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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest _d3seohyun
































































































Has these been shared?














































































































































































































I was backtracking and read something about a picture of yong and a flower that was thrown towards































































































































Seobaby and she picked it up..or maybe i read it somewhere else...could this be it?










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































c: as tagged + pirui1804@soshi thread














































































































































































































Goddess indeed :wub:











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh I'm sorry. it was already shared on page 1214 but it doesn't hurt to bring it on a new page right? (:
































































































































I'm putting aside my own share of questions and worries about this episode because I'm dying to spazz :D
































































though I have to say that my overprotective buzzer went on when i read that Yong didn't get in touch with Seobaby for a whole month :P but i'm a yongseo shipper so can't help but move on kkekek...
































































Watching the raw videos before reading the translations and summaries, it really seemed like just a regular YONGSEO day for our couple..or probably even better. Bickering? Uhm...flirting is more like it! Lover's Quarrel? Maybe. But I don't think it's something to worry about because YONGSEO were mostly all smiles and laughing throughout the episode. 2 filming days of acting cute towards each other...trying to gain each other's love and attention....simply adorable! :D
































































Some caps...































































































































Seobaby, I have to confess. The moment your husband walked in through that door and flashed that
































































smile of his..I squealed hahaha..and I'm not really sure if it's because he was about to see you or because
































































he was just looking too darn charming :lol: and that wasn't the only time...there were a couple more
































































instances after that LOL
































































































































Hihihe...just look at Yonghwa's smile the moment he saw Seobaby.
































































laying there...oh so gorgeous...and maybe to his surprise wearing a dress? kekeke
































































It was Deguen..degeun for sure! :w00t:
































































































































3rd cap. Hihihe..someone's ready to attack...rawr! LOL
































































































































and the minute I saw Yonghwa washing Seobaby's hair..i was reminded of this
















































The picture I drew is exactly what my type is. It would be nice if she was a woman who is pure and innocent and could be a wise mother and a good wife. If she were to shyly call out my name, "Yonghwa-yah~", I think my heart just might explode. Every time her natural hair waves/flutters, I'd like it if there was the sweet scent of her shampoo. A womanly woman! This is exactly the type of girl I want. Is there no one like her?
















































c: junegirlus2001






























































































































































































































































Someone was in Heaven! w00t w00t!
































































It would have been funny if he really drooled LOL
































































































































I was squealing and squirming in my seat and even covering my eyes because this scene
































































was too spazzworthy! 281ft.jpg
































































The power of YONGSEO...their smiles and laughters are contagious.
































































just look at Seulong, Jinwoon and the girl at the salon.
































































And take note of how cute and crunchy(?) YONGSEO's laughters were when their eyes met!
































































































































































































Oh Yonghwa, you should be given some goguma points for being so brave and being able to
































































resist those lips :D or maybe you've.... vicx.gif:w00t::P
































































































































can't help but check out buin's legs? ekekkeke
































































































































These two just love being around each other.
































































They're each other's happy pill. luvudubdub is all i gotta say!
































































@j2dlee, sun_sun and the rest of the translators...thank you so much!
































































Gogumas jjiang!

















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Guest luckynew












HI Everyone!:D




Sorry, this is going to be really long.




Was this episode staged? I don't think so. Some suggested that it could've been staged. I don't see any reason for this episode to be staged. Someone already posted up what the PD said about WGM. WGM is not a written script! Besides the exceptional of the MISSIONS: Couples are given MISSIONS (part of the script only) and everything is left for them (couples) to do. It is said that these couples shouldn't have contacts outside of filming, but, PD said that some couples do end up having contacts outside of filming (which PD can not stop). One of the reasons for not letting them meet outside of filming so that WHEN THEY ACTUALLY FILM WGM, they can SHOW THEIR TRUE FEELINGS TOWARDS EACH OTHER (REMINDER, it was in the PD article). PD (WGM) are very flexible with the celebrities' schedules. They work when the celebrities are available or when there need to be a filming. 




I don't think the idea of Hyun questioning Yong infront of the stylists was staged. She was just curious or worried. In by doing so, she tried not to show her anger- they both kept their smile on. I'm sure if I'm a stylist and a celebrity couple were throwing serious/awkward questions back and forth like that in front of me, I will be smiling/laughing too just because the idea of how they're able to keep their COOL DOWN even (if or) when they are angry someway somehow at each other.




