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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392
















lovekin: lol I think you misunderstood saturn (she was the one that posted that info @ CNBLUE thread), she is a Korean Boice that shares info of the boys @ CNBLUE thread. She was reporting on what the company staff said and imo she was just pointing out maybe one of the reasons was filming on the beach (which makes sense and I have to agree)... If you go to the beach on winter and spend lots of time outdoors on winter there are high chances that you will catch a cold or have a sore throat... that's just how life it is and we are humans. As I said before in my opinion, if YongHwa was indeed sick it was a result of lots of things going on in his life, his immune system was probably a bit weak and the cold weather didn't help... it's no one's fault really. That's just life.


























SukmyPikachu: No one has bashed this couple here this past couple of days.


























About Boices not accepting WGM and Yong haters (I agree with you jnj): why are we even talking about that? No one has complained about it lately here (nor at CNBLUE thread). We should be spazzing over the latest ep! :)





































~Shoot shoot shoot!










































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Guest archiehon




























Hi, anyeong,




















crystal_malfoy, i agree with u 100%. to even acknowledge a hater or antifan exists just elevate their status and sense of well being. let's not do that, not here or anywhere else. I'm sooooo excited to watch the next episode. I hope yong hwa will get better. I do think he got a lot of things going on with his career. isn't it nice that he went to Busan with Seo Hyun and meet up with friends, old teacher and hopefully his parents (squeeeeeel :0- i'm so jealous of Khuntoria who already met khun's whole family!).





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Guest hihi_hehe








































































I think we're just too aware of that kekeke
























































C'mon, drop that thought! Yonghwa is human, and we do get sick people!
















































































































I don't wanna talk about that in our thread :sweatingbullets:
























































What's up with the antis, since antis are always antis?
























































We should talk about YongSeo, not the antis LOL
























































I'm the only one who loves the precious "23s preview"?
























































Too cute huh? They didn't harvest much! But sure, they will "harvest something" :wub::wub:









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Guest ricevol













Such a Daebak episode





@j2dlee, MountainMadman amazing as always, thanks so much for the translation!








Thanks for the gif, screencaps, pictures, etc. I have saved them all to my computer.






My graduation exam is coming...but I still cannot resist from watching this week episode for several times even though it's much less than previous episodes. ottoke blush.gif



I just watch again ep 1 and I believe it's fate that bring them together. Those kind of things (fate) always make me think that they will finally be together as real couple and...real husband and wife! :wub:



SHE SAID SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND. Though it's not here attention to say so but she is now HAVING A BOYFRIEND, I believe.





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First of all, big thank you to mountainmadman, j2dlee, redtulip, sun_sun for all the translations, subbed videos etc.
















































Thanks to lovekin, crystal_malfoy, jnj, dreamyboo, mrsjoker, lenovo and all the others for your wonderful posts and
















































comments. I've been reading this thread for so long and I love all the villagers in here. A truly amazing bunch.
















































And to bezbezbez, what an amazing job on the 300 day anniversary gifts. The photobook looks simply amazing.
















































Can't wait to see all the pictures in it. I'm sure yongseo will be totally touched. Thank you for taking the initiative,
















































and for all the effort. I'm not sure who else was involved but my thanks to them as well.... :)
















































I have this long spazz coming so am going to put it all in spoiler tags under different heads. Don't want to take up too
















































much space on the thread...
















































Spazzing Part 1 - Episode 34 and preview for Episode 35
















































Even though there were no big squee-worthy moments in this episode, I was in a way quite happy about that.
















































First, because it gave my poor heart some rest from the constant state of excitement this couple evokes.
















































And second, because this episode is to me what real relationships are about. No real relationship can be on a constant high or keep having turning points. Its times such as these, where you see how comfortable they are with one another, how Hyun has totally come out of her shell, how Yong choding is in full flow, that you realize how very very far they've come from their early (very awkward) episodes.
















































I sometimes go back and re-watch those episodes just so I can appreciate their progress even more :)
















































