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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest maybelove






 I just read from somewhere, sorry forgot who shared it, the new site is www.rdrsubs.org, I've tried it and it's working.




Hope it will work for you both.







Omo.. i was just about to ask if anyone had the same problem of cant accessing the rdrsubs website. Thanks for sharing this!! :)



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Guest Crystal392






About the rules: I thank BlueMistLaydee for trying to explain what the mod meant based on her own knowledge. Thanks sis! :D I think is ok to post pics where you can see the ring and also mention Hyun~ is been wearing lots of blue lately because is related to YongSeo; or talk about some CNBLUE songs that YongHwa wrote and can relate to WGM/Hyun~. But like just posting of a perf SNSD had in Japan or a CNBLUE interview that is not related to WGM shouldn't be posted, or maybe you put that on spoilers. Hopefully the mod will be more specific with what is allowed and what it isn't. (I am going to PM her/him). Again thanks BlueMistLaydee.






One thing for sure: we will definitely be spazzing this Sunday about Inki because Hyun~ and Yong~ will be together ;) That is YongSeo hehehe :lol:






sun_sun: Thanks for sharing those gifs ♥ They are <3






maybelove: Hii! I am not 100% sure but I think is against the rule to just post to thank someone. We received a warning by the mod yesterday :o Please edit your post and add more things... like what you thought about the latest ep or what do you think of the next ep; hehehe there are many things to spazz about! ^_^












*Some things I got from daum/wemarried (those two scenes are s funny and cute):






-A gif with sound of Yong's 'Meee~rong'... hahaha soo cute <3 (Go here: http://tvzonebbs.media.daum.net/griffin/do/talk/program/wemarried/read?bbsId=354_a&articleId=5377&pageIndex=1&searchKey=&searchValue= )






-A gif with sound about the moment when Yong~ went into SNSD dressing rooms. hehehehe the girls screamed 'Yong~ seobaaang'. I felt embarrassed just watching them blush.gif , hehehehe it made me remember when I was in school and my friends would tease me when I was near a guy I liked or when a guy who liked me talked to me... xD hahaha (Go here: http://tvzonebbs.media.daum.net/griffin/do/talk/program/wemarried/read?bbsId=354_a&articleId=5375&pageIndex=1&searchKey=&searchValue= )



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Guest lovekin




To D3SeoHyun & Lovekin - From the Chinese sub of episode 28, SEOHYUY refer to Pusan accent of calling Seohyun. I watched 3 different versions of that episode with Chinese sub, they all translate it as Pusan accent of Seohyun, so I think Yong pronounce her name with Pusan way.














To D3SeoHyun & Lovekin,  I second pollykpy


서혀이 is the Pusan way to say Seohyun. For most people who speak either different languages or dialects, either when they're really comfortable or unprepared for something, their natural language and/or dialect comes out. Yonghwa's obviously very comfortable with Seohyun now smile.gif




dbskisluv2, I legitimately laughed out loud when I saw that. Ahahaha, Yonghwa's such a cutie laugh.gif Thanks for that!




And yes. New gogumas, keep posting; spread the goguma love; don't be shy! But please, keep the rules in mind. Some of us kind of live on this thread happy.gif






tee hee, how cute!  thanks to the both of you for clarifying that for me.  i suppose that's even better that he's saying it in his dialect because, as my.yonghwa.baby said, it shows that they're comfortable.  he's actually shown earlier on that he was rather comfortable (or getting too lost in the moment) because he'd just instinctively slip into his accent.




i find it super cute!  because i remember earlier interviews of yong where he said he was insecure talking with his accent and such, but now he doesn't care.  i honestly think he should talk more in it.  wub.gif


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In a previous post I wrote -

“AHHHHH!  I’m confused and frustrated……!

In this episode they are still bickering/fighting/doing the push-pull maneuvers on each other.  I so wish we were back in June when everything was finally looking like it was working out for this couple…..

But this means Chuseok was all a ‘show’?!   An act they put on for the other couples and the fans because it was such a big WGM event?  And the Incheon duet was just a ‘show’?   Underneath it all they were not any closer, any more in love then they were in June?!  What’s next - Ueno Juri – just a ‘show’?”

Some gogumas got all defensive and upset at me for saying that – let me explain!

I don’t think YongSeo can be anything but honest about their feelings about each other on this show!

My complaint was about WGM and the order the episodes were presented to the public, and also the way they edit the show to enhance the image that WGM wishes to portray YongSeo to the public.  I have no complaint against YongSeo – they are most probably just innocent bystanders to WGM’s manipulations.

