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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest nnn_ natnat
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hey gogumas!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm a HUGE fan of yongseo but i haven't really been posting here, but i'm will more often :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm loving every episode sooooo muchhhh and i really wish they could just continue forever hahaaa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i would like to request for some yongseo wallpapers? or a website which has them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thx in advance and thx for all the updates and caps!!!! i can't WAIT FOR NEXT WEEKKKKK, MORE SKINSHIP PLEASE!!!!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392





Hi Gogumas :)



Thanks for sharing screencaps, links and gifs of our YongSeo :wub:



MountainMadman thanks soo much for translating that WGM article ^^ I really hope the WGM pds will reconsider and air at least for a couple of weeks WGM for two hours :D *fingers crossed*



That would be like a dream come true to all us Gogumas... 40minutes of YongSeo :w00t:


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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong everyone...waves..waves....^_^







First thanks to all goguma family in here for sharing all about yongseo...:wub:







@ redrev Thanks..I'm happy u like it..& thanks for sharing your pict and video....







@ PanGG Thanks.....^_^ thanks for sharing tthat gifs....







@ Mountainmadman thanks for the translation....^_^







@ Caliope & ricevol Thanks for the caps







@ Crystal, nnn_natnat, ayutie and everyone in here... waves




Here is I wanna share this:












http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phYAfF1wmyw' rel="external nofollow">








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Guest bezbezbez










































































I'm here to give everyone and UPDATE for the 300th day Anniversary Project. First of all, we are very much thankful for the help and support that all the gogumas around the globe did and gave us. KUDOS!


















































So far, we are finalizing the gifts that we will send uri YONGSEO. We aim to finish everything within the week. Please pray for us that we'll finish it on time :) BTW here are the full details for the gifts...





































































1. I Love YongSeo Because photobook































Costs $80-$100


















































2. Custom Magnets































10-15 magnets (for each major YongSeo event)

















































































3. Custom Couple hoodie






























































Costs $30 each = $60 total


















































4. Fuji Instax Mini 25































Smallest/newest instant camera































Price: USD 92 each (if buy 2)































Film: 12:50 for a pack of 20































Can create custom skins: $14.95 each http://www.skinit.com/details.php?act=setDevice&deviceId=4492































Total cost ~ $266.90 for 2 cameras, 4 packs of film and 2 custom skins


















































The Photobook is almost done and will be off for printing by November 24/25. The magnets and hoodies are still on the finalizing of designs, but it'll be done by November 24. We'll order them by November 25 and will receive them by November 28. As for the COUPLE CAMERA, we lack the funds to push through with this gift. We have $200 on our paypal account and it could only cater for the photobook, magnets, and hoodies. I am here to ask for everyone's help in terms of funding the project. A good plan can will always just remain as an idea unless it is being executed. Please support us on this matter.


















































We accept money through Paypal or any means that you're most comfortable with...


















































For PAYPAL: You can go to sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com and scroll down the page and look on the right side. You'll see the DONATE button there, please just click it and follow the instructions.


















































For OTHER MEANS: Please PM me your concerns on transacting the money and I'll find way on how we could get the money from you.


















































For PINOY GOGUMAS: I'm accepting money through G-CASH, LBC, WESTERN UNION, ETC... (just PM me your concerns)

















































































Let's work as one!!!











































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Guest Purehearted11












Hey guys ! I just saw ep 32, been busy due to school, but man.... it like cupid shot our hearts haha. anyways im'a share a song that i think yong should sing to hyun !  














Switchfoot - Only Hope














There's a song that's inside of my soul







It's the one that I've tried to write







over and over again







I'm awake and in the infinite cold







But You sing to me over and over and







over again














So I lay my head back down







And I lift my hands







And pray to be only Yours







I pray to be only Yours







I know now You're my only hope














Sing to me of the song of the stars







Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing







and laughing again







When it feels like my dreams are so far







Sing to me of the plans that You have







for me over again














I give You my apathy







I'm giving You all of me







I want Your symphony







Singing in all that I am







At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back





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Another smitten Seohyun. Seriously this girl had been real open to her emotion on this trip. And nobody's complaining.




















Let's face it, when it comes to being smitten, Yonghwa absolutely wins. We all know how he loves admiring his wife's face whenever he can. This one isn't an exception. Look at his intent stare. I swear he's aiming on the lips!




















Too close Yonghwa-ssi but Seobb isn't complaining.




















credits: dc married


















I just had to share those caps. Still couldn't get over the episode.


















semi-fly: If the rumors are true, the next filming after their Japan trip is the couple driving back to their two-row plant to harvest.



