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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest YongSeoForever












Not sure if this has been shared yet....if yes, just ignore me kekeke...




It's Yong seobang's voice for the "message ringtones",,,there are 8 of them and I've tried to download ..but had no idea How T_T




Sexy and cute voice kekeke:wub:




cre: DCmarried









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How did YONGSEO change my life...
















































1. I became a Yonghwa fan. Honestly, before WGM, I was never interested in him, solely because I have close friends who are (super shallow lol) and hugeee fans of him. It gets to the point where I'm like "SHADAAP! I don't want to hear about You're Beautiful." I'm very easily repelled lol. I automatically assumed that Yonghwa was just another typical 'pretty boy' whose only talent was to look good. Oh heck was I wrong. He is such a sweetheart, super talented, and of course, ridiculously handsome. =3
















































2. Seohyun shot up to the number one on my idol-stalking list. Before, I just thought she was the quiet maknae, yada, yada, not very interesting. And yeah, I was wrong, again. I found out that our likes, dislikes, and personality are very alike, and that she is much, much more than just SNSD's valued maknae. I can pretty much say she's my number one ideal girl (if I were a guy ahah). Beautiful, talented, out-going, open, wife-ly, amazing. <3
















































3. So, pretty much, in a nutshell, Yongseo changed my perspective/judgement a lot. I guess that's life changing...? Hehe.
















































Since I didn't contribute anything valuable last time, I decided to use my [not-very-good] photoshop skills and make us, Gogumas, some Goguma banners! So we can flaunt to the world that we are dedicated and proud Gogumas/Yongseo shippers hehe. Feel free to use!
































































































































































































ps. The diversity of this thread is SO amazing!!! After all my years of fandom (not that many, I'm pretty young hehe), I've never been apart of a more diverse fanbase. Whoot! Gogumas fighting! <3 Yongseo couple, fighting!
















































edit/ I added blue banners as well! So both female and male Gogumas can feel comfortable using them (thanks for the heads up, Trent!) ^-^ and for those who prefer different variations/colors. And like Seohyun said, pink for Hyun~ and blue for Yong~ <33









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Guest sun_sun


Not sure if this has been shared yet....if yes, just ignore me kekeke...

It's Yong seobang's voice for the "message ringtones",,,there are 8 of them and I've tried to download ..but had no idea How T_T

Sexy and cute voice kekeke:wub:

cre: DCmarried


Hi I upload all 8 ringtones >>>

YongHwa " message ringtone"


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Guest gembul10

Hi... I've been busy with works, when I came back to this thread...wow...it's running at speed light! I need some time to read the backtrack pages.

Anyway, for the 300 days celebration, here's my contribution, I hope it's not too late.

I Love YONGSEO because:

They are a couple who shows us of how a relationship based on sincere, loving & care should be, especially within Asian culture and in this modern environment where culture, ethics and values are somehow forgotten or has been changed. They gave good example to the younger generation how man & woman should act & react in a relationship. They make my heart flutter and brings a smile to my face.

Gembul10, 44, Indonesia.

How YongSeo change my life:

1. I eat more Goguma now!

2. I can have a fun time together with my daughter, and we will act like truefans of both Yong and Seohyun when we watch WGM together. I even bought the elephant pillow and dried strawberry when I visited Thailand some time ago.

3. I have to check the Soompithread, every hour after WGM being aired and check everyday.

4. I have to check sun_sun updates and RDR subs to download the video with subs.

5. I become interested in SNSD songs, previously not (and I've been a CNBlue fans from the beginning)

Ok, now I need to go back to work.

Have a good day everyone, and let's wait for Saturday!

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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































all what happened is just A SHOW .... nothing SPECIAL happened, Yonghwa and Jokwon arranged a special event for Sulli, that's it. Yonghwa changed the lyrics too
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I often meet this question
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































what is so wrong for Yonghwa to sing "Love light" to OTHER GIRLS??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































is it that WRONG?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I know that's just a question, but I also know what they're thinking when they ask this question ... As a fan I know LOVE LIGHT IS FOR SEOHYUN!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And as a fan, and I don't care Yonghwa would sing it to THOUSAND GIRLS if he wants, but we know there is ONLY ONE GIRL in the LOVE LIGHT.!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392




How did YongSeo change my life?