And Manager oppa! To me, MO was the real hero in this episode. Finding out that he and Yong talk to each other a lot, that he likes Yong more than Hyun (or so she claims!), the very obvious fact that he ships this couple as much as the rest of us, was just too, too, amazing! And him hugging Yong when Yong tried to shake hands. Just. Too. Sweet.
















































And of course I loved that very confident hand clasping (holding is too mild a word!) in the truck. Sitting right next to MO at that! You can see how confident Yong is around Hyun, and how much she trusts him.
















































And kudos to Yong, he has really, really worked hard to make this happen. For all his giving in to Hyun on pretty much everything, Yong has a very sure and masterful touch in his dealings with her. Its interesting to see their interactions together. He never treats her as an untouchable goddess (which I suspect many of her fanboys do!). He also has a way of teasing her that brings out her playful side, which is such fun to watch! He is appreciative of her talents, and her very unique (and serious) way of thinking. And he has tried to learn from her as well. I most specially love the fact that he notes everything she says to him, and that he has never broken any promise to her. And I have to agree with someone (was it lunasol?) who said that the mildang (much as it hurt Hyun, and to some extent all of us) did cause a quantum leap in their relationship!
















































And kudos to Hyun as well! As MO said, Hyun is not the sort to initiate stuff, but she sure does take direction well! It must have been very very hard for her to come out from behind her walls and let Yong in, but once she did that, she committed to it all the way....She has really put herself out there and left herself open to everything from heartbreak to speculation... Am I making any sense here?
















































I think enough people have spazzed about the preview and I sooooooooo am on that ship as well! The hands in the pocket moment was just too cute. And yes, I'm dying to know which song he's talking about as well. Argh! After all my talk of liking less exciting episodes, I'm now all worked up for next Saturday!!!































































































Spazzing Part 2- Korea China Concert on 02 Dec 2010
















































I didn't see much spazzing over the concert fancams, and I can understand because there was only a few seconds worth of interaction between Yong and Hyun. It was the 'now you see it, now you don't hi-five' moment. Very very nice, but way too short.
















































However, for me, all the spazzing was what was going on around Yong and Hyun in that ending sequence. I've seen multiple fancams and can't figure out exactly how many endings were there. There's the time they enter with Yong behind Shinees Jonghyun, then the time they enter together and he gets pushed. In one set of fancams he looks very serious and like he's trying to hide from the cameras. In another, he looks happy and even waves to the person recording.
















































But you can clearly see at the end of one, where all the performers start walking off and Hyun moves very fast to come near Yong, and he also tries to go towards her, but then I think all the performers are called back, and Yong gives up. They're definitely looking for each other at different points of time.
















































But best of all for me, was the Minho - Yong interaction. You can clearly see, on more than one occasion, Minho is checking out Yong. And he doesn't look precisely happy, does he? He looks like he's trying to figure Yong out! I really felt that there was way too much happiness in the air around the CN Blue boys. Yong looks like he's getting teased, and he looks both proud and very very self conscious. Of course, everyone could be hyper just because of the concert atmosphere, but I've seen other concert endings, and not all of them seem to have so many undercurrents.....
















































or I could be just plain DELUSIONAL :))































































































Now I can't wait for the Golden Disk awards, next Saturday's episode, the Busan episode, and the various end of year shows to happen! Am already bummed I'm going to miss all the ones in the last week of December since I will be on vacation with friends, none of whom know anything about Korea, leave alone Yongseo :(
















































Will depend on this thread to keep my sanity intact!
















































Cheers everyone! (*Lurks again*)

















