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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest crystalblue


Thank you qwenli and rushgiri. Yes, I have been to KL and HCMC and Beijing many times for work but I wasn't a Yongseo addict before but I am now!!! That's great to know that there are ways! and I won't get left out of the fun. Thanks ladies! assuming you're ladies that is...


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Guest MountainMadman

Wheee! Thanks to magdal for the tip! ^_^

MC Kim's tweet:

우결녹화마쳤네요.잼나요.이번주토욜닥본사!아담네연기연습.ㅋ용서의 고구마수확,쿤토리아태국방문기..더이상 말안함.ㅋ닥본사!


Finished recording for WGM. Lots of fun. This Saturday is a must-watch! Adam's acting practice, YongSeo's goguma harvest, Khuntoria's Thailand visit..won't say anything else. Keke don't forget to watch!

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Mc kim's tweet translated:
































Finished recording wgm... it was exciting. This saturday's episode is a must-watch! Adam couple practices acting. Yongseo harvests gogumas. and khuntoria heads to thailand. Nothing else to say. Must watch!

































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Guest bizzie_b


now I can't wait for saturday to come! haha!  hmmm, im kind of guessing that they will spend another time fishing. they're going to spend the rest of the night on that very same spot.  i remeber yong preparing two boxes of mosquito incense.  and maybe, that would be the place where he will confess about 'i don't know why'? LOL.  my imagination is running wild again!




i also can't wait to see more fan taken pictures and fan accounts about their busan trip!  guess they're still in happy mood until today just remembering what happened yesterday! wub.gif


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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































omg the new pictures at the beach is sooo cute!!! (even though we could barely see them)
































































































































































































































































































the picture of hyun running in front of yong what i think it is? a romantic chase at the beach?!? =]
































































































































































































































































































ahahahah omg i've been watching too many korean dramas!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow what a journey at busan!! to yong's school meeting his friends and teacher (hopefully his parents :D) and beach!!
































































































































































































































































































i cant wait for this episode!! ahahah
































































































































































































































































































what was written on the ground when they left the school in the picture?

































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ANNYEONGG everyone~ *says HI back to sophiapia* ^^

ohohohho so many goodies today!

luvtokki... u're always jjang in ur postings! about this...

And this is after all the things they have done together and experienced together. The overnight train trip to the ocean, the driving license preparation and failures, the kimchi making and day with the CN BLUE brother-in-laws, the shared concert, Chuseok Horror show, pool playing and piggy-back ride, the birthday celebration at the lake. They’ve experienced so much and have had experiences that have proved to each of them they needed to trust each other and depend on each other, but still they are dealing with basic issues of trust and communication.

hmm i don't think we can blame them for bringing up old issues & also for not being able to resolve those issues (i'm not saying that u're blaming them though... just can't seem to find the right word for it -.-"). IMO, they're very popular artists in korea & they don't have that much of a time to call each other, let alone discussing on their issues. besides, i believe that yongseo's wall wasn't really brought down, it was partially down when they were on the japan trip. i think that was why yong didn't dare to take another step forward 'cause he was still unsure of how to tackle such a unique lady like hyun. and i think he is still... just look at him asking Psy for advice in NAN. obviously for hyun, she may not be experienced enough to deal with these kinda matters but she knows that yong is waiting for her move. and i'm sure she could've asked her unnies for some advices & thankfully, the output was her being very open onscreen with her hubby for the 1st time! KYAAAAAAAAAA! moreover, hyun was being conservative by not making the 1st move most of the time. and knowing yong who has quite an open character may not have realized this aspect... well, i think yong was & is too engrossed in hyun's lack of feedback that he often forgets to think beyond in another perspective.

i'm sorry if it sounds more of a ramble 'cause i'm speeding this up since my lunch break is gonna be over soon. -.-"

hihi_hehe, i agree with u 100%!!! yes, i won't change a thing about yongseo. we've wished them to do lotsa things... but only one wish that i hope will happen & that is to see them end up together as REAL MARRIED COUPLE. :wub: (gahhh but most of the times, this kinda thing don't happen when u expect it to happen... so, i'll try to remain neutral. haha yahhh right! :P )

sonia... thanks so much for the pics!!! :w00t: gahhh i guess they must be very used to the camera crews being around them that they can even be IN THEIR OWN WORLD while filming! dang, part of me is saying that they're just acting... *SHOOS AWAY negativities*