Remember guys! She's being upfront with him because he told her not to BEAT AROUND THE BUSH anymore, especially in the future. If she wants to know something, she needs to have the confidence and just ask (or say it)! So, if you guys remember from the last episode (birthday epi), they already agreed NOT to "BEAT AROUND THE BUSH". Or somehwere along that line.




Haha.. Yeah, also, I found it weird that she asked him how he's been doing lately and he picked it up "After the concert....". So, I'm sure she probably went to his concert or they met a day or so before; why else will he answered that. Then again, before that, he asked if she got home safely after fishing?? Lol.. Seems like they're trying to hide something here. Why jumped out of place?




PD staging so that they can perform the duet together?? That doesn't make sense. Sorry, I don't buy that story. I remember reading some posts somewhere that the PD really wanted that day to be special. So, they made sure that everything was going smooth. Now, I don't think they will make the couple argue then make them sing duet together??




So, for those who are questioning about her bringing in things that do not have anything to do with WGM INTO WGM. Come on, let's think about this.. What else are they going to talk about then? Then, maybe they shouldn't have had that birthday episode? Because it isn't part of WGM? I mean, seriously, they can talk about things that they wanted to - it's not us who can tell them what to or not to talk about. There are many things that they talked about that did not happened in WGM and they still talked about.




The whole idea of avoiding for one whole month. Lol. We already know that he's been busy with work so he wasn't able to contact her during that period (The black room- that part was edited out. He said he didn't intentionally avoided her.. He was busy and it just turned into a whole month). One day leads to three days, three days lead to one week, one week leads to two weeks, two weeks lead to three weeks, three weeks become one month. But, also, maybe ONE text could've been fine. For example "Hey, sorry, I will be very busy this whole month so I will not be able to talk to you". Haha.. Something like that then it should've been fine. And, knowing how cultural differences are. I'm sure, a traditional Asian girl expects her guy to initiate things first.




I don't think FNC told them (CN BLUE) to cut their contacts with the outsiders so that they can promote their band. If so, then why during the month of July, they were appearing in other variety shows. In these shows, Yong and the MCs did talked about WGM.. This is one of the examples: Yong "Happy Together" . Someone already posted the timeline of CN Blue's schedule during the month of July (they or Yong did appeared to be in a few variety shows).




When they were practicing for the duet in the room. She mentioned about making the MV with TRAX and Yong asked why she didn't tell him. She told him that she wasn't able to reach him during that period. Remember? Lol. So, it could mean that she did tried to reach him but couldn't get a hold of him. So, he didn't get the news about her filming the MV with TRAX.




Overall, this week was great. Not the greatest but it is still great. I like how things turned out to be like this. It's a FLASKBACK only. Hahaha.. It really shows both of their intentions toward each other. Next week will be even better! Lol.




By the way, I'm sure there's more. We just have to watch the next episode! There's always more than this. Remember, when the birthday episode came on and Yong didn't text Hyun. Almost everyone was upset on it then recovered after when we found out there's more to it. Lol.




@Purestupidity, Thanks for the Body Language When Lying!!! I love it! Lol.




@Caliope, I'm sure both of them got information from their colleagues. There were one episode where Onew was asked why he goes to the SNSD dorm late at night. Lol. So, I'm sure, if he can go there.. Maybe others can go there too. Words spread fast!




@seizmic, Thanks for posting the video. I'm glad you posted that up. To clear this thing about cellphone issues.




@prncsscharming, I love your "I love YongSeo"!




@archiehon, Haha.. I agreed with you on that. Just watch and love the couple!:wub:




Everyone, I hope you guys will be looking forward to the next episode! ENJOY THE SHOW! Let's keep on SUPPORTING YONGSEO!!! FIGHTING!!! Take care!!!




Gogumas, don't forget to let the staff know why you love YongSeo! :) "I love YongSeo because...." Your name, Age, Country. The earlier the better. Their 300th day is approaching soon. And if you guys have any ideas on what kind of gifts the international fans should get for them, please let the staff know also. :) 





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Annyeong Gogumas!









I looooove episode 28. Everytime they fought like that, they seemed more real to me. At first I was really dissapointed with Yong Hwa for not contacting her for a month. But then when I think about it, I guess he wanted to analyze, he started to doubt the lines between them. Maybe the Love Light episode overwhelmed him and he wanted to make sure that Hyun did that for him, not because the PD asked her to. Wanting her to miss him means he wanted to know how she really felt for him, right?