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Good morning fellow Gogumas! Rise and shine! It's early morning here in Indonesia.
































































































































































































































































































































































I watched SNSD's If You Seek Amy in Chocolate several time to analyze Hyun. She was wearing very tight black leggings. And I think she was super hot and sexy there, especially before and during the "We'll do whatever you like" part. Her pose! OMG! I'm a girl and my heart went Dugeun Dugeun. What will Yong's reaction be? Probably a major heart attack or nosebleed, hahaha. I mean, really. I love SNSD and I watched their sexy dance before this. At that time Hyun entered the dance halfway. She was sweet but I thought she didn't look sexy. Also she danced at SBS Gayo Daejon too last year with 2 PM. But at Chocolate she was soooo sexy! So confident and comfortable. Talking about influence! Yong Hwa you did a great job! Hyun looked so confident and comfortable dancing so seductive like that. Maybe in her mind she was dancing for Yong Hwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you sun_sun and j2dlee for your amazing work. You are my angels!
































































































































































































































































































































































So yesterday I watched episode 32 again, with subs! Yay! I rewatched again and again the part where Hyun untied her hair. Once again she was so flirty and and seductive. But I wonder did she even realize that? Did she understand the effects of her moves? And before she untied her hair Yong Hwa was busy saying "Aniya aniya!". True, Yong, You were in heaven! I had to smile when he sighed contentedly after tasting the parfait and asked, "Is this heaven?". He must be really happy being together with Hyun like that. And can I insert some fangirlish statement? When Yong said, "I always put my fringe down because you said you like it" and kept shaking his head I was squealing, "Uwaaaaaaaa Yong Hwa you're so gorgeous!".
































































































































































































































































































































































Anybody realize that Yong Hwa's white shirt got "LOVE" written on it? The letters were upside down. But I guess it was clear that the writing was "Love". I don't know, did he choose it himself or was it chosen by a stylist. Whatever it was, I'm sure he can choose what he wears. I want to believe he wore that shirt to make a statement "I love this girl beside me!". You all must have seen it right? Somebody must have mention this a few pages back, right? I miss some pages sometimes.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If we want to find out how he feels, I think that shirt he was wearing was as good a confession as we could get right now.

































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yeah i just realized what's written in yong's shirt :) 
































i guess that he choose to wear it purposely , to show his love for his buin ;)
































anyway i'm waiting for the next episode so saturday pali pali rolleyes.gif i wish it's staurday everyday it will be awesome w00t.gif yooooooooong <3 hyuuuuuuun : i miss youuu wub.gif

































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What I really like about this last episode is that they seem so normal, relaxed and natural with each other.  They’re not Korean idols, not ‘Seohyun of SNSD’ OR ‘Yong Hwa of CN BLUE’ they’re just Seo Joo Hyun and Jung Yong Hwa - two kids out on a date - enjoying each other’s company.  It must be really nice for them to just get away and be themselves w/o the fans eyes continually watching them, where they don’t have to sustain an ‘image’ or follow a ‘schedule’.  Being in Japan probably enhanced their ability to distance themselves from their fan base, as they are not yet as well known there as in Korea.

Even with the camera crew following them, they just seemed relaxed and happy.  I’m sure by now they have developed a camaraderie of sorts with the filming crew, as evidenced by the often heard laughs and chuckles by the cameramen/crew when Yong or Hyun do or say something cute or funny.  It’s almost like the cameramen and crew are beginning to appreciate the uniqueness of these 2 young people and feel free to enjoy the moment, too!

I liked how Yong protected Hyun from the crowd when they were eating the ice cream!    She must have felt uncomfortable trying to eat the sloppy ice cream in front of fans.  So thoughtful of Yong, to protect her image so she could enjoy her ice cream in peace.  And he took the bullet against his image, being her shield (black night indeed!).

In return, she keeps pulling him out of traffic while he’s doing his chivalrous duty of walking on the outside of the sidewalk to protect her from traffic.  Watching out for her hubby (or getting him in arm grabbing distance?!)  heh – heh!

I liked her little joke/comment about not wanting to pick the ‘car/driving’ card at the shrine.  At this time they still haven’t passed their driving tests and she is joking about it – she is improving on her ‘choding’ skills, since she is being taught by the best – Yo~ng choding!


