-Chun that I never ever want to leave :D. Now, the days are not as hard to pass, and I can wake up every morning and not think scary thoughts, but head straight here. :") sarangheyo!!

sorry for the very long emotional rant that was meant to be a congratulatory message/tribute to Yongseo -.-"...yongseo has that effect on me


been tweeting for 4 hours since 10pm but no trending yet?! preposterous!!!

and keira53, thanks so much for the awesome pics!!


aww jnj!! sorry to do that to you! At least ur tearing up in a good way? <3

magdal and bee_ichigo thanks for the love!! :") . I like what u said about fate and destiny - you're so right about that. Now I've sort of accepted that fate does exist =)

and I love soshisoshisoshi's post too =)

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see what u do to me wall?

its already 2am, and i'm tearing more after reading your post..

wow! nvr have i shed tears of joy this much for any k stars before,

but today..i did just that!

its not like yongseo knows me personally :rolleyes: but..




kiera, Vietnamese gogumas are jjang!

phokar chingu, hi hi. as usual, love your daebak caps

and to EACH & EVERYONE gogumas out there...




*group hug*

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sarangheyo too wallpaperfood saranghe everyone here, and of course saranghe YongSeo :wub:.
































































































































































































































































it will never stop to amaze me that they are able to make heavy my heart with a wonderful feeling and wake  the butterflies I only felt  the first time I liked someone. They inspire us in many ways and make us happy, that's why we give our  dedication to them, that is why some of you at 4 am are still twitting their couple name,  that's why others (like me) got up early in the morning every Saturday  to see them for 20 minutes, that´s why we spend our days here, in Go-chun :rolleyes:.
































































































































































































































































I love them, and I wish the best for them, and I´m so happy with destiny because of them. I also bless the day I found them on youtube (in their second episode), they have given me much joy this year. They are one of a kind couple, and they have been an example for many of us.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun, keep  flourishing as beautiful as you've done so far, remains as  the beautiful person that you are, never change your essence, never, and take good care of that man that adores you, make him happy and be happy and  treasure your memories with all your heart.
































































































































































































































































Yong, I can´t believe you are real keke, please keep being that fairy tale´s prince for her. Don´t make her suffer again, take  care of her,  protect her and thanks her for have entered in your life, just as she does with you. We know you adores her, and today I want to encourage you by saying... this is not one side love, trust gogumas villagers, go for her :wub:.and treasure your memories with all your heart.
































































































































































































































































Gogumas saranghe!!! lets celebrate this day and hope for us to be celebrating many more aniversaries, for them, with them :wub:.

































































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soshisoshisoshi and wallpaperfood : love your post. feel like crying now.































































































Thanks for all goguma who participate in trending #YongSeo300. You make me feel that I have a big family who love the same couple. Even tough I never met one of you, I'm really grateful. 
































Looked back how I accidentally know YongSeo and fell in love from the first time I watch them. And I accidentally found this thread and my love for them grown bigger. My first intention because I like Yonghwa and CN Blue. I'm really grateful that I'm watching Yongseo and meet all of you here. 































































































Thanks GOD for meeting them. Thanks for MBC , FNC and SME for allowing them to participate in WGM. Two wonderful person with different character but 100% match for each other. 































































































Yong~, I will always be your emotional angel and support you and CN Blue. I hope all of your dream come true. I know you are really busy, I don't know why you have a tight schedule. Just take a rest, I don't want you to get sick again. I will be really sad. Thanks for being patience in WGM. Thanks for being who you are now, such caring husband, full of love, a little jealous sometime, choding, great leader, pure person, honest person. Thanks for showing an interesting, simple, pure, honest and different love.































































































Hyun~, I'm your fan now. Thanks for caring Yong~ and support him. You are beautiful, genius and great person. I adore you. You are younger than me but your thinking is so wise. Thanks for being Yong's wife. I like your birth day present for Yong. It's really meaningful for me. You have change a lot. You are so shy, awkward and not much talking before. But now you can talk freely and joking with your husband. I'm really grateful that Yong~ can met you, a wonderful lady. Thanks for showing an interesting, simple, pure, honest and different love. 































































































And Lastly, Happy 300th day. I hope Yongseo journey will last forever. 
































































































































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