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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yslovelightys









































































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OMO OMO OMO PREVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can´t wait next week!!!! YongHwa grab her hand!!! hahahaha :wub:


I love yongseo couple so much! :wub:




oh my god, i totally forgot about the preview. are u sure, Yong grab her hand. oh my god, oh my god.




I am totally exploded today. my throat got hurt because of screaming but i dont care, i want my throat hurt more just to hav more sweatness of YOngseo. cant beleive this. 2 week waiting is worth. yeah


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Guest lunasol


A cap from the preview when he grabbed her arm after the Goguma question. Then they played arm wrestling. Japan date made them so touchy feely with each other wub.gif








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Guest sweetbabigrl














that was soo cute










im shocked and surprised she made the move, i can`t stop smiling










things were happening very slowly in the beginning but theres some process now



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dreamy spends her w/end with her 'yong'


anw, i knew something is brewing in hyun's mind after they left the store.

see how close she walked with hubby?

she was just waiting for the right time to execute it!

hohoho...the way she grabbed his arm, "i got u, i wont let go that easily now"


i've yet to get over today's epi, and then BAM!

we're hit by another daebak epi next week

OMG...hope this fragile heart can take ALL in..

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Guest shenibabi














ahhhhhh cant wait next week










skinship more haha










yong grabbed huyn hand










today is the best day in week










i hope they'll let yongseo travel more



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Guest chilipadi_22



my streaming lagged during the preview. so i ddnt see the preview. can anyone post the link for the preview??

omo omo omo...this japan date really brought them closer together!! arghhhhhhhhhhhh...

spazzing too much!

actually i also wanna know how many goguma points yong has now!! heehee^^

OMG OMG OMG...this episode is DAEBAK!!!

cant wait for next saturday luh!! ^^

edit: now, i cant wait for the translations!! thanks to all translators in advance!! ^^


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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































Preview Next Week
































































































































































I can't wait..omg omg omg
































































































































































They look so beautiful together...This is DaeBak...Hyun always surprise me...everything so smooth and really cute ^^...and next week we will know how many goguma for Yong...So excited ^^

































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hi guys this is the preview for next week's yongseo! 
































































































































































arghh too bad next week is thanksgiving, meaning i'll prolly hv to miss watching the live streaming with u guys! anyway i noticed that since they went out of the goguma bakery hyun has been tapping yong's shoulder/backpack two/three times... hehehehe.. she really looks like she's been wanting to do that since the very beginning!!! 
































































































































































ohhh and one more thing, i noticed how during this episode, the camera zooms into their steps and it is really in sync like what you guys said earlier.. ohohohoho... so sweet.. PD nim thank you for listening to my prayers that i secretly whisper to the wind every night before i go to yongseoville/gogumaland... thank you for giving us an episode that's worth the two weeks' absence of WGM! NOW WHO'S ALREADY IMPATIENT FOR NEXT WEEK TO COME?! OMOMOOMOMOMO 

































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dreamy spends her w/end with her 'yong'































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anw, i knew something is brewing in hyun's mind after they left the store.































































































































































































































































































































































































see how close she walked with hubby?































































































































































































































































































































































































she was just waiting for the right time to execute it!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hohoho...the way she grabbed his arm, "i got u, i wont let go that easily now"
































































































































































































































































































































































































i've yet to get over today's epi, and then BAM!































































































































































































































































































































































































we're hit by another daebak epi next week






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG...hope this fragile heart can take ALL in..
































































































































































































OH!! THATS RIGHT!! I totally forgot :vicx:
































































































































































































you know how :ph34r: i've been lately. thanks for remind me ;)
































































































































































































but the preview was great. so i thought i was recording it, but i wasnt :( i was hoping to be able to share SOMETHING before i went to bed, but i guess not.
































































































































































































well goodnight my fellow gogumas! and goodmorning too!
































































































































































































have a goguma day everyone :) and be happy because our yongseo is DAEBAK!!!!!!

































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Guest icarus_fly








found a link, just wanted to share it..




it is the preview.




since all of us are not getting enough with the episode...




here's the link to the preview








and what's with yong suddenly grabbing hyun's hands..???




i am now curious how many gogumas now..




with the skinship...












preview for next week





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Guest Faith_memory


















omg!!.. im seriously out of breath, i need to calm down.. i'll have a heart attack! so next weekk... it's YONG'S TIME huh!!!! hahaha! ♥ grabbing her hand now yong?? ;) i can't believe all of these happened!!














if we didn't know that, that skinship will happen, then, we'll end up all DEAD right now. hahaha! ♥














yong looks aggressive here.. ♥

















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Guest wting89
























































































skinship attempt #01
















































































Skinship attempt #02
















































































hyun ah~ u got busted :)








































































i'm so proud of you!!! get together already~~









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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































Preview Next Week - LINK wub.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh my gosh, Yongseo. YONGSEO WAYLT. Enough is enough! tongue.gif But why do you have to have another skinship next week. In a perfect Yongseo world, enough doesn't exist (?) phew.gif Haha! Okay.. gonna continue watching todays episode. BRB again rolleyes.gif

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































icarus_fly.... please edit your post to make it more than 20 words........pleasee..






























































anyway, I'm already impatient for next week's epi, which will be daebak!!!! that episode is likely to be  the CLIMAX of the whole japan date episode.....






























































just one more thing....... brace yourself!!!
















































we have officially broke the previous record of 1077 views because just now I saw 1101 people viewed this thread............ sorry i didn't take the picture coz I don't know how..... (am I breaking the rules? if I am then i will edit the post)
















































































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Guest _d3seohyun



thank you for the links and summaries :D


accccccccckk these two really have a way of killing me! :wub:



MC KIM was daebak as always but it was Seoulong's reaction that had me :lol:


It was just too much for him hahahha I was in the same state :D








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today i learnt, patience is diamon, hahhhhaa, see what we got and how happy we are, if they just to fast from beginning i am so sure that all goguma villiagers and mcs not get this high. hahhaha. now happy overload. cant stop smiling. crazty feeling. i face totally red, just like i am in love. hahhaha


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Guest MountainMadman

Okay, now that I've had a chance to watch through the whole thing again:

-STILL SPAZZING over Seohyun's decision. Wow. It was so much less than what some of us expected (kiss on cheek, backhug, etc etc) but I think the whole "understated" part of it is what makes it so sweet. :D

-at the shrine, they had originally decided on a plaque but then changed to another one because the man told them it stood for a healthy baby. I wonder how they had felt when they found out what it meant. Probably very uncomfortable. :P

-at the restaurant: Seohyun asked Yonghwa if he liked her hair down or tied up. When he replied he liked it down, Seohyun immediately put it down but Yonghwa told her to put it back up again because food could get caught in it.

-at the ice cream stand: Yong tried to "shield' Hyun from the cameras so she could finish her ice cream in peace. OMFG. 

-at the convenience store: Yonghwa got some alcohol-less beer for Seohyun and a small can for himself. 

-the MC's were laughing about how Yonghwa held his arm at such an awkward angle.

-Yonghwa's darkroom interview: talked about how he was holding his arm, how his 'dream' of arm holding was that the man should have his arm in his pocket and the girls' arm around his. The MC's also teased him mercilessly for that. ^_^

-Next week's preview: Yonghwa asked Seohyun why she was being so serious about the goguma scale and grabbed her hand. Also, another round of arm wrestling.

I honestly think that this night is FAR from over. Something tells me that next week's episode will be even more daebak than this one! I can't wait for next week already! :D

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