Oh yeah, and one more thing for someone who understands Korean thinking (or customs).  You have to understand that I’m saying this as a parent of a 16- year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy.  I recently watched SNSD do a version of Britney Spears’ song ‘If You Seek Amy’ on KJE Chocolate via a link on Soompi.  SNSD (including our ‘shy’ Hyun) danced a super hot & sexy version of this song. Seohyun was especially sexy (and beautiful and charismatic) in this song/dance routine.  I was shocked!  I know in Korea it’s probably viewed as ‘really cool’ to do American rock & roll songs by famous recording artists but………

I probably should put this in a ‘spoiler’ but I don’t know how, so I hope I don’t get in trouble here….but…..

Really, girls?!   Do you even understand what the lyrics to this song mean?  Does anybody in Korea really understand that the title is a pun on a much overused and abused American slang word used to describe Carnal Knowledge?!  That the title and lyrics in the song means ‘F * * K Me’?  Really!!  Is this the image SNSD wants to promote to the rest of the world?  I don’t think if Seohyun (or any of the other girls) really understood the meaning she would be part of this dance/song routine!  I banned this song from being played by my kids in my house once I found out what the title really meant.  Extremely bad choice by their PDs and Managers… !!!!   These girls really need to be protected from this kind of exploitation by their Management Company (SME)!

On a happier note………    

I’m beginning to think Jinwoon and Seulong are starting to become fans of Yong.   They seem to really enjoy his sense of humor and playfulness and how it makes Hyun laugh and loosen up a little.   I think they even empathize with Yong’s plight of trying to break down the walls between him (Yong) and Hyun.  I often wonder if Jinwoon feels if he could have done as good a job of handling this relationship with Seohyun as Yong has done, if he had gotten the chance?  I think there is a little begrudging admiration from Jinwoon toward Yong on how well Yong has handled Hyun’s heart in WGM!  Just a feeling I got after Jinwoon reached for Yong’s arm at the last Inkigayo concert when they were all leaving the stage.  I believe Yong even had his arm on Jinwoon’s back as they walked off stage?  That’s cool! 

I think Yong is beginning to realize the SM boys are more like brothers to Hyun than suitors for Hyun’s heart.  I hope that is the case, that Hyun has told Yong he has nothing to worry about with her SM brothers, there is no one else but Yo~ng!   Yong certainly seems more ‘cool’ with his fits of jealousy than he was earlier in their relationship, doesn’t he?  Or maybe he just feels confident that with Hyun, no one can replace him now.  Anybody agree?

Two things I wonder about.  Has Hyun told Yong that she refused the kissing scene in Trax’s music video?  Or has Yong seen the news flashes on that subject?  If he knows, would that push him to try a kiss with her?!  Does she feel the ‘first kiss’ should be with Yong?  Makes my head spin just thinking about it.  Also, I wonder when Yong will tell Hyun ‘I Don’t Know Why’ was written for her, also?  We all already know it was, don’t we?!  She just got the CD on this trip, so I wonder when he’s going to let her know?  I wonder about her reaction…will she understand better what he was going through during their ‘mildang’ time of back and forth ‘push and pull’?   I hope she gets the message!

Ah, I’m rambling now, sorry for the long post.  If I don’t talk about this stuff here it just builds up.   Hope you all understand!   Enjoy the goguma love……            

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Guest seohyun_yh






  i´m sorry for this, but our maknae, she is participating in a difficult competition,  Seohyun  is in position 24 at the moment, but that could change if we vote for Seohyun, please. :tears:  this may mean very little, but I'll be very grateful with all you.


Some example:


2010 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Award Voting


Log in to your Yahoo! Account to vote.


You can only vote for 1 artist each time for each category. (You can vote again after 10 minutes)


[*Means you can vote SNSD for both, Female & Asia Category each time.]





Each time, 1 buzz will be given to the artist voted (searched)




Step 1: Scroll mouse over to "버즈스타 검색하기" (beside "YAHOO ASIA BUZZ AWARDS 2010")


Step 2 & 3: Click on "여자부문" and look for "소녀시대(SNSD)". [Currently No.3]


(This is for Female Category, for Asia Category, click "아시아부문" and look for "소녀시대(SNSD)".)


Click on it and you'll be transferred to another page.




Step 4: Click on the yellow bar with "Yahoo! 검색".




Step 5: Lastly, a black box appears, click on "확인" And you're done.


Repeat the above steps after 10 minutes to vote again.


(SNSD Members in the list: Yoona,Taeyeon,Yuri & Seohyun)


Just a simple tutorial, hope it helps ^^


For Error, "잘못된 접근입니다!" (Wrong Approach), re-enter the website and you can vote again.


* Lower volume before entering site.