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yikes!! am so sorry for making a hullabaloo in here :unsure: didn't realize that what i quoted from saturn seemed anti-ish. however, i agree with jnj & crystal that it may not be what we think it is. like crystal, i also don't think saturn is an anti. IMO, she's already being very nice by not mentioning WGM. in any way, i apologize for posting something that could stir misunderstanding. >.< let's not focus on the negative side & just ignore the antis if we find any postings from the antis ya :)


crystal, i LOVEEEEEEEEEE that hand-holding pics! daebakkkkkkk!! i could stare at them for hours! :w00t:


jnj: haha yahhh hyun should've held onto yong's hand or his arm! uhmm actually it would be even better if yong made the 1st move to hold her hand but i guess he didn't want ppl to have an impression of him being an opportunist or cheesy? xD


archiecon, sukmypikachu, hihi_hehe: 100% agree too... let's drop the subject :D




ricevol~!! haha u may be right, girl! what she said in the earlier eps seems to be coming true. she even sensed that yong is her real hubby! i wonder what else is she sensing right now? ;)


rushgiri~! love ur post! :)ohhh about yong-minho interaction. i thought i was the only one getting the vibe between them! haha *hi-5 yongseo style* xD this is just based on what i feel & it may not be true at all. but i'm still gonna express what i feel :P the last time i saw them (yong & minho) in inki together, minho didn't look very friendly. i mean even minho's other members are very close with yong & IMO, minho, as hyun's closest male friend (then) should at least be friendly to yong too. but i don't feel the friendliness coming from minho. aishhh could minho be jealous... i believe he likes hyun too! :phew: ahhh however, i could have read wrongly their interactions/facial expressions.


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Guest bettechai
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello Gogumas...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Any Subs yet.??? please please...Want to watch it.. i just look at the pictures and man..! Hoot.!!!1 :phew: it is totally daebak.!!! cant wait Fighting Subbers..!!! :D:wub:

































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Guest yongseo_forever
































Thanks for the translations ! ^^
















Really appreciated!
















Like everyone, i can't wait for next sat to come!
















They seem to get more and more comfortable with each other :)
















Anyway, i hope yonghwa gets well soon ~
















Probably caring hyun will make some nutritious drinks for him again haha :D
















And, regarding the grabbing of yong's bag by hyun , i sometimes do that too , grab my friend's bag.
















For me , it's like i simply adore my friend and wants to get closer but don't know how to.. haha.. i wonder if she's feeling the same?
















But from the preview , it seems like she's quite comfortable with skinship already so yea, applause like her ! ^^ ~clap one round~
















Love love love,  everybody clap clap clap ~ haha :wub:;)^_^:lol::w00t::DB)

















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by now, i'm sure MO has some fans of his own..

and i find it erm..*idk what word to use here*

that even the manager is talking abt yongseo slow skinship :rolleyes:

and thanks to him for bringing up the subject, we saw the hand grabbing inside the truck!

aah..yongseo could have stayed that way since MO approves! :P:lol:


hihi_hehe, they did harvest something much worth than gogumas ;)

ricevol, hyun went by her instinct the first time she met yong.

and now that we see how comfy she is, she may just shocked yong with another skinship :lol:

dreamy, yongseo is capable of skinship...i'd like to see MORE of it! ^_^

rushgiri, erm what abt the Golden Disk Award? did i miss something here?

ack!! don't tell me yongseo is going to perform that night? when? when? :w00t:


synykiss...hug u!!! thank u soo much for the sub.

was wondering who'e going to do them since sun_sun is away..

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Anneyeong :wub:
















The thread is moving really slow this past couple of days...anyway, I was lurking at the sweet potato days chat room and found a link to the subbed episode of our goguma's episode yesterday.   Credit should be given to the subber but unfortunately I failed to get it.  So to her/him, thank you, I hope I'm not offending her for posting it here without  permission, but, I just want to share it with you guys...here it is, I think they are still working on part 2....

























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Guest synykiss
















































Just dropping these by here~
















































Part 2 ... it's all HQ now ^_^ youtube played nice with me. Finally.
















Thank you to j2dlee + MountainMadman for the amazing translations~
















Note: In part 1 like the first few line of speech within the first minute is out of sync by about 00.10 of a second. Dunno why, it got messed up while the dub was in process. =/
















oh and manager oppa~~ <3
















Aigoo... anyways, enjoy the episode. I did. Next weeks preview looked Deabak! (which is what this thread should currently be spazzing about.)
































I will be here next week to sub aswell~

















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thank you @synykiss Icon for the link :) huwaaa.. REALLY!! cant wait for next week.. I like manager oppa :D somehow, i just realize Yong and Hyung look like each other?? hha...









