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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Look the video at 4:50... This video: CLICK











So... What do you think?  :P




Thanks for the gift and translations ^^







i love the fact that as soon as SNSD starts walking off stage, Yong turns his head keeping his eyes peeled for Hyun! 




he keeps glancing back and to the side until she passes by him




So sweet to look for his buin!




too bad Hyun was rushed off stage! 





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has this been shared?

a short fancam of yong..

another fancam,

yong was pushed to snsd's side by bro-in-law, JH (another goguma supporter?) ^_^

ah..if only he were to stay there.. :rolleyes:

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Guys, thanks for sharing all the goodies
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From the fancam shared by Chilipadi, here's I think what happened,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry if it's not like what u guys think, it's just from my observation only :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After SNSD introduced themselves, Yong waved the flag, then I noticed he was coughing, like quite a loud cough, and he covered his mouth then his face shyly touching his hair, and kinda smiling shyly, and if u guys noticed, the 2NE1 girls at front of him (Minzy & Park Bom) turned to him after his coughing at kinda laughing at his shyness haha, and if u guys look at Jonghyun, he was laughing too, and then Yong whispered something to JH and then they laughed together hehe.. so I think it's not something related to SNSD..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But what he did afterwards, with that split seconds, he looked at Hyun and wave/highfive to her, that's gotta be love, even how many times I tried rewinding it, it still felt too fast for me to see, they are just so subtle in everything but so caring with each other :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A little bit side note to Jonghyun, he looked so happy standing close to 2NE1, brother in law loves 2NE1 :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: I forgot to say thank u to MountainMadman for translating all the time, so grateful, despite how busy you are :P and also thanks for the new chapter of Love Story, I wasn't expecting at all because you did say it'll take around 3 days hehe, but you gave us a nice surprise
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also to other Yongseo fanfics writers, you all are so talented and enjoyed reading all of them, but I must say, since I love Yongseo couple so much, I only read Yongseo related fanfics, never the others hehe... ^_^

































































































































































































































































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Guest Revelmonk

IOkay, I've translated husband's message to wife and wife's message to husband!

Yonghwa: My wife, you're really awesome.You're pretty and even good at studying. Because you're very upright, Iwould set a good example as well~ You've influenced me to readenthusiastically, and thank you for the beneficial drinks you've madefor me. Though your culinary skills are not superb, I'm very touched byyour intentions and sincerity~ There are some things that I can't bringmyself to tell you, so my wife, if you get too close with other men(including 2AM's Jinwoon), I will get jealous~ Do you know that?

Seohyun: My husband, to me, you're soamazing. You always give in to me, and you give me a sense of security.You're also playful and humourous, never failing to make me laugh. Whenyou're with me, I feel that time passes by very quickly. I love yourmusic, and I admire your talents~ But you don't have to accommodate meabout everything all the time, okay? I'll look foward to the day youwould be frank and honest about your feelings with me! :)

The other 2 couples wrote messages to their partners as well, and our Yongseo wrote the longest message for each other. Kekeke!

Can goguma FBIs interpret when did they get interviewed about this?

It feels recent to me, and I can totally sense their love for each other LOL:wub:

Also, I just realised that there's a SNSD poster included in the magazine! Our Seobaby's so gorgeous. B)



zealous, I hope they bring CNBLUE here too!! I'm desperate to see Yongseo right in front of my own eyes~

oceanprince unnie! Good luck to your papers, hwaiting ok!!

Yeah, they should give us potatoes on soompi some priority seats kekeke.

So, are we gonna hold another goguma meeting in Singapore again? Yay! :)

did yonghwa and seohyun really write those messages or are they fan created?

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Guest bezbezbez








































For YongSeo's 1st Year Anniversary on 11th February 2011
















































[ANNOUNCEMENT] Every Goguma is invited to join and share his/her own ideas for the 1st Year Anniversary Project of YongSeo International for uri YongSeo. Just meet us today at seohwaprojectcrew.chatango.com 11PM KST. Grab this chance to show your love and support for YongSeo. See yah there in a few minutes!!!
















