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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello fellow goguma aliens/villagers~

I posted my response as to why I love YongSeo, and I am not sure if you have included my post. If you want me to re-post it again, please let me know :)

How did YongSeo changed your life?

1. I am not as excited as before when guys make a move on me. I have prioritized myself and studies instead of mindlessly or carelessly dating whomever.

2. I was inspired by Hyun to say "No," if I don't want to do something.

3. Learning Korean from watching raw episodes.

4. Eating healthier food, exercising more often, and avoiding fast food places :D

5. Every time I watch any MVs or videos related to SNSD, my eyes will search for SeoHyun (which is weird because Tiffany and Sunny were my favorites, and SeoHyun was my least).

6. Dancing to Genie~

7. Singing "Love Light" at work, school...home. Even if my Korean is :vicx:


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jheheheh, oke I want to contribute
































How did YongSeo changed your life?
































1. first, I eager to do my best in everything, like willing to try to read books
































2. eat goguma...one of my fav food now
































3. eat healthy food and try not to eat fast food
































4. cook korean food...dwejang jigae for instant
































5. always courious aobut what going to be happen to this couplee
































6. stop watching drama, but get addicted to goguma couple..
































7. also inspired by hyun...dare to do something new and say NO, if I dont want to do something.
































































8. learn to dance Genie
































9. change my ringtone the same as Seohyun ringtone ( honey honey baby)





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Guest uolam21

OMG!!! i'm getting dizzy keeping up with this thread..

i try to visit it twice or more times in a day, and i'm amazed at how fast the pages fly!

we are all crazy people... but i guess we can't help ourselves...

our love for this couple is so huge that it's growing leaps and bounds!

to all villagers, let's spread the goguma love!! wub.gif

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so dark side literally means dark side and NOT something like a sad ending.. :phew: dreamy



yup, tweety has reached its capacity and i don't know what that means.. :crazy:






okay, since i've already participated in I Love Yongseo, here is my take on






How Did Yongseo Change My Life..



thanks for starting this heartbreak






for the better


1. Black Monday has turned to Sweet Monday. :wub:


smiling silly just thinking of yongseo


2. trying to be more feminine like hyun.


e.g holding the cup with both hands, and if i have to talk while eating,


use 2 fingers to cover my mouth. (like epi 1 where she ate the oranges) :rolleyes:


3. On saturday, its family time in the morning.


no matter what, i'll find excuse not to go anywhere in the afternoon.


but IF there isn't much choice, i'll be grumpy the whole day.. <_<


i'm ashamed abt it, but i can't help myself.


4. Sat afternoon is dedicated to yongseo.


its only yongseo and me, in my small room, on our goguma world... :wub:


5. glued in front of PC from Sat afternoon till early Sunday morning.


busy spazzzing while rewatching the utube links by keonconvo,spazz like mad,


while waiting patiently for redtulip/j2 trans


6. my pc is overloaded with yongseo stuffs. others stuffs were deleted or saved in a disk


but then i realise that i saved almost everything on yongseo 2x :sweatingbullets:


7. neglect housework. blush.gif


8. rushed home everyday to log in to soompi just to find if


there's anything new on yongseo


9. sleep late every night, MUST watch one epi before going to bed.


ah! need to eat more salmons to get rid of these dark circles


10. i tend to stay positive and when there is a bad day, i blocked it


and think of yongseo sweet moments.


woah! nvr thought its such an impact yongseo has on my life.


i think its done me good :)


well, except for no 7... ack!!



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Guest Germbaby

Hello I want to contribute too..

How did YongSeo change my life?

1) I sit every night in front of the computer to read Sweet Potato Couple Thread. Heee...

2) I just gone through a terrible and sad time in my life. YongSeo helps me to look at thing in a brighter view or else I might not be in this world anymore

3) I started to smile more

4) I do not go out anymore on Sat

5) I can communicate better with my daughter because she loves SNSD

6) I started to listen to Kpop and all CDs in my car are Kpop songs!

7) I learn how to use the computer better

8) I feel younger

9) I sleep later because I am usually busy with this thread till late at night

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Guest starsundaepower




wow heartbreak_warfare22  great topic! 


I want to contribute on this.. hehe





How did YongSeo changed your life?