My heart went dugeun dugeun when he washed her hair. Uwaaaah!!!!









And I love Hyun for being openly angry at him. She's gorgeous when she's angry, by the way. And that dress was amazing for her. I think it showed that Yong Hwa was important for her. Though they fought, but I think it's one of the ways to get to know each other. I would be angry too if my BF did that. One month of silence must be torture!









I also love their practice. They were so in sync. How I hope one day they will release a single together. And Yong Hwa was sooooo cool there. I love that Hyun kept asking him to sing the difficult lines and pointed that "You're such a bad boy".









Her ways of teasing him with the TRAX photoshoot was so cute. She obviously tried a revenge by trying to make him jealous. Her "Jjan!" were so adorable. Oh Seo Hyun, even I love you! How could he not? And that effort of her worked like a charm, Yong Hwa was obviously jealous. His face changed bitterly and I guess his tone of "DId you enjoy it?" was so sharp haha.









I'm amazed by how comfortable they are now. The didn't met for a month but there were no awkwardness.









I loved the episode so much, I even spent hours writing my fanfic non stop that when I finished my hands felt crammed. It's my ABC Series and this time the title is "Sequences".











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Just another post before I go to bed :sweatingbullets:












I love how Seohyun is calling Yonghwa 'oppa' so comfortable now. I watch all the couples on WGM so it's a bit harder to fully keep track of every couple but as far as I can remember, Seohyun hasn't called him that before right? I found it so sweet how during the practice she said 'Then I'll look at oppa first' and not even attach Yong to it. Might be just me, but the term 'oppa' is more affectionate to me. Maybe I've watched too much dramas.. that could be a reason haha












Also in the preview for next week, when Seohyun said she's pushing him away, you can hear the staff laughing in the background. I didn't hear it at first but watched it again with my new headphones (that are for high audio quality) and heard the laughter. I thought she was the cutest thing and laughed out loud myself as well. Millinsangtae!



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Guest Crystal392




archiehon: I'm glad people at this thread have a balanced view. =D Life isn't just black and white, it also has lots of shades of gray ;D





mashamishmash: I kind of agree and disagree with you. I don't understand why you have so many (-) o_O I think almost everyone here agrees that that part was scripted (that Yong~ and Hyun~ 'suddenly' met at a hair salon) because of course it couldn't be a coincidence if the WGM crew is filming them xD I think that's one of the examples of the scripted parts of the show, but as I said before I think the scripted parts are only like 20% and the rest (80%) of what we see is real. I want to believe YongSeo someday will become real (:


_d3seohyun: Yeah lampard7 shared it on the previous page but as you said it doesn't hurt to post it again ;) Hyun~ is keeping her Yong~ close hehehe :) OMG those screencaps are love love love <3 seriously unnie that's why you are the queen of screencaps :D


luckynew: I also don't think it was staged, of course there are a couple of things that were scripted because after all it's a variety show but I want to believe their reactions are real. You are right, we can't tell them what to say or not (not that they would listen to us anyway xD) but don't forget their managers can. I think people were referring to Hyun~ complaining about not knowing from him for a month when actually (and this is my honest opinion) he doesn't have any obligation to contact her and viceversa, after all they are only a couple in the show so her being dissapointed and a bit mad for some time is understandable because of course they would develop a bond while filming but being mad for a whole month is too much imo (according to the preview seems she was still mad through most of August, but I can't be sure of this until I see the next ep); I guess this came as a shock to both SeoHyun and YongHwa (and to us Gogumas) because (as many people already pointed out before) it's like both (uri Yong~ and Hyun~) reflected on 'Are we doing this for the show? or is there something else?'. Personally now I'm kind of glad she brought up this because, imo, it made uri YongSeo more real; because, as I said before, the line between real and reel is now blurry :) Actually FnC already isolated them once, that's why some people said they wouldn't be surprised if they isolated them (CNBLUE) again (like go to shows if you have to, then come back and keep practicing); imo it can be a possibility but who knows right? ^_^ Also I remember once Jang Geuk Seuk asked the interviewer (on an interview for a magazine I think) that if he saw YongHwa please send him greetings because he (JGS) hadn't seen nor talked to him in a long time (and we all know they were super close while filming YAB). I also can't wait to watch the next episode, we will finally see their duet :D and I'm really hoping they would at least mention the CNBLUE concert once because I am dying of curiosity to know if she really went or not :P I wonder if they mentioned the concert but the WGM PDs edited that part out.


