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@SwEEtGoguma_7 i'm really sorry to inform you about your latest entry post that it was not an article but a fan fic from The Secret of A Heart blog. don't get mistaken it with a real confession from snsd members about seohyun's changes. here the fan fic The Massive Changes that was posted on November 22nd 2010. i've read it last week and surprised that someone posted it on FB without notifying it was a fan fic. it could lead to misinformation amongst the goguma villagers.



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Guest SophiaPia




Thanks sweetgoguma_7 and kubih i must admit i thought it's an article. But i guess in a way, it's quite true or similar. I think in their last foreign press conf. Tiffany mentioned that wife SeoHyun really changed, she changes, even her vocals changed. And we really can see SeoHyun changed Huge. And in the last radio guesting room mate Hyoyeon saying that she don't have a choice if SeoHyun keeps telling story and they don't realize it's already morning kekeke! i guess part of that story is what happen to her filming wgm w/ hubby Yong ^_^




Wife SeoHyun admit in last epi., that she really changed a lot since she joined wgm. She even thanked hubby Yong coz it's pretty obvious hubby Yong is the reason why she is changed seoHyun no so sweet ^_^








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Guest wallpaperfood

Wowww, I admit I was like Sophipia too (hi!)..I thought it (^) was an article, and I even read through the whole thing before I found out it was a fanfic, lol.

Anyway, it is a nice fanfic =), and could possibly be very close to the truth, although we will never know bts.

(It's pretty clear how Seohyun has changed monumentally anyway)

qwenli, are you by chance having a rough day? I tend to be critical (even of Yongseo) when I'm in a low mood. Don't worry, I think Yong was just being curious in his usual playful manner - I kyaaaed at the part when he said "Is that how you find out about me?!" - it shows that he cares very deeply about it, and I'm also glad that they both confronted the matter of who can call/calls who first =) . The way they sorted things out were realistic, and much needed...

hellojanedoe, I loved your post! It's how I've always felt, but was never able to sit down and completely put it all into an awesome post like your's. I get a bit annoyed when the MCs also attribute some of the reasons for their actions to their status as husband and wife. I think that in general, the MCs are keeping in mind the show's concept and are commenting thus accordingly, however, because Yongseo is so unique (more like We are Dating, as so many have mentioned), the MCs themselves can't help but to sometimes spazz as if they ARE a dating couple, rather than a married one. (I can also relate to you about relating to Seohyun, as I am also the same age <3, I found that somewhat amusing hehe.)  

I don't know how to make screencaps =(. There's this one moment in Inki - SNSD had just finished performing and were retreating to the back of the stage to let the MCs come out in front from the side, and Seohyun is still waving to the audience while standing near the front away from all her unnies who have gone back ^^. It could be that since this is the last stage for Hoot, hence the emphasis on waving goodbye, OR it could be that she just subconciously wanted to be near Yong's presence - you know when you have a crush and all you want to do is be around that person as much as possible (in a non-stalkerish way)? ^^ And once you see his/her face for a split second, you'll be able to feel a bit better, even if you didn't really communicate? Yeah...

Very Poor Illustration: (Bird's POV of the stage) just refer to magdal's posted screencap below  lol..

                                                                        SNSD unnies

                                               Seohyun (reluctant to retreat, still waving)


                                                                            <--      Yonghwa, Jokwon, Sulli


hahaha THANKS MAGDAL!!!!! That's the moment I was referring to :D During those few seconds before this, she kept on hanging around a bit further away from her unnies. Thank you heaps =) 

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wallpaperfood: Is this?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I also read the whole thing thinking, this is unbelievable! hahaha LOL, pretty good fanfic :sweatingbullets:

































































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Guest ahn_annann
































"your eyes see everything without a single word"
















share my pics..

























