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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392

Always expect the unexpected from our YongSeo.

I hope MC Kim will tweet about the next WGM ep soon, he usually tweets on Wednesdays right? :D

Our YongSeo is super cute ♥

Thanks to eveyrone for the translations!! :) Hopefully our lovely j2dlee will appear soon and translate the ep. ^^

*Screencaps from the preview:






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i am being greedy because of this skinship. i know i shouldnt but i start thingking already what if they kiss :w00t: just one the cheek but if on their lips, oh my god, then i think not only one volcano but 100 volcano gonna explode...hope a lot of fanfics coming to make the waiting time shorter. Yongseo fighting :wub:


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miel chingu, tks for sharing d3 caps here.

not only did hyun winked at 'someone', she got a new hairstyle too.

yes, she has fringe now! wonder what hubby thinks of her new look ;)

mrsjoker, i think for a moment there, yong completely forgot 'jashik'

just the feel of buin's arm linking to his...and his mind went blank! :lol:

the setting and timing was just soo right for hyun to iniate the skinship

hug u for those gifs..*saved saved saved*

i was just sharing at tweetville abt...

20 being hyun's age, 11 being her number, and 2011 being the date that she iniate

the long awaited skinship.

destiny or fate, its there for us to believe...

crystal, yong looks aggresive in the prev.

oh yes! mrsjoker, thank u for replying my PM.

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Guest lunasol


Did you notice that he was so shocked and nervous that he did a big nervous swallow moments after she grabbed his arm?!?




You will see it in the good quality video 101120 WGM SNSD Seo-Yong 3-7 (cr. the01rain) and really pay attention to his face from 1:29-1:32. His eyes are wandering up and down  and while he looks down he did a big swallow!!! Then he had a small sweet smile.


Oh, poor baby!!biggrin.gif I bet what Hyun did caused his heart rate to increase a million miles per hour. He really didn't know what to do and I think part of him was scared of moving his arm or do something that will scare her or end the contact and that's why he left it in such an awkward mode at first after the shock passed hahaha




i just wish the hotel would have been farther away!!!








Links for the first two parts (cr. the01rain):


101120 WGM SNSD Seo-Yong 1-7






101120 WGM SNSD Seo-Yong 2-7


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some writings i don't quite understand..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































found in front of their room's/ dining room's door.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The stuff in the picture is just their names, indicating that this was their room. It says JYON YONFA sama (closest approximation of his name)  and SO JYUHYON sama. Seems like they were registered for the rooms with their actual names. :)
































































































































































































































































I'll spazz quietly and wait patiently for the subs now! Ah but that description of 'volcano erupting' is perfect for how we all feel when we saw this i am sure...XD

















































































































































































































































































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I've spazzed so much about the linking arm already, so now I want to spazz about something that I've noticed earlier on before the skinship moment. During the part where Seohyun tied her hair up, after that let it down again and Yong swaying his head back and forth imitating her, didn't anyone sense some sexual tension?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo @7:22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The way he looked down after that smiling and how Seohyun shyly eats the ice-cream looking at him... Oh the tension, I could cut it with a knife!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Was I the only one who felt that way? :lol: They were totally flirting with each other during this episode, it's killing me!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: I also want to comment that it's a great idea of Yong to get something to drink. Assuming that it was late in the night, drinking is a form of getting closer to someone (especially in Korea) and though surprisingly Seohyun agreed to it, I think the intention he had (for the drinks) was for both of them to be more 'loose' and comfortable. As we see in the preview it probably worked -lol-

































































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hello gogumas..






i cant imagine whats store for us for next week..gosh if it will be then yong act of skinship..then how hyun will react..oh my with this another sweet moment to wait for...then maybe we can set a new record of number of post..






yongseo fighting,,






gogumas fighting..



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Guest miel_1301














Lovely Hyun Buin [with her Unnies] Performing at SBS Power FM Concert today, 20 November 2010.




















cr; as tagged










And this one is specially for the GoGuma RING Stalkers. [hahaha!]




















cr: as tagged



















jnj, I am also wondering if the over-seized yellow hoodie that Hyun's wearing [in this Japan episode] is really hers?





























Thanks redtulip for the translations from baidu. YongSeo made history at twitville, yeah? That was so so unexpected. Hahaha! I cracked at the comparison of YongSeo with the stock exchange. I had fun. I only twitted all for the LOVE for YongSeo. It only took that simple yet so lovely and sweet "arm linking" of Hyun to Yong for the whole world to celebrate.



















Hi, dreamy_boo! I missed you! Yeah, it feels like ages since the last time I was here. Too much work load lately.



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Sorry guys, too busy twitting for the last hours. It is fun to be part of the Goguma planet history. The day we make it to twitter trend totally unplanned and due to a small skinship. I die many times today.