Tutorials by: wilsone@soshi9sone || sonems , David Ha@soshi9sone (Trans)



Photos: as tagged




Seohyun  is in position 24 at the moment, but that could change if we vote for Seohyun, please. :tears:


 Seohyun (서현) Example:











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This was my first 'Korea' question but it got replace in my blog by a <span> thing - don't know why -

Can anyone who understands Korea explain what a 'Busan style' of man is supposed to be?   From what I understand they ar supposed to be manly, tough, plain talking kind of guys.  I see yong saying it's a 'Busan style' a lot.  Just what is a Busan guy supposed to be like, how are they supposedly to act?   it seems like all the male MCs think a Busan guy is cool or manly, they seem to admire that type of man, but I don't get it!   

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Guest ricevol





luvtokki Totally agree with you! Watching them dance to that song doesn't make me feel right! Although they looked stunning, sexy and all (esp Huyn), but since the song's meaning is way too much to their current images...They would not happy at all if they find out the meaning later in sometime in the future.



They don't know the meaning of that song, for sure! The PDs, well they should have scanned through the lyric a bit or at least reach out for the meaning a bit before giving it to them. Isn't it their responsibility?



About "I DON'T KNOW WHY", with that I am 100% positive that it's about Hyun. It's crystal clear!!! :w00t:



I believe she will keep her first kiss to what-else-could-it-be :wub: Waiting for that








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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































Hi everybody!!! Nice to be back... I have a busy weekend but everytime I could I read this thread when traveling from one commitment to the other...
































































































































































































































































What a Happy Weekend... I think I cant get over it!!! Ahhhhh!!!! It was so sweet and natural and SH girl 100000000x thumps up for you!!! You go girl, I am so proud of you!!!
































































































































































































































































My fellow gogumas you have said it all, just adding my 5 cents...
































































































































































































































































Did you notice that YH was all red after she took his arm, in the begining I was "I must be imagining things" But after several repeats I think he was blushing really bad... hahahaha I bet his hearth was Dugeun Dugeun the hole time... kekekekeke
































































































































































































































































And what about the hair talk... OMG Seobaby is now SeoLady, she is gorgeus and when smiling her 10000 watts smile at him she is more than gorgeus, a Goddess indeed!!!
































































































































































































































































You know what I like about this, how they really take care of each other and I believe a 10000% that they are been true to their feelings, I totally think that SH have given the step that YH was waiting... How things are going to be after this is totally unkwon to me, but I think they have made very strong pillars to their relationship...
































































































































































































































































Maybe just friend, maybe bf/gf or wathever, the important thing is that they were given the chance to touch each other is live for good and I am happy to see them changing for the better.
































































































































































































































































SH have learned to be more carefree and discover herself as a woman and YH is a very focused man but I like the way SH encourage him and the advice she give him, there are not just any book, they are things that SH wants him to learn to be a lot better... She wants to share the knowledge that have make her pass the bad and the worst, for me that is very touching...
































































































































































































































































Aside from that, the two of them are frigging hot and together they put the sun in shame... kekekeke
































































































































































































































































As always dying for a wedding Photoshoot, happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! I love you all!!!
































































































































































































































































Thanks everyone for the translation, videos, fanfics, etc... Always makes my life happier!!! Thanks a lot!!!

































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Guest HelloDreamer








Oh my my! Hyun finally made the first move; linking arms with Yong. It was totally adorable how he tried to play it cool by pretending to not care, but his face was all red and smiley! Hahahs, and everyone in the studio was so funny, they all were shouting.




I can't wait for the next episode. It seems Yong was pretending to want to play arm wrestle just to hold Hyun's hand >;o. He even let her win, it seems! Gentleman.





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I just wanted to share something I read on body language. One of the things I really love about Yongseo is the way they are always walking in synchronized steps. Its a really little thing but I feel it speaks volumes. I know people have already picked up on it, but I looked up what it actually meant and I found this website by a lady called Dr. Lillian Glass. It seems like she is a well known expert on body language. She's been on Dr.Phil, Oprah and written lots of books. This is what she had to say about two people who are in step with each other (she was talking about Kate Gosselin and the rumor about her having an affair with her bodyguard):
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"When two people are in step and their feet are in synchrony, chances are they are often a couple. When they walk in step ,have similar facial expressions, and wear the same colors, chances are even higher that they are a couple." - Dr. Lillian Glass
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just thought it was interesting, makes me think fuzzy thoughts about our couple because they are always walking in step with each other!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Number    Singer    Song    Votes(%)



