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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I know how you feel. I was honestly heartbroken with the AlShin couple. I was convince that there was real feelings that developed between the two and then Shin Ae went off and married someone as soon as their stint was over. It was actually really hard for me to get back into WGM after them and JoongBo. The Adam couple brought me back but YongSeo kept me back for this season and I honestly think there's something that's going on there and I dread when their part have to come to end because, you know there's going to be some heartaches that's there. Unless they take some people's advice and date in secret
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Blumistlaydee - Yep I think they are a good match and also there is something going on but never mind about our expectations. Lets just enjoy the ride when its on...

































































































































































































































































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@_wingu from today concert itnw
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seobbaby was delighted to see a yongseo fan board! She went forward to take the board from the fan. So adorbs!!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest yoreizei










Thanks j2dlee, redtulip, kheenim, yukiandjudy for your translations ^^






After watching this episode with translation, i can say:






1. Hyun did went to CNBlue Concert, because at the salon they didn't talk much about concert or Hyun congratulated her nampyeon. (Maybe she did it at the concert ^^). So no WGM related, that's more meaningful ^^.






2. Yong tested Hyun's feeling in a very childish way -.- One month :sweatingbullets: and also after the sweetest moment of their relationship. No wonder Hyun worried about him.






3. They really do care of each other.






Expect the unexpected from this couple :phew:



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Guest soshisoshisoshi








owww, just watched the episode with full translation by our wonderful j2dlee!!!




honestly, I don't feel really good about this episode. As a guy, I know yong's feeling... for our seohyun, I think she showed us her true self, and I think she's kinda mean (although yong was also mean for cutting contact with her for 1 month).








nevertheless, THERE IS NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THIS EPISODE, because after we looked at the preview, they seemed to enjoy the practice and in the end they did the duet stage PERFECTLY..............
















well, I guess you guys have to re-watch last week's episode and their duet stage so that there will be no negative thinking... especially towards our YONG








honestly, the thing that I fear right now is HOW WOULD BOICE REACT???? some would think that this latest episode ruined yong's image.... WELL, JUST HOPE FOR THE BEST FOR YONGSEO






anyway, is the news about yonghwa coming for SNSD concert confirmed already??? if it really happens, he really keeps his promise...








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Guest Nat-sshi

Hello hello gogumas!!!

An other saturday and I already can't wait til next saturday!!! ottoke??? This ep was great too!

Thank you keenim, j2dlee, yukiandjudy,redtulip and all the others gogumas for translations, pics, vid and comms!!

Yongseo couple DAEBAK every week!!! Love them so much and my gogumas family too! ;)

Yongseo ♥

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btw, this: I don't know why I didn't know why you wanna do me wrong don't tell me goodbye was prolly added on after yong's encounter with hyun's fury. don't u guys think so?

and one more thing... thanks crystal for clarifying about the lunches/dinners. so does that mean that yongseo did meet up for lunches/dinners in july BUT they just didn't sms/call each other for feedbacks, updates or for something of casual? ummm it still doesn't make sense to me! >.< hmmmmmmm knowing yongseo, what they do can & the outcome of it can be pretty illogical. so... :blink: IDK!

jnj, panGG, woolly, hachimitsu, raindrops, lenovo, genxv, d3, miel, DJHinata, & many more....HI~~~ :wub:

*waves GOODBYE to all gogumas & goes to bed* -.-ZZZZZz

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Guest ricevol

First of all, Thank keenim, j2dlee and yukiandjudy for the translation. I can see things clear now.

The more I look at their bickering, the more I think they are match.

- They do think a lot about each other. Everybody see it.

- Yong might make a wrong move this time, but luckily there is Hyun~ to show him the way. He must have learnt his lesson big time or else they are not close as horror special or Juri episode. I think Hyun~ did give him another chance to make up for his mistake.

- Both of them are still young, especially Hyun, Therefore abnormal acts and thoughts are unavoidable. In short, they are still researching for the "feeling". I think they are starting to get over the awkwardness and to "feel" the other in special way. They'll have deeper relationship and I love how real they are.

- Now with both of them wearing their symbol of love everywhere every time, can it get any clearer that they are really dating.

Too much saying, just want to jump in the discussion here

I have a happy goguma day.