1. SNSD became one of my fave girl groups, I used to like their songs a lot before WGM but I didn't care much about the girls (just Sunny) but thanks to WGM I began to watch more shows where they appeared and even though I dont consider myself a sone, I am now a SNSD fan and I really wish them the best. they are awesome!!!


2. I was already a YongHwa and CNBLUE fan but my love for him and the group got even bigger!! ^_^


3. Because English isn't my first language but my love for uri YongSeo was (and still is) enormous I began to post on Gogums Planet and Thais to that I think my writing has gotten better ^_^


4. I've learned a few words in Korean, and also lots of things about their culture.


5. I remembered my first love and Hyun reminds me of how I used to be when I was younger (15/16): a person who followed the rules and who wasn't interested in boys yet ;) Yong~ reminds me of my first love =3 :wub:


6. I met amazing people from all over the world like my CNR girls!!!


7. I woke up Safurdays at 3 am to stream WGM and would spazz for hours and hours (I haven't done that in a month because now I have to wake up very early on Saturdays because I have classes at 8am).


8. This thread and YongSeo helped me cope with some problems I had and cheered me up :)




liki: Yeah it's true, he sang 'Love light' for Sulli (she is soo cute!) and he changed the lyrics. The objective of the show that episode was to make JoKwon, Sulli and YongHwa bond (the three are MCs at Inki); JoKwon and YongHwa sang to Sulli :)


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Guest lovekin




How did YONGSEO change my life...




1. I became a Yonghwa fan. Honestly, before WGM, I was never interested in him, solely because I have close friends who are (super shallow lol) and hugeee fans of him. It gets to the point where I'm like "SHADAAP! I don't want to hear about You're Beautiful." I'm very easily repelled lol. I automatically assumed that Yonghwa was just another typical 'pretty boy' whose only talent was to look good. Oh heck was I wrong. He is such a sweetheart, super talented, and of course, ridiculously handsome. =3


2. Seohyun shot up to the number one on my idol-stalking list. Before, I just thought she was the quiet maknae, yada, yada, not very interesting. And yeah, I was wrong, again. I found out that our likes, dislikes, and personality are very alike, and that she is much, much more than just SNSD's valued maknae. I can pretty much say she's my number one ideal girl (if I were a guy ahah). Beautiful, talented, out-going, open, wife-ly, amazing. <3


3. So, pretty much, in a nutshell, Yongseo changed my perspective/judgement a lot. I guess that's life changing...? Hehe.




Since I didn't contribute anything valuable last time, I decided to use my [not-very-good] photoshop skills and make us, Gogumas, some Goguma banners! So we can flaunt to the world that we are dedicated and proud Gogumas/Yongseo shippers hehe. Feel free to use!






ps. The diversity of this thread is SO amazing!!! After all my years of fandom (not that many, I'm pretty young hehe), I've never been apart of a more diverse fanbase. Whoot! Gogumas fighting! <3 Yongseo couple, fighting!








i might actually snag one of your graphic signatures!  wah, i'm so mad that there's a width and KB limit for signatures.  i hadn't realized that until i got a warning, hahaha.  sweatingbullets.gif  anyway, i'm extremely picky with the kinds of graphics that i use, so i tend to stick to my own.  but these are simplistic and rather lovely.  i must also commend you on your typography choices.  i tend to be super critical about fonts people use as well.  AH, I'M PICKY ABOUT EVERYTHING.  laugh.gif




i agree with your #2.  i was never really a seohyun fan but only because she wasn't really as outspoken as the rest of SNSD, but after the announcement of WGM, i started looking her up and was quite surprised at her personality.  she's charming in her own way and so clever that it surprises me that she's not as popular as her unnies.






i heard that yong hwa sang Love Light for Suli in HaHa Mong Show, is it true? What happened?unsure.gif








i'm not entirely sure what happened, but the only controversy i heard was that sulli claimed he locked eyes with her.  he "confirmed" it but adjusted his explanation that he tends to look at everyone when he's singing.  i think he might have edited the lyrics to fit her, too, but don't quote me on that.