I realize WGM couldn’t do much about when Chuseok and the Ueno Juri episodes were aired.  But they held off the lovely ‘goguma field & fishing trip’ and the ensuing ‘push-pull’ episodes until after those 2 were aired, which I think allowed the goguma fans to be misled about what these two were dealing with at the time these episodes were finally shown.

Also, I agree with what another goguma lover said – at Chuseok, a couple would try to act like everything was OK in front of other couples/friends and the viewers.  They wouldn’t air their problems in public.  They were both very supportive of each other at Chuseok and I think even grew more tighter because they had to rely on each other’s skills in a tense situation.

And the editing of the WGM episodes can be very misleading.  I am sure WGM has all the rights to the content of the filming of WGM and can choose to show whatever parts they want and not show those parts they feel don’t enhance the ‘drawing power’ of the couples they contract to work on the show.

They can edit it anyway they want, and this is a ‘reality show’ of sorts, a medium that has taken off ‘ad nauseum’ in the USA.   The way some shows are edited (if you’ve ever watched ‘Survivor’ in the US) you’ll know that they can make the ‘good guy’ look bad and the ‘bad guy’ look good just by the way they edit the film they choose to show.  They can totally fool the audience into believing that a certain person is going to be eliminated at tribal council, and then it turns out to be someone completely different.

I hope this isn’t happening to our YongSeo sweeties!

And I hope I cleared the air – I don’t think Yong and Hyun are capable of showing us anything but honesty with how they feel about each other!   I still LOVE them both, especially when they’reTOGETHER!


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Guest Crystal392






lovekin: I also find that super cute! That he calls her '서혀이', her name with Pusan accent. hehehe maybe that will become her new 'nickname'? First it was Hyun~, then it was 'Jashik' and now 'Seohyuy'? :lol::D






luvtokki: I understand you, I also kind of got confused with the way they aired the eps (first Ueno Juri, then Chuseok, then back to normal episodes which were old compared to UJ and Chuseok). And you are right, the editing is a major factor in WGM (and on every variety show) because it can be very misleading; and sometimes the editing team isn't very good. Like on 'Starking' sometimes you can see the idol performing and then when they (cameras) focus on the people who are clapping you can see seomeone laughing and you think 'Woah that person is laughing? for what?' and if you look closely you see the same idol sitting there and clapping xD That's an example of bad editing. I love them too ♥ YongSeo jjang!


And to all Gogumas: this is a post with a cute picture of YongSeo with interactive links (don't know how to call it). Like if you click on the cups you can see when some Gogumas gave YongHwa some gifts and there is a pic with Yong~ with the gifts and a screencap of a CNBLUE video (I think it was because of a concert they were going to have) and he is wearing one of the T-shirts the fans gave him :D Go here: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=448788&page=1&bbs=



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Guest wa2kingkong






(2)blueshoes : thanks for those pic.. lovely hyun buin ^^ i love the black n white dress.. it looks like studio's door, i think blackroom interview.. hehe..lovekin : i agree with u 'seohyuy' was just very cute.. n if u realise that in driving test episode, yong called her 'evil joohyuy' when she keep mentioning TMYW dance in the bus after taking driving practice.. cute..and,i wanna ask something..is there any chance yongseo will come to WGM studio to watch n comment their own cut?thank u.. ^^



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Guest k.rivera19












yongseo Fanmade video








Hi guys just wanted to share a video i made of the yongseo couple in birthday episode...








what i loved about the latest episode:








(1) Their interactions in their house -- i love their bickering, the kitchen scene, the part where yonghwa grabbed her hand, yong's merong, i love them practicing together








(2) i love the part where they say "bye bye" to each other when yonghwa was leaving ... seohyun always giggles when she likes something yonghwa does or shy about something








(3) their phone conversation was sweet... it was :wub:








(4) love when yonghwa goes to snsd's dressing room ... you can feel that they really support the couple and yonghwa








(5)love the cnblue maknaes --- i was rofl when i saw that .. theyre so cute








(6) love their interaction backstage before they go on stage --- how they were encouraging each other throughout








overall i love this episode and cant wait for the next one!! Saturday please come sooner!! Yongseo is Daebak!!



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Guest pseudonykkaii

Dear gogumas,

I personally find this forum a haven.

My chillaxing site and a place where i read stuff about yongseo and stay happy for the rest of the day.

Its where,i think, gogumas spazz and explore possibilities of yongseo being more real that what where seeing.