1. Wearing cute neck pillow when travelling or sleeping 





2. Learn how to drive with manual





3. Listen to CNBLUE and SNSD song, and another Yongseo related songs (I'm not a Kpop fan at first)





4. I found my room stuffed with blue and pink stuff (I was an avid white-black fan before, I guess that changed before I knew it crazy.gif)




5. A friend asked me "Did u like Avatar?", I answered "Yes, I think he's funny and a very good bass player", a friend: "??????" ---> TRUE STORY tongue.gif




6. Holding umbrella just like Seohyun did on Ueno Juri's episode (I did that not on purpose, I really didnt haha)




7. I'm sooooo terribly afraid of blood and needle, but after watch yongseo blood donation, I changed my mine, I want to donate my blood... still trying to convince myself and overcome my fear... I hope soon enough I could do it!! 



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raindrops_919 awww i'm glad it made your day happy! that was the intention! and the pictures did really fit perfectly. i was definitely surprised too! hahaha. it worked out so well. this whole time i was waiting to see if cn blue would have more winter photoshoots for that brand, not sure what brand it is, but i had some of hyun in spao and was like man, i need yong all colorful! and yay, yesterday it happened. have you posted any more of your stuff? cause i've backtracked here and there but i dont think i remember seeing anything from you, but i may just have over looked it.






pretty_92868 lol i'm such a teaser... ;) yongseo are the real tease thou! lol. tease in a good way!






dreamyboo lol yes the wrath was cool, even if it was experimental. and i like that its dark. i love the cutesy stuff but every now and then its nice to throw in something dark! (too bad they dont provide an evil grin emoticon) lol






jnj hahaha HUGS! glad everyone enjoyed it! and i feel super special that you read my spoilers! hahaha. like dreamy said, its not really a spoiler, but it was so long, like my last super long one, that i put it in there so that people wont get annoyed about all my spazzing. hahaha. and you SHOULD have pmed me last night ;) hahaha. i've got some stuff i'm currently working on, we'll see how it turns out. if its decent i'll post them up for you!






to jnj and pretty92868 i actually dont really write fanfic. i use to write some but i could never finish so i stopped completely. lately i've been thinking of it with yongseo because i love them too much. but i havent had time to just really sit and write. but who knows maybe sometime soon i'll start something! because just like how my graphics are, i stopped making them for the longest time but when yongseo came into my life, i couldnt NOT photoshop them. hahaha.






so i've been thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and i aint got nothing about why i love yongseo so much. hahaha but i want to contribute so bad! i hope its still available to post when i finally think of a good good one!


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Hi, heartbreak_warfare22, hi everyone.

I was really surprised when I read your answers, heartbreak_warfare22. Please allow me to comment.

How did YongSeo changed your life?

1. I now wear a seatbelt when driving. before i don't really wear them. I just wear them when the seatbelt law in our country is enforced. Not applicable. You have to wear a seatbelt in my country. Interesting nonetheless.

2. goes to this thread whenever possible. Check. Me too. Like now when I'm on my coffeebreak.

3. cancels any appointment during Saturday if possible. Check. However, it's customary for me to hang out with my friends on Saturday and usually don't cancel that.

4. very curious about news about SNSD and CNBlue. Check. Me, too. And CNBlue isn't exactly male-compatible.

5. whenever the latest photo of Yong and Hyun appears on this thread or any other place, the first thing to look for is the couple ring. Check. Me too. And if she isn't, I'm trying to date the picture.

6. tried to cook sweet potatoes and cream spaghetti. Check. Well, I ate Sweet Potatoes this week for the first time. (But I could already cook cream spaghetti, so no first there.)

7. waits patiently for j2dlee every Saturday. Check. And j2dlee is The Girl for doing the translation.

8. waits for sun_sun's subbed videos. Check. Yep. Thanks, sun_sun. :)

9. waits for rdrsubs to release their videos Check. Yep, they rule.

10. saves wallpapers shared by talented people in this thread. Me too. My Yongseo folder has hundreds of pictures now.

11. I became nicer to my girlfriend. I'm now planning to take her on a fishing trip. Check. Me, too. And I gave a friend an alarm clock for a birthday. Thanks, Seohyun, for the great idea. There are awesome alarm clocks out there.

12. I planned to not contact my girlfriend for 1 week. but seeing how mad Seohyun was, I aborted that plan. :)Uhm ... well. Seohyun all taught us a lesson there.

13. I now try to take care of my health. eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. I already do that, but, yeah, check. I want to learn badmington because of them. And do more stretching.

14. tried to make the shake Seohyun prepared for Yonghwa. Check. Hehe. My sisters tried that. I had to taste it. It tasted ... interesting.