THE MEETING IS ABOUT TO START! WE NEED MORE PEOPLE AND IDEAS.... GO TO http://seohwaprojectcrew.chatango.com/





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Guest mimayree




It's out of the topic . I don't know if it's been shared before


but Jinwoon just said Hyun is his Ideal type.


It's a recent interview.


Oh my Jinwonie. Sorry but hyun belongs to yong.=)


My link


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Guest blueshoes
















[Famcam Seohyun] 101202 한중가요제 Hoot





















[Fancam Yonghwa] 101202 한중가요제 ending







5:01 :wub: :wub::wub: :wub::wub:





















credit uploader&shooter + yongseofacts + Dc married gall









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Guest Faith_memory
















































credits to the owner.




















OMO!!! these two!! they look tired, especially yonghwa, but anyways, they are still seriously good looking! kekeke~! ♥ and those glances are really..!! ♥♥♥ keep those pictures and fancams coming!! kekeke~!!! ♥ thanks gogumas!





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Guest angg_jagiya








































jinkee thank u for the gif.
























yes can see they high-five :wub::wub:
























Minho turn back to see the reactions between yongseo. like we right? 4sure!!!!! :ph34r:
























i think idol want to know about them as we too. :ph34r:
























and also simon D hahaha!!!!! DEABAK reaction :w00t:
























gogumas fighting!!









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Guest wallpaperfood

aaaaahhhhh i'm still spazzing over that fancam!!!

I adore the fact that Yong didn't even wave/greet/bow to Hyun's unnies when they were running off the stage!! The moment he noticed SNSD was walking off, he immediately tried to spot Hyun, and was looking at her THE WHOLE TIME <3 <3 <3

Then after Hyun has passed and done wtv hi5 thing they did, he turns around (i.e. doesn't look out for other artists walking off anymore). Reminds me of the fancam of him at the Love Sharing concert (i think) when he only sang Hyun's part. After her part, he turned away from the monitor.

And notice how CNBlue brothers and Simon D all turned to look at Yongseo interaction ! XD I swear, they were all waiting for her to walk past. Minhyuk and Jonghyun especially haha - they turned their heads more than 90 degrees till Hyun was out of sight (while Jungshin was bowing to everyone).

Then after Hyun is gone, Simon D cracks a smile aimed at Yong.

All this time, after seeing her, Yong is the quickest to regain composure (while brothers keep turning their head to see Hyun) and snaps his head back to the front, pretending like nothing happened, because he is probably  trying to avoid being teased and doesn't want to be caught off-guard smiling more than usual or something. ^^ (denying means you're trying to hide something!! ~ hehehe)

I'm having such a great time in my Yongseo world now :D

Can't wait for tmr ..


Sohiapia I PMed you a while ago cos I had nothing to post on the thread yet lol. :)


yes ayutie, Minho turned to look at Yongseo too! <3

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Guest bizzie_b


THE LOOK OF LOVE!  wub.gif




Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!  I can't help but download every little fancam of the artistS who were present in the festival just to catch a glimpse of Yongseo.   Patched every little movement from one fancam to another and saw every side of that SWEET LITTLE ENDING of the festival.  I'm feeling something REAL between those glances.  I don't know if I'm just being biased but I could see that Yong is always looking at Hyun from his peripheral vision.  And it's made more obvious that he knows Hyun's every move because when SNSD were on their way out, he instantly looked at where Hyun was just to be able to share a small sweet goodbye moment with her. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!  This couple is jjang!  I'm super kadooper loving their sweet moments!  I'M SUPER LOVING THEIR LOOKS OF LOVE! wub.gif 


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Guest orchid81

































































































































Wallpaperfood, tomorrow i will be in sweetpotato will try again to watch wgm live if i'm lucky looks like TVU channel 89991 still lag and channel 82048 still not on. Sad :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't know if anybody here has told you already, but I reply you in case you still don't know:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the "search channel" box, just type MBC, you'll have 2 choices: 89991 (lag) and 92328 (good quality).

































































































































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Guest SophiaPia




hi orchid81' thanks. yes! i tried that 89991, 92328 both lag w/ me. The only works w/ me is 82048 but it's not in service. Even channel 81037 lag w/ me. I guess it's my internet connection here. Thank God, there's some good people who will stream and i hope i'm lucky enough to watch it every sat. Cheers


I don't know if anybody here has told you already, but I reply you in case you still don't know:


In the "search channel" box, just type MBC, you'll have 2 choices: 89991 (lag) and 92328 (good quality).