around the.alley: hehehe I heard the staff laugh the first time I saw the preview! (I've always been told I have super ears, hehehe :lol:). Yeah she was soo cute! And I couldn't help but wonder how tough it must be to be yourself in front of all that people (WGM crew).




alexia92: As a Goguma family member I feel sad that you feel that way and you probably won't read this answer because you won't probably visit this thread again. But I really wanted to answer your message. We all know there are some things scripted but those things are like the missions they do and the places they go, etc. I firmly believe their reactions are real (if they are faking it they are amazing actors then). Honestly when I first saw the ep and read the translations I immediately thought 'There is something fishy on this ep' because I thought when the WGM PD said YongSeo met for lunches and dinners sometimes during the whole month they didn't film they were talking about this period, also because supossedly Hyun~ went to CNBLUE's concert and met Yong's parents and after that they filmed WGM. And it made me wonder if it was due to poor editing or if they somehow scripted it; but then thanks to amazing Gogumas I found out the lunches/dinners were during MBC strike on April, we still don't know for sure if Hyun~ went to CNBLUE concert but I think it's almost confirmed that it's false that she met Yong's parents and they filmed WGM. After finding that out it finally made sense that they indeed didn't contact each other for a month. Why did I change my mind twice? Because of the new information I got. :)


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Guest BluMistLaydee










Wow Alexia, angry much? How are we hypocrites? Because some of us doubt that he did not contact her for a full month "just to make her miss him" and the fact that there are numerous reports that are basically contrary to what was shown yesterday? As one of the people who very much publicly stated that I found yesterday's episode to be fishy, I feel the need to respond to your overly critical statement. No one is claiming anything and being hypocrites about it. Everyone on here for the past two days have had differences in ideas and opinions on what happened. We've discussed it in a very respectful manner that did not attack those who's opinions was different. We are simply SPECULATING and ANALYZING yesterday's episode and if he really did not contact her for a month, and if so, what was the real reason because to many of us 1 month of no contact just to make someone miss you is just absurd. Our analysis of yesterday's episode is the very same thing that everyone on here have been doing from day one as all of us are very much aware that WGM is 1st and foremost a SHOW that is edited by the PD to tell a certain story, regardless if there are scripted elements to it or not. We may or may not love everything that we see but we gather here to support the YONGSEO Couple itself and the two people who makes it. As viewers and members, everyone on here has the right to voice out their opinions when we are not satisfied on certain matters and state our disagreements but you my dear have simply gone above and beyond. If you're not satisfied with our discussions and find the members on here to be hypocrites, then please, don't let the door hit you on the way out.



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Overanalysis at every turn again! Caution!
































































To me the latest episode is just a show which was scripted by the PD's to arouse tension for the following episodes that means YongSeo's first performance. (At the end all WGM's PD's want is to increase rating -> popular show -> a lot of money.)
































































The first minutes are already fishy. How can it be that only Seohyun changed her stylist and chose this one of all things? I don't think the managers would take and then pick every single SNSD member up from different salons before an event. Even if some of her unnies might have the same stylist, still it would be a great deal of work and cost a lot of time. Incredible!
































































Then the next scene is Yong comes out of the door. Why does he go uncalled to the hair wash room? How can it be that he notice Hyun immediately although almost her whole face is covered and isn't really surprised? To me his reaction is rather expected like 'Oh, Hyun is here, too. Well, I have already known it.'. We have seen his shocked/surprised expessions so many times before and these are do not compare to the one in salon. (A latest example: when Hyun sings Love Light.)
































































Like mashamishmash said before, if all that is a considence, how can it be that there are camreras? Too much considences at one go!
































