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Guest monkie2804

@qwenli: I think you've been a little harsh on Yong esp with the part about searching each other's name online. Saying that Yong should be happy that princess Hyun searched him anyway is a bit not right considering we're talking about them as a couple. It's true they aren't real but their relationship would be at least like friendship, not like Yong is just an ordinary male Sone so he should go celebrating now because his precious idol Seohyun even knows about his existence and searches his name at all.

And taking to account that he intentionally typed her name in the search engine to follow what she's been doing, it means he DID think of her, so he has a reason to feel a bit upset when Hyun just by the way look at his articles because his name just accidentally popped out. But I know that's not really what she meant and he was also just jokingly upset.

My Eng is not very good so hope u can understand what I meant :D sorry if i sound harsh, I just felt weird that you make it sound like Yong is someone inferior to Hyun. And I believe no matter how famous and experienced Hyun~ is in the music industry, in a relationship, they should be on equal level, so ur wording kinda made me feel not right ^_^ sorry though

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hi gogumaz~!

crystal, i didn't know hyun likes takuya kimura!!! dang, that guy's really a heartthrob! :w00t: but still can't beat uri yong :wub: muahahaahah biased much!

hellojanedoe: whoa... like wallpaperfood, i also am awestruck by ur post! it's DAEBAK!! i luv how u put ur thoughts so orderly unlike mine -.-" (despite me being older than ya i think) LOL! do post more ya... gosh, after reading ur post, i'm even more aware of how childish & immature i can be! acckkkk :crazy:

hmmm @ qwenli's post: i dunno... i don't find it uncomfortable in what yong was doing to hyun in the recent ep. IMO, what yong did that u find uncharming is just him trying to show his other true self to hyun. i must credit him though, for he was pretty sly (in a good sense) over the "beer talk"... he knew what he was doing most of the time. what he did that was uncharming was to gradually get hyun to adapt to him when he's not being the likable yong. i believe every couple will shed their true colours with time so as to not overwhelm the other party. this is a process where every couple will hafta go thru' in order to progress. yong can't pls hyun forever & vice versa. and if i am gonna be very critical, how about hyun? why must she still filter her anwers since she's the one who wants honesty from yong. likewise, she should have been more honest herself. anyways, let's not be critical with yongseo for they're just like any one of us... imperfect beings. :)

omo...zealous!!! those areeee :w00t::w00t::w00t: dannggg, i wanna be yong or hyun for one day LOL!

ahn_annann~! thanks for the caps... u always make veryy HQ wonderful caps... pretty artistic in some ways kekeke... ;)

and thanks everyone for ur wonderful POVs, pics, & links~! ^^

btw, remember to watch yong tomorrow in KBS (found the info in cnblue thread)

Yonghwa on KBS 1 vs 100

To be aired on Nov 30 at 8:55 pm



cr. klaritia@cnblue thread


*waves at jnj* :)

i just went thru' the newspaper... & it is said that the US navy's craft is in busan! omo... so near yong's home! i hope nothing bad happens...>.<


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don't they just look amazingly good/glowing after their Jpn date?

yong calling buin every minute..



shane, tks for the gifs. will PM u for my req ya?

aneng, tks for sharing those pics. wow! k gogumas are really jjang!

and the foods are too beautiful to eat.. :sweatingbullets:

i'm so touched by their love for yongseo

sophia, i plan to eat goguma and buy all yongseo couple stuffs while i'm there. ;)

its been a while since i say hi to u, dreamy... :)

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Guest karinska




when i watch the episodes on tv, sometimes, I feel like i don't breathe hahaha holding my breath waiting to scream hahaha