[and not the other way around. Im not saying we should live in a dreamland(although i already amxD) where we ignore

The realistic side of things but just refrain from discussing negativity---love not war, right?]

*not addressing to anyone in particular, i just got out of a massive lecture on ethics so am feeling a bit patriotic.

Please understand.***



---yong choding is supa cute!!!!!!---

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ok i have been digging to ask about what is merong exactly...








im confuse why u called it merong?








since no one liner posting so i just wanna said Good morning everyone..



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Guest ningyit






To Luvtokki :after reading your posting, I understand and shall say that I’m also very confused a way or another. The period when they met and filming and the show broadcasted is all jumble up.






Let’s just concentrate on the way the show broadcasted, we've seen yong and hyun being very protective of each other during the chuseok special (ep 24), they showed so much of their concern and protectiveness , and even very lovey dovey in the bus as if they were in their own world. But later the ueno juri episode (ep 25) we just saw nothing much of lovey dovey except a little jealousy shown by hyun. Followed by their trip for the double birthday celebration (ep 26), where we can see their bickering started, as to why yong did not send any text message on hyun’s birthday. With this episode, viewers already anticipated on some turning point following their next step or action.



During this birthday celebration (ep 27) Tadaa!!, what all the viewers’ expectation was shown in this episode.



Later on during this (ep 28) their push and pull game started again, this game or the act of not contacting hyun was initiated by yong, but it was still up to the wgm pd to edit and show what the viewers will aspect next. Even the wgm pd wrote something to clarify that yong’s action/coldness towards hyun during one of the meet up was unexpected. But now with this (ep 29), the wgm pd let them perform their special duet on their special day as their mission. Both yong and hyun agreed that they did well and happy with their performance and forget their bickering.






I just want to say that the pd is making a lot of drama with this couple. You can see the ups and downs. This is not only because both yong and hyun are very special couple who made their own missions but anyway the pd who are the ones who does all the editing. Yong and Hyun may really bicker or quarel on some disagreements and dissatisfactions between each other. I think this is very normal in every relationships even for those who with more than 25 yrs experience. But with this opinion I am grateful to the pd that showed what a real relationship holds. Yong and hyun may hate or get exhausted with this pull/push game, but this is also a way to learn more about your partner but I shall say a risky way for not calling more that a month. (for me I will just forget him or even end the relationship).



In my opinion if yong just follow the flow of what the show expect of him, why must he took this risk of not contacting hyun, if this has been his habit in doing so. Yong is very much asking for more of real relationship, and we, viewers can also see the changes in hyun with yong’s action.






So with this opinion I shall not analyse further on their characters because yong and hyun are two couples who are in the process of knowing/learning more of each other. Instead of saying they love each other, I shall say they are learning to love each other.






Wow sorry for this long ahjumma’s post, i’ve been an ahjumma for more than 20 yrs and I’ve not been using my english language for that long.



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Guest sun_sun



SNSD - Hoot [ENG]


[Taeyeon] The moment I blink again, you check it out! ~ Stop staring at the girls passing by [Tiffany] Acting like you’re not, acting like you didn’t hear, your fake laughter. Everything, everything, everything is weird [sunny] How about being a little more nice to me? Your cold words hurt me a lot [Yoona] I'm beginning to get used to it .I really hate this. I'm really upset about everything, everything, everything [seohyun] Where are you looking?I'm right here [All] Because of you, my heart wears armor Now, i'm going to oppose youYour arrows are trouble, trouble, trouble.You've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.I laugh, laugh, laugh (hoot, hoot, hoot)Your words, full of poison, leave me with woundsI gave you a second chance

As expected you're trouble, trouble, troubleYou've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.I laugh, laugh, laugh (hoot, hoot, hoot) [Jessica] You've fallen deep into another women's trap. Enough of your excuses, you still haven't come to your senses [Yuri] With that attitude you won't be able to meet a nice woman. Eternally you won't, won't, won't [sooyoung] Don't misunderstand. You're not cupid [Taeyeon] (You are) [All] Because of you, my heart wears armor Now I’ll fight backYour arrows are trouble, trouble, trouble.You've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.I laugh, laugh, laugh (hoot, hoot, hoot)Your words, full of poison, leave me with woundsI gave you a second chance As expected you're trouble, trouble, troubleYou've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.I laugh, laugh, laugh (hoot, hoot, hoot) [seohyun] To float in water, you gotta sink [Hyoyeon] In the circles i've made, you're an angle [sooyoung] There you go again, answering a question that I haven't even asked [Jessica] But unlike you, I won't shoot arrows [All] Because of you, my heart wears armor Now, i'm going to oppose youYour arrows are trouble, trouble, trouble.You've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.I laugh, laugh, laugh (hoot, hoot, hoot)Your words, full of poison, leave me with woundsI gave you a second chance