all i know is he did something that seemed kind of fishy when first interpreted, but i wouldn't worry too much about it.  smile.gif


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My turn kekeke
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How did YongSeo change my life?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. I "sacrifice" my weekend just to sit in front of the compute and smile like crazy :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. Thinking of them EVERYDAY, I didn't imagine I'd be like this before LOL
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. Got to love Seohyun. Got to know about Yonghwa and Cnblue. Enjoy their music :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. Being a part of this BIG FAMILY
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. Through YongSeo, I also learn how to trust. And through them, I somehow got what an ideal relationship would be

































































































































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Thumb up for heartbreak_warfare22 for initiating great topic smile.gif




How did YONGSEO change my life













1.  Obviously can't wait for Saturday laugh.gif




2.  Always lurk on this thread over 5 times per day phew.gif




3.  Always wait for translators and subbers patiently while smiling ear to ear everytime i read posts from otherstongue.gif




4.  Now become a fan of SNSD and CNBLUE, i only knew BoA from K-Pop tongue.gif




5.  Got new habit to check yongseo's finger to look for their rings tongue.gif




6. And the most important is i now have new big family here in this thread wub.gif




Hugs to every goguma lovers here, keep spazzing my brothers and sisters wub.gif



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Guest YongxHyun
















































How did YONGSEO change my life






























































1, First ever found out a day is that long to pass































2, First time ever watch the same video more than 20times































3, I used to not like SNSD, now i watch their MVs like crazy































4, became a Boice now































5, i refresh this page like every 5mins to check out for replies
















































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Guest SophiaPia





So SNSD will go live in inkigayo on 31st  w00t.gif so are they going to bump w/ each other hubby and wifey YEAH BABY! 



How did YongSeo change my life




1 ) Every saturday my hubby and i go to church now i changed it to sunday or wednesday 


2 ) Most of the party is saturday, but i never go bcoz of YongSeo :) 


3 ) I found out SNSD and CNBlue coz of YongSeo 


4 ) 1st thing in the morning i check update re: YongSeo couple


5)  Before go to bed check more updates re: YongSeo


6 ) So much imagination about the YongSeo couple 


7 ) my notebook lots of YongSeo stuff


and a lot more


Basically, i'm become YongSeo addict :)


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hi my lovely gogumas


tks to heartbreak, we can see how our lives


has really chaged ya? and its all for the


better, i can feel that we've become more


closer like this


btw, to those who have not shared their thoughts


on Why I Love Yongseo pls participate



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True, he sang ''Love light'' for Sulli and he did sing for other girl , too but for All i know HE NEVER sing the Rab part ( I'm GENIE FOR YOU GIRL ) , soo don,t worry too much...


He changed the lyrics from " you are a darling ... to... you are a sulli...




SNSD in Taiwan Ending + Yong Flower








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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































How did YongSeo change my life?
















































1. Began to read self-improvement books again.
















































2. Saturday have become the best day of the week. Since the strike I have watched all episodes in lifestream (not missing any). I even bribed my brother to pick me up at a party at 2:00 a.m. so I can be at home before 3:00 a.m. to watch the episode.
















































3. Explanation in No. 2 will lead to "Ditch my friends at parties".
















































4. I noticed that I began to pay more attention to my manners just like SH, I didnt think anything about it, until I began to analize my behavior lately.
















































5. Become addicted to YongSeo thread, YongSeo Fanfics, YongSeo FMV, YongSeo Songs related, etc. etc. etc. I even deleted some files from my laptop to save more Yongseo related things. I keep my cellphone logged to Soompi. I just have to refresh the page to check any news and to keep up with the speed with wich this thread is growing.
















































6. Become a proud member of the Goguma Family. I love you all, is so nice to read all your post!!!
















































7. Ordered CNBLUE 's CD since the first album. I have to wait 4 weeks for it to arrive to my country... Totally worth it!
















































8. I just have to think about YongSeo and a big smile will appear on my face... They make me happy. It helps when I am sad or stressed.
















































9. Change my way of thinking about relationships and make me see their relationship as a good example of a healthy relationship... Slowly but sure. Communication is the key.
















































10. Make me put "Visit Korea" in my "things to do before I die" list. I HAVE to go to a CNBLUE concert and a SNSD Concert at least once in my life! Or better, be there for their wedding... kekekeke :D
















































Have a nice day my fellow gogumas, Big Hugs!!!

