*waves back at mrsjoker* :wub: yahh u're right about the writers. they're just there to give directions/missions/what yongseo should & shouldn't do. and of course WGM crews love them... what not to love about yongseo??? kekekeek biased answer! :P LOL! anyways, i look forward to seeing hyun & yong's friends interact! haha i wonder why was yong looking nervous... fear that his friends will spill some secrets to buin? xD

wallpaperfood, crystal, crystalblue, qwenli, magdal... love ur posts too! :wub: sorry for not being able to reply to ur posts 'cause my lunch break has just ended BOOHOO! :tears:

wokeh...cya guys~! *off to working mode*


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Guest lovekin


hi, luvtokki!  i'm glad that you're sharing your views – as opposing as they are.  i'm actually rather amused that for all my skepticism, i haven't had those feelings in a while.  there are times i might question certain things, but it hasn't been as strong as usual.  anyway, here are just some of my two cents (i took the liberty of paraphrasing some of your comments; i hope that's okay.  if i mistakenly interpreted what you meant, i apologize in advance.)




they get back to the inn and act like nothing has happened.




i have to admit that the first time i saw that scene, i felt the same way.  but then as i watched the remainder of the episode, i thought about it differently.  the thing is, just because they started on that high note doesn't mean it will remain constant.  seo instigating the arm link was a bold enough statement.  should we, as an audience, have expected them to discuss it?  in my opinion, no.  it would actually be very embarrassing to talk about, especially in front of the camera.  i wouldn't be surprised if they ended up talking about it after filming wrapped, but i feel like it was very personal.




where's the skinship?  they've plateaued!




i think a lot of us wish there was more.  but as everyone has stated numerous times, they're actually very constant.  sure, they've been "together" for close to a year now, but as far as we know, they only see each other once or twice a month.  they text each other, but that's still not enough.  in fact, we should be able to see their lack of contact as justification for how careful they are with each other (but they have improved!).




obviously, skinship doesn't come easy to them as it does khuntoria, but yong and seo's individual personalities contribute to that factor.




i think when the MCs are "disappointed," they only mean it in good fun.  they're essentially rooting for two people whose relationship closely resembles that of one that occurs in real life.  and every time yong and seo do get close or actually have skinship, it's amazing how expressive the MCs get.  even if their expectations fall short, it's almost entertaining the way you can sense they were hoping for more.  the fact that they're as invested in yongseo as we are shows that yongseo is probably a lot more realistic than the show makes them seem.




(however, don't mistake the definition of "realistic" for something that's actually happening.  i'd like to continue to remind people that as realistic as they do seem, we have no true evidence of their actual relationship.)




they were always so close; they should've done something - at least a hug.




true enough.  but i think this deserves its own explanation.  i think half of the reason why we didn't see much more after that is a matter of cultural difference.  you would think that after the arm link that they'd be able to do more, but yong and seo were in an interesting setting in an equally interesting scenario:  "alone" and getting ready for bed.  i doubt that would've been appropriate.




as for while they were talking, i think they showed enough affection that skinship would've just glossed over.  the kind of conversation they had was just as good as physical contact because they were learning to understand each other on an emotional and personal level.




seo is still not using banmal; they still haven't talked them out?




so my issue with seo not using banmal is not so much that she can't use it with yong.  for me, there's a certain level in incontinuity with her reasoning.  not that i don't believe that she can't use banmal, but her logic is a little weird.  for example, if she uses banmal as a way to express that she's closer to you than a friend, then we should assume that she doesn't feel as close to her same-age friends because she uses banmal with them.  however, this can't be true because we can see how close she is to, say, nicole.  so that part is a little weird for me.




in the bigger picture, though, i think banmal should no longer be a concern of ours.  would it be nice if she could use it?  i guess so.  but regardless of what i said above, if she claims that talking formally to her husband means that she feels closer to him than she would with friends, then that should be where our focus lies.  and i truly think it's that much of an issue for yong, either, despite yong's show of defeat with her banmal wall.  he might even see it as a fun challenge - to get her to speak in banmal, not because he feels it would make them closer but just because it'd be nice to hear it.




what is she saying when she thanks him for changing her?




i can't believe i'm saying this, but don't read too much into it.  i agree that it did sound a little weird, but i think she meant it as how it sounded.  she is thanking him for changing her into someone who could be comfortable, for pulling her out of her shell.  will this help her in feeling more comfortable around guys?  yes, but not because she's going to seek other boys out.  seohyun needed this - to overcome her nervousness, and that's the main message in my opinion.




