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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392




lovekin, Kerube-Chan: I'd also love to see a photoshoot of our YongSeo ♥





Remember we were talking about how Yong~ choding playing at the store on the latest WGM ep reminded us of 'Hoot' theme? Well I found a cute minivideo with those scenes, it's really cute:





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Guest Caliope

I can be wrong...

But if photoshop was when the rumor of the makeup photos, I think it should be out in January.


Adam Couple had them photoshop in May. The report appeared a magazine in July.

I also want to see it now. Oh My God! Sure the photos are amazing :w00t::wub:



YongHwa: Did you think of that day?

What day is he referring to? phew.gif:w00t:

EDIT1: I shared this link. Please read ^^ Love Light Review

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Dont know why i love this couple this much. just there is no reason for my love:-). or i just love everything about this couple. just love all the moment they have, just like watching a baby learn to walk with small steps and happy when see that the baby can walk probably. yeah, there will be some falls, some hurt but they will learn from that. that is how i love Yongseo. rewatching all the previous epsiode and just fell tingle in my heart. the moment they saw each other, the moment they sang together, the moment they spent time with brothers and sister, and the moments for themselves. all is just so simple yet beautiful. my face is just burning when watching them, because of the emotion just like i am the person in love.




I hope this sarturday will have We got married because that means no war but love between north and south. people in north korean should watch Yongseo then they will know it is time to forgive, make love not war. :rolleyes: just some crazy thoght of me, hahha




EDIT: just wonder, in the radio program, Heohyun said that when they pratice, still face to face, hmm, when is that? maybe they met outside the show? high hope :wub:


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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong Everyone....Waves












Thanks my family...for all about yongseo couple...:wub:




Here is I wanna share FMV (Should I Confess?) Seohyun version....Please wait for yonghwa version... ^_^..Please comment.. and thanks for watching...^_^




here is the link:





FMV (Should I Confess?) Seohyun version















And here is bonus pic...




















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Guest yslovelightys




























Good Morning Everyone! biggrin.gif




















I just had the WEIRDEST DREAM (in my opinion) ever.




















It's weird because it's only about Yong wearing their couple ring. lol.




















From what I can remember, I saw Yong in person and he's wearing THE ring.




















I remember smiling and JUST staring at his left hand where THE ring is located.




























































Which adds more to its weirdness... LOL.




















Plus I've never really been someone who looks at Yong and Hyun's left hand first to see if they are wearing the ring




















So I was a bit shocked that my dream is something that involves that 




















And the fact that I even passed up the opportunity to look at his face closely or talk to him 




















I just stared and grinned at the ring.




















I guess this really is a sign of pure goguma love and addictionrolleyes.gif




















I DO HOPE THOUGH THAT IF THIS DREAM BECOMES A REALITY, I WOULDN'T JUST BE STARING AT THE RING. I'd definitely like to ask him Hyun related questions and I'd definitely looove to look at his face. haha. biggrin.gif 




















On the side note, I really think that me going to see Yong in person or any kpop artist for that matter is HIGHLY UNLIKELY TO HAPPEN IN THE NEAR FUTURE since I'm still a student and my parents won't really allow me to do that. I'd have to look for a stable job first after I graduate next year and save, save, save. Thus, I'm spazzing over the idea that maybe even after a few years, Yong is still wearing the ring (IN MY DREAM).Then that means it's either Yongseo Couple's stay on WGM will run for YEARS (which I doubt would happen but still I'm keeping my fingers crossed) or that they are definitely REAL. And its a real wedding ring with hyun that Yong was wearing when I met him (in my dream). wub.gif Sooo now I'm spazzing over my dream. lol. 








































But I don't really expect that they'll air WGM tomorrow. There's still a possibility especially with the recent events in Korea that they'd cancel it. I hope everything in Korea returns to normal or that whatever issue N.Korea and S.Korea have will be resolved (my wishful thinking). 





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Guest tutistyle
































i am a huge fan of this couple. So happy they've been getting even closer lately. ^^ Seohyun has become braver hasn't she? hehe





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Highly sensitive Goguma's, please be careful while scrolling down :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is ANJELL's Official Japanese Guide Book (how does that remind me of some other guide book lol), just out. Yonghwa is wearing the ring here and you can see it very clearly on some pictures.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































More of the shoot here:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All credits to Park Shin Hye Japan. DO NOT HOTLINK. Only take out with permission from Park Shin Hye Japan. For more pictures, go to the site: http://parkshinhyejapan.jimdo.com/