Anyway, some brief translation from Baidu.



While trying the goguma tibits, they decided to get some for their parents as Yonghwa mentioned that his mum will love it too.



Yonghwa asked for some money jokingly when he gave the tissue to Seohyun while they were eating ice-cream.



He was re-acting a show "The General's Son" that he just watched the night before when they were in the ryokan.



The boss of the ryokan asked for their signature because her granddaughter is their fan.



On the way to 7-11, Yonghwa commented that the area was similiar to their home in Korea. He insisted that he must be nearer to the side of the road cos it was something taught by his mum.



Yonghwa told her that it looked like there was a rabbit on the moon which she agreed on the way back.


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First and foremost, nice to see all goguma’s are happy spazzing and tweeting, I have an account at twitter but don’t really know how use it.  So before I spazz, let me say thank you to everyone sharing their time to translate, post screencaps, gifs and just about anything.  The thread is alive once again.:w00t:


Indeed the volcano has erupted after a week of dormancy :wub:


Initially, after watching today’s episode, I observed that the couple kinda looked awkward again, but then, that’s understandable since their filming is always interrupted due to their respective schedules.  If only their schedules allows them to meet on a more regular basis.  Otherwise, their “marriage” can never really take off, and they will always look like they’re still at the courtship stage.  But, regardless of this observation, I still believe that today’s episode was daebak.  Seeing Hyun initiating the contact was really touching.  It’s like watching my child learning the steps to walk.  I was proud and happy to see knowing the courage she needs to draw from herself to do that.  I’m thinking that Hyun had always have that in mind since from way back but was just waiting for the right time.  Her facial expression was priceless, she looks so happy and from that can sense how she probably missed Yong.  The way she linked her arm at Yong looks like a child seeing her favorite person in the whole wide world.  Yong on the other hand, looked really surprised, he may have been hoping for that things to happen, and we all know how Yong attempts to be closer that way to Hyun but always restrains himself because he wants to give Hyun the time to adjust on their “married” life, and congratulations to Yong for his patience really paid off.  He must have felt so happy that day.  But, honestly, I think the initiative Hyun did was long overdue….they’re supposed to be married so stuff like that should come out naturally, but since we fully understand our beloved Hyun.  Everything she does is okay, I guess…hehehe.


Also, I smiled when Yong decided to buy a can of beer.  We all know that beer or any alcoholic beverage can be a stress reliever or courage booster if taken moderately.  Here in our country, if I may share, some guys takes a gulp or a can of beer when they are pursuing girls they like, this is so they can have the courage when they start to express their intentions, I’m saying this based from personal experience…my boyfriend then who’s now my husband, drunk beer before he came to see me (not drunk though) and expressed his intentions…hahaha…I’m not saying though that this was what Yong had in mind…BUT…we can never tell…can we? :rolleyes:


Anyway, I just really hope now that Hyun had made a step forward, they can really be more relax and comfortable with each other whether “on or off cam” cause I can feel and see that there is still a bit of awkwardness each time they meet.


Thanks Goguma’s….YongSeo hwaiting!



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Guest shadow_of_Atum
































Last post before I sleep about the preview. Btw, first time I am posting an image - tell me if I have broken any rules :sweatingbullets:
































Multiple choice question:
















You grab the wrist (in quite a manly manner) of the nation's precious maknae only because
















a) you want to increase the number of antis for her
















B) you have a death wish at the hands of her fanboys
















c) you have a death wish at the hands of your crazy fangirls
















d) you are so crazy about her and who gives a damn to the crazy fanboys and fangirls :lol:









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Guest bonbon31



Hi everyone, today is totally Goguma day,hehe! I smiled all time when I re-watch this ep.

I have something want to share with you guys. i just read it on Adam thread. There is a rumor about new couple will be added. Adam shipper said that maybe the airtime will be less because of 4 or maybe one of old couple will be out. And the new couple is SHINee's Onew and KARA's Seungyeon. I hope it is just a rumor.

Have a nice week, goguma shippers.


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mrsjoker, thanks for the gifs! hahaha JASHIKKK YONG indeed!!

lunasol, thanks so much for the better quality vids~! ^^ am gonna rewatch the sscene u just pointed out.

jnj & crystal, yessshhh i agree that yong looked agressive in the preview! he looked like he's hungry for MOREEEEEEEE.... kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :w00t:

aisuo, i know watcha talking about haha!!! i'm spazzing with ya!!!! xD goshhh i didn't know hyun knows how to flirt!!! yong was enjoying her flirt anyways kakaakkaka

miel, it's been a long time!!! glad to see u here :D thanks for the pics. kekee hyun looks sooooo OWNED! and oh, i'd love to think that the yellow sweatshirt belongs to yong~! :wub:


redtulip, thanks for the trans~!!!! :D

shawie, u've got a point there about the beer thingy. kekeekek

hmmm do u guys think hyun is claiming yong as her own by making that move? it's like she's telling the whole world that yong is hers! i'm sure even by that time, yong must've had gazillions of girls, from everywhere who're trying to get yong's attention or who're trying to woo him. way to go, hyun!!! smart move! :D


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Guest Crystal392

*Post at dcmarried about YongSeo and WGM trending worldwide :Dhttp://gall.dcinside.com/married/555514

I am so proud of us International Gogumas ^^ We were amazing showing our support for uri YongSeo ^^ I hope it will make to Korean news and Yong~ and Hyun~ will know how much we international fans love them ♥

Gogumas ftw!