So, what about the girl gogumas out there? How did you guys change?

Best regards,

Trent (going back to work).

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Guest glitterspark
















































How did YONGSEO change my life:















































1. got lesser interest in guys... there was one time i got really irritated by this guy hitting on me, i told him i was lesbian :P
















2. exercise more often and try sleeping earlier
















3. became a CNBlue fan
















4. Seobaby topped my list of fav snsd members (putting yuri in second place, though i originally paid the least attention to her)
















5. found out many stuff about relationships i never knew about
















6. became an avid stalker of this thread
















7. found out about the wonderful world of soompi
















8. found myself rushing home after a day of shopping/work every saturday for my yongseo addiction
















9. became proud of my bookworm habits (was dreadfully ashamed of being one at first)
















10. adopted seobaby's unconscious habit of mumbling "mmm-mmm" when thinking
















11. got convinced that stares between a couple can generate such electricity and sparks
















12. became a better observer of body language
















that's all :)

















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panGG, i just notice something on your wallie.






notice hyun put out her hand to JH, as if he is teasing her and hyun



was like 'talk to my hands' and the rest of the boys were like laughing at JH.






this reminds me of the time hyun cooked the spaghetti for the boys and jh



was the one that gave hyun the least mark.






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Guest haeanna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow~HELLO everyone!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now now that's what worth of me to posts here again after the proposed idea from heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How did YongSeo changed your life?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for me:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. I try to insert some ooohh's and aaah's when talking to my friends just like Seohyun did






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. I've been smiling like a fool when some random scene of Yongseo's episode comes across my mind even while washing dishes.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. Bookmark-ed the Official SeoHwa Sweet Potato Couple thread.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. Never have interest in reading fanfics but LOVE it now!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. my Saturdays never been the same again. I used to go out during weekends but now I try to reduce it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6. there's a folder of WGM Yongseo and a folder of CN Blue on my desktop. (Seo Ju Hyun has long been there as she's my ultimate bias)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7. use to be an avid fan of k-drama but my interest has gone down at this time due to Yongseo-ness
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































8. becoming more optimistic and rational ~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































9. MC KIM is my fav MC after Yoo Jaesuk and Kang Hodong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































10. get grumpy if I couldn't connect to the internet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































THIS IS SO FUN!!...thanks to heartbreak_warfare22 again..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































AND btw, shoutout to Trent, how come you haven't update Potato Crisis yet?? keukeukeu.. just kidding..but you know..I'm waiting and literally staking the Goguma fics LJ nowadays~~

































































































































































































































































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sorry i pressed the wrong button. let me continue my previous post.

when yong walking into the small room washing his hair, he sang 'she is mine ...'

i love the smile and expression yong had when he shyly said to the camera that 29 august is 200th anniversary. this time, he totally remember their anniversary. it seems that this time he feels that 200th anniversary is very meaningful to him. he kept on giving hint to hyun. no matter in the small room or in the studio, he really showed his disappointment when he found that hyun totally forgot this day.

i wonder .. when tiffany mentioned about hyun preparing the couple ring for yong seobang. did she also know hyun missing and worrying yong seobang during july. did other sm artists know about it ? so owen said to yong in a program 'please don't hurt hyun' (sorry i can't remember exactly what he said, but something along this line). so heelchu made joke to hyun ' are you going to leave hyun' during sm la tour ? i may be wrong, just think of all these incidents.

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panGG, i just notice something on your wallie.

















notice hyun put out her hand to JH, as if he is teasing her and hyun











was like 'talk to my hands' and the rest of the boys were like laughing at JH.

















this reminds me of the time hyun cooked the spaghetti for the boys and jh











was the one hat gave hyun the least mark.

















lol i'm glad you noticed that!!! :w00t: that was mainly the reason why i left her hand like that. i was going to try and make it where she's touching his shoulder, but then i thought of how jonghyun is always the one getting the "punishments" and they are always picking on him. so i thought it fit great like that! your the first one to catch that!





























because rain or shine they genuinely enjoy each others's company. Their awkwardness doesn't delude the fact that they have become great partners together. And with the seasons changing both Yong & Hyun are growing closer and more beauitful, because they have each other.

















Pangg, 20, US






and here are some quotes that just jumped out at me for some reason!






To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.






David Viscott, How to Live with Another Person, 1974






Love is everything it's cracked up to be... It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for.