And didn't in touch with each other about a month?! Reasons: Yong wants Hyun to miss him, preparations for CNBlue's first concert, after that rest and write songs. Hmm... are these really enough reasons to not call/text somebody who is important for you a whole month?! Even if he was busy but after the concert he had a lot of time and since it was an important event for him which fulfilled with happiness and sucess why didn't he want to tell Hyun immediately but waited till the next meeting? He wasn't allow to use cellphone but allowed to take photos with it? (Remember, the photos CNBlue twitted with their new cellphones during this time.) It doesn't make sense. And since Hyun is a careful person why didn't she take charge of asking him how is he doing even know he might be very tired of preparations although she knows how hard it is? I don't think to ask 'How are you?' is too much even if she (maybe both of them) might be not sure about the status of their relationship and the real feeling of the other. Even if they may not do the birthday events because they really want to but because the PD's asked them to do still I think half a year is enough time to build a friendship, so to be curious about how the other is doing isn't too much.
































































There are still a lot of fishy things in this episode to me. But don't want to go on because I think these depend on each view and I also guess there is barely someone who would share the same point of view with me. So I think I don't need to put effort to express my view in a understandable way anymore.
































































Last but not least, I wondered that all of the sudden there are so many who said that the WGM is scripted. Strange!
















































































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Guest Crystal392
































A lovely screencap posted by a Korean Goguma on dcinside/married:




















































































































As BlueMistLaydee said 'We've discussed it in very respectful manner that did not attack those who's opinions was different'. Most of us were proud of how civilized our discussions about the latest ep were (I'm proud too) and how we respected each other's opinions and corrected each other in a respectful manner if someone said something that wasn't right. (Like when I said I thought their lunches/dinners were on July when it had actually been on April). I hope it will remain that way forever. Love & respect please.









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Guest BluMistLaydee








Overanalysis at every turn again! Caution!






To me the latest episode is just a show which was scripted by the PD's to arouse tension for the following episodes that means YongSeo's first performance. (At the end all WGM's PD's want is to increase rating -> famous show -> a lot of money.)






The first minutes are already fishy. How can it be that only Seohyun changed her stylist and chose this one? I don't think the managers would take and then pick every single SNSD member up from different salons before an event. Even if some of her unnies might have the same stylist, still it would be a great deal of work and cost a lot of time.






Then the next scene is Yong comes out of the door. Why does he go uncalled to the hair wash room? How can it be that he notice Hyun immediately although almost her whole face is covered and isn't really surprised? To me his reaction is rather expected like 'Oh, Hyun is here, too. Well, I have already known it.'. We have seen his shocked/surprised expessions so many times before and these are do not compare to the one in salon. (A latest example: In the last episode when Hyun sings Love Light.)






And like mashamishmash said before, if all that is a considence, how can it be that there are camreras? Too much considences at one go.






There are still a lot of fishy things in this episode to me. But don't want to go on because I think these depend on each view and I also guess there is barely someone who would share the same point of view with me. So I think I don't need to put effort to express my view in a understandable way.






Last but not least, I wondered that all of the sudden there are so many who said that the WGM is scripted. Strange!

















your analysis pretty much coincide with what a lot of us. and to be honest, it's not really all of a sudden that some of are saying WGM is scripted. For the most part, we know there are certain scripted elements to it because let's be real. Most people have simply said, that, the emotions and discussions that happens between the two is what's real as per the interview the PD gave earlier this year, but we do know that the show is edited to tell whatever story the WGM wants to tell for each couple. I mean hours of filming is watered down to as little as 10 or so minutes. No one is that delusional to think that everything we see is 100% percent real, at least I hope not



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Guest Kerube-Chan













@BluMistLaydee I am sooo sorry I was going to give you a plus, but press the wrong botton.











So Sorry!!!











I do agree with what you said.











Will edit this post later with my opiniion...











This is my personal opinion as I said before, we do know this is a show, we are not blind. But what I love the most about of Yongseo is that their interactions are very real, the way they react to each other and the decisions they have made out of the blue, just show me how real they are.











This is my personal believe.











Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas...






















@Crystal_Malfoy: I do agree we have been very respectful sharing our opinions, we should try to keep it that way.

About Alexia92 is post, she have a right to make her statement but I dont agree about the part that this is hypocrizy land... Man that comment really hurt my feelings...











I really think we have been really true in our POV and analizys and opinions... Each goguma is special in their own way of thinking, so different opinions are going to appear. The important thing is to keep the respect above all.











I love my goguma family a lot!!! Take care people!!!


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Guest Crystal392




Trying to help the project for their 300 day anniversary (To all Gogumas: don't forget to post the reason):





"I love YongSeo because they make me remember my first love story, how I used to be when I was younger."



-Crystal. 20.