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Guest monie1909
















Really sorry to butt in..been lurking and holding myself from posting a comment for weeks now cause i can be pretty strong with my words that maybe hurting for others,when i read some unpleasant/critized things about yong and hyun that i cant take or accept.But,i'm tolerate it because well yeah,we agree we have the right to analyse and being critical in the name of our love to Yongseo those i believe what u wrote is out of your concern for this couple.But,i must say i'm pretty suprised with some confession that admit u been harsh and judgemental about yong or hyun when u have a bad day?really?thats how your post coming from?Critized them because you had a bad day?Is it like i have bad day today so i'm going bash on yongseo to make myself better?You might think nothing wrong with it because hyun and yong might not have a chance to read that and have no impact or whatsoever to them but do u realize that they actually have fans who actually hurt on their behalf reading this critism but tolerate it because we have to be civil about it?I hope people be more responsible with their post.You may think its little things or nothing but do u realize that some people really take what we discuss in this thread seriously and spreading it outside,at allkpop,chatroom,YT and other thread.If it is up to me i'll thumb down every negative post but since we agree it should be ok to be analysis,please analyse it wisely and fairly,not out of our personal crisis or fragile heart...it just sad.









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hey guys im a silent lurker here and have been reading your posts since day 1.. just wanna ask if anybody's noticed our dear couple was featured in secret garden?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SukmyPikachu






Long time lurker here!!


I just want to say that can some people not be so critical of everything Yonghwa says and does? The anti's are always attacking him anyway so it would be nice for us fans to atleast understand his feelings.


First of all Yonghwa asking if Hyun only checked up on him because his name was attached to hers isn't so bad. He did it half jokingly and he asked because he cares. People complain when they feel that he doesn't care but when he does show that he cares he gets blasted for being too pushy. Its always good to talk about things that are bothering you and sorting it out, I honestly felt that they've both now come to understand each other and won't be bothered about the little things anymore, like the banmal, the calls and yong's worry that Hyun doesn't care that much about him.


Relationships aren't perfect, you can be alittle selfish, and idiotic to the person you liek because if you can't show that side to the one you like then who can you show it to? Give the guy a break and stop analysing every little thing he say's.


Anyway I loved this episode, I loved their interacting and I truly care about this couple more than I ever have about another.



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Guest GogumaJjang
































Thanks for MountainMadMan and j2dlee for your fast translation.I really appreciate it !!!  This Japan trip was a turning point in their relationship.They are become more closer. Seohyun already meet with her brother in law and already visit CN Blue dormitory So I hope that in return, Yonghwa will meet with all his sister in law and visit the SNSD dormitory.What I want to see is how Yonghwa handle all his talkative sister in law.This sure will be so funny.,:D.Actually this is what I'm thinking right now,hope it will become true kekeke.
















Edit: Opppss...Sorry.Nothing much to share.First time being on top of the page.









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Guest Crystal392
















zealous: Thanks so much for sharing that. Woah the littles SeoHyun and YongHwa dolls are soo cute ;_; And all that food *_* Woah Korean Gogumas are amazing... really.


























dreamyboo: I didn't know that either! it also surprised me when I read his answer @ YAB guidebook. Btw, I love your new banner and avatar!! ♥


























jnj: I remember that interview! hehehe her unnies spilling the beans are awesome :) And yeah such a good looking couple :w00t:


























cheesycheesecake: Hii *waves* yeah someone posted it a few pages ago but the thread moves so fast it got buried under lots of new posts xD Thanks for posting it again :D


























SukmyPikachu: Your first post ^^ Welcome to Go-Chun! :)


























As monie said, we agreed that it's ok to analyze our couple because, after all, the purpose of this thread is to discuss things related to our couple. But please be careful when you write your post and remember Hyun and Yong are equal here, no one is luckier to have met the other, no one is better than the other, both are human beings with flaws but who also have amazing qualities. Also, this is a YongSeo thread... there is no Yong or Hyun side, there is only one side: YongSeo. Some of us may be biased but what we share here is our love for both of them as a couple.


























Like SukmyPikachu I also loved the latest ep, is probably my favorite or second favorite of all the WGM YongSeo eps.


























Thanks to everyone who shared pics, links, gifs and everything! :D Gogumas hwaiting! ^_^





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Why are we talking about Yong saying to Hyun that when he google her it is because he is thinking about her and not just because he happened to find her name? I really don´t find any wrong with that statement. I will share my 2 cents with you :sweatingbullets:.
