If you are in twitter keep trending YongSeo ;)

*goes off to rewatch latest ep*

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Guest _hachimitsu

































































































































































































Preview  LINK
































































credits to Tempss (from chinese baidu translation)
































































Preview Translation
































































Guguma Couple’s first Japan trip!
































































How many guguma points do I have?
































































Hmm? Can’t be only one guguma point right?
































































Yong Husband become more courageous for skinship?
































































Going to have an arm wrist?
































































22 days later, it will be Yongseo couple’s 222 days arm wristing competition
































































The night in Japan, how will it be?
































































Yong: Since we come for a trip here, shall we have a drink?
































































Yong: So how many guguma points do I have now?
































































Hyun: How many do I have?
































































Yong: So is that mean 1 guguma point? (Hyun close your eyes at this moment when yong is trying to ask her this)
































































Yong: Why do you answer me in such a serious mode Seohyun ah~ (At this moment, yong grabbed hyun’s hand)
































































Yong: Let’s try arm wristing then~
































































Hyun: Noooo~  (When they’re competing, Hyun shouted an dah~~~ which means no)
































































Hyun: you’re a liar ~ oh seriously (jin jar – can known as really or seriously)
































































P/S: I took it without editing cuz i dont want to change any meaning. Please wait for better translation from our angel jd2lee or MountainMadman
































































































































reposting this if u missed it
































































some translations from bettylovesgoguma + baidu
































































yong: didnt you say you like it when i have my fringe down?
































































hyun: yes
































































yong: so that's why i put them down before i come
































































































































when hyun asked whether yong likes her hair up or down, yong's answer was: i like it when you untied your hair,,,what he means is that,,,he likes the way girls untied their hair after tieding.
































































LOL no wonder there was that slow motion effect haha^^
































































what yongseo wrote at the shrine/temple (sorry im not sure which one they went)
































































hyun wrote: yong~ i'll think of the time we've spent so far preciously. Let's make even better memories~! SNSD and CN Blue will be great! I'll always cheer (for you? - in korean the 'to who' is not specified)
































































yong: hyun~ you'll be daebak in japan! i'll always support/ cheer for yoU! even though we're apart- both of us hwaiting!
































































cr: misosouped@sweetpotatodays chatbox































































































































@dreamyboo hey~~ haha exams starting in a week! Is a bit free today, so i'm spazzing in the blog hahaha^^































































































































































































@magdal, crystal credits to the translators, really~
































































Tempss is trying to translate from baidu for the whole episode (or a summary). If no one is doing the translation, might post it here. We'll see how it goes.. jd2lee might pop out from nowhere LOL!
































































or, is redtulip doing something too? 

































































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Guest pandasoori
















































*Today ep is so so so LOVELY <3
































ILOVE the way YONG treat HYUN *when he cover hyun to eatig icecream *manly . aww
































ILOVE the way SEO caring at YONG when they walking together * pull yong near to her .
































ILOVE the way YONG moves his hair at the restaurant after see SEO untied her hair . * he must think "omo~ my wife is sincha beautiful <3
































ILOVE the way YONG aegyo when entered convinient store with his hands like hold guns * SEO HOOT *guns . keke
































ILOVE the way SEO patt YONG body when yong make his cute action in the store . * hints for daebakk link arms
































ILOVE the way SEO finally attempt skinship with YONG * sound that she make b4 link arms with yong is so cute + maybe she's nervous .
































LASTLY , Today ep is another sweet ep , I REALLY LOVE YONGSEO COUPLE SO MUCH <3
































nitee , annyeong goguma lovers ~









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Guest Crystal392

Thanks so much hachimitsu :D

lunasol were you talking about this part? hehehe Hyun~ so pretty and Yong~ so shy. Seriously they are way too cute :wub:



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Guest reiran18




Wow YongSeo is still trending!!Love it because it's unexpected,it just trend naturaly..Maybe if yong and hyun kiss or hug, the twitter world will really explode!!! more gogumas will coming...hehe!!UKiss is number one now..Why is ukiss trending now?Is ders sumting spexal?



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