What I said above (about sensitive Goguma's) was a joke, but even so I hope no one suddenly starts talking bad things about PSH. I've seen people bashing on PSH before (not here), just because someone posted up some pictures of them being close. I can understand some Goguma's feelings, but I find it extremely immature to say you don't like someone based on something like this. They're doing a shoot and it's known that all ANJELL members are close with one another. PSH has on top of that a natural outgoing personality which helps her to make lots of friends. She's a great actress in her generation and I hope everyone treats her with respect and refrain themselves from having jealousy outbursts. Every Goguma represents one another!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































love it. see yong photo with her best friend
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because PSH is one of the young artist who close to yong ... and more than anyone else is bond ANJELL was very strong
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Besides, no need to speculate because YONG in the photo was still wearing the ring ..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and we know that PSH is one female artist who is often paired with cool namja2 and the end JGS is the very closest for PSH
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but I hope ANJELL can be Guest at WGM Yongseo ....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































definitely is funny ..... imagine Hongki, PSH and JGS seduce yong and hyun ....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as we know at fanmeeting JGS ....JGS and PSH and yong .. until his face red and could not talk anything

















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EDIT: just wonder, in the radio program, Heohyun said that when they pratice, still face to face, hmm, when is that? maybe they met outside the show? high hope :wub:
















































I was thinking the same thing and I came to conclude that she may be talking about WGM ep :rolleyes:. Unnies do watch their maknae´s episodes so maybe Hyo was talking about that ^^.
















































aisuo415: Thanks for sharing that photoshoot. While watching Yong and PSH pictures I couldn´t help but gett a fool smile in my face... Yong looks so relaxed, really relaxed and carefree  in these pictures,you wouldn´t say "that boy is shy", BUT if his Seo dares to get closer than normal to him, he becomes nervous keke, isn´t that cute??? I´m so amazed every time Yong gets nervous because of SeoHyun, seriously. How can that little, polite, quiet and cute girl make him nervous?? (of course I have an answer to that :wub:). So I´m really loving these pictures, because they remind me how special is Yong and Hyun´s relatioship.
















































Ichigo I loved your MV and the pics, Caliope and Crystal, thanks for pics and gifs, hafunohane, GeumJanDi, lunasol, shml,aoi_enma, mimayree, mountainmadman, goguma1207, aneng, trent, glitterspark,ahn_annann, everyone!!!!!!, THANK you so much!
















































And you know guys, I don´t feel ready for wedding photoshoot (I don´t know why) but I will be so happy if they make one for Christmas maybe? or Saint Valentine? or anything!!! I´m dying for a photoshoot of them too (but not wedding YET :unsure:)
















































Tank you all gogumas for the goodies ^^, just 2 days to go!!!

















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i've just checked the official site of wgm. they have posted the preview clip of this week ep which you all have watched from last week. it was posted as preview of ep 59 on november 27th 2010 but still without the preview text accompanying the clip. even the preview text (only the title without the contents yet) for this week have been posted. i assumed that there will be wgm after all.






용화♡서현 : 용서부부의 취중(?)진담!






일본 여행의 마지막 밤, 처음으로 술자리를 갖기로 한 용화♡서현!








음주 초보(?) 용서부부! 시원하게 한 모금 들이켜니








방 안 분위기도 어느새 후끈 달아오르는데(?)~








이제는 말할 수 있다! 그간 말하지 못했던 속마음을 털어놓는 두 사람!








과연 용서부부가 알코올의 힘을 빌어 확인하는 서로의 애정도는?








일본여행 이후, 강화도 ‘두 줄 밭’으로 고구마 캐러 가는 날!








이른 아침, 신혼집의 용 남편은 고구마를 담아 올 포대자루를 챙기느라 정신없는데~








그런데, 이 와중에 현 부인이 멋지게 몰고 나타난 깜짝 자동차의 정체는?













Last night in Japan, Yonghwa and Seohyun's first time drinking together!






Drinking newbies YongSeo! After one question by Seohyun, the atmosphere completely changes ~ Now they can talk! Things they couldn't say before come spilling out! Due to the power of alcohol, what sorts of emotions come spilling out?








After the Japan trip, they're going to Kanghwado to harvest their gogumas! Yong is busy preparing bags to harvest the gogumas while shocking Seohyun cooly brings a truck?








cr: anonymous@sweetpotatodays










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Guest Crystal392




20784: Welcome to the thread :) please remember it's against soompi rules to quote pictures (that's probably why you've received '-' on your post), just delete the img tags ^_^


Yslovelightys: hehehehe that's one funny dream! Lol you didnt look at his face? O_o nor talked to him? Hehehehe maybe it's a prophetic dream and that will happen some day... In a few years... And they'll still be wearing THE ring ;)


Kubih: thanks so much for sharing that info. Soo it seems we will have WGM after all ^^


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Guest SophiaPia























Hi to all 









































Kubih: thanks for the info. 1 more day it's our lovely YongSeo couple day. 









































