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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hi everyone, today is totally Goguma day,hehe! I smiled all time when I re-watch this ep.


I have something want to share with you guys. i just read it on Adam thread. There is a rumor about new couple will be added. Adam shipper said that maybe the airtime will be less because of 4 or maybe one of old couple will be out. And the new couple is SHINee's Onew and KARA's Seungyeon. I hope it is just a rumor.


Have a nice week, goguma shippers.








same sentimental as you :) although i didnt uds any korean lang, i still seat myself infront my mac and hog the live stream update. thanks to the person who is kind enuff to stream it live for us. and i was practically smiling when i watch the entire episode and my jaw drop and later form into a smile when hyun initiate skinship by hooking arms with yong :D




BUT .... i hope with even with the upcoming of a 4th couple, they dont shorten the air time of the goguma couple. 20mins is..... way too short :( its good to have more couples, sharing more love, but if it means lessening the air time for goguma couple, i would rather.... they dont add the new couple :x more love for goguma couple :D




HAHAHA. thats in my own opinion. since we waited for a long while (and me re-watching all their episodes for the 5th time) for this episode -__-



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@ (dreamy) boo...totally agree with you, the move Hyun did was so bold, it's really a statement, telling the whole world that this guy over here is mine...the ring she gave him was not enough :lol:, so is she now saying, sorry but Yong is "off from the market"  which, I think is welcomed by Yong very much....hahahaha :wub:.  I wish!



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Guest Crystal392

I was rewatching their cuts and suddenly it just occured to me. Yong~ said Hyun~ had told him she liked him with bangs right? (or something like that :P)

soo... is that the reason why he hasn't cut his hair in all this time? because his hair is really really really long now, is it because of Hyun~? :o

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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: dcmarriedgall
































































































































This is what Yong was trying to do :) Teehees.
































































































































If this isn't love, I dont' know what is happy.gif
































































































































crystal_malfoy: I see that as a very valid possibility. Yong tries really hard to pay attention to every detail Seohyun says (ie: Brief mention of school uniform dinner date from three months ago)

































































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uwahhhh hachiii!!! thanks for the preview!!!! uwahhh so the reason yong looked aggressive was 'cause he wanted to do the arm-wrestling?? ohohohho this reminds me of their 1st arm-wrestling! :wub:

crystal, thanks for the pic! hyun sure looked pretty in there xD and yong looked like he was on the nth cloud already haahah!

oh ya if u guys notice, hyun's ice cream melted onto yong's shoe! hahaah i wonder how he felt since he's known to have shoe-fetishes. ekekekek xD


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Just watched the raws and here are some thoughts:
































































































































































































































































- Hyun was cute how she got so excited about anything and everything goguma! The delight on her face was so infectious and real. it was the same kind of smile she had when she said in the backroom interview that she was really glad to see Yong :P
































































































































































































































































- They looked a bit embarrassed when it was explained to them at the jinja that the first pretty ema with the flower on it...They looked a bit shy when told it was for couples who were married and seeking children. The staff explaining that to them seemed a bit 'eheheheh' when explaining it too (I think to him they didn't look like a married couple seeking kids hahah). And then they ended up picking the one that is for couples praying that their current 'bond' is a good one and will eventually lead to marriage. Hehe. Did they pick that because asking for a baby seems odd for them (even though they are 'married'), or did this one seem more appropriate given how they're like in real life? :) thats for them to know and us to guess?
































































































































































































































































- LOL at YOnghwa taking selcas!!!
































































































































































































































































- WAHHAHAHA and the fabled kinship <3 <3 <3. I's true what many fellow villagers have said. Linking arms we'd normally consider as a small thingbut with yongseo...it's HUGE! I think it's able to move us so much because with these 2, it seems that it's extra special even just to hold hands simply because they don' do it much. It's like saving it for someone and some time special. Maybe we should take a cue from this in our own daily lives and exercise some restrain to make everything much sweeter when it actually comes :)
































































































































































































































































DAEBAK episode! :)

















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Guest Crystal392





This two make me love them more and more each day. I'm so proud of living in Goguma Planet ^^








*Their syncronized steps.... Ying-Yang... they really complement each other :wub:











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Goodness, I don't know how many times I've posted in here today. This would probably my 5th, so after this I'll stop. I promise... No, really! ... Honestly!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Does anyone else feel kind of 'cheated' by the preview? They just had some cuts of the previous week's preview glued with some new ones. The spilling of the can of beer(?), asking how many goguma's he has.. they showed us that last week as well. The only thing that makes it alright with me was that they showed us Yong grabbing Hyun's wrist. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I re-watched it again btw (6th time lol) and I don't think the drinks they had were alcoholic ones. How do you call those drinks? Beer without alcohol?

































































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tks for the trans hachi.

ah..now i know why yong is so anxious. i would too.

seeing hyun lifting up one finger, who can blame yong for being aggresive like that?

i think hyun is taken aback by his strong reaction too..

arm wrestling...could it be another bet where the loser has to ???

i am still stuck at the ice cream scene...

why didn't yong help hyun to finish her melting ice cream.. ;):P:lol:

shawie, i thought yong asked for a non-alcohol drink?

ah, that should be for hyun isn't?

yong drinking beer to boost his confidence for more things to come...


subbed prev

tks yuki!!