As expected you're trouble, trouble, troubleYou've targeted me. You shoot, shoot, shoot.I laugh, laugh, laugh (hoot, hoot, hoot)

Credit : Kpopfanzone   >>> LINK


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Guest lovekin




ok i have been digging to ask about what is merong exactly...




im confuse why u called it merong?




since no one liner posting so i just wanna said Good morning everyone..






"merong" is like a korean onomatopoeia for sticking your tongue outtongue.gif




i can't wait until ... wednesday, is it?  when MC kim tweets about yongseo.  gah, i really can't wait until this weekend and the weekend after that just so we can be on track with the episodes and not have it so out of order.  i feel like it's causing massive confusion and concern about the feelings yong and seo have regarding each other.




the most recent interaction between them would be the second part of the ueno juri episode, so it makes me really curious what their interaction was like afterwards.  i guess i'm looking the most forward to their japan trip.  and hopefully they wrap up their push-pull after this weekend's episode.  i think yong's learned his lessoncool.gif


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Guest Crystal392






erxmeeza: Because Yong~ said 'Merong~' to Hyun~. 메~~롱 Mehh~~ long/ 메롱 Mehrong is the korean word for the action or the sound of sticking tongue out " :P ", it can be used to tease someone else. ^_^






*A screencap of uri YongSeo holding hands, hehehe MC Kim daebak! He is my fave MC :)























lovekin: lol we posted at the same time (almost, you posted before me for a few secs). hehehe I can't wait for the next episode either! :o






sun_sun: Thanks for sharing the parts uri Hyun~ will sing. Can't wait until they perform on Inki this Sunday! Hopefully YOng~ will interview them, even if they don't have any contact just by looking at them I will be happy! hehehehe :lol:


They are keeping the 'Run Devil Run' theme... I miss their cute songs like 'Gee'. hehehehe Can't wait until they release the MV! SNSD hwaiting!




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I found this article interesting, it says that falling in love takes just 1/5th of a second. I can remember two moments just off the top of my head where Yong had what I'll call a "1/5th Sparkle" and one was when he came back from the store and saw Seohyun singing Love Light ... and another moment while maybe not memorable to everyone else but it was to me was when the SNSD unnies were asking him what he liked about Seohyun. Yong was really shy and then he saw Seohyun playing with the radio, her eyes sparkling, and then a "1/5th Sparkle" happened in his own eyes when he saw Seohyun "love lights" sparkling eyes.

Seohyun is just full of "1/5th Sparkles" lately too.

This is probably why I love this couple so much, they capture the perfect moment (often in the beginning of a relationship) when you look at your partner and feel overwhelmed with all the emotions; the science article calling them europhia-inducing chemical moments.

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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i agree with you lovekin :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait for next week for the other half of the 200 day anniversary
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so that are on track with the two after UJ guess starred.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it seem like they havent film for a while since there is the japan filming (filmed on 09/21),
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and truck driving left (filmed on 10/11)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































that we know soooo far.....

































































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Guest Crystal392






I found this article interesting, it says that falling in love takes just 1/5th of a second. I can remember two moments just off the top of my head where Yong had what I'll call a "1/5th Sparkle" and one was when he came back from the store and saw Seohyun singing Love Light ... and another moment while maybe not memorable to everyone else but it was to me was when the SNSD unnies were asking him what he liked about Seohyun. Yong was really shy and then he saw Seohyun playing with the radio, her eyes sparkling, and then a "1/5th Sparkle" happened in his own eyes when he saw Seohyun "love lights" sparkling eyes.


Seohyun is just full of "1/5th Sparkles" lately too.


This is probably why I love this couple so much, they capture the perfect moment (often in the beginning of a relationship) when you look at your partner and feel overwhelmed with all the emotions; the science article calling them europhia-inducing chemical moments.