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rushgiri, erm what abt the Golden Disk Award? did i miss something here?































































































ack!! don't tell me yongseo is going to perform that night? when? when? :w00t:






























































































































































Hi jnj, sorry for making it sound like something was happening at the Golden disk awards. I just get very happy when they're at any show together. As far as I know, both SNSD and CN Blue are in the running for awards. So like the diehard shipper that I am, I hope, hope, hope for some interaction between them. Have no clue who will be performing that night but I really hope that both groups will perform. Who knows, maybe they'll have a special stage together :)
















































Just dreaming guys, just dreaming! Don't take this as news of any kind :)
















































And dreamyboo
















































I always get these vibes between Minho and Yong. Don't get me wrong, I adore Minho, and actually find him the cutest in Shinee, but sometimes
















































I feel that he gets a little 'moody' around Yong. Don't flame me people - this is just my opinion! I've said it before, when it comes to Yongseo I get pretty delusional!
































































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Guest rjcm127
































































































































































































Just finished watching with MountainMadman subs..
































































































































































MountainMadman you are really great thx a lot..
































































































































































I like this episode even though there are not a lot of lovey dovey moments.
































































































































































In the truck, even snsd manager approves Yong.. It feels like yongseo are getting blessing from everyone :)
































































































































































I feel sad that the gogumas didn't turn out well.. They put a lot of effort in planting them..
































































































































































Well after watching the preview.. What more can I say than "Why can't Saturday comes faster!!"
































































































































































Yongseo will keep you smiling all day long.
































































































































































Check my fanvid about yongseo here































































































































































































































































































































Love the fanvid, keep it coming. Do you have a version without captions? Can you please tell me the singer and name of the song that perfectly goes with the vid. I'd like to add that to my playlist of Goguma Songs.
































































































































































Thanks again to j2dlee + MountainMadman for the amazing translations. Enjoyed watching them without captions and even better with.Tks synykiss for the first part of subbed video.

































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Guest Sweet_Sherbet






THank you synykiss for the subs!!!


I love it how the mc's go cray when their is skinship happening!!!


And the manager oppa is so funny! lol!



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Love the fanvid, keep it coming. Do you have a version without captions? Can you please tell me the singer and name of the song that perfectly goes with the vid. I'd like to add that to my playlist of Goguma Songs.


Thanks again to j2dlee + MountainMadman for the amazing translations. Enjoyed watching them without captions and even better with.Tks synykiss for the first part of subbed video.



the name of the song which being used in that fan vid is What I want to do Once/If I have a Lover by G.NA ft Rain


you should check this one too!! --> http://www.youtube.c...h?v=COYMAttBiFY cr: popangel94@yt


it used older moments but Yong succeed got my heart fluttered when he saw his beautiful Hyun with those sweet eyes in 2.38!!


happy watching gogumas!!


pb: omo I topped the page keke ^^



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Guest mejesuis

I'm quite puzzled as to why the owner didn't tell Yong&Hyun to collect the leaves and bring home to cook?? Since he already said that they had a poor harvest this time due to the weather, then, isn't it better to advise them to collect the leaves as well to make up for it? If he did, it might turn out to be a great opportunity for Hyun to learn how to cook the dish, or Hyun's mother might ask Yong and other cnblue boys to go over for dinner and she will cook the dish for them? ^_^

That's what I thought...

My exact thoughts too but I guess not a lot of people know that they are edible or don't know how to prepare them. What a waste 'cause they're quite expensive. :(

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These epic works are from baidu which I found at dc married


























They are really beautiful. I want to use the fourth one. D:



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Guest xoxojenniboox3



Hi everyone!

I am one of the admin at TGM Forums (s7.zetaboard.com/theygotmarried)

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Guest desirenhope
































































































I could be imagining things but I heard Sulli mentioned and asking Yonghwa about Seohyun during the MC talk in Inkigayo and he replied her and was sort of shy and embarrassed before doing the thing he likes to do most which is "turning away" for a moment.
















































































Can't wait for next week's episode!









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