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waah....hours to go.. but I got to go to camp..and will back on monday, hopefully by then, the eng subeed video have released..
















waiting for theit goguma harvest.. and mostly their date in Busan..
































by the way, did anyone have watch this.. 































































































lately hyun has totally changed, before this she always shy, now, she's the one who teach other "HOOT" dance,.. hehehe wonder who make her changed...

















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Guest yongseo_forever




I've always been on the lurker mode and this is my first time posting a comment ^^

In order to be able to take part in the discussion , i deliberately created an account here hahaa. :P


First off, I simply adore our yongseo couple and like everyone here, i wish they would become a real life couple and live the rest of their life together :)


Cus of my love for watching hong kong dramas,  i've recently finished watching a hong kong drama and while watching , i was wishing at the same time somewhere in the back of my mind that yongseo will be as sweet and have as much skin ship as the couple in the drama soon too keke :wub:


But i understand that they are taking it slow and i'm willing to wait hoho :)




Secondly, tomorrow is saturday again !!! And i can't contain my excitement, thus i simply had to let off my train of thoughts somewhere haha. It's heartening how much closer they have become , to be able to play around with their hands -wink- hahaha (but i still hope that they will someday hold hands/ link arms while walking on the streets naturally ;D or yong's hand over hyun's shoulder kekeke)




Lastly, all those busan fan accounts and pictures are getting me pretty hyped up to watch that episode! Can't wait arghhhh~~~


Sorry for spazzing for so long hehe







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Blueshoes thanks heaps for the fancams, especially Yong's; you could see his expressions clearly in there,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wondering if the owner of fancam is a Yongseo fan? because both Yong & Jonghyun often glanced straight to the camera
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and even at one time Yong waved and smiled to the camera too hehe, maybe she brought a signboard or something that catches Yong's attention :) Can you guys hear some fans shout Yongseo? (I think it was a male fan's voice?)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Still couldn't get over how we finally had something which showed their interactions outside WGM, even for a mere seconds :)

































































































































































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

Sophiapia just PMed u again cos I can't make it tmr :(

alah91 thanks for sharing the link =). Maybe Hyun is being more proactive in shows now that she knows Yong monitors her ^^. Either that, or as someone said pages ago, they might be preparing her for something like a drama role. I'd like to think it's because she's just become more confident overall (due to Yong's input muahaha)!

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thanks to everyone sharing the links, you guys made it easier to bear the remaining hours for the latest WGM episode which will be airing later this afternoon.  Anyway, just would like to let you know that jossa has updated her fan fic.  Another wonderful YongSeo story :wub:









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Guest SophiaPia




1 more POV then off to bed it's now 1:21AM.




Thanks blueshoes for another fancam ending. Start @5:00 hubby saw wife Hyun leaving so they greet each other. But looks like hubby Yong surprised that wife Hyun is leaving it's like he saying there What? My guess is maybe hubby Yong think that all artist will leave the stage together and his surprised to see his wife leaving and running, rushing. And after that seeing wife leaving he wants to leave as well kekeke! but 1 of the lady staff talked to cnblue 1st. I wonder if wife Hyun will wait hubby Yong or hubby Yong will wait wife Hyun backstage. Just a thought.




YongSeo couple later Yeah baby! Cheers


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Guest quisty86




jnj I couldn't stop replaying that Jonghyun fancam you posted. I think it speaks a lot for goguma shippers! Shinee's Jonghyun together with Jungshin is like...no stay there and you could see that he was being teased bec. of Yong's smile. AND check out where he was being pushed at! Seohyun and Nicole were headed towards that area and I guess when Yong was left no choice but to greet the girls, too embarrassed he went to the back but you could see Sica and the rest were smiling and looking at that direction.


Oh and yeah can someone confirm this? some girls were shouting Jung Yonghwa, some guys shouted Seohyun but was there a shout for YongSeo? :) Thanks.


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