I quoted you because it was the last post of the previous page and probably some Gogumas will miss it, I think it is a very interesting post. ^_^ Thanks so much for sharing it1






The second scene you mentioned is one of my fave scenes, I remember SNSD girls asked Yong~ what did he like the most of Hyun~ and he said she was pretty and could sing well and ... well... nothing worth spazzing xD and then suddenly she began 'playing' with the radio and the 'birds chirped' and Yong~ and SNSD girls looked at her with big '??' and she just smiled and Yong~ suddenly blurted what was the thing he liked the most from her: her sparkling eyes ♥






hehehe just thinking about it makes me giddy :wub:






Hopefully we will get some news about them filming soon! *fingers crossed*



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Guest lovekin








I found this article interesting, it says that falling in love takes just 1/5th of a second. I can remember two moments just off the top of my head where Yong had what I'll call a "1/5th Sparkle" and one was when he came back from the store and saw Seohyun singing Love Light ... and another moment while maybe not memorable to everyone else but it was to me was when the SNSD unnies were asking him what he liked about Seohyun. Yong was really shy and then he saw Seohyun playing with the radio, her eyes sparkling, and then a "1/5th Sparkle" happened in his own eyes when he saw Seohyun "love lights" sparkling eyes.




Seohyun is just full of "1/5th Sparkles" lately too.




This is probably why I love this couple so much, they capture the perfect moment (often in the beginning of a relationship) when you look at your partner and feel overwhelmed with all the emotions; the science article calling them europhia-inducing chemical moments.






oh, this is fascinating!  thank you for linking to it.




i have to agree with crystal_malfoy and say that the part where yong suddenly blurts out how seo has bright eyes was so precious.  i don't necessarily think that's where yong fell in love with seo – if he, indeed, does – but i definitely think it's one of the things he's said that was genuine.  for me, it's really hard to decide when yong is saying things because of the show or because he really does feel a certain way, and that scene pretty much dispelled my doubt.  sort of, but that's an argument for another day.  tongue.gif




to say they've fallen in love is too strong for me to agree with, but there were definitely multiple scenes where i think yong is truly enraptured by her, some of which you've mentioned.




are there any scenes in which you – or anyone! – can recall that seo is mesmerized by him?  to be honest, i can't think of any.  i mean, we know she likes him to an extent, but i can't pinpoint any specific moment that makes me starry-eyed of her feelings for him.  she has aegyo, for sure, and she teases him on some subconscious level, but there's nothing that really hits it home like yong and his bright eyes comment, you know?




anyone care to prove me wrong?  smile.gif


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Guest lunasol

Hello Gogumas!


This may be long so just bear with me if you want. Probably when I finish this the thread would have moved 5 pages hahaha smile.gif


Now, seriously, I agree about the basic rules of one-liners and quoting images, but what I don't totally agree is with what has been implied that we should only put/write stuff exclusively about WGM. This rule is understandable if for example the thread is about music group named X and their activities, because the thread should be exclusive about that group and not about group X and people also bringing out music group Y. For the same reason if the thread is about a drama, then it can be limited about the drama since the actors REAL lives are not involved in the drama.


However, YONGSEO WGM is not a drama or just a music group/artist per se so the rule can't be seen as just black and white.


  • The PURPOSE of the show is to bring REAL people together into a relationship, and if you are in a relationship you know you don't bring just your body. YongHwa and SeoHyun are REAL people with their personal lives, work, friends, family put out for the world to see during the program and for a relationship to work it means that all that is related to you will have some influence in your relationship, which again is the purpose of the WGM show.

  • We have seen how in their individual activities, even in international places, in some way or another their relationship is brought out by fans, interviews, them showing their rings, etc. So again, Yongseo does not exist exclusively in the TV show.



  • Furthermore, some of those activities have even been mentioned either by YongHwa or SeoHyun later on at the show, such as has been the case of Seohyun's/TRAX album acitivities, SeoHyun/KyuHyun duet, SNSD in Thailand, their Japan individual activities, etc. Since those stuff were mentioned here in the thread before the episodes, we understood what they were talking about. And when we just saw Yong telling the other SNSD girls in the waiting room "At Japan, Fighting", we knew it was because SNSD was going to Japan.

  • Going back to the premise of the show of them being a COUPLE, its obvious with some of those individual activities there is no way we can ignore them and not think what would the other party would say or think about it. So if, for example, we saw SeoHyun dressed in the wedding dress or holding hands, it obvious we are going to be wondering what would Yong think about it and/or how it will relate to the show.



  • Even the pds prohibit couples to date other people outside the show while they are 'married' because they don't want the public, especially fans, to lose the perception that they are a couple in the show. That means that their lives outside the show are still connected to them as a couple, not just what we see on the TV.
I will put the other points in spoiler so it will not take visible space in the thread 


  • Since they are in a relationship, stuff related about their personalities, likes and dislikes, etc brought out through other sources outside the show are relevant because not only it helps understand them as individuals, but the interactions between them during the show.



