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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ahn_annann





Dreams come true - to Sing and Dance in the same stage together - Yongseo



- just a little bit excited when walked to back stage ..






- for rehearsed that we will remember forever..









- Sarang Bit









made by me



J2dlee , we miss you ..


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Guest BluMistLaydee





I spent the past couple of days busy with work and completely clueless about what's going on in Goguma Planet. I actually rushed home to watch today's episode and I must say, I absolutely LOVED IT. I know it may not be some people's cup of tea but to me this episode, at least the 1st part was rather revealing, especially their backtoom interviews. I can understand Yong's standpoint about it being "extremely hard". Seohyun seems to to be a very unaware person when it comes to her appeal. I think her age, lack of relationship experience, and the fact that she's practically cuddle by her unnies, managers, parents, friends, etc, she's not really aware of the subtle gestures that Yong makes. For us watching, we catch all of his subtle stares and not so subtle ones, and as he said, he's not exactly hiding his feelings for her. It's rather obvious to everyone that he really likes her and basically bend over backwards to please HER, not because of the show, but because of HER. Although I think his "methods" of trying to force them to become closer is rather immature, but then again, when I think of it, it do make sense. It forced Seohyun to become more aware of him and their relationship and maybe evaluate exactly what's really going on between them. This episode to me, just reinforced that the lines between Real and Reel has long been blurred for these two and I can't wait until next week to see his other presents for her.



Now someone correct me if I'm wrong but this episode was filmed on the 29th of August. The Juri Euno episode was filmed about 1 week after that right? From that episode, we saw that he said "he knew Seohyun better than anyone and it was obvious that most of their issues were resolved and from the news about their trip in Japan, when it becomes a "turning point" for them, has me even more excited for the upcoming episodes.



Seriously I don't care about what anyone else say, but this couple is seriously fighting for it's spot as my favorite WGM couple ever something that's been reserved exclusively for the AlShin couple. They're the most "real" couple I've seen. They're not all "lovely dovely", full of funny crazy antics, and just being happy go lucky. They're awkward, cute, have disagreements, misunderstandings, and both are trying to surf the crazy wave we like to call having a relationship. And that's exactly what they have.


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Guest YongxHyun
















































anyone know the ranking of this ep?

















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Guest Crystal392

Finally I just watched the raw cuts of the latest ep.

OMG They were soo cute, I've watched the fancams of their duets lots of times but I still feel giddy every time I watch it! It may be because I'm YongSeo biased but I swear I can feel the energy around them when they are together... like it makes me feel super giddy.

And next episode is going to be so sweet... I know I've said this a million times: they remind me of my first love. And on the next ep they will be wearing school uniforms, that is going to make me remember lots of things because my first love was when I was in high school. :)

BlueMistLaydee: "...This episode to me, just reinforced that the lines between Real and Reel has long been blurred for these two and I can't wait until next week to see his other presents for her..." I agree 100% with you. ^_^

To all Gogumas: It's against soompi rules to

-Quote pics (just delete img tags).

-Post one-lines (less than 20 words).


keemaster: Please write more... it's against soompi rules to post one-lines (less than 20 words). We already received a warning by a mod and we don't want this wonderful thread to get closed ^^ I think there aren't eng subs for it yet but it has already been translated. You can find more info here: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/2010/10/episode-29.html

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Guest Joh-Eun


why is yong pulling such a long face?

his reading up on his buin with TRAX


the magazine isnt very clear. i know.  hahaha.  so here is a close up, but you still cant really tell! hahaha.  


Hi panGG

I was browsing through all the posts. I wanted to say what I feel about the latest episode but restrained myself (I'm in a hurry coz gotta go church) because all of the people here have the same thing I wanted to say. Always having fun reading all the posts. But this really caught my eye and I swear I instantly hit the "Reply" tab.

Gawd. If that is really SeoHyun on that page???, ottohke Yonghwa???:tears:  (I had to put my glasses on to make sure I wasn't hallucinating). But it does look like her.  It must be really true that Yong keeps track of his wife off cam. I'm a girl, but if I were in his shoes, if he does really like Hyun, I would feel really sad (worried or insecure):mellow::unsure: seeing my girl wearing a wedding dress for another guy. Arggh...