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Debak...super cute :w00t::w00t::wub: :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I smile like crazy...my cheeks about to burst watching they link arms. Good job Hyun, Fighting!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Look at Yong's face....he's really shock kekekeke. Hyun, can you feel Yong's heartbeat? :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From night After Night filming, did you all notice that now Yong wear a different ring? It's not the couple ring with Hyun. OMG, the new wedding ring :w00t: Have to spy on Hyun's side :lol::ph34r:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392





I just saw the preview subbed by our lovely YukiandJudy ^^





What did Yong~ give to Hyun? It looked like a cookie... hmmm... a goguma cookie? xD








hehehe Yong~ lost again at arm-wrestling? xD





I also wonder if they made a bet :w00t:








jnj: I was thinking the same!! ;) (if Yong~ had helped her with her icecream blush.gif:wub:;) )








:lol: @ them picking up the 'thing' that it's for couples who want to have a healthy baby xD xD


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Guest bizzie_b


I was really spazzing over the linking arms at first but I don't know why, my current fave scene was when they're talking about their hair.  They're flirting and all!  Yong's eyes can't hide the admiration and so does Hyun's! wub.gif  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!  When Hyun untied her hair, she's just so gorgeous, a GODDESS indeed.  And she did it in a flirty cute way!  w00t.gif  I also love the way Yong closed his eyes when they're talking about his bangs.  Made me think of SEX EYES all of us were spazzing about a few weeks ago!  Really can't wait to see the translations!  I can't sleep! Hahahaha w00t.gif  I'm so loving every move skinship move or even caring and thougtfulness move Hyun was trying to do.  Same with Yong!  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!  And now, I can;t wait for Inki tom!  Seriously!  This is so daebakk!!!!!!!!!!  From the couple, to the MCS and to us villagers!  Everything is just so DAEBAKK!!!




And oh, guys did you notice that what they mostly did during this trip was eat!? haha rolleyes.gif


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Guest Faith_memory
















tks for the trans hachi.
























































subbed prev














tks yuki!!



























sorry for cutting your post, but thank you so much for the subbed preview.! ♥ and to hachi, thanks for the subs! wow, the next episode is really something. i can't wait already, gawd. I need to focus well to my classes this week but i think my mind will be occupied by yongseo moments and anticipation.














i just hope that, all these moments are not scripted. if it is then they are great actors really. because everything comes up very naturally when it comes to yongseo. ♥














at the preview, so yong kept on asking hyun how many gogumas, huh. and hyun asked how many gogumas she has. yong gave 1, and she was like so shocked.. only one?? kyaaa~ then the ultimate skinship.. ♥ *sighs*














i think when yong hinted hyun, that for him, she has 1 goguma is to try to see whether hyun will take this goguma thing seriously. kekeke~ then asking, 'do you have to be that serious?' i think he's glad. and hyun worried about having only one goguma. kekeke~ ♥ these two.














yong looked dunked at the preview hahahahaha!! joke.














anyway, good night my fellow gogumas, i need to sleep now. im still not sure if i could sleep after spazzing a lot today. kekeke~ ♥



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dreamyboo!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAVES*** hello! hello! you're on! :w00t: i've missed you. sorry i've been major MIA because of life. i swear its been forever since we've spazzed together on here!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































crystal_malfoy hello!!! wow i think you may have left or something, but you posted so much! i missed you this morning, well heck, i've missed in for a while now. thanks for sharing all the stuff from dcmarried :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and thanks to everyone for everything! i love this goguma village so much!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now i'm running off to go find a download link (because semi-fly's wont work for me :()

































































































































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Thanks for the preview YUKI babe!
























Yong's Goguma points is down to ONE: ---> because for Seohyun,















He's the ONLY ONE!!!











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Guest Crystal392





panGG: I'm still here, I only slept 4 hours but the excitement made me forget my tiredness hehehe :P I was spazzing on allkpop and twitter too. I missed you, hopefully you will spazz more with us ^^











~Watching the stars ♥ Their hands are so close....~
































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Guest MoonHeeTae


waiting for the subs..aigoo..~


todays ep..OMG!! really amaze me much!!!


SEOBABY really is DAEBAK!!^^




cant wait for the subs..




I really want to know everything..


seohyun, ur the best,really!!




YongSeo couple, HWAITING!!^^


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Guest Faith_memory


















oh by the way, since today's episode was so daebak... let this be our souvenir on today's event.














hahahaha~! ♥














I know that we are a growing family, and a huge one indeed, but the views earlier was a shocker! ♥ haha! i so love all you gogumas. let's continue to give our love and support to our couple. ♥ kekeke~ ♥ let us all be happy and healthy this week, and anticipate next week's episode.



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on a cool night, yongseo walking along goguma village,

looking soo blissed,

while gogumas were confined in their homes,

feeling breathless after the daebak skinship!



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Guest lady_07

they are so sweet... especially on their birthday!!

and also today!!! hahaha ^^

so funny when yong froze!

still hyun and yong holding hands!!! http://img230.images.../i/yongseo.jpg/

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