1    Super Junior    Bonamana    57.31 %



2    Girls' Generation    Oh!    19.83 %



3    SHINee    Lucifer    5.73 %



4    2PM    I'll be back    2.62 %



5    CNBLUE    I'm a Loner    2.10 %



6    BEAST    Shock    1.65 %



7    F.T Island    Love Love Love    1.62 %



8    Ga-In    Irreversible    1.40 %



9    Yesung    It Has to Be You    1.13 %



10    U-KISS    Bingeul Bingeul    1.02 %









Keep Voting Guys <http://isplus.joinsm.../goldendisk/en/>


Welcome, 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDisplus.joinsmsn.com









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Hi to all Goguma..































































Morning, Noon, Night to all














































































































After been away for more than week, I need to read more than 40 pages for all the reply...































































Of course, have to take sometime to watch the ep... DAEBAK..































































Looks like the imaginary wall between both of them has been broken by Hyun action...































































Ok enough, I think what i wanna said already said by everybody specially the hand/arm holding by Buin....














































































































From what I saw, maybe just watch between the scene..(instead of read between the line..;) )































































my thought is that Yong must be thinking from the ryokan(inn) until going home again, he must be thinking something like, should i hold her hand or not...































































maybe he's been thinking it thoroughly their walk.. and then suddenly, Hyun just drop the big atomic bomb to Yong when she take the action...hehe































































Yong must be like..."What the..." Hand??? hehehe...































































then he lost in the translation...BIG TIME...































































must be he been thinking... something like...































































"What really happen???"














































































































It's kinda surprise to everyone...













































































































































































we been seeing less skinship in this couple...































































when something like this happen it totally satisfying...































































for me regarding skinship --> "LESS IS MORE" (this is quotes is for design/architecture but it's really suitable to describe this couple. hehe)














































































































Found this;































































"A principle built on the idea that quality is of higher importance than quantity."































































My translation ;)































































"A relationship built on trust and honesty is higher importance than more skinship"














































































































i know my eng is bad... but this couple is so sweet..































































we can saw that they really enjoy being in Japan since the fanbase is not that big.. hehe so that they can be their self for sometime & really enjoying it...














































































































enuff of spazzing the ep..































































bout the KJE choc perf..






























































































































based on the lyrics.. it looks nothing but if you really read between lines...































































ya..totally agree with luvtokki..































































it's kinda disturbing.. even if you saw the BS MV also... it's not a good example for a teenagers.































































the managers and PD should take note and study a little bit more before let them perf...














































































































to all fanfic writers... clumsy, jossa, madman, trent, princesscharmong, princessjulia. and all writers..































































i try to read all you fic, specially from gogumafic tweet/livejournal.































































keep a good work guys..































































to Trent; bout goguma hours, got some big Q, did Seohyun is a princess??? sorry I did not read the comment maybe somebody already ask you bout this....














































































































to all that do the translation (j2, madman) TQ..































































sun_sun, yuki&judy TQ for the vid...































































also RDR team...































































very big TQ..














































































































to all 300th team anni project, good luck.. since the date is really near.. just around the corner right..































































hope we can expect wedding dress this time... ;)































































































































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Guest constantia11




I have watched the episode again, now with the subs from RDR.

I can see clearly that our couple, especially Hyun looks so relax and they are having the best of time together.

Like some of you said, being on vacation abroad is probably the main reason they can be this relaxed.

The relaxed atmosphere is probably what triggered Hyun to make that bold move, linking her arm with her husband.

Her expression throughout their journey in Japan is something I have never seen before.

As for Yong nampyeon, he is as handsome as always (I said this probably because of my bias).

The adoring look he had towards his wife has come back once again, and I'm so glad I can see it again after I feel like I lost it because of the mildang incident.


One funny thing I noted and haven't said before in my previous post is that, I noticed the staff or cameramen could not hide their laugh when our couple were taking funny pictures during their dinner in the ryokan.

You can hear them laughing when Hyun said "Am i being eaten?" (this was when Yong was taking the first picture. He opened his mouth pretending to eat Hyun's head).

I found it so funny and this is oen of the reason why I love this couple more than other couples in WGM evethough their progress is really slow according to some people.

I watched the other couple parts too and I have never heard the crew/cameramen laughed at their interaction (or maybe they did but I did not hear it)the way they did to uri couple.


Enough of my rambling. I have been naughty: spending a lot of time to spy on this thread while working... hehehe..


Btw, for the next episode, I hink they will continue the Japan trip as shown in the preview and then they will show us the "driving to the goguma field to harvest" part. Because I noticed the text written in this episode when they are playing with goguma game that says "what happen to their two row goguma field?"



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