what we should be concerned about – if you want to – is that there might be a possibility that she implied yong as just another friend.  did she?  i don't know, but, like i said, it's a possibility.  do her actions suggest that she might think of him more than just a friend?  yes, it's in the way she looks at him, but i'm not about to pass that off as solid proof.  as i'll say over and over again, we can speculate but we'll never know.




i take a bit of issue with the part where you sort of speak on behalf of yong:





There is nothing specific to Hyun's feelings about Yong in that statement.  Which is why he asks 'Thank you – for that?" He's saying – 'what about me?  You don't feel anything special with me?!'




you're essentially talking for him, assuming how he might have felt when that might not have been the case at all.  i interpreted it as yong feeling embarrassed at how sudden her confession was – that she was thanking him for something that he unintentionally did.  he was just being yong.  and as for his "thank you – for that?" statement, he may have just wanted more clarification as to what "that" meant, if there was more she wanted to thank him for.




am i saying that he wasn't disappointed?  no, that is also a possibility, but that isn't guaranteed.  i find it really frustrating when people assume the things they say and feel as fact when all we're doing, really, is assuming.  but this is more of a personal thing than related to my whole spiel.




seo has a hard time discerning his jokes from truth.




sure.  but honestly, what girl doesn't second-guess what her partner is thinking?  a lot of boys joke around – and those who joke around a lot more are privy to being doubted.  i think this is more of male vs. female subject than it is, specifically, about yong vs. seo.  but when you pair two people like yong and seo who, while vastly different, are also quite stubborn, then this kind of misinterpretation of each other is bound to happen.




it feels like 'oh my goddess' was written about seohyun.




haha.  no offense to you, but i sincerely doubt this.  there is no evidence at all to support this, as far as i'm aware.  don't worry about this.




'i don't know why' is about seohyun?




er, to anyone who's been reading this so far, correct me if i'm wrong!  but i recall reading someone else's post saying that IDKW was actually written a long time ago - or at least way before the "push-pull" arc.  meaning that he'd have no reason to direct the message of this song to seohyun.




and if it is, what is sharing the meaning with seo going to accomplish?  it might actually do more harm than good, seeing as how they've both reached a new level in their relationship where dwelling on the past does nothing.  i mean, while they didn't lay everything out on the table, their conversation in japan highlighted one key thing:  yong and seo are insecure about how the other feels towards them.  they might not have said it outright, but that was the basic idea.




that, in itself, covers a lot.  and the fact that they were able to discuss that insecurity has made them understand each other that much better.




as for everything else ...




i do share some opinions with you, the main one being that seo sometimes comes off as though she still sees her life on WGM has a stepping stone for a future marriage.  but can we really fault her for that?  no, because she came into WGM for that reason.  supposing that she does like yong more than a friend, her feelings for him was a resulting effect of being able to engage with him on multiple levels.  however, i do think it's unfair to write her off as though she thinks of this as just a passing experience that she'll carefully put away and act as though nothing has happened.




the great thing about seo – and she has proven that this is the type of person she is – is that she treasures everything that happens to her ... or keeps everything in mind.  she doesn't forget.




does this mean that they'll continue talking to each other after WGM has ended?  hm, i think they'll have less reasons to physically see each other (unless they're secretly dating), but i think they'll keep in contact to some degree, maybe texting each other once in a while.  it really depends.




yong does have a knack of putting himself out there and throws caution to the wind as far as how he's feeling.  contrast that with seo who just naturally maintains her image as part of her profession, and it's easy to see how some people might see her as robotic.  but once again, yong and seo have something that is something to be cherished – and that is someone who is the opposite of themselves, who helps them in their personal growth, and that's each other.  cheesy as it sounds, they are extremely well-balanced.  there may be things that we, as viewers, might not agree with or expect more, but they've found an interesting middle ground that i haven't seen with the other WGM couples.




that's really all that counts for now.












ah!  that beach scene!  maybe my eyes are tricking me – and i have perfect vision – but it seems as though seo is, indeed, on his back.  i could be wrong, though, but how epic would that be?