Hyun has been making him jealous recently. Yong always looks noticibly sad and affected everytime Hyun starts talking about another guy.

OMG. Gotta go (though it's against my heart). Kyahhhhh. Lord please help me. Goin crazy for YongSeo. :wacko:

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Guest teukiie
















^ Please do not ask for English subtitles >< I'm sure someone will post it here when it's out ^^I watched this on TV & man, I was just spazzing >< LOL








When Seohyun showed off that she held hands with Kyuhyun at the SM Town concert, I just burst of LOL-ing x))





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Guest Crystal392

While stalking dcinside I found some things, sorry if it has already been shared:

*Yong~ at a Fashion Show Oct 23 2010: He is touching THE ring ^_^



[Fancam] (101023) 정용화 팬싸인회 The Suite House 홈플러스강서점 1

~Yong seobang at Suit House fansign~


Joh-Eun: Woah you have eagle eyes! I didn't notice that o_O Awww Yong~... but I am sure he knows TRAX members are like his older brothers :) As someone (I forgot who sorry) said, the fact that Hyun~ sent him a text message saying she had held hands with someone else for a performance is proof that she cares about him and his feelings :wub: OOh it was a photoshopped pic xD Thanks ikekeyou for clarifying that ^^

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Guest YongxHyun
















































why does yong always touch the ring:rolleyes:
































everyone knows u have a lovely wife :)

















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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































@ Joh-Eun: i think the picture of seohyun in the magazine is a photoshopped picture
































































































































































































































































































a first i was like awwwww how cute!!
































































































































































































































































































but then i was like heyyy i remember seeing that picture somewhere!!
































































































































































































































































































so i searched it up again and i saw that it wasnt seohyun on the page.
































































































































































































































































































here is the original picture

































































































































































































































































































































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Guest shadow_of_Atum




Dear fellow Gogumas


Just here for a LONG spazz - so after 200 days + Ueno Juri's visit,what evidence do we have that this couple is really into each other? I think the past three episodes have been the most revealing. The efforts they put in for each other were more heartfelt than when they first met.


On Yong's part


1) A goguma field (I think if he could have afford more rows, he probably would have bought her a whole field) but this gesture shows a lot of thought had been put into his gift.


2) The letter to Seohyun's mom (He's taking the relationship beyond the show and involving people dearest to her)


3) Calling her Seo Joo Hyun (during moments that really matter)


4) Testing her by not calling her a whole month (This must have been so difficult esp in light of the latest revelation that they do call one another; hence his strong will not to call her must have reflected his even stronger desire to make her feel something for him - this is not something we do if the relationship does not matter)


5) Calling her/texting each other from overseas - as this can really be expensive, I usually only call family if I am abroad; even with friends, I may just email or skype but not call. But isn't this normal between lovers?


6) Feeling jealous and looking totally not the COOL leader of CNBlue :rolleyes: , his aegyos are really evident when he is with her, I am not sure whether he pulls such expressions with his friends or while MC-ing but as far as I remember, he has always appeared the cool charismatic leader when with CNBLue. Like someone else posted WGM has shown another side of his.


7)his push for her to use banmal (I think he knows that if he can get her to do this, he would have achieved something nobody else or rather no other guy has achieved unless they got it by default i.e. same age as Seohyun.) I think it is an affirmation for him if she chooses to drop the honorifics indicating to him they are close.


8)the giveaway clue that he is highly aware of her even when they are not together for e.g. finding out news of her about Kyu and constantly wearing and SHOWING the ring proudly in public. To me, this seems a bit risky esp since diehard girl fans may just be turned off. It's like he doesn't mind telling people he's taken :P


9)his stares, smiles and the preparations for the 200th day - I am not sure about the school uniform but from what I gather, it has to do with what Seohyun wishes to do? He is basically trying to be her genie.