Thanks every one for every thing, from screen caps, fanMVvideos, fanfictions, ur POV, news Thanks so much. 






























glitterspark & ahn_annann: Thanks for that photo, wife SeoHyun looks lovely indeed, both of them had their ring on, I'm happy ^^, wife Hyun w/ guitar it's obvious that the inspiration is her hubby Yong. Hubby Yong is inlove w/ his wife Hyun coz he got pimples tongue.gifkekeke! Also, i'm proud of hubby Yong wearing that ring together w/ PSH ^_^. His proud to say i'm not a loner anymore, i'm married kekeke!





















crystal_malfoy : pls., can i have that gif as well, i'm so loving it. I'm not tired looking @ it. Feels real isn't it?





















ichigo_kawai : thanks always for ur screen caps and fanMVvid





















and to everybody, j2dlee, redtulip, magdal, lunasol, jnj, miel, d3SeoHyun, wallpaperfood, genxv, Uolam, mountainmadman, Qwenli, Caliope, hafunohane, GeumJanDi, shml,aoi_enma, mimayree, goguma1207, aneng, trent, TO ALL who loves our lovely YongSeo couple. Thank u so much.
























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Guest blueshoes
















I love this fanart :wub::wub::wub:
















Hope everyone in this thread will be happy more than to see those pics phew.gifphew.gifphew.gif








































source DC married gall









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rewatch the first epsiode. whenSeohyun talked with her unnnies. she said that i have boyfriend now, not husband immidiately, hhahah. just found that is fate. first she said she has bf, then they engage and then they married. so Yong is first her bf, hahha. 2morrow comes soon please. cant wait


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the preview for tomorrow's episode is up!!
























I'm sorry i don't know much korean so i'm unable to translate
























용화♡서현 : 용서부부의 취중(?)진담!
























일본 여행의 마지막 밤, 처음으로 술자리를 갖기로 한 용화♡서현!
























음주 초보(?) 용서부부! 시원하게 한 모금 들이켜니
























방 안 분위기도 어느새 후끈 달아오르는데(?)~
























이제는 말할 수 있다! 그간 말하지 못했던 속마음을 털어놓는 두 사람!
























과연 용서부부가 알코올의 힘을 빌어 확인하는 서로의 애정도는?
























일본여행 이후, 강화도 ‘두 줄 밭’으로 고구마 캐러 가는 날!
























이른 아침, 신혼집의 용 남편은 고구마를 담아 올 포대자루를 챙기느라 정신없는데~
























그런데, 이 와중에 현 부인이 멋지게 몰고 나타난 깜짝 자동차의 정체는?









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Guest CheriMerci
































































Hello all Goguma lovers
































































I've found this article in DCmarried. Is this tomorrow's preview? I'd like to know what it is. Pls translate to us. Thank you in advance. :rolleyes:
































































Cr : DCmarried

































































용화♡서현 : 용서부부의 취중(?)진담!

















일본 여행의 마지막 밤, 처음으로 술자리를 갖기로 한 용화♡서현!
































음주 초보(?) 용서부부! 시원하게 한 모금 들이켜니
































방 안 분위기도 어느새 후끈 달아오르는데(?)~
































이제는 말할 수 있다! 그간 말하지 못했던 속마음을 털어놓는 두 사람!
































과연 용서부부가 알코올의 힘을 빌어 확인하는 서로의 애정도는?
































































일본여행 이후, 강화도 ‘두 줄 밭’으로 고구마 캐러 가는 날!
































이른 아침, 신혼집의 용 남편은 고구마를 담아 올 포대자루를 챙기느라 정신없는데~
































그런데, 이 와중에 현 부인이 멋지게 몰고 나타난 깜짝 자동차의 정체는?















































































This is the translation from Google.

































































Longhua ♡ SNSD: forgive the couple's drunk (?) Serious!

















Last night's trip to Japan, the first one to hold drinking Longhua ♡ SNSD!
































Drinking Beg (?), Forgiving wife! Kyeoni a sip of cool people
































Rise in the heated atmosphere of the room was suddenly (?) ~
































Now you can tell me! Dismiss the meantime, could you tell us tell you two!
































Ever forgive the couple wish to check the power of alcohol, even the affection of each other?
































































After traveling to Japan, strengthening of 'the two lines as the field goes to the sweet potato Carragher me!
