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Guest graxhaie
































































hai everyone....
















































can't wait to see yongseo in busan...
















































from SPD, somebody post this link...
















































though the piture is a bit blurr, but it's recognizable that it's yong ang hyun
















































here's the link














































































































































































암만 좋은 핸펀 가지고 있데도 안되것더라며,,,,,






















































































































































암튼 나 영상도 아~~~~~~~~~~~~~주 짧은거 있는디












































































































































































































































































































스텝들이 계속 찍지 마라고 하고,,,,































































































계속 일코유지하고,,,,,행인들이 나한테 우결찰영 맞나고 해서 대답해주고







































































































서현이 맞나? 용화 맞나? 물어서리,.,,대답해주느라,,,,ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ















































































































































can anyone please translate it?
































































































here's another set of pictures...
















































it's clear..
























































































갑자기 직찍이 갑툭~!!!!!!














































































































































이건,,,,,, 다이스키언니가 찍은거야~~~






















































































































































언니가 진정 위너임....






















































































































































용화 서현이랑 대화도 나누고,,,,,






























































































































































언니야....... 짱 부럽긔 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ































































































please translate it...wub.gif









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Guest lovekim
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Newer pics
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit DC, from my twitter account































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sigh....epic episodes this trip will churn!! muahahaha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong's fashion sense is seriously....i'm getting used to it....that boy....love him!

































































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i can translate the second quote you posted.
































although it isnt really saying much.
































this... _____unni took it.
































unni is really a winner (unni is really amazing?)
































yonghwa and seohyun are having a conversation.
































the first quote you posted says:
































i have reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~ short picture thats out of focus.
































should i post it?
































the staff kept saying not to take pictures.
































(dont understand this part)... passersby keep asking if this is we got married filming.
































so nothing really important. but yeah there you go (:

































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Guest graxhaie








































































































i can translate the second quote you posted.
















































although it isnt really saying much.
















































this... _____unni took it.
















































unni is really a winner (unni is really amazing?)
















































yonghwa and seohyun are having a conversation.
















































the first quote you posted says:
















































i have reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~ short picture thats out of focus.
















































should i post it?
















































the staff kept saying not to take pictures.
















































(dont understand this part)... passersby keep asking if this is we got married filming.
















































so nothing really important. but yeah there you go (:































































































thank you klee22...
















































i thought there would be something...
















































i appreciate you're help so much...thank you...
















































keke...can't wait to see the busan episode...









































































































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Hello Go-Chun angels... bwaaahhaaa...
































































































































































I hope it's not too late...
































































































































































I loved the fact that Hyun grabbed his arm and didn't let go when he suddenly pulled away. She had this "Gotcha!" kind of look on her face when she did it.
































































































































































I loved how they talked about their disappointments and expectations (I know that conversation about TRAX must have been longer than the 10 seconds they showed on TV).
































































































































































I love how comfortable they are in the preview... :wub:
































































































































































When they said goodnight, I can't help but feel that Hyun called him on his phone before sleeping just so she can say, "See, I called you first." LOL! but, that's just me... heheheh.. :rolleyes:
































































































































































Thank you to all of you guys who keep me in the loop with all things YONGSEO! Thank you for the translations and pictures and FMV that make me go "AAAwwwww"
































































































































































I've been trying to convince my husband to take me to Korea. When he asked what we would do there, all I could say was..."so I can look for my idols..." to which he smirked and walked away... Oh, well... I'll keep trying... ^_^
































































































































































I've also updated my fanfic:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wish I could contribute more... Happy reading...

































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Some goodies from Baidu on the Busan filming translated from DC.



The words they wrote in the field in Yonghwa's school simply translated to "We are here"



Another Fan account (Summary of parts related to Yongseo)





They were filming at Starbuck. Yonghwa was with his friends in Starburks and Seohyun was in the car. Yonghwa came out to meet up with her and the rest of the crew. The rest were about how handsome and beautiful the both of them are. P.S one of the wgm's crew said that becuase there were no script, hence it was very tiring during editing.






Ohh, I topped the page.



I love Yongseo simply them just being them, good or bad, right things or wrong things. As long as they are happy, I am happy.


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Guest chilipadi_22



omo omo omo!!! 

our wish for yongseo to film in busan, also yong's hometown, has finally come true!!!!!!! YEAH! (Y)

really looking forward to watching the episode.

they must have met yong's parents. i bet yong's parents must be very satisfied with their daughter-in-law. heehee^^

thanks for the news, fan accounts, translations, pictures and fanfics.

really appreciate all the hardwork of fellow goguma villagers. :)

its wednesday. just 2 more days to wgm! ^^


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So, yes, I’m frustrated and disappointed.   And I’m feeling a little sorry for Yong.  I’m afraid he’s going to come to the end of WGM and get a hearty pat on the shoulder and a ‘Thank you for all your hard work’ from Hyun and she’s going to take this ‘wonderful experience’, enter it in her diary as another good ‘life lesson’ and go right back to the safe, sheltered life with her unnies she has so carefully planned without a second thought (or even realizing) about what she has done to Yong’s heart.   I’m hoping this will not be true.   I would LOVE to see them be together forever, but I don’t feel Seohyun’s heart has developed in step with her logical mind.
































































































































































































































