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I love YongSeo because..








.. They make me fall in love. They're my happy pill - whenever I'm stressed, or bored, or sad.. I just watch an episode of them and I feel happy already. They never fail to make me smile. It's like watching a beautiful love story unfold before my very eyes. And they make me want to find my own love light too. ♥








How did YongSeo change my life?








1. I became a BOICE. (I liked them, but because of WGM.. now I love them to bits)








2. I became a fan of Seohyun








3. Saturday became my favorite day (Before, Saturday was just.. Saturday.)








4. I ditch my friends when needed for YongSeo (and they keep complaining why I always need to go home before 4PM)








5. I spazz more for YongSeo than my favorite Kpop groups (My friends were all surprised when the ELF community was spazzing for the boys' concert while I was spazzing for YongSeo's duet. xD)








6. YongSeo fanfics became my other obsession (thank you to all talented gogumas out there!








7. I always lurk at this thread. So long, my other forums. xD








8. I found new friends because of these fandom. I love you all! :)















Rachelle, 18, Philippines



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Guest SophiaPia





Can i ask what time is SBS Inkigayo Korean time? 



I never watch it in livestream but next sunday i will coz of the SNSD comeback and i hope we can get behind the scenes video to see the reaction of hubby Yong while wifey Hyun performing HOOT (like we've seen his watching Trax when they performing and his wife video on the screen) 



I'm excited for the girls comeback and for our YongSeo meeting live in inkigayo :)



Saturday paliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii





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Guest toomuchsmiling




SNSD schedule




2010-10-31 【Live】 PM 03:50 SBS-TV broadcast live Inkigayo (SBS Deungchon gonggaehol)


2010-10-30 【Live】 PM 04:20 MBC-TV show! Music Center (MBC Ilsan Dream Center gonggaehol) -


2010-10-30 【TV】 PM 05:15 MBC-TV, we got married Season2 - Seohyun


2010-10-29 【Live】 PM 08:50 SBS-TV Celebrating the 47th Grand Bell Film Awards (Peace Center, Kyunghee University)


2010-10-29 【Live】 PM 05:50 KBS-2TV KBS Music Bank (KBS Annex gonggaehol) - The first broadcast






wahaha, saw this at the SNSD thread. thanks for sharing it here GeumJanDi!! so they WILL be on inkigayo~~ :lol: Yong, u better beware of their guns concept. jkjk.








Not sure if this has been shared yet....if yes, just ignore me kekeke...


It's Yong seobang's voice for the "message ringtones


cre: DCmarried








YongSeoForever- this is SO cute but at the same time SO freaking random. :lol: but i love the last one the most. :lol:




YongxHyun- i LOVE ur reasons on y u love Yongseo. xD some of urs are some of mine, like how u refresh the page here often, and how u watched an ep more than 20 times. :lol: i'm SURE i watched last week's ep that many times and this week ep's a bit less than that but STILL saw it plenty enuff times. o_o


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Guest YongxHyun
















































toomuchsmiling: I found so many friends here as "crazy" as I am! keke . I love the part when hyun sings RDR to yong~~ for that i'm sure i watched it more than 20times. First  I downloaded this ep without subs, and then with sub, and then in HD. haha. The video i watch the most is......keke.....the duet!!! ...MORE THAN 50TIMES!!
















Anyone watch the duet more than 50times??? haha.

















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Guest chilipadi_22








































































i cant wait to see yong and hyun together on inkigayo....
















































































































i am so going to watch the live stream next sunday!! (i dun usually watch that)
























































by the way, where can i see the video that yong watched TRAX's performance with hyun's video playing at the back??? thanks in advance!! :)









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