On Seohyun's part


1) the birthday event - singing Lovelight and replacing their old rings. Plus she sang twice just to indulge him though she could not look at his face much the second time around. And giving the rings - rather bold for a shy girl, no wonder she went ballistic when he did not call after that.


2) going ballistic when he didn't call and thinking of ways to punish him. She's not being mean, she's just showing she's HURT. And when we are hurt by people that matters to us, we usually try to get back at them unfortunately. She's worried and I believe did miss him.


3) making him jealous wherever possible (related to the point above). In both instances, she couched her information by simply telling Yong that he needed to know. The unsaid words are actually: How do you feel knowing a) I wore a wedding gown for Trax and B) I held hands with Kyu.


4) checking him out too if he is wearing the ring - prob on the Internet. She too is very much conscious of him even when he is not physically present with her.


5) her acceptance of him now physically, holding hands without going ewww :lol:, the way they sat in the bus, their Horror Hse special all points to very natural skinship


6) the way she just glows and sparkles in his presence.


7) the way she looked when Yong asked UJ to call him Oppa and again when she asked if he wanted a pic with UJ. Now that the events leading to the 200 days have been shown, I am more willing to confirm that yes, she did show some signs of jealousy too when UJ visited them.


This is what many of u can gather from what is shown. I wonder what other evidence there are from what is NOT shown and from their interactions away from WGM.Can't wait for next week.



For the YS project: Why I love Yongseo: Because their interactions and development are the most real so far - the awkwardness shown when first thrown together because of a job to be done has evolved to two people probably becoming friends initially and now we viewers are no longer sure. It makes us really wonder what they are to each other and this mystery of what's between them really is just too sweet!


Sorry for the long post but need to let it out. I am one happy Goguma shipper




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It's rather obvious to everyone that he really likes her and basically bend over backwards to please HER, not because of the show, but because of HER.
































































































































































Sorry for cutting your post short, BluMistLaydee, but I completely agree with this! I was going to say something along those lines, but my word would be "spoil" her. Such a couple-thing! And only for Seohyun, because I remember a really long time ago, when Yonghwa was on Star Golden Bell and was chosen as the most ideal husband (I think? Can't remember correctly) he didn't choose any of the girls in return. And when the girls got mad at him, he was just...fine with it (almost). He didn't go out of his way to apologize or make them feel better. But for Seohyun, he completely bows over and apologize when he realizes she's upset. Only a boyfriend would do that for his girlfriend (or in this case, husband and wife). I think, and this is just my opinion, if Yonghwa didn't really like his virtual/fake wife, he wouldn't be that worked up over apologizing and asking for forgiveness. So, again, he must really like her. And on the contrary, I've stated this before, but I've seen many, if not all, SNSD shows, and by the way Seohyun acts, she must really like him too! Seohyun only gets worked up (when she starts talking really fast--you'll see this when she argues with her onnies and when she's determined that she's right) when something bothers her or matters to her. You can definitely tell that she cares when they were semi-arguing. And speaking of arguing, my goodness! That was the cutestttt thing ever. Triple A meets Triple A LOL! I would never imagine how similar they are. Can you say that's a couple-thing? When we first saw them, we (or maybe just me lol) were like "uhh. They're so different!" Yeah righttt! They're so alike! A type & A type, both persistent, perfectionists, smart, both seem to be very loved by family and friends ("spoiled" with love), and very, very cute ;D Even though they're alike, and it's more likely that they will butt heads, you can see that they're both (or maybe just Yong lol) bending their ways to please the other; you only do that for your love ones. You can definitely see that Yonghwa is growing upset because Seohyun is still upset with him, lol!! I find it sooo cute. Such a lovely couple. Cannot wait for next week! Hopefully Seohyun will forgive him now. He's such a sweetheart!

































































































































































































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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































Hello everyone!!!
































































Kyah! thank you so much for all the screencaps, videos, and translations :) You guys are the best ... kekeke
































































































































Why do i have that slight confirmation that it was indeed YOnghwa who called Seohyun when SNSD arrived in Korea from LA?
































































Remember this pic?
































































































































and then from yesterday's episode comes this SUPER SWEET bickering..

Y: When I was in Singapore, I saw your text and got a shock.