And this is after all the things they have done together and experienced together.   The overnight train trip to the ocean, the driving license preparation and failures, the kimchi making and day with the CN BLUE brother-in-laws, the shared concert, Chuseok Horror show, pool playing and piggy-back ride, the birthday celebration at the lake.   They’ve experienced so much and have had experiences that have proved to each of them they needed to trust each other and depend on each other, but still they are dealing with basic issues of trust and communication.   
































































































































































































































































Sorry to be so negative, just my opinion – and deep down I’m hoping I’m totally wrong.   I don’t mean to rain on your Goguma parade.  So I’ll go in ‘lurking’ mode for awhile and pop back in when there is something new to totally spazz about.   But I feel it will be a long time before that happens.
































































































































































































































































And please, please give me your feedback; I anticipate everyone’s response and feelings about what I’ve said.   Prove me wrong, please!  Disagree if you feel I’m wrong.   I love the discussions about how these 2 affect all of our feelings!  
































































































































































































































































We are all only seeing ‘through a glass darkly’ with these 2.  We only see small parts of the actual filming (they were at the Japanese inn for 4+ hours and we got to see 20 minutes, for example) and pieces of their interaction on music shows or interviews, so yeah, a lot of what we feel and believe is based on a very small part of their actual time together and what is filtered through the media.  So everybody’s input to this blog is important in helping us get a clearer picture of what the heck is going on.   So hugs and thanks to all who contribute to our understanding and love for these 2 special people!          































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi Luvtokki~
































































































































































































































































First of all I enjoyed reading your opinion and I think it was quite refreshing and you do have very valid points! I'll put my reply in spoiler...
































































































































































































































































When I first watched the episode I was in major spazz mode and really enjoying it. But now that a few days have passed, and reading your opinions, I do agree with you that they seem to be going around the earth a few hundred times again in terms of solving the issue. With the unique situation they're in (a real human to human relationship that's based on a fake marriage) and having everything open to public (this means US! :P) could probably be a big inhibitor to being a bit more upfront and direct.
































































































































































































































































I guess it's not hard to feel like Hyun will just go 'thank you for the experience' when WGM ends and that will be it. I can totally see where you're coming from and I guess that's one of the other 'hurdles' they have (IF the two of them have any real intention to progress as good friends or more). Maybe the basic condition that has yet to be 'decided' (particularly on Hyun's end) is: Now that we're where we are, what do I want from this? Just an experience? Or do I want to make the most of what I am presented with and go for more?
































































































































































































































































There are people who're very compatible or attracted to each other and nothing ever happens because the time isn't right. ~(o.o)~ However much we'd like them to go from reel to real, that's not for us to say though, and as goguma villagers....I think we should really just wish them well, however they develop :)
















































































































































































































































































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[FANCAM} Yongseo filming WGM at night in Busan (7 sec)








FANCAM (twitvid)








FANCAM] (youtube)






용서횽들 내한테 팥뱉지마라잉~~~ㅠㅠ






어제 내 바리 앞에 스텝이 있었거든 뒤쪽에도 한명 있었고








암튼,,,,지나가던 분들이 사진을 찍자 말리고 찍지 말라고 당부하고








암튼 그 와중에 전화하는척 하믄서 영상찌고








다시 확인했더이만 이 모양이네,,,ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ








암튼 너무 이쁜 울 애들,,,어제 행복하게 찰영했을꺼야,,,,








난 30분정도의 찰영분밖에 못봤지만








울 고구마케잌언니, 다이스키언니, 그리고 용화러브언니에게 들은 찰영현장은 그야말로 훈훈 달달








암튼 표현을 못하것네,,,ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ








솔직히 어제 부산찰영으로 인해 ㅉㅈㅇ들에게 하고픈 말 나 참 많어








그리고 전해줄 말도 참 많고,,,,,너네들 팥뱉을꺼니깐 걍 찌그러져 있어라,,ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ















source: 너네가 짱^^@dcmarried








re-uploader: kubih



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Guest bizzie_b


For those of you who are having a hard time loading the fancam on twidvid (like me) rolleyes.gifsomeone uploaded it on youtube:





credit to: putthachat79






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