Early in the morning for the husband of sinhonjip put the potatoes do not mind ~ All turret chaenggineura sack
































However, this appeared in the midst of the current wife, drove a nice surprise identity of the car?















































































































I like this fanart. Our YongSeo look good together. :wub:
































































Cr : DCmarried

































































































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  credit anon2516: sweetpatatodaysLast night in Japan, Yonghwa and Seohyun's first time drinking together! Drinking newbies YongSeo! After one question by Seohyun, the atmosphere completely changes ~ Now they can talk! Things they couldn't say before come spilling out! Due to the power of alcohol, what sorts of emotions come spilling out? After the Japan trip, they're going to Kanghwado to harvest their gogumas! Yong is busy preparing bags to harvest the gogumas while shocking Seohyun cooly brings a truck?? <--preview



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Guest cloiee18
























the preview for tomorrow's episode is up!!








I'm sorry i don't know much korean so i'm unable to translate
















용화♡서현 : 용서부부의 취중(?)진담!








일본 여행의 마지막 밤, 처음으로 술자리를 갖기로 한 용화♡서현!








음주 초보(?) 용서부부! 시원하게 한 모금 들이켜니








방 안 분위기도 어느새 후끈 달아오르는데(?)~








이제는 말할 수 있다! 그간 말하지 못했던 속마음을 털어놓는 두 사람!








과연 용서부부가 알코올의 힘을 빌어 확인하는 서로의 애정도는?
















일본여행 이후, 강화도 ‘두 줄 밭’으로 고구마 캐러 가는 날!








이른 아침, 신혼집의 용 남편은 고구마를 담아 올 포대자루를 챙기느라 정신없는데~








그런데, 이 와중에 현 부인이 멋지게 몰고 나타난 깜짝 자동차의 정체는?



































Here's the translation for that.








Last night in Japan, Yonghwa and Seohyun's first time drinking together! Drinking newbies YongSeo!








After one question by Seohyun, the atmosphere completely changes ~ Now they can talk! Things they couldn't say before come spilling out! Due to the power of alcohol, what sorts of emotions come spilling out?








After the Japan trip, they're going to Kanghwado to harvest their gogumas! Yong is busy preparing bags to harvest the gogumas while shocking Seohyun cooly brings a truck?? (cr: SeIndi_jjang @ twitter









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Guest SophiaPia














hahahahaha! i love this preview, i knew it alcohol gives both YongSeo courage to speak out hahahaha! it's always like that alcohol is a helper hahaha! OMG! what will happen w00t.gif is there any question and answer portion about 1) Do you miss me? 2) Do you love me or like me? hahaha! Drink some more YongSeo couple CHEERS kekeke! 










edit: but wife SeoHyun drink is NON alcohol, maybe she drink a 'lil bit of hubby Yong drink kekeke! tongue.gif










So, hubby Yong will be surprise then when wife SeoHyun arrived w/ truck hahaha! i really can't wait for tomorrow episode. 










Here's the translation for that.










Last night in Japan, Yonghwa and Seohyun's first time drinking together! Drinking newbies YongSeo!










After one question by Seohyun, the atmosphere completely changes ~ Now they can talk! Things they couldn't say before come spilling out! Due to the power of alcohol, what sorts of emotions come spilling out?










After the Japan trip, they're going to Kanghwado to harvest their gogumas! Yong is busy preparing bags to harvest the gogumas while shocking Seohyun cooly brings a truck?? (cr: SeIndi_jjang @ twitter












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Guest Faith_memory



  credit anon2516: sweetpatatodaysLast night in Japan, Yonghwa and Seohyun's first time drinking together! Drinking newbies YongSeo! After one question by Seohyun, the atmosphere completely changes ~ Now they can talk! Things they couldn't say before come spilling out! Due to the power of alcohol, what sorts of emotions come spilling out? After the Japan trip, they're going to Kanghwado to harvest their gogumas! Yong is busy preparing bags to harvest the gogumas while shocking Seohyun cooly brings a truck?? <--preview














Here's the translation for that.














Last night in Japan, Yonghwa and Seohyun's first time drinking together! Drinking newbies YongSeo!














After one question by Seohyun, the atmosphere completely changes ~ Now they can talk! Things they couldn't say before come spilling out! Due to the power of alcohol, what sorts of emotions come spilling out?














After the Japan trip, they're going to Kanghwado to harvest their gogumas! Yong is busy preparing bags to harvest the gogumas while shocking Seohyun cooly brings a truck?? (cr: SeIndi_jjang @ twitter



























hello there my fellow gogumas!!!














wow, looks like, yong is the drunkard one here. haha!














which can has an alcohol content? yong's beer only? kekeke~! and mygawd, it's tomorrow!!! it's not canceled right?? but, inkigayo is canceled. sad. but anyways, we got WGM tomorrow!! right? can't wait.!














Now they can talk! Things they couldn't say before come spilling out! Due to the power of alcohol, what sorts of emotions come spilling out?














omg for sure, because of this, our thread will go CRAZY again tomorrow!! hahahaha!!! ♥ For sure! haha!














good eve gogumas! ♥



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