Seeing the (+) alexia92 has received I wanted to ask the people who agree with her opinion: do you really think this is a hypocrisy land? I was actually really proud of how we discussed the events from the latest ep, we were really respectful of each other. I know this isn't related to YongSeo so I was hoping maybe you can PM me with your reasons, I am really curious about that.





EDIT: Kerube-Chan: I agree 100% with what you said. I believe in uri YongSeo :)


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Guest K1L1On1Mr4









Maybe she/he just gave her/himseul thumb click, don't take her/him seriously :)




Now time to spazz for latest episode :D




Even tough SeoHyun really mads at Yong, she still thinks about Yong a lot. Proofs are she remembered 200th day, and she bought gift for YongHwa wub.gif




Anyway mad SeoHyun is really scary, she doesn't need to yell and shout loud but i got goosebumps just watch her angry. I bet YongHwa really scare back then. He must be thinking that this time Hyun even scarier than their first meeting rolleyes.gif



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But few weaks ago after my post of what got my attention in this thread recently some of them tried to explain me that YongSeo is real, Hyun really attended CNBlue's concert and so on even if YongSeo is real or not wasn't the case.
































































And to be sceptical again... How can you be sure that everything in the article corresponds to reality? The female PD is one of the WGM PD's afterall. If the reality is different (in a negative way like a lot of thing is scripted or PD's have control over a lot of the couple's interaction) I don't think she would tell the truth. To publish an article like that one means to promote the show and since a show need to be popular I don't think someone of the PD's would ever release something which has a negative effect for the show or else the person wants to dismiss.
































































So it's your choice whether you believe all these or not nobody can influence it. Also I have my doubts and my opinions are different to the others here since I am a kind of sceptical.
















































































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WOW... this thread is getting hotter eh! :w00t: nice! some actions once a while. but i guess it's time to calm this thread down once again.

alexia92, i respect ur opinion. thanks for pointing that out. but pls bear in mind that, we're all human beings & we tend to make mistakes. i hope u'll come back & spazz with us again once u've calmed down.

*waves to eevryone* good morning/evening/night xD *hugs to all u gogumas* :wub:

here's something pretty funny kekekekekekeek hope it'll brighten this thread a bit. cr. dcinside


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Guest toomuchsmiling








lampard7- that is SO cool for u to point that out! I went to the SNSD thread and mentioned that YOU mentioned that here!








B/c I SAW that picture in the SNSD thread wen i was scrolling everything and had even paused to look at it and I had thought "..Seohyun looks SO pretty." LOL. TOTALLY clueless that Yong's face was in the flower. :lol: I wonder if she's going to put it on that shelf in their house with that "Other Seohyun" mask! probably~~ :rolleyes:








crystal_malfoy- ya that was a cute moment, but i know u know soon after it Seohyun looked away quickly and was all "at least it has a happy ending" ROFL. don't think she was really feeling the moment there.








dreamyboo- awww, love those caps. too cute.




_d3seohyun- i always look forward to ur posts. :lol: reminds me of my own spazzing.




YongxHyun- so u think the UMBRELLAS were the Thai gifts?? :w00t: u think she gave up her little lie that fast? xD that would be great.












srsly, is this even an argument WORTH arguing over?? we KNOW parts are scripted and we KNOW parts aren't. Heck, if critics want to prove their point so bad that certain situations like today's ep were scripted, why not go ahead and fly to Korea or shoot off an email asking the PDs? it really doesn't matter what was and what wasn't scripted. why not just ENJOY a good show wen u see it?



end of story.





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Guest BluMistLaydee








@BluMistLaydee I am sooo sorry I was going to give you a plus, but press the wrong botton.






So Sorry!!!






I do agree with what you said.











Kerube-Chan. don't sweat it. I never pay attention to the Like/Dislike buttons.






And I agree, she has the right to her statement and her critiques but being rude and nasty is not the best way to get a point across.







To be honest, I haven't been coming to this site as much because of my work schedule so I missed the majority of what went on the past few weeks as this site can jump 10 pages in one day. I do vaguely remember your discussion with a couple of people on here. I can't speak for everyone else on this site, but I'll just say this, many people read this site for fun and to escape, but there's only a few handful who are active participants and those few handfuls are very vocal in their opinions; but it does not mean that everyone is of the same opinion. As for me and a few members on here, I've always been during the times that I participate, be very honest of my opinions and vocal to remind some members that WGM is a show after all and it's best for us to just site back and enjoy it. Which I think happens to be the opinion of a lot of members, who like me, prefer to just lurk and enjoy the speculations and discussions that goes on, because let's face it, it's rather fun to do so. However some people don't enjoy getting their bubbles burst and I know it was agreed upon in the interest of peace to just put certain things behind in spoilers to keep the peace. I personally don't think it's that serious in any form.