(sorry for my bad english :()
































I think Yong adores her, and that is why he  hopes for his feelings to be reciprocated. She said (I won´t quote the extactly words but the idea) "sometimes I feel you don´t care enough about my activities" he said "I always monitors you", she said "really?, I do too", then Yong went inmediately to the Go-chun and after she said that google thing the boy returned at the speed of light down to earth
























-_-, and the hit was expressed in that statement. That is all. He was showing of his insecurities...
























Yong still doesn´t know how to deal with her (asking advice from psy?) and I think that is why he still shows insecurity. When she thanked him for having changed her, he also seemed a little sad, and although I know how important it was for her to say that, and she said that with all her heart :wub:, I also can understand him. Since she said "now i can have male friends" It sounded  as if he were doing the heavy work for others to bear the reward... pretty sad thought for him. We can attribute her  statement  to her shyness, she just can´t say, you are the one I care, she needs to include other people to not feel so embarrassed. But yong, as the most important involved, does not seem to fully understand, and accept what she said (which is quite obvious if we think that "he likes her so badly"). And after he even remarked "But i´m your husband who can be even closer that your friends" (cute Yong, I love him kekeke) and when she said "to me it is much closer than just a friend" his face lit up again... I think everything he needs (and Hyun already realized) is she being more expressive with her feelings :rolleyes:.
































And returning to the main topic (google thing), I think that many of us noticed that, again,  she said what she said because of her shyness, she said "anyway  your name is attached to mine" (looking away of his face) as if she was  justifying the fact that she searches him in the internet :wub:.  Lets remember that for a shy girl it is not easy to accept  the fact  that you're interested in "someone", and she won´t accept it that easy  in front of that "someone". I think Yong noticed her shyness too and  that is why he played around with her ^^.
































Also it is fair to say that Hyun is getting more and more into his feelings, now she is wanting to recognize when yong jokes and when doesn´t , a very good sign for me...































































































In spoiler just because it is a little long ^^...
































Edit: I´m forgetting since yesterday about this -_-, Yong said in the YAB guidebook that his cell phone is white, the phone he is using in WGM is white ^^, that means that he is using his real cell phone??? maybe :wub:









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Guest Aki_yongseo



Hihi all lovely gogumas,

am new here, just like to share some of my thoughts..

After watching the 2 eps on Japan trip, I can't help but feel happy for Yong that his hard work is starting to pay off..

All these while, Hyun is like taking lessons from Yong on how to be in a relationship. Like Hyun said that she is not like normal girls and that really is a test on Yong's paitience and determination to slowly teach Hyun what it is like to be in a relationship 'cos she is totally clueless like a blank paper..And I think what make matter worse is Yong is not very experienced in relationship to be able to teach Hyun, therefore, their progress is slow. Slow for Hyun to be comfortable with him, Slow for Hyun to open up to him..

I think Hyun's sign of showing she accepted him is her sitting posture. 'Cos she is a very self-descipline and very self-conscious girl, she only want to show the good image of her. So, if she do not feel comfortable with Yong, I don't think she will be sitting at ease in front of Yong and joking with him. And her posture in the lorry when she wanted to surprise Yong is like telling she is happy to get her license but she is excited to share the joy with the person important to her, other than her unnies, that is Yong. When Yong called her asking where she is and she playfully honked a few times is so much like what I would expect Yong to do but I was surprised that Hyun happily did that.. They said couples tend to be alike, so I think Yong's chodingness rubbed off on Hyun and she happily enjoys being so.:wub:

And I wonder whether are they doing some mission for WGM or between themselves by  showing the ring so often for the camera. :unsure: 'Cos although in the past they may be showing the ring but it doesn't cause so much attention. :D Even the MCs and guest in NAN knows^_^

That's all for now :)


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