  • Related to the previous point, through outside stuff we learned that Seohyun typically did not wear Blue, but now is constantly wearing it since the Despicable Me premiere? Then it is obvious we are going to see a connection to YongHwa as leader of CNBLUE.

  • Individual photos of them showcasing accesories related to them (Butterfly Necklace, Rings) should not be prohibited, because those accessories are related to their relationship.



  • Posting an individual photo of Seohyun in her school uniform is relevant because it showed us that the uniform Yong was giving her was in fact the uniform of the school SHE attended. Why would we care? Because he could have given her any uniform, but instead whatever they are going to do, he wanted them to do it with her own school uniform, making it special. Oh, and I have seen Yong dressed differently from what he is wearing in the preview, so I think he is wearing the boys uniform of her school? But again for this to be confirmed someone, will have to post a photo, either Yong in his school uniform, or Hyun's school boy uniform, that according to the rules 'should not' be permitted.

  • Now further thinking about a music group thread, in there people not just talk about the group songs, performances, etc. People also mention and talk about individual activities of the members, for example photoshoots, variety shows, acting, twitter comments they post, etc. All stuff related to at least one member of the group. So if we make an analogy of Yongseo as a "music group" then we should also be able to talk about their individual photoshoots, work ,etc.



  • I can still go on hahaha


Anyways, don't get me wrong. I agree that you should not write a post JUST saying:


    "SNSD is going to have a comeback at Inkigayo this Sunday!!" just to make an announcement.






But in my opinion we should be able to say something like this:



"SNSD is going to have a comeback at Inkigayo this Sunday!!! That means Yong may even interview them so there is a high probability that we will see them together!!!"












"I just learned that SNSD is releasing a new song called HOOT. That is extremely good news that SNSD will be promoting a new song!! Gogumas, you know why??!!? Because that means they will have to sing more than one time at Inkigayo, so it will give more opportunities for Yong and Hyun to at least see each other compare to when SNSD was promoting outside of S.Korea!!! Hopefully they will have some interaction behind camera and some fans will record it and will be posted here!!"






Hope I am making sense hahahah

biggrin.gif Again, I am sorry for the long post. I was just venting all the stuff running in my mind.









Thank you dreamyboo and crystal! It just that after reading some comments some pages back I wanted to emphasize that it is impossible to see Yongseo just as Yongseo in WGM. There is no way you can draw a line. Objectively, just based on the purpose and characteristics of the show, all other factors are related and influence what is happening there. Subjectively, if Yongseo show characteristics of liking each other (as a lot of us agree), then more so all their activities and personal characteristics will be relevant to what is YONGSEO. So lets just try to connect everything while posting and hopefully the mods will not be mad at us by not following this rule 



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omigoshhh lunasol!!! we have the same head or what! i was actually still writing my post! but i can't help to reply to ur post!

dangggg I SURE AGREE WITH U 1000% about what u just posted! that's what i've been thinking the whole way thru' ever since the mod gave us warning, but i'm just bad at expressing them in words. for that, THANK U!!! :w00t:

to put it simply


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Guest Crystal392






lunasol: I agree 100% with you, and I liked the examples you wrote because I think the same. I don't think the mod meant not to talk about SNSD or CNBLUE because that is going to be inevitable, she probably meant not to focus just on their activities but to relate them somehow to WGM. I think almost every appeareance Yong~ and Hyun~ make are related to WGM because we wonder if they wore or didn't wear their WGM rings :P But please just don't post: 'CNBLUE filmed a CF!' or 'SNSD made a comeback on MuCore!'; if you want to post those things find ways to make your post somehow WGM/YongSeo related like 'OMO Hyun~ was wearing blue and stars, isn't Yong~ in love with star accesories right now?' or 'Yong~ was wearing his WGM ring! yay!'. We Gogumas are a creative bunch ;)






lovekin: Hehehehe your post is so colorful :lol: Hmmm... a specific scene... hmmm... *thinks* I can't pinpoint any specific moment either but on the latest ep I was really surprised that she texted him informing him that she held hands with Kyuhyun from Super Junior; I mean I am sure he would understand because after all is work and it was probably organized by their company SME, but the fact that she sent him a text message informing him when she didn't even have to means a lot to me, imo that showed she really cared about his feelings. If she didn't she could have just probably told him while they were filming WGM. Hopefully some Gogumas remember more scenes ^^



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