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Guest luckynew












Sorry Crystal, turns out a reply turned into a whole essay. Please forgive me. Hehe..




@crystal_malfoy, I'm sure that the missions were part of the script. I remember reading an article or watching a video, the PD said that only missions are given to the couples. Everything is left to the couples to do (i.e. their dates, etc). And if something is awkward, the PD will tell the celebrities to change (like, Jo Kwon for example). I'm sure Yong and Hyun's managers can tell them what to say and not to say, too. But, I also, remember watching a video of Hyun's manager. He said that they want her (and the others) to go out there and be known to public. I'm sure not in a bad way. I understand your feeling towards Hyun about being upset for a whole month. But, again, any girl who aren't a CN Blue fan/SNSD fan will feel the same feeling Hyun felt. IT shouldn't be about Yong or Hyun's fame that made someone so upset about this matter. It should be about "a couple who has not been in contact for a whole month". Remember people, when we watch them, we need to exclude their celebrity life/fame and just see them as an" ordinary couple"! Or else.. Many will be upsetting because "their" celebrity was being portrayed as this and that. And of course, they're not obligated to contact each other. It's true. But, we don't know their true feelings. We can only assume. "Action speaks the most". Remember, Yong was the one who wanted to play the "Push and Pull" game. So, I understand why Hyun wanted to hold back on her feelings (pushing him back) and just play along the game too (until he can regain her trust back or vice versa). Remember, she said "What goes around comes around" "Just to let him have a taste of what it feels like being 'pulled and pushed'. I think he'll be really sorry.". I'm sure, anyone who hears that knows what she meant (unless some are still unclear). I'm sure CN Blue was isolated before, I remember vaguely watching or reading something about that - but, honestly, one can't be totally isolated from the outside society - UNLESS CN Blue comes out and tells everyone that they have been isolated again. Celebrities have their own lives that one can't always keep up to date on. I'm sure Jang Geuk Seuk couldn't keep in contact with Yong because Yong has such a busy career (singing, hosting, appearing). Yong (& FNC) chose to sign on to these projects. Again, they (some CN Blue members, including Yong) appeared on shows and Yong was even asked about his marriage life which he responded to also. Also, Hyun was upset about the ring. Even though he isn't obligated to wear it. But, it was something special that she prepared for. My speculation is that either she saw those shows or her colleagues (or unnies) told her that they didn't see her virtual husband wearing the couple's ring. Just imagine, you spent your time/money trying to make a whole new (REAL) ring for this person and turned out this person didn't wear the ring and you're the only one who's wearing it? I'm sure most girls will be upset and take that ring off from their fingers if the guy doesn't have a good explanation.




Something I thought I would like to share. Lesson learned and don't try to do this. Hahaha.. Because you will regret it BIG TIME. Lol.




My husband was really UPSET when I did not wear my wedding ring - it first started off as a week then it went for a WHOLE year. My UNREASONABLE reasons were "It's too big", "I'm too young to be married", "I don't want to lose the ring so I put it away". I was really SUPER mean. He questioned me whether if I am IN or OUT. *Sigh... I remember, when he called me so many times, I ignored his phone calls - When I go home, he asked "Were you busy?" and I replied "Yes! I am very busy!" even though I know I IGNORED his phone calls. When I think back to those times, I wish I shouldn't have done that. Hahaha.. Man, isn't this awful of me. ERRgggg.. I wish people will learn from this mistake of mine! Lol.. Then, he stopped wearing his ring... I was upset.. Like, are you serious? Why aren't you wearing your ring? So... It went on for few more months. I finally put down my pride and wear my ring and I remembered, the next day, he had his ring back on!!!! AHHHHHH Hahahaha... Now, we're always keeping our eyes out on our rings. Lol.