H: Why?
































































Y: Your text was hilarious “I held hands with Kyuhyun oppa at a concert. You should know about it.”
































































H: No. I meant “I just wanted to let you know”
































































Y: “You should know about it”
































































H: I wanted to say “I just wanted to let you know”
































































Y: No “You should know about it”
































































H: aish. I will check later.
































































Y: I knew about it before. I read on the internet. Fans said “They held hands. What about YongHwa?”. But I am cool about it.
































































H: I texted you but you didn’t reply
































































Y: I choose to reply you carefully. The day you were flying off, didn’t I call you?
































































H: That… I don’t know
































































Y: You never text me first. It’s always me texting you first.































































































































H: I….































































































































Y: melong. *sticks out tongue*































































































































H: I do text you first. Liar. Seriously.
































































































































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wow!! what a night!



too much happiness happening in one night, the feeling is so surreal.






more cute yongseo pull & push, kpop nite, snsd teaser, yong at fashion show.



we gogumas are really blessed!


for one obvious reason, i'm glad that u didn't attend the kpop concert but chose


to do the trans for us instead, armedbattle. THANK U! :D


tks also to u, lyrynne. hug u! :D


j2, u've been spoiling us much even with your heavy workload.


so take care dearie, and have a safe working trip. my thoughts are with u, buddy. :wub:


panGG, i'll share my thoughts abt kpop concert over at hyun's thread.


come on over.. ;)


i want to THANK U EVERYONE for links, trans, news, pics, gifs and mind opening views.


there are so many things we learn abt yongseo relationship than just face value. :w00t:


i also want to thank u ALL again for being such a good sport


and making this thread 'safe'.


i have to repeat this cause i see some of the newbies keep posting one-liners.


so, from the rule thread...





Posts must be 20 characters or longer.



DO NOT circumvent this rule by posting "20 characters" or the like.


off to watch epi 29 :)



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AHHHHH!  I’m confused and frustrated……!:crazy: 

In this episode they are still bickering/fighting/doing the push-pull maneuvers on each other.  I so wish we were back in June when everything was finally looking like it was working out for this couple…..

But this means Chuseok was all a ‘show’?!   An act they put on for the other couples and the fans because it was such a big WGM event?  And the Incheon duet was just a ‘show’?   Underneath it all they were not any closer, any more in love then they were in June?!  What’s next - Ueno Juri – just a ‘show’?

Now I feel a little manipulated – not by Yong & Hyun - but by WGM.   Because the episodes weren’t presented in the order they occurred, we the audience were duped into believing everything was perfect with these 2 for Chuseok and Incheon, when it really was not.  My trust has been broken.  How do I know what is ’real’ and what is ‘reel’?   This certainly makes their story more interesting, but how much of it is for WGM ratings and how much of it is really what these 2 feel for each other?! :angry:

Darn Yong and his childish ‘push and pull’ attempt.   If he had just put that poor strategy aside and just texted her once in awhile, these 2 months of PAIN would have been 2 months of LOVE.  Who knows where they would have been on the love ladder by their 200 day?  Much further along than they are now, I would think!

And just what is Hyun’s strategy here?   Keep hurting his ego and feeding his jealousy until he does what exactly?   Profess his undying love for her?    What does she want from him?   If she was really over him she would walk away from seeing him and walk away from WGM.   But she obviously wants something more from him – but what?   He’s already apologized many times.   OK, he made a mistake, but the mistake was in the name of love, an attempt to get a reaction out of her, to make them closer.  Sure, she felt some pain and suffered doubt about their relationship, but has Yong turned away from her?  No, he seems just as willing to continue pleasing her and accommodating her as he was in June.  When do the gogumas come back, and what will make them come back?   She needs to tell him what she needs to make this relationship work, not just keep bashing him over the head for his mistakes!

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not going anti-YongSeo, I love these 2 young people to pieces.  I just wish they would get over each other’s hurts and mistakes and get back to loving each other!