Erica Jong, O Magazine, February 2004






Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real.






Iris Murdock (1919-1999)






edit2 just a little something.































i added the blank one so if anyone wanted to use it you may in any way you want. just remember to credit me!


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How did YongSeo changed your life?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This got me out of my lurking mode... let me share mine:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1.Suddenly became a CNBlue fan































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2.Seo Hyun stepped up as my 3rd bias when wgm started (lol)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3.Stimulated my imagination so I'm so back into writing































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4.Attempted to let my ex-bf dance genie when I was sick (:()
















































































































































































































































































































































































5.Looks forward to Saturdays
















































































































































































































































































































































































6.Ditched/will ditch my friends a couple of times/if another chance comes just to stream live (I know this is nothing to be proud of but truth sucks big time lol)
















































































































































































































































































































































































7.Taking Korean lessons seriously so as to understand their convo
















































































































































































































































































































































































8.Craves for spaghetti and sweet potato once in a while
















































































































































































































































































































































































9.Put 'learn to play the guitar' on my to do list
















































































































































































































































































































































































10. Met amazing new friends ---> the best change of all!
















































































































































































































































































































































































ohhh sucks! I was aiming for page 1234 lol

















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Guest blueswim_boo




























Hi,guys.I hope it is still not too late to spazz about the latest episode.I love that episode especially seeing naughty,fierce side of Hyun.Hehe.I'm actually cheering for her when she did all the push pull war.Sharing some caps of my fav scene.




















Hyun was staring at Yong.And i think Yong aware of this too and become slight fidgeting.When Yong start touching his hair,she look away with little humming at the end.Why do i feel naughty Hyun purposely did that to make Yong nervous and she might be doing that the whole day,off cam.hehe.If she was,looks like she succeed it.Yong did look  a bit fidgeting there.Hehe.Borrowed  d3seohyun's quote ,is it one of her plan to revenge her hubby "Make him want something that he cant have?".haha.Blame it on d3seohyun chingoo for inspired my crazy thots..








































2. Gosh,Hyun should see how he look at her here,she will give him,his goguma back Those intense,careful gaze melt my heart,make my heart goes duguen duguen.Look that full of love..:wub:  
















































































(pic below) TO LITTLE DEVIL WITH EVIL SMILE..HAHA..Hyun are so playing the push and pull game better than Yong.




















BONUS.Who else thot this little mouse Yong is sooo adorable.Kyuptaa.Haha.. I was lol reading the trans from rdr.It fit the description.








































I would like to answer how Yongseo change my life?




















1. I start to reread back my self improvement books which has long been forgotten,trying to do 'mouna'(daily self reflection) as frequent as i possibly could.




















2. Sunny become my 2nd fav in snsd now (she used to be my first).I'm now all about Hyun.Hehe




















3. Improve my love/hate relationship with my baby sister for we now share common interest in Kpop idol ( i used to only like k drama and variety shows), short pants (I used to nag her about wearing such a short short..keke but those snsd girls make it look decent), and i finally approved of her having a bf (just because he half korean and i need him for translation and tutor me with korean language.haha)




















4. My lappy and ipod full of korean song especially CNBLUE's song (i dont used to listen to song i dont really understand before)




















5. I'm no longer nagging and bugging my bf about not spending time together during the weekend because he's working on Saturday.I have my Yongseo's addiction to satisfy too.Saturday become less burden for both of us.Less fighting




















6. Yeah,i start to crave for goguma occasionally and i now know how to make kimchi,yeay!(Tho,i make it taste so weird,i need to practice more,i guess)




















7.During working hour, my smoking break habit turn into 'Yongseo's news google break' or 'Yongseo soompi break'.I can keep my lung save for longer time,now.hehe.




















Fuhh,Forgive me for such a long post.I cant stop my self to wrote a long post once i start:P .I hope i wont bored anyone with my post.Feel free to skip it..keke.Good night everyone and keep on spazzing..





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Guest soshisoshisoshi




woah, I want to share my also after looking your posts......