Thank you all

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Guest baby_bo



Hello sharing this:



Seobb was delighted to see a yongseo fan board! She went forward to take the board from the fan. So adorbs!!!

kekkekeke.. is this a sign? that seobaby is preparing to welcome her hubby? hahahaa..

still wishing and praying rumor is true kekek :)

Ohhh.. and honestly i would rather not talk about some cnblue fans issues here...

they have different opinion about WGM and i'ts understandable bec they are cnblue fans and not yongseo fans.. we can expect hurtful words from some of them but LET'S NOT CARE MUCH ABOUT IT.. IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.

I just WISH for people to STOP talking about what the individual fans would think/feel/say here.. it's not the right place... this is a goguma land.


sincerly yours,



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@_wingu from today concert itnw
























Seobbaby was delighted to see a yongseo fan board! She went forward to take the board from the fan. So adorbs!!!















































omg! really!
























i hope the fans will upload some pictures of hyun taking it...so happy now!





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Somehow i want to thanks the PDs for jumbling yongseo's timeline hehe. Because really this episode kind of makes me worry for the future of uri couple but because we already know how ok they were on the UJ ep then it gives me the assurance that everything will work out just fine laugh.gif   And no wonder yong keeps on flaunting his couple ring lately, since he knows how scary his buin is when angered he dare not repeat his mistakes! haha



I remember i read this book "men are from mars and women are from venus" i kind of remembered a part where it said that men are like a rubber band where when they get too close they tend to pull back. I guess that's what happened with yong. I think he was just overwhelmed with what happened in the fishing spot that he needed time to pull back and assess his feelings. I'm sure by now he's no more confused happy.gif  



that's all hehe. and can i just say YONGSEO IS REAL!!wub.gif


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































Yong's plan backfired. Hyun was angry because she was WORRIED about him. I remember when I did this to my girlfriend. she was furious. all that was left for her to do was to choke me out. but after apologizing properly and sincerely, it turned out well. Yong was delighted that she worried and missed him but his goguma points is now 0, at least its not a hamburger yet so there is a chance for Yong to redeem himself. and him singing RDR and changing the lyrics saying that he didn't mean and he was sorry I think he really was. sometime we imagine the outcome of our pranks, thinking it would be epic but as it turns out our some of our pranks turn out be be a massive failure. after seeing Hyun so angry and straight forward with her dismay, he must have realized his mistake. I also like the fact that Hyun will not take things lightly and she wants to "get revenge" on Yong's push and pull game. if she lets it slip, it would be meaningless. but since she doesn't want it to slip just like that, she wants Yong to understand what she is feeling and get some assurance that it will never happen again. she is giving Yong a chance to regain the goguma points that he has lost. and we can also see that she is thinking about Yong too. she knows the 200th day and she even booguht him presents. this push and pull game that Yong played I think he meant well, but he executed it incorrectly. in my opinion, he should have done it for 3 days, 1 week tops. but he pushed it to a month. and seeing that Hyun was really scary angry tells me that they contact each other everyday. she would be like that if they were talking ot texting everyday, or at the very least, greets each other good night/good morning everyday.

















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Thank you j2dlee for the translations. I'm really loving this assertive, kick-richard simmons, take-no-prisoners SeoHyun. I'm like her I don't like relationship 'games'. Just be straightforward works for me. So I'm savoring every moment and word of her revenge.


I know our Yong will pull through in the end and be forgiven, but nobody expects him to be forgiven easily right ;)


And kheenim thank you for posting the translations and thank you tempss for working hard on those translations.


So, I feel, WGM really owes us big time next week. It needs to be DAEBAK! WGM PDs I'm counting on you



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Guest biancacoolio
















Damn. Seohyun lambasted Yonghwa in this episode. And I love it. Lol.






But I can see Yonghwa's POV more than Seohyun's.






I think he didn't contact her for a month because he needed some sort of assurance that Seohyun is as emotionally invested in this relationship as he is. He probably thought  that he was giving more than what he should, and Seohyun is just in it for the ride. I guess you can say that he is insecure, perhaps.