Anyway, cool scenes I liked in this episode –

When Yong got off the couch in anger and frustration and turned his back on Hyun to look out at the rain and sang that little song.   I could really feel his frustration.  Also his comments in the blackroom showed his confusion/frustration about how things were going with his buin.  

Then his look when Hyun was working in the kitchen to fix him something – so loving!

His mis-timed attempt to put his shoulder on hers – hurt my heart!   It seems every time he tries to connect – she’s listening to a different drummer…….

Hyun practicing with JongHyun oppa before Yong showed up.  Got a crush much, Mr. JongHyun?  Yep! His shyness was so touching, yet Hyun seemed okay with high fiving him.   She seems totally at ease with her bro-in-laws, they seem to be a little in awe of her!  

The SNSD unnies were totally freakin’ out when Yong came to pick up Hyun in the SNSD dressing room!  Tiffany shouted ‘Yong seobang!’  and looked like she tried to touch him on the arm as he walked by, Yoona and Sooyoung were just ‘ahhhhhh!   They look so good together, etc. etc.’  I get the feeling the SNSD unnies think Yong is good for Hyun no matter what he does!   

The practice in CN Blue’s ready room.  Jungshin chingu and Minhyuk dancing to ‘Love Light’ in the background, so dorky and funny!

Then, when they left the ready room and were walking down the hall.  Yong, JongHyun and Jungshin all walking  in a phalanx in front of their Hyun, guitars held like swords or rifles, escorting their precious wife and sis-in-law down the hall like security guards!  I think at one point Jungshin even pointed his bass like a rifle.  They looked so tough & cool, Hyun so pretty behind the protective shield of her band.   I would really like Hyun to go on tour with CN Blue someday, it would be so awesome to see her as a ‘rocker girl’- keyboardist for a rock band and co-lead singer with Yong & Jong!

Could you feel the excitement of the upcoming performance?  I could!   They all looked a little nervous, anticipating what was coming yet apprehensive about how it would turn out.  What exciting and interesting lives these young people have!   I’m talking about all of SNSD and CN Blue.  Yeah, stressful and tiring, but so exciting and rewarding!   Who wouldn’t like to experience just doing one concert like this, with the crowd screaming their adoration, the bright lights, sounds and excitement!?

Well, we all saw the actual performance before, through various fan cams, so there were no surprises there, just the surprise that everything was not as it seemed the first time we 'spazzed' over it.   I just hope WGM gets caught up with Yong & Hyun’s story, and starts presenting them in the order they actually occurred.  I’m getting a little ticked about being ‘used’ to boost ratings.

Again, anxiously waiting for next episode – hope things get better!  :rolleyes:   

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Just sharing this song that Seohyun was humming to while preparing Yong's lunch:


Minnie Riperton- Loving you


Hahahaha- after listening to the lyrics u will know why Yong was grinning away at the sofa when listening to his buin humming to this, such an ironic that she is humming this after their argument... Hyun is simply too sweet beyond words....


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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































I am back, I really have that episode in repeat in my computer, I didnt do it in my other post, but a million thanks for the translations, pics, etc, etc. etc. My Goguma family is Daebak!!!
































































































I agree with your analysis my fellow gogumas (Shadow of Atum, Coolcoke, Goguma1207, BluMistLaydee.)
































































































To add my personal opinion... I do think YH is reaching his limit and want SH to invest more in their relationship... Read between the lines... He wants her to call him, acknowledge him in another light, but SH is really hard to read and with her inexperience is taking longer to reach the point he wants.
































































































From this feelings I think "I dont know why" was born... kekekeke :D
































































































I do think that after the special event next saturday there is going to be a huge difference in their relationship... I really think they got over this issue and moved their relationship to the next level.
































































































I am so happy for them!!!
































































































So answering the question. My favorite part in this episode was the quarrel in their house, frigging great... So much feelings and revelations in that moment, it confirms to me that their feelings are really invested in their relationship and this is for real!!! :wub:
































































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!

































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So was the Chuseok/Horror episode filmed after their one month hiatus? Or before that? Judging from Hyun's and Yong's hair color, I think the Chuseok was filmed before the push-pull thing. Also, wasn't Ueno's episode filmed a few days or a week after the push-pull? It is so weird. (take notice of Nickhun's and Victoria's hairstyle as well).