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Guest lovekin


 alexia92, your whole comment is just ... *headdesk*






you are extremely rude and uncouth with the way you approached the subject.  you immediately went on the defensive, defending something that you clearly do not understand completely.




how is the fans' reception to the latest episode "hypocrisy" or "being fake?"  do your research before you dish out vehement accusations.  the people in this thread – 99% of us – thoroughly support yongseo, but that doesn't mean we have to bend our backs and accept everything the PDs throw at us.  just because some feel like the latest episode was staged isn't the same as thinking that the entire show is a setup.  many people are suspicious, yes, but it's natural to wonder if something seems off.




you seem to forget that WGM is staged – to an extent, sure, but staged nonetheless.  considering that obvious and well-known fact, it's only human nature to wonder what exactly is being staged (which, in turn, often propels natural and unscripted interaction between the participants of the show; it's how television media, especially reality shows, work).




the real question is why you're getting so worked up over something so trivial.  "oh my god, people's opinions keep changing!!  everyone is fake!!"  what, are people not allowed to question things that seem out of the ordinary?  stop being so butthurt, and if you want to carry a decent conversation with the members here, you can do that easily by being a decent person and asking politely.  we all have varying opinions, but those who receive the answers they want are – well, actually nice.




if anything, your entire comment was nauseating in its broad assumptions and generalizations of the people here.




also, you might want to set your priorities straight if you really think that learning about life through a forum is a good foundation for self-growth.





you need to do some growing up on your part if you can't handle the concept that people are fueled by their curiosity – fact of life, bb, deal with it (but you obviously can't), and that doesn't necessarily mean we're being biased and categorizing sweet scenes as unscripted and bitter scenes as scripted.  to actually acknowledge the sheer insult that is your comment surprises even me, but i stand by the people here.






sorry, my petit gogumas.  but as many of you know by now, i don't take rudeness sitting down.




after reading more analyses, though, i do believe the last episode was semi-scripted or at least setup by the PDs, unbeknownst to yong or seo (like sending seo to the same salon).  i do think there is logistics behind the entire show, not that just one episode, and that the creators of WGM occasionally encourage topics of interest for the participants to discuss, and that's why some scenes feel off or uncharacteristic.  no harm done, and it's nothing to be upset over.




it's a reality show, but they clearly try and allow the participants to have some control over how situations play out.




everyone else, please breathe.  take a nice chill pill; relax~  by next week, we'll probably find out more facts behind the issue and start spazzing like crazy people.












(alas, my post seems so bland without the usual color.  soompi is acting odd for me.  ah, it's like i feel naked!)


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Guest alexia92






crystal malfoy thank you for the PM.I appreciate you explain about it.I'm just pissed because last week,my post was thumb down a lot because i'm questioning if this is real/just for wgm promo(spesifically about Yoong oppa after the k-boice incident and i only bring it up after reading some post in cnblue thread that said so).Some people even said i bring the negativity to the thread because of my questions .And this week,when people said the almost the same thing as i'm questioning  and lot of people tend to agree with it.So,i might gone overboard calling people hypocrite but thats what i feel with the majority.


dreamyboo thank your for nicer words than everyone else.


klmr whatever

just tell me how can i thumb up my own post?All i see is edit and multiquote button.I would love to thumb up my own post if i possible so i dont look like a moronic outcast here.I'm sick of my posts always get the red mark just because my opinion different from majority.last week i didnt even use harsh word but still i get thumb a lot.


kerube chan thank you for at least respect my opinion minus the hypocrasy land part.Sorry that you one of the people that get hurt.Just so you know,I always read and love your post


lovekin thank you for adding your two cent here.I dont even read your post yet>but,knowing you and your post,it going to be a very analytical one that always end up  me having headache.So,i'm sorry that i'm not going to read your post but thank you anyway.


blumystlaydee i didnt find any door on my way out.just in front of my pc and click x on this thread site to get out.Just comeback to reply crystal msg but happen to read all of your post about  me and just out of courtesy,after being so rude to at least reply to you guys who mentioned me in your posts.



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Guest sake_bomb




I dislike how much this past episode is making some of us Gogumas argue. Keep the peace everyone! Let's not forget what this thread is for: Love of Yongseo!




I understand that we have frustrations because we all really do genuinely care about this couple, but this negativity will make our Yongseo couple sad. They're probably already getting a great deal of negative treatment elsewhere so let us keep this thread positive so they can feel we love them no matter what the show portrays. Our love for our Yongseo couple should be strong enough to accept the good and the bad.



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