How did YONGSEO change my life


1. I automatically interested to learn korean and read hangul, by watching the raw videos. I noticed that my korean keeps improving after watching without sub

2. Everytime I turn on my laptop, this thread is always the first one to be opened...

3. Seobaby inspires me to everything better,,, e.g wearing seatbelt

4. Next week is my finals and I'm still spazzing :P :tongue::P

5. Everyday I keep thinking about this couple

6. I try to be nicer to my girlfriend, since she has the personality like hyun ( from the outside she may be smiling, but she is in fact angry)

7. I am going to try to make a song for my girlfriend, INSPIRED BY LOVE LIGHT

8. I have wanted to learn guitar for a long time, after watching yong and cnblue, I am trying my best to master it...

9. "고구마" is always in my mind whenever I go to supermarket





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SNSD schedule
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2010-10-31 【Live】 PM 03:50 SBS-TV broadcast live Inkigayo (SBS Deungchon gonggaehol)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2010-10-30 【Live】 PM 04:20 MBC-TV show! Music Center (MBC Ilsan Dream Center gonggaehol) -
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2010-10-30 【TV】 PM 05:15 MBC-TV, we got married Season2 - Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2010-10-29 【Live】 PM 08:50 SBS-TV Celebrating the 47th Grand Bell Film Awards (Peace Center, Kyunghee University)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2010-10-29 【Live】 PM 05:50 KBS-2TV KBS Music Bank (KBS Annex gonggaehol) - The first broadcast

































































































































































































































































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Guest sweet_spy












I wrote mine already so this is from my sis who loves YongSeo just as much as me but neither has a soompi account nor the time to lurk on this thread as frequently as me :sweatingbullets:

I love YongSeo because I smile and squeal like an idiot watching their progress every saturday on stream TV even though i dont understand a word they say. I love them because they truly look happy when they are together and that's how they make the people who ship for them happy as well. Whether they bicker, or joke around, or simply sit down and talk, they give me a giddy and warm-hearted feeling that i cant explain in words - the anti-depressant pill that lends me the strength to stay strong and keep on going with the endless routines of work and study. When relationship problems turn up, YongSeo convinces me that pure love does exist and i just have to take it slow. Most importantly, i cant thank YongSeo enough for they are the ones that have bridged the space between me and my sister that we could not seem to overcome for years. Now the immense love for YongSeo is what we share in common, we are proud of that and we can talk about that day and night.

YongSeo is LOVE (in anyway humanly possible) <333333








Tamu, 23, US















One question...will these messages be translated into Korean or will they just be included as they are?








And OMG!!!!!...does it mean we'll be able to see Huyn~ and Yong~ on Inkigayo at the same time next week??? I'm stoked for double dose of YongSeo, on Sat and Sun kyahhhhhhhhhhhhhh w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif



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I’m convinced Yo~ng wrote ‘I don’t Know Why’ for Hy~un during the timeframe of July (the ‘push’ period – first from Yo~ng in July and then from Hy~un in August!)  when finally - in EP 29 - Hy~un executes  her ‘pull’ maneuver for Yo~ng.   This song so fits what is going on between these two during this timeframe that it’s hard to ignore the coincidence!  The Japanese album with ‘I Don’t know Why’ and ‘Lie’ was on the shelves by mid – September, so it fits.

By the way, I really think ‘Lie’ is the better song out of the two on this mini-album, the vocals are awesome and there is also a great guitar solo!   Had to wait a long time to get the Japanese – English translation but it was worth it.  It’s a sad song about a couple saying ‘goodbye’ to each other, but it’s just a beautiful song.   (hmmmm - wonder if Yo~ng inspired this one, too?  Thinking about what could happen if he doesn't restore his goguma points?)  

So that means that there is the possibility that for the Chuseok Horror Show on 08/16  – Yo~ng could still be in the ‘doghouse’ as far as Hy~un is concerned!?   That was filmed between EP28 and EP29.  So, maybe they agreed to ‘play nice’ for the Chuseok filming, so as not to look ‘bad’ in front of the other couples?   And maybe in the course of the filming for the games and the spook house, they just kinda forgot they were fighting?   Don’t know, but it sure puts a different spin on the Chuseok episode.  Is that what Yo~ong doesn’t want to talk about at the beginning of the Chuseok ‘special’?

Also, I noticed that right after Chuseok, Hy~un did the duet with Kyuhyun in Seoul  on 08/21– without the ring.  By the time they hit LA on 9/4, the ring was back on for the Hy~un  - Kyuhyun duet.     

So it sounds like Hy~un will execute her ‘pull’ maneuver in EP 29 after ‘dragging’ Yo~ng’s heart around for most of the month of August?   Well, like she said ‘what goes around comes around!’   I am proud of her strength and conviction, and I’m sure Yo~ng won’t play silly games with her heart ever again!

Not so patiently waiting for Saturday -      

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