I doubt that this episode was filmed before Chuseok. They were too close and affectionate with one another in there, compared to the recent ones. I do think the two weeks Yong requested to not talk for a while was neccessary for his and his band's career so I do not blame him nor am I angered by his actions there. I would have done the same thing. The two weeks after are surely a part of his devious, childish plan. It was definitely a risky gamble, seeing that he did that after Hyun finally opening up to him and to her feelings as well.


Although I am still a bit upset and disappointed by Yong's childish actions, regardless of the hand holding thing (Hyun was so surprised that she couldn't help but smile), I still have faith in him. He deserves so much more credit than this. It is always easier to count and remember all the bad things one has done unto you than count the blessings and generosity that they have given you. I am not even a Boice nor am I a hardcore fan of Yong, (JongHyun <3), but I am trying to look at the situation at a bigger picture.


Hyun has already implied that she believes something good will come about their first LQ, also, let us not forget Yong saying that he knows and understands Hyun better than anyone else. That is a very big declaration coming from a person like him who always... ALWAYS... gives "clever" or well thought out answers. Besides, he remembered their 200th day. How often do you see or meet a guy who remembers anniversaries or dates accurately as he does? 4 out of 10. Seriously. I'm only 19 and I know I still have loads to learn about life, but I've been to places and met people, and I know whether you're from Nicaragua, Indonesia, South Africa... men are still men regardless of age or culture.


Kudos to Yong. \(^o^)/


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Guest bowzo12




AHHHHH!  I’m confused and frustrated……!:crazy: 




In this episode they are still bickering/fighting/doing the push-pull maneuvers on each other.  I so wish we were back in June when everything was finally looking like it was working out for this couple…..




But this means Chuseok was all a ‘show’?!   An act they put on for the other couples and the fans because it was such a big WGM event?  And the Incheon duet was just a ‘show’?   Underneath it all they were not any closer, any more in love then they were in June?!  What’s next - Ueno Juri – just a ‘show’?




Now I feel a little manipulated – not by Yong & Hyun - but by WGM.   Because the episodes weren’t presented in the order they occurred, we the audience were duped into believing everything was perfect with these 2 for Chuseok and Incheon, when it really was not.  My trust has been broken.  How do I know what is ’real’ and what is ‘reel’?   This certainly makes their story more interesting, but how much of it is for WGM ratings and how much of it is really what these 2 feel for each other?! :angry:










In my opinion, I thought it's clearly seen in this episode that even they were in "push and pull period" but still acted lovely dovey to each other (such as aegyo action, giggling,...), care for each other (before they're off stage for performance) and so on.




Yes, They 're really have something in their mind at that time but it didn't mean that they had to act angry/strange/uncomfortable to each other all the time, right.


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































Despite the bickering and Seohyun being upset..
































































































































The t-shirt that says "MAKE LOVE NOT WAR" now all makes sense to me.
































































The care they've shown on the chuseok special is not a show at all, you can genuinely see how they care for each other. Isn't that how couples act, even though they're in a fight, when they are with other people (they're not really super close with)?
































































In my personal opinion, NOTHING, not even a slight show of ACT was seen on that Chuseok special. I believe normal couples do that , even though they are in a fight, when you are in a situation where there's no one else but just the 2 of you, you tend to cling to each other and show care for each other.
































































I hope you guys get what i mean.
































































and bowzo is correct, even though they were bickering, the care for each other didn't disolve at all. it was still there. NO MORE NO LESS.. it was even sweeter.
































































Don't forget guys, that episode at the saloon was aired before the chuseok, and last saturday's epi showed that Yonghwa made up for those times that he did not contact Seohyun but Seo being her NORMAL A Type character would never forget those "unfortunate" events.
































































And also, the "push pull" event did not just finish with a bang (referring to the sweet stares during the perf) dont forget guys they taped something more after the concert...
































































































































Also, UENO Juri epi was after the KMF concert and the day before SNSD left for LA.

































































































































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