And maybe because he watches too many dramas (lol), he probably assumed that cutting off ties temporarily would give off a response from a person... and this response would be a strong indicator if that person really cares for you or not. And to me, it worked brilliantly! If Seohyun didn't care enough she would probably brush off the fact that Yonghwa did not contact her, if she even notices that fact at all... but she DID, and brushing off the issue was the furthest thing you can describe her response as. She was FURIOUS about it!!






And that very strong response probably gave Yonghwa some appeasement that yes, in fact, Seohyun cares about him and this relationship, albeit very subtly. wub.gif



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Guest BluMistLaydee










I just remembered something. So since next week will be the 200th day special. I'm guessing the PDs will stretch this out to either 2 episodes (hoping) and since they already aired the Juri Euno episode which was filmed in Semptember, does that mean we'll get to see the japan trip after that? Because I don't think they had any more filming in september besides those two dates.



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Wait, so this episode was before the UJ and Horror special episode? :blink: Could someone kindly give me a quick chronological view of their dates, because I'm confused right now. Why would the PD mess up the timeline anyway?








































As for this episode... I really like it. It shows another side of Seohyun which I find very endearing. I can't believe that's Yong's reason for not keeping in touch for a whole month though... It's childish :ph34r: Do guys really think they'll become closer if they do that? In a way it does, but it's a real childish way to get there haha








































I apologize in advance for my ignorance. I do follow YongSeo but just the episodes and not much in detail :sweatingbullets:









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whats wrong with the episode today!!! argh... fury.gif


hyun don't angry to your husband.... 


i can't back up yong because what he did.. but i'm still on your side yong!!!


but agree with mc kim.. let's watch first..n see what truly happen...


yong you better have a back up plan... phew.gif




arghh..can't wait with next episode!!!  wacko.gif



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dreamy... hi! and....bye?

off to bed u...catch up again tml

its much much better to spazz now once subs are out.

j2, if u are here, pls tell me this..

has culture got to do with hyun not calling yong first?

like its not their practice for the girl to make the first move or something..

i need to remind myself that this epi was filmed like a mnth and a half ago,

so i think by now, yong has earned back all his gogumas...i pray for u yong ^_^

i believe yongseo is stronger and they'll grow closer n tighter after



sharing gif

credit to powerof9


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can someone tell yong to read soompi specially their thread...please..please...i'm begging you....sad.gif

































































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After reading the translation - all I have to say is : WOW, Hyun.  She is handling the situation like a pro.  She had to add the kicker when she showed Yong the wedding photo (Fans thought JungMo and I look good together!).  I agree with SO, she is so grown up.  Yong badly badly miscalculated.  I hope he's been doing his best to earn back his goguma points because I can already see the fanboys circling after this episode.  Since he monitors her activities, I'm sure that he knows about the bts making of the G20 video (I think it was made on 9.26.2010).  I hope he is really flying in to Taiwan to see his buin's last concert and fulfilling his promise to her.  That would surely earn him more goguma points.  He needs lots since he depleted to 0 his stash that he built up for 4 months.  So it seems like this pull/push went on through the whole month of July and August - and even in the beginning of Sept with the introduction of UJ.  However, the end of UJ, we see Yong saying that he knows Hyun better than anyone else so everything seems to have worked out.  The Japan episode is also supposed to be a turning point for them for the better.  So looking forward to what happen next week because it seems like Yong made another error by not replying to her text.  Yong...when will you learn.  Answer her texts, please sweetie.  Like everyone else, now I can see more clearly how "I don't know why" can relate to how he felt during June, July and August period when he was writing music.  I also think that they are the most realistic of all the couple (no offence intended).  It worries me about what I'll do when they are no longer in wgm...but I'll worry about that when I cross that bridge.  I will enjoy the ride right now.  For what its worth I think she did go to CNBlue concert because she didn't list that in his list of "sins" and she wouldn't have discussed any of this before or after the concert.  I think this is probably his "pull", but he had done to much "pushing" by that time - that like the MC said he'd pushed her off the cliff.

I love both Yong and Hyun, but hopefully they both have stopped playing this game because it is a dangerous game.  Thank you to J2dlee and Tulip for the translation.  Thank you also to another poster (sorry can't remember whom) for pointing out the bts look at SNSD in